Updated on 2024/08/09


Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering Specially Appointed Professor
Specially Appointed Professor
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  • Doctor of Engineering ( 1985.3 )

  • Master of Engineering ( 1980.3 )

Research Areas

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Geotechnical engineering


  • Kansai University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering


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    Country: Japan


  • Kansai University   Faculty of Engineering

    - 1978

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan

    2004.5 - 2008.5

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  • International Society for Soil Mechanics&Geotechnical Engineering

    2003 - 2007

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  • International Society for Rock Mechanics

    2002 - 2005

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  • The Society of Materials Science, Japan

    1996 - 2002

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  • Japan Society of Civil Engineers

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  • 岩の力学連合会

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  • The Japanese Geotechnical Society

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Committee Memberships

  • 公益社団法人土木学会   副会長  

    2021.6 - 2023.6   

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  • 公益社団法人土木学会   関西支部長  

    2019.5 - 2020.5   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   斜面災害のリスク低減に関する研究委員会 委員  

    2017.7 - Present   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   関西支部長  

    2017.4 - 2018.4   

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  • 岩の力学連合会   副理事長  

    2009.6 - 2011.5   

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  • 公益社団法人土木学会   岩盤力学委員会小委員会委員長  

    2006.6 - 2008.5   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   関西支部幹事長  

    2006.4 - 2008.4   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   代議員  


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  • 公益社団法人土木学会   論文集編集委員会C部門編集委員  

    2005 - 2007   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   岩盤不連続面の室内せん断試験方法基準検討委員会副委員長  


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  • 物理探査学会   理事  

    2004.5 - 2008.5   

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  • 岩の力学連合会   幹事長  

    2003.6 - 2005.5   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   地盤汚染の環境評価および拡散防止技術に関する研究委員会委員長  

    2003.4 - 2006.4   

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  • International Society for Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering   TC10  

    2003 - 2007   

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  • International Society for Rock Mechanics   expert committee  

    2002 - 2005   

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  • 公益社団法人土木学会   関西支部商議員  

    1998 - 1999   

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  • 公益社団法人地盤工学会   関西支部評議員  

    1997 - 1998   

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  • 日本材料学会   編集委員会幹事  

    1996 - 2002   

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  • Development of Support Pattern Determination System for NATM Tunnel by Machine Learning Reviewed

    Karnallisa D Halim, Y.Yun, A.Nishio, H.Kusumi, Y.Miyajima

    ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium   2024.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  

    In NATM tunnel excavation sites, rock mass evaluation at tunnel face heavily influences the determination of support patterns of tunnel construction. Currently, this evaluation is performed by skilled engineers who score the rock mass according to several predetermined evaluation criteria. This method heavily relies on the subjective standards of the engineers. Thus, a uniformed and standardized evaluation method has not been established. In this study, the applicability of machine learning to rock mass evaluation is verified to achieve a qualitative evaluation method. A support vector machine (SVM) model was developed to predict the support pattern of one tunnel face to test applicability at tunnel construction sites.



    Kengo NAGAE, Yeboon YUN, Akinobu NISHIO, Harushige KUSUMI

    226 - 231   2024.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • A Research on Application of Deep Learning to Evaluation of Cracks and Weathering of Tunnel Face Rock Mass and Determination of Support Patterns Reviewed

    Masanari NAKATA, Yeboon YUN, Akinobu NISHIO, Harushige KUSUMI

    220 - 225   2024.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.)  


  • Rock evaluation of NATM tunnel face using deep learning Reviewed

    M.Nakata,Karinallisa, D Harim, Y.Yun, H.Kusumi, A.Nishio

    15th International ISRM Congress 2023   T05,1899   2023.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ISRM(International Society for Rock Mechanics)  

    Because of the complexity of the geological features, when the NATM method is used in Japan, the rock mass is evaluated in nine categories (A. condition of tunnel face, B. condition of excavation face, C. compressive rock strength, D. weathering and alteration, E. spacing of discontinuities, F. condition of discontinuities, G. direction of discontinuities, H. presence of water inflow, I. deterioration due to water) The evaluation is graded on four levels. The objective of this study is to use deep learning to quantitatively evaluate the frequency, condition, and morphology of fractures, as well as weathering and alteration of the tunnel faces; CNN was used to grade the three criteria regarding fractures. Furthermore, ratio of weathering area was detected by HSV color space for categories regarding weathering and alteration. We also applied Grad-CAM to verify whether the CNN model could actually evaluate rock fractures as a decision criterion.


  • Real-Time Evaluations of Tunnel Faces and Predictions of Geological Conditions Ahead of The Tunnel Face Based on Drilling Data Reviewed

    Y. Miyajima, S.Shirasagi, H.Kusumi

    Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University   NO.65 MARCH 2023 pp.9-15   9 - 15   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    The authors developed a system for predicting the geological conditions not just of excavated areas but also ahead of the tunnel face by processing drilling data using ordinary Kriging, a geostatistical approach, and by visualizing conditions in real time, Using autocontrolled face-drilling rigs, the authors confirmed the easy and rapid acqusition of drilling data from blast holes and rock bolt holes, along with three-dimensional coordinates. The authors deployed the system in real time to determine if pre-supports such as forepoling and facebolts would be necessary for a strongly sheared slate area at the tunnel faces of the Shin-Kuzakai Tunnel(provisional name).


  • Construction of aProbabilistic Model Deacribing Deterioration of Pumping Wells and Its Verification Using Actual Data Reviewed

    Kawahara Koki, Nakano Kosuke, Kanekiyo Hiroaki, Kitaoka Takafumi, KUSUMI Harushige

    Vol.72,No3,pp.168-173   2023.3

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    A probabilistic model is newly proposed for describing random deterioration of pumping wells, in consideration of application to efficient of pumping wells using a concept of asset management procedure. First,introducing a health index for quantifying specific capacity,we formulate a differential wquation describing mean deterioration of the helth index. Next, it is extended to a random differential equation, in which a Gaussian white noise is introduced for representing intensive fluctuation around the mean deterioration behavior, so that intensively random variation of the health index can be well reproduced. A probability distribution of the health index is then derived in an analytical form. Finally, the obtained probability distribution is comparred with actual data of the health index for active eight pumping wells in Joyo area, Kyoto prefecture, Japan. It is clarified that the scatter of health index of actual pumping well reproduced by the theoretically derived probability distrbution from the nrwly proposed probabilistic model.



    Yasuyuki MIYAJIMA, Hayato TOBE, Kei YAMASHITA, KUSUMI Harushige

    2022年78巻1号 pp. 102-111   2022.9

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    Shotcrete is installed in tunnels to prevent rock fall disasters. It is difficult to determine the thickness of shotcrete for each face according to the geological conditions, and it is recommended to spray 3 to 5 cm depending on the support pattern. In this study, we collected the results of quantitative evaluation of the geology of the tunnel face using image analysis technology and computer jumbo drilling data,as,well as the shotcrete thickness and rock fall information of the tunnel face, and used logistic regrssion to determine the shotcrete thickness according to the geological conditions. As a result, it was found that the shotcrete thickness can be presented with an accuracy of about 75%. We also showed that logistic regression is a machine learning method without hidden layers,so it can clearly show the relationship between geological conditions and shotcrete thickness and rock fall.


  • 講座 今こそ訪れたい地盤・地質が生んだ名所と名産 第6回 平野と盆地の名所と名産 Reviewed

    岩井裕正, 大橋 正, 小野 日出夫, 後藤 聡, 楠見 晴重, 三島 悠一郎, 日野 剛徳

    地盤工学会誌   Vol.70,No.8,pp.44-pp.58   2022.8

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  • ロープネット・ロックボルト斜面安定工法における補強材の抑止挙動

    金原 涼太, 清水 惣太, 楠見 晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集   口頭Ⅲ-3   2022.5

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    近年 、異常な短時間集中 豪雨 の増加によって斜面災害が多く発生し、 甚大な被害を被っている 。本研究では、斜面安定工法 としてロープネットとロックボルトを併用する工法を提案しており、 この工法は 極力樹木を伐 採せずに斜面の安定化を図る。 ここでは 、ロープネットの材質 を変化させるとともに、 せん断面位置 や砂地盤 の含水比を変化させることにより、 異なった ロープネ ット 材を用いる ことによせん断抑止効果 について、 模型せん断載荷試験 を用いて検討を行った。


  • 深層学習によるNATMトンネルにおける切羽面の岩盤不連続面に関する定量的評価法

    中田 真成, 榎並 大希, 尹 禮分, 楠見 晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集   口頭Ⅲ-13   2022.5

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    NATM工法では, 岩盤評価項目を点数化して,支保パターンを決定しているが,点数化には,複数の技術者が行っている.昨今,トンネル技術者の不足に伴い ICT技術を活用した客観性の高い岩盤評価の重要性が高まっている.本研究では, NATMトンネルの切羽面の岩盤亀裂評価に深層学習の 導入 を試みた.具体的には,切羽の写真を AIに学習させて,岩盤亀裂の定量的評価について検討した.



    Karnallisa Desmy HALIM, Kaneko,Genki, YUN,Yeboon, KUSUMI Harushige

    web講演番号38   2022.1

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    The determination of support patterns by field experts in NATM plays an important role in the construction of mountain tunnels. Discrepancy in judgement based on experience and bias may lead to an inconsistent evaluation method. Therefore, this research aims to realize an unbiased and standardized evaluation method by verifying the applicability of machine learning to rock evaluation. Support vector machine (SVM) is implemented to classify support patterns based on data collected from construction sites. The proposed SVM-based model shows high accuracy. Furthermore, by taking into account the current method of rock evaluation during tunnel construction, the classification accuracy further improved.



    Enami,Daiki, YUN,Yeboon, Nishio,Akinobu, KUSUMI Harushige

    web講演番号37   2022.1

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    In mountain tunnels for NATM, the rock mass rating with tunnel face is one of the most important tasks to determine the support design pattern and it is currently depended on the visual observation of experienced experts. However, the number of experts is decreasing in recent years and it is feared that it will affect tunnel construction in the future. To solve this problem, we tried to evaluate quantitatively rock fractures on tunnel face using CNN, a deep learning, with the evaluation of the 9 categories and 4 lebels of tunnel face observation style for rock fractures. In addition, we applied Grad-CAM, a visualization technique for CNN, to investigate whether CNN can actually evaluate rock fractures as a basis for decision making.


  • 機械学習による揚水に伴う水源揚水井の地下水運転水位の将来予測に関する研究 Reviewed

    平川 将寛, 尹 禮分, 楠見 晴重

    Kansai Geo-Symposium 2021   CD-R   2021.11

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    Enami,Daiki, Kaneko,Genki, Nishio,Akinobu, KUSUMI Harushige

    web   2021.1

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    In mountain tunnels for New Austrian Tunneling Method, the rock mass rating is one of the most important factors to determine the tunnel support design pattern, but it is currently dependent on the visual inspection by experts. However, the number of experts is decreasing in recent years and it is feared that it will affect tunnel construction in the future. Therefore, in this research, we use convolutional neural network (CNN), a type of deep learning, to conduct a quantitative assessment of rock fractures in the tunnel face. Specifically, the image data of the tunnel face were divided into two parts, one for training and the other for validation. The CNN model is constructed by using image data of a tunnel face as input data and the evaluation scores for the fracture which is defined by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport as output data, and then the model is evaluated with the validation data. The result shows that the agreement between the CNN predicted evaluation scores and the actual evaluation scores judged by experts is high and that CNN is applicable to the evaluation of rock fractures in the tunnel face.


  • A study on estimation of groundwater abundance in Echizen Ono basin by gravity exploration Reviewed

    Nitta,Shinya, KUSUMI Harushige, Kaeriyama Toshiaki

    CD-R   2019.11

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  • 土壌雨量指数によるロックボルト・ロープネット斜面安定工法の適用性

    河野 遼登, 楠見 晴重, 下村 康太郎, 寺岡 克己

    (社)土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集   講演番号Ⅲ-20   2019.5

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    2018 年7 月5 日~7 日にかけて発生した西日本豪 雨災害は、斜面崩壊が頻発した。特にすべり面が 3 m以内の表層崩壊は、各地で発生した。本研究では、 樹木を伐採しないロックボルト・ロープネット斜面 安定工法の敷設が行われている斜面とされていな い斜面が混在する道路斜面を対象として、土壌雨量 指数の変化とスネーク曲線の変化に基づき、本斜面 安定工法の適用性について検討した。


  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを利用したトンネル壁面のクラック検出に関する研究 Reviewed

    楠見 晴重, 森本 遼, 増満 岳也

    Kansai Geo-Symposium 2018   CD-R   2018.11

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  • 不連続変形法と粒子法を用いた固体と流体の連成数値解析に関する研究

    久野 実希子, 三木 茂, 大西 有三, 佐々木 猛, 楠見 晴重

    第45回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム   講演集CD-ROM 講演番号51   2018.1

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  • 不連続変形法と粒子を用いた土石流における成数値解析関す研究 Reviewed

    久野 実希子, 三木 茂, 佐々木 猛, 大西 有三, 楠見 晴重

    Kansai Geo-Symposium 2017-地下水地盤環境・防災・計測技術に関するシンポジウム-   2017.11

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  • 京都府南山城地域における水源揚井の維持管理関す研究 Reviewed

    中寺 美月, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三

    Kansai Geo-Symposium 2017-地下水地盤環境・防災・計測技術に関するシンポジウム-   2017.11

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  • 不連続変形法と粒子法による連成数値解析に関する研究

    久野 実希子, 三木 茂, 大西 有三, 佐々木 猛, 楠見 晴重

    第14回岩の力学国内シンポジウム講演集   CD-ROM 講演番号086   2017.1

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    我が国は地形的,気象的条件は厳しい環境にある.さらに,近年では,豪雨の増加により全国各地,また,その他のアジア地域でも土砂災害が発生している. 土砂災害のような固体と流体の運動について従来の研究では,時間過程に依存しない静的な状態の解析や,岩石のような不連続性体だけを考えた解析が主であり,水は無条件に扱われていた.そのため,それらの解析は充分満足できるものではなかった.しかし、水は確実に岩石の安定性に影響している. そこで本研究では,固体と流体,特に,土石流におけるそれらの相互作用問題に着目し,不連続変形法であるDDAと,メッシュフリー解析法の一つである粒子法のMPSを用い,簡単な解析を試みた.土石流における流下水の岩塊への作用を表現するために,斜面を流下する土石流中の岩塊(DDAブロック)について領域を定義した.この領域内を水粒子が通過すると,DDAブロックに流体力を作用させることで,土石流における新たな解析手法の適応の可能性を示した.


  • SOM・変換解析を利用した併用物理探査による道路斜面の評価手法に関する研究

    増満 岳也, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三

    第44回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム   講演集CD-ROM 講演番号41   2016.1

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  • 複数の物理探査法を用いた切土斜面の工学的評価法に関する研究

    増満 岳也, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三, 上出 定幸

    第43回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム   講演集CD-ROM 講演番号59   2015.1

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  • 古都に眠る千年の地下水脈―悠久の雅を支える地下水―

    楠見 晴重

    日本醸造協会誌 Vol.109,No.1   pp.36-43   2014.1

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  • Making of 3D Geological Structure Model in Multilayered Ground

    Takuya Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi, Takafumi Kitaoka

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2013   pp.342   2013.8

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    In this research, we make the three-dimensional geological structure model for groundwater simulation. The model can consider the influence that pumping gives the groundwater flow in groundwater simulation. The model represents the topography of the area exactly. It was proved by comparing the topographical map with the model.


  • Stability of reinforced slope with Rock Bolt and Rope Net Method

    Hiroyoshi Nakashima, Harushige Kusumi, Katuhiko Teraoka

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2013   pp.341   2013.8

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    We suggest the Rope Net and Rock Bolt method having function of slope stabilization and conservation of natural state. The purpose of study is to establish design of ropenet and rockbolt method preserving landscape and natural environment. The mechanical behavior and deformation behavior of the method were partially clarified by past studies. The purpose of this research is to understand the mechanism of reinforcement effect by rock bolt setting of the method and the result of research add in the existent design method.


  • 地下水を利用した環境共生型蓄熱システムの構築に関する浸透,圧密, 熱移動のシミュレーション解析 Reviewed

    北岡 貴文, 楠見 晴重, 中村 真

    地盤工学ジャーナル Vol. 8 (2013) , No. 2   pp.361-368   2013.7

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    本研究は,都市における地下水有効利用の一つとして提案されている帯水層蓄熱システムについて着目した。本システムを導入する際に,地下水利用時の揚水によって起きる圧密の問題や,熱移動に関しての挙動を把握する必要がある。そこで,実際に本システムが大都市沿岸部に導入された場合を想定し,有限要素法による 3 次元浸透・圧密連成解析と,3 次元地盤熱水分移動解析を行った。その結果,本システムは圧密沈下の影響はなく,想定した地上11階,地下4階の建物では,夏季15%,冬季30%の電力消費が削減されることが判明した。


  • 京都市伏見地区における現場計測による地下水性状の把握と3次元浸透流解析 Reviewed

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 中村真, 増田徳兵衛

    応用地質   第54巻 第1号 pp.16-24   2013.4

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  • 近接した複数の揚水井が存在する地域の3次元地下水シミュレーション解析

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 小谷修平

    地下水地盤環境に関するシンポジウム2012-巨大災害と地下水・地盤環境-東日本大震災を教訓として   pp.11-18   2012.11

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  • 自己組織化マップを用いた複合物理探査による法面の経時変化モニタリング

    大藤貴也, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 中村香澄

    地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2012   pp.39-46   2012.11

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    近年では,老朽化法面の健全度を評価するために,様々な物理探査が着目されている.しかし、単独の物理探査による物理的情報では地山状態を解釈するのに限 界があり,複数の物理探査を用いて評価をすることが望ましい.そこで本研究では,自己組織化マップ(Self-Organizing Maps:SOM)とk-means法を用いることで複数の物理探査データ(P波速度,S波速度,比抵抗)を分類し,地盤内の性状を推定した.また,定期 的に計測されるデータから経時変化のモニタリングを試みた。分類結果は,ボーリング調査による地盤情報と整合性が高いことから,本手法は老朽化法面の岩盤 性状を把握するために有効であることが示された.


  • 被圧帯水層を対象とした揚水シミュレーションおよび揚水井の老朽化の評価法に関する研究

    小谷修平, 北岡貴文, 寺田道直, 楠見晴重

    地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2012   pp.93-100   2012.11

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    上水道の水源として地下水を利用している割合が高い京都府城陽市及び八幡市の浄水場を対象とし,複数の揚水井が及ぼす地下水性状への影響について検討し た.初めに広域的な範囲における揚水シミュレーション解析を行い,複数の自治体における相互の影響を検討した.さらに,広域モデルでの結果を基に,より詳 細に地形や地質構造を考慮した局所モデルを作成した.そして,解析結果及び経年的な地下水位変動の計測データを基に,揚水が地下水位変動に及ぼす影響につ いて検討を行った.また,井戸の老朽化と考えられる水位変動を数値解析により再現することを試みた.その結果,今回構築した解析モデルを用いて,精度よく 複数の揚水井での水位変動を再現することができた.


  • Soundness Evaluation of Ground Conditions Inside Decrepit Slopes by Conversion Analysis of Geophysical Data

    Takaya Ofuji, Harushige Kusumi, Makoto Namamura, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto

    2012 ISRM Regional Symposium ARMS7-The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics SymposiumTHE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF ROCK ENGINEERING   pp.384   2012.10

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    In Japan, many of the slopes covered with shotcrete have aged considerably. Therefore, there is a risk that slope failures may occur due to the effects of factors such as seasonal weather patterns, natural disasters, climate change, heavy rainfall, and earthquakes. Therefore, it is important to develop a method for monitoring the stability and the durability of these slopes. In this paper, we propose a technique (hereafter referred to as “conversion analysis”) that converts seismic velocity and electric resistivity data to porosity and saturation, which is then used to monitor weathering and groundwater fluctuation behind the slope. There have been several studies regarding the empirical relations between geophysical parameters such as seismic velocity and resistivity, and engineering properties such as porosity and saturation. At the investigation sites, seismic tomography and resistivity tomography were carried out between the ground surface and the boreholes. Investigation was conducted a total of 5 times, once in the summer and once in the winter for 3 years. As the results, it was possible to monitor the signs of seasonal variation and weathering in the ground.


  • 自己組織化マップを用いた物理探査の複合評価手法による法面の経時変化モニタリングの試み

    大藤貴也, 楠見晴重, 中村 真, 辻 健, 中村香澄

    第​4​1​回​岩​盤​力​学​に​関​す​る​シ​ン​ポ​ジ​ウ​ム​講演集   C​D​-​R​O​M​,​講​演​番​号​50   2012.1

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    近年では,老朽化法面の健全度を評価するために,様々な物理探査が着目されている.単独の物理探査による物理的情報では地山状態を解釈するのに限界があり,複数の物理探査を用いて評価をすることが望ましい.そこで本研究では,自己組織化マップ(Self-Organizing Maps:SOM)とk-means法を用いることで複数の物理探査データ(P波速度,S波速度,比抵抗)を分類し,地盤内の性状を推定した.また,定期的に計測されるデータから経時変化のモニタリングを試みた.分類結果は,ボーリング調査による地盤情報と整合性が高いことから,本手法は老朽化法面の岩盤性状を把握するための複合的な評価が可能であることが示された


  • 個別要素法による多層地盤中における浅層トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析

    錦 崇仁, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 中村 真

    第​4​1​回​岩​盤​力​学​に​関​す​る​シ​ン​ポ​ジ​ウ​ム​講演集   C​D​-​R​O​M​,​講​演​番​号​8   2012.1

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  • 3D model of groundwater diffusion analysis and research of groundwater characterization based on field measurement in Kyoto basin

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto (RAGE2011)   pp.19-24C​D​-​R​O​M​,​講​演​番​号​5   2011.11

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    eople in Kyoto basin. In this research, we chiefly proceed on-site measurement and analysis to predict how the 1 p.p.m source of the contamination spreads in the shallow layer. We stress that there are no pollutants actually being produces in these areas. In order to ensure the long term usability of the regions groundwater, long-term observation and analysis will be necessary. Firstly, we measured the groundwater level and came to understand the groundwater properties in this area. Next, we analyzed the 3D simulation of groundwater while using those data. Having arranged the bore data, we then constructed an accurate stratum model necessary for analyzing. We then analyzed the seepage flow in order to reproduce the groundwater flow. Finally, we assumed how contamination occurred in groundwater by using the result of the seepage flow analysis with maximum accuracy, and subsequently carried out the advection and diffusion analysis. And, we are able to predict how the 1 p.p.m source of the contamination spreads in 5 yeas in the shallow layer. For the purpose of groundwater conservation, we would like to use this simulation model as a general assessment to protect the resource and the environment of groundwater.


  • 自己組織化マップを用いた物理探査の複合評価手法に関する研究

    大藤貴也, 楠見晴重, 中村 真, 辻 健, 中村香澄

    地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2011論文集   pp.45-50   2011.11

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    老朽化法面の健全度の調査において,複数の物理探査法を用いて総合的に評価する方法が注目されている.しかしながら,現在のところ複数の物理探査を総合的に解釈する手法は確立されておらず,技術者の専門的な知識や経験に基づく高度な判断が要求され,物理探査の解釈にばらつきが生じる可能性があるのが現状である.そこで本研究では,情報処理工学の分野で幅広く使われている自己組織化マップ(Self-Organizing Maps : SOM)1)~3)を用いて,原位置において実施された複数の物理探査の結果をクラスタリングし,総合的に解釈する手法の提案を試みた.SOMによる地盤評価事例は,岩盤斜面の危険度評価4)や,南海トラフ沈み込み帯における断層面の物性評価5)や,堤防内土質性状の分類6)の幾つかあるのみで,昨年著者らは老朽化法面の地盤性状評価への適用を試みた7).本報告では客観的なクラスター分類行うために,k-means法8)の適用を行った.分類結果は,ボーリング調査で明らかとなった岩盤の割れ目による品質評価(Rock Quality Designation : RQD),岩種および岩級区分と関連付けられることから,本手法は,岩盤性状を把握するための物理探査の複合評価が有効であることが示せた.



    Tatsuru YAMAMOTO, Harushige KUSUMI, Makoto NAKAMURA, Takeshi TSUJI, Kasumi NAKAMURA

    pp.45-50   2011.11

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    In recent years, geophysical exploration is the remarkable method to evaluate the soundness of the aging slope. However, there is a limit of the interpretation by a geophysical exploration, so two or more geophysical explorations are used to make up for the limit of the interpretation. In this paper, we tried to evaluate the cluster classification of the ground state by two or more geophysical explorations with self-organizing maps (SOM), and compared the cluster classification with the results of the analysis to convert the combination of the seismic velocity and the resistivity into the porosity and the saturation. It was possible to evaluate the ground state of each cluster by SOM.


  • Pumping simulations using 3D analysis on multi-pumping wells

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi, Makoto NAKAMURA

    12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics(Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment)   2011.10

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  • A study of the compound evaluation for geophysical explorations by self-organizing maps

    Makoto NAKAMURA, Harushige KUSUMI, Tatsuru YAMAMOTO, Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO, Takeshi TSUJI

    12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics(Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment)   2011.10

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  • Slope failure simulation analysis caused rainfall on road slope by DEM

    Takahiro Shimizu, Makoto Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-Japan Symposium 2011 on Human Security Engineering,EIT-Japan,2011   2011.8

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    In our country, it is reported that there are a lot of cases which the slope failure is caused by the rainfall. Then, the purpose of our study is to analyze slope failure simulation caused by rainfall on fill slopes by DEM. Especially we focus on the real field. And, we regarded a decrease of clod strength as a decrease of frictional coefficient on this analysis. As a result, we have been able to calculate the decreasing rates of frictional coefficient and the start speeds of three cases that had different ways of groundwater's rising. From this result, it is recognized that the decreasing rate of the Case3 was the largest, and the start speed and move distance were also large. So, when it is heavy rain, we should take note it in Case3, and we can say that the possibility of influencing the inhabited area under the slope is high at collapse.


  • Establishing a 3D model of groundwater advection and diffusion at Fushimi ward in Kyoto basin

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-Japan Symposium 2011 on Human Security Engineering,EIT-Japan,2011   2011.8

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    Kyoto city has various traditional cultures and industries. One of them is the production of Japanese sake, for which Fushimi Ward in Kyoto is famous. The purpose of our study is to maintain the groundwater resource that supports the life and culture of people in Fushimi ward. Firstly, we measured the groundwater level and came to understand the groundwater properties in this area. Next, we analyzed the 3D simulation of groundwater while using those data. Having arranged the bore data, we then constructed an accurate stratum model necessary for analyzing. We then analyzed the seepage flow in order to reproduce the groundwater flow. Finally, we assumed how contamination occurred in groundwater by using the result of the seepage flow analysis with maximum accuracy, and subsequently carried out the advection and diffusion analysis. For the purpose of groundwater conservation, we would like to use this simulation model as a general assessment to protect the resource and the environment of groundwater.


  • Greening method of shotcrete slope blended on landscape

    Shunsuke Kinoshita, Makoto Nakamura, Michinao Terada, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-Japan Symposium 2011 on Human Security Engineering,EIT-Japan,2011   2011.8

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    This study concerns the protection method and the natural maintenance of aging shotcrete. In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads and most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope. In recent years, with concerns about the environmental and landscape, the construction of shotcrete is decreasing. However, even now about 7,000,000㎡of shotcrete is laid every year, and it is predicted that the total amount of shotcrete is enormous. Now, about 60 years passes after a great number of shotcrete was laid, and shotcrete have been aging. Therefore, we suggested the method which construct for directly aging shotcrete in the protection method and the greening protection method is considering cost and risk with new construction. We adopt the protection method by rock bolt and rope net. In this study, at first, we establish the vegetation base suitable for growth of plants which can be use together with the protection method. And then, we install many kind of the vegetation base that gave the vegetation on a model shotcrete. Finally, we compared the rates of water retention and vegetation growth.


  • Compound evaluations method of some geophysical explorations by self-organizing maps

    Takaya Ofuji, Makoto Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, harushige Kusumi

    EIT-Japan Symposium 2011 on Human Security Engineering,EIT-Japan,2011   2011.8

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    In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads. Now, the slopes have been aging, it is important to estimate the health of the aging slopes and maintain slopes effectually. So we usually carry out seismic wave method, surface wave method, electric method and so on. However, there is not the technique to compound and interpret the result of each geophysical exploration. Therefore, we notice to self-organizing maps (SOM) used widely in a field of the information processing engineering, and tried to interpret multidimensional data by integrating. In this paper, we classified the ground property by self-organizing maps. The classification result is relatively conformal with boring data. Therefore, it is recognized that it can be used to improve the interpretative accuracy of compound geophysical explorations. And, it can be shown that this technique is effective to estimate of the ground property of the aging slope.


  • 3D seepage flow simulation of groundwater by many pumping wells in Kyoto Basin

    Shuhei Kotani, Takafumi Kitaoka, Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-Japan Symposium 2011 on Human Security Engineering,EIT-Japan,2011   2011.8

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    In this research, we chiefly proceed on-site measurement and analysis to examine how the pumping wells influence groundwater properties. The examined region is surrounded by mountains formed by a bowl shaped depression in the Paleozoic strata and granite. The paleozoic strata basin rock is an impermeable bed upon which there is a permeable diluvium and then alluvium. It is estimated a lot of groundwater is saved. However, if an excessive pumping is continued, it can cause the exhaustions of the groundwater and the subsidence, and especially multiple wells which take a large amount of water in a small area are considered to have a great impact. We established a 3D model for groundwater and make suggestions for the adequate management of the groundwater by a pumping simulation analysis. This simulation was the subject of which was a pumping well for water service - water levels for one pump were large. As a result, it can be seen from our research that the fluctuation of water level caused by group wells has been reproduced accurately by using our model.


  • Study on evaluations of some geophysical explorations by self-organizing maps

    Takaya Ofuji, Makoto Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi

    International symposium in science and technology at Kansai University   2011.8

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    We usually carry out geophysical explorations for slope conditions. However, there is no technique to compound and interpret the result of each geophysical exploration now. Therefore, we classified the ground property by self-organizing maps (SOM). The classification result by SOM is relatively conformal with boring data. Therefore, it is recognized that it can be used to improve the interpretative accuracy of compound geophysical explorations.


  • Pumping simulations using 3D FEM analysis on multi-pumping wells

    Shuhei Kotani, Takahumi Kitaoka, Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University   2011.8

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  • Simulation analysis of failure by rainfall on road slope using DEM

    Takahiro Shimizu, Makoto Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University   2011.8

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    At first, we regarded a decrease of clod strength as decrease of frictional coefficient on this analysis. As a result, we have been able to calculate the decreasing rates of frictional coefficient, and the start speeds. Moreover, we could recognize that collapse soil’s distance depends on frictional coefficient, and we could estimate the most dangerous slope among all cases.


  • 3D simulation of groundwater advection and diffusion in Kyoto basin

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    International symposium in science and technology at Kansai University   2011.8

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    The purpose of our study is to maintain the groundwater resource that supports the life and culture of people in Fushimi ward. So, we need to make a 3D model for groundwater from the viewpoint of groundwater conservation as a general assessment method. For the purpose of groundwater conservation, we would like to use this simulation model as a general assessment to protect the resource and the environment of groundwater.


  • Study on greening of shotcrete slope considering landscape and earth environment

    Shunsuke Kinoshita, Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University   2011.8

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    In our study, we chose the vegetation base which was suitable for greening of shotcrete slope considering landscape and environment from the test results. We confirmed the water retention rate and the cover degrees in a test.


  • Excavation simulation analysis of shallow tunnel in multilayered ground by DEM

    Takahito Nishiki, Harushige Kusumi, Makoto Nakamura

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University   2011.8

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    In this study, we tried excavation simulation of shallow tunnel by using distinct element method with high utility for a discontinuous ground. The focus of our research is actual collapse accident of tunnel, and we examined the presence of the collapse by setting conditions of underground water and the invert support, etc. As a result of the simulation, an analysis model collapsed when underground water exists and invert is not closed as the actual phenomenon.


  • 個別要素法による多層地盤中における浅層トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析

    錦 崇仁, 楠見晴重, 中村 真

    第46回地盤工学研究発表会   CD-ROM,講演番号709   2011.7

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  • 自己組織化マップを用いた物理探査の複合評価手法に関する研究

    大藤貴也, 楠見晴重, 中村 真, 山本 龍

    第46回地盤工学研究発表会   CD-ROM,講演番号31   2011.7

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  • 京都盆地における複数の揚水井が地下水性状に及ぼす影響と3次元揚水シミュレーション解析

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重, 中村 真

    第46回地盤工学研究発表会   講演番号483   2011.7

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  • Influence on groundwater properties and pumping simulations using 3D analysis of multi-pumping wells in Kyoto basin Reviewed

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi, Makoto Makamura

    pp.371-381   2011.3

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    In this research, we chiefly proceed on-site measurement and analysisto examine how the pumping wells influence groundwater properties. Thearea of the analytical model is located in the southern part of Kyotoprefecture. The examined region is surrounded by mountains formed by abowl shaped depression in the basin rock, which forms an impermeable bedupon which there is permeable sand and gravel. It is estimated a lot ofgroundwater is saved. However, if excessive pumping is continued, it mayexhaust the groundwater and result in subsidence. This is especiallytrue when multiple wells take a large amount of water in a small areacausing considerable impact. We established a 3D model for groundwaterand made suggestions for the adequate management of the groundwaterbased on pumping simulation analysis. The subject of this simulation wasa pumping well for water service - water levels for one pump were aparticularly large pump pumped a large amount of water compared to theother pumps. As a result, by using our model for this present study itcan be seen from this simulation that the fluctuation of water levelgroup wells affect accuracy.



    Takahito NISHIKI, Kentaro ISE, Harushige KUSUMI, Makoto NAKAMURA

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium 2009   CD-ROM,講演番号61   2011.1

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    It is difficult that to set a clear standard concerning the design, because tunnels are excavated in various geotechnical conditions. So it is required that analytical method that can appropriately reproduce the mechanics behavior on the natural ground. In this study, the purpose of our research is established the analytical simulator in multilayered ground by using DEM. Then, the focus of our research is actual collapse accident of tunnel, and we examined the presence of the collapse by setting conditions of underground water and the invert support, etc. As a result of the simulation, an analysis model has collapsed when underground water exists and non-closing invert as the actual phenomenon.


  • 物理探査の連続計測による斜面地盤の工学的評価手法に関する研究

    楠見晴重, 中村 真

    第15回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   pp.13-18   2011.1

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  • 自己組織化マップを用いた複合物理探査評価の精度向上に関する研究

    山本 龍, 楠見晴重, 中村 真, 辻 健, 中村香澄

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部・地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2010   15-20   2010.11

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    老朽化法面の健全度の調査において,複数の物理探査法を用いて総合的に評価する方法が注目されている.しかしながら,現在のところ複数の物理探査を総合的に解釈する手法は確立されておらず,技術者の専門的な知識や経験に基づく高度な判断が要求され,物理探査の解釈にばらつきが生じる可能性があるのが現状である.そこで本研究では,情報処理工学の分野で幅広く使われている自己組織化マップ(Self-Organizing Maps : SOM)を用いて,原位置において実施された複数の物理探査の結果をクラスタリングし,総合的に解釈する手法の提案を試みた.SOMによる地盤評価事例は,岩盤斜面の危険度評価や,南海トラフ沈み込み帯における断層面の物性評価や,堤防内土質性状の分類の幾つかあるのみで,ここでは老朽化法面の地盤性状評価の適応性について検討した.SOMを用いて分類した結果は,ボーリング調査で明らかとなった岩盤の割れ目による品質評価(Rock Quality Designation : RQD),岩種および岩級区分と関連付けられることから,本手法は,老朽化法面の岩盤性状を把握するための複合物理探査の評価解釈精度の向上に有効であることが示せた.


  • 京都市伏見地域における地下水保全に伴う地下構造物施工の影響に関する3次元シミュレーション解析

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重, 中村 真

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部・地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2010   83-88   2010.11

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  • A trial about the evaluation of compound geophysical explorations by self-organizing maps

    Tatsuru YAMAMOTO, Harushige KUSUMI, Makoto NAKAMURA, Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO, Takeshi TSUJI

    Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto(RAEG2010)   15-20   2010.11

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    In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads. Now, the slopes have been aging, it is important to estimate the health of the aging slope and maintain slopes effectually. So, in situs, we usually carry out seismic wave method, surface wave method, electric method, electromagnetic wave method, frequency domain electromagnetic method and so on. However, there is not the technique to compound and interpret the result of each geophysical exploration in a numerical formula of the engineering now. Therefore, we notice to self-organizing maps (SOM) used widely in a field of the information processing engineering, and tried to interpret multidimensional data by integrating. In this paper, we classified the ground property by self-organizing maps. The classification result is relatively conformal with boring data. Therefore, it is recognized that it can be used to improve the interpretative accuracy of compound geophysical explorations. And, it can be shown that this technique is effective to estimate of the ground property of the aging slope.


  • Excavation simulation analysis of shallow tunnel in multilayered ground by DEM

    Takahito Nishiki, Kentaro Ise, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Symposium on Engineering for Geo-Hazards:Earthquakes and Landslides-for Surface and Subsurface Structures   Session 1: Monitoring 2   2010.9

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    It is difficult that to set a clear standard concerning the design, because tunnels are excavated in various geotechnical conditions. Therefore, in general, the design is carried out still experientially, so it is required that analytical method that can appropriately reproduce the mechanics behavior on the natural ground. In this study, we tried excavation simulation analysis of shallow tunnel in multilayered ground using DEM, and the purpose of our research is established the analytical simulator in multilayered ground. Then, the focus of our research is actual collapse accident of tunnel, and we examined the presence of the collapse by setting conditions of underground water and the invert support, etc. We decided the analytical parameters by trying the simulation analysis of biaxial compression test using DEM, before we start the excavation simulation. As a result of the simulation, an analysis model has collapsed when underground water exists and non-closing invert as the actual phenomenon.


  • A study about the improvement of the interpretative accuracy of compound geophysical explorations by self-organizing maps

    Tatsuru Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Takeshi Tsuji

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Symposium on Engineering for Geo-Hazards:Earthquakes and Landslides-for Surface and Subsurface Structures   Session 2: Management 2   2010.9

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    In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads. Now, the slopes have been aging, it is important to estimate the health of the aging slope and maintain slopes effectually. So, in situs, we usually carry out seismic wave method, surface wave method, electric method, electromagnetic wave method, frequency domain electromagnetic method and so on. However, there is not the technique to compound and interpret the result of each geophysical exploration in a numerical formula of the engineering now. Therefore, we notice to self-organizing maps (SOM) used widely in a field of the information processing engineering, and tried to interpret multidimensional data by integrating. In this paper, we classified the ground property by self-organizing maps. The classification result is relatively conformal with boring data. Therefore, it is recognized that it can be used to improve the interpretative accuracy of compound geophysical explorations. And, it can be shown that this technique is effective to estimate of the ground property of the aging slope.


  • The study of greening shotcrete considered the landscape

    Shunsuke Kinoshita, Harushige Kusumi, Yoshihiko Oomura, Katuhiko Teraoka

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Symposium on Engineering for Geo-Hazards:Earthquakes and Landslides-for Surface and Subsurface Structures   Poster Section   2010.9

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    This study concerns the protection method and the natural maintenance of aging shotcrete. In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads and most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope. In recent years, with concerns about the environmental and landscape, the construction of shotcrete is decreasing. However, even now about 7,000,000㎡of shotcrete is laid every year, and it is predicted that the total amount of shotcrete is enormous. Now, about 60 years passes after a great number of shotcrete was laid, and shotcrete have been aging. Therefore, we suggested the method which construct for directly aging shotcrete in the protection method and the greening protection method is considering cost and risk with new construction. We adopt the protection method by rock bolt and rope net. In this study, at first, we establish the vegetation base suitable for growth of plants which can be use together with the protection method. And then, we install many kind of the vegetation base that gave the vegetation on a model shotcrete. Finally, we compared the rates of water retention and vegetation growth.


  • Development of a new natural slope stability method without cutting trees

    Shohei Hiroto, Harushige Kusumi, Katsumi Teraoka

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Symposium on Engineering for Geo-Hazards:Earthquakes and Landslides-for Surface and Subsurface Structures   Session 1: Monitoring 2   2010.9

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    In recent years, about 1000 slope failures occur every year in Japan, and about 90% of them are superficial slope failures that occur within 3 meters from the surface. Therefore this research suggests a new natural method for the slope stability. It takes environment and landscape into consideration, and can prevent superficial slope failures from occurring. Reinforcement members used in this method are rock-bolts, unit-nets, and pressure-plates. And we tried to preserve existing trees as much as possible. The purpose of this research is to establish more accurately designed method, and so the shearing test by the model of 1/10 scale was conducted. We made a model ground with reinforcement materials in shearing box and made it sheared by automatic load machine. Then we measured shear load with loadcells measures shear load and strain gauges attached to rock-bolt and unit-net. In the past research, we made it clear how the change of the effect of diameter of pressure plates gave to reinforcement mechanism in this method on sandy soil ground. The result was that enlarging diameters of pressure plates increases reinforcement effect comprehensively in this method. Shearing test was carried out on cohesive soil ground in addition to sandy soil ground in this research, and we examined how the difference of the grain size made the effect to the reinforcement mechanisms. As a result, it was clarified that the depression effect of transformation became bigger as the diameters ofpressure plates was longer also in the mixed soil ground.


  • Monitoring of ground condition into road decrepit slopes by seismic and electric prospecting

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi, Tatsuru Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Symposium on Engineering for Geo-Hazards:Earthquakes and Landslides-for Surface and Subsurface Structures   pp.37-42   2010.9

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    A large number of shotcrete slopes that were constructed in Japan during the 1970’s are now more than 30 years old, and there has been a significant degree of deterioration. Therefore, it is important to develop a method for monitoring the stability and the durability of these slopes. In this paper, we propose a technique that converts seismic velocity and electric resistivity data to porosity and saturation, which is then used to monitor weathering and groundwater fluctuation behind the slope. The evaluation results of this methodology confirm that the distribution of porosity and saturation of rock mass around the evaluated slope arrived at by this conversion system agree with those of the actual rock mass conditions evaluated using boring samples. In addition, it was possible to monitor the signs of seasonal variation and weathering in the ground by performing monitoring using this methodology over a period of multiple years.


  • Examining the effects on underground water levels of a subterranean construction using a 3D management model for underground water in Kyoto-City, Japan.

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Symposium on Engineering for Geo-Hazards:Earthquakes and Landslides-for Surface and Subsurface Structures   Session 2: Management 2   2010.9

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    Kyoto city has various traditional cultures and industries. One of these is the production of Japanese sake, for which Fushimi-Ward is famous. This area has a lot of underground water of good water quality suited to making Japanese sake, and consequently. However, the new construction of a combined sewer system was started 3 years ago in Fushimi-Ward. The purpose of our study is to establish a 3D management model for underground water and examining the influence of the subterranean construction on the surrounding underground water level. The underground water of the Fushimi area has been protected by the Fushimi sake brewing union. They protect underground water from various potentially harmful construction projects. We believe that this management model will be useful in predicting the effects of the underground water levels. And, it is recognized that in the context of this model the new sewer does not cause adverse effects on underground water levels. We have to protect the underground water in the Fushimi area and in order to protect traditional Japanese sake.


  • Excavation simulation analysis of shallow tunnel in sandy ground by DEM

    Takahito Nishiki, Harushige Kusumi

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Cheng Shiu University 2010   2010.8

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    It is difficult that to set a clear standard concerning the design, because tunnels are excavated in various geotechnical conditions. Therefore, in general, the design is carried out still experientially, so it is required that analytical method that can appropriately reproduce the mechanics behavior on the natural ground. In this study, we tried excavation simulation of shallow tunnel by using distinct element method with high utility for a discontinuous ground. Using an analytical model of over burden 1D and 2D, we reproduced excavation of the invert by removing the particles in the invert part in the arbitrary time step, and examined the influence the time change of excavation gave to the natural ground in the surrounding.


  • 3D Seepage Flow Analysis using FEM to Examine the Effects on Underground Water Levels of Subterranean Construction in Kyoto-City, Japan.

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium in Science and Technolory at Cheng Shiu University 2010   pp.113-118   2010.8

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    Kyoto city has various traditional cultures and industries. One of these is the production of Japanese sake, for which Fushimi-Ward is famous. This area has a lot of underground water of good water quality suited to making Japanese sake, and consequently. However, the new construction of a combined sewer system was started 3 years ago in Fushimi-Ward. The purpose of our study is to establish a 3D management model for underground water and examining the influence of the subterranean construction on the surrounding underground water levels. And, it is recognized that in the context of this model the new sewer system does not cause adverse effects on underground water levels. We have to protect the underground water in the Fushimi area and in order to protect traditional Japanese sake.


  • An experimental study on natural slope stability method for environment and landscape

    Shohei Hiroto, Harushige Kusumi, Katsumi Teraoka

    International Symposium in Science and Technology at Cheng Shiu University 2010   2010.8

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    In this study, we tried to clarify the reinforcement mechanism of a natural stability method by shearing test. The result that enlarging diameters of pressure plates increases reinforcement effect of this method comprehensively was obtained.


  • Soundness evaluation of decrepit slopes with the conversion analysis of geophysical data Reviewed

    Harushige KUSUMI, Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO, Makoto NAKAMURA

    International Journal of the JCRM   Vol.6, No.1,pp.7-11   2010.5

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    A large number of the shotcrete slopes constructed during Japan’s post-war economic boom are now more than 30 years old, and their structural deterioration is an ongoing problem. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately assess the stability and durability of these existing slopes. In this paper, we propose a technique to evaluate rock weathering and groundwater fluctuation behind the slope using a conversion analysis of seismic velocity and resistivity to porosity and water saturation of rocks. In the conversion analysis, porosity and water saturation of rocks are estimated with a non-linear optimization method based on the empirical relations of seismic velocity and resistivity to porosity and water saturation. This proposed technique was applied to a shotcrete slope along a road and verified with boring data. The porosity and water saturation estimated with the conversion analysis of seismic P-wave velocity and resistivity measured at the slope were interpreted to evaluate the rock grade and groundwater distribution of the rock behind the shotcrete slope. The interpretation was verified with the boring data to clarify the applicability of the proposed technique.


  • Development of the Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar and It’s Application to Road Slopes Investigations Reviewed

    Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO, Shigeji YAMADA, Keiichi SUZUKI, Harushige KUSUMI, Toshifumi MATSUOKA

    Vol.27,No.1,pp.33-40   2010.3

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    Kentaro Ise, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium 2009   CD-ROM 11-16   2010.1

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    In this paper, we try the simulation analysis of excavation of shallow tunnel in multilayered ground using DEM. A simulation model is composed of 5 layers that values of physical properties are different, and different analytical parameters are gave to each layer. These values are decided by doing the simulation analysis of biaxial compression test by DEM in advance of excavationg simulation. Using the ground model and these analytical conditions, we tried to simulate a tunnel excavation, and it is recognized that the deformation of surrounding ground of tunnel and the effect of ground surface are inhibited by improving the layers of low-stiffness.


  • 周波数領域電磁探査法の開発と河川堤防調査への適用性 Reviewed

    片山辰雄, 小里隆孝, 加藤裕将, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文

    (社)地盤工学会,地盤工学ジャーナル   Vol.4,No.4,pp.331-340   2010.1

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    河川堤防の安全性を検討する場合、対象区間においてボーリング調査をポイント的に行いボーリング間の地層については補完的に設定していることが一般的と思われる。しかし、ボーリング地点の間隔が長い場合、その区間内がボーリング結果から補完した地層区分どおりの状態であるとは限らず、脆弱層の見落とし等が懸念される。本研究において周波数領域電磁探査法(Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Method:以下、略してFDEM探査法と呼ぶ)は、従来のFDEM探査機を改良開発したもので、探査機を地表面に置くだけで非破壊的に直下の比抵抗分布を迅速に探査することが可能である。したがって、河川堤防のような長い区間の地層状態を比抵抗分布から推定する手法に適していると思われ、比抵抗は含水比や粘土や礫の含有量等に相関があることからボーリング結果とキャリブレーションしながら解析すれば精度の高い地層区分や脆弱層の位置を推定できるものと考えられる。本研究においては、新しく開発されたFDEM探査機と推定原理に関する理論的な考察を述べるとともに数ヶ所の河川堤防で行った現位置における探査結果から、本手法の適用性について検討した。


  • 京都府城陽市域における3次元地下水汚染シミュレーション解析

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部,地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2009   71-78   2009.12

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  • Engineering estimation method of decrepit slope by compound survey

    Harushige Kusumi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Makoto Nakamura

    Proceedings of EUROCK'2009-Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions - Soft Rocks and Karst   557-600   2009.10

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    A large number of the shotcrete slopes constructed during Japan’s post-war economic boom are now more than 30 years old, and their structural deterioration is an ongoing problem. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately assess the stability and durability of these existing slopes. In this paper, we propose a technique that converts data from seismic velocity and electric resistivity to porosity and saturation, and we used the proposed technique to evaluate weathering and groundwater fluctuation behind the slope. Evaluation data from boring samples indicates that the distribution of porosity and saturation of rock mass around the slope as calculated using the proposed conversion system are highly similar to those of the real rock mass conditions.


  • Development of natural slope stability method considered environment and landscape

    Shohei Hiroto, Hareshige Kusumi, Katsumi Teraoka, Tatsuo Katayama

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium 2009   2009.9

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    In this paper the study is slope stability. 70% of national land of Japan is mountain district, but countermeasures of slopes with the potentiality of collapse have not been progressed yet. Therefore, many slope failures occur caused by heavy reins or earthquakes in these years. Most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope in 1960’s. However, the slope covered shotcrete have been deteriorating. Therefore, it is important to develop an effective slope stability method. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider environmental problems such as global warming. A new slope stability method to maintain natural environment on slopes is suggested in this paper. In the method, existing timber is hardly cut down. The method has advantage of cost and construction. Reinforcement materials of the method are rock-bolt, pressure-board and unit-net. The direct shear test was conducted. To get higher slope stability efficacy, the test was conducted with 2 types of the diameter of pressure-board. The objective of this study is to evaluate quantitatively the influence of pressure-board on the reinforcement mechanism.


  • Simulation analysis of excavation of shallow tunnel in multilayered ground by DEM

    Kentaro Ise, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium 2009   CD-ROM,講演番号61   2009.9

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    The collapse accident of shallow tunnel occurred under construction in Japan, and landslides of the volume of about 6,700 m3 flowed into the tunnel. Geology of the collapse location is composed of 5 layers, and the upper side of the tunnel is used as field of rice. It is supposed that factors of this collapse accident were low earth covering, distribution of sandy soil layer and cohesive soil layer that are low-stiffness, and so on. However, its details are not clarified. In this paper, we try to clarify the mechanism of this collapse in modeling of ground composed of 5 layers using two dimensional DEM. In this analysis method, value of physical properties of simulation object is controlled by interparticle parameters. Then, in advance of simulation of excavation, we tried the simulation analysis of biaxial compression test by DEM, and examined the parameters that are expressible of the simulation object. Using this analytical condition, we tried to simulate excavation of the shallow tunnel, and to examine the differences of ground behavior by geological structures. As the result of this analysis, it is recognized that subsidence of ground surface is inhibited by improving the layers of low-stiffness.


  • Monitoring method for the aging slopeby geophysical explorations

    Tatsuru Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Makoto Nakamura

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium 2009, EIT-JSCE   2009.9

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    This research is monitoring the ground condition inside the aging slope. The purpose of this research is to consider the value of the monitoring method with the ground evaluating system to estimate the aging slope health. In Japan, years of high economic growth in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads and most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope. Now, slopes covered shotcrete have been aging. Therefore, there is a possibility that the slope failures occur due to the action of the weather and natural disaster such as climate variations, heavy rainfall and earthquake. It is important to establish the method monitoring the ground condition inside the slope to estimate the aging slope health and to effectually maintain slopes. In this research, first, we examined the ground condition in situs using seismic method and electric prospecting. Second, we changed each measured results of geophysical explorations into the porosity and saturation distribution with the ground evaluating system. This system uses the seismic velocity and the porosity - saturation relational expression (Wyllie 1956) and the resistivity and the porosity - saturation relational expression (Archie 1941).


  • Establishing the 3D model of the underground water management system at southern Kyoto-city

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium 2009   2009.9

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    The Kyoto city has various traditional cultures and industries. One of these is the production of Japanese sake, for which Fushimi-Ward is famous. The purpose of my study is to establish a 3D management model for underground water. This area has a lot of ground water of good water quality suited to making Japanese sake, and consequently. The underground water of the Fushimi area has been protected by the Fushimi sake brewing union. They are famous for preventing the construction of the Nara subway suggested in the 3rd year of Showa. They protect underground water from various potentially harmful construction projects. However the construction of a sewer was started last year in Fushimi Ward. They worry about the effects of the construction. I believe that this management model will be useful in predicting the effects of the underground construction. This 3D model will be needed to save the underground water in the Fushimi area. We have to protect the underground water in the Fushimi area and in order to protect traditional Japanese sake.


  • Monitoring method for the aging slope by seismic method and electric prospecting

    Tatsuru Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi, Makoto Nakamura

    Proceedings of collaboration between Asian countries in Life science, Information Technology and Civil Engineering, in Osaka, Japan   164-167   2009.8

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    This research is monitoring the ground condition inside the aging slope. The purpose of this research is to consider the value of the monitoring method with the ground evaluating system to estimate the aging slope health. In Japan, years of high economic growth in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads and most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope. Now, slopes covered shotcrete have been aging. Therefore, there is a possibility that the slope failures occur due to the action of the weather and natural disaster such as climate variations, heavy rainfall and earthquake. It is important to establish the method monitoring the ground condition inside the slope to estimate the aging slope health and to effectually maintain slopes. In this research, first, we examined the ground condition in situs using seismic method and electric prospecting. Second, we changed each measured results of geophysical explorations into the porosity and saturation distribution with the ground evaluating system. This system uses the seismic velocity and the porosity - saturation relational expression (Wyllie 1956) and the resistivity and the porosity - saturation relational expression (Archie 1941).


  • Establishing the semi 3D model of ground water advection and diffusion in the southern part of Kyoto basin

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of collaboration between Asian countries in Life science, Information Technology and Civil Engineering, in Osaka, Japan   168-171   2009.8

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    The research of my paper on the Ground Water is to predict the extent of the pollutant source. This research paper purposes, by making semi 3D model, to analyze semi 3D seepage flow, to predict ground water flow and to analyze the advection and diffusion of pollutant. The area of the simulation model is located in the southern part of Kyoto- prefecture, it has a typical ground water basin shape. We made the analysis of the each seepage flow by using semi 3D model we have made. The next, we made the simulation analysis of advection and diffusion of pollutant source to predict the extent of pollutant source. This pollutant source for this research is VOC and arsenic.


  • Experimental study of natural slope stability method using rock bolt and rope net -Effect of pressure plate-

    Shohei Hiroto, Harushige Kusumi, Katsumi Teraoka, Tatsuo Katayama

    Proceedings of collaboration between Asian countries in Life science, Information Technology and Civil Engineering, in Osaka, Japan   160-163   2009.8

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    In this paper the study is slope stability. 70% of national land of Japan is mountain district, but countermeasures of slopes with the potentiality of collapse have not been progressed yet. Therefore, many slope failures occur caused by heavy reins or earthquakes in these years. Most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope in 1960’s. However, the slope covered shotcrete have been deteriorating. Therefore, it is important to develop an effective slope stability method. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider environmental problems such as global warming. A new slope stability method to maintain natural environment on slopes is suggested in this paper. In the method, existing timber is hardly cut down. The method has advantage of cost and construction. Reinforcement materials of the method are rock-bolt, pressure-board and unit-net. The direct shear test was conducted. To get higher slope stability efficacy, the test was conducted with 2 types of the diameter of pressure-board. The objective of this study is to evaluate quantitatively the influence of pressure-board on the reinforcement mechanism.


  • Semi 3D simulation of ground water advection and diffusion for alluvial layer in part of Kyoto basin

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi, Ikue Kusaka

    Proceedings of prediction and simulation methods for geohazard mitigation,in Kyoto,Japan   417-422   2009.5

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  • 2D simulation analysis of failure of rock slope with bedding planes by DEM

    Kentaro Ise, Harushige Kusumi, Satoshi Otsuki

    Proceedings of prediction and simulation methods for geohazard mitigation,in Kyoto,Japan   153-157   2009.5

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  • Engineering estimation method of rock masses around the tunneling root by conversion analysis using seismic velocity and electric resistivity

    Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of International Rock Mechanics Symposium on The 2nd Thai Rock 2009,Keynote Lecturer   55-70   2009.3

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    Geophysical exploration for such as tunnel construction is usually used on seismic method and electric method. However, seismic velocity and electric resistivity directly are not connected with a design for tunnel construction. Grasping the nature of rock masses, for example effective porosity and saturation, is very important for the design of tunnel. In this paper, new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and electric resistivityare proposed. As the result, it is recognized that the distributions of porosity and saturation of rock mass around tunnel by this inversion system correspond with that of the real rock mass conditions.


  • Simulation analysis of discontinuity progress of stratified rock mass by DEM

    Kentaro Ise, Harushige Kusumi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto

    pp.1-6   2009.1

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    As is known, there are many fractures and discontinuities in rock slope, and these are often the cause of failure. In this paper, we attempt simulation analysis and visualization of discontinuity by DEM. However, it is difficult for DEM to express both of the continuum and discontinuities. So, we introduce the concept of bonding force, and it is made to be an applicable analysis method for the continuum. Using this analysis method, we try to simulate a failure rock slope, and to visible progress of discontinuities. As the results of this analysis, it is recognized that the discontinuities are formed surface and internally the rock slope. Moreover, the factors of failure can be visualized.


  • The engineering evaluation method of decrepit slope by combination of seismic velocity and elactlic resistivity

    Harushige Kusumi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Makoto Nakamura

    35-38   2009.1

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    A lot of shotcrete slopes mainly constructed in Japan by 1970's pass through over 30 years, and their deterioration processes continued. So, it is required to grasp efficiently the stability and the durability of these slopes. In this paper, using our proposed technique that converted from seismic velocity and electric resistivity to porosity and saturation, we tried to evaluate weathering and groundwater fluctuation behind the slope. As the result, it is recognized that the distribution of porosity and saturation of rock mass around slope evaluated by this conversion system agree with those of the real rock mass conditions by boring results.


  • 老朽化吹付け法面の弾性波探査によるモニタリングの適用性

    山本剛, 相澤隆生, 太井子宏和, 斉藤義之, 利岡徹馬, 満下淳二, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部,地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2008   pp.1-6   2008.12

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  • 京都府南山城地域における地下水汚染シミュレーション解析

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重

    地下水地盤環境に関する研究協議会、地下水地盤環境に関するシンポジウム2008-地盤環境の保全-発表論文集   61-66頁   2008.11

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  • Reinforcement mechanism of slope stability method with no cutting trees

    Yuki Chikata, Harushige Kusumi, Katsumi Teraoka

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium in Bangkok   228-231   2008.9

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    The study in this paper is the slope stability. Although many slopes are prone to collapse, countermeasures against slope failures have not been progressed yet in Japan. Most slope protection methods were to cover shotcrete on the slope in 1960's. However, the slope covered shotcrete have been deteriorating. Therefore, the slope failures frequently occur due to the natural disaster such as heavy rainfall and earthquake. It is important to develop an effective slope stability method. Moreover, it is necessary to consider environmental problems such as global warming. A new slope stability method to maintain natural environment on slopes is suggested in this paper. The method has advantage of the cost and construction. The rock-bolt, the pressure-bored and the unit-net as reinforcement are used in the method. The model shear test was conducted. The test sample is one collected from a slope. The experimental conditions on water content and the content for clay fraction were changed for each case. The objective of this study is to evaluate quantitatively the influence of ground physical properties on the reinforcement mechanism.


  • 2D simulation analysis of failure of rock slope with bedding planes by DEM

    Kentaro Ise, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium in Bangkok   128-131   2008.9

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  • 2D simulation of advection diffusionon ground water flow on Joyo city in Kyoto

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium in Bangkok   132-135   2008.9

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    The research of my paper on the Ground Water is to predict the extent of the pollutant source. These research paper purposes, by making 2D model, to analyze two dimensional seepage flow, to predict ground water flow and to analyze the advection diffusion of pollutant. The area of the simulation model is located in the southern part of Kyoto prefecture, it has a typical ground water basin shape. First, I made the 2D model with examining the material of the stratum, and divided 3 kinds of layers. That is divided into alluvial formations, clay formations, and, diluvial formations from the ground level. It is because that the most important purpose of this study is to the extension of the pollution in multiple layers. I made the analysis of the each seepage flow to get the speed of a moving fluid by using 2D model I have made. The next, I made the simulation analysis of advection Diffusion of pollutant source to predict the expansion of pollutant source. This pollutant source for this research is mercury.


  • Numerical simulation of failure behavior and crack propagation of rock slope by 3D den Reviewed

    Satoshi OHTSUKI, Harushige KUSUMI, Toshifumi MATSUOKA

    Vol.64,pp.607-615   2008.8

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    As is khnouwn, there aer many fractures in rock slope, and there fractures are often the cause of failure. Especially, the mechanism of sliding failure depends on fractures in rock slope. In thispaper, Three-dimensional numerical simulation for sliding failure by distinct element method are carried out. In relation to this simulation, the interparticle bonding force can tried to be expressed by bonding theory. It is tried to be simulated an actual sliding failure of rock slope. As the results of this simulation, it is recognized that this simulation can be expressed on this sliding failure phenomena. Moreover, the process of sliding failure can be visualied.


  • Simulation Analysis for Deformation Behavior of Shallow Tunnel Excavation by Distinct element Method

    KUSUMI,Harushige, KUSUMI Harushige

    CD-ROM   2008.1

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    In case of urban NATM method for sandy soil ground of the urban areas in Japan, the behaviors of ground are complicated and uncertain during an excavation. The purpose of this research is a simulation of deformational behavior for a shallow tunnel using distinct element method, which is clearly beneficial in a behavior of large deformation and shearing in excavation of sandy soil ground. The, deformation and stress distribution of behavior of ground are considered by the difference between thicknesses of earth covering in an excavation of a tunnel, snd then an influence in a behavior of ground soil about a distance between tunnels during an excavation is considered.


  • Analytical Evaluation of Slope Failure Location Using Satellite Image and statistical Analysis

    Yu Morimoto, Hiroshi Watanabe, Harushige Kusumi

    CD-ROM   2008.1

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    Landslide areas were evaluated using qualification theory 2 and geometric mean. To evaluate the areas, inclination, NDVI, geological features, and azimuth, which are considered closely related to the landslide, were used as explanatory variables. Comparing with these results, two indices were calculated, one is the overlooking ration, which is estimated as non-landslide areas for actual landslide-occurred areas, the other is overextraction ratio, which is estimated as landslide ares for actual non-landslide areas, As a result, at the overlooking ration, the geometric mean and the qualification theory 2 provide almost equal result, But the overextraction ratio, the former provides better results than the latter.


  • 沖積砂礫層における準3次元地下水流動シミュレーション解析

    日下郁恵, 楠見晴重

    地下水地盤環境に関するシンポジウム2007-流域圏の水循環再生と地下水利用-発表論文集   pp.71-74   2007.11

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    地下水資源が人類の発展に果たしてきた役割は計り知れない。地下水が古くから利用されてきたのは、水資源として極めて魅力的な性質を備えているからである。その特徴を示すと、安定性、恒温性、経済性などが挙げられる。 地下水を利用してきた人類も数千年の間、何のトラブルも起こさなかったが、最近の問題として地下水汚染が挙げられる。地下水汚染とは、地下水中に重金属、有機溶剤、農薬、油などの各種の物質が自然環境や人の健康、生活へ影響を与える程度に含まれれている状態をいう。汚染の原因は人為的または自然由来であるが、原因が不明とされている事例も多い。 本研究は、多くの地下水利用がなされている地域に着目し、その地域においてシミュレーションモデルを構築し、地下水汚染が発生した場合の汚染源の動きについて把握し、地下水汚染対策に役立てることを目的とし、そのシミュレーションモデルの構築を目指した。


  • 日本における自然環境保全を考慮した斜面安定新工法と調査技術-主として老朽化吹付法面を対象として-

    楠見 晴重

    中國工程師学会論文集   pp.4-12   2007.11

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  • Analytical Evaluation of Slope Failure Location Using ASTER Image Data

    Harushige Kusumi, Hiroshi Watanabe, Yu Morimoto

    VOL.56,NO.9,pp.833-838   2007.9

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  • Two-Dimensional Simulation Analysis of Rock Slope Failure by DEM Using Bonding Force between Particles

    Satoshi Ohtsuki, Hrushige Kusumi, Toshifumi Matsuoka

    VOL.56,NO.9,pp.846-850   2007.9

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  • Monitoring of Groundwater Behavior with the Rainfall on a Rock Slope by Combination Geophysical Prospecting

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    VOL.56,NO.9,pp.828-832   2007.9

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  • Pumping Simulation using 3D Ground Water Flow Model in Kyoto

    Ikue Kusaka, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of EIT-JSCE Joint Seminar on Rock Engineering 2007   2007.9

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    The area of the analytical model is located in the southern part of Kyoto prefecture, it has a typical ground water basin shape and three rivers flow through it. The rivers flow into the area between two mountains, then flow out to Osaka. Due to the fact that the underground water in the basin flows out from this point only, it is estimated that abundant underground water is saved in the Kyoto basin. This research is focused on Joyo city which has long used plenty of underground water for the public, agricultural and industrial water supplies. In recent years, excessive pumping has caused subsidence and the depletion of water resources. This research purposes to establish a three dimensional groundwater flow model and make suggestions for the adequate management of the underground water by a pumping simulation analysis.


  • 3D simulation analysis of failure of rock slope with crack propagation by DEM Reviewed

    Satoshi Ohtsuki, Harusige Kusumi, Toshifumi Matsuoka

    Proceedings of the 11th Congress of The International Society for Rock Mechanics in Lisbon   525-528   2007.7

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    As is known, there are many fractures in rock slope, and these fractures are often the cause of failure. Especially, the mechanism of sliding failure depends on fractures in rock slope. In this paper, we attempt to clarify the mechanism of slope failure in modeling of rock slope with discontinuities using three-dimensional distinct element method. However, it is difficult for distinct element method to express both of the continuum and the discontinuities. So, we introduce the concept of bonding force between particles into distinct element method, and it is made to be an applicable analysis method for the continuum. In the rock slope model in this analysis, the slope and the location of fractures can be arbitrarily set. The position of the fractures in the model is based on the result of the field investigation. And, the fractures were expressed by removing the bonding force. Using this analytical model, it is tried to simulate an actual sliding failure of rock slope. As the results of this analysis, it is recognized that this simulation can recreate this sliding failure phenomena. Moreover, the process of sliding failure can be visualized.


  • Engineering estimation method of rock masses on the tunnelling root by conversion analysis using seismic velocity and electric resistivity Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, M.Nakamura

    Proceedings of the 11th Congress of The International Society for Rock Mechanics in Lisbon   861-864   2007.7

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    Geophysical exploration for such as tunnel construction is usually used on seismic method and electric method. However, seismic velocity and electric resistivity directly are not connected with a design for tunnel construction. Grasping the nature of rock masses, for example effective porosity and saturation, is very important for the design of tunnel. In this paper, new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and electric resistivity are proposed. As the result, it is recognized that the distributions of porosity and saturation of rock mass around tunnel by this inversion system correspond with that of the real rock mass conditions.


  • 3D simulation analysis of sliding failure of rock slope by DEM

    S.Ohtsuki, H.Kusumi, T.Matsuoka

    Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto   84-87   2007.4

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    As is known, there are many fractures in rock slope, and these fractures are often the cause of failure. Especially, the mechanism of sliding failure depends on fractures in rock slope. In this paper, we attempt to clarify the mechanism of slope failure in modeling of rock slope with discontinuities using three-dimensional distinct element method. However, it is difficult for distinct element method to express both of the continuum and the discontinuities. So, we introduce the concept of bonding force between particles into distinct element method, and it is made to be an applicable analysis method for the continuum. In the rock slope model in this analysis, the slope shape and the location of fractures can be arbitrarily set. The position of the fractures in the model is based on the result of the field investigation. And, the fractures were expressed by removing the bonding force. Using this analytical model, it is tried to simulate an actual sliding failure of rock slope. As the results of this analysis, it is recognized that this simulation can recreate this sliding failure phenomena. Moreover, the process of sliding failure can be visualized.


  • 新しい電磁探査法の開発と斜面調査への適用例

    楠見晴重, 片山辰雄, 高橋厚志

    土木春秋社「地質と調査」   No111.24-28   2007.3

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  • Simulation analysis about shear behavior of a three-dimensional rock joint by distinct element method

    S.Takafuji, H.Kusumi

    pp.379-384   2007.1

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    As is known, it is important to clarify the shear behavior of rock joint for the safty construction of rock structures. In this paper, the three dimentional simulation analysis of direct shear using distinct element method have been done. Especially, to reprent the tensile stress in rock mass, we tried to be applied on the bonding theory. As the results of this study, it is recognized that the results of this simulation with that of experiment.


  • 3D simulation analysis of sliding failure of rock slope by dem

    S.Ohtsuki, H.Kusumi, T.Matsuoka

    193-196頁   2007.1

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    As is known, there are many fractures in rock slope, and these fractures are often the cause of failure. Especially, the mechanism of sliding failure depends on fractures in rock slope. In this paper, Three-dimensional simulation analysis and visualization for sliding failure by distinct element method are carried out. In relation to this simulation analysis, the tensile force rock mass can be tried to be expressed by bonding theory. It is tried to be simulated an actual sliding failure of rock slope. As the results of this analysis, it is recognized that this simulation can be expressed on this sliding failure phenomena. Moreover, the process of sliding failure can be visualized.


  • 3D analysis for excavation behavior of shallow tunnel by distinct element method

    T.Shimizu, H.Kusumi

    63-66頁   2007.1

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    In resently , the construction of shallow tunnels in big urban areas are increasing from the point view to be useful development in the urban space. However, it can not be clearfied that the mechanical behavior of the excavating shallow tunnels are much complicated. In this paper, it is tried to estimate the mechanical behavior of shallow tunnel into sand during excavation by Distinct Element Method. Especially, the simulation of surface settlement each depth are done.


  • 衛星マルチスペクトルデータを利用した斜面崩壊危険性評価に関する研究

    森本裕, 渡辺宏, 楠見晴重

    地盤の環境・計測技術に関するシンポジウム2006論文集,(社)地盤工学会関西支部   pp.5-8   2006.12

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  • Simulation analysis of toppling failure of rock slope by distinct element method using bonding theory

    H.Kusumi, S.Ohtsuki, T.Matsuoka, Y.Ashida

    Proceedings of 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium ,CD-ROM   11.2   2006.11

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    As is known, there are many fractures in rock slope, and these fractures are often the cause of failure. Especially, the mechanism of toppling failure depends on fractures in rock slope. In this paper, Two-dimensional simulation analysis and visualization for toppling failure by distinct element method are carried out. In relation to this simulation analysis, the tensile force of rock mass can be tried to be expressed by bonding theory. The rock slope model with this analysis can be arbitrarily setting the slope shape and the location of fractures. The position of the fractures in the model is based on the result of the field investigation. And, the fractures are expressed by removing the bonding force. Using this analytical model, it is tried to be simulated an actual toppling failure of rock slope. As the results of this analysis, it is recognized that this simulation can be expressed on this toppling failure phenomena. Moreover, the proceternass of toppling failure can be visualized.


  • Monitoring of groundwater behavior on a rock slope by combination geophysical prospecting

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    137-140   2006.11

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    The characteristic of the groundwater flow in a rock slope primarily depends on rock joint sets. In particular, the groundwater flow in a rock slope which has random joint sets is very complicated, and the specific methods which to monitor this flow have not been developed. In our past research, the systematization of geological evaluation technique that converted from seismic velocity and electric resistivity to porosity and saturation was proposed. In this paper, using this proposed technique, we tried to monitor the groundwater flow behavior during rainfall in rock slope site by changing of saturation in a rock slope.


  • 京都府城陽市域における3次元揚水シミュレーション

    日下郁恵, 楠見晴重

    地下水地盤環境に関するシンポジウム2006-水辺と堤防と地下水-発表論文集   111-114   2006.11

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  • Monitoring of Groundwater Behavior on a Rock Slope by Combination Geophysical Prospecting

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of The 8th SEGJ International Symposium   635-638   2006.11

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    The characteristic of the groundwater flow in a rock slope primarily depends on rock joint sets. In particular, the groundwater flow in a rock slope which has random joint sets is very complicated, and the specific methods which to monitor this flow have not been developed. In our past research, the systematization of geological evaluation technique that converted from seismic velocity and electric resistivity to porosity and saturation was proposed. In this paper, using this proposed technique, we tried to monitor the groundwater flow behavior during rainfall in rock slope site by changing of saturation in a rock slope.


  • Estimation method of rock masses in tunnel construction by conversion analysis using seismic velocity and electric resistivity Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, Y.Takahashi, M.Nakamura

    Vol.62,No.4pp.603-608 ( 4 )   603 - 608   2006.10

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    Geophysical exploration for tunnel construction is usually used on seismic method and electric method. However, seismic velocity and electric resistivity directly are not connected with a design for tunnel construction. Grasping the nature of rock masses, for example effective porosity and saturation, is very important for the design of tunnel. In this paper, new estimation method of tunnel construction by conversion analysis seismic velocity and electric resistivity are proposed. As the result, it is recognized that the distributions of porosity and saturation of rock mass around tunnel by this analysis system correspond with that of the real rock mass conditions.


  • Simulation analysis of seepage and consolidation with thermal energy storage system using groundwater

    H.Kusumi, S.Hokoi, H.Tamai, M.Nakamura, K.Iwamoto

    Proceedings of Japan-AIT joint international symposium   pp.85-90   2006.7

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    In this paper, the establishment of the underground Thermal Energy Storage system with the effective utilization of the underground water is studied as one of the solution for these problems. The system effectively utilizes the cut-off walls installed at the time of the construction of underground building frames of high-rise buildings, saving the exhaust heat from the air conditioning in the underground aquifer in the building frames rather than releasing it into the air during summertime to utilize the exhaust heat in the wintertime, which can possibly lead to the establishment of the effective underground water utilization that contributes to both the energy saving measures and the countermeasure against heat-island phenomenon.


  • An Estimation Method of In-situ Rock Masses by Characteristic of Electric Resistivity for Jointed Rock Mass Model

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    Journal of the society of materials science   VOL.55,NO.5,pp.458-463   2006.5

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  • Simulation analysis for shear behavior mechanism of rock joint using distinct element method

    KUSUMI Harushige, S.Tatsumi, Y.Ashida, T.Matsuoka

    Journal of the society of materials science,Japan   VOL.55,NO.5,pp.471-476   2006.5

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  • The engineering evaluation method of rock masses by combination of seismic velocity and electric resistivity

    Harushige KUSUMI, Yasutaka TAKAHASHI, Makoto NAKAMURA

    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics RAEG2006   pp.187-192   2006.3

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    Geophysical exploration for tunnel construction is usually used on seismic method and electric method.However,seismic velocity and electric resistivity directly are not connected with a design for tunnel construction.Grasping the nature of rock masses,for example effective porosity and saturation, is very important for the desingn of tunnel. In this paper,new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and electric resistivity are proposed. As the result, it is recognized that the distributions of porosity and saturation of rock mass around tunnel by this inversion system correspond with that of the real rock mass conditions.


  • The Relation Between Strength of Ground Improvement and P-Wave Velocity when Using the Jumbo-Jet Special Grouting Method

    Wu-Te KO., Harushige Kusumi

    Technology Reports of kansai University   第48号 71-76   2006.3

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    Shield construction works are the most popular method employed at the Taiwan Mass Rapid Transit project and underground sewage projects. Joining of the shaft and the tunnel is generally high-risk work because of potential dangers, such as ground collapse and tunnel breaks. Accordingly, we measured the strength of geological improvement at the shield shaft and its P-wave velocities using a boring core and test piece. The test results show that the relationship between the unconfined compressive strength and P-wave velocities is very close. P-wave velocities can be used to estimate density. P-wave velocities will probably become a quality control test yardstick in future.


  • Geological evaluation of ground for tunnel construction by combination geophysical prospectings

    M.Nakamura, M.Urayama, H.Kusumi

    Proceedings of international symposium on underground excavation and tunnelling   pp.573-578   2006.2

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  • Monitor method of landslide slope with optical fiber sensor Reviewed

    Shoji Maki, Harushige kusumi, Hideo Yoshiura, Minoru Sakagami

    pp.53-56   2005.12

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  • Simulation analysis of seepage and consolidation with thrmal energy storage system using groundwater

    pp.87-92   2005.11

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  • Estimation method of rock masses of tunnel construction by Joint Inversion method using seismic velocity and resistivity

    H.Kusumi, Y.Tkahashi, M.Nakamura

    Proceedings of EIT-JAPAN-AIT2005 Seminar on Geo-Risk Engineering and Management   pp.124-128   2005.9

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    Geophysical exploration for tunnel construction is usually used on seismic method and electric method.However,seismic velocity and electric resistivity directly are not connected with a design for tunnel construction.Graping the nature of rock masses,for example effective porosity and saturation,is very important for the design of tunnel. In this paper,new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and electric resistivityare proposed.As the result,it is recognized that the distributions of porosity and saturation of rock mass around tunnel by this inversion system correspond with that of the real rock mass conditions.


  • Simulation analysis of Shallow Tunnel Excavation by Distinct Element Method

    H.Kusumi, T.Shimizu, K.Fujii

    Proceedings of EIT-JAPAN-AIT2005 Seminar on Geo-Risk Engineering and Management   pp.98-100   2005.9

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    For the purpose of the effective urban development,construction opportunities of the city tunnel are increasing.But,the design techniques for the shallow and large section tunnel are unsettled.Generally,Finite Element Method is used for analysis of tunnel excavation.But,FEM is the analysis for continuity,so it is impossible to analyze discontinuities. Then,we tried to analyze the tunnel excavated actions by Distinct Element Method,the analysis for a discontinuity.Using this method,it enables to visualize ground action excavated,Distribution of displacement,compressive stress,and Subsidence of ground surface.This research simulates behaviors of the ground excavated by DEM,and considers the rational design of city tunnel.


  • Estimation method of rock masses of tunnel construction by Joint Inversion method using seismic velocity and resistivity

    H.Kusumi, Y.Tkahashi, M.Nakamura

    Proceedings of EIT-JAPAN-AIT2005 Seminar on Geo-Risk Engineering and Management   pp.124-128   2005.9

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    Geophysical exploration for tunnel construction is usually used on seismic method and electric method.However,seismic velocity and electric resistivity directly are not connected with a design for tunnel construction.Graping the nature of rock masses,for example effective porosity and saturation,is very important for the design of tunnel. In this paper,new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and electric resistivityare proposed.As the result,it is recognized that the distributions of porosity and saturation of rock mass around tunnel by this inversion system correspond with that of the real rock mass conditions.


  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法に関する研究

    楠見晴重, 宅川正洋, 寺岡克己, 片岡辰雄, 福政俊浩

    地盤工学会誌「土と基礎」   Vol.53,No.9,6-7   2005.9

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  • 大型振動台実験による地震時宅地盛土地盤の変形挙動

    谷嶋友絵, 釜井俊孝, 郷隆之D(京都大学大学院), 藤田喜彦, 楠見晴重

    宅地地盤の安全性と性能評価に関するシンポジウム論文集,地盤工学会   pp.47-50   2005.7

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  • Simulation analysis of shear behavior of rock joint by distinct element method

    H.kusumi, T.Matsuoka, Y.Ashida, S.Tatsumi

    Proceedings of Impact of Human Activity on the Geological Environment   pp.281-286   2005.5

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  • True tri-axial test using distinct element method

    Junichi TAKEKAWA, Yoshinori SANADA, Yasuhiro YAMADA, Yuzuru ASHIDA, Harushige KUSUMI

    Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Beijing   pp.45-49   2005.3

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    Many kinds of rock test for engineering properties have been carried out to obtain rock kinetic properties. However it is difficult to visualize inside rock specimen during laboratory tests. This study's objective is to reconstruct true tri-axial tests using Distinct Element Method (DEM). At first, tri-axial compression test is carried out to know correlations between analytical properties and rock properties obtained through compression test like cohesion and internal friction angle. Next, true tri-axial test is simulated using properties above.The result of the simulation, it was clarified that the simulation result can reconstruct a laboratory test qualitatively.


  • Estimation method of rock masses of tunnel construction by joint inversion method using seismic velocity and resistivity

    Yasutaka TKAHASHI, Harushige KUSUMI, Makoto NAKAMURA

    Proceegings of the 34th Symposium on Rock Mechanics   pp.345-350   2005.1

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    Geophysical exploration for tunnel construction is usually seismic method and electric method.BUt seismic velocity and resistivity directly do not be connected with a design for tunnel construction.Grasping the nature of rock masses,for example effecive porosity and saturation,is very important for the design of tunnelling.In this paper,new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and resistivity is proposed.This inversion system are making clear effective porosity and saturation of rock masses.



    Shigeyuki TAKAHASHI, Harushige KUSUMI, Toshifumi MATSUOKA, Yuzuru ASHIDA

    Proceedings of the 34th Symposium on Rock Mechanics   pp.351-356   2005.1

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    The technology which survey the geological condition of ahead for tunnel face in the mountain tunnel are well known for the seismic imaging ahead of tunnel face.However it is not classified this method can be applied to all rock mass conditions,it is important to research the degree of application of this technique because rock mass that including many fracture zones are existing many location in japan.In this paper ,the full wave inversion method is applied to the simulation date.This recognized that the seisemic imaging ahead of tunnel face using this method is very useful for the investigation of geological condition.


  • Estimation method of rock masses of tunnel construction by joint inversion method using seismic velocity and resistivity

    Yasutaka Takahashi, Harushige Kusumi, Makoto Nakamura

    Proceedings of EIT-JAPAN-AIT Joint Workshop 2005   345-350   2005.1

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    Geophysical exploration for tunnel construction is usually seismic method and electric method. But seismic velocity and resistivity directly don’t be connected with a design for tunnel construction. Grasping the nature of rock masses, for example effective porosity and saturation, is very important for the design of tunneling. In this paper, new estimation method of tunnel construction by joint inversion using seismic velocity and resistivity is proposed. This inversion system are making clear effective porosity and of rock masses.


  • 京都府南山城地方における3次元浸流透解析による地下水揚水シミュレーション Reviewed

    宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    地下水地盤環境に関するシンポジウム論文集   103-108頁   2004.11

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  • Simulation of earth tunnel excavation based on trap door test by distinct element method

    K.Fujii, H.Kusumi, T.Matsuoka, Y.Ashida

    Proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on the Application of Geophysics to Rock Engineering   pp.68-73   2004.11

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    In case of the excavation working of tunnel, the initial stress is opened wide, and local subsidence occurs all over the foundation and it becomes the cause by which this gives destruction and modification in a surrounding natural ground. And in order to grasp the mechanical behavior of shallow tunnel excavation in the intersection, two dimensional trap door tests have been developed and performed. With changing overburden pressures, the variation of vertical earth pressure acting on trap doors, the distribution of earth pressure and the settlement of ground surface have been measured. Then, it tried to perform the simulation of trap door test by Distinct Element Method, and from a viewpoint of the modification action of trap door or the model foundation, this research compared with the experiment result and the analysis result, and the validity was examined by it.


  • Improved seismic imaging ahead of tunnel face

    J.Takekawa, Y.Ashida, H.Kusumi

    Proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium 3rd ARMS   pp.251-254   2004.11

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  • Simulation analysis of shear behavior of rock joint by distinct element method

    H.kusumi, T.Matsuoka, Y.Ashida, S.Tatsumi

    Proceedings of the ISRM International Symposium 3rd ARMS   pp.1287-1292   2004.11

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  • (講座)地盤を診る物理探査トンネル掘削・地盤改良評価への適用

    楠見晴重, 芦田讓, 松岡俊文

    土と基礎,地盤工学会   52,(7),35-39   2004.7

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  • 地盤を診る物理探査5.トンネル掘削・地盤改良評価への適用

    楠見晴重, 芦田讓, 松岡俊文

    地盤工学会誌「土と基礎」   第52巻第7号35~39頁   2004.7

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  • Simulation analysis of the ground action at the time of the tunnel digging using Distinct Element Method

    K.Fujii, H.Kusumi, T.Matsuoka, Y.Ashida

    Proceedings of 33rd Symposium of Rock Mechanics   199-204頁   2004.1

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    In case of excavation working of underground, initial stress is opened wide, and local subsidence occurs all over the foundation and it becomes the cause by which this gives destruction and modification in a surrounding natural ground. And in order to grasp the mechanical behavior of shallow tunnel excavation in the intersection, two dimensional trap door tests have been developed and performed. With changing overburden pressures, the variation of vertical earth pressure acting on trap doors, the distribution of earth pressure and settlement of ground surface have been measured. Then, it tried to perform the simulation of a trap door test by Distinct Element Method, and from a viewpoint of the modification action of trap door or the model foundation, this research compared the experiment result and the analysis result, and the validity was examined by it.


  • Simulation analysis of the ground action at the time of the tunnel digging using Distinct Element Method

    K.Fujii, H.Kusumi, T.Matsuoka, Y.Ashida

    175-180頁   2004.1

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  • Simulation analysis for shear behavior mechanism of rock joint using distinct element method

    KUSUMI Harushige, S.Tatsumi, Y.Ashida, T.Matsuoka

    Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium of Rock Mechanics   463-468頁   2004.1

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    In this paper, simulation analysis for shearing behavior of rock discontinuity by distinct element method is proposed. The purpose is behavior of surface of scontinuity in the shear process and destruction situation of the roughness are clarified by numerical ulation. By using this analysis method, it became possible that the behavior of the test-piece model, the shear strength and the die ration behavior are analyzed. And, distribution situation of the internal stress in the shear process was clarified by visualizing the stress which affects each particle.


  • Seismic imaging ahead of tunnel face

    J.Takekawa, H.Kusumi, Y.Ashida

    EIT-JAPAN-AIT Joint Workshop on Modern Computation Method In Rock Engineering   pp.33-37   2003.11

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  • Seismic imaging ahead of tunnel face

    J.Takekawa, H.Kusumi, Y.Ashida

    EIT-JAPAN-AIT Joint Workshop on Modern Computation Method In Rock Engineering   pp.33-37   2003.11

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    This paper proposes an accurate imaging technique for looking ahead of tunnel face using three-component geophones with tunnel blasting as seismic sources. The procedure is as follow ; 1)Using three-component receivers installed on the tunnel walls, record the seismic signal reflected from the reflectors ahead of tunnel face; 2)Determine the direction of incidence of the reflected wave; and 3)Image the reflector using equi-travel time ellipsoid weighted by the incident direction of the reflected wave. The proposed technique is applied to datas otained at actual construction sites. The excavation of the tunnels proved that the results were consistent with the geological observation of the walls.


  • Simulation of Hopkinson effect by discrete element method

    T.Matsuoka, H.Ksumi, Y.Ashida, T.Watanabe

    10th International Congress on Rock Mechanics   pp.813-pp.816   2003.9

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    The technique of various kinds of numerical analysis offered remarkable results tp explication of many rock mechanical phenomena. These techniques regarded a rock stratum as a continuum body and solved the governing equation of continuum mechanics by using finite difference method,finite element method and/or others. Using numerical analysis based on continuum mechanics, however,the simulations of destruction phenomena caused by elastic waves and on the other hand,the elastic wave propagation which generated by fracturing events are quite difficult. In this paper, we express a rock stratum by a granular body model and develop a simulation technique can simulate both wave phenomena and destruction phenomena at once. The DEM(discrete element method) simulation results are compared with finite difference solutions of elastic wave equation. Furthermore,we simulate Hopkinson effect by this proposed method.Hopkinson effect is famous as a destruction phenomenon caused by elastic wave propagation.


  • Development of monitoring systems for rock slope by optical strain sensor Reviewed

    742巻 Ⅵ-60 17頁~26頁   2003.9

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    The optical fiber is used on the main parts of optical communication technique. However in recently, it is recognized that the optical fiber is having the characterizations for strain sensor. In this paper, the fundamental tests in related with the output prosperties fir compression and tension of optical fiber were carried out and it is clarified that the relations between this output and strain of fiber is linear. Furthermore, the optical fiber is applied on the joint displacement measurment in rock mass slope. As the results, it is recognized that the displacement of joints can be measured high accuracy.


  • Application of seismic imaging ahead of tunnel face method for rockmass with continuous fracture zone Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, Y.Ashida, T.Matsuoka, T.Noguchi, N.Sano, T.Ikuma

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu   743巻 Ⅲ-64 229頁~234頁 ( 743 )   229 - 234   2003.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    The seismic imaging method which surveys geological condition of ahead for tunnel face in the mountain tunnel are well known. However, it is not classified that this method can be applied to all of rock mass conditions,especially,in case of the rock masses including many fracture zones,it is important to research the degree of application of this technique because these rock masses are exciting many locations in Japan. In this paper, this technique was applied on Hida tunnel construction site. As the results,it is clean that the geological conditions can be obtained by this method.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.2003.743_229

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/2154

  • The Predictives Estimation Technique of Rock Mass and Spring Water on the Tunneling Root by Combination Survey Reviewed

    KUSUMI,Harushige, KUSUMI Harushige

    735巻Ⅵ-59 209頁~214頁   2003.6

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    In case of constructing the mountain tunnel,geological survey such as seismic prospecting and electrical prospecting is often carried out. However, the support design based on these prospecting results is not quantitative,so it is often differ from actual geological condition. The other side,it is important from safety and economical efficiency to grasp accurately the geological condition beforehand in design and construction. In this paper,the systematization of geological evaluation technique that converted from seismic velocity and electric resistivity to porosity and saturation was discussed. As the results, the evaluation system of rock mass using the both of seismic velocity and electric resistivity are proposed, and it is recognized that this system can be applied on the in-site rock mass site.


  • The Shear Strengh Formula Including Joint Aperture and Roughness for Natural Rock Joint

    52巻5号 483頁~487頁   2003.5

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  • Preparation of Jointed Rock Mass Model Using Intact Rock Specimen and Its Characteristics of Resistivity

    52巻5号 478頁~482頁   2003.5

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  • A Study of Elastic Waves and Hopkinson Bar Effect Using Granular Model

    52巻5号 472頁~477頁   2003.5

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  • 3D basic rock mass structure and undergroundwater condition of Kyoto basin

    KUSUMI Harushige, H.Shibata, K.Inoue

    Proc. of international symposium on underground environment   pp.365-368   2003.3

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  • Several Examinations in Development of Simultaneously Measuring System for P and S Wave Velocity and Electric Resistivity of Rock Samples

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi

    Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto (RAEG2003)   241-246   2003.1

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    It is an important laboratory test the elastic waves of rock specimens are measured, and in general the velocities of two types elastic waves are used. In this paper, it is tried to develop the simultaneously measured system for P, S wave velocities and electric resistivity of a rock sample and its laboratory equipment. P and S wave are analytically found out from the recorded waves. And on the same time, the electric resistivity of this rock specimen is measured by geo science (GS) method. In the development of this system, the examination of sensor position was carried out. Furthermore, P, S wave velocities and electric resistivity obtained from this system are compared with these quantities given by the usual measurement methods. As the results, it is confirmed that this measurement system is useful for the various rock specimens.


  • Development of Simultaneously Measuring System for P and S Wave Velocity and Electric Resistivity of Rock Samples and Investigation of Its Applicabirity Reviewed

    M.Nakamura, H.Kusumi, Y.Okuda

    Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   No.722/Ⅲ-61 pp.381-386   2002.12

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    The measurement of elastic wave velocity is effective as the technique which grasps elastic characteristics of rock, and recently the evaluation by S wave is mainly carried out. In this paper, it is tried to develop the simultaneously measured system for P,S wave velocities and electric resistivity of a rock sample and to manufacture the laboratory equipment. In this system, P and S wave are analytically found out from the recorded waves. And on the same time, the electric resistivity of this rock specimen is measured by geo science method. Furthermore, P,S wave velocities and electric resistivity obtained from this system are compared with these quantities given by the usual measurement methods.As the results, it is confirmed that this measurement system is useful for the various rock specimens.


  • The development of monitoring system for rock slope by optical fiber sensor Reviewed

    KUSUMI Harushige, K.Narita, Y.Hasegawa, T.Katayama, K.Moriyama

    Proc. of Eurock2002   pp.253-260   2002.11

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    On basis of the result, actual fracture rock slope optical fiber sensor V-shaped and injecting static crush agent in the rock slope, the rock mass was artificially displaced, and output chracteristics of that time optical fiber sensor were examined.


  • Seismic imaging ahead of tunnel face with three component geophones

    KUSUMI Harushige, Y.Ashida, T.Matsuoka, T.Watanabe

    Proc.of 72th SEG Annual meeting   CD-ROM   2002.10

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  • Shear behavior of rock joint considering both of joint aperture and roughness Reviewed

    KUSUMI Harushige, T.Sugino, J.Y.Lee

    Proc. of 3th Korea-Japan rock engineering symposium(ISRM regional symposium)   pp.169-176   2002.9

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    In this paper,the effects of which the shear behavior of rock joint is depended on the magnitude of aperture condition are discussed.


  • Shear Behavior of Soft Rock Exposed to Alternate Dry and Wet under Constant Stress

    H.Kusumi, A.Shiraga, T.Katae

    Reprinted from Journal of The Society of Materials Science, Japan   第51巻 第2号 146~151頁   2002.2

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  • 景観・樹木に配慮した自然斜面の安定工法に関する基礎的研究 Reviewed

    楠見晴重, 岩井慎治, 福政俊浩, 北村善彦

    第11回岩の力学国内シンポジウム論文集   CD-ROM出版   2002.1

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  • Interpretation Technique of Geological Survey by Combination of Seismic Velocity and Electric Resisitvity

    Makoto Nakamura, Yuzuru Ohtomo, Harushige Kusumi, Ethukichi Kondo

    Proceedings of The 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto (RAEG2002)   47-52   2002.1

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    In this paper, the relations among electric resistivity, seismic velocity, porosity and saturation of various rock specimens investigated by laboratory tests are clarified. In addition, it was attempted to combine the seismic velocity and the electric resistivity and to evaluate the porosity and saturation. As the results, it is recognized that this assessment method can be useful for geological survey.


  • Monitoring method of rock slope located V shape by optical fiber sensor Reviewed

    KUSUMI Harushige, Kazuma Narita, Minoru Maeda, Yuko Kawabata

    CD-ROM出版   2002.1

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  • 種々な岩石の比抵抗特性に及ぼす飽和度,間隙率の影響とそれを利用した岩盤物性の評価手法

    楠見晴重, 畠中与一, 西方卯佐男, 中村 真, 奥田善之

    亀裂性岩盤の浸透問題に関するシンポジウム   187-194   2001.11

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  • Application of Several Electric Resistivities of Rock Masses for Tunnel Supporting Design

    Makoto Nakamura, Harushige Kusumi, E. Kondo

    CD-ROM   2001.10

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  • Development of Simultaneously Measured System for P, S Wave and Electric Resistivity of Rock Samples and its Application

    Harushige Kusumi, Y. Okuda, Makoto Nakamura

    149-151   2001.9

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  • The effect of saturation and porosity given on resistivity of various rock specimens and its application for rock masses estimation method Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, Y.Hatakenaka, U.Nishigata, M.Nakamura, Y.Okuda

    pp.187-194   2001.9

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  • 比抵抗電気探査による地下水挙動のモニタリング手法の提案

    中村 真, 楠見晴重

    第22回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム   31-34   2001.7

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  • Seismic Imaging Technique of Looking Ahead of Tunnel Face by Use of 3 Components Receivers Reviewed

    KUSUMI Harushige, Y.Ashida, T.Matsuoka&H.Kusumi

    Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   No.680/Ⅲ- 55 pp.123-129   123 - 129   2001.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    In the present paper, an accurate imaging technique for looking ahead of tunnel face by use of 3 components receivers is proposed.1)To receive the reflected waves from the geological boundaries by use of 3 components receivers.2)To detect the incident direction of reflected waves.3)To perform imaging by use of equi-travel time planes using the weight according to incident direction in order to decrease the generation of false image.The propesed technique was applied to the actual field data. Consequently, the imaging results showed a good agreement with the observation report after completion of tunnel.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.2001.680_123

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/2121

  • Development of Simultaneously measured system for P,S wave and electric resistivity of rock samples and its application

    Harushige Kusumi, Makoto Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Okuda, Kazuhiko Nishida

    87-91   2001.1

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  • A Method to Estimate Continuous Distribution of Strength in Improved Layer of Ground by S-Wave Reflection Method Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, Y.Ashida, K.Nishida, T.Kawaguchi, T.Hayashi

    Journal of Geotechnical Engineering   No.666/Ⅲ- 53 pp.333-338   2000.12

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    Before construction of any structures on surface or substance of alluvial clay layer, the cement mixing methods have been used frequently to construct an improved layer at certain depth of ground. However, the confirmation of improved layer is performed by only boring and laboratory testing. The present paper are discussed about the confirmation method using s-wave reflection method, and it is tried that the S-wave distribution of improved layera is obtained by velocity analysis. Furthermore, the relation between the uniaxial compression strength of improved layer specimens by boring and S-wave velocity of improved layer by the velocity analysis are discussed, and the continuous distribution of uniaxial compression strength on improved layer can be accurately obtained.


  • Characterization of Electrical Resistivity for Intact and Jointed Specimens and its Application for In Situ Rock Mass Assessment

    Harushige Kusumi, Yoichi Hatakenaka, Usao Nishikata, Makoto Nakamura, Kazuhiko Nishida

    Proceedings of An Int. Conf. on Geotechnical&Geological Eng.(GeoEng2000)   CD-ROM   2000.11

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    The electrical resistivity prospecting is becoming very useful for ground investigation, because new computer methods have been developed and detailed electric resistivity distribution in ground can be indicated. However, characterizations of resistivity for rock mass are not clarified, and it is not sufficiently understood that the measured resistivity values can indicate conditions of rock mass. In this paper, using 17 types of intact rock specimens and 2 types of rock specimens with single joint, the resistivity of these specimens are measured in the laboratory. From these measured data, the relation between resistivity of the rock specimens, saturation, porosity and aperture of discontinuity are discussed. Furthermore, these results obtained by between tests are applied to rock mass assessment in a tunnel.


  • Monitoring of Groundwater Behvior Caused by Rainfall Fracture Zone of Rock Slope using Electric Resisitivity Method

    KUSUMI,Harushige, Makoto Nakamura, K. Nishida

    Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Landsliders   871-876   2000.6

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  • Analysis of the Exploration Looking Ahead of Tunnel Face by Various

    NOGUCHI/satoshi, KUSUMI/harushige, ASHIDA/yuzuru, NISHIDA/kazuhiko

    Proceedings of Exploration Looking Ahead of Tunnel Face Symposium   pp.81-86   2000.5

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    When constructing tunnels, it is important to predict forward geological condition. But these detailed and quantitative informations cannot always be obtained from surface investigations. Because of this, the development of geological survey system ahead of face has been advanced. In the present paper, an analysis of the exploration ahead of tunnel face by using various artificial sources is proposed. This study was applied to the actual field data. The results of analysis by the seismic sources using hammer, iron ball and giant breaker show a good agreement with wall observation report after completion of tunnel.


  • Estimation method of aperture condition with rock joints and its application for shear equation

    KUSUMI Harushige, NISHIDA Kazuhiko, SAKAI Takashi, NAKAMURA Hitoshi, YAMADA T

    proceedings of the Eurock 2000 Symposium   pp.637-642   2000.3

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    ABSTRACT: The factors of discontinuity plane which affect the shear behavior of rock joint are the strength of intact rock, roughness, aperture etc. In these factors, there is many researches in related with the roughness. However, although the aperture condition of rock joint is important factor, the many researches with this factor have not been performed. In this paper, the effects of which the shear behavior of rock joint is depended on the magnitude of aperture condition are discussed Especially, the numerical index representing the degree of the aperture condition with rock joints is opposed, and furthermore, we applied this index on the shear strength equation proposed by authors.


  • Characterization of Strength and Deformation Behavior of Soft Rock Exposed to Alternated Dryand Wet under Constant Stresses Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, C.Matsushita, T.Katae, K.Nishida

    Proceedings of 30th Rock Mechanics Symposium   No.30 pp.36-42   2000.1

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    The surface of cutting rock slope has exposed to alternate dry and wet conditions for a long time, and they are weathered. We developed direct shear testing apparatus that can expose soft rock specimen to alternate dry and wet conditions under constant under constant shear and normal stress, and are investigated about relationship between deformation properties and the shear behavior of soft rock under dry and wet conditions.


  • Estimation Method of Aperture Condition with Rock Joint and its Application for Shear Equation Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, T.Sakai, K.Nishida, H.Nakamura

    Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineering   No.631/Ⅲ-48 pp.505-510   169 - 174   1999.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    The factors of discontinuity plane which affect the shear behavior of rock joint are the strength of intact rock, roughness, aperture etc. In these factors, there is many researches in related with the roughness. However, although the aperture condition of rock joint is important factor, the many researches with this factor have not been performed. In this paper, the effects of which the shear behavior of rock joint is depended on the magnitude of aperture condition are discussed. Especially, the numerical index representing the degree of aperture condition with rock joints is proposed, and furthermore, we applied this index on the shear strength equation proposed by authors.

    CiNii Books


  • Simulation analysis on Geophysical Prospecting of Improved Thin Layer by S-Wave Reflection Method and its Application Reviewed

    H.Kusmi, Y.Ashida, K.Nishida, R.Ehara

    Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineering   No.624/Ⅲ-47 pp.245-253   122 - 130   1999.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Before construction of any structures on surface or subsurface of alluvial clay layer, the cement mixing method is used frequently to construct a thin improved layer at certain depth of ground. However, the confirmation of improved layer is performed by only boring and laboratory testing. In the present paper, the confirmation method using s-wave reflection method, and the simulation analysis which as certain continuity of an improved thin layer is proposed. Especially in this analysis, the proposed method for the model at a thin layer of high velocity which lies between two layers of low velocity is examined, and the results of this simulation analysis are found to be applicable construction site.

    CiNii Books


  • Characterization of aperture distribution and permeability in single joints under continingpressure Reviewed

    H.Ksumi, T.Kaneda, K.Nishida, K.Ueeda

    Journal of the society of materials science   1999.4

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    Hydromechaniacal behavior of rock masses is influenced in a decisive way by the presence of joints. It is largely responsible for seepage occurring through the rock mass and is the most sensitive elements with respect to deformation under stress changes. Hydromechanical studies of fractured rock masses must therefore pay special attention to the role of joints and to correct assessment of their properties. In this paper, an experimental study was carried out in granite specimens included a single joint with the purpose of obtaining the hydromechanical properties under hydrostatic stress conditions. The test results are then presented and analyzed, and the relation ship between the roughness of joint surface and hydromechanical properties are discussed.Key words: Single joint, Permeability, Discontinuity plane, Fractured rock


  • Characterization of Aperture Distribution and Permeability in Single Joints under Confining Pressure Reviewed

    H.Ksumi, T.Kaneda, K.Nishida, K.Ueeda

    Reprinted from Journal of The Society of Materials Science, Japan   第48巻 第4号 341~345頁   113 - 117   1999.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Hydromechanical behavior of rock masses is influenced in a decisive way by the presence of joints. It is largely responsible for the seepage occurring through the rock mass and is the most sensitive elements with respect to deformation under stress changes. Hydromechanical studies of fractured rock masses must therefore pay special attention to the role of joints and to corrct assessment of their properties.In this paper, an experimental study was carried out in granite specimens included a single joint with the purpose of obtaining the hydromechanical properties under hydrostatic stress conditions. The test results are then presented and analyzed, and the relationship between the roughness of joint surface and hydromechanical properties are discussed.

    CiNii Books


  • Application of several electric resistivity of intact rocks to field rock masses

    Proceedings of the 29th symposium of rock meachnics   210-214頁   1999.1

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    Before the underground structures such as tunnels and large caverns will be constructed, seismic prospecting and electrical prospecting for geological surveys are often executed. However, it is few that the velocity of elastic wave and the electric resistively obtained from these prospecting methods are directlyused to the design.In this paper, the relations among electric resistively, porosity and degree of saturation of various rock specimens were investigated by laboratory tests were compared with the field measurement data obtained by electric prospecting. As a result, it is clarified that the characterization of electric resistively of some rock cores can be applied on the estimation of in-situ rock mass.


  • Observation methods of displocement on rock slope by optic strain sensor

    Proceedings of the 29th symposium of rock meachnics   280-284頁   1999.1

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    The optics fiber is usually used to the basic main lines of informatics transmission. In recently, it has been attracted special interest that the optics fiber can be used to the strain sensor lines applicable on the some characterizations of this fiber. In this paper, the observation methods of the displacement on rock slope by the fiber optics strain sensor are discussed. Especially, the some fundamental studies in related with the output characterizations of rock slope and the field measurements applied on the natural rock slope by the fiber optics strain sensor are done.


  • Monitoring of Improved Thin Layer by S-Wave Reflection Method Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, Y.Ashida, K.Nishida, R.Ehara, T.Kawaguchi

    BUTSURI-TANSA Geophysical Exploration   第51巻第6号688-694頁   90 - 96   1998.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Before construction of any structures on surface or subsurface of alluvial clay layer, the cement mixing method is used frequently to construct a thin improved layer at certain depth of ground. However, the effective confirmation of improved thin layer is performed by only boring and laboratory testing. In the present paper, the confirmation method of an improved thin layer by using S-wave reflection method are discussed. Especially, prospecting before and after ground improvement by S-wave reflection method, it is tried to develop the monitoring system of improved thin layer. This monitoring system is found to be applicable to construction sites.Key words: reflection method, monitoring, S wave improvement, thin improved layer

    CiNii Books


  • Shear behavior of soft rock exposed to alternate dry and wet under constant stresses.

    KUSUMI Harushige, MATSUSITA Chikao, NISHIDA Kazuhiko

    Proceeding of the 2nd international symposium on hard soils-soft rocks   pp.253-258   1998.10

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  • A formulation of shear strength for rock joints included two or three different asperities

    H.Kusumi, K.Teraoka, K.Nishida

    Proceeding of the 3rd international conference on mechanics of jointed and faulted rock   pp.235-242   1998.4

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    ABSTRACT: We carried out the experimental study in order to investigate the influence of the surface roughness of rock joints on the shear strength of those. We made some artificial plaster specimens which have three different types of surface profiles, I.e. regular triangular profiles, irregular triangular profile and JRC profiles. All of these specimens are applied on the direct shear test. On the other hand, before direct shear test, in order to investigate the method of quantitative estimation of quantitative estimation of irregular joint profile, the measurement and the analysis of joint profile for each specimen using laser profilometer have conducted. As the results, we proposed the shear strength criteria which expressed by the power function, and it is recognized that this criteria is applied to various rock joints.


  • Effect of structural anisotropy on deformation properties of granite under cyclic loadingISRM International Symposium on Environmental and Safety Concerns in Underground Construction 1st ARMS (Seoul)

    KUSUMI Harushige, MINE Yukihisa, NISHIDA Kazuhiro

    Proceeding of ISRM international symposium in 1st asian Rock mechanics.   433-438頁   1997.10

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    ABSTRACT: The effects of the structural anisotropy on the deformation properties of granite under cyclic loading have not been clarified. In this paper, four types of granite specimens are prepared with an angle θ of the structural anisotropic plane to the loading axis of 0., 30., 60. and 90.respectively and cyclic loading tests are performed under uniaxial compression. The stress amplitude levels used in this experiment are 0-30%, 20-50% and 40-70% of the uniaxial compression. The uniaxial compressive strength for this granite. As the results, for the stress amplitude level of 0-30%: the elastic modulus under the cyclic loading is approximately constant. However it is recognized that the increase of axial strain during the cyclic loading is loading is largest for the specimen with θ of 30., and it's value under ten thousands cyclic numbers corresponds to 1.27tunes as much as the axial strain given by 20% stress for the uniaxial compressive strength, and that it's uniaxial compressive strength after cyclic loading is lowest for the all stress amplitude conditions. Further, It is clarified that it's volumetric strain only indicates the negative value under 50% and 70% stress levels under cyclic loading.


  • Effect of Structural Anisotropy on Deformation Properties of Granite under Cyclic Loading

    H.Kusumi, Y.Mine, K.Nishida

    Reprinted from Journal of the Society of Materials Science Japan   第46巻第9号1029-1034頁   1997.9

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  • Relationship between apparent electric resistivity and rain fall in fracture zone of rock slope by continious measurment Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, M.Nakamura, K.Nishimura

    Journal of Japan Society for Engineering Geology   38巻2号74-82頁 ( 2 )   74 - 82   1997.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Engineering Geology  

    It is well known that the groundwater in rock slope mainly flow joint, fracture zone, fault and sidcontinuty plane. In this paper, using Dipole-Dipole electric method, the electric resistivities are continuously measured in a rock slope during five rain fall patterns with the measuring line crissubg a fracture zone, and the relationship between the change of apparent electric resistively and the rain fall are discussed. As the results, making a comparison between fracture cones and the other rock mass, the characteristics of the change of apparent electric resistivity is quite different, and the other rock ass, the relationship between the change of apparent electric resistibility and rain fall can be approximated with an exponential function.Key words : rock slope, fracture zone, apparent electric resistively, continuos measurement

    DOI: 10.5110/jjseg.38.74

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/2193

  • Study on new formulation of shear strength for irreqular rock joints

    H.Kusumi, K.Teraoka, K.Nishida

    Proceedings for 36th U. S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and ISRM International Symposium   pp.323-332   1997.6

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    As is known, Ladanyi's shear strength criterion is only applied to the regular triangular joints. The purpose of this study is the proposal of a new shear strength criterion which is applied to irregular joints. First of all, the appropriate estimation method of irregular joint profiles must be quantitatively estimated. The artificial plaster specimens which have four different JRC profiles, and the sandstone specimens including the irregular joint are applied on the direct shear test. The other hand, before direct shear test, in order to estimate the irregular joint surface profile of those specimens, the measurement and analysis of joint surface profile for each specimen using laser profilometer have conducted. As the results, the new experimental equations which exactly represent the shear strength parameters included in Ladanyi's shear strength criterion was proposed, and it is recognized that this new experimental equations can be applied for the rock specimens having the irregular joint.KEYWORDSDiscontinuities, Failure, Joints, Laboratory Tests, Shear Strength, Statistical Analysis


  • Damage Mechanism of Nishinomiya City High School Building due to Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake Reviewed

    K.Nishida, S.Yao, H.Kusumi, T.Nishigata, A.Itou

    第45巻第3号 Ser.No.470 17~20頁 ( 3 )   17 - 20   1997.3

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  • Study on shear strength for rock joints with irregular surface profile Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, K.Terauchi, T.Suzuki, K.Nishida

    Proceedings of the 28th symposium of rock mechanics   173-179頁   1997.1

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    We carried out the experimental study in order to investigate the influence of the surface roughness of rock joints on the shear strength of those. We made some artificial plaster specimens which have three different types of surface profiles, I.e.regular triangular profile, irregular triangular profile and JRC profiles. Al of those specimens are applied on the direct shear test. On the other hand, before directshear test, in order to investigate the method of quantitative estimation of irregular joint profile, the measurement and the analysis of joint profile for each specimen using laser profilometer have conducted. As the results, we proposed the shear strength criteria which is expressed by the power function, and it is recognized that this criteria is applied to various rock joints..Key Words : rock joint , shear strength, JRC, surface roughness, failure criteria, direct shear test.


  • Shear behaviour of joint roughness with two types of asperities

    H.Kusumi, K.Nishimura, T.Suzuki

    Proceedings of prediction and performance in rock mechanics and rock engineering, Eurock'96   pp.127-134   1996.9

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  • Influence of asperity gradient on shear strength of rock joint

    H.Kusumi, T.Suzuki, K.Nishida

    Research reports of relationship between discountinuity rock mass and structurer   1995.12

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  • Prospecting for Small Inclined Jacking Pipe by the Electromagnetic Method Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, K.Kagami, H.Tanaka

    BUTSURI-TANSA (Geophysical Exploration)   第48巻第2号99-106頁   1995.4

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    The electromagnetic system has been applied to search for small jacking pipe. This system consists of an oscillation coil set up on the top of a jacking pipe anda detection coil on the ground surface. The authors have already shown the following: in the case of a horizontal jacking pipe, it is possible to locate the top of the jacking pipe and determine it's depth.When the jacking pipe is inclined, it is very important that the inclination of the jacking pipe can be accurately measured during construction work. In this paper, the analytical solutions of the magnetic field produced by an inclined circular oscillation coil are presented, and basic experiments related to prospecting for inclined jacking pipe by the electromagnetic method are carried out. As a result of these experiments, it is clear that the inclination of jacking pipe can be measured by this prospecting method included the proposed corrective method of measuring value.Key words: electromagnetic method, small jacking pipe, inclination.


  • Study on Actual using Conditions of Groundwater Resources in Minamiyamashiro District at Kyoto Prefecture Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, S.Nishimaki, N.Furumiya

    Journal of Groundwater Hydrology   第37巻第1号55-67頁   1995.2

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    Minamiyamasiro district at Kyoto prefecture is located in the southern part of Kyoto basin. The groundwater in this basin has been used water service, agriculture and industry. We have study about the groundwater resources in Minamiyamashiro district, especially, we investigated agriculture, industry and water service wells respectively in 1983 and 1993 using the hearing inquiry method, and tried to grasp the pumping and the use conditions of groundwater in this area. In this paper, as compared with these data getting by the hearing inquiry in 1983 and 1993, the changing on the actual using conditions of groundwater and on the quantity of the pumping groundwater for ten years in this area are discussed. As the results, it is recognized that the total pumping quantity of the groundwater increase about 10,000,000 ton for ten years, and that the increase of pumping for water services are marked.Key words: Minamiyamashiro district, hearing inquiry method, pumping quantity


  • Relationship between Shear Behaviour and the Estimation of Rock Joint Surface by Statistical Method

    H.Kusumi, T.Tsujiuchi, T.Suzuki, K.Nishida

    Proceedings the 26th Symposium of Rock Mechanics   91-95頁   1995.1

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    The shear behaviour of rock mass depends on the mechanical properties of discontinuity, and these are listed on aperture, strength, weathering, roughness, etc. Especially, it is known that the roughness of discontinuity surface directly affects shear strength of rock mass, however, the relationship between shear behaviour and roughness of discontinuity surface is not completely clear. In this paper, the roughness of discontinuity surface is measured by the laser displacement meter. Using these date, the roughness of discontinuity surface are statistically analyzed, and we are done the direct shear test. As the result, it is recognized that the analytical initial dilation angle obtained by the statistical method are corresponded with the dilation angle obtained by direct shear test under lower normal stress condition.


  • Study on Formulation of Shear Strength for Irregular Rock Joints Reviewed

    H.Kusumi, K.Teraoka, K.Taniguchi

    Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineers   499号13-21頁   1994.9

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    ON this paper, we have tried to apply Ladanyi's shear strength criteria to irregular joints, which is only applicable for regular joints. The measurement and analysis of joint profiles have conducted to estimate quantitative processing of irregular joint roughness, and direct shear tests on plaster-sand specimens which have JRC profiles given by Barton, and coerce grain sandstone have been done. As the results, we proposed experimental equations which exactly represent the shear strength parameters included in Ladanyi's shear strength criteria, and it becomes also applicable for irregular joints rearranging the shear strength parameters by substituting the experimental equations proposed by authors.


  • Relationship between Estimation Method of Joint Roughness and Chracterization of Shear Strength for Rock Joint

    Harushige KUSUMI, Katsumi Teraoka, Keiichiro Taniguchi, Kazuhiko Nishda

    Proceedings of the 9th Japan Symposium on Rock Mechanics   491-496頁   1994.1

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  • Monitoring of groundwater behaviour in rock slope by dipole-dipole electric resistivity technique.

    KUSUMI Harushige, TANIGUCHI Keiichiro, NAKAMURA Makoto

    Proceedings of Safety and Enviroment Issues in Rock Engineering(A. A. Balkema)   1993.6

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  • On prospecting of jacking pipe by electromagnetic method Reviewed

    Journal of The Society of Exploration Geophysists of Japan   46巻3号175-182頁 ( 3 )   p175 - 182   1993.6

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    It becomes very freqent to employ the jacking method for construction of lifeline. Especially, in the case of small diameterpipe, it is very important problem to locate the top of Jacking pipe under operation. The erectromagnetic method deems to be the most suitable method for such purpose. To improve the ability of prospecting, it is desirable to use the primary magnetic field basically than the secondary field. In the present paper, we introduce the acalytical solutions of the magnetic field induced by the circular oscillationcoil and describe theoretical and ezperimental results regarding the ability of an electromagnetic method to loate the top jacking pipe with the results of calculation.Key words: electromagnetic method, magnetic field, small jacking pipe

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/2157

  • Characterization of elastic wave velocity on various rock specimens under uniaxial and repeated stress conditions

    H.Kusumi, Y.Miyazima, H.Inoue, K.Taniguchi

    Engineering and Technology   Vol.10,No.3,59-65頁 ( 3 )   1993.3

  • Application of Continuous Failure State Direct Shear Test on Discontinuous Rocks. Reviewed

    TANIGUCHI/Keiichiro, KUSUMI/Harushige, TERAOKA/Katsumi, OOHASHI/Takao

    Journal of The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan   108巻8号19-26頁   1992.8

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    In the determination of the shear strength of rocks, a lot of similar specimens are needed to obtain satisfactory results, but the preparation of the specimens of same characters invoices great difficulties, especially in the case of discontinuous rocks, It is desirable if the strength envelopes could be obtained from only one specimen. In this study, we carried out two types of CFS tests, and a series of constant stress shear tests for plaster specimens with regular triangular joint. In addition to these tests, we carried out multi-stage shear tests for rock specimens with artificially generated irregular joint. We made comparison of the results obtained by these tests, and examined the applicability of CFS tests.KEYWORDS: Continuous Failure State Test, Discontinuous Rock, Failure Line, Shear Strength


  • Dilation Properties of Regular Discontinuous during Shear. Reviewed

    KUSUMI/Harushige, TERAOKA/Katsumi, TANIGUCHI/Keiichiro

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   430巻   1991.6

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    This paper deals with the influence of joint roughness on the dilation behavior and the shear strength properties. Direct shear tests on seven types of plaster-sand specimens which have the rough discontinuities of regular triangle shapes have been conducted, and the comparison those results with Ladanyi and Archambault's criteria and Patton's criteria was carried out.The results obtained are summarized as follows :(1) The dilation behavior is remarkably affected by the angle of the teeth.(2) The shear strength of regular triangular joints gradually approaches the shear strength of flat joints rather than intact specimens.


  • Application of several electlic resistivity of intact rocks to field rock masses

    Makoto Nakamura, Usao Nishikata, Harushige Kusumi, Yoiti Hatakenaka

    211-215   1991.1

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    Before the underground structures such as tunnels and large caverns will be constructed, seismic prospecting and electrical prospecting for geological surveys are often executed. However, it is few that the velocity of elastic wave and the electric resistivity obtained from these prospecting methods are directly used to the design. In this paper, the relations among electric resistivity, porosity and degree of saturation of various rock specimens were investigated by laboratory tests were compared with the field measurement data obtained by electric prospecting. As a result, it is clarified that the characterization of electric resistivity of some rock cores can be applied on the estimation of in-situ rock mass.


  • Longitudinal Wave Velocity of Anisotropic Rocks under Biaxial Stress Loading. Reviewed

    K.Taniguchi, H.Kusumi, Y.Matsui, K.Teraoka

    Journal of The Society of Exploration Geophysists of Japan   42巻2号271-278頁 ( 4 )   p271 - 278   1989.8

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    P-wave velocity of anisotropic rock specimens in the axial direction was measured under biaxial stress loading. The rock specimens are cut out from the block of Yoshino chlorite schist into the column with the angle between the plane of schistosity and the horizontal plane perpendicular to the axis of the core about 0(S0), 20(S20), 45(S45), 70(S70) and 90(S90). The relationship between P-wave velocity and directions of schistosity has been investigated under various confining pressure. The results obtained are as follows.1) It is recognized that P-wave velocity of rock specimen in the direction parallel to the axis of maximum principal stress is affected by the angle between the plane of schistosity and the horizontal plane.2) The relation between P-wave velocity and the deviator stress is expressed in terms of a hyperbolic function.3) Two constant values defined in a hyperbolic function relate with the initial elastic modulus, confining pressure and P-wave velocity of the rock specimens under the atmospheric pressure.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/2158

  • A Development of Settlement Measuring System using Magnetic Sensor and its Application. Reviewed

    TANIGUCHI/Keiichiro, KUSUMI/Harushige, KIMURA/Koichi, TSUJIMOTO/Katsuhiko

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   409号57-64頁 ( 409 )   57 - 64   1989.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    The new method of measuring settlement using one bore hole which has enable the increase of measuring points during observation were developed. The principle of this method is based on two unique points, one of which is application of a permanent magnet as an indicator of settlement, and the other is the explotation of semi-conductor magnero resistance elements for detecting the magnetic fields. In advance of the observation, the magnets are forced into the earth penetrating the VINYL CHLORIDE casing of bore hole by the oil jack at suitable depths and intervals, and the small sized magneto-resistanve element is much use of realization of this idea. In this paper, the principles of this method, measuring procedure, the special characteristics and potential of this system and the results of field trials are desctibed.Keywords: measuring settlement system, magneto-resistance elements, permanent magnet

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.1989.409_57

    CiNii Books


  • On Measuring Settlement by Magnetic Method at any Depth

    K.Taniguchi, H.Kusumi, T.Sakamoto, K.Kimura

    Marine Geotechnology   8巻1号81-98頁   1989.1

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  • Relation between Deformation Characteristics and P-Wave Velocities of Rock Specimens under Biaxial Stress Loading. Reviewed

    Journal of The Society of Exploration Geophysists of Japan   40巻1号11-21頁   1987.2

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    It is known that the propagation velocities of elastic waves through rocks under compressive stress conditions increase as compared with stress free conditions. Some papers has been reported on the characteristics of velocity variation under axial-stress conditions or under static-water pressure. It seems that some essential different tendencies of P-wave variations between the above stress conditions and the biaxial-stress conditions. We remodeled the pressure cell of triaxial-compression testing machine capable of measuring characters of velocity by means of super-sonic wave, and carried out a series of experiments to examine the characters of velocity change under biaxial-stress conditions. The rock specimens tested are of sandstone, granite, graphite-schist and marble as are typical ones of structures and origins of rocks.The mode of velocity change under the biaxial stresses coincides with that of strain, therefore the relation between velocity and dilation shows the linearer figure than the curve of velocity vs. stress. The increase of velocities ranges from a few percent to 50 percent. The initial velocity under free stress and the gradient of increasing velocity are considered to be related with the rock structure and the composition.


  • Theoretical Study on Compaction of Sand Deposits by Blasting. Reviewed

    KUSUMI/Harushige, TANIGUCHI/Keiichiro

    Soils and Foundation   25巻3号197-205頁 ( 3 )   p197 - 205   1985.9

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  • On Quickning Subsidence of Soil Bank by Blasting. Reviewed

    TANIGUCHI/Keiichito, KUSUMI/Harushige

    Explosion and Explosives   46巻1号10-17頁   1985.1

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    When the artificial vibration is added to the soil layer, the skeleton of the soil structure is destroyed and rearranged for the state of higher density. This is the principle of the dynamic compaction methods which have been used for the improvement of foundation. The authors propose that the blasting in the soil layer as the source of energy may be more effective than the mechanical vibration from the surface. In this paper, the mechanism of soil blasting and the strength of soil are described and the results of two field experiments are discussed comparing with the theoretical considerations.As the results, it is recognized that the instant subsidence caused by the soil blasting corresponds to the several years amount of the natural subsidence.


  • Laboratory Test on Compaction of Sand Deposits by Blasting. Reviewed

    KUSUMI/Harushige, TANIGUCHI/Keiichiro

    Soils and Foundation   24巻2号161-170頁   1984.6

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  • 琵琶湖疏水と千年の地下水脈

    楠見 晴重( Role: Sole author)

    土木技術社・土木技術  2017.2 

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  • 斜面崩壊対策技術 メカニズム・センシング・監視システム・新施工法

    楠見 晴重, 中村 真, 山本 剛, 寺岡 克己( Role: Joint author)

    斜面崩壊対策技術 メカニズム・センシング・監視システム・新施工法  2014.5 

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  • 教育・研究と社会貢献

    楠見 晴重( Role: Sole author)

    大学時報 No.351  2013.7 

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  • 近畿の水 京都水盆~悠久の雅を支える地下水~ 第2回、水が語るもの(水からまなぶ情報誌)

    楠見晴重( Role: Sole author)

    (社)近畿建設協会 技術第一部・水が語るもの(水からまなぶ情報誌)  2010.9 

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  • 近畿の水 京都水盆~悠久の雅を支える地下水~ 第1回、水が語るもの(水からまなぶ情報誌)

    楠見晴重( Role: Sole author)

    (社)近畿建設協会、技術第一部  2010.3 

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  • Practical Question and Answers for a Basic Understanding of Landslides -Living with Slopes-

    KUSUMI Harushige( Role: Joint author)

    Japan Society of Civil Engineers  2005.12 

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  • 地圏環境情報学 地下を診る最先端技術

    楠見 晴重( Role: Joint author)

    山海堂  2005.5 

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  • Pumping simulation using 3D groundwater flow model of southern-yamashiro district at kyoto basin

    KUSUMI Harushige, N.Miyamoto( Role: Joint author)

    Proceedings of EIT-JAPAN-AIT Workshop on Geo-Engineering in Groundwater, Land Subsidence, Exploration Geophysics and Underground Rock Engineering  2004.9 

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  • Application of Geophysical Methods to Engineering and Environmental Problems

    KUSUMI Harushige( Role: Joint author)

    Proceedings of The Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan  2004.5 

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  • 岩盤崩壊の考え方-現状と将来展望-

    楠見 晴重( Role: Joint author)

    土木学会  2004.3 

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  • 最新土質力学(第2版)

    楠見 晴重( Role: Joint author)

    朝倉書店  2003.11 

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  • NHKスペシャル アジア古都物語「京都-千年の水脈」

    楠見 晴重, 井上勝弘, 山田邦和( Role: Joint author)

    NHK出版  2002.11 

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  • Rock Mechanics Reviewed

    ( Role: Joint author)


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  • 地盤工学における物理探査の適用

    楠見 晴重 多数( Role: Joint author)

    地盤工学会  2001.10 

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  • Application Manual of Geophysical Prospectings for Civil Engineering Reviewed

    ( Role: Joint author)

    The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan  2000.5 

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  • Site Investigation and Stabilization Methods for Rock Slopes Reviewed

    KUSUMI/Harushige( Role: Joint author)

    Japan Society for Civil Engineers  1999.10 

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  • On the effective factor for Stability of Sock Slope

    KUSUMI/harushige( Role: Sole author)

    Proceedings of 29th Rock Mechanics Symposium  1999.1 

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  • Geophyical prospecting for slope survey Reviewed

    KUSUMI Harushige, Y.Ito, A.Takeuchi( Role: Joint author)


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  • 講演会・講習会・研修会の報告 第47回通常総会 記念講演会「京都地下に眠る千年の水脈」


    Vol.80   7 - 22   2023.8

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  • 京都府 京都水盆と琵琶湖疎水 都を支えた水のかたち

    楠見 晴重

    味の素AGF㈱企業サイト   2022.4

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  • 水人之交 大阪の地盤と地下水のしくみ

    楠見 晴重

    一般社団法人都市技術センター・人と地球のうるおいマガジンメール   10月号Vol31、p.10   2021.10

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  • 酒造と地下構造物

    楠見 晴重

    コンクリート工学   Vol.59 No.4,p354   2021.4

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  • ひと 新役員紹介『令和元年を迎えて』

    楠見 晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部・支部だより   p.2   2019.7

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  • 「京都・大阪・神戸の地下水文化」Essay

    楠見 晴重

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部設立60周年記念誌   p.39   2019.3

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  • パネルディスカッション「シニア技術者の社会貢献について」コーディネイター

    楠見 晴重

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部創立60周年記念企画特別会員・個人会員(シニア)向け企画~第 2回地盤工学サロン~   2019.1

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  • 不連続変形法と粒子法を用いた土石流のための連成数値解析に関する研究

    久野 実希子, 大西 有三, 楠見 晴重

    第21回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム   ポスター発表   2017.1

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  • リスクマネジメント手法を用いた水源揚水井の長寿命化に関する研究

    中寺 美月, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三

    第21回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム   ポスター発表   2017.1

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  • 強靭な国つくりを担う国際人育成のための中核拠点

    楠見 晴重

    大学の世界展開力強化事業   2014.11

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  • FDEM探査による計測手法およびモニタリングに関する研究

    楠見 晴重

    研究報告第37号   2014.7

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  • 京都 千年の地下水脈-悠久の雅を支える地下水-


    平成24年電気関係学会関西連合大会   講演論文集pp.11~16   2012.12

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  • Greetings from Kansai University!


    Dynamics of Traditional Research Societies in a Rapidiy Changing World   51-52   2011.9

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  • 古都に眠る千年の地下水脈~悠久の雅を支える地下水~

    楠見 晴重

    日本音響学会誌 67巻2号   pp.93-98   2011.7

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  • 潜在リスク社会と都市空間の脆弱性~都市に潜むリスクの分析~

    石垣泰輔, 楠見晴重, 坂野昌弘, 島田広昭, 西形達明, 北詰恵一, 鶴田浩章, 尾﨑平

    技宛 2011 NO.132   pp.115-115   2011.3

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  • 地下水から見える関西文化の源泉


    協同組合関西地盤環境研究センター創立30周年記念誌   pp.50-51   2011.3

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  • インドシナ地域における降雨に起因する地すべりの発生機構に関する調査研究

    大津宏康, 楠見晴重

    科学研究費補助基盤研究(B)海外 研究成果報告書   2011.3

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  • Geo-Environmental Laboratory,Kansai University;Organazed by The 14th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics in Kyoto(RAEG2010)



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  • 古都1200年の雅を支えた地下水の解明~それは豊穣な地下水に秘められていた!~


    土木学会・地域づくり事業例集「行動する技術者たち」-地域に貢献する土木の知恵の再認識-   44-45   2010.9

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  • 潜在リスク社会と都市空間の脆弱性―都市に潜むリスクの分析

    石垣泰輔, 楠見晴重, 坂野昌弘, 北詰恵一, 鶴田浩章, 尾崎平

    関西大学先端科学技術推進機構, 技苑   第128号, pp.96-100   2009.3

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  • 京都の歴史文化と地下水


    『防災環境と物理探査』 に関するシンポジウム講演会資料, (社) 物理探査学会   2009.3

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  • 地域再生センター研究員の実績

    江川直樹, 石垣泰輔, 楠見晴重, 坂野昌弘, 白石真澄, 岡絵里子, 北詰恵一, 木下光, 倉田純一, 西澤英和, 橋寺知子, 橋本理, 鳴海邦碩

    第13回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウムポスターセッション資料集, 関西大学先端科学技術推進機構   2009.2

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  • 第13回関西大学先端技術シンポジウム, 第1回地域再生センターシンポジウム, 「(社会基盤) 工学と景観-持続的な世界地域再生への指標-」

    塩﨑賢明, 西川和廣, 楠見晴重, 北詰恵一, 森光由紀, 鳴海邦碩


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  • 水シンポジウム 「吹田から世界の水問題を考える」

    西村六善, 楠見晴重, 槇村久子, 小口美津夫, 阪口善雄


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  • 京都・地下に眠る千年の地下水脈-歴史都市と地下水-


    第114回深田研談話会, (財) 深田地質研究所ニュース   No.100, 8-9   2009.1

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  • 地盤汚染の環境評価および拡散防止技術に関する研究委員会


    (社) 地盤工学会関西支部50周年記念誌, (社) 地盤工学会関西支部   202-203   2008.11

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  • 災害に強い斜面・法面の構築


    (社) 地盤工学会関西支部50周年記念誌, (社) 地盤工学会関西支部   30   2008.11

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  • 京都盆地の地下水


    酒研会報,京都酒造工業研究会,京都市産業技術研究所   pp. 1-7   2008.8

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  • 災害に強い斜面・法面の構築


    日刊建設産業新聞   16   2008.5

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  • 地下に眠る千年の水脈


    関西大学おおさか文化セミナーテキスト,関西大学社会連携センター   pp. 11-17   2008.5

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  • 老朽化吹付け法面の調査対策と景観を保全した斜面安定工法


    第12回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集,関西大学先端科学技術推進機構   77-84   2008.1

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  • 京都の地下にもうひとつの琵琶湖,water[水:mizu]


    株式会社ワールドフォトプレス   62-63   2007.11

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  • 京の水脈シリーズ⑥「おいしい水・地下水」


    三洋化成ニュース   No.444,5-6   2007.9

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  • 老朽化吹付け法面の調査手法


    ベース設計資料,土木編,建設工業調査会   NO.134,30-33   2007.9

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  • 琵琶湖に匹敵する豊かな地下水を擁する京の都


    サライ,小学館,別冊付録   NO.19,2-3   2007.9

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  • 道路整備の中期計画に向けて有職者アンケート


    国土交通省ホームページ   2007.8

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  • 京都 千年の地下水脈



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  • 京の水脈シリーズ⑤「おいしい水・地下水」


    三洋化成ニュース   No.443,5-6   2007.7

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  • 京の水脈シリーズ④「京の文化・伝統産業と地下水」


    三洋化成ニュース   No.442,5-6   2007.5

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  • 京の水脈シリーズ③「平安京と地下水」


    三洋化成ニュース   No. 441, 5-6   2007.3

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  • ジョイントセッション「自然保護と資源保全の一つの試み」

    公文正人, 竹田昭雄, 楠見晴重

    温泉研究, 温泉学会   No. 4, 101-114   2007.2

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  • 京の水脈シリーズ②「京都水盆の地下水収支」


    三洋化成ニュース   No. 440, 5-6   2007.1

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  • 京の水脈シリーズ①「京都水盆」


    三洋化成ニュース   No. 439, 5-6   2006.11

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  • 巻頭言、地盤汚染のリスク評価および調査対策講習会資料


    地盤汚染の環境評価および拡散防止技術に関する研究委員会,地盤工学会関西支部   2006.10

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  • 地盤汚染のリスク評価および調査対策

    楠見 晴重

    (社)地盤工学会関西支部地盤汚染の環境評価および拡散防止技術に関する研究員会   2006.10

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  • 城陽市における地盤及び地下水環境保全に関する調査研究委託(委託者:城陽市)

    楠見 晴重


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  • 地下水を利用した環境共生型蓄熱システムの構築に関する浸透,圧密,熱移動のシミュレーション解析


    平成17年度地下水涵養研究委員会研究活動報告書,地下水地盤環境に関する研究協議会   15-20   2006

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  • 切り土斜面の健全度判定を目的とする弾性波探査自動計測システムの評価、及び斜面健全度評価基準に関する研究(受託者:日本物理探鑛鑛株式会社)



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  • 台湾土木学会からの招聘による特別講演「環境・景観を保全した斜面防災」


    正修科技大学   2006

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  • 地盤の可視化とその評価法

    楠見 晴重

    土木学会関西支部 平成17年度講習会テキスト   1-29~1-31,1-48~1-57   2005.10

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  • 地球科学


    「はじめの一歩」関西大学   40   2005.3

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  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定


    ベース設計資料,建設工業調査会   No.124,34―38   2005.3

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  • 沿岸都市域における地下水総合管理のための地下涵養モデルの構築

    楠見晴重 他

    平成14年度~平成16年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(1)),研究成果報告書   104―113   2005.3

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  • 「京都水盆」で話題に,地盤研究で安全な社会を


    関西大学地盤システム工学研究室,「ふれあい近畿」(社)近畿建設協会   10―11   2005.2

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  • 会議報告,Eurock2005, ISRM Council Meeting およびARMS Council Meeting 参加報告


    岩の力学ニュース,岩の力学連合会   No.77, 5-6   2005

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  • 京往開来, 地下水研究で思うこと, 京を知る


    国土交通省近畿地方整備局京都国道事務所   Vol. 8   2005

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  • 琵琶湖級の巨大水甕が水を美味しくしていた


    季刊誌 「cameyo」 冬隣号   28-31   2005

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  • 景観・樹木を保全した斜面安定工法の開発に関する研究(受託者:株式会社ダイカ)



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  • 地下水をコントロールして安全・快適な都市づくりに貢献


    「Reed」関西大学ニューズレター   No.3,9―10   2004.10

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  • 斜面安定化工法

    楠見 晴重, (株)ダイカ

    特許庁   特許第3566219号   2004.6

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  • Trial of field rock mass evaluation by electric resistivity of jointed rock mass model

    NAKAMURA Makoto, KUSUMI Harushige

    109   149 - 152   2003.10

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    CiNii Books


  • 京都の地下水(三) 京都水盆

    楠見 晴重, KUSUMI Harushige


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  • 京都の地下水(二) 京都盆地の地質構造

    楠見 晴重, KUSUMI Harushige


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  • 岩石の地質的特性評価測定装置

    楠見 晴重, 関西電力, ニュージェック

    特許庁   2001.3

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  • 兵庫県南部地震による地盤災害と復興のための技術

    西田 一彦, 楠見 晴重, 西形 達明

    関西大学工業技術研究所研究報告   16   35 - 39   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • トンネル切羽前方探査に関する調査研究

    楠見 晴重


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  • 電気探査比抵抗法を用いた連続計測による岩盤斜面内の破砕帯部のモニタリング

    楠見 晴重, 西田 一彦

    技苑   ( 92 )   51 - 56   1997.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学工業技術研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • 特集 阪神・淡路大震災--兵庫県南部地震による地盤災害と復興のための技術

    西田 一彦, 楠見 晴重, 西形 達明

    技苑   ( 90 )   3 - 7   1997.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学工業技術研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Relationship between the electric resistivity and the rain fall in discontinuity zone of rock slope by the continuous measurement

    95   219 - 223   1996.10

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    CiNii Books


  • Influence of pore water on velocity of elastic wave in a rock under triaxial stress.

    か武徳, 楠見晴重, 谷口敬一郎, 宮嶋保幸

    土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 第3部   46th   1991

  • Characteristics of sand compaction by impact load

    30 ( 8 )   p11 - 16   1982.8

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  • Prediction of future water levels in pressure observation wells with multiple pumping wells using machine learning

    Masaaki Moriya, Yeboon Yun, Harushige Kusumi


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • Predicting future water levels in pumping wells in confined aquifers using a combination of machine learning and regression analysis

    Mio Onishi, Yeboon Yun, Harushige Kusumi


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • Construction of 3D ground using machine learning in Fushimi area, Kyoto City

    Masatoki Sawada, Takafumi Kitaoka, Yeboon Yun, Harushige Kusumi


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    In the Fushimi area of Kyoto City , sake brewing using groundwater has been active for a long time , but due to concerns about groundwater contamination and the possibility of further use of groundwater in the future , new technology for strata interpolation of clay layers that naturally protects from contamination has not been introduced . Using machine learning based on existing boring data , we predicted the layer thickness and constructed a three-dimensional model of the strata , and confirmed that the layer thickness of the aquifer and clay layer in the deep layer , where there are many boring data deficiencies , is constant.



    Masanari Nakata, Yeboon Yun, Harushige Kusumi


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    Face condition evaluation is for NATM tunneling. However ,the low safety and work efficiency of this method , as well as its lack of objectivity , have been recognized as problems. For this reason, this study aims to quantitatively evaluate the frequency , condition, and morphology of fractures and the weathering and alteration of a face using depth leaning. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) were used for the three cracks, and weathering area ratio was detected the HSV color space for the weathering alteration item. Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) was also applied to examine whether the CNN cold actually evaluate rock fractures as a basis for judgment.


  • Rock mass evaluation of NATM tunnel face considering geological area by machine learning

    Kengo Nagae, Karnallisa Desmy Halim, Yeboon Yun, Harushige Kusumi, Akinobu Nishio


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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  • 「水盆」「水脈」をめぐる、京都の水ストーリー Invited

    Harushige Kusumi

    Kyoto City Urban Strategy Greate a Virtuous Circle of culture and Economy  2023.11 

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  



  • 京都千年の都と地下水



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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 地盤工学問題に対するAIの活用

    Harushige KUSUMI


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  • 京都・地下に眠る千年の水脈

    Harushige KUSUMI


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  • Evaluation of rock joint on construction tunnel face using convolutional neural network

    Karnallisa Desmy HALIM, YUN,Yeboon, Nishio,Akinobu, KUSUMI Harushige


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  • 機械学習による密集した揚水井の揚水に伴う観測井水位の将来予測

    澤田 雅言, 楠見 晴重, 尹 禮分

    公益社団法人 土木学会  2022.9 

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    京都盆地は地下水が豊富で 古来より地下水利用が盛んな地域である 本研究は 酒造 に地下水を利用している 酒蔵会社が密集 している京都市伏見区を対象として 地下水利 用に伴う深井戸・浅井戸観測井水位の将来予測手法として機械学習の適用を試み 予測値と実測値との 比較検討を行った.


  • 機械学習によるNATM工法トンネルにおける切羽面の岩盤評価

    Karnallisa Desmy HALIM, 尹 禮分, 楠見 晴重

    公益社団法人 土木学会  2022.9 

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    New Austrian Tunneling Method NATM工法 で建設された 山岳トンネル において,地山の工学的な性質によって分類され,その 判定に応じて地山 を安定化させるための 支保パターンを設定している. 現在の技術では,トンネル地山等級判定は熟練した技術者によってトンネル切羽面 の岩盤強度や不連続を 観察し,9項目を 4段階で点数付けを行われている.しかし, 技術者の経験に基づく岩盤判定に対する基準の個人差が生じ ,統一的かつ標準的法とはいえない.また,少子高齢化による人手不足や 建設現場における安全向上のため,近年,さまざまな社会インフラの各段階で人工知 能が導入されている. そこで,本研究では,機械学習(サポートベクターマシン)を導入することにより, 切羽面の岩盤を評価する手法について検討を行った。


  • CNNによる岩石標本判定レベルへの一考察

    北岡 貴文, 山本 雄平, 幸地 夏樹, 辻野 裕之, 楠見 晴重

    地盤工学会  2022.7 

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  • Evaluation of natm tunnel cutting face in japan using machine learning

    Karnallisa Desmy HALIM, YUN,Yeboon, KUSUMI Harushige

    ARMA  2022.6 

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  • 機械学習による京都盆地における被圧帯水層の水源揚水井水位の将来予測

    大西 望央, 平川 将寛, 尹 禮分, 楠見 晴重

    土木学会関西支部  2022.5 

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  • 京都の地下水と文化

    楠見 晴重

    京都市技術管理委員会技術研修部会主催研修  2022.1 

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  • 京都 千年の地下水

    楠見 晴重

    京都ロータリークラブ  2021.10 

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  • Future Prediction Curve of between Groundwater Level and Time with Deep Pumping Well Using MachineLearning

    Hirakawa Masahiro, YUN,Yeboon, KUSUMI Harushige

    Kansai University  2021.8 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • Evaluation of Rock Fracture with Tunnel Face using Convolutional Neural Network

    Enami,Daiki, YUN,Yeboon, Nishio,Akinobu, KUSUMI Harushige

    Kansai University  2021.8 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • 京都 千年の地下水

    楠見 晴重

    土木学会関西支部  2021.4 

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  • 京都 千年の地下水

    楠見 晴重

    岩の力学連合会  2021.1 

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    Kaneko,Genki, Enami,Daiki, YUN,Yeboon, KUSUMI Harushige, Nishio,Akinobu


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  • 京都 千年の地下水脈

    楠見 晴重

    山口大学  2019.11 

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  • A study on estimation of groundwater abundance in Echizen Ono basin by gravity exploration

    Nitta,Shinya, KUSUMI Harushige, Kaeriyama Toshiaki


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  • Design for Support Patterns of NATM Tunnel using Machine Learning

    Kaneko,Genki, KUSUMI,Harushige, YUN,Yeboon, Nishio,Akinobu


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  • Design for Support Patterns of NATM Tunnel Using Machine Learning

    Yeboon Yun, Genki Kaneko, Harushige Kusumi, Akinobu Nishio, Tsutomu Kurotani

    ICITG  2019.10 

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    Venue:Centro Cultural Vila FlorAvenida D. Afonso Henriques, 7014810-431 Guimarães  

    NATM(New Austrian Tunnelig Method) known as sequential excavation method, is a construction method of mountain tunnels. Support patterns by NATM in Japan are designed by experienced experts regarding an overall evaluation based on the condition of a cutting face, the condition of an underground surface, compressive strength, weathering, condition joints, joins set, joint spacing, orientation of joint spring water and deterioration due to water. however, current decision methods on support patterns require expertise, and moreover, there often exists discrepancy in judements. Therefore, in this research, we try to build expert systems on design of support patterns in tunnel construction using support vector machines (SVM) which is a kind of statistical machine learning. SVM has been widely applied to various pattern classification and regression problems and recognized to be powerful learning methhod. We will also show through some real data that the proposed expert systems using SVM can suggest reasonable and objective design of tunnel support patterns.


  • 確率制御理論を援用した水源揚水井の最適洗浄方策に関する考察

    兼清 泰明, 楠見 晴重, 久保 潤平

    土木学会  2019.9 

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  • 近年の集中豪雨におけるロックボルト・ロープネット斜面安定工法の適用性

    河野 遼登, 楠見 晴重, 下村 康太朗, 寺岡 克己

    土木学会  2019.9 

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    平成30年7月5日~7日にかけて発生した平成30年7月豪雨により、日本各地で斜面崩壊が頻発した。本研究では、樹木を伐採せず施工可能なロックボルト・ロープネット斜面安定工法の敷設が行われている斜面とされていない斜面が混在する道路斜面を対象として、土壌雨量指数の変化とスネーク曲線の変化に基づき、本工法の表層崩壊への適用性について検討した。 対象地域において、平成30年7月5日~7日にかけての土壌雨量指数とスネーク曲線から、対象地域は、斜面崩壊の危険性があり、実際に斜面崩壊が発生した。しかし、本工法を施工している斜面は崩壊しなかったことから本工法は、大きな豪雨においても十分機能することが認められた。


  • 重力探査による越前大野盆地の地下水賦存量の推定に関する研究

    新田 真也, 楠見 晴重

    土木学会  2019.9 

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  • 機械学習によるトンネル切羽の岩盤判定と支保パターン決定に関する研究

    金子 元紀, 楠見 晴重, 尹 禮分, 西尾 彰宣

    土木学会  2019.9 

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  • 土壌雨量指数によるロックボルト・ロープネット斜面安定工法の適用性

    河野 遼登, 楠見 晴重, 下村 康太郎, 寺岡 克己

    (社)土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会講演概要集  2019.5 

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  • ゲリラ豪雨下におけるロープネットとロックボルトを用いた斜面安定化工法の有効性について

    寺岡 克己, 川上 博行, 楠見 晴重

    地盤工学会  2018.11 

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  • 不連続変形法と粒子法を用いた固体と流体の連成数値解析に関する研究

    久野 実希子, 三木 茂, 大西 有三, 佐々木 猛, 楠見 晴重

    第45回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム  2018.1 

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  • 不連続変形法と粒子を用いた土石流における成数値解析関す研究

    久野 実希子, 三木 茂, 佐々木 猛, 大西 有三, 楠見 晴重

    Kansai Geo-Symposium 2017 -地下水地盤環境・防災・計測技術に関するシンポジウム-  2017.11 

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  • 京都府南山城地域における水源揚井の維持管理関す研究

    中寺 美月, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三

    Kansai Geo-Symposium 2017 -地下水地盤環境・防災・計測技術に関するシンポジウム-  2017.11 

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  • The evaluation of performance degradation of pumping well for water resource

    Mizuki Nakatera, Harushige Kusumi, Yuzo Ohnishi, Kenji Takahashi

    EIT-JGCA  2017.8 

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    Venue:Bangkok ,Thailand  

    Kyoto basin abounds good quality groundwater whose quantity is estimated 21.1 billion tons. At Minami-yamashiro region, this good quality groundwater is pumped up as a head of a waterworks. In order to pump groundwater, it is necessary to use the well. When we use it for many years, the pumping capacity of the well is reduced, eventually it falls into malfuction. Current state of maintenance is washing of well and interval of the maintenance is determined based on an exper's empirical rules. Therefore, a management system for quantitative maintenance is not established yet. In particular, it is a problem that the performance assessment method for a well is not established. Accordingly, based on the past pumping date, we examine the performance assessment for wells in the region and then we propose prediction models for a well performance assessment for wells in the region and then we propose prediction models for a well performance with time. Moreover, in order to build the strategic and rational maintenance plan of the well, we apply the economic analysis method.


  • Coupling Analysis of Water flow and Rock Mass Using MPS Method and DDA for Debris Flow on a Rock Slope

    Mikiko Kuno, Shigeru Miki, Yuzo Ohnishi, Rakeshi Sasaki, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-JGCA  2017.8 

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    Venue:Bangkok ,Thailand  

    Heavy rain and intimidating typhoon often cause slope failure and debris flow in Japan and other Asian areas. Numerical solutions have been reported by using FEM in coupling behavior of solid and water. Typical example is a consolidation problem in which water is squeezed from soil skeleton by external load. However, these processes could not be solved by conventional FEM. This paper deals with coupling between solid and fluid in discontinuous rock and soil mass, especially rock and water mixed debris flow. This study presents a new approach in which rock block movement is solved by DDA (Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) and water movement inside the rock mass is solved by MPS (Moving Particle Simulation) method separately. Then they are coupled in the calculation to account for the mutual interaction. To analyze the coupling between the water flow and the falling blocks of rock, this study introduces the equivalent external forces for the falling blocks of rock caused by the water flow. The velocities are calculated for the fluid flow based on MPS. MPS analyzes the part of fluid alone and DDA analyzes the part of solid alone to set the initial state of the analysis. After the results is superimposed, the coupling analysis is carried out.


  • 不連続変形法と粒子法による 連成数値解析に関する研究

    久野 実希子, 三木 茂, 大西 有三, 佐々木 猛, 楠見 晴重

    第14回岩の力学国内シンポジウム講演集  2017.1 

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    Venue:兵庫県 神戸市  


  • Analysis about decrease in performance of pumping well in water source and management plan in Kyoto Prefecture Minamiyamashiro region

    Mizuki Nakatera, Harushige Kusumi, Yuzo Ohnishi

    EIT-JSCE  2016.8 

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    Venue:Bangkok ,Thailand  

    Kyoto basin abounds good quality groundwater whose quantity is estimated 21.1 billion tons. The amount of groundwater is comparable to the Lake Biwa. At Joyo City and Yawata City that belong to Minami-yamashiro region, this good quality groundwater is pumped up as a head of a waterworks. Usually, when a well is used for many years, a clog will occur on a strainer in an aquifer and the performance of a well degrades. However, to bore a new well requires huge cost.Therefore, current state of the countermeasures for performance degradation is washing of a well. Interval of this maintenance of washing is determined based on an expert’s empirical rules. Unfortunately, a management system for quantitative maintenance is not established yet. In particular, it is a problem that the performance assessment method for a well is not established. Accordingly, based on the past pumping data of the target region, we examine the performance assessment for wells in the region and then we propose prediction models for well performance with time. Moreover, in order to build the strategic and rational maintenance plan of the wells, we apply the economic analysis method.


  • Rock mass and water coupling analysis for debris flow by combining DDA and MPS

    Mikiko Kuno, Shigeru Miki, Yuzo Ohnishi, Takeshi Sasaki, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-JSCE  2016.8 

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    Venue:Bangkok ,Thailand  

    Climate change may cause natural hazards of heavy rain and typhoon, then they trigger slope failure and debris flow at many slopes in Japan and other Asian areas.In the form of limit analysis with c and , water pressures are often imposed in the equation. Stability of slope is evaluated by a factor of safety for a slope with this method. However, the limit analysis cannot analyze the time-dependent process of slope failure.Usual slope stability analysis for discontinuous media such as DEM or DDA (Discontinuous Deformation analysis) only considers movement of soils and rocks and in these cases water is taken into account implicitly. However, it is known that water explicitly affect stability of rock mass. This study presents a new approach in which rock block movement is solved by DDA and water movement is solved by MPS (Moving Particle Simulation) separately. To analyze the coupling between the water flow and the falling blocks of rock, this study introduces the equivalent external forces for the blocks of rock caused by the water flow.


  • Comprehensive evaluation system of slopes by conversion analysis using multiple geophysical prospecting methods

    Takaya Masumitsu i, Harushige Kusumi, Yuzo Ohnish

    EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Human Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2015  2015.9 

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  • Simulation Analysis of 3D Seepage Groundwater Flow in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto basin

    Kasuga Amino, Yuzo Ohnishi, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Human Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2015  2015.9 

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  • Slope stability by using the rock-bolt and rope-net method intended for the scoria

    Chang chih-kun, Harushige Kusumi, Yuzo Ohnishi, Katsumi Teraoka

    EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Human Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2015  2015.9 

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  • Analysis about decrease in performance of pumping wells in water source and consideration of optimum management plan about the maintenance

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Takuya Yamamoto, Yuzo Ohnishi, Harushige Kusumi

    EIT-JSCE Joint International Symposium on International Human Resource Development for Disaster-Resilient Countries 2015  2015.9 

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  • Pumping simulation using 3D analysis on an aging well

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi, Yuzo Ohnishi

    JCRM  2014.10 

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    In the management and usage of groundwater resource, we need to work on an accurate grasp of the current situation and to make a future vision in the region where groundwater exploitation is active. The examined region is surrounded by mountains formed by a bowl shaped depression in the Paleozoic strata and granite. The paleozoic strata basin rock is an impermeable bed upon which there is a permeable diluvium and then alluvium. It is estimated a lot of groundwater is saved. In the past research, we performed pumping simulation analysis for the pumping well of waterworks in order to consider the influence on the groundwater level by pumping quantitatively. As a result, the fluctuation of water level by many pumping wells was able to be reproduced. However, in some wells, the tendency for a groundwater level decreasing was not reproduced, despite of having fixed or stopped the pump discharge. If a pumping well continues to pump groundwater for a long time, various groundwater ! obstacles like the fall of the groundwater level or required amount of water can not be acquired and others will surface. One of the possible reasons for this is the weakening of temporal well capability which originates from a clog in a screen in many cases. In this research, we examined quantitatively the characteristics of water-decline-level of an aging well by improving a past model and performing pumping simulation analysis.


  • 自己組織化マップを利用した複合物理探査による切土斜面の定量的評価法に関する研究

    増満 岳也, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三, 上出 定幸

    公益社団法人 土木学会  2014.9 

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  • 京都府南山城地域における大容量揚水井の老朽化に関する研究

    山本 卓也, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三

    公益社団法人 土木学会  2014.9 

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    本研究の対象地域である京都府南山城地方は、良質な地下水が豊富にありその貯水量は211 億t とされ、琵琶湖の水量275 億t に匹敵する。京都府南山城地方に属する城陽市と八幡市は、上水道水源を地下水にそれぞれ約80%、約50%依存しており、地下水利用が盛んな地域である。揚水井は長期間にわたり使用し続けていると、揚水能力が低下し、最終的には機能不全状態に至る。揚水井の掘り替えには膨大なコストがかかるため、経験則に基づいて洗浄工事を行い井戸の長寿命化を図っているが、維持管理に関する定量的な検討は十分に行われていない。そこで、研究対象地域の揚水井15 本の井戸について、約30 年にわたる地下水位と揚水データや洗浄工事の記録を分析することで、揚水井の維持管理計画に関する検討を行った。


  • Simulation Analysis of 3D Seepage Groundwater Flow in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto.

    YAMAMOTO Takuya, OHNISHI Yuzo, KUSUMI Harushige

    EIT-JSCE  2014.8 

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    Venue:Bangkok ,Thailand  


  • Multi evaluations system by self-organizing maps using three geophysical prospectings.

    MASUMITSU Takaya, KUSUMI Harushige, OHNISHI Yuzo, KAMIDE Sadayuki

    EIT-JSCE  2014.8 

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    Venue:Bangkok ,Thailand  

    In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads. Now, the slopes have been aging, therefore it is important to estimate the soundness of the aging slopes and maintain slopes effectually. So, in situs, we usually carry out seismic wave method, surface wave method, and electromagnetic method as geophysical prospecting method. However, we cannot comprehensively interpret the result of each geophysical prospecting in a numerical formula of the engineering now. Therefore, we take notice of self-organizing maps used widely in a field of the information processing engineering, and tried to interpret multidimensional data by integrating. In this paper, we classified the ground property by self-organizing maps. The classification result is relatively conformal with boring data. Therefore, it is recognized that it can be used to improve the interpretive accuracy of multiple geophysical prospecting. And, it can be shown that this technique is effective to estimate of the ground property of the aging slopes.


  • Comprehensive evaluation system regarding Self-Organizing Maps by using three sets of geophysical prospecting data of cut slopes.

    MASUMITSU Takaya, OHNISHI Yuzo, KUSUMI Harushige

    Cheng Shiu University  2014.8 

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    Venue:Taiwan, Kaohsiung  

    It is important to develop a method for understanding the stability and the durability of these slopes by using “geophysical prospecting method”. However, we have a limitation to interpret the data from one geophysical prospecting method. In this paper, we focus on using multiple geophysical prospecting methods. Then, we tried to evaluate the data from multiple geophysical prospecting methods by applying Self-organizing maps (SOM).


  • The evaluation of the poor performance of pumping wells.

    YAMAMOTO Takuya, OHNISHI Yuzo, KUSUMI Harushige

    Cheng Shiu University  2014.8 

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    Venue:Taiwan, Kaohsiung  


  • 京都府伏見地域における3次元地下水揚水シミュレーション解析

    山本 卓也, 北岡 隆文, 大西 有三, 楠見 晴重, 増田 徳兵衛

    土木学会関西支部  2014.5 

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    京都市伏見地域には良質な地下水が豊富にあり,多くの酒造会社が立ち並ぶ.この地域では,酒造りに年間およそ150 万トンの地下水を揚水する程,地下水を多く利用している.しかし,無計画な地下水利用は,地盤沈下や局地的な地下水の枯渇を引き起こす恐れがある.そこで,京都市伏見地区を対象とした地下水シミュレーションモデルを構築し,このモデルを用いた地下水利用に関する検討を行った.


  • 自己組織化マップを利用した複合物理探査による斜面地盤の工学的評価法に関する研究

    増満 岳也, 楠見 晴重, 大西 有三, 上出 定幸

    土木学会関西支部  2014.5 

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  • Simulation Analysis of 3D Seepage Groundwater Flow and Making of 3D Geological Structure Model in Multilayered Ground

    Takuya Yamamoto, Harushige Kusumi, Takafumi Kitaoka

    EIT-JSCE  2013.9 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  

    In the management and a usage of a groundwater resource, we need to work on an accurate grasp of the current situation and to make a future vision in the region where the groundwater exploitation is active. In this research, we aim at the creation of the three-dimensional geological structure model in multilayered ground and the three-dimensional seepage flow analysis of groundwater by using the model. The area in this research exist many multi-layers which are alternately stratified gravel layers and clay layers. Firstly, based on bowling log and an altitude distribution map, we grasped the topography and the geological structure of a target area. Secondly, based on boring log, we interpolated the layer thickness of every layer in a model by using the Kriging method. The outline of the three-dimensional geological structure is completed by piling them up. Thirdly, considering of the position of pumping wells and the layer thickness distribution, we divided mesh. Finally, we reproduced groundwater flow by conducting groundwater analysis, and created the figure which visualized the groundwater flow.


  • Relation between Rock Bolt Setting and Shear Strength of Reinforced Ground by Rope Net and Rock Bolt Method

    Hiroyoshi Nakashima, Harushige Kusumi, Katuhiko Teraoka

    EIT-JSCE  2013.9 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  

    Many unstable slopes exist about 1000 slope failures each year have occurred in Japan. An about 90% of the failed slope is natural slope having the tree vegetation and the failure occurred in the surface ground within 3 meters in depth. The slope failure is mainly caused from the heavy rain and small earthquake. While the failures have to be prevented, the natural environment such as trees and vegetations on the slope has to be also maintained. Therefore, the retaining structure and the shotcrete, which have to cut the trees on the slope, are not suitable from the point of view of the conservation of natural state. From this point, the rock bolt and rope net method is developed to protect the slope failure with the nature conservation. The purpose of this research is to understand the mechanism of the reinforcement effect of rock bolt setting of the method. The shear test by the model 1/10 scale is conducted. As a result, it is clarified that the rock bolt setting has a large effect on the slope behavior.


  • The Chairman the external evaluation committee of the Global COE

    Harushige Kusumi


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  • Relation with Shear-Strength and Water Contents of Reinforced Slope by Rope-net and Rock-bolt Method

    Hiroyoshi nakasima, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Katsumi Teraoka

    EIT-JSCE  2012.9 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  

    There are many unstable slopes in mountainous and valley areas in Japan. Approximately 1000 slope failures have occurred. Approximately 90% of these were surface failures, occurring at a depth of less than 3m. In Japan, as in addition to earthquakes, extreme weather conditions such as typhoons, heavy rain and heavy snow often occur, landslides present a serious danger. Moreover, environmental problems such as global warming need to also be considered. One effective counter-measure is the preservation and growth of CO2 absorbing forests. In response to these needs, this research, presents a new method of slope stabilization which can prevent slope collapses, while also considering the environment and scenery. This method utilizes rock-bolts, rope-nets, and pressure plates as reinforcing materials, while also minimizing the need to remove trees, in order to preserve forests. This research utilizes shearing tests at a 1/10 scale, in order to clarify the effectiveness of reinforcements utilizing this method in decomposed granite soil with a modified water content. As a result, it was found that the effect of the reinforcement method contributed significantly to the behavior of each material.


  • 3D Seepage Flow Simulation of Groundwater by Divided Ground Models in Kyoto Basin

    Shuhei Kotani, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Takafumi Kitaoka

    EIT-JSCE  2012.9 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  

    In this research, we chiefly conducted on-site measurement and analysis to examine how the pumping wells influence groundwater behavior. And, we tried to reproduce the water level decreases of the pumping well caused by well aging. First of all, we understood the influence on the fluctuation of water level by a difference in geographical feature or geology conditions, based on long-term data concerning pumping discharge and groundwater level at each pumping well in the waterworks. Next, we created the wide-ranged analytical model including all the wells for analysis. And, we created models which use the water head value acquired by the wide-ranged model as a boundary condition, and performed a simulation. Finally, we tried to reproduce the water level decreases of the pumping wells caused by well aging by using the made models. As a result, it can be seen from our research that the fluctuation of water evel caused by group wells has been reproduced accurately by using our model for this present study. And, the analysis considering the well aging was reproduced the water level decreases caused by strainer clogging.


  • Multi Evaluations System of Three Geophysical Prospectings by Self-Organizing Maps

    Takaya Ofuji, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto

    EIT-JSCE  2012.9 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  

    In Japan, in the high economic growth period in 1960’s, a great number of slopes were formed to construct many roads. Now, the slopes have been aging, it is important to estimate the health of the aging slope and maintain slopes effectually. So, in situs, we usually carry out seismic wave method, surface wave method, and electric method. However, there is not the technique to compound and interpret the result of each geophysical prospectings in a numerical formula of the engineering now. Therefore, we notice to self-organizing maps used widely in a field of the information processing engineering, and tried to interpret multidimensional data by integrating.In this paper, we classified the ground property by self-organizing maps. The classification result is relatively conformal with boring data. Therefore, it is recognized that it can be used to improve the interpretative accuracy of compound geophysical prospectings. And, it can be shown that this technique is effective to estimate of the ground property of the aging slope.


  • Studying the Effects on Groundwater Levels and Water Qualities of a New Subterranean Construction Using a 3D Management Model for Groundwater in Japan

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Shuhei Kotani

    EIT-JSCE  2012.9 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  

    Kyoto city has various traditional cultures and industries. One of these is the production of Japanese sake, for which Fushimi-region in Kyoto is famous. The object area, which is 4 km2 and overcrowded with 50 wells, uses groundwater. However, new sewage pipe construction was done to the area that the brewing company concentrated on last year. As purpose of this study, the influence that those underground structures exerted on the groundwater level and the influence on the groundwater pollution were examined by the numerical analysis that reflected the observational data. We had set the pump volume and selected the contaminant material that would extend most under analysis. In this, we predicted the extent of the pollution, which is being blocked by the clay layer. As a result, we concluded that continuous clay layer at this region eases the influence of pumping volume from deep layer to water's fluctuation level in the shallow layer, and prevents the invasion of contaminants.


  • 3D Simulation Analysis of Goundwater Seepage Flow and Thermal Movement for Energy Saving related with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage

    Takafumi Kitaoka, Harushige Kusumi,, Michinao Terada, Tatsuru Yamamoto

    Universiti SAINS MALAYSIA  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang Island  


  • Excavation Simulation Analysis of Twin Tunnel Construction under Thin Overburden Cover and Unconsolidated Layer

    Takahiro Shimizu, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Takafumi Kitaoka

    Universiti SAINS MALAYSIA  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang Island  


  • Multi Evaluations Method of Two Geophysical Explorations by Self-Organizing Maps

    Shuhei Kotani, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Takahito Nishiki

    Universiti SAINS MALAYSIA  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang Island  


  • Relation with Shear Strength and Water Contents of Reinforced Decomposed Grahite Soil Slope by Rockbolt and Ropenet Method

    Hiroyoshi nakasima, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Katsumi Teraoka

    Universiti SAINS MALAYSIA  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang Island  


  • Pumping Simulation by divided Ground Models on Multi-Pumping Wells

    Takaya Ofuji, Harushige Kusumi, Michinao Terada, Shuhei Kotani

    Universiti SAINS MALAYSIA  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang Island  


  • 京都府南山城地方における3次元地下水揚水シミュレーション解析

    小谷修平, 北岡貴文, 寺田道直, 楠見晴重

    (社)地盤工学会  2012.7 

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  • 低土被り未固結地山における双設トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析に関する研究

    清水貴大, 錦 崇仁, 寺田道直, 楠見晴重

    (社)地盤工学会  2012.7 

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  • 自己組織化マップを用いた物理探査の複合評価手法に関する研究

    大藤貴也, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 上出 定幸

    公益社団法人 土木学会 関西支部  2012.6 

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  • 低土被り未固結地山における双設トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析

    清水貴大, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 錦崇仁

    公益社団法人 土木学会 関西支部  2012.6 

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  • 京都府南山城地方における3次元地下水揚水シミュレーション解析

    小谷修平, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 北岡貴文

    公益社団法人 土木学会 関西支部  2012.6 

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  • まさ土地盤がロープネット・ロックボルト併用工法に及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究

    中嶋仁慶, 楠見晴重, 寺田道直, 寺岡克己

    公益社団法人 土木学会 関西支部  2012.6 

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  • 地下水と生命・文化との関わり


    関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  2011.1 

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  • 自然斜面の安定工法に関する研究


    財団法人防災研究協会  2010.9 

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  • EM探査の3次元解析処理システムの開発(平成21年度)


    財団法人防災研究協会・研究報告書  2010.9 

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  • Slope Aging/Deterioration Survey by VLF-EM Method

    Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO, Yasumasa FUJIWARA, Harushige KUSUMI, Toshifumi MATSUOKA


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  • Evaluation for physical property of the repeated 3-D electric survey on a slope


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    Recently, a lot of difficult localized torrential rains to forecast of calling a guerrilla downpour has been generated by the influence of global warming. Sediment disasters such as the mud flow, landslides have been generated by the guerrilla downpour in various places of Japan. In these natural damages, they are not only the transportation such as roads and railways but also it is current states to have done the house and the life damage. The establishment of the technique that can do the accuracy evaluation of shape and hydraulic characteristics of the discontinuity in the bedrock with the causal relation with the slope failure is hoped for. In this report, 3-D electric survey was executed before and after pouring water in the water level observation hole in the slope. The change rate of the resistivity was calculated by repeated survey. Position and strike and dip of weak parts were presumed from the change rate. Next, the saturation was presumed by applying the expression of Archie to the change rate of the electric resistivity. In addition, conversion from the electric resistivity that had been obtained because of 3-D electric survey to RQD was tried from the correlation of the resistivity and RQD. For the reasons stated above, 3-D electric survey is very useful for detail investigation for a slope.


  • 自然斜面の安定工法に関する研究―ロープネットの緩みの影響―


    財団法人防災研究協会  2009.8 

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  • 樹木を保全した自然斜面の安定工法に関する研究―支圧板の斜面安定に及ぼす効果―


    財団法人防災研究協会  2009.8 

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  • 地下に眠る千年の地下水脈 -歴史都市と地下水-


    財団法人深田地質研究所からの招待講演, 第114回談話会, (財) 深田地質研究所  2008.12 

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  • Maintenance and management of the road slopes using geophysical exploration methods

    Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Junji Mitsushita, Harushige Kusumi, Tomofumi Koyama, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzo Ohnishi


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    Shotcrete has been used to rainforce the road slopes, especially for cut slopes until 1970's in Japan. The slopes were decrepit since shotcrete slopes were constructed more than 30 years ago. Recently, the slope collapse caused by cavities existing behind the shotcrete and/or ground weathering was reported. Geophysical explorations have not been used practically to detect the cavities behind the shotcrete of the slopes so far. However, these geophysical exploration methods such as infrared thermal imaging, GPR, seismic exploration, electric and electromagnetic explorations have great potential to detect the cavities behind the shotcrete with non-destructive manners. In this paper, we applied different geophysical exploration methods to actual road slopes and observation/measuring results were compared. Obtained results from this study show that the geophysical exploration methods are effective methods to detect the cavities in the decrepit slopes. We also discussed the merit and demerit of each geophysical exploration method as well as their applicability for the decrepit slopes exploration.


  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法における各部材の補強効果に関する研究

    近田勇樹, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 片山辰雄

    第43回地盤工学研究発表会講演集  2008.9 

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  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法の法面工低減数に関する一考察

    寺岡克己, 近田勇樹, 楠見晴重, 片山辰雄

    (社)土木学会  2008.9 

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  • Simulation Analysis of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Problems by Distinct Element Method- Rock Slope and Tunnelling-


    招聘学術講演  2008.7 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネル掘削時の二次元変形挙動解析

    稲田 悠, 大野善考, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2008.5 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の2次元崩壊シミュレーション解析

    伊世健太郎, 楠見晴重, 山本 剛

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2008.5 

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  • 城陽市域における地下水汚染の2次元移流・拡散シミュレーション解析

    北岡貴文, 楠見晴重, 日下郁恵

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2008.5 

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  • 物理探査法による老朽化吹付け法面の工学的評価に関する研究

    広野 彩, 楠見晴重, 山本 剛, 中村 真

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2008.5 

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  • 道路法面健全性評価検討委員会の検討概要

    楠見 晴重

    国土交通省近畿地方整備局  2008.1 

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  • e-Learningを軸にした教員連携による理工系ESP教育の確立

    山本英一, 冬木正彦, 土戸哲明, 楠見晴重, 坂野昌弘, 堂垣正博, 山川栄樹, 安達直世, 檀寛成

    大阪大学  2007.11 

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  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法に及ぼす地盤物性の影響

    近田勇樹, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 国分幸二

    (社)土木学会  2007.9 

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  • 衛星画像データによる統計解析手法を用いた斜面崩壊危機性評価

    森本 裕, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2007.9 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネルの3次元掘削挙動解析

    大野善考, 清水俊友, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2007.9 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の滑り崩壊シミュレーション解析

    大槻 敏, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文

    第42回地盤工学研究発表会講演集  2007.7 

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  • e-Learningシステムを利用した理工系ESP教育

    山本英一, 土戸哲明, 楠見晴重, 坂野昌弘, 堂垣正博, 冬木正彦, 山川栄樹, 安達直世, 檀寛成

    教育方法研究会  2007 

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  • 衛星画像データによる降雨時の斜面崩壊危険性に関する研究

    森本 裕, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 3次元浸透流解析による京都府城陽市域の地下水揚水シミュレーション解析

    日下郁恵, 楠見晴重, 宮本尚人D(オルガノ)

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法の粘性土地盤に対する適用性

    矢坂健太, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 国分幸二

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • DRASTIC法による沿岸地域の地下水汚染脆弱性マップの構築

    西森友佳子, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の崩壊シミュレーション解析

    大槻 敏, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 3次元地下水浸透・圧密解析による都市地下水利用システムの安全性について

    玉井秀直, 楠見晴重, 中村 慎, 岩本 勲

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2006 

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  • 弾性波と比抵抗を利用したジョイントインバージョンによるトンネル建設時周辺の岩盤評価法

    楠見晴重, 高橋康隆

    第10回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム, パネル展示  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネル掘削のシミュレーション解析

    清水俊友, 楠見晴重

    第10回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム, パネル展示  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネルの3次元掘削シミュレーション解析

    清水俊友, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の崩壊シミュレーション

    大野善考, 大槻 敏, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2006 

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  • 京都府城陽市域における3次元揚水シミュレーション解析

    日下郁恵, 楠見晴重, 宮本尚人

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2006 

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  • 衛星画像データによる斜面崩壊危険性評価に関する研究

    森本 裕, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2006 

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  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法の補強機構に及ぼす地盤特性による影響

    矢坂健太, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 国分幸二

    第41回地盤工学研究発表会講演集  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤不連続面の3次元直接せん断シミュレーション解析

    高藤早織, 楠見晴重

    第41回地盤工学研究発表会講演集  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネルの3次元変形挙動解析

    清水俊友, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の3次元崩壊シミュレーション解析

    大槻 敏, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 3次元地下水浸透・ 圧密解析による都市地下水利用システムの安全性について

    玉井秀直, 楠見晴重, 中村 慎, 岩本 勲

    平成18年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演概要  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネル掘削時の3次元崩壊挙動解析

    清水俊友, 楠見晴重

    第41回地盤工学研究発表会講演集  2006 

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  • DRASTIC法による大阪北部の市域の地下水汚染脆弱性マップの構築

    西森有佳子, 楠見晴重

    第12回地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会  2006 

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  • 近接構造物における地下水蓄熱システム利用時の地盤挙動に関するシミュレーション解析

    玉井秀直, 楠見晴重, 中村 慎, 岩本 勲

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • 個別要素法による自然な岩盤不連続面の3次元せん断シミュレーション解析

    高藤早織, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2006 

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  • DRASTIC法による広域地下水汚染脆弱性評価システムの構築

    西森有佳子, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 自然環境を保全した斜面安定工法のネット敷設効果

    矢坂健太, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 片山辰雄

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 3次元個別要素法による岩石力学試験のシミュレーション解析

    高藤早織, 辰巳新太郎, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層双設トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析

    清水俊友, 藤井健次, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の崩壊シミュレーション

    大槻敏, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 地下水浸透・圧密連成解析による都市地下水利用システムの有効性の評価

    玉井秀直, 楠見晴重, 藤森明治, 中村慎

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 上水道用揚水井群における最適揚水計画の一考察

    宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 光ファイバセンサによる地すべり斜面の動態観測

    牧祥司, 楠見晴重, 吉浦秀男, 坂上実

    (社)土木学会  2005.9 

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  • 韓国岩盤力学学会(KSRM)からの招聘による招待講演

    楠見 晴重

    岩の力学ニュース、岩の力学連合会  2005.8 

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  • 個別要素法による岩石の3次元一軸圧縮シミュレーション解析

    高藤早織, 辰巳新太郎, 楠見晴重

    (社)地盤工学会  2005.7 

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  • 景観・樹木を保全した斜面安定工法の補強効果に及ぼすネット敷設条件の影響

    矢坂健太, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 福政俊浩, 宅川正洋

    (社)地盤工学会  2005.7 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面のトップリング崩壊シミュレーション解析

    大槻敏, 藤井健次, 楠見晴重

    (社)地盤工学会  2005.7 

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  • DRASTIC法による広域地下水汚染脆弱性評価システムの構築

    西森有佳子, 中西友子, 宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    第11回地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会要旨集  2005.6 

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  • 個別要素法による岩石供試体の3次元一軸圧縮シミュレーション解析

    高藤早織, 辰巳新太郎, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 景観・樹木を保全した斜面安定工法の補強効果に及ぼす不動層の影響

    矢坂健太, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 福政俊浩, 宅川正洋

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層都市トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析

    清水俊友, 藤井健次, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 軟岩地山における弾性波速度・比抵抗のジョイントインバージョンによる定量的評価法

    高橋康隆, 楠見晴重, 山岡武司

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 大深度, 大口径立抗掘削における弾性波による3次元切羽前方探査

    高橋重行, 楠見晴重, 芦田讓

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • DRASTIC法による広域地下水汚染脆弱性評価システムの構築

    西森有佳子, 中西友子, 宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 上水道用揚水井群における3次元揚水シミュレーション

    宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 光ファイバセンサによる斜面のモニタリングに関する研究

    牧祥司, 楠見晴重, 吉浦秀男, 坂上実

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 3次元地下水浸透・圧密連成解析による 地下水利用システムの構築

    玉井秀直, 楠見晴重, 藤森明治, 中村慎

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 宅地盛土地盤の地震時挙動に関する研究

    谷嶋友絵, 釜井俊孝, 郷隆之D (京都大学大学院), 藤田喜彦, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤斜面の崩壊シミュレーション解析

    大槻敏, 藤井健次, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2005.5 

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  • Simuration analysis of rock mechanics and rock engineering by distinct element method

    KUSUMI Harushige

    Korean Society for Rock Mechanics  2005.3 

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    Invited 20050330-20050401


  • 韓国岩盤力学学会(KSRM)からの招聘による招待講演「Simulation Analysis of Rock Mechanics&Rock Engineering Problems by DEM」


    韓国岩盤力学学会(KSRM)  2005.3 

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  • 不連続性岩盤を対象としたP・S波同時測定装置の開発に関する基礎的研究

    高橋康隆, 楠見晴重, 中村 真

    (社)物理探査学会  2005 

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  • 個別要素法による浅層トンネルの掘削シミュレーション解析

    清水俊友, 藤井健次, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2005 

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  • 弾性波反射波受振によるトンネル切羽前方の地層傾斜の抽出法

    高橋重行, 楠見晴重

    (社)物理探査学会  2005 

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  • 工学教育を対象としたe―Learningコンテンツ作成・運用事例―例題提示およびレベル別問題設定によるプログラム言語演習―

    安田 陽, 越智光一, 楠見晴重, 冬木正彦, 斎藤賢一, 北詰恵一, 安原裕紀, 堂垣正博

    情報処理教育研究集会  2004.11 

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  • 弾性波および比抵抗併用探査による岩盤の工学的評価法

    高橋康隆, 楠見晴重, 阪本一生, 片山辰雄, 中村真

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 光ファイバセンサによる斜面3次元変位解析手法に関する一考察

    牧祥司, 楠見晴重, 森山健太郎

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 景観・樹木を保全した斜面安定工法の種々な土質に対する補強効果

    宅川正洋, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己, 福政俊浩

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • フルウェーブインバージョンによる弾性波速度を用いたトンネル切羽前方地山の定量的評価法

    高橋重行, 楠見晴重, 武川順一, 芦田讓

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 地震時の宅地谷埋め盛土斜面の変形に関する振動台実験

    藤田喜彦, 釜井俊孝, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 個別要素法によるトンネルの補強機構に関するシミュレーション解析

    藤井健次, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文, 芦田讓

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 京都府南山城地方における3次元浸透解析による揚水シミュレーション

    宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 表面波探査による宅地埋め盛土の形状把握と耐震特性

    大藪剛士, 釜井俊孝, 郷隆之, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 弾性波の反射波受振によるトンネル切羽前方の高精度化に関する一考察

    武川順一, 楠見晴重, 芦田讓

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤不連続面のせん断時のラフネス変化に関するシミュレーション解析

    辰巳新太郎, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文, 芦田讓

    (社)土木学会  2004.9 

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  • 地震時における宅地谷埋め盛土斜面の変形に関する振動台実験

    藤田喜彦, 楠見晴重, 釜井俊孝, 郷孝之

    (社)地盤工学会  2004.7 

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  • 景観・樹木を保全した斜面安定化工法に対する降雨時の補強機構

    宅川正洋, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己

    (社)地盤工学会  2004.7 

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  • 個別要素法による岩盤不連続面のせん断挙動に関するシミュレーション解析

    辰巳新太郎, 楠見晴重, 松岡俊文, 芦田讓

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2004.5 

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  • 降雨時における樹木を保全した自然斜面の安定工法に関する補強効果

    宅川正洋, 楠見晴重, 寺岡克己

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2004.5 

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  • 大型振動台実験による宅地谷埋め盛土斜面の変形に関する検討

    藤田喜彦, 釜井俊孝, 郷孝之, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2004.5 

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  • 3次元浸透解析による広域地下水の揚水シミュレーション

    宮本尚人, 楠見晴重

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2004.5 

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  • フルウェーブインバージョンによるトンネル切羽前方の高精度イメージング

    高橋重行, 楠見晴重, 武川順一

    (社)土木学会関西支部  2004.5 

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  • Shear behavior of rock joints

    KUSUMI Harushige


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    Invited Lecture


  • Estimation of future settlement based on real measurment values given by magnetic settlement system

    KUSUMI/Harushige, TANIGUCHI/Keiichiro, NISHIMURA/Sosuke

    Research Report of ecotecnology, Institude of Technology Kansai University  1995.3 

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  • Developmental Study of Land Settlement measured system using by magnet and magnetic resistivity element

    H.Kusumi, K.Taniguchi, K/Kimura


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    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


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Industrial property rights

  • 斜面安定化工法

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    Patent/Registration no:特許第3566219号  Date registered:2004.6  Date issued:2004.6


  • 岩石の弾性波、比抵抗同時測定装置

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    Application no:特願2001-222021 



  • 物理探査データを用いたトンネル地山評価システムに関する研究

    楠見 晴重


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  • A Study of Underground Water Resources on South Yamashiro Area, Kyoto-Fu.

    KUSUMI Harushige


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  • Investigation of Rock Slope Damage by Earthquake and It's Countermeasure

    KUSUMI Harushige


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  • Monitoring of groundwater behaviour in rock slope by electric resistivity method.

    KUSUMI Harushige


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  • A study on the prospecting methods for landslide research

    KUSUMI Harushige


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  • Investigation of Earthquake damage for Structual foundation and ground at Hanshin area.

    KUSUMI Harushige


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  • 令和2年度文部科学大臣表彰・科学技術賞(理解・増進部門)

    2020.4   文部科学省  

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  • 功労章

    2020.3   公益社団法人地盤工学会  

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  • 社会貢献賞

    2019.4   公益社団法人地盤工学会関西支部  

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  • 社会貢献賞

    2019.4   (公社)地盤工学会関西支部  

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  • 自治功労者章

    2017.11   京都府城陽市  

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  • 自治功労者表彰

    2017.11   城陽市  

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  • 名誉博士号授与

    2010.8   正修科技大学(台湾)  

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  • The award of meritoric deed in SEGJ

    2008.10   Socity of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan  

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  • The award of meritoric deed in SEGJ

    2002.5   Socity of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan  

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Research Projects

  • 関わり続ける定住のカタチの実践による「結の故郷」づくりに向けた基礎地盤的研究

    2017 - 2021

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  • SOMを活用した斜面地盤経時変化の把握に関する研究

    2014 - 2017

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  • 中心誘導法に関する計測手法およびモニタリングに関する研究

    2014 - 2015

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  • FDEM探査による現場計測およびモニタリングに関する研究

    2012 - 2014

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  • 複数の物理探査による斜面地盤の工学的評価手法に関する研究

    2011 - 2014

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  • 軟岩地盤の弾性波・比抵抗特性評価手法の研究

    2011 - 2012

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  • FDEM探査を利用した複合探査に関する研究

    2011 - 2012

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  • Research of the occurring mechanism for land slide caused by rainfall in South East Asian area.

    2009 - 2010

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 国道9号斜面物理探査手法検討業務

    2009 - 2010

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  • 京都市伏見地区における地下水環境保全に関する調査研究

    2008 - 2021

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 物理探査による老朽化吹付法面内部の工学的評価法に関する研究

    2008 - 2010

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive


  • 国道9号 福知山国道維持出張所管内 斜面地盤の工学的手法検討業務

    2008 - 2009

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  • 地下水汚染に関する3次元流動・移流拡散シミュレーション解析

    2007 - 2009

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 物理探査による老朽化吹付法面内部の工学的評価法に関する研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 城陽市における地盤及び地下水環境保全に関する調査研究委託(委託者:城陽市)

    2006 - 2021

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 切り土斜面の健全度判定を目的とする弾性波探査自動計測システムの評価及び斜面健全度評価基準に関する研究

    2006 - 2007

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  • The research and development of slope stability method with trees cultivation


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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive


  • 八幡市の地下水調査研究委託(委託者:八幡市)

    2005 - 2021

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  • 沿岸都市域における地下水総合管理のための地下涵養モデルの構築


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 景観・樹木を保全した斜面安定工法の開発に関する研究(受託者:株式会社ダイカ)

    2004 - 2012

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 都市地下水利用による省エネルギー型地下水蓄熱システムの構築

    2003 - 2005

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive


  • TBM搭載型の反射波受振器の開発と切羽前方探査システムの構築


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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive


  • The total groundwater managemant and model construction with groundwater cultivation and hydological process in urban area

    2002 - 2004

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Developmental Study of Settlement Measuring System using Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Sensor

    Grant number:04555122  1992 - 1994

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B)

    KUSUMI Harushige, INOUE Hiroyuki, NISHIDA Kazuhiko, KIMURA Hiroshi

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    Grant amount:\5400000 ( Direct Cost: \5400000 )

    When articial island are constructed, they are subject to surface settlement, which is the resultant sum of the consolidation strata, many of which seem differ in character. When these strata are soft and thick, or heavily loaded, it becomes very difficult to estimate how much settlement will eventually take place, and over how long a period. For the estimate to be accurate, the settlement characteristics of each layr must be first determinded.
    For this purpose, the authors have investigated a new method of measuring settlement, based on two unique principles. One principle is the application of a permanent magnet as an indicator of settlement, and the other is the exploitation of a semiconductor, magnetro resistance elements for detecting the magnetic fields. In advance with the observation, the magnets are forced into the earth, being pushed out through the bore hole casing by the oil jack at suitable depths and intervals. The small aized magneto resistance element is essential to the practicality and efficiency of this method.
    The magnetic apparatus manufactured for this project appears to be very effective in measuring settlement. The method that it makes possible is distinguished over other methods by the following advantages.
    1. Many obsevation points, at optional depths and relative intervals, can be set in one bore hole.
    2. Accuracy of measurement is of the order of 1 mm.
    3. Semi-permanent observation is possible and anticipated.
    4. The apparatus can be manufactured easily and economically, and is light in weight and compact.
    In the field examinations, the entire process always ran smoothly and has produced very favorable results.
    From the results, it must be conciuded that reclamation on so large a scale gives rise to consolidation in the diluvium strata.


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Social Activities

  • 一般社団法人 海洋インバースダム協会(KID-S) 理事

    2023.7 - Present

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  • 城陽市上下水道事業経営審議会会長

    2017.4 - Present

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  • 文部科学省私立大学研究ブランディング事業委員会副委員長

    2016.4 - 2018.3

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  • 文部科学省大学設置・学校法人審議会 大学設置分科会運営委員会 委員

    2016.4 - 2018.3

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  • 京都大学世界展開力強化事業 強靭な国づくりを担う国際人育成のための中核拠点 外部評価委員長

    2014.11 - 2015.3

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  • 一般社団法人 日本私立大学連盟 理事・副会長

    2014.6 - 2016.9

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  • 京都大学グローバルCOEプログラム アジア・メガシティの人間安全保障工学拠点 外部評価委員長

    2012.10 - 2013.3

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  • 文部科学省大学設置・学校法人審議会 大学設置分科会 特別委員

    2012.4 - 2018.3

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  • 公益社団法人 大学基準協会 理事

    2010.4 - 2016.9

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  • 文部科学省大学設置・学校法人審議会 学校法人分科会 委員

    2010.4 - 2012.3

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  • 一般社団法人 日本私立大学連盟 常務理事

    2010.1 - 2016.9

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  • 吹田操車場跡地まちづくり促進協議会エネルギーワーキンググループ長

    2008.10 - 2009.9

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  • 大阪市環境影響評価専門委員会委員

    2008.8 - 2012.7

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  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局紀北東道路粉河那賀IC建設予定地に関する最終処分場跡地対策検討会委員

    2007.9 - 2008.3

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  • 吹田操車場跡地まちづくり促進アドバイザー

    2006.11 - 2009.9

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  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局大阪ブロック総合評価委員会委員

    2006.8 - 2010.3

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  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局紀南工事事務所田辺西バイパス三四六地区モニタリング委員会委員

    2006.7 - 2014.3

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  • 愛知県限界状態設計法等実証事業アドバイザー

    2006.5 - 2009.3

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  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局斜面健全性検討委員会調査手法検討部会長

    2006.4 - 2009.3

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  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局道路防災ドクター


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  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局道路防災ドクター

    2006.1 - Present

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  • (独)中小企業基盤整備機構中小企業・ベンチャー挑戦支援事業,実用化研究開発事業に関する第一次事前評価委員

    2005.4 - 2009.3

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  • 大阪府立春日丘高等学校学校協議会会長

    2001.10 - 2006.3

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  • 兵庫県治山工法開発推進アドバイザー

    2001.5 - 2007.3

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  • 城陽市地下水保全対策委員会委員長

    1997.7 - Present

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