Updated on 2024/09/05


Faculty of Letters Professor
Contact information

米国の哲学者・教育思想家であるジョン・デューイ(John Dewey, 1859-1952)の教育理論を基盤として、生活科や総合的な学習/探究の時間、教育ファシリテーション、教育評価、学校経営などを中心に研究しています。

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  • Ph. D. in Education ( 2008.3   Niigata University )

  • 修士(教育学) ( 1995.3   新潟大学大学院教育学研究科 )

  • 学士(教育学) ( 1993.3   新潟大学教育学部 )

Research Interests

  • ファシリテーション

  • 初年次教育

  • 学校評価

  • 総合的な探究の時間

  • 生活科

  • 教育評価

  • 総合的な学習の時間

  • 教育課程

  • キャリア教育

  • 総合的学習

  • カリキュラム

  • John Dewey

  • 学校経営

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education  / 教育方法学

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education


  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture   Specialized Course of Personal and Social Development

    2004.4 - 2008.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Niigata University   Graduate School of Education   Specialized Course of School Education

    1993.4 - 1995.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Niigata University

    1989.4 - 1993.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • 京都女子大学   発達教育学部   非常勤講師


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  • 京都女子大学   大学院家政学研究科   非常勤講師


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  • Kansai University   Faculty of Letters   Professor


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  • Kyoto Women's University   Department of Education, Faculty of Human Development and Education   Professor

    2019.4 - 2022.3

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  • 新潟青陵大学   大学院看護学研究科   非常勤講師

    2019.4 - 2021.3

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  • 早稲田大学   教師教育研究所   招聘研究員

    2018.4 - 2019.3

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  • 新潟大学   教育学部   非常勤講師

    2017.4 - 2018.3

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  • 新潟県立大学   人間生活学部   非常勤講師

    2015.4 - 2019.3

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  • Niigata Seiryo University   Faculty of Social Welfare and Psychology, Department of Social Welfare   Professor

    2015.4 - 2019.3

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  • 新潟県立大学   国際地域学部   非常勤講師

    2015.4 - 2019.3

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  • 近畿大学豊岡短期大学   非常勤講師

    2014.4 - 2015.3

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  • 国際こども・福祉カレッジ   非常勤講師

    2014.4 - 2015.2

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  • 群馬医療福祉大学   看護学部   非常勤講師

    2012.4 - 2013.3

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  • Niigata Seiryo University   Niigata Seiryo University, Niigata Seiryo University   Professor

    2011.4 - 2015.3

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  • 長岡造形大学   造形学部   非常勤講師

    2010.4 - 2019.3

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  • 新潟医療福祉大学   健康学部   非常勤講師

    2009.4 - 2010.3

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  • 敬和学園大学   人文学部   非常勤講師

    2008.4 - 2019.3

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  • Niigata Seiryo University   Niigata Seiryo University   Associate Professor

    2008.4 - 2011.3

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  • 新潟青陵大学短期大学部   非常勤講師

    2005.4 - 2013.3

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  • Niigata Seiryo University   Niigata Seiryo University   Lecturer

    2005.4 - 2008.3

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  • 新潟県公立小学校   教諭

    1995.4 - 2005.3

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  • 新潟市教育委員会   新潟市万代市民会館(青年の家)   非常勤嘱託

    1992.4 - 1995.3

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Professional Memberships

  • 日本ヒューマンケアリング教育学会

    2024.2 - Present

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  • 日本デューイ学会

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  • 日本生活科・総合的学習教育学会

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  • ミライくらすLabs★

    2022.10 - Present

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  • 京都女子大学養護・福祉教育学会

    2021.6 - 2022.3

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  • 新潟青陵学会


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  • 日本特別活動学会

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  • 日本思春期学会

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  • 日本教育経営学会

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  • 日本カリキュラム学会

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  • 日本キャリア教育学会

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  • 新潟県生活科・総合的学習研究会

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Committee Memberships

  • 京都市立堀川高等学校PTA   会長  

    2024.5 - Present   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本ヒューマンケアリング教育学会   代表理事  

    2024.2 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本デューイ学会   常任理事  

    2022.9 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 京都市立高等学校PTA連絡協議会   理事  

    2024.6 - Present   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 京都市立堀川高等学校振興会   会長  

    2024.5 - Present   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 新潟市立高志中等教育学校学校運営協議会   委員  

    2024.4 - Present   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 京都市立堀川高等学校PTA   副会長  

    2023.5 - 2024.5   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 京都市立堀川高等学校振興会   副会長  

    2023.5 - 2024.5   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本ヒューマンケアリング教育学会設立準備委員会   委員長  

    2023.5 - 2024.2   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ミライくらすLabs★   代表  

    2022.10 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • ミライくらすプロジェクト   代表  

    2022.6 - 2022.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 京都市立堀川高等学校振興会   理事  

    2022.5 - 2023.5   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 京都市立堀川高等学校PTA生涯学習委員会   委員長  

    2022.5 - 2023.5   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 姫路市立山陽中学校   アドバイザー  

    2022.3 - Present   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 神奈川県立鎌倉高等学校   アドバイザー  

    2021.12 - 2022.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本デューイ学会紀要編集委員会   委員  

    2021.9 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本デューイ学会第65回研究大会実行委員会   委員長  

    2021.9 - 2022.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 京都女子大学附属小学校   アドバイザー  

    2021.4 - 2022.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 京都府船井郡京丹波町立和知中学校   アドバイザー  

    2021.3 - 2023.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本デューイ学会   理事  

    2020.9 - 2022.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本デューイ学会   監事  

    2019.10 - 2021.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本デューイ学会第64回研究大会実行委員会   事務局長  

    2019.10 - 2021.9   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 新潟市立高志中等教育学校「学校づくり委員会」   委員  

    2018.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 胎内市いじめ問題対策委員会   委員  

    2018.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 社会福祉法人護念児会   評議員  

    2018.4 - 2018.6   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 新潟市中央公民館運営審議会   議長  

    2017.7 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 新潟市奨学生等選考委員会   委員  

    2017.7 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 特定非営利活動法人Cocollabo Party   理事  

    2017.1 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 燕市教育委員会「羽ばたけつばくろ応援事業」2次審査会審査委員会   委員長  

    2016.7 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 特定非営利活動法人みらいずworks   評議員  

    2016.5 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 国立教育政策研究所「平成28年度・平成29年度教育課程研究指定校事業」研究指定校(新潟市立白新中学校)   研究指導者  

    2016.4 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 新潟市教育委員会「大好きにいがた体験事業推進校選定委員会」   委員長  


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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 新潟市教育委員会「大好きにいがた体験事業」推進校選定委員会   委員長  


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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 環境省「平成27年度ESD環境教育プログラム実証等事業に係るESD環境教育プログラムの作成・展開業務」新潟県ワーキンググループ   メンバー  

    2015.9 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本デューイ学会第57回研究大会準備委員会   委員  

    2014.10 - 2015.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 新潟市立鳥屋野中学校   学校評議員  

    2014.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 文部科学省「確かな学力の育成に係る実践的調査研究」研究委託委員会(新潟市教育委員会)   研究指導者  

    2014.4 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Municipal


  • 国立教育政策研究所「平成26年度教育課程研究指定校事業」研究指定校(新潟市立白新中学校)   研究指導者  

    2014.4 - 2015.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 文部科学省優良PTA文部科学大臣表彰審査委員会   委員  

    2013.6 - 2016.3   

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    Committee type:Government


  • 文部科学省研究開発制度「平成24年度~平成26年度新教科の創設」研究指定校(新潟市立新潟小学校)運営指導委員会   委員  

    2012.4 - 2015.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 国立教育政策研究所「平成24年度・平成25年度教育課程研究指定校事業」研究指定校(新潟市立白新中学校)   研究指導者  

    2012.4 - 2014.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • にいがたファシリテーション授業研究会   理事  

    2011.5 - 2018.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 新潟県生活科・総合的学習研究会   理事  

    2011.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 新潟市立紫竹山小学校   学校評議員  

    2011.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 新潟市立白新中学校   学校評議員  

    2011.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 新潟市立市之瀬幼稚園   学校評議員  

    2011.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • ときわ会大学支部   支部長  

    2011.4 - 2017.4   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 社会福祉法人新通保育園   評議員  

    2010.12 - 2018.6   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 新潟市立東青山小学校   学校関係者評価委員  

    2009.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 日本生活科・総合的学習教育学会   新潟県地域世話人  

    2009.4 - 2019.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 新潟県生活科・総合的学習研究会   事務局長  

    2008.4 - 2017.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 新潟青陵学会   理事  

    2008.4 - 2014.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • 日本デューイ学会   事務局幹事  

    2008.4 - 2011.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 新潟青陵大学・短期大学生活協同組合   理事  

    2006.5 - 2011.5   

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    Committee type:Other


  • 新潟市小学校教育研究協議会総合学習部   幹事  

    2002.4 - 2005.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 国土交通省北陸地方整備局信濃川下流工事事務所「新潟海岸総合学習素材資料」作成委員会   委員  

    2001.11 - 2002.3   

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    Committee type:Government


  • 建設省北陸地方建設局湯沢砂防工事事務所『山と川とくらし湯沢町』企画・製作委員会   委員  

    2000.1 - 2000.3   

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    Committee type:Government


  • 日本デューイ学会第38回研究大会準備委員会   事務局長  

    1993.10 - 1994.10   

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    Committee type:Academic society


▼display all


  • Skills and Techniques Influencing Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Facilitation: An Examination through a Survey Targeting Junior High School Students

    Yasuyuki Iwasaki

    73 ( 4 )   77 - 94   2024.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Comparative Analysis of Content Related to Breeding in Elementary School Textbooks of Living Environment Studies

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    ( 14 )   1 - 10   2023.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    DOI: 10.32286/0002000088


  • Efforts of Teachers in Charge of Integrated Studies that Influence Perceptions of the Enlivenment of “Periods for Integrated Studies / Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Studies” : AnExamination of Elementary, Middle, and High Schools by Type of School

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Essays and studies by members of the Faculty of Letters   72 ( 4 )   103 - 120   2023.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    DOI: 10.32286/00027993

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I032752123

  • A Consideration on Qualities and Abilities as Yogo Teacher at the Time of Completion of Teacher Training Course : Utilizing the Core Curriculum for Yogo Teacher Training Course (2020) Reviewed

    Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development and Education   ( 19 )   121 - 128   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I032845161

  • ICT Utilization Teaching Ability Required for Yogo Teacher

    The KWU journal of teacher education   5 ( 5 )   13 - 20   2023.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Books


  • Mental and Physical Changes in High School Students During the COVID-19 Crisis Reviewed

    Yoshie YAMOTO, Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Fumio INOUE

    Journal of Education for Nursing Teacher and Welfare Kyo†o Women's Universi†y   ( 1 )   17 - 25   2023.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether children may have been affected by many physical and mental changes in the spread of COVID-19 infection. Therefore, we decided to clarify the physical and mental changes among high school students, focusing on the relationship between anxiety, stress, relationships with family and friends, and lifestyle. A questionnaire survey was administered to full-time high school students over a two-year period. The results showed that mental state, physical state, concentration, and worry were all significantly worse in 2021 than in 2020, based on annual comparisons between the 2020 and 2021 surveys. The group that showed changes in appetite and sleep quality was significantly worse off than the group that did not show changes in all mental status, physical status, concentration, and worry. The presence or absence of caring or supportive friends was found to have no effect on all items, while the group that could not consult family members had worse mental status, physical status, concentration, and worry than the group that could consult family members. These findings indicate that the mental and physical condition of high school students is greatly affected by the coronary disaster. We believe that the results of this study can be used as materials for health education for high school students and as educational materials for their parents.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I032775259

  • Research on Sexual Difficulties Perceived by Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

    Tomomi MITSUTAKE, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Naoko OKAWA

    Journal of Education for Nursing Teacher and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 1 )   41 - 45   2023.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Education (Nursing Teacher and Welfare Education Course) Faculty of Human Development and Education  

    CiNii Books


  • Principals' Efforts Affecting the Perception of "Periods for Integrated Studies / Inquiry-Based Cross‒Disciplinary Studies" Activation : An Examination of Elementary, Middle, and High Schools by Type of School

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Essays and studies by members of the Faculty of Letters   72 ( 3 )   45 - 63   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    DOI: 10.32286/00027689

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://ndlsearch.ndl.go.jp/books/R000000004-I032593070

  • Process of revitalizing "Period for Integrated Studies" centered on the search for individual themes : Practical record of the first year of "Wachi Seminar" at Kyotanba Municipal Wachi Junior High School

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Kyoko TANIGUCHI, Toshihiko IMAI, Takeshi NAITO

    ( 18 )   77 - 86   2022.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Books


  • Disaster Prevention Education Aimed at Developing the Qualities and Abilities Necessary for Interpersonal Support Professionals: Practical Report on the “Higashiyama Ward Residents’ Disaster Prevention Ability Improvement Support Project”

    Yasuyuki IWASAKi, Naoko OKAWA, Yoriko SUZUKI, Masatugu NAKANO

    The KWU journal of teacher education   004 ( 4 )   125 - 133   2022.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Books


  • A Trial of a Simulated Hybrid-Flexible Type Lesson Using ICT (Zoom) : Presumptions on the Participation of Students Who Have Difficulty Taking In-Person Classes Reviewed

    Masako IZAWA, Kanako TAKENAKA, Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    ( 15 )   71 - 79   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    CiNii Books


  • Understanding and Solving Sex-Related Issues among Students by High School Nurses Reviewed

    Tomomi MITSUTAKE, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   105 - 112   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    This study sought to obtain basic information to examine sex education in high schools and clarify the state of sexual activity among high school students as understood by school nurses. Furthermore, the efforts to solve sex-related issues were also examined. We conducted semi-structured interviews with three high school nurses who provide sex education and prepared a transcript for quantitative text analysis. The nurses identified two key issues—contact with the opposite sex and concerns about sex—and efforts to resolve these issues were related to response to pregnancy, cooperating with midwives, and sex education. School nurses recognized high school students’ poor awareness surrounding the risks of having sexual contact with the opposite sex through SNS as an issue. School nurses also perceived the necessity for a planned and professional sex education course in schools that would meet students’ needs. They felt that cooperation between school nurses and midwives is important.

    CiNii Books


  • Requirements for Developing “ICT Utilization Teaching Skills” in the Training Stage of Yogo Teachers Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Naoko OKAWA, Masako IZAWA

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   1 - 11   2022.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    The purpose of this study was to identify the requirements for developing “ICT utilization teaching skills” (as defined by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) in the training stage of Yogo teachers. Forty-eight third-year students aspiring to become Yogo teachers were given ICT-based classes and extracurricular activities over a period of about six months from September 2020. The educational effects of the program were verified by conducting a questionnaire survey with the same questions twice, before and after the program. In the questionnaire survey, the frequency of ICT use in daily life and study was also examined. The number of responses (response rate) was 31 (64.6%) for the pre-survey and 23 (47.9%) for the post-survey, and all of them were adopted as the sample. One-on-one correspondence between the pre-survey and the postsurvey was confirmed in 17 cases, and 7 of those responses were from volunteer students who participated in extracurricular activities. After analyzing the sample, the requirements were considered as follows. ・ Students shall have their own personal computer (laptop or tablet) and be able to use it in their daily life and study. ・ Students shall conduct a mock class on health education using ICT. In such case, the class support cloud should be used. ・Students shall learn experientially the actual use of ICT in their work as Yogo teachers. ・ Students shall be provided with opportunities to use ICT not only in the classroom but also in extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is desirable to receive supervision and guidance from outside experts.

    CiNii Books


  • Effective Cooperation Between Yogo Teachers and School Counselors / School Social Workers (1st Report) : Survey Results of Yogo Teachers Reviewed

    Chika OKAMOTO, Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   13 - 21   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    In this study, we investigated how effective cooperation should be for children to solve modern problems, and the actual situation and problems of cooperation between Yogo teachers and SCs and SSWs. As a result, the following became clear. 1. School Counselors were placed in almost all schools, but School Social Workers was about 40%. 2. About 80% of the Yogo teachers have regular contacts and meetings with the School Counselor, and about 25% have regular contacts and meetings with the School Social Worker. 3. The cooperation rate of School Counselor was significantly higher than that of School Social Worker, but the improvement rate of School Social Worker was significantly higher.

    CiNii Books


  • Efforts by Principals and Teachers in Charge of Comprehensive Promotion that Influence Recognition of Activation of “the Period for Integrated / Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study”

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   49 - 58   2022.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    CiNii Books


  • Nursery Teachers’ Awareness for Picture Books related to “Language” as a Curriculum Component Reviewed

    Keiko YAMAGUCHI, Yuki SAITO, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   23 - 29   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the nursery teachers’ awareness for picture books related to “language” as a curriculum component. The authors conducted an interview survey with three nursery teachers and analyzed the data obtained from them using Steps for Coding and Theorization (SCAT). As a result, it became clear that nursery teachers perceived the practice of picture books in the comprehensiveness of childcare and the continuity of child development. The nursery teachers were aware of the importance of the individuality of children and their assistance to support it, and they were forming an environment in which picture books were used to practice childcare based on their understanding of children. And they were also trying to improve the quality of childcare by reflecting on their own practices. In addition, the nursery teachers were aware of the growth of individuals and groups when practicing childcare using picture books. It also turned out that the function of the picture books indicated by “language” as a curriculum component described in course of study for kindergarten overlapped with the awareness of the nursery teachers for picture books.

    CiNii Books


  • Mental and Physical Changes in High School Students during the Coronavirus Pandemic (1st report) Menstrual Pain

    Journal of living and welfare, Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   113 - 118   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18K02551/

  • Teaching Methods for Motor Play based on the Developmental Characteristics of Early Childhood: Based on Childcare Workers' Interest in Motor Play

    Nami SATO, Yuki SAITO, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of living and welfare, Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   83 - 86   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    CiNii Books


  • How to Promote Sex-related Instruction in Schools: WYSH Education Initiatives

    Yuko ONISHI, Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Noriko HASEGAWA

    Journal of living and welfare, Kyoto Women's University   ( 17 )   67 - 70   2022.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18K02551/

  • Current Status of Health Management and Health Education in Practical Training Program for Yogo Teachers

    Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    The KWU journal of teacher education   ( 3 )   101 - 111   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Teacher Education Center Kyoto Women's University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031711991

  • Literature Review about Influential Factors for the Career Development of Male Nurses in Japan Reviewed

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 16 )   35 - 45   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    This study aims to examine influential factors for the career development of male nurses through the preceding study analyses. We conducted AND Search with “Male nurse” and “Career” by utilizing ICHUSHI (Bibliographic database) and CiNii (Citation Information by National institute of informatics) available on the Web, then targeted 22 papers in line with the study purpose. We also classified the targeted papers into 7 categories and 23 sub-categories after conducting qualitative/ inductive content analysis in terms of influential factors for the career development of male nurses. 3 categories indicate “Gender awareness”, “Family background” and “Relationship-building between nurses” as a distinctive category of male nurse. Particularly “Gender awareness” and “Family background” is influenced by social awareness of masculinity in the nursing profession. We also found that “Relationship-building between nurses” is a factor of male nurses relevant to a human relationship with female nurses or a majority group. Furthermore, “Factor for identity formation”, “Factor for continuous employment”, “With/without a desire for a strong rise intention”, and “Existence of role model” can be influential factors for the career development of nurses regardless of gender. In addition, “With/without a desire for a strong rise intention” was extracted as a unique research viewpoint. While this is possibly an influential factor for the career development of nurses regardless of gender, we considered that it would influence the consciousness such as advance to graduate school, promotion to specialized nurse or manager, and career advancement.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031506713

  • Roles of Principals and Middle-Leader Teachers who try to Activate “the Integrated Studies” in High School Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 16 )   9 - 18   2021.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    The purpose of this study was to clarify the role played by principals and middle-leader class teachers in activating “integrated studies” throughout the whole school in several high schools. Based on the word-for-word record of the interviews with five public high school principals and five middle-leader class teachers in high schools which have regular departments, we covered 1,918 sentences (738 paragraphs) spoken by principals and 1,966 sentences (880 paragraphs) spoken by middle-leader class teachers to perform quantitative text analysis. As a result of the analysis, the following seven principal’s roles were obtained: “Cooperating with universities and specialized institutions”, “Coordinating with the community and providing information”, “Coordinating with the board of education and securing the budget”, “Providing research guidance and staff training”, “Building relationships of trust with the community”, “Involvement in regional issues”, and “Taking advantage of the PDCA cycle”. In addition, the following five roles of middle-leader teachers were obtained: “Building relationships between the community and the school”, “Promoting the awareness of fellow teachers”, “Planning and building consensus”, “Practicing integrated studies”, and “Researching and developing regional issues”. It was shown that both the principals and the middle-leader teachers made efforts to build relationships and trust with the community, and worked on educational practices while setting the community as the subject of inquiry-based cross-disciplinary study.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031506677

  • An Examination of Kuhse’s Critical Theory of Caring : Comparisons with Noddings’ Theory Reviewed

    Seiichi SATO, Takiko AKUTSU, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University   ( 16 )   27 - 33   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Education (Nursing Teacher and Welfare Education Course) Faculty of Human Development and Education Kyoto Women's University  

    Caring is one of the most important concepts in nursing. However, there are also some criticisms towards caring in nursing. Thus, in this study, we examined the theory of caring in nursing proposed by Kuhse, a typical researcher who had criticisms towards caring in nursing, and compared that theory with the theory of caring proposed by Noddings. The results showed that although Kuhse’s theory admitted that caring was an important element in nursing, he pointed out the danger in forming too close of a relationship because it may lead to a decline in fairness and there may be risks of arbitration. He believed that the construction of relationships based on the “roles” of the one-performing-caring and the one-being-cared-for to be more important than constructing an ideal close relationship. Therefore, if we understand caring in nursing to be an attitude that nurses have in which they try to build a caring relationship while taking both the natural caring from Noddings’ theory and ethical caring into consideration, then it will be possible for nurses to perform caring without being subject to Kuse’s criticism.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031506699

  • Effects of Practical / Dialogue Training Sessions based on Mutual Learning between Childcare Facilities

    Kumiko IGARASHI, Yuki SAITO, Eri MIYAZI, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    ournal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 16 )   53 - 58   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    CiNii Books


  • Roles of Principals and Middle-Leader Teachers Who Try to Activate “the Integrated Studies” in Junior High School Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development and Education   ( 17 )   91 - 101   2021.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Faculty of Human Development and Education in Kyoto Women’s University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031503974

  • A Study on the Use of ICT in High School Health Education: Instruction on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Using ICT

    Yuko ONISHI, Naoko OKAWA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Noriko HASWGAWA

    Kyoto Prefecture General Education Center Research Bulletin   ( 11 )   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Kyoto Prefectural General Education Center  


    Other Link: https://www.kyoto-be.ne.jp/ed-center/cms_files/kenkyukiyo/0304.pdf

  • Curriculum Organization in a Newly Established Center for Early Childhood Education and Care in Regional Municipalities: Curriculum Management Using the "Circulating Type" Workshop

    Yuki SAITO, Yosuke KON, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University   ( 15 )   23 - 30   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    This study examines the implementation of curriculum organization in a newly established center for early childhood education and care (certified child daycare center) in municipalities, conducted through collaboration between the municipal administration and the daycare center. Using the circulating workshop method, a training support system was constructed, and this study clarifies the information and issues found as a result of curriculum organization. The purpose was to produce an organized curriculum and tasks from the circulating workshop, based on evaluations by the participants. As a result, the examination of the specific curriculum organization and shared processes was performed well and exhibited the collaboration between municipal administrations and centers. It was concluded that circulating workshops help improve the quality of childcare.

    CiNii Books


  • Essential Ppoints in Using Facilitation in Collaborative Learning Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Living and Welfare Kyoto Women's University   ( 15 )   1 - 11   2020.2

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Department of Living and Welfare Faculty of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University  

    In this study, a web survey was conducted with 188 university students for the purpose of identifying the essential points in using facilitation in collaborative learning. Based on the analyses of valid 111 samples (response ratio: 64.9%; valid response ratio: 59.0%), it was considered that the essential points were the coaching for students on the basic ideas and rules of facilitation as well as on the techniques to visualize and structuralize dialogues and the reduction of their anxiety for group activities. Those responsible for a class are required to improve their facilitation skills such as designing learning environments and enhancing communications among students.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/030445967

  • A Survey Study on Roles and Functions of Regional Coordinators for Revitalizing “Period of Integrated Study” Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   11 ( 2 )   1 - 11   2018.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    For the purpose of identifying the roles and responsibilities of regional coordinators in revitalizing the period of integrated study, a questionnaire survey was conducted with regional coordinators and school officials working for 748 public compulsory education schools in Niigata Prefecture of Japan. As a result of analyzing 228 valid samples (reply rate 31.4%, effective recovery rate 30.5%), the survey revealed a correlation between the satisfactory activities done by regional coordinators and the revitalization of the period of integrated study. In addition, regional coordinators successfully contributed the revitalization of the said period through fulfilling their coordinate function to pass on the needs and efforts of a school to the region and vice versa and also fulfilling their management function together with school teachers.Further it has been shown that the key roles of regional coordinators in revitalizing the period of integrated study are to share the information on regional human resources with other schools as well as their own school in collaboration with school teachers and to strategically secure regional human resources with making a full-year plan on the said period at the beginning of each financial year.

    DOI: 10.32147/00001896

    CiNii Books


  • Research Study on Coordination and Cooperation between School and Community for Activation of "Period for Integrated Study" Reviewed

    Yasuyuki Iwasaki

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   11 ( 1 )   24 - 34   2018.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    DOI: 10.32147/00001671

    CiNii Books


  • Consideration of the Psychosocial Process of Overcoming Crises by Yogo Teachers Reviewed

    Tsukahara KAZUKO, Nakamura KEIKO, Iwasaki YASUYUKI, Ishizaki TOMOI, Omori ETSUKO, Sato MIYUKI, Tamura NORIKO

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   10 ( 1 )   9 - 19   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    This study aimed to elucidate the psychological process of overcoming crises by yogo teachers. On eight yogo teachers of A city who have experienced crises in the past, we conducted semi-structured interviews. As a result of analyzing the content of the interviews, using the modified grounded theory approach; seven categories and eighteen perspectives were extracted. Yogo teachers would fall in crises by feeling [wobble of existence as a yogo teacher], and although they would try to make a [positive backdown] tentatively, they would retain the [uncompromising desires to accomplish their duties]. Then, by getting energy from people around them such as their children or colleagues, they would search for" cooperators" to [find a clue to solve the problem], and would find "solutions through trial and error" and carry out "strategies of assessment and deliberation". Eventually, yogo teachers got a"regained confidence"will proceed to [before again]. Those yogo teachers who have gone through crises were [aware of their owng rowths].

    DOI: 10.32147/00001666

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1663/00001666/

  • Suggestion for Integrated Study in the Future by Dewey Educational Theory Invited Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Buletin of John Dewey Society of Japan   ( 57 )   83 - 92   2016.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:John Dewey Society of japan  

    CiNii Books


  • A Study of Measures to Promote Sexuality Education by Yogo Teachers in High Schools: Development of a "Step-by-Step Chechlist for the Promotion of Sexuality Education" Based on Survey Results Reviewed

    Kumiko SHIKAMA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Chikage NAKAMURA, Eiko TOKITA, Keiko SATO

    Adolescentology   32 ( 4 )   388 - 403   2014.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Adolescentology  


  • Educative Effectiveness of Graphic Facilitation in Teacher and Childcare Workers Training Courses Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   7 ( 1 )   35 - 45   2014.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    The theme of this research was to hold a training course for instructors and childcare workers using graphic facilitation, to analyze the educative effectiveness of the class by means of aquestionnaire, and make appropriate adjustments. From the results, we learned that a majority of students taking part in the discussion responded positively to the use of graphic facilitation.Furthermore, the results suggested that the class also stimulated students' cognition andcomprehensive abilities, as well as encouraged creative thinking and confident self-expression. Through the implementation of teacher and childcare worker training courses using graphic facilitation, and the tangible sense of learning instilled in students, this workshop-style traininghas the potential to gain awareness and popularity in schools and various other facilities.

    DOI: 10.32147/00001424

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10623/49022

  • Feelings of Distress and Challenges Faced by High School Teachers When Implementing Sex Education Reviewed

    Keiko SAKO, Hiromitsu SHINOZAKI, Chikage NAKAMURA, Eiko TOKITA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Chiharu AOYAGI, Kumiko SHIKAMA

    Adolescentology   32 ( 1 )   188 - 196   2014.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Adolescentology  


  • 高等学校における性教育を実施するうえで教員が感じている困難感と課題 Reviewed

    Keiko SAKO, Hiromitsu Shinozaki, Chikage NAKAMURA, Eiko TOKITA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Chiharu AOYAGI, Kumiko Shikama

    Adolescentology   32 ( 1 )   96 - 96   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Adolescentology  


  • 高等学校養護教諭の性教育に関する意識と実態調査の検討:養護教諭が校内連携者に選択した保健体育科等教諭との比較から Reviewed

    鹿間 久美子, 岩﨑 保之, 中村 千景, 時田 詠子, 青柳 千春, 篠崎 博光, 佐光 恵子

    思春期学   32 ( 1 )   102 - 102   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:日本思春期学会  


  • Effects of Support by School Social Workers on Behavioral Problems of Elementary School and Junior High School Students Reviewed


    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   6 ( 3 )   1 - 11   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    The purpose of this study is to clarify supports provided by school social workers (SSW) to elementary school and junior high school students with behavioral problems, and to evaluate outcomes resulting from the introduction of SSWs and remaining issues.\n We interviewed four SSWs who currently actively handle students with problematic behaviors in elementary school and junior high schools. We made verbatim reports from the interviews, and their contents were classified on the basis of similarity into 14 categories and 53 sub-categories. The support structure of SSW is summarized in a figure showing these categories in order of the progression of nine cases described in the interviews. Through their assessment, planning and coordination, the SSWs made a significant impact by changing schools, teachers and students' families and promoting co operations among related organizations. Remaining issues are the public's low level of awareness regarding SSWs and a large number of schools covered by each SSW.

    DOI: 10.32147/00001406

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1663/00001406/

  • Study Skills that Require Focused Instruction at Professional Training Universities Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI, Takahiro SATO, Daigoro EBITA, Rumi HARADA

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   6 ( 2 )   26 - 26   2013.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    DOI: 10.32147/00001484

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://search.jamas.or.jp/link/ui/2014223945

  • 日本の中学生における進路に関する意識調査 Reviewed International journal

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    82 ( 1 )   46 - 46   2013.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  


    Other Link: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-23531264/

  • The Requirements for Fulfillment in Workplace Experience Activities in “Period for Integrated Study” at Junior High School Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   6 ( 1 )   13 - 23   2013.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    DOI: 10.32147/00001349

    CiNii Books


  • Modelization of a Coordination Process Between Schools and External Organizations on Children’s Problematic Behaviors. : Through the Survey by Interviewing Student Guidance Directors Reviewed

    Kazuko TSUKAHARA, Keiko NAKAMURA, Asako IZU, Yasuyuki IWASAKi, Yuko KURIBAYASHI, Etsuko OMORI, Miyuki SATO, Ayami WATANABE, Tomoi ISHIZAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   6 ( 1 )   59 - 69   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    In order to resolve children's problematic behaviors, it is repeatedly addressed through various suggestions and information that it is important for schools to provide guidance to students and for schools and relating organizations to coordinate. It is vital to coordinate with relating organizations on providing guidance to students. The objectives of this study is to modelize a coordination process between schools and external organizations. The coordination process focuses on a coordination with external organizations and shows how children's problematic behaviors turns for better by a student supervisor who is aware of such behaviors coordinating with external organizations. The study was conducted by giving a semi-structured interview to one student supervisor who works at a junior high school\non cases that required the coordination. The analysis and descriptions were done using Trajectory and Equifinality Model (TEM). Even if the problematic behaviors might not show any potentials of crimes, based on information such as student's home environment, friends, and nature, the student supervisor determines that the coordination with external organizations is necessary for a case with factors that could potentially complicate and prolong problems. Also, when considering external organizations, the supervisor made selections based on the necessity of assistance for the future. It is suggested that, facing with and having deeper understandings of relating organizations, and coordinating with various organizations according to their specialties are the important factors of turning the problems for the better.

    DOI: 10.32147/00001353

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1663/00001353/

  • The Modeling of the Process of School Counselors’ Coordinating with External Organizations Reviewed

    Keiko NAKAMURA, Kazuko TSUKAHARA, Asako IZU, Yasuyuki IWASAKi, Yuko KURIBAYASHI, Etsuko OMORI, Miyuki SATO, Ayami WATANABE, Tomoi ISHIZAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   6 ( 1 )   47 - 58   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    Schools' Coordination with applicable external organizations and professionals is necessary for children's mental health problems in an increasing number of cases, and the role of school counselors is increasingly important in Coordination. The purpose of this study was to model the process in which children's mental health problems improved by school counselors' coordinating with external organizations. We conducted a semi-structured interview with a school counselor working in a junior high school and analyzed and described four cases using the Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM). The school counselor evaluated the need to coordinate with external organizations from four perspectives: 1. the student is highly dangerous or the situation is very urgent; 2. the student is diseased; 3. the student may have a disorder and needs to be medically examined; 4. the situation is beyond the ability of school counseling support. In addition, it was suggested that "the trust of students, guardians, teaching staff," "a shared understanding among teaching staff," information on related organizations," "expertise," and others were the major factors in the school counselor's collaborating with external organizations and improving problems.

    DOI: 10.32147/00001352

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1663/00001352/

  • The Viewpoint of a Nursing Support Staff Member, about Support for Foreign Nursing Assistants: Interview Results Reviewed

    Etsuko NAKAMURA, Sayaka KOJIMA, Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   5 ( 3 )   51 - 60   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    The present study has for its purpose a presentation of the viewpoint of a nursing support staff\nmember, with respect to the support given to four foreign nursing assistants at a medical facility\nwhere they were employed, as well as the results of this support. The interview was done in a semistructured\nway, and analyses were done according to the KJ method. The results showed that out\nof 213 labels, the following eight were the most integrated: "attempts and mistakes with respect to\nthe educational support given at the hospital" "changes in the nursing assistants' positive\nmindset", "changes in the positive mindset of coworkers and supervisors", "gradually becoming\naccustomed to life in Japan", "the difficulty of questions on Japanese national license exams, and\nways of overcoming this difficulty", "the difference between their actual level, and the level\nexpected by their coworkers", "lack of mutual understanding despite time spent together, and\nchanges toward mutual understanding", and "the burdensomeness and necessity of the portfolio".\n The nursing support staff member adjusted her way of providing support to the foreign nursing\nassistants, and witnessed gradual growth in their abilities. Although the foreign nursing assistants\nimproved over time, the opinions of many of their coworkers included the feeling that their present\nability in the Japanese language was still insufficient.

    DOI: 10.32147/00001321

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1663/00001321/

  • An Investigation of Study Skills Courses Given in Universities Specializing in Professional Development: Interviewing Instructors about their Experiences, Opinions, and Hopes for these Courses Reviewed

    Rumi Harada, Takahiro Sato, Daigoro Ebita, Yasuyuki Iwasaki

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   5 ( 3 )   61 - 70   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    DOI: 10.32147/00001322

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10623/40522

  • The Suggestion from Dewey's Theory of Evaluation to the Theory of "Criterion-Referenced-Assessment" Invited Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of John Dewey Society of Japan   ( 53 )   243 - 252   2012.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:John Dewey Society of japan  

    CiNii Books


  • The Relationship between "Professionalism" and "Discretion" in Teachers: a Study on Dewey's Theory of School Reform (2) Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of John Dewey Society of Japan   ( 51 )   69 - 78   2010.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:John Dewey Society of Japan  

    CiNii Books


  • Philosophies of school reform under "democratic professionalism": a study of Dewey's theory of school reform (1) Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of John Dewey Society of Japan   ( 50 )   45 - 54   2009.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:John Dewey Society of japan  

    CiNii Books


  • Examining the Relevance of Dewey's Concept of Communication and Evaluation Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Journal of Niigata Seiryo Academic Society   1 ( 1 )   9 - 18   2009.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo Academic Society  

    This study, from the perspective of John Dewey's (1859-1952) communication concept as aneducational evaluation, considers the relevance of communication and evaluation primarily inusing Dewey's works and rubrics of teaching experiments. As a result, it became clear thatcommunication performed by teachers and pupils in the course of collaborative research, as aneducational evaluation which nurtured pupils' evaluational abilities and included the notion ofeducative assessment, was an educational act. In addition, it was also clear that the empathy oftea

    DOI: 10.32147/00001500

    CiNii Books


  • Research on Criterion-Referenced Evaluation Theory in School Education: Focusing on Learning Instruction Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI


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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis   Publisher:Niigata University  


  • Changes Concerning the Assessment of Affection in a Cumulative Guidance Record Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    The journal of the study of modern society and culture   ( 40 )   297 - 314   2007.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata University. Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture  

    This study examines the changes concerning the assessment of affection in a cumulative guidance record by focusing on the "viewpoint" of each subject. It was found that the assessment was started to enable a complete understanding of a young student. The term "concern" or "attitude" has been used continuously in explaining the viewpoint. A change in the use of these terms in educational objectives and the change of order in an analysis item have been understood as a change in the perspective of academic ability or evaluation, the historical conversion occurred in 1980. In addition, a discussion about the validity and reliability of assessement of affection was found to be constant in nature.

    CiNii Books


  • Positioning of Affection in Educative Evaluation: Comparative Study of works of Dewey and Bloom

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of Niigata Seiryo University   7 ( 7 )   29 - 39   2007.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Seiryo University  

    DOI: 10.32147/00001178

    CiNii Books


  • A Scheme for School Evaluation Utilizing the Management Cycle: Centered on Deming's Quality Control Theory Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    The journal of the study of modern society and culture   ( 37 )   1 - 18   2006.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata University. Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture  

    The purpose of this study is to consider Deming's (Deming, W.E., 1900-1993) PDSA cycle, and to clarify how his management cycle should contribute to the school evaluation, which contributes to school improvement. PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle is a theory of quality control which improves the products and the process. It is not performed by "Check," i.e., sorting products, but by "Study," i.e., examining the plans and results. In school evaluation of Japan, PDS used to be operated as the main cycle, and these days PDCA is operated as main cycle. These two cycles are seen to be different, according to the length of the cycle period, the emphasis on the numerical target, the existence of publication of the result, and concretization of the improvement plan. In many schools, school evaluations are implemented by "Check" with questionnaire surveys. However, since such surveys need huge quantity of work, they tend to become what is called "evaluation for evaluation." As for school evaluation, it is desirable not to depend on "Check" of the numerical target and the degree of achievement, but to introduce PDSA cycle, and to aim at school improvement and school reform by everyda

    CiNii Books


  • Dewey's Position on the Educational Measurement Movement of the 1920s Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    The journal of the study of modern society and culture   ( 35 )   37 - 46   2006.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata University. Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture  

    CiNii Books


  • A Research of the Assessment Activity which Raises a Juvenile Self-assessment Capacity Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    The journal of the study of modern society and culture   ( 31 )   227 - 244   2004.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata University. Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture  

    This research aims at developing the assessment activity which may enhance ajuvenile self-assessment capacity for a period of integrated study. Research of two educative practices tried the following assessment activities. 1. The viewpoint of an assessment as a school is presented to students beforehand. 2. Two turning points are prepared in a unit and expression activities are performed at every turning point. At turning point one、students carry out a self-assessment using the assessment criterion which the teacher showed. After turning point one、students do a self-assessment using assessment criterion which is set up by students themselves. 3. In the expression activities at every turning point、a mutual assessment is performed about the contents of the presentation or its method. Referring to the result of the mutual assessment、students make a self-assessment of the learning prior to the turning point. This is based on previous assessment criterion. Then students describe the leaning outcome and the assignment freely with their own description. In consideration of point 3、mutual assessment must be performed in a functional way. For example、limiting a partner within a same group. Or by using tags. By analyzing students' free description、it became clear that the assessment activity mentioned above is effective.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10191/959

  • Innovating Learning Activities to Help Children Grasp Learning Problems: Raising Problems from the Field in Search of "the Period for Integrated Studies" Invited

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Bulletin of John Dewey Society of Japan   ( 42 )   180 - 184   2001.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:John Dewey Society of japan  

    CiNii Books


  • Innovating Learning Activities to Help Children Grasp Learning Problems: Through the Period for Integrated Studies that Focus on the "Environment" Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Collection of Educational Research Papers   ( 14 )   33 - 40   2000.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Niigata Education Association  


  • What did Schutz, A. Make Development Dewey's Theory?

    Yasuyuki Iwasaki

    Buletin of John Dewey Society of Japan   ( 36 )   51 - 56   1995.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Research on the State of Educational Behavior: A. Focusing on Schutz's Theory of Relevance Reviewed

    Yasuyuki IWASAKI

    Niigata University Graduate School of Education   1995.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Master’s thesis  


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  • 学校教育の現代的課題と養護教諭

    河田, 史宝, 岩崎, 保之, 大川, 尚子, 塚原, 加寿子

    大学図書出版  2021.10  ( ISBN:9784909655547

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    Total pages:168 p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 教育・保育の基礎を学ぶ:子どもの育ちを支える理論と実践

    岩﨑 保之( Role: Joint author)

    国際文献社  2017.12  ( ISBN:9784623069477

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    Total pages:243   Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • みんなが主役!わくわくファシリテーション授業

    にいがたファシリテーション授業研究会( Role: Joint author)

    新潟日報事業社  2013.11  ( ISBN:4861325528

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    Total pages:158  



  • 看護基礎教育におけるアクティブ・ラーニング:学習者主体の看護教育実践のために

    佐藤聖一, 福田友秀, 野島敬祐, 亀岡聖朗, 岩﨑保之( Role: Contributorアクティブ・ラーニングを支えるファシリテーション(pp.71-81)、教育学における教育評価の理論(pp.91-100))

    トリアーデ  2024.8  ( ISBN:9784600015022

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  • 養護教諭のためのICT活用術 : GIGAスクールでの新しい保健管理・保健教育 : 徹底解説!

    大川, 尚子, 岩﨑, 保之, 塚原, 加寿子( Role: Edit)

    健学社  2024.3  ( ISBN:9784779706202

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    Total pages:157p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 民主主義と教育の再創造 : デューイ研究の未来へ


    勁草書房  2020.12  ( ISBN:9784326251476

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    Total pages:vii, 330p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 生活科・総合的学習事典


    溪水社  2020.9  ( ISBN:9784863275027

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    Total pages:viii, 215p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 特別活動15講と総合的学習8講

    梅澤, 秀監, 木内, 隆生, 嶋崎, 政男, 岩﨑, 保之

    大学図書出版  2019.4  ( ISBN:9784909655042

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    Total pages:173p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 保育の実践を支える理論と方法

    齊藤 勇紀, 岩﨑 保之( Role: Joint author)

    ウエストン  2019.3  ( ISBN:9784990697853

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    Total pages:114   Language:Japanese  


  • 保育・教育・施設実習:こどもを理解し,実践できる保育者をめざして

    福田 真奈, 五十嵐 淳子( Role: Joint author)

    大学図書出版  2018.4 

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  • 地域資源を活かした発達障害のある子どもへの支援:療育・保育・教育の視点から

    中村 恵子( Role: Joint author)

    ウエストン  2017.3 

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  • 教育ファシリテーション入門:人と集団が成長する場をつくる

    みらいずworks( Role: Supervisor (editorial))

    みらいずworks  2016.11 

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  • これでできる!わくわくファシリテーション : アクティブ・ラーニング時代の授業づくり・学校づくり

    にいがたファシリテーション授業研究会( Role: Joint author)

    新潟日報事業社  2016  ( ISBN:9784861326448

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  • 子どもの抱える問題への支援と連携

    岩崎 保之, 中村 恵子( Role: Joint author)

    ウエストン  2014.9  ( ISBN:4990697820

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    Total pages:115  



  • 子どもの心の健康問題の理解と対応

    中村 恵子, 石崎 トモイ( Role: Joint author)

    ウエストン  2014  ( ISBN:9784990697815

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  • 大学初年次におけるスタディ・スキル養成科目の展開 : 看護・福祉・保育・心理を学ぶ学生のために

    佐藤 貴洋, 海老田 大五朗, 岩崎 保之, 原田 留美( Role: Joint author)

    ウエストン  2013  ( ISBN:9784990697808

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  • 教育・保育の基礎理論 : 生涯発達の視点から

    中野 啓明, 佐藤 朗子( Role: Joint author)

    考古堂書店  2012  ( ISBN:9784874997963

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  • 確かな学力の育成と評価のあり方 (教育フォーラム)

    人間教育研究協議会( Role: Joint author)

    金子書房  2010.2  ( ISBN:476089795X

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    Total pages:147  



  • 目標準拠評価論の研究 : 学校教育における理論と実践

    岩﨑 保之( Role: Sole author)

    ウエストン出版部  2009  ( ISBN:9784990473006

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  • 現代の教職原理

    中野 啓明, 伊藤 敦美, 岩﨑 保之, 中村 恵子, 齋藤 勉( Role: Joint author)

    考古堂書店  2007  ( ISBN:9784874996744

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  • ときわ教育奨励賞

    2003   ときわ会   児童の自己評価力を高める評価活動の工夫

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Research Projects

  • 対話的な学びにおけるファシリテーションの効果と授業技量に関する調査研究

    Grant number:24K06042  2024.4 - 2027.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    岩崎 保之

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    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )


  • Research and Development of Strategies to Activate "Period of Integrated Study" in School as a Team

    Grant number:18K02551  2018.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Iwasaki Yasuyuki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    The purpose of this study was to research and develop strategies and tactics that can be implemented generically in each school to revitalize the Period of Integrated Study and Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study ("Integrated") in "School as a Team".
    The results of the literature review, interviews, and questionnaires were analyzed and validated by the current principals and teachers. For principals, strategies for 4 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, and 4 high schools, and 31 tactics (including duplicates) belonging to each strategy were collected. For teachers in charge of promoting "Integrated," strategies for 2 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools, and 23 tactics (including duplicates) belonging to each strategy were collected.


  • Research and Development of Reactivation Model of "Period for Integrated Study": Focusing on Regional Coordinators

    Grant number:15K04518  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    IWASAKI Yasuyuki

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

    In order to revitalize "Period for Integrated Study", which is pointed out as losing its substance, the main point is that faculty members and regional coordinators make the following efforts.
    Faculty members should first clarify policies on cooperation and collaboration between schools and communities, share informations on local talents with neighboring schools, nurture quantity and quality of regional talents, and share directly informations and requests of the school with local residents and business offices.
    While communicating with teachers on a daily basis, regional coordinators share information on local human resources with neighboring schools, and make plans with the faculty at the beginning of the year with visions for the whole year about "Period for Integrated Study" and securing regional talents in a systematic manner.


  • A Study of Measures to Promote Sexuality Education by Yogo Teachers in High Schools

    Grant number:24500830  2012.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\2340000 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 、 Indirect Cost:\540000 )

    This study is to discuss measures to promote sex education in high school through clarifying the high school yogo teachers'awareness of and efforts for sex education,as compared with other teachers and teachers who were collaborating with yogo teachers at school. As a result,yogo teachers acquired a comprehensive understanding of sex.In addition, yogo teachers apparently thought that“they could expect positive changes in students”by pro-viding them with sex education and recognized the need for sex education that would not only help resolve students current problems but also focus on their future.Meanwhile,yogo teachers faced difficulties in securing time for sex education as well as obtaining other people's understanding. They were not confident of their own teaching method,feeling difficulty in gloup guidance. We,therefore,developed a“Step-by-Step Progress Checklist for the Promotion of Sexuality Education”based on the survey results and proposed its use by yogo teachers.


  • Research on the Encouragement Theory of Experience-Based Career Education during "Period for Integrated Study" at Junior and Senior High Schools

    Grant number:23531264  2011.4 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1820000 ( Direct Cost: \1400000 、 Indirect Cost:\420000 )

    In order to encourage experience-based career education during "period for integrated study" at junior and senior high schools, it is effective to cooperatively set challenges exploring an advance guidance situation, do exercises which heighten self-efficacy and self-esteem, set new challenges in an advance guidance situation, and plan improvement evaluations. Doing exercises to consider how others effect one's own personality is effective for adopting facilities in a cooperative setting and visualizing discussion as incoming and outgoing group thoughts and individual thoughts. Also, as for evaluations it's important to take notice that it's not necessary for the quantitative results from the question sheet and impressions sheet to correlate.


  • A Study of the Development of Manual of Protective Care Diagnosis and Countermeasures by Yogo Teachers, and a Study of the Construction of its System

    Grant number:23593414  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\3250000 ( Direct Cost: \2500000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )

    This research clarified how yogo teachers diagnose and deal with students who need care on the basis of a questionnaire for the teachers. We analysed the methods of addressing psychological problems, focusing on the ways of cooperation, by conducting research by way of interviews with the yogo teachers, a school counsellor and a guidance director. In addition, we described the SSW support by way of conducting interviews with SSWs. Furthermore, we attempted to improve the records of students visiting health care rooms by conducting group interviews with yogo teachers, and visited organisations concerned and investigated the partnership between them. Through these attempts, we generated assessment sheets and a document for provision of information, and summarised the end result of research on the ways of proceeding with health care counselling activity, constructing its system and coordinating with institutions concerned.


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Teaching Experience

  • 初等教育学専修ゼミⅥ

    2022.10 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 教職実践演習(初等)

    2022.10 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 知へのパスポートb

    2022.10 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 初等教育学専修ゼミⅡ

    2022.10 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 初等教育学専修ゼミⅣ

    2022.10 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 研究法Ⅱ

    2022.10 - 2023.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 生活環境学特殊研究Ⅰ

    2022.4 - Present Institution:京都女子大学大学院家政学研究科

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  • 知のナヴィゲーター

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 学びの扉(初等教育学)

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 生活科教育の内容

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 初等教育学専修ゼミⅠ

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 初等教育学専修ゼミⅢ

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 知へのパスポートa

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 初等教育学専修ゼミⅤ

    2022.4 - Present Institution:関西大学

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  • 研究法Ⅰ

    2022.4 - 2022.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 演習Ⅱ

    2021.10 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 特別活動及び総合的な学習の時間指導法

    2021.4 - Present Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 生活福祉学特論

    2021.4 - Present Institution:京都女子大学大学院家政学研究科

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  • 演習Ⅰ

    2021.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 基礎演習Ⅱ

    2020.10 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 福祉行動科学特論

    2020.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学大学院家政学研究科

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  • 基礎演習Ⅰ

    2020.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 生活福祉研究法Ⅱ

    2019.10 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 教職実践演習(養護教諭)

    2019.10 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 入門演習Ⅱ

    2019.10 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 生活福祉演習Ⅱ

    2019.10 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 養護教育実習論

    2019.10 - 2021.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 教育課程論

    2019.10 - 2021.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 看護臨床実習指導

    2019.4 - 2022.3 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 生活福祉研究法Ⅰ

    2019.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 入門演習Ⅰ

    2019.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 教養科目B(福祉とくらし4)

    2019.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 生活福祉演習Ⅰ

    2019.4 - 2021.9 Institution:京都女子大学

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  • 教育実習

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  • 保育実習Ⅰ

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  • 特別活動指導法

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  • 特別活動論

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  • 教育課程

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  • 教育制度論

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  • 教育課程論

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  • 保育実習Ⅱ

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  • 教職実践演習(養護教諭)

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  • 教育課程論(特別活動研究を含む)

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  • 教育原理

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  • 教師論

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  • 教職実践演習(高)

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  • 保育実践演習

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  • 保育者論

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  • 保育課程論

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  • 保育実習指導Ⅱ(保育所)

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  • スタディスキルⅠ

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  • 国語表現基礎

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  • 保育内容総論

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  • 教育の社会的・制度的・経営的研究

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  • スタディスキルⅡ

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  • 保育所観察実習

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  • 卒業研究Ⅱ

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  • 卒業研究Ⅰ

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  • 教職入門

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  • 養護実習

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Devising educational methods

  • ・授業開始時に毎回、本時の目標と流れを提示して、学生が学修の見通しを持てるように工夫している。

Teaching materials

  • 河田史宝監修、岩﨑保之・大川尚子・塚原加寿子編著『学校教育の現代的課題と養護教諭』大学図書出版

Special notes on other educational activities

  • ・「東山区住民の防災力向上支援プロジェクト」代表( 2021年度、京都女子大学「連携プロジェクト」採択事業)
    ・「養護教諭を目指す京女生の『 ICT 活用指導力』向上プロジェクト」代表(2020年度~2021年度、京都女子大学「学長採択プロジェクト」採択事業)