Updated on 2025/01/24


Organization for Research Development of innovative Science Technology Specially Appointed Professor
Specially Appointed Professor
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  • Doctor of Engineering ( 2004.9   Fukuoka Institute of Technology )

Research Interests

  • 流体力学

  • スポーツ工学

  • 振動工学

  • データサイエンス

  • Sports Informatics

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Fluid engineering

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Measurement engineering

  • Informatics / Intelligent informatics


  • Osaka University   School of Engineering

    - 1986.3

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  • 日本繊維製品消費科学会   理事  

    2019.6 - 2021.1   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本機械学会   スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス部門運営委員  

    2015.4 - 2021.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • Development of Tracking Method with Re-identifying Players in Field Sports

    65 ( 12 )   1775 - 1787   2024.12

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  • Development of Video Switching System in Sport Fields

    Umehara Yoshimasa, Jiang Wenyuan, Nishita Yoshito, Yamamoto Yuhei, Naruo Takeshi, Tanaka Shigenori, Yokomichi Akira, Fujimoto Norio, Akagi Toshihiro, Hakamata Shingo

    Journal of Digital Life   4 ( SpecialIssue )   n/a   2024

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    Language:English   Publisher:SANKEI DIGITAL Inc.  

    In Japan, the Sport Basic Plan was formulated in 2012, which mentions not only the development of highly qualified sports instructors but also new perspectives such as the provision of programs in which everyone can enjoy the value of sports together. Against this background, trials of new technologies utilizing the latest ICT equipment such as sensor devices are being made. However, in college sports, where financial resources are often limited, shooting with hand-held video cameras is the most common method, which may cause the manager to overlook important scenes of play depending on his or her skill level. This problem affects not only competitors but also spectators. To solve this problem, we develop a system for capturing video images of the entire field with multiple fixed video cameras so that the system can automatically switch from one to another video of the most appropriate camera for the respective scenes of play. The results of the demonstration experiments in basketball and futsal showed that the switching video of the proposed technology can be utilized for tactical analysis in sports.

    DOI: 10.51015/jdl.2024.4.s6


  • スポーツ分野における映像スイッチングシステムの開発—Development of Video Switching System for Sports

    梅原 喜政, 姜 文渊, 西田 義人, 山本 雄平, 鳴尾 丈司, 田中 成典, 横道 彰

    画像ラボ / 画像ラボ編集委員会 編   34 ( 8 )   23 - 28   2023.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京 : 日本工業出版  

    CiNii Books


  • チームプレーを可視化するスポーツセンシングユニット : 「xG-1」の開発—Development of Sensing Units "xG-1" for Visualizing Team Plays

    山田 貴之, 政木 英一, 松林 豊, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司, 山本 雄平, 今井 龍一, 中村 健二, 姜 文渊, 田中 ちひろ

    画像ラボ / 画像ラボ編集委員会 編   34 ( 7 )   40 - 45   2023.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:東京 : 日本工業出版  

    CiNii Books


  • Research and Development of Annotation System for Players in Field Sports

    64 ( 5 )   980 - 991   2023.5

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  • Development of Sensing Unit "xG-1" for Visualizing Team Plays

    Yamada Takayuki, Masaki Hidekazu, Matsubayashi Yutaka, Tanaka Shigenori, Imai Ryuichi, Naruo Takeshi, Nakamura Kenji, Yamamoto Yuhei, Jiang Wenyuan, Tanaka Chihiro

    Journal of Digital Life   3   n/a   2023

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    Language:English   Publisher:SANKEI DIGITAL Inc.  

    The authors have developed "xG-1", a sports sensing unit capable of visualizing the performance and flow of play while recognizing each player in field sports such as soccer, rugby, and American football. Utilization of this sensing unit in the field of sports makes it possible to provide scientific data-driven services with the aim of transforming subjective coaching methods based on experience into new coaching methods based on data.
    This system consists of sensor devices and software, utilizing real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning, which is a surveying technology. Therefore, the system not only provides highly accurate positional data in real time but also visualizes the overall performance of the entire team, including formation analysis. This allows one-stop management of the overall team and individual performance, as well as efficient information management of the player's exercise load. "xG-1" can support sports businesses by providing highly extensible API and SDK and linking data among end users and systems. In the future, we aim to develop a global open data platform.

    DOI: 10.51015/jdl.2023.3.10


  • 2視点の映像を用いたパノラマ生成と可視化技術の開発—Development of panorama image generation and visualization technology using two-viewpoint video

    鳴尾 丈司, 山本 雄平, 田中 成典, 西田 義人, 梅原 喜政, 姜 文渊, 中村 健二, 坂本 一磨, 田中 ちひろ

    画像ラボ / 画像ラボ編集委員会 編   33 ( 8 )   28 - 32   2022.8

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    CiNii Books


  • Research for Constructing Training Data of Deep Learning for Detecting Players Using Video Data of Sports

    JIANG Wenyuan, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, NAKAMURA Kenji, TANAKA Chihiro, TANAKA Shigenori, NARUO Takeshi, MATSUO Ryohei

    J105-D ( 1 )   75 - 88   2022.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    The authors have aimed at detecting and tracking players using video cameras in field sports. However, there is a problem that the detection accuracy is lowered at the place where players have an occlusion. Deep learning is a solution to this problem, but it requires the manual creation of large amounts of training data which is costly. In this research, the authors propose a method for automatically generating training data to build a detector that can identify players with high accuracy for field sports, and a method for updating this detector to input it to various videos.

    DOI: 10.14923/transinfj.2021skp0029



    MATSUO Ryohei, JIANG Wenyuan, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, NAKAMURA Kenji, TANAKA Chihiro, TANAKA Shigenori, NARUO Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F3 (Civil Engineering Informatics)   78 ( 2 )   I_179 - I_188   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    In recent years, effective safety management measures based on the Internet of Things (IoT) have been established to prevent industrial accidents in construction sites. In response to these efforts, technologies that use object detection methods to obtain the location information of workers and construction vehicles can contribute toward safety management. However, it is difficult to detect workers and construction vechiles from video images by object detection methods in construction site where dangerous areas are constantly changing due to their coexistence. Therefore, the application of deep learning can be considered, but in order to detect them accurately, it is necessary to update the detection model specialized for construction sites. However, it takes a lot of cost to manually create a training data for constructing model. Therefore, in this research, we propose an automatic generation method of training data for deep learning to realize high-precision for detecting workers and construction vehicles in construction sites. Experiment was performed with application of the proposed system to the video data at construction site, and its usefulness was confirmed.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejcei.78.2_i_179


  • 慣性センサを用いた運動解析とトレーニングへの応用—特集 慣性センサやサーボモータを用いたパフォーマンス評価とトレーニング方法の再探求

    廣瀬 圭, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司, 近藤 亜希子

    Journal of training science for exercise and sport = トレーニング科学 / トレーニング科学研究会 編   33 ( 4 )   241 - 248   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:トレーニング科学研究会  

    CiNii Books


  • フィールドスポーツにおけるオクルージョン前後の選手同定に関する研究—Research on Matching Players Before and After Occlusion for Field Sports

    姜 文渊, 山本 雄平, 中村 健二, 田中 ちひろ, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司, 肖 智葳

    写真測量とリモートセンシング   61 ( 4 )   218 - 240   2022

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    CiNii Books


  • Development of Technology for Generating Panorama and Visualization Using Two-viewpoint Images

    Naruo Takeshi, Nishita Yoshito, Umehara Yoshimasa, Yamamoto Yuhei, Jiang Wenyuan, Nakamura Kenji, Tanaka Chihiro, Sakamoto Kazuma, Tanaka Shigenori

    Journal of Digital Life   2   n/a   2022

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    Language:English   Publisher:SANKEI DIGITAL Inc.  

    Research on tracking and performance analysis of athletes using video images has been actively conducted with the aim of improving athletes' competitive performance. However, when filming plays in field sports, it is difficult to capture the entire field with a single camera without filming from a specific point, such as a spectator's seat on the corner side, because the field is long sideways. Even if the entire field is captured, the players at the back of the field appear small, making analysis difficult. Other issues include the fact that since many coaches and analysts film where the play is progressing, it is hard for them to track the ball seamlessly when the position of play changes significantly depending on the position of ball. To solve this problem, we develop in this study a technology to automatically generate panoramic video images that cover the entire field by using two video cameras. Using this technology, we aim to generate panoramic images of the entire field that makes it possible to surely measure and analyze all players and the ball.

    DOI: 10.51015/jdl.2022.2.12



    XIAO Zhiwei, JIANG Wenyuan, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, NAKAMURA Kenji, TANAKA Chihiro, TANAKA Shigenori, NARUO Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F3 (Civil Engineering Informatics)   78 ( 2 )   I_189 - I_198   2022

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    In Japan, owing to the steadily declining working population, innovative technologies that improve productivity in construction sites using i-Construction are urgently required. This necessitates the tracking of not only construction vehicles but also workers using technologies such as AI and IoT. Against this background, many technologies that were able to track both workers and construction equipment on construction sites had been developed. However, challenging subjects for automating tracking tasks remained as those technologies were applied in sections where extended and heavy occlusion occurs frequently. Therefore, an identification method that matches appearance features of workers and construction vehicles before and after occlusion is proposed in this research, thereby contributing to the development of tracking technologies that enable successive tracking through occlusion sections. Experiments conducted using videos from actual construction sites showed that the method was capable of restoring tracking progress in occlusion sections by identifying each worker and construction vehicles individually before and after each section.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejcei.78.2_i_189


  • GANを用いたフィールドスポーツの選手の影除去に関する研究—Research on Removing Shadow of Field Sport Players Using GAN

    姜 文渊, 山本 雄平, 中村 健二, 田中 ちひろ, 坂本 一磨, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司, 肖 智葳, 松尾 龍平, 岡嵜 雄也

    写真測量とリモートセンシング   61 ( 4 )   241 - 255   2022

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    CiNii Books


  • 野球における指導者の主観的評価による打者のスイング特性

    蔭山 雅洋, 山本 雄平, 田中 成典, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司

    情報処理学会論文誌   62 ( 2 )   747 - 760   2021.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:[出版社不明]  

    In recent years, we became able to measurement data of the bat swing just after baseball batting, because measurement devices have been downsized by the development of a sensor technology and the IT technology. However, a coaching method based on such scientific data has not yet been established in amateur baseball clubs because of the mixture of rational and practical instruction and the difficulty of the interpretation from calculated numerical values. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of a batter's swing using an evaluation from baseball coach with a lot of experience when assessing batting skills. Finally, its practically and effectively is verified through this present finding.

    DOI: 10.20729/00209346

    CiNii Books


  • Analysis of Swing Characteristics According to Division into Nine Courses Using Baseball Swing Measurement Device

    KAGEYAMA Masahiro, TANAKA Shigenori, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, NARUO Takeshi

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   87 ( 902 )   21-00158 - 21-00158   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In recent years, as measurement devices have advanced due to sensor and information technology, we have been able to measure bat swing data just after baseball impact. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of a batter’s swing using batting skill assessments from baseball coaches with significant experience. Finally, the practicality and effectiveness of baseball coaching methods, particularly for batting, were verified through this study. The subjects were 25 male university baseball players (age: 19.8 ± 1.0 yrs, body height: 174.5 ± 5.4 cm; body weight: 72.8 ± 5.1 kg). The participants were instructed to hit the ball placed on a tee stand. Nine types of tee-batting positions (course / height) were set for each participant depending on the upper and lower limits of the strike zone according to the baseball rules. Our main findings were as follows: 1) The swing characteristics (Depth: swing time and vertical bat angle, Height: head speed, rolling angular velocity, bat radius of rotation, horizontal bat angle, and vertical bat angle, Course: rolling angular velocity) varied with respect to ball positions, 2) Through batting skill assessment by two baseball coaches with significant experience, a good batter’s swing can be characterized as high bat speed, short swing time, and high efficiency of rotational movement around the vertical axis. Additionally, the coaches suggested that for a good batter’s swing, the vertical bat angle should be stable and smaller than 9°. These results provide useful information on assessment of bat swing training methods and exercises to hit the ball to different positions. Furthermore, this study can aid baseball coaches and/or players to objectively analyze a bat swing of a player.

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.21-00158


  • A research for analysing characteristics of university baseball players using swing measurement unit

    TANAKA Shigenori, NARUO Takeshi, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, SAITO Rei

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   87 ( 894 )   20-00240 - 20-00240   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In the field of sports engineering, though policies for developing human resources in sports are promoted nationally, lack of managers and coaches who can give highly-qualified instruction to an individual player is an urgent problem. Therefore, a swing measurement unit is developed for quantitatively analyzing a batter’s swing form in baseball. However, it is difficult for managers and coaches to utilize the sensor data and give players an instruction based on the data. The purpose of the study is to find out new knowledge for giving appropriate advice to individual players by analyzing the swing characteristics with the swing measurement unit. In order to verify whether the swing characteristics of university baseball players can be properly classified, the swing data and batting performance data were classified individually using the k-means method. As a result, when the swing characteristics and batting performance were classified into two cluster by the k-means method, the players could be classified with high accuracy. Furthermore, the principal component analysis was performed to examine the relationship between the measurement results obtained from the swing measurement device and the swing characteristics in conjunction with this classification result. The results of principal component analysis also showed that it was possible to classify high-ranked players and low-ranked players. From these results, it showed elements of the measurement items related to classification. It was found that players with long swing rotational radius, short swing time and high head speed were classified as high-ranked players.

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.20-00240

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.21-00158_references_DOI_PcxXFemWVvSjaGQoRCdNEeT0y6


  • スイング計測装置を用いたプロ野球選手の特性分析に関する研究

    田中 成典, 山本 雄平, 西藤 怜, 鳴尾 丈司

    情報処理学会論文誌   61 ( 5 )   1031 - 1050   2020.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:[出版社不明]  

    スポーツ工学分野では,スポーツ人材の育成のための政策が国家的に推進されているが,各選手に質の高い指導を実施できる監督・コーチなどの指導者の不足が喫緊の課題となっている.一方,MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)技術の発展により,慣性計測装置の小型化が進んでいる.そのため,その慣性センサを用いた科学的な分析結果に基づくコーチング方法を確立する必要性が高まっている.特に,日本の代表的なスポーツである野球を対象に,打者のスイングフォームを定量的に分析することを目的とした慣性センサの開発が進められている.このセンサより取得された計測データから打者の特性を分析することで,各選手の能力向上につながるスイングフォームの改善点を提示することが可能となる.しかし,大学などの高等教育機関だけでなく,小中高の教育現場において,その分析方法は確立されていない.具体的には,監督・コーチなどの指導者が,そのセンサデータをどのように利活用すればよいか,いい換えると,それを基にどのような指導を実施すべきかを判断することは難しい.そこで,本研究では,スイング計測装置から得られる1スイングだけの情報を基に,スイングフォームを多角的に分析することで,各選手に的確なアドバイスをするための新たな知見が得られるかを検証する.実験は,各個人のティーバッティングと試合でのスイングの計測値に乖離が少なく再現性が高いと考えられるプロ野球選手のスイングを対象とした.
    In the field of sports engineering, though policies for developing human resources in sports are promoted nationally, lack of leaders including managers and coaches who can give highly qualified instruction to individual player is an urgent problem. On the other hand, inertial measurement units are getting miniaturized, due to technological development of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems). Accordingly, there is an increase in need for establishing a coaching method based on scientific analysis using the inertial sensor. In particular, a specific type of inertial sensor is being developed, which is aimed for quantitatively analyzing a batter's swing form in baseball, a representative kind of sport in Japan. Analysis of characteristics of the batter based on the measurement data obtained from this sensor will make it possible to indicate points for improvement in the swing form that lead to capacity building of each player. However, no method of such analysis has been established in educational sites of not only higher education systems such as universities but also primary, junior high, and senior high schools. Specifically, it is difficult for the leaders such as managers and coaches to judge how to utilize the sensor data, or in other words, what kind of instruction to give based on the data. The purpose of this study is to find out new knowledge for giving appropriate advice to individual player by analyzing the swing forms from various aspects based on the information of only one swing data obtained from the swing measurement unit. We made the experiments with the swings of professional baseball players are assumed that was reproducible and there are few difference between sensor value in tee batting and in the game.

    DOI: 10.20729/00204508

    CiNii Books


  • Estimation of baseball bat trajectory during a practice swing using a Kalman filter for velocity compensation

    Shohei Shibata, Kiyoshi Hirose, Takeshi Naruo, Yuichi Shimizu


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    This study aimed to (a) develop an algorithm that could estimate a baseball bat trajectory from the beginning of the swing to the follow-through phase during a practice swing without a ball and (b) evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method using a three-dimensional motion capture system. The sensor fusion using the adaptive Kalman filter for compensating velocity decreased the error of acceleration integration during the follow-through phase. Further, the three-dimensional bat trajectory in a global coordinate was estimated by combining the sensor fusion and compensation by motion characteristics. The three-dimensional bat trajectory from the swing beginning to the follow-through phase estimated by the proposed method was compared with the three-dimensional bat trajectory obtained by the three-dimensional motion capture system. The proposed method achieved a root mean square of the error of 7.72 km/h for velocity, which was less than the root mean square of the error (8.91 km/h) obtained by simple time integration of forward direction. These results indicate that the error by acceleration integration during the follow-through phase is compensated. The proposed method is, thus, deemed effective and can be used to evaluate baseball swing, including the follow-through phase, with high accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1177/1754337119871436

    Web of Science


  • Research and Development of Coach Oriented Visualization System for Field Sports

    60 ( 5 )   1212 - 1227   2019.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books


  • Development of New Concept Golf Ball Dimple~Based on an Aerodynamic Research by Wind Tunnel~

    NARUO Takeshi

    Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers   119 ( 1172 )   414 - 415   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.119.1172_414


  • 4-components Wind Tunnel Load Cell with Aerostatic Bearing Methods

    MIZOTA Taketo, OGURI Hiroki, NARUO Takeshi, TAKATSUKA Tatsuya, ARAKI Yuusuke, TAKITA Kazuyuki, YAMAMOTO Koki, NAGAMINE Hikaru, TANAKA Katsutoshi

    Journal of Wind Engineering   41 ( 2 )   48 - 57   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Association for Wind Engineering  

    Aerostatic bearing load cell which is available to measure 3-components aerodynamic forces and torque is developed. Each table to detect the forces is floating by air pressure and balanced by a pair of coil springs. The model in the wind tunnel is connected with fine piano wires to a light frame on the unit. The wind loads acting on the model shift the each table within short distances. These shift magnitudes are measured with laser displacement devices. Aerodynamic torque is counted by spinning decay ratios of the model. As a result, this load cell has some specific characteristics to measure the forces, such as good linearity, high resolution, less interference and less temperature drift. The validity of this new apparatus is shown by the aerodynamic forces and torque measurements on highly spinning golf ball.

    DOI: 10.5359/jwe.41.48

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/027332456

  • Skill grouping method: Mining and clustering skill differences from body movement BigData

    Shinichi Yamagiwa, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Noriyuki Tabuchi, Yoshinobu Watanabe, Takeshi Naruo

    2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)   2015.10

  • 企業の最新技術研究による商品・サービス紹介 スポーツ計測技術を活用したサービス展開

    JOURNAL of the JAPAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION for TEXTILE END-USES   56 ( 9 )   713 - 718   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses  

    DOI: 10.11419/senshoshi.56.9_713

    CiNii Books


  • The Influence of Golf Ball Dimples on Aerodynamic Characteristics

    Takeshi Naruo, Taketo Mizota

    Procedia Engineering   72   780 - 785   2014

  • The strange flight behaviour of slowly spinning soccer balls

    Taketo Mizota, Kouhei Kurogi, Yuji Ohya, Atsushi Okajima, Takeshi Naruo, Yoshiyuki Kawamura

    Scientific Reports   3 ( 1 )   1871   2013.5

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  • Golf Club Fitting System by an Inertia Sensor

    NARUO Takeshi

    Journal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers   116 ( 1138 )   632 - 633   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.116.1138_632


  • Optimization of Golf Club face for enhancement of coefficient of restitution

    T. Naruo, Y. Fujikawa, K. Oomori, F. Sato

    Science and Golf IV: Proceedings of the WorId Scientific Congress of Golf   426 - 437   2012.11

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    Publishing type:Part of collection (book)  

    The relation between the golf club head and golf ball coefficient of restitution (COR), with the frequency as well as face thickness of golf club heads were investigated. Also a sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate the ratio of effect by the wall thickness of each part of the face, namely the rigidity on head frequency. By this, it was found that the sensitivity of the wall thickness on the heal side was greater than the sensitivity of the wall thickness on the toe side and had a greater effect on frequency of the head. It was found that the reason for this was because with heads having constant thickness, the strain occurring at the heal part is smaller than the strain occurring at the toe part when impact is made at the center of the face. Also, when COR distribution was measured, golf club heads with variable thickness design with the heel part made thinner had a wider range of high COR compared with golf club heads with constant thickness, having the same maximum COR.



  • 3-Dimensional trajectory analysis of Golf Balls

    T. Mizota, T. Naruo, H. Simozono, M. Zdravkovich, F. Sato

    Science and Golf IV: Proceedings of the WorId Scientific Congress of Golf   349 - 358   2012.11

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    Publishing type:Part of collection (book)  

    To conduct a 3-dimensional trajectory analysis of a golf ball, a 3-dimension equation of motion of a ball in flight was formulated. The trajectory equation of a ball in flight was obtained under two assumptions of (1) the mechanism of slices or hooks of a ball is caused by an inclining of the ball rotating axis and (2) the direction given to the rotating axis of the ball is constant. On the other hand, a device to rotate an actual golf ball stably at a maximum of 10,000 rev/min was developed. By this, drag, dynamic lift, aerodynamic momentum (aerodynamic forces) applied on the ball under various flight conditions were measured in a wind tunnel air current. Using these aerodynamic force coefficients, mathematical calculation of flight trajectory equation was made by time integral calculus, and 3-dimensional flight trajectory, changes in velocity as well as rotation velocity were obtained. Ejection experiments were made using a robot and flight distance and side deviation distance were obtained. The validity of the theory was verified by comparing the calculation results with the experiment results.



  • ゴルフボール・ディンプル設計のための空気力測定技術開発(トピックス)

    鳴尾 丈司, 溝田 武人

    日本機械学会誌   115 ( 1128 )   773   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemag.115.1128_773

    CiNii Books


  • ぶれ球用サッカースパイクの研究開発—特集 フットボールを取り巻くエキップメント

    鳴尾 丈司

    フットボールの科学   6 ( 1 )   9 - 15   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本フットボール学会  

    CiNii Books


  • The influence of wind upon 3-dimensional trajectory of golf ball under various initial conditions

    T. Naruo, T. Mizota


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    Aerodynamic forces and torque acting on the ball were measured under various flight conditions in a wind tunnel flow. Using the aerodynamic force coefficients, mathematical calculation of flight trajectory equation was made by time integral calculus, and 3-dimensional flight trajectory, changes in velocity as well as rotation velocity were obtained. Furthermore the logarithmic law was applied to trajectory formation of a golf ball in order to include influence of atmospheric boundary layer. The trajectory formation considering atmospheric boundary layer was verified by two experiments. One of the experiments was conducted to measure wind velocity distribution. By this experiment, logarithmic law could be verified. Other experiment was conducted in order to verify 3-dimensional flight trajectory applied logarithmic law. Many golf balls were hit under various initial conditions of golf ball (initial velocity, launch angle, spin rate) by a professional golfer using various golf clubs. Initial conditions just after golf balls launched were measured by launch monitor and wind velocity distribution in the direction that golf ball flied was measured. In addition, golf ball trajectory under atmospheric boundary layer was calculated by using measured initial launch conditions and wind velocity distribution. As a result, the calculated result of drop positions by trajectory analysis agreed with the actual measured data. So far, we know the influence of wind upon trajectory only qualitatively. Flight trajectory considering natural wind was calculated by using 3-dimensional flight trajectory formation applied logarithmic law under various initial conditions in detail. As a result, we could get knowledge about 3-dimensional flight trajectory influenced by natural wind. Such as we found out that there are conditions that distance reduces by tailwind and showed the conditions. In addition, we could get quantitative data: the influence of spin rate and launch angle including wind upon distance. Moreover we analyzed the quantitative influence of spin rate and launch angle including wind upon curving e.g. hooks and slices.

    Web of Science


  • Estimation of Golf Club Head and Ball Motions by Neural Network

    HOKARI Masaki, DOKI Hitoshi, NARUO Takeshi, ASHIDA Hiroki

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   73 ( 736 )   3265 - 3271   2007.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In sports that are one of the life science fields, the performance of tools such as wear, shoes, clubs and so on advances remarkably, and the record has improved spectacularly. However, it tends to the restriction of “tools that expand distance of a jump” in golf that is one of ball sports toward the target in the distance. The improvement of the sports skill will need not only improvement of tools performance but also improvement of human's sports skill in the future. In the previous paper, we related the golfer's cock-roll motions in the golf driver swing and eight club head and/or ball motions (head velocity, ball velocity, upper angle, side angle, back spin, side spin, carry and traverse) by experiment and multiple regression analysis method. In this paper, the club performance is newly added to the explaining variable. Moreover, by using measured variables and/or factors, the estimated system at head and ball velocity based on the neural network is proposed. When the estimated value by the suggesting method is compared with the measurement value, the maximum error margin and the average error margin are smaller. When the presumption value is compared with the measurement value, the maximum and the average error of the suggesting method are smaller than that of the previous method. Using the sensitivity analysis, we found that the most important factors in improving the head velocity and ball velocity

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.73.3265

    CiNii Books


  • Physical exertion and club performance necessary for improving golf club head motion

    HOKARI Masaki, DOKI Hitoshi, NARUO Takeshi, ASHIDA Hiroki

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics   43 ( 1 )   19 - 24   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Ergonomics Society  

    In this paper, we investigate the relation between the variables of golfer's cock-roll motion and golf club performance and variables of club head velocity by the experiment and the statistical method. First, to measure cock-roll motion, we used the three dimensional gyro sensor that we developed. To measure head velocity, we used the ball analytical system of Mizuno Ltd.. Next, variables of the cock-roll motion and the club performance related to the head velocity were selected by the stepwize method. By the multiple regression analysis method, the relation between selected variables and head velocity was estimated. As result of test on accuracy of regression equation which is estimated by Adjusted R-square and analysis of variance, the equation of the head velocity showed significance. Finally, we extracted variables affecting the head velocity. This paper related that the improvement of not only the performance of club but also the technique of golfer who is actually using club was an element necessary for improving the head velocity.

    DOI: 10.5100/jje.43.19

    DOI: 10.5100/jje.51.14_references_DOI_ZGxsZA54uLRDicaeLCTgPAcfMYP

    CiNii Books


  • Simulation of Impact between Rubber-ball and Bat for Baseball

    KANDA Yoshifumi, NARUO Takeshi

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   73 ( 729 )   1307 - 1313   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    For a rubber baseball, which is a baseball made entirely of rubber, the softness of the ball makes it very difficult to increase the coefficient of restitution (COR) of the ball-bat impact by modifying the stiffness of the bat. In order to direct modification of the baseball bat, precise analysis of the impact phenomenon is required. In order to establish a powerfull tool for analyzing the baseball-bat impact, numerical analysis programs based on the three-dimensional finite element method have been developed. After verifying the developed programs by comparing calculated and experimental results, the impact characteristics of an aluminum bat in collision with a rubber baseball were investigated precisely. The results show that the COR decreases with increasing impact velocity, and that the COR is greatly affected by the hoop rigidity of the barrel of the bat, which has a hollow shell structure. Moreover, at high impact velocities, the COR is maximized at an impact location about 600 mm from the end of the bat handle.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.73.1307

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.19-00169_references_DOI_EpsTK1Om52j0hLcFWIz22n7n2eN


  • The Motion of Golfer's Cock and Roll that Influences Club Head and Ball Motions

    HOKARI Masaki, DOKI Hitoshi, NARUO Takeshi, ASHIDA Hiroki

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   72 ( 722 )   3372 - 3377   2006.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this paper, we relate the golfer's cock and roll motions in the golf driver swing and eight club head and/or ball motions (head velocity, ball velocity, upper angle, side angle, back spin, side spin, carry and traverse) by experiment and statistical method. First, to be measured cock and roll motion variables, we used the three dimensional gyro sensor that we developed. Second, by using measured cock and roll motion variables, we classified with three groups by cluster analysis. By the multiple regression analysis method, the relation between selected 3 variables and eight club head and/or ball motions was estimated. As result of giving official approval accuracy of estimated regression equation with Adjusted R-square and analysis of variance, the equation of head velocity, ball velocity and carry had the significance. Finally, we extracted the cock and roll motions that affected head velocity, ball velocity and carry. From the sensitivity analysis, we found that the most important factors in improving the three motions are (1) angular velocity of roll is slower, (2) angle of cock is smaller, (3) when cock angle arised in driver swing, angular velocity of cock is faster.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.72.3372

    CiNii Books


  • Rotation Measurement of Human Body in Golf Club Swings and Skill Evaluation

    HOKARI Masaki, DOKI Hitoshi, NARUO Takeshi, ASHIDA Hiroki

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C   72 ( 715 )   850 - 856   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper describes a novel method to measure the rotation of golf swing form. The sensor employed in the measurement method is a gyro sensor with rotation measuring. Because this sensor is small and light, the suggested method enables us to utilize it easily not only in limited places such as university and company research facilities but also out door. The system developed by using the three dimensional gyro sensors set at the left hand, fore arm, shoulder and waist can catch the three dimensional rotations. The method achieves a difficult measurement of cock and roll motion. This measurement system can analyze the major features of golf swing, which makes it an effective method for suggesting more dieal swing form. The method is developed for golf swing form measurement, but it can applied to baseball, tennis and so on.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.72.850

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.2014dr0385_references_DOI_BJAVpblHNUtaRPPyTnfkVxDCK0E

    CiNii Books


  • Experimental verification of trajectory analysis of golf ball under atmospheric boundary layer

    Takeshi Naruo, Taketo Mizota

    The Engineering of Sport 6   1   149 - 154   2006

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    Publishing type:Part of collection (book)  

    Aerodynamic forces and torque acting on the ball were measured under various flight conditions in a wind tunnel. Using the aerodynamic force coefficients, mathematical calculation of flight trajectory was made by time integral calculus. Three-dimensional flight trajectory, changes in velocity as well as rotation velocity were obtained. Furthermore the logarithmic law was applied to trajectory formation of a golf ball in order to include influence of atmospheric boundary layer. Moreover, an experiment was conducted in order to verify the logarithmic law and the trajectory formulation. Wind velocity distribution in the vertical direction was measured. As a result, the measured result almost matched the logarithmic law. Golf balls were hit under various initial launch conditions by a professional golfer using various golf clubs. Initial launch conditions of the golf balls were measured and wind velocity distribution in the golf ball direction was also measured. The golf ball trajectory under atmospheric boundary layer was calculated by using measured initial launch conditions and wind velocity distribution. The calculated drop positions by trajectory analysis agreed with the actual measured results. © 2006 Springer-Verlag New York.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-46050-5_27



  • スポーツ用具の進化・発展の変遷—特集 スポーツとテクノロジー

    鳴尾 丈司

    Journal of training science for exercise and sport = トレーニング科学 / トレーニング科学研究会 編   18 ( 2 )   69 - 74   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本トレーニング科学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Aerodynamic Force Measurement of Highly Spinning Golf Ball in Uniform Flow and Trajectory Experiment

    NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo, SHIMOZONO Hitoshi

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B   70 ( 697 )   2371 - 2377   2004.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    A device to rotate a real golf ball at a maximum of 10 000 rpm in the wind with a maximum speed of 80 m/s was developed. Aerodynamic forces and torque acting on the ball were measured under various flight conditions in a wind tunnel flow. As a result, it was found that drag, lift, and torque coefficients under the real conditions depended on the spin parameter but were independent of the Reynolds number. Using the measured aerodynamic force coefficients and a ball initial condition measured by ejection experiments, mathematical calculation of trajectory equation was made by time integral calculus. Ejection experiments were conducted by a robot. The correctness of the trajectory analysis and measured aerodynamic force was verified by comparing the calculated results with measured results.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.70.2371

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00482_references_DOI_NrPvXKXxlCO6393ytuai7f0okg7

    CiNii Books


  • Aerodynamic force measurement of a golf ball and 3D trajectory analysis

    NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo

    Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics   23 ( 3 )   203 - 211   2004.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics  

    A device to rotate an actual golf ball stably at a maximum of 10, 000 rev/min was developed. By this, drag, dynamic lift, and aerodynamic torque applied on the ball under various flight conditions were measured in a wind tunnel air current. Also equations of golf ball flight trajectory had been restricted to 2-dimension so far, but 3-dimensional flight trajectory was formulated in our study. The trajectory equation of a ball in flight was obtained under a concept that the mechanism of slices or hooks of a ball is caused by an inclining of the balls rotating axis, and the direction in relate to the rotating axis of the ball is constant. Using the aerodynamic force coefficients, mathematical calculation of the flight trajectory equation was made by time integral calculus, and 3-dimensional flight trajectory, changes in velocity as well as rotation velocity were obtained. Ejection experiments were made using a robot. Ball initial conditions, flight distance, and side deviation distance were obtained in the experiments. The validity of the formulation was verified by comparing the calculation results with the experiment results.

    DOI: 10.11426/nagare1982.23.203

    CiNii Books


  • 3-Dimesional trajectory analysis of golf balls and development of device of golf shot analysis

    Naruo Takeshi, Mizota Taketo

    Wind Engineers, JAWE   2004 ( 100 )   37 - 46   2004

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    Publisher:Japan Association for Wind Engineering  

    DOI: 10.5359/jawe.2004.100_37

    CiNii Books


  • ゴルフボールの3次元飛翔軌道解析における空気力学的研究


    福岡工業大学学位論文   2004

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  • Wind tunnel experiments and 3D flight formulation of irajectory analysis of golf ball

    T Mizota, T Naruo, H Shimozono, H Konishi, M Zdravkovich, F Sato


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:TECHNO-PRESS  

    The orbit of a golf ball flight has always on 3-dimensional trajectory distorted from initially shot direction. An aerodynamic cause of this phenomenon had been explained by a side spin concept in a vertical axis of the ball, and believed without aerodynamic formulations during long time. Here, 3-D ball equilibrium equations of aerodynamic and gravity forces in flight are newly constructed under two assumptions. One is for existence of slightly inclined or tilted backspin axis of the ball from the horizontal direction. We call this as "Inclined Rolling Angle". The other is for constant rolling angle during all flight time to the standstill coordinate system. The aerodynamic forces and torque in flight were measured by wind tunnel test. As a result, the 3-D all process of the golf ball flight became possible to calculate using initial conditions of ball speed, direction, rotation speed and rolling angle. 3-D trajectory experiments by robot shooting system showed almost correct results of the formulation.

    Web of Science


  • Development of a Robot for Evaluating Tennis Rackets

    Junji Furusho, Masamichi Sakaguchi, Naoyuki Takesue, Fuminobu Sato, Takeshi Naruo, Hiroshi Nagao

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   13 ( 1 )   74 - 79   2001.2

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    Publisher:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.  

    <jats:p>The development and simulation of robots that have athletic skill close to human beings is very much useful for testing and developing sport goods. This paper discusses the development and simulation of a tennis robot. The developed tennis robot has two joints controlled by a servolike human muscle, and its characteristics are satisfying and similar to a human. The simulation for the whole system including racket, ball and tennis robot is set up. The simulation results agree well with experimental results.</jats:p>

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2001.p0074

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2016.p0005_references_DOI_44xpkD5WhZjOJWTiu1XozOc02Fi


  • The Effects of Inertia Property of Golf Club Head to the Restitution Property of Golf Ball

    SATO Fuminobu, NAGAO Hiroshi, KANEKO Yasunori, NARUO Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   11 ( 1 )   73 - 82   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Sports Industry  

    The effects of the inertia property of a club head to the restitution property of golf balls were investigated. The three-dimensional inertia properties of a golf club head were expressed by using the inertia ellipsoid. The inertia ellipsoid was cut in the plane which was parallel to the club face and passed through the center of gravity. The correlation between the cut ellipsoid and the restitution property was shown. It became possible by using the cut ellipsoid to express the restitution property on the golf club face. The restitution property was predicted by using the collision model of the rigid bodies. Furthermore, it became possible to prescribe the area of the high restitution on the golf club face from the inertia property of golf club head, its mass and the mass of the golf ball. With the technique used in this research, it is possible to predict the direction in which a high restitution area spreads out in the restitution property specially at the design. And a high restitution area can be predicted on the basis of three measurements of the inertia moment. Furthermore, rigid body collision simulation Twas examined. The simulation is consistent with the result of the experiment. By using this simulation it is possible to do more suitable design of the golf club head.

    DOI: 10.5997/sposun.11.73

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00382735637?from=CiNii

  • The Effect of Deflection of a Golf Club Shaft During Down Swing.

    SATO Fuminobu, ASHIDA Hiroki, NARUO Takeshi


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this paper, dynamic behavior of golf club shafts before impact is analyzed. Firstly, we have established the measuring system of bending stiffness distribution of the shafts. Then we measure bending strain of the shafts on swinging. We model the shaft as a cantilever beam and we calculate deflection of the shaft before impact with data of bending stiffness distribution and data of bending strain. Additionally, we estimate "Kick Point" of golf shafts. We calculate changing curvature of shafts before impact, so that we make clear which part of shafts are bended and changed curvature exceedingly on swinging. We have proposed the share of this changing ratio in cach a third of overall shaft and we call it "Dynamic Flexible Ratio". The resuits are summarized as follows: (1)It is possible to classify the type of golfers by comparing deflections of the shaft before impact, and to calculate velocity of golf club head and angle at the tip of shaft by deflection. (2)"Dynamic Flexible Ratio" is closely related to angle at the tip of shaft by deflection.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.65.572

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.77.201_references_DOI_T9lRdC8pL2MTUdBWhvS79BvjG1v


  • Driver Swing and Golf Skill

    NISHIZAWA Shinichi, KUROKI Shinya, OKUYAMA George, WATANABE Kojiro, NARUO Takeshi, SATO Fuminobu

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   8 ( 1 )   49 - 60   1998

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Sports Industry  

    Golfers always want to improve their score. Here we investigated what are the most important factors to increase skill in swinging the driver and finally improving average score. Under the assumption that good golfers hit well with a driver, we tried to find the relation between a golfer's average score and the various factors in driver swing by conducting experiments with golfers who earn varying scores. The swing speed, ball speed and club face angle at impact have been considered important factors. In this study, we add body twist factors. The average score of a golfer is accurately estimated by a linear function of the conventional factors and the body twist factors. From the sensitivity analysis of the linear function, we found that the most important factors in improving score are: (1) faster driver head speed, (2) greater driver angle, (3) lower standard deviation of ball speed, (4) faster body twist angular acceleration, (5) later time of maximum body twist acceleration than impact time.

    DOI: 10.5997/sposun.8.49

    CiNii Books


  • Performance of a baseball bat

    NARUO T.

    Proceeding of the fifth Japan International SAMPE Symposium, 1997   1997

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  • A Study of Paralysis of FRP Bat on Hitting

    Naruo Takeshi, Miyazawa Kazutoshi, Sato Fuminobu

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   3 ( 1 )   27 - 33   1993

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Sports Industry  

    In this paper, the difference of paralysis on hitting a baseball ball among various bats is examined by Scheffe's paired comparison that is one of sensory evaluation. To find the cause of the difference of paralysis, the grip acceleration of the bat on hitting a baseball ball is measured, the frequence of the acceleration is analysed by MEM and modal analysis is executed. Further by using sensitivity analysis, FRP bat which the paralysis is not low less than metal bat is produced.

    DOI: 10.5997/sposun.3.27


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  • Python教科書

    田中, 成典

    工学社  2022.3  ( ISBN:9784777521876

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    Total pages:255p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books



  • スポーツセンシングユニットを用いたサッカー選手のジャンプ検知に関する研究

    牟, 雅楠, 鳴尾, 丈司, 山本, 雄平, 姜, 文渊, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 肖, 智葳, 岩本, 達真

    第86回全国大会講演論文集   2024 ( 1 )   317 - 318   2024.3

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    CiNii Books


  • サッカー選手とボールの位置情報を用いたxG期待値の算出に関する研究

    王, 碩イ, 姜, 文淵, 山本, 雄平, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典, 岩本, 達真, 森, 泰斗

    第86回全国大会講演論文集   2024 ( 1 )   315 - 316   2024.3

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    CiNii Books


  • サッカーのプレー種別の分類に関する研究

    國納, 健太, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典, 松尾, 龍平, 青木, 大誠

    第86回全国大会講演論文集   2024 ( 1 )   755 - 756   2024.3

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    我が国では,大学スポーツ協会(UNIVAS)が創設され,大学スポーツの発展と競技力の向上に力を入れている. その中で,チームの実力向上を図るために,試合映像をプレーの種類ごとに分類し確認しているが,多大な労力が必要である.そのため,既存研究では,サッカーを対象として,各チームの選手の位置関係からセットプレーの種類を抽出することを試みている.しかし,サッカーにおけるプレーの大半はシュート・パス・ドリブルであり,ボールの位置情報を考慮していなかったため,正確性に欠ける.そこで,本研究では,位置情報とチーム情報をLSTMにて学習し,それらを推定する方法を提案する.

    CiNii Books


  • 複数視点映像を用いたボールの3次元位置の推定に関する研究

    神原, 周吾, 山本, 雄平, 坂本, 一磨, 姜, 文渊, 中村, 健二, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典, 青木, 大誠

    第86回全国大会講演論文集   2024 ( 1 )   313 - 314   2024.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Research for Tracking Soccer Ball using Single Video Camera

    岩本達真, 田中成典, 鳴尾丈司, JIANG Wenyuan, 山本雄平, 中村健二, 坂本一磨, BU Wenhao

    写真測量とリモートセンシング   63 ( 5 )   2024

  • スポーツシーンにおける任意視点画像の撮影位置推定技術の高度化(スポーツWG)

    山本雄平, 姜文渊, 坂本一磨, 中村健二, 鳴尾丈司, 田中成典

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   28th   2024

  • LSTMによる慣性センサを用いたサッカー選手の転倒検知に関する研究

    山崎, 雄人, 鳴尾, 丈司, 山本, 雄平, 姜, 文渊, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 岡嵜, 雄也

    第85回全国大会講演論文集   2023 ( 1 )   331 - 332   2023.2

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    CiNii Books


  • YOLOを用いたサッカーボールの軌跡の取得に関する研究

    卜, 文昊, 山本, 雄平, 姜, 文渊, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典, 肖, 智葳, 松尾, 龍平, 岩本, 達真

    第85回全国大会講演論文集   2023 ( 1 )   377 - 378   2023.2

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    CiNii Books


  • アメリカンフットボールのプレー映像を用いたパス成否の推定に関する研究

    杉浦, 悠斗, 山本, 雄平, 姜, 文渊, 坂本, 一磨, 田中, ちひろ, 中村, 健二, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典, 岩本, 達真, 青木, 大誠, 森, 泰斗

    第85回全国大会講演論文集   2023 ( 1 )   379 - 380   2023.2

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    CiNii Books


  • フィールドスポーツの選手・映像情報処理に関する研究開発(スポーツWG)

    山本雄平, 姜文渊, 坂本一磨, 中村健二, 鳴尾丈司, 田中成典

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   27th   2023

  • 2つの視点の映像を用いたパノラマ映像の生成に関する研究

    金, 智友, 西田, 義人, 鳴尾, 丈司, 梅原, 喜政, 山本, 雄平, 姜, 文渊, 田中, ちひろ, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典

    第84回全国大会講演論文集   2022 ( 1 )   257 - 258   2022.2

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    CiNii Books


  • サッカーにおけるセットプレーの自動抽出に関する研究

    青木, 大誠, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 田中, ちひろ, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 鳴尾, 丈司, 松尾, 龍平, 肖, 智葳

    第84回全国大会講演論文集   2022 ( 1 )   573 - 574   2022.2

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    CiNii Books


  • サッカーにおける選手識別に基づいた選手追跡に関する研究

    森, 泰斗, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 田中, ちひろ, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 鳴尾, 丈司, 肖, 智葳, 松尾, 龍平

    第84回全国大会講演論文集   2022 ( 1 )   571 - 572   2022.2

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    CiNii Books


  • 画像鮮明化による人物同定手法の高度化に関する研究

    飛田, 和輝, 西田, 義人, 梅原, 喜政, 坂本, 一磨, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典

    第84回全国大会講演論文集   2022 ( 1 )   205 - 206   2022.2

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    CiNii Books


  • フィールドスポーツにおける選手と審判以外の背景除去に関する研究

    福井, 真子, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 田中, ちひろ, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 鳴尾, 丈司, 肖, 智葳, 岡嵜, 雄也

    第84回全国大会講演論文集   2022 ( 1 )   603 - 604   2022.2

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    CiNii Books


  • Research for Constructing Training Data of Deep Learning for Detecting Players Using Video Data of Sports

    JIANG Wenyuan, 山本雄平, 中村健二, 田中ちひろ, 田中成典, 鳴尾丈司, 松尾龍平

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D(Web)   J105-D ( 1 )   2022

  • スポーツシーンにおけるSfMを用いた任意視点画像の撮影位置の推定技術の開発

    山本雄平, 姜文渊, 坂本一磨, 田中ちひろ, 中村健二, 鳴尾丈司, 田中成典

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   26th   2022

  • 建設現場におけるオクルージョン前後の動体の同定に関する基礎的研究

    肖 智葳, 姜 文渊, 山本 雄平, 中村 健二, 田中 ちひろ, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司

    土木情報学シンポジウム講演集 Proceedings of the symposium on civil engineering informatics / 土木学会土木情報学委員会 編   46   101 - 104   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:土木学会  


  • 建設現場における人物検出のための深層学習用学習データの自動生成に関する研究

    松尾 龍平, 姜 文渊, 山本 雄平, 中村 健二, 田中 ちひろ, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司

    土木情報学シンポジウム講演集 Proceedings of the symposium on civil engineering informatics / 土木学会土木情報学委員会 編   46   85 - 88   2021

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:土木学会  


  • 野球打撃におけるセンシングデータを用いた指導方法の提案

    蔭山 雅洋, 山本 雄平, 田中 成典, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集 / 関西大学先端科学技術推進機構 編   23   132 - 135   2019.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • Analysis of the objective viewpoint of experienced baseball coaches when evaluating batting skills and batters’ swings

    Kageyama Masahiro, Yamamoto Yuhei, Tanaka Shigenori, Saito Rei, Shibata Shohei, Naruo Takeshi

    Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium   35   41 - 44   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics  

    According to the guidelines on instruction by athletic clubs that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology established in 2013, it is important that coaches not only depend on their own experiences, but also learn from scientific studies by sports specialists. In recent years, measurement devices have been developed that can immediately give feedback on a batter’s swing; the measurement devices were further refined and were reduced in size by the development of sensor technology. The device then became able to assess the characteristics of the batter’s swing from the measurement data. However, a coaching method based on such scientific data has not yet been established in amateur baseball clubs because of the mixture of rational and practical instruction and the difficulty of the interpretation from calculated numerical values. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of a batter’s swing using an evaluation from a baseball coach with a great deal of experience when assessing batting skills.

    DOI: 10.14864/fss.35.0_41

    CiNii Books


  • A methodology for estimating valgus stress during baseball pitching with one-segment model

    Yamagishi Kenichi, Yanai Toshimasa, Naruo Takeshi, Shibata Shouhei

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2018   A-33   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study was to test the validity of using a one- and a two-segment models for determining elbow joint valgus stress during baseball pitching. The one-segment model consisted of a single segment representing the ball, hand and forearm together as a rigid segment. The two-segment model consisted of a distal segment representing the ball, hand and forearm together as a rigid segment and a proximal segment representing the upper arm. In addition, a three-segment model, which is the most widely and frequently used model for determining the valgus stress of baseball pitching, was defined to provide a reference value for testing the validity of the fewer segment models. The three-segment model was comprised of a distal segment representing the ball and hand together as a rigid segment, a mid-segment representing the forearm and the proximal segment representing the upper arm. Fourteen university students with the baseball experience were asked to throw a baseball with their maximum effort and a motion capture analysis system (VICON, Oxford Metrics) was used to measure the motions of the segments. The result showed that the maximum values of the valgus stress determined with one- and two-segment models (approx. 64 Nm for fast balls) were significantly greater than the corresponding value determined with three-segment model (47 Nm), but the correlations among the three models were found to be significantly high (r > 0.83, p < 0.01). These findings suggest that the fewer segment models can be used to compare the magnitude of valgus stress among subjects and among pitches for evaluation of risk of elbow injuries.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2018.a-33


  • Baseball coaching of hitting technique using a swing measurement device ~The effect of an evaluation sheet on understanding bat-swing in high school baseball players~

    KAGEYAMA Masahiro, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, TANAKA Shigenori, SHIBATA Shohei, NARUO Takeshi

    Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium   34   49 - 54   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics  

    According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology guidelines in 2013 on instruction in athletic club activities, it is important that coaches use not only their own experience, but also understand and use the results of studies by sports science specialists. In recent years, a device that provides measured results immediately after the batting swing has been developed by downsizing of the device following advances in sensor technology and IT techniques. This device measures the bat swing characteristics from the measurement data. However, coaching methodology based on scientific data is not yet established in amateur baseball clubs, possibly because of a mixture of rational and irrational instruction and difficulty in interpretation of the calculated numerical values. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using a data-based evaluation sheet on the understanding and motivation for batting practice in high school baseball players, and to examine the coaching method for baseball hitting using a swing measurement device.

    DOI: 10.14864/fss.34.0_49

    CiNii Books


  • A study on the pitching data analysis and useage using baseball-type sensor

    SHIBATA Shohei, NARUO Takeshi, KASE Yuto, INAMO Masaya, YAMAMOTO Michiharu, MORI Masaki, URAKAWA Kazuo, HIROSE Kiyoshi, JINJI Tsutomu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2018   A-18   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study is to examine the accuracy of the system analyzing pitching data using baseball-type sensor (MAQ) and to measure kinematic parameter (ball velocity, spin rate, and spin axis) of baseball pitches by various pitchers. The accuracy of the developed system using a 3D motion analysis system and the high-speed cameras were examined. The spin axis of pitched ball was calculated from data of 12-axis sensor using the sensor fusion by extended Kalman Filter. The ball velocity and spin rate calculated by MAQ and the 3D motion analysis system showed similar values (ball velocity: <i>r</i> = 0.95 spin rate: <i>r</i> = 0.90). In several data, it was indicated that the spin axis calculated by MAQ, the 3D motion analysis system, and the high-speed camera showed similar values. In addition, there was a correlation between ball velocity and spin rate over the velocity range from 6.7 m/s to 41.0 m/s (n=188). From these results, the developed system can be used to evaluate baseball pitching skill with high accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2018.a-18


  • VR空間における野球バッティング練習支援手法の検討—メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎

    Zou Liyuan, 内山 元晴, Roberto Lopez-Gulliver, 野間 春生, 土金 諒, 伊坂 忠夫, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司, 樋口 貴俊

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   117 ( 252 )   41 - 45   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:電子情報通信学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Development of pitching analysis system using baseball-type sensor

    SHIBATA Shohei, NARUO Takeshi, KASE Yuto, YAMAMOTO Michiharu, MORI Masaki, URAKAWA Kazuo, HIROSE Kiyoshi, JINJI Tsutomu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2017   B-3   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study is to develop the system analyzing pitching data using baseball-type sensor and to examine the accuracy of the developed system using Doppler radar system (Trackman baseball, Trackman) and high speed camera. The developed baseball-type sensor in this study, which consists of accelerometer, gyroscope, and Magneto-Impedance sensor, measured 6-axis acceleration, 3-axis angular velocity, and 3-axis magnetic field. The weight, moment of inertia, and material in baseball-type sensor was the same as a normal baseball. The spin rate of pitched ball was calculated from data of 3-axis magnetic field using zero crossing method. The spin axis of pitched ball was calculated from data of 12-axis sensor using the sensor fusion by extended Kalman Filter. The measurement experiment was conducted to indicate the accuracy of the developed system. The spin rate calculated by the proposed method was corresponded with the spin rate obtained by the Doppler radar system (<i>r</i> = 0.99, <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.99). Also, it was indicated that the developed system could measure the low spin rate (less than 8.3 rps) which Doppler radar system could not measure. In overthrow data, it was indicated that the spin axis calculated by the proposed method was corresponded with the spin axis obtained by the Doppler radar system. From these result, the developed system can be used to evaluate baseball pitching skill with high accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2017.b-3

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.18-00440_references_DOI_AUiUl6LeNFNwTRaMlVaHsb7lrfA


  • Effect of Aerodynamic characteristics of spinning golf balls with different dimple depth: (Comparison of Wind Tunnel Test and CFD)

    WASHIDA Yudai, YAMADA Yuki, NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo, KUDO Toshifumi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2017   B-31   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Aerodynamics of spinning golf balls were investigated by Wind Tunnel Test and Computational Fluid Dynamics at the wind speed of 25 and 40 m/s. For CFD analysis, turbulence model (<i>k-ω</i> SST) with transition <i>γ</i>-model was applied. As for both methods, a golf ball with shallower dimples has higher <i>C<sub>L</sub></i> at U=40m/s while drastic reduction in <i>C<sub>L</sub></i> was confirmed at U=25 m/s and <i>Sp</i> =0.1. The increase in <i>C<sub>D</sub></i> as with the decrease in <i>Sp</i> was also confirmed at this <i>C<sub>L</sub></i> reduction phase. It seems that the flow around golf ball changes from turbulent to laminar as with the decrease in <i>Sp</i>. Visualization of CFD results indicates that the separation point of the shallower ball upper side shifts forward for the condition of U=25m/s and <i>Sp</i> =0.1 compared with the other conditions.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2017.b-31


  • 09方−09−ポ−03(33) 野球の打撃方向の違いがスイング動作に及ぼす影響—コースに逆らわない打撃実施時のバットの動きに着目して

    蔭山 雅洋, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司, 村上 光平, 中島 一, 前田 明

    日本体育学会大会予稿集   68   221_3 - 221_3   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本体育学会  

    野球の打者は投手が投じたボールを守備者に阻まれないようにどの方向にも打ち返すことが求められる。そこで本研究では、野球選手を対象に、引っ張り、センター、流しの3方向へ打ち分けた場合のバットの動きの特徴を明らかにすることとした。被検者は、野球選手39名とした。実験は、最大努力によるティー打撃を各方向7回実施した。その際、バットスイング解析システム(MIZUNO Swing Tracer)を用い、8つのパラメータ(スイング時間、スイング速度(最大時、ボールインパクト時)、インパクト加速度、ローリング、スイング回転半径、ヘッド角度、スイング軌道)を計測した。その結果、引っ張り方向はその他の方向と比較して、ローリングが大きく、スイング時間が長く、スイング回転半径が小さかった。流し方向は、その他の方向と比較して、スイング時間が短いものの、スイング速度、ローリング、スイング軌道が小さかった。したがって、野球打者は打撃方向によって、バットの動きを制御し打ち分けていることが示唆された。今回の測定方法は、打ち分けた場合のバットの動きを評価することができ、トレーニングや練習の方法を検討する上での重要な資料になることが示された。

    DOI: 10.20693/jspehss.68.221_3


  • A study on estimation method of baseball bat trajectory in practice swing motion by combining Kalman filter of velocity compensation

    SHIBATA Shohei, HIROSE Kiyoshi, NARUO Takeshi, SHIMIZU Yuichi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2016   A-29   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study was to develop the analysis algorithm that is able to estimate the baseball bat trajectory from swing beginning to follow-through phase in the practice swing motion and to examine the accuracy of the proposed method using the 3D motion capture system. The measurement system in this study, which consists of inertial sensor system, measured 3-axis angular velocity and 3-axis acceleration. To compensate the error of velocity during follow-through phase, the backward direction integration from the instance of swing stop was performed. The sensor fusion using the Adaptive Kalman filter by compensating velocity compensated the error of acceleration integration during follow-through phase, and it estimated the 3D bat trajectory in a global coordinate by combining the sensor fusion and the compensation using motion characteristics. The measurement experiment was conducted to indicate the accuracy of the proposed method using 3D motion capture system. The 3D bat trajectory from swing beginning to follow-through phase estimated by the proposed method corresponded with the 3D bat trajectory obtained by the 3D motion capture system. This result indicates that the error by acceleration integration during follow-through phase is compensated. Therefore, the effectiveness of the proposed method was indicated and the proposed method can be used to evaluate baseball swing include follow-through phase with high accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2016.a-29


  • 1F5-1 Motion estimation using wearable inertial sensors information and a walking model

    MURATA Shiori, HASE Kazunori, HAYASHI Yuichiro, NARUO Takeshi, WATANABE Yoshinobu, SHIBATA Shohei

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics   51 ( Supplement )   S218 - S219   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Ergonomics Society  

    DOI: 10.5100/jje.51.s218


  • A-22 A study on the estimation method of baseball bat trajectory in practice swing motion using the extended Kalman filter

    SHIBATA Shohei, HIROSE Kiyoshi, NARUO Takeshi, SHIMIZU Yuichi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2015   _A-22-1_ - _A-22-6_   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study was to develop the analysis algorithm that is able to estimate the baseball bat trajectory in the practice swing motion and to examine the accuracy of the proposed method using 3D motion capture system. The measurement system in this study, which consists of inertial sensor system, measured 3-axis angular velocity and 3-axis acceleration. The sensor fusion using the extended Kalman filter compensated the drift error of the gyro sensor output and the error of dynamic acceleration of the accelerometer, and it estimated the 3D bat trajectory in a global coordinate by combining the sensor fusion and the compensation using motion characteristics. The measurement experiment was conducted to indicate the accuracy of the proposed method using 3D motion capture system. The 3D bat trajectory estimated by the proposed method corresponded with the 3D bat trajectory obtained by the 3D motion capture system. This result indicates that the drift error of gyro sensor and the error by dynamic acceleration are compensated. Therefore, the effectiveness of the proposed method was indicated and the proposed method can be used to evaluate baseball swing skill with high accuracy.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2015._a-22-1_


  • フォーラム2 関西発の世界標準(スポーツ・人間・健康) : 世界初への挑戦(市民公開講座)

    鳴尾 丈司

    シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   2015   _-2-1_ - _-2-2_   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2015._-2-1_


  • A-21 Measurement of the bat behavior in a baseball swing with an inertial sensor

    SHIMIZU Yuichi, NARUO Takeshi, SHIBATA Shohei, YANAI Toshimasa

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2015   _A-21-1_ - _A-21-9_   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this study, we developed a system measuring bat behavior during a baseball swing by mounting an inertial sensor unit which incorporated the acceleration sensor and the gyro sensor to bat grip end. We compared the bat behavior that measured by between developed system and three-demensional motion capture system (MAC3D system; Motion Analysis). As a result, accuracy of the bat behavior calculated by developed system was varified. Furthremore, we defined eight parameters to express a characteristic of the bat behavior. In this way, players and coachers can evaluate baseball swing quantitatively. Eight parameters are "swing time", "swing speed (impact)", "swing speed (max)", "impact acceleration", "rolling", "bat radius of rotation", "bat angle" and "swing orbit".

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2015._a-21-1_

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.20-00240_references_DOI_L4InxMLMOtP4jcZeQM8eVSgMxSE


  • スモークワイヤ法の進歩と40m/sの風洞気流中で回転するスポーツボール後流のPIV観察—Progress of new smoke wire method up to 40 m/s wind tunnel flow and PIV observations of rotating sports ball wake

    溝田 武人, 田北 和幸, 鳴尾 丈司

    福岡工業大学エレクトロニクス研究所所報 = Reports of the Electronics Research Laboratory, Fukuoka Institute of Technology   31   25 - 29   2014.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:福岡工業大学総合研究機構エレクトロニクス研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • B-29 Effect of golf ball dimples on aerodynamic characteristics : Improvement of aerodynamic and flight characteristics by a new dimple design

    NARUO Takeshi, MICHISHITA Masahiro, MIYATA Yoshifumi, UDA Masashi, MIZOTA Taketo, TAKITA Kazuyuki

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2014   _B-29-1_ - _B-29-10_   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Aerodynamic characteristics of some golf balls whose dimples have different depths were measured. As a result, it was found that the shallower the dimple was, the larger the lift coefficient was. However, when the depth of the dimples was much shallower, the lift coefficient was extremely-little on the slow velocity, i.e. under 28m/s. We searched for a golf ball with dimple patterns that had a high lift coefficient at all velocities. As a result, it was found that a golf ball with a dimple pattern that has extremely small dimples between large shallow dimples has a high lift coefficient at all velocities, including under 28m/s. In order to investigate the cause of the results, a flow visualization experiment was conducted. Visualization of flow around a golf ball was conducted by smoke wire method. Moreover pictures of flow were taken by high-speed video and we analyzed them by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). As a result, there was the difference in the streamline distribution between golf balls.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2014._b-29-1_


  • B-26 Progress of new smoke wire method up to 40 m/s wind tunnel flow and PIV observations of rotating sports ball wake

    TAKITA Kazuyuki, MIZOTA Taketo, NARUO Takeshi, OHYA Yuji, ABIRU Hisanori, OKAJIMA Atsushi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2014   _B-26-1_ - _B-26-8_   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    PIV methods coupled with smoke wire techniques have been studied. The wire arrangements of these methods were perpendicular to the wind tunnel flow until now, however in our new proposal, the arrangements are parallel to the main flow direction of wind tunnel. The former wind speed, which was available to the flow observation, had been restricted only 0〜4.0 m/s. But, according to our new method, the maximum wind speed was ranging 40 m/s with 1 second duration time of smoke, which is available to the image captures by high speed camera of 20000 fps. The increase of wake turbulence behind these wires were measured by PIV method itself. We showed some examples of stream line measurements behind spinning golf balls and baseball balls under 40 m/s wind speed.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2014._b-26-1_


  • B-2 Effect of the impact condition between a ball and a bat on the batted ball of rubber-ball baseball

    TABUCHI Noriyuki, NARUO Takeshi, JOICHI Naoya

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2014   _B-2-1_ - _B-2-8_   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the surface conditions (wet or dry, smooth or rough surface) of the metal baseball bat affect the batted ball characteristics of rubber-ball baseball. A bat swing robot was used for generating bat-ball impact. The experimental results showed that the wet surface of the normal metal baseball bat makes the ball slippery and it would cause worse batting performance. To prevent the slipping phenomenon, an additional bat was also tested. By knurling the surface of the additional bat, it inhibited the larger slip of the ball even under the wet surface condition. Furthermore, a questionnaire revealed that most rubber-ball baseball players wipe up water drops from the bat surface, which corresponded to the experimental results.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2014._b-2-1_


  • 230 Comparison of the batted ball of baseball and rubber-ball baseball

    TABUCHI Noriyuki, NARUO Takeshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2013   _230-1_ - _230-7_   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In Japan, there are two major baseball competitions, which are baseball and rubber-ball baseball. Players are often confused by the difference because many baseball players go through the transition between those competitions. Purposes of this study were to reveal the difference of the characteristics of the balls for baseball and rubber-ball baseball when those balls are hit by a metal baseball bat and to research experienced perception of the baseball players toward the difference. A bat swing robot was used for researching physical characteristics of those batted balls under stable condition with changing the vertical offset between the center of a bat and that of a ball. As a result, a rubber-ball recorded maximum range by smaller offset than a baseball and it also tended to generate larger vertical angle and smaller speed of the batted ball. Furthermore, the result of the robot test corresponded to the experienced perception of baseball players, which was revealed by a questionnaire.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2013._230-1_


  • G1101 Trial development of wind tunnel balance with air suspended load cell

    TAKITA Kazuyuki, YAMAMOTO Koki, OGURI Hiroki, TAKATSUKA Tatsuya, ARAKI Yusuke, NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2013   _G1101-01_ - _G1101-04_   2013

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    An air suspended load cell, which is available to measure steady aerodynamic forces on the spinning golf ball in the wind tunnel flow, has been developing during these five years. The characteristic to measure two components of forces as drag and side ones had already been accomplished with sufficient accuracy. However, the performances of the lift force direction had not been achieved by the influences of atmospheric pressure changes. The sufficient accuracy has accomplished, in this study, mainly by two improvements of the light-weight of ball supporting unit and the cancellation mechanism of atmospheric pressure variations. The lift force on highly spinning golf ball in the wind tunnel flow are measured and compared with the results of gauge type load cell.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2013._g1101-01_


  • C13 Aerodynamic force measurements of hard rubber base ball

    KUSUNOKI Takuro, ITO Atsushi, KANDA Shunsuke, NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo

    The Proceedings of Conference of Kyushu Branch   2012   85 - 86   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmekyushu.2012.85


  • 111 Comparison aerodynamic characteristics between rubber-ball and baseball ball

    NARUO Takeshi, KUSUNOKI Takuro, ITO Atsushi, KANDA Shunsuke, MIZOTA Taketo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2012   79 - 82   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It is said that rubber-ball baseball is lower score game than baseball. The reason is that coefficient restitution of rubber-ball is smaller than that of baseball ball. One more factor is aerodynamic characteristics. Therefore, in this study rubber-ball and baseball ball was rotated highly and measured aerodynamic forces in the similar real flight situation. We analyzed flight trajectory of rubber-ball and baseball ball in cases of pitching and batting by using measured aerodynamic forces. It is found that coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag of rubber-ball are smaller than those of baseball ball. Therefore trajectory of rubber-ball is lower than that of baseball ball. Moreover batting distance in one case that gets home-run distance of rubber-ball is smaller than baseball ball. It is caused by lower coefficient of lift of rubber-ball.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2012.79


  • A4 風洞実験による硬式野球ボールの空力特性 : 回転軸の方向の違い(空力特性I)

    長谷川 淳哉, 坂本 誠馬, 田多 輝洋, 鳴尾 丈司, 溝田 武人

    シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   2011   31 - 34   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人 日本機械学会  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2011.31


  • C20 Wind tunnel testing of new ball, U.S and Japanese baseball balls

    Sakamoto Seima, Hasegawa Junya, Tada Teruhiro, Naruo Takeshi, Mizota Taketo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2011   532 - 535   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The new NPB Ball was adapted to the Japanese NPB from this year. Compared with the old NPB ball and new one, seem height and width became 0.2[mm] lower and 1.0[mm] wider respectively. In this report, aerodynamics characteristics are measured by using wind tunnel tests. Some calculations of flight trajectory for pitcher's throwing ball and batter's hitting one are conducted.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2011.532

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.18-00440_references_DOI_7VbEq1qO1ZI6uJqTtXYAwThA0y


  • A11 Development of air suspension method load cell and a wind tunnel experiment

    NAGAMINE Hikaru, FUTIGAMI Akira, NODA Takashi, NARUO Takeshi, OGINO Tsuyoshi, TANAKA Katsutoshi, MIZOTA Taketo

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2011   66 - 71   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Four components load cell by air suspension method is developed. 20 time's sensitive sensor and mirror for reflection of sensor infrared rays made good improvements for linearity and resolution. Calibration result with this interference toward another direction was obtained. Performance check of this load cell was conducted for aerodynamic characteristics of high speed spinning golf ball in the wind tunnel flow.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2011.66


  • A6 Feature extraction of pitching form and relation of the initial rate

    MURAI Satoki, KOYAMA Ryo, HOKARI Masaki, NARUO Takeshi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2011   41 - 44   2011

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this paper, we constructed a motion measurement system using the triaxial gyro and acceleration sensor as a means of measuring the motion. The pitching form and the ball initial rate at the baseball were measured by using this system.Next,the relation between measured motion parameters and ball initial rate was examined. As a result, we found that there are significant differences in the movement of the upper limb between experienced and inexperienced person. The parameters that affect improvement of the ball initial rate were extracted !) in the experienced group and 4 in the inexperienced group.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2011.41


  • A8 Geometrical tolerance of U. S. and Japanese baseball balls

    Hasegawa Junya, Nakada Hitoshi, Sakata Souta, Naruo Takeshi, Mizota Taketo, Fujiyama Hirokazu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2010   32 - 35   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Japanese and U.S. baseball ball shape and seam height are measured by circularity measurement equipment. It was measured on the circumference side of the ball. Geometrical tolerance of the ball was measured with 4 seam and 2 seam side. U.S. seam height average lower than the Japanese ball about 0.23mm around 2-seam circumference. The distortion of the surface of the ball was calculated as standard deviation. Japanese ball are five balls though U.S. ball is two balls in the case height of 0.15mm or less distortion. In conclusion, the ball of Japanese can be said that 2-seams are higher than Rawlings's balls. The distortion of Japanese ball is less than that of U.S. ball.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeshd.2010.32


  • Aerodynamic Characteristic of Golf Head : Influence and Effectiveness of Surface and Shape

    NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo, KOMAKI Takeshi

    Summaries to Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Japan Association for Wind Engineering   2009 ( 119 )   251 - 252   2009.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Association for Wind Engineering  

    The influence of golf head surface on aerodynamic force was studied. Aerodynamic forces of golf heads that had various surface were measured in a wind tunnel flow. As a result, it was found that drag is greatly different when the surface changes. However the effect to increase the velocity of golf head up to impact was not confirmed when the surface changed. Therefore the golf head that have streamline shape was made and it was confirmed whether the drag decrease improved the head speed. The results showed that the effect to increase the head speed by drag decrease was not confirmed. It is concluded that steady experimental results of wind tunnel are not applied to golf swing which is unsteady phenomenon.

    DOI: 10.14887/jaweam.2009.0.74.0

    CiNii Books



    Naruo Takeshi, Mizota Taketo

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2009   152 - 156   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Aerodynamic forces and torque acting on the ball were measured under various flight conditions in a wind tunnel flow. Using the aerodynamic force coefficients, mathematical calculation of flight trajectory equation was made by time integral calculus, and 3-dimensional flight trajectory, changes in velocity as well as rotation velocity were obtained. Furthermore the logarithmic law was applied to trajectory formation of a golf ball in order to include influence of atmospheric boundary layer. The trajectory formation considering atmospheric boundary layer was verified by two experiments. One of the experiments was conducted to measure wind velocity distribution. The other was to compare the actual measured drop position with calculated data. Wind direction and velocity and initial condition of golf ball flight just after impact were measured to calculate. Flight trajectory considering natural wind was calculated by using 3-dimensional flight trajectory formation applied logarithmic law under various initial conditions in detail. As a result, we found out that there are conditions that distance reduces by tailwind and showed the conditions. In addition, we could get quantitative data: the influence of spin rate and launch angle including wind upon distance. Moreover we analyzed the quantitative influence of spin rate and launch angle including wind upon curving e.g. hooks and slices.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2009.0_152

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/10768630

  • A-30 Development of four components road cell by air suspension bearing : Wind tunnel measurements of air force on highly spinning golf ball

    KOMAKI Takefumi, MIZOTA Taketo, NARUO Takeshi, NAGAMINE Hikaru, NAKAMURA Hiroyuki

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2009   157 - 159   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Precise evaluations of aerodynamic forces on highly spinning golf ball are very difficult because of less method and technique to measure these basic characteristics. We are challenging this problems using newly introducing air suspension balance method. Atmospheric and supplying air pressure change on air force of Z-direction measurement are studied by introducing cancelling technique by using a dummy balance. In this stage, cancelling result of atmospheric and supplying air pressure change is shown. Drag forces on ψ0.3mm piano wire is measured and is well agreement with well known data. The drag force measurement on spinning golf ball is reported as a result of trial experiments.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2009.0_157

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/10768645

  • 1839 The development wind tunnel balance for four component force with the air bearing

    Komaki Takefumi, mizota Taketo, Naruo Takeshi

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2008.2   197 - 198   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    New wind tunnel balance for steady aerodynamic force measurement of three orthogonal components and one moment around perpendicular axes, which suspended by air bearing has been developed to measure weak air force on highly spinning golf ball. The each table oriented to each direction is balanced with small values of spring constant one. On the top table, one flame is mounted. In the center of this flame, one golf ball is suspended by fine piano wires. As a result, aerodynamic forces acting on the spinning golf ball are well detected on each table's small displacement. These table shifts are well measured using photonic displacement sensor. In this paper, each displacement is under well calibration stage.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmemecjo.2008.2.0_197


  • A12 Development of air suspended balance for sports ball aerodynamic force measurement

    Komaki Takefumi, mizota Taketo, Naruo Takeshi, Tanaka Katsutoshi

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2008   65 - 66   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    High quality measurements of aerodynamic forces acting on golf ball under high speed rotation are very important for correct evaluations of golf ball aerodynamics. More than 3% longer distance of 300 yards ball flight may be achieved by improvements of aerodynamic performance of ball dimple patterns. But in this stage, these precise evaluations to measure aerodynamic forces are impossible because of racks of methods and techniques. We are trying this problem by air suspension balance method. Some valuations of atmospheric and supplying air pressure change effects on air force of Z-direction measurement of wind tunnel experiments are studied by introducing cancelling technique by using a dummy balance.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2008.0_65


  • 1201 Accurate measurements of four kinds of air force acting on stable spinning golf ball(2)

    Mizota Taketo, Naruo Takeshi, Hashimoto Ryouhei, Komaki Takefumi, Nakamura Yoshiyuki

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2007   _1201-1_ - _1201-4_   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    By past researches in this laboratory, simultaneous measurements of drag, lift, side force and aerodynamic torque on highly spinning golf ball in wind tunnel flow became possible. In this reports, more accurate measurements of these aerodynamic forces are pursued to make well balanced and stable rotation golf ball, on which were set 3-barance weights on the equator line in every 120° of the ball. As a result, stable spinning of the ball and less scattered aerodynamic data are easily obtained, which compared with formerly carefully selected ball and conducted wind tunnel experiments in this laboratory. These results implied that even if delicate difference of the aerodynamic forces by the ones of dimple patterns on the golf balls enables to detect by wind tunnel tests.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2007._1201-1_


  • A18 Effect of a Metal Bat Stiffness for Rubber-ball Baseball on Coefficient of Restitution

    KANDA Yoshifumi, Naruo Takeshi, Kida Toshiaki

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2006   94 - 97   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It is known that the presence of a soft stiffness between a baseball and a bat such as the radial compliance of the barrel region of the hollow bat increases the COR. In order to make use of this effect in the case of a rubber-ball baseball, it is obliged to attach a soft material over the barrel actively. Using 3-dimensional finite element analysis system for the impact between the rubber ball and the bat developed by authors, for the bat whose barrel is covered with a sheet of the soft material the effects of Young's modulus, thickness, Poisson's ratio and etc. on the COR are investigated. It is found that a thick material which has the low values of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio is effective to increase the COR.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2006.0_94

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9597490

  • 409 Simultaneous measurement of aerodynamic 4-components forces on spinning golf ball in wind tunnel(1)

    Mizota Taketo, Naruo Takeshi, Fukamachi Tomokazu

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2006   _409-a_ - _409-4_   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Highly spinning golf ball aerodynamics is studied by wind tunnel experiments. To estimate a precise trajectory of golf ball 3-D flight, in this stage, more accurate and simultaneous measurement to confirm 4-components of aerodynamic forces on spinning golf ball is needed. We had challenged this problem with freely rotation and it's naturally decaying golf ball experiment system in wind tunnel flow.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2006._409-a_



    TOKUMARU Masataka, HIRAOKA Nobuto, YAMASHITA Kazumi, NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, MURANAKA Noriaki, IMANISHI Shigeru

    Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   5 ( 3 )   111 - 118   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Kansei Engineering  

    Recent years, developer of products emphasizes personal sensitivity, because a consumer come to selecthe product which is fit for oneself. In this paper, we studied ease-of-hitting and preference of a golf club by group method of date handling and neural network. At first, we selected a lot of adjectives which are well used in the case that golf players evaluate a golf club from the viewpoint of how easily he is able to hit a golf ball with it. Next we investigated values of many golf clubs from the viewpoint of the adjectives by questionnaire and analyzed the correlation between the ease-of-hitting and the adjectives. As a result, we got some rules to judge the ease-of-hitting and preference with golf clubs.

    DOI: 10.5057/jjske2001.5.3_111

    CiNii Books


  • 1607 Aerodynamic force measurement of spinning golf ball with free rotation method

    FUKAMACHI Tomokazu, MIZOTA Taketo, NARUO Takeshi

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2005   239   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2005.239


  • 3-D flight formulation of golf ball under atmospheric boundary layer and experiment

    MIZOTA Taketo, PARK Sungmin, FUKAMACHI Tomokazu, NARUO Takeshi


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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Association for Wind Engineering  

    A research was conducted to measure the 3-D golf ball flight trajectory under atmospheric
    boundary layer. 3-D flight equations were already confirmed by still air flight experiments
    in our research. In this time, we performed offshore experiments of golf ball shot and
    measured flight distance. Wind velocity profile distributions were measured up to 5.5m high.
    To estimate wind velocity at higher position of golf ball flight, a logarithmic low was
    applied. As a result, 3-D flight distance became possible to be calculated under atmospheric
    boundary layer.

    DOI: 10.14887/kazekosymp.18.0.000040.0

    CiNii Books


  • 3-D flight formulation of golf ball under atmospheric boundary layer and outdoor experiment

    MIZOTA Taketo, Park SUNGMIN, NARUO Takeshi, FUKAMACHI Tomokazu

    The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference   2004   219 - 41   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The golf ball in flies is greatly influenced of the natural style.In this research, three kinds of golf balls marketed are used, the aerodynamics characteristic by each dimple form is searched for by wind tunnel experiment.The aerodynamics characteristic of joining the golf ball which carries out high-speed rotation in an air current is measured.And when a wind blows, in order to be able to perform the exact simulation of distance which flew,The influence of a 3-dimensional air boundary layer is put into a 3-dimensional flies orbital equation, and flies orbital analysis is performed.And an actual hit ball experiment is conducted on the seashore, and it verifies by comparing a calculation value with measured value.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmefed.2004.219


  • Simulation of Impact between Rubber-ball and Bat for Baseball

    KANDA Yoshifumi, Naruo Takeshi, Misono Kazunori

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2004   95 - 99   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It is desirable for the design of a baseball bat to analyze exactly the phenomena of the impact between baseball and bat. In order to establish powerful analytical tool for the baseball-bat impact, the numerical analysis programs based on 3-dimensional finite element method are developed. After the calibration of developed programs due to the comparison between calculated and experimental results, the impact characteristics of an aluminum bat for rubber-ball baseball are investigated precisely. It is found that the COR value decreases as the impact velocity increase and it is deeply affected by the hoop rigidity of the cylindrical shell structure in bat.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2004.0_95

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00097_references_DOI_RqYrdJpntL8TvUmQx6ookDTPPiZ

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9595709

  • Aerodynamic characteristic of golf ball and 3-D flight formulation under atmospheric boundary layer

    PARK,Sungmin, MIZOTA,Taketo, NARUO,Takeshi, SHIMOZONO,Hitoshi

    2003   78 - 79   2003.7

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    The research was conducted to measure the aerodynamic characteristics of highly spinning golf ball immersed in uniform flow of a wind tunnel. The balls, which were used in this study, are two kinds of balls, Skyway and Callaway. We compared the data of Skyway ball with the aerodynamic characteristics of Callaway ball. We added the wind velocity profile of atmospheric boundary layer in the equation of 3-D ball trajectory to cosider the influence of the wind that is probable in practical golf course. We used logarithmic law in that case. As a result, 3-D flight distance became possible to calculate from multiple initial conditions.

    CiNii Books


  • 3-D Flight Trajectory Fomulation of Golf Ball under Atmospheric Boundary Layer

    PARK Sungmin, MIZOTA Taketo, NARUO Takeshi, SHIMOZONO Hitoshi

    95   155 - 156   2003.4

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    CiNii Books


  • Kansei Information Processing of the Golf Club using Neural Network

    NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, TOKUMARU Masataka, HIRAOKA Nobuto, YAMASHITA Kazumi

    2002   72   2002.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In this paper, we propose the Kansei information processing using GMDH method and neural network. At first, we selected many sensitivity attribute words about golf, and we picked up 4 factors form them using SD method. From these factors we made a new questionnaire obtain them. And we picked up some high correlation attribute words about easy hitting using GMDH. We were learned NN about the relation of these attribute words as input and easy hitting as output. Finally, we analyzed sensitivity analysis and as result we took some high correlation attribute words about easy hitting.

    CiNii Books


  • ゴルフインパクトの計測と弾道シミュレーション—特別小特集 ITとスポーツ

    鳴尾 丈司

    電子情報通信学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers   85 ( 1 )   2 - 5   2002.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人電子情報通信学会  

    CiNii Books



    TOKUMARU Masataka, HIRAOKA Nobuto, YAMASHITA Kazumi, NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATOH Fuminobu, MURANAKA Noriaki, IMANISHI Shigeru

    Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering   2 ( 2 )   65 - 72   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Kansei Engineering  

    It is difficult for developer of products to investigate which part and element of a product is closely related to its attraction and ease-of-use. So we propose a method which investigates what has an influence on facility and preference with a product by adopting C4.5, which is a useful algorithm for building decision tree. In this paper, we investigate what viewpoint a golf player values ease-ofhitting with golf clubs from. At first, we selected a lot of adjectives which are well used in the case that golf players evaluate a golf club from the viewpoint of how easily he is able to hit a golf ball with it. Next we investigated values of many golf clubs from the viewpoint of the adjectives by questionnaire and analyzed the correlation between the ease-of-hitting and the adjectives. As a result, we got some rules to judge the ease-of-hitting and preference with golf club.

    DOI: 10.5057/jjske2001.2.2_65

    CiNii Books


  • Optimization of Golf Club Face for Enhancement of Coefficient of Restitution

    NARUO T.

    Science and Golf   426/437   2002

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  • A Study for analysis of ease of hitting with a golf club

    HIRAOKA Nobuto, SUZUI Satosi, TOKUMARU Masataka, MURANAKA Noriaki, IMANISHI Shigeru, YAMASHITA Kazumi, NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATOH Fuminobu

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   20   2002

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • Kinematic Analysis and Measurement of Sports Form: Measurement of Golf Driver Swing Form

    HOKARI Masaki, WATANABE Kajiro, KURIHARA Yousuke, SEGAWA Yusuke, NARUO Takeshi

    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   38 ( 11 )   922 - 930   2002

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    Publisher:The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers  

    This paper is aimed at describing how to measure the sports form. The measurements can be used for the quantitative sports skill evaluation for example. Here we focus our discussion on the golf driver swing form which is most difficult to measure and is one of the difficult sport forms to skill up.<br>The presented measurement derived by the kinematic human body model analysis and the system developed by using the three dimensional rate gyro sensors set at the several body positins can catch the three dimensional rotation motions and the three dimensional translational motions of various parts of body. The system can measure the golf driver swing forms by various golfers correctly. Form the data caught by the measurement system, some skill criteria linguistically written in the internationally famous golf lesson text books are quantitatively expressed. The quantitative data for the criteria by a novice golf player and a middle class player show the reasonable and appropriate results.

    DOI: 10.9746/sicetr1965.38.922

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.3.299_references_DOI_QKYSXmbg1wqW8fN0hHHtX3288Kz


  • スポーツフォームの運動解析と計測

    計測自動制御学会論文集   2002

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  • Oscillation effects on aerodynamic characteristics of highly rotating golf ball in wind tunnel

    Mizota,Taketo, Naruo,Takeshi, Shimozo,Hitoshi, Sato,Fuminobu, Zdravkovich,M.

    2001   339 - 340   2001.7

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    We developed a device that could rotate a real golf ball up to 10000rpm in a wind tunnel. By using this device, we can measure aerodynamics forces with highly rotating golf ball under various spin parameters. Golf ball trajectory could be calculated by using this aerodynamics force. However, some undesirable circulated oscillations to measure the aerodynamic forces had occurred with the condition of highly rotating golf ball. Then some improvements had made to restrain these oscillations. As a result, less oscillation device had achieved in this study. The influence of the ball oscillation against aerodynamics force and trajectory calculation of golf ball was discussed.

    CiNii Books


  • 20S Kansei Information Processing of the Golf Club using Neural Network

    NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATO Fuminobu, TOKUMARU Masataka, YAMASHITA Kazumi

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2001   89 - 92   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    It was examined about Kansei information processing by using the result of SD method and the design value of the golf club are examined about the system using the neural network by this research. Because it changes by the various factors such as a human taste and habit, physical condition, it isn't easy to search for direct relations with the amount of physics as for the sensitivity evaluation. And, when designer make a new product at present, he decides some design values and make prototype based on this. This research enforced the process easily and efficiently.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2001.0_89

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9595048

  • The Effects of Inertia Property of Golf Club Head to the Restitution Property of Golf Ball

    SATO Fuminobu, NAGAO Hiroshi, KANEKO Yasunori, NARUO Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   11 ( 1 )   73 - 82   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Sports Industry  

    The effects of the inertia property of a club head to the restitution property of golf balls were investigated. The three-dimensional inertia properties of a golf club head were expressed by using the inertia ellipsoid. The inertia ellipsoid was cut in the plane which was parallel to the club face and passed through the center of gravity. The correlation between the cut ellipsoid and the restitution property was shown. It became possible by using the cut ellipsoid to express the restitution property on the golf club face. The restitution property was predicted by using the collision model of the rigid bodies. Furthermore, it became possible to prescribe the area of the high restitution on the golf club face from the inertia property of golf club head, its mass and the mass of the golf ball. With the technique used in this research, it is possible to predict the direction in which a high restitution area spreads out in the restitution property specially at the design. And a high restitution area can be predicted on the basis of three measurements of the inertia moment. Furthermore, rigid body collision simulation Twas examined. The simulation is consistent with the result of the experiment. By using this simulation it is possible to do more suitable design of the golf club head.

    DOI: 10.5997/sposun.11.73

    CiNii Books


  • 15S On String Tension of Tennis Racket

    KANDA Yoshifumi, Nagao Hiroshi, Naruo Takeshi

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2001   64 - 68   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    For the impact of a tennis ball with a tennis racket, the strings have a very important role. Since the restitution of the string depends on its tension, many reserchers are interested in the actual tension of the strings and their effect on the impact. We investigated the mechanism to loosen the strings, the values of the reduced tensions and the effects of string tension on a ball rebound. It is found that the strings are unfastened to minimize the frame displacements after the stringing and the coefficient of restitution increases with the reduction of the string tensions.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2001.0_64

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9594986

  • Kansei Evaluation of the Golf Club using Neural Network

    KIKUCHI Akihiro, TOKUMARU Masataka, MURANAKA Noriaki, IMANISHI Shigeru, YAMASHITA Kazumi, NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATOH Fuminobu

    16   311 - 312   2000.9

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    CiNii Books


  • A Study of finger pressure distribution at catching a ball in the baseball glove

    NINOMIYA Norikazu, NARUO Takeshi

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics   2000   17 - 20   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the hand movement during the baseball catching motion. Finger and palm pressure distributions in the baseball gloves were measured during the catching motion by using Glove Scan system. Results showed that grasp motion was initiated with high pressure on the fingertip, then it was completed by the pinching motion with high pressure on the thumb and little and/or ring fingers. Player do not initiate grasp motion when feedback the force on the band, but initiate it with prediction of ball motion into the baseball glove.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmesports.2000.0_17

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9593551

  • ゴルフボールの飛距離におよぼすクラブヘッドの慣性特性の影響—The effect of inertia property of golf club head to the golf ball drive

    長尾 裕史, 金子 靖仙, 鳴尾 丈司

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   99 ( 41 )   97 - 101   1999.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Aerodynamic Characteristics of Highly Spinning Golf Ball in Uniform Flow

    MIZOTA Taketo, SHIMOZONO Hitoshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATO Fuminobu, ZDRAVKOVICH M. m., NOGUCHI Yasuo

    79   165 - 166   1999.4

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    CiNii Books


  • バドミントンラケットとシャトルコックのインパクト挙動—Behavior of badminton racket and shuttlecock at impact

    蘆田 浩規, 小塚 晃弘, 鳴尾 丈司

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   98 ( 31 )   148 - 152   1998.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • バットの反発特性に関する研究—A study of performance of baseball bat

    鳴尾 丈司, 佐藤 文宣

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   97 ( 10-2 )   117 - 121   1997.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • ゴルフクラブのスイング中の動的挙動--ショートアイアンクラブのシャフト挙動に関する解析—Dynamic behavior of golf clubs on swinging: analysis of dynamic behavior of shafts in short iron clubs

    蘆田 浩規, 鳴尾 丈司, 佐藤 文宣

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   97 ( 10-2 )   37 - 41   1997.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 構造変更の評価のための自転車乗り心地シミュレータの開発

    坂本 佳隆, 戸井 武司, 大久保 信行, 芦田 浩規, 鳴尾 丈司, 佐藤 文宣

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集   1997 ( 1 )   913 - 914   1997.3

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    CiNii Books


  • ゴルフクラブのダウンスイング中におけるねじれ挙動の解析

    鳴尾 丈司, 芦田 浩規, 斉藤 毅

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   96 ( 20 )   193 - 197   1996.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • ウェーブレット解析とニューラルネットワークによるゴルフの打球音分析

    長尾 裕史, 佐藤 文宣, 鳴尾 丈司

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   96 ( 20 )   154 - 157   1996.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • ゴルフクラブのスイング中の動的挙動(第2報 ゴルフシャフトの調子に関する研究)—ジョイント・シンポジウム1995--スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス ; スポーツ工学シンポジウム1995

    芦田 浩規, 鳴尾 丈司, 斉藤 毅

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   95 ( 45 )   124 - 128   1995.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


  • ゴルフシャフトのフレックスに関する研究—ジョイント・シンポジウム1995--スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス ; スポーツ工学シンポジウム1995

    鳴尾 丈司, 野口 修一, 斉藤 毅

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集   95 ( 45 )   84 - 88   1995.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本機械学会  

    CiNii Books


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  • サッカーにおける選手識別に基づいた選手追跡に関する研究

    森, 泰斗, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 田中, ちひろ, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 鳴尾, 丈司, 肖, 智葳, 松尾, 龍平

    第84回全国大会講演論文集  2022.2 

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    Event date: 2022.2




  • 2つの視点の映像を用いたパノラマ映像の生成に関する研究

    金, 智友, 西田, 義人, 鳴尾, 丈司, 梅原, 喜政, 山本, 雄平, 姜, 文渊, 田中, ちひろ, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典

    第84回全国大会講演論文集  2022.2 

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    Event date: 2022.2




  • 画像鮮明化による人物同定手法の高度化に関する研究

    飛田, 和輝, 西田, 義人, 梅原, 喜政, 坂本, 一磨, 鳴尾, 丈司, 田中, 成典

    第84回全国大会講演論文集  2022.2 

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    Event date: 2022.2




  • サッカーにおけるセットプレーの自動抽出に関する研究

    青木, 大誠, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 田中, ちひろ, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 鳴尾, 丈司, 松尾, 龍平, 肖, 智葳

    第84回全国大会講演論文集  2022.2 

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    Event date: 2022.2




  • フィールドスポーツにおける選手と審判以外の背景除去に関する研究

    福井, 真子, 姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 田中, ちひろ, 坂本, 一磨, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 鳴尾, 丈司, 肖, 智葳, 岡嵜, 雄也

    第84回全国大会講演論文集  2022.2 

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    Event date: 2022.2




  • 建設現場におけるオクルージョン前後の動体の同定に関する基礎的研究

    肖 智葳, 姜 文渊, 山本 雄平, 中村 健二, 田中 ちひろ, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司

    土木情報学シンポジウム講演集 Proceedings of the symposium on civil engineering informatics / 土木学会土木情報学委員会 編  2021  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021



  • 建設現場における人物検出のための深層学習用学習データの自動生成に関する研究

    松尾 龍平, 姜 文渊, 山本 雄平, 中村 健二, 田中 ちひろ, 田中 成典, 鳴尾 丈司

    土木情報学シンポジウム講演集 Proceedings of the symposium on civil engineering informatics / 土木学会土木情報学委員会 編  2021  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021



  • 野球打撃におけるセンシングデータを用いた指導方法の提案

    蔭山 雅洋, 山本 雄平, 田中 成典, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集 / 関西大学先端科学技術推進機構 編  2019.1  関西大学先端科学技術推進機構

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    Event date: 2019.1



  • Analysis of the objective viewpoint of experienced baseball coaches when evaluating batting skills and batters’ swings

    Kageyama Masahiro, Yamamoto Yuhei, Tanaka Shigenori, Saito Rei, Shibata Shohei, Naruo Takeshi

    Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium  2019  Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics

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    Event date: 2019


    According to the guidelines on instruction by athletic clubs that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology established in 2013, it is important that coaches not only depend on their own experiences, but also learn from scientific studies by sports specialists. In recent years, measurement devices have been developed that can immediately give feedback on a batter’s swing; the measurement devices were further refined and were reduced in size by the development of sensor technology. The device then became able to assess the characteristics of the batter’s swing from the measurement data. However, a coaching method based on such scientific data has not yet been established in amateur baseball clubs because of the mixture of rational and practical instruction and the difficulty of the interpretation from calculated numerical values. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of a batter’s swing using an evaluation from a baseball coach with a great deal of experience when assessing batting skills.


  • A study on the pitching data analysis and useage using baseball-type sensor

    SHIBATA Shohei, NARUO Takeshi, KASE Yuto, INAMO Masaya, YAMAMOTO Michiharu, MORI Masaki, URAKAWA Kazuo, HIROSE Kiyoshi, JINJI Tsutomu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2018  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2018


    The purpose of this study is to examine the accuracy of the system analyzing pitching data using baseball-type sensor (MAQ) and to measure kinematic parameter (ball velocity, spin rate, and spin axis) of baseball pitches by various pitchers. The accuracy of the developed system using a 3D motion analysis system and the high-speed cameras were examined. The spin axis of pitched ball was calculated from data of 12-axis sensor using the sensor fusion by extended Kalman Filter. The ball velocity and spin rate calculated by MAQ and the 3D motion analysis system showed similar values (ball velocity: <i>r</i> = 0.95 spin rate: <i>r</i> = 0.90). In several data, it was indicated that the spin axis calculated by MAQ, the 3D motion analysis system, and the high-speed camera showed similar values. In addition, there was a correlation between ball velocity and spin rate over the velocity range from 6.7 m/s to 41.0 m/s (n=188). From these results, the developed system can be used to evaluate baseball pitching skill with high accuracy.


  • A methodology for estimating valgus stress during baseball pitching with one-segment model

    Yamagishi Kenichi, Yanai Toshimasa, Naruo Takeshi, Shibata Shouhei

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2018  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2018


    The purpose of this study was to test the validity of using a one- and a two-segment models for determining elbow joint valgus stress during baseball pitching. The one-segment model consisted of a single segment representing the ball, hand and forearm together as a rigid segment. The two-segment model consisted of a distal segment representing the ball, hand and forearm together as a rigid segment and a proximal segment representing the upper arm. In addition, a three-segment model, which is the most widely and frequently used model for determining the valgus stress of baseball pitching, was defined to provide a reference value for testing the validity of the fewer segment models. The three-segment model was comprised of a distal segment representing the ball and hand together as a rigid segment, a mid-segment representing the forearm and the proximal segment representing the upper arm. Fourteen university students with the baseball experience were asked to throw a baseball with their maximum effort and a motion capture analysis system (VICON, Oxford Metrics) was used to measure the motions of the segments. The result showed that the maximum values of the valgus stress determined with one- and two-segment models (approx. 64 Nm for fast balls) were significantly greater than the corresponding value determined with three-segment model (47 Nm), but the correlations among the three models were found to be significantly high (r > 0.83, p < 0.01). These findings suggest that the fewer segment models can be used to compare the magnitude of valgus stress among subjects and among pitches for evaluation of risk of elbow injuries.


  • Baseball coaching of hitting technique using a swing measurement device ~The effect of an evaluation sheet on understanding bat-swing in high school baseball players~

    KAGEYAMA Masahiro, YAMAMOTO Yuhei, TANAKA Shigenori, SHIBATA Shohei, NARUO Takeshi

    Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium  2018  Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics

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    Event date: 2018


    According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology guidelines in 2013 on instruction in athletic club activities, it is important that coaches use not only their own experience, but also understand and use the results of studies by sports science specialists. In recent years, a device that provides measured results immediately after the batting swing has been developed by downsizing of the device following advances in sensor technology and IT techniques. This device measures the bat swing characteristics from the measurement data. However, coaching methodology based on scientific data is not yet established in amateur baseball clubs, possibly because of a mixture of rational and irrational instruction and difficulty in interpretation of the calculated numerical values. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using a data-based evaluation sheet on the understanding and motivation for batting practice in high school baseball players, and to examine the coaching method for baseball hitting using a swing measurement device.


  • VR空間における野球バッティング練習支援手法の検討—メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎

    Zou Liyuan, 内山 元晴, Roberto Lopez-Gulliver, 野間 春生, 土金 諒, 伊坂 忠夫, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司, 樋口 貴俊

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報  2017.10  電子情報通信学会

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    Event date: 2017.10



  • Development of pitching analysis system using baseball-type sensor

    SHIBATA Shohei, NARUO Takeshi, KASE Yuto, YAMAMOTO Michiharu, MORI Masaki, URAKAWA Kazuo, HIROSE Kiyoshi, JINJI Tsutomu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2017  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2017


    The purpose of this study is to develop the system analyzing pitching data using baseball-type sensor and to examine the accuracy of the developed system using Doppler radar system (Trackman baseball, Trackman) and high speed camera. The developed baseball-type sensor in this study, which consists of accelerometer, gyroscope, and Magneto-Impedance sensor, measured 6-axis acceleration, 3-axis angular velocity, and 3-axis magnetic field. The weight, moment of inertia, and material in baseball-type sensor was the same as a normal baseball. The spin rate of pitched ball was calculated from data of 3-axis magnetic field using zero crossing method. The spin axis of pitched ball was calculated from data of 12-axis sensor using the sensor fusion by extended Kalman Filter. The measurement experiment was conducted to indicate the accuracy of the developed system. The spin rate calculated by the proposed method was corresponded with the spin rate obtained by the Doppler radar system (<i>r</i> = 0.99, <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.99). Also, it was indicated that the developed system could measure the low spin rate (less than 8.3 rps) which Doppler radar system could not measure. In overthrow data, it was indicated that the spin axis calculated by the proposed method was corresponded with the spin axis obtained by the Doppler radar system. From these result, the developed system can be used to evaluate baseball pitching skill with high accuracy.


  • Effect of Aerodynamic characteristics of spinning golf balls with different dimple depth: (Comparison of Wind Tunnel Test and CFD)

    WASHIDA Yudai, YAMADA Yuki, NARUO Takeshi, MIZOTA Taketo, KUDO Toshifumi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2017  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2017


    Aerodynamics of spinning golf balls were investigated by Wind Tunnel Test and Computational Fluid Dynamics at the wind speed of 25 and 40 m/s. For CFD analysis, turbulence model (<i>k-ω</i> SST) with transition <i>γ</i>-model was applied. As for both methods, a golf ball with shallower dimples has higher <i>C<sub>L</sub></i> at U=40m/s while drastic reduction in <i>C<sub>L</sub></i> was confirmed at U=25 m/s and <i>Sp</i> =0.1. The increase in <i>C<sub>D</sub></i> as with the decrease in <i>Sp</i> was also confirmed at this <i>C<sub>L</sub></i> reduction phase. It seems that the flow around golf ball changes from turbulent to laminar as with the decrease in <i>Sp</i>. Visualization of CFD results indicates that the separation point of the shallower ball upper side shifts forward for the condition of U=25m/s and <i>Sp</i> =0.1 compared with the other conditions.


  • VR空間における野球バッティング練習支援手法の検討—第147回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会 人工現実感および一般

    Zou Liyuan, 内山 元晴, Roberto Lopez-Gulliver, 野間 春生, 土金 諒, 伊坂 忠夫, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司, 樋口 貴俊

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究報告集  2017  ヒューマンインタフェース学会

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    Event date: 2017



  • 09方−09−ポ−03(33) 野球の打撃方向の違いがスイング動作に及ぼす影響—コースに逆らわない打撃実施時のバットの動きに着目して

    蔭山 雅洋, 柴田 翔平, 鳴尾 丈司, 村上 光平, 中島 一, 前田 明

    日本体育学会大会予稿集  2017  一般社団法人 日本体育学会

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    Event date: 2017


    野球の打者は投手が投じたボールを守備者に阻まれないようにどの方向にも打ち返すことが求められる。そこで本研究では、野球選手を対象に、引っ張り、センター、流しの3方向へ打ち分けた場合のバットの動きの特徴を明らかにすることとした。被検者は、野球選手39名とした。実験は、最大努力によるティー打撃を各方向7回実施した。その際、バットスイング解析システム(MIZUNO Swing Tracer)を用い、8つのパラメータ(スイング時間、スイング速度(最大時、ボールインパクト時)、インパクト加速度、ローリング、スイング回転半径、ヘッド角度、スイング軌道)を計測した。その結果、引っ張り方向はその他の方向と比較して、ローリングが大きく、スイング時間が長く、スイング回転半径が小さかった。流し方向は、その他の方向と比較して、スイング時間が短いものの、スイング速度、ローリング、スイング軌道が小さかった。したがって、野球打者は打撃方向によって、バットの動きを制御し打ち分けていることが示唆された。今回の測定方法は、打ち分けた場合のバットの動きを評価することができ、トレーニングや練習の方法を検討する上での重要な資料になることが示された。


  • A study on estimation method of baseball bat trajectory in practice swing motion by combining Kalman filter of velocity compensation

    SHIBATA Shohei, HIROSE Kiyoshi, NARUO Takeshi, SHIMIZU Yuichi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2016  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2016


    The purpose of this study was to develop the analysis algorithm that is able to estimate the baseball bat trajectory from swing beginning to follow-through phase in the practice swing motion and to examine the accuracy of the proposed method using the 3D motion capture system. The measurement system in this study, which consists of inertial sensor system, measured 3-axis angular velocity and 3-axis acceleration. To compensate the error of velocity during follow-through phase, the backward direction integration from the instance of swing stop was performed. The sensor fusion using the Adaptive Kalman filter by compensating velocity compensated the error of acceleration integration during follow-through phase, and it estimated the 3D bat trajectory in a global coordinate by combining the sensor fusion and the compensation using motion characteristics. The measurement experiment was conducted to indicate the accuracy of the proposed method using 3D motion capture system. The 3D bat trajectory from swing beginning to follow-through phase estimated by the proposed method corresponded with the 3D bat trajectory obtained by the 3D motion capture system. This result indicates that the error by acceleration integration during follow-through phase is compensated. Therefore, the effectiveness of the proposed method was indicated and the proposed method can be used to evaluate baseball swing include follow-through phase with high accuracy.


  • A-21 Measurement of the bat behavior in a baseball swing with an inertial sensor

    SHIMIZU Yuichi, NARUO Takeshi, SHIBATA Shohei, YANAI Toshimasa

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2015  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2015


    In this study, we developed a system measuring bat behavior during a baseball swing by mounting an inertial sensor unit which incorporated the acceleration sensor and the gyro sensor to bat grip end. We compared the bat behavior that measured by between developed system and three-demensional motion capture system (MAC3D system; Motion Analysis). As a result, accuracy of the bat behavior calculated by developed system was varified. Furthremore, we defined eight parameters to express a characteristic of the bat behavior. In this way, players and coachers can evaluate baseball swing quantitatively. Eight parameters are "swing time", "swing speed (impact)", "swing speed (max)", "impact acceleration", "rolling", "bat radius of rotation", "bat angle" and "swing orbit".


  • A-22 A study on the estimation method of baseball bat trajectory in practice swing motion using the extended Kalman filter

    SHIBATA Shohei, HIROSE Kiyoshi, NARUO Takeshi, SHIMIZU Yuichi

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics  2015  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2015


    The purpose of this study was to develop the analysis algorithm that is able to estimate the baseball bat trajectory in the practice swing motion and to examine the accuracy of the proposed method using 3D motion capture system. The measurement system in this study, which consists of inertial sensor system, measured 3-axis angular velocity and 3-axis acceleration. The sensor fusion using the extended Kalman filter compensated the drift error of the gyro sensor output and the error of dynamic acceleration of the accelerometer, and it estimated the 3D bat trajectory in a global coordinate by combining the sensor fusion and the compensation using motion characteristics. The measurement experiment was conducted to indicate the accuracy of the proposed method using 3D motion capture system. The 3D bat trajectory estimated by the proposed method corresponded with the 3D bat trajectory obtained by the 3D motion capture system. This result indicates that the drift error of gyro sensor and the error by dynamic acceleration are compensated. Therefore, the effectiveness of the proposed method was indicated and the proposed method can be used to evaluate baseball swing skill with high accuracy.


  • 15S On String Tension of Tennis Racket

    KANDA Yoshifumi, Nagao Hiroshi, Naruo Takeshi

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics  2001  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2001


    For the impact of a tennis ball with a tennis racket, the strings have a very important role. Since the restitution of the string depends on its tension, many reserchers are interested in the actual tension of the strings and their effect on the impact. We investigated the mechanism to loosen the strings, the values of the reduced tensions and the effects of string tension on a ball rebound. It is found that the strings are unfastened to minimize the frame displacements after the stringing and the coefficient of restitution increases with the reduction of the string tensions.


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9594986

  • Kansei Evaluation of the Golf Club using Neural Network

    KIKUCHI Akihiro, TOKUMARU Masataka, MURANAKA Noriaki, IMANISHI Shigeru, YAMASHITA Kazumi, NAGAO Hiroshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATOH Fuminobu


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    Event date: 2000.9



  • A Study of finger pressure distribution at catching a ball in the baseball glove

    NINOMIYA Norikazu, NARUO Takeshi

    The Proceedings of Joint Symposium: Symposium on Sports Engineering, Symposium on Human Dynamics  2000  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

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    Event date: 2000


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the hand movement during the baseball catching motion. Finger and palm pressure distributions in the baseball gloves were measured during the catching motion by using Glove Scan system. Results showed that grasp motion was initiated with high pressure on the fingertip, then it was completed by the pinching motion with high pressure on the thumb and little and/or ring fingers. Player do not initiate grasp motion when feedback the force on the band, but initiate it with prediction of ball motion into the baseball glove.


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/9593551

  • ゴルフボールの飛距離におよぼすクラブヘッドの慣性特性の影響—The effect of inertia property of golf club head to the golf ball drive

    長尾 裕史, 金子 靖仙, 鳴尾 丈司

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1999.10  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1999.10



  • Aerodynamic Characteristics of Highly Spinning Golf Ball in Uniform Flow

    MIZOTA Taketo, SHIMOZONO Hitoshi, NARUO Takeshi, SATO Fuminobu, ZDRAVKOVICH M. m., NOGUCHI Yasuo


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    Event date: 1999.4



  • バドミントンラケットとシャトルコックのインパクト挙動—Behavior of badminton racket and shuttlecock at impact

    蘆田 浩規, 小塚 晃弘, 鳴尾 丈司

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1998.10  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1998.10



  • バットの反発特性に関する研究—A study of performance of baseball bat

    鳴尾 丈司, 佐藤 文宣

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1997.7  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1997.7



  • ゴルフクラブのスイング中の動的挙動--ショートアイアンクラブのシャフト挙動に関する解析—Dynamic behavior of golf clubs on swinging: analysis of dynamic behavior of shafts in short iron clubs

    蘆田 浩規, 鳴尾 丈司, 佐藤 文宣

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1997.7  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1997.7



  • 構造変更の評価のための自転車乗り心地シミュレータの開発

    坂本 佳隆, 戸井 武司, 大久保 信行, 芦田 浩規, 鳴尾 丈司, 佐藤 文宣

    精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集  1997.3 

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    Event date: 1997.3



  • ウェーブレット解析とニューラルネットワークによるゴルフの打球音分析

    長尾 裕史, 佐藤 文宣, 鳴尾 丈司

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1996.10  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1996.10



  • ゴルフクラブのダウンスイング中におけるねじれ挙動の解析

    鳴尾 丈司, 芦田 浩規, 斉藤 毅

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1996.10  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1996.10



  • ゴルフシャフトのフレックスに関する研究—ジョイント・シンポジウム1995--スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス ; スポーツ工学シンポジウム1995

    鳴尾 丈司, 野口 修一, 斉藤 毅

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1995.10  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1995.10



  • ゴルフクラブのスイング中の動的挙動(第2報 ゴルフシャフトの調子に関する研究)—ジョイント・シンポジウム1995--スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス ; スポーツ工学シンポジウム1995

    芦田 浩規, 鳴尾 丈司, 斉藤 毅

    ジョイント・シンポジウム : スポーツ工学シンポジウム・シンポジウム:ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集  1995.10  日本機械学会

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    Event date: 1995.10



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Industrial property rights

  • 硬式野球用ボール

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    Applicant:ミズノ テクニクス株式会社, ミズノ テクニクス株式会社, 美津濃株式会社

    Application no:特願2019-035597  Date applied:2019.2

    Announcement no:特開2020-137813  Date announced:2020.9



  • ワイヤレス給電装置

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    Applicant:マクセル株式会社, 美津濃株式会社, 愛知製鋼株式会社, 株式会社サン・ワイズ

    Application no:JP2019002914  Date applied:2019.1

    Publication no:WO2019-151225  Date published:2019.8

    Patent/Registration no:特許第7013491号  Date registered:2022.1 



  • 解析装置、および解析システム

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    Application no:特願2018-204326  Date applied:2018.10

    Announcement no:特開2019-195607  Date announced:2019.11

    Patent/Registration no:特許第7123750号  Date registered:2022.8 



  • センサボール及びセンサモジュール

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    Application no:特願2018-158843  Date applied:2018.8

    Announcement no:特開2019-042502  Date announced:2019.3



  • スイング解析システム、およびスイング解析方法

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    Application no:特願2018-079919  Date applied:2018.4

    Announcement no:特開2019-187501  Date announced:2019.10



  • 計測システム、計測装置、計測方法および制御プログラム

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    Application no:特願2017-562378  Date applied:2017.8

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6283776号  Date registered:2018.2 



  • 計測システム、計測装置、計測方法および制御プログラム

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    Application no:JP2017028813  Date applied:2017.8

    Publication no:WO2018-030424  Date published:2018.2



  • スイング解析装置、コンピュータにスイングを解析させるためのプログラムおよびスイング解析システム

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    Applicant:美津濃株式会社, 国立大学法人秋田大学

    Application no:特願2016-217234  Date applied:2016.11

    Announcement no:特開2018-075071  Date announced:2018.5

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6806327号  Date registered:2020.12 



  • ゴルフボール

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    Application no:特願2016-215483  Date applied:2016.11

    Announcement no:特開2018-068899  Date announced:2018.5

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6935999号  Date registered:2021.8 



  • ゴルフボール

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    Application no:特願2016-044229  Date applied:2016.3

    Announcement no:特開2016-128032  Date announced:2016.7

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6017719号  Date registered:2016.10 



  • 評価情報提供システムおよび評価情報提供方法

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    Applicant:国立大学法人 筑波大学, 国立大学法人大阪大学, 美津濃株式会社

    Application no:特願2015-207449  Date applied:2015.10

    Announcement no:特開2017-077403  Date announced:2017.4

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6163635号  Date registered:2017.6 



  • シューズ

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    Application no:特願2015-195815  Date applied:2015.10

    Announcement no:特開2017-064246  Date announced:2017.4

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6480846号  Date registered:2019.2 



  • フットウエア用ソール構造体

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    Application no:特願2015-123613  Date applied:2015.6

    Announcement no:特開2017-006293  Date announced:2017.1



  • 歩行評価システム

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    Applicant:公立大学法人首都大学東京, 美津濃株式会社

    Application no:特願2015-119483  Date applied:2015.6

    Announcement no:特開2017-000546  Date announced:2017.1



  • 気流観察装置

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    Application no:特願2014-240018  Date applied:2014.11

    Announcement no:特開2016-102678  Date announced:2016.6

    Patent/Registration no:特許第5945314号  Date registered:2016.6 



  • 流体抵抗測定方法及びその装置

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    Application no:特願2014-073452  Date applied:2014.3

    Announcement no:特開2015-197293  Date announced:2015.11

    Patent/Registration no:特許第5841631号  Date registered:2015.11 



  • 計測システム、および計測装置

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    Applicant:美津濃株式会社, 富士通株式会社

    Application no:特願2014-025389  Date applied:2014.2

    Announcement no:特開2015-150130  Date announced:2015.8

    Patent/Registration no:特許第6027038号  Date registered:2016.10 



  • ゴルフボール

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    Application no:特願2013-229431  Date applied:2013.11

    Announcement no:特開2014-204950  Date announced:2014.10

    Patent/Registration no:特許第5902140号  Date registered:2016.3 



  • ゴルファに最適なゴルフクラブの相当単振り子長および慣性モーメントを求める方法およびシステム、ゴルフクラブの選定方法、ならびに各々のゴルファに適した錘の位置および重量を求める方法

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    Application no:特願2012-030386  Date applied:2012.2

    Announcement no:特開2013-165808  Date announced:2013.8

    Patent/Registration no:特許第5331908号  Date registered:2013.8 



  • アイアンゴルフクラブ

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    Application no:特願2011-255095  Date applied:2011.11

    Announcement no:特開2013-106839  Date announced:2013.6

    Patent/Registration no:特許第5420626号  Date registered:2013.11 



  • フットボールシューズ用アッパー構造

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    Application no:特願2010-190518  Date applied:2010.8

    Announcement no:特開2011-087916  Date announced:2011.5

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4886922号  Date registered:2011.12 



  • ゴルフクラブ

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    Application no:特願2010-111252  Date applied:2010.5

    Announcement no:特開2011-235024  Date announced:2011.11

    Publication no:WO2001-083049  Date published:2001.11

    Patent/Registration no:特許第5311261号  Date registered:2013.7 



  • ゴルフクラブヘッドおよびゴルフクラブ

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    Application no:特願2006-356877  Date applied:2006.12

    Announcement no:特開2008-161597  Date announced:2008.7



  • 回転体の空気力測定装置および空気力測定方法

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    Applicant:美津濃株式会社, 学校法人福岡工業大学

    Application no:特願2006-287545  Date applied:2006.10

    Announcement no:特開2007-147599  Date announced:2007.6

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4982148号  Date registered:2012.4 



  • ゴルフ打球表示装置及びゴルフ打球表示プログラム

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    Applicant:美津濃株式会社, 伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ株式会社

    Application no:特願2006-132980  Date applied:2006.5

    Announcement no:特開2007-301173  Date announced:2007.11



  • ゴルフクラブヘッド挙動解析装置およびゴルフクラブヘッド挙動解析方法、シート材

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    Application no:特願2005-372512  Date applied:2005.12

    Announcement no:特開2007-167549  Date announced:2007.7



  • ゴルフクラブ選定装置およびゴルフクラブ選定方法ならびにゴルフスイング解析装置およびゴルフスイング解析方法

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    Application no:特願2004-135461  Date applied:2004.4

    Announcement no:特開2005-312734  Date announced:2005.11



  • 球技用バット

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    Application no:特願2004-064216  Date applied:2004.3

    Announcement no:特開2005-245943  Date announced:2005.9

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4296108号  Date registered:2009.4 



  • ゴルフクラブの質量選定方法、ゴルフクラブの長さ選定方法ならびにゴルフクラブの質量および長さ選定方法

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    Application no:特願2003-189444  Date applied:2003.7

    Announcement no:特開2005-021329  Date announced:2005.1

    Patent/Registration no:特許第4580154号  Date registered:2010.9 



  • ウッドゴルフクラブヘッド

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    Application no:特願2002-195603  Date applied:2002.7

    Announcement no:特開2004-033513  Date announced:2004.2



  • ゴルフ弾道シミュレーション装置

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    Application no:特願2002-126552  Date applied:2002.4

    Announcement no:特開2003-024493  Date announced:2003.1

    Patent/Registration no:特許第3825359号  Date registered:2006.7 



  • 打球診断システム

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    Applicant:株式会社フォトロン, 美津濃株式会社

    Application no:特願2001-340625  Date applied:2001.11

    Announcement no:特開2003-117044  Date announced:2003.4

    Patent/Registration no:特許第3778427号  Date registered:2006.3 



  • ゴルフクラブヘッド軌道測定方法および装置

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    Applicant:美津濃株式会社, 渡邊 嘉二郎

    Application no:特願2001-165294  Date applied:2001.5

    Announcement no:特開2002-355351  Date announced:2002.12



  • ゴルフボール回転装置およびゴルフボール空気力測定装置

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    Application no:特願2001-129268  Date applied:2001.4

    Announcement no:特開2002-323403  Date announced:2002.11



  • 野球用バット

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    Application no:特願2000-237274  Date applied:2000.8

    Announcement no:特開2002-045454  Date announced:2002.2

    Patent/Registration no:特許第3986736号  Date registered:2007.7 



  • 野球またはソフトボール用バット

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    Application no:特願2000-042381  Date applied:2000.2

    Announcement no:特開2001-224725  Date announced:2001.8



  • ゴルファに最適なトルクのシャフト選定装置

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    Application no:特願平11-246452  Date applied:1999.8

    Announcement no:特開2001-070482  Date announced:2001.3



  • 金属製ゴルフクラブヘッド

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    Application no:JP1999000081  Date applied:1999.1

    Publication no:WO1999-036132  Date published:1999.7



  • ゴルフクラブ用のシャフト及びゴルフクラブ

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    Application no:特願平10-033616  Date applied:1998.1

    Announcement no:特開平11-076479  Date announced:1999.3



  • ゴルフクラブヘッド

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    Application no:特願平9-364116  Date applied:1997.12

    Announcement no:特開平11-178957  Date announced:1999.7

    Patent/Registration no:特許第3280299号  Date registered:2002.2 



  • 防振性を有するスノーボード

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    Application no:特願平9-227332  Date applied:1997.8

    Announcement no:特開平11-047343  Date announced:1999.2



  • 軟式野球用バット

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    Application no:特願平9-081845  Date applied:1997.3

    Announcement no:特開平10-248979  Date announced:1998.9



  • 硬式野球用バット

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    Application no:特願平9-081844  Date applied:1997.3

    Announcement no:特開平10-248978  Date announced:1998.9



  • ソフトボール用バット

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    Application no:特願平9-081846  Date applied:1997.3

    Announcement no:特開平10-248980  Date announced:1998.9



  • ゴルフクラブセット

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    Application no:特願平7-347424  Date applied:1995.12

    Announcement no:特開平9-164225  Date announced:1997.6

    Patent/Registration no:特許第2992470号  Date registered:1999.10 



  • ゴルファに最適なフレックスのシャフト選定装置

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    Application no:特願平8-513093  Date applied:1995.10

    Publication no:WO1996-011726  Date published:1996.4

    Patent/Registration no:特許第3061640号  Date registered:2000.4 



  • FRP製ゴルフクラブ用シャフト

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    Application no:特願平7-149565  Date applied:1995.5

    Announcement no:特開平8-308969  Date announced:1996.11

    Patent/Registration no:特許第2909002号  Date registered:1999.4 



  • 防振性を有するスキー

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    Application no:特願平6-186343  Date applied:1994.7

    Announcement no:特開平8-024394  Date announced:1996.1

    Patent/Registration no:特許第2822151号  Date registered:1998.9 



  • FRP製バット

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    Application no:特願平4-186322  Date applied:1992.6

    Announcement no:特開平6-182010  Date announced:1994.7



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Research Projects

  • Development of coupling algorithm for the optimization study in Sports

    Grant number:15H01824  2015.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Seo Kazuya, Konishi Yasufumi, Kimura Yuji, Naruo Takeshi

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    Grant amount:\40430000 ( Direct Cost: \31100000 、 Indirect Cost:\9330000 )

    We have established a method that can propose the optimal equipment and the optimal skills simultaneously by using a genetic algorithm. This method gives the Pareto solution on the basis of the coupling algorithm of musculoskeletal simulation and flight trajectory simulation.
    Specific results include the optimal design of Kurare Zao Schanze (jumping hill), optimal design of the shape of the discus for maximum flight distance, and concurrent optimization both of competition wheelchairs and para-athletes.
    The proposed shape was adopted for the jumping hill in Kurare Zao Schanze and the discus. The Zao jumping hill in Yamagata city has been host to the annual ladies world cup. On the other hand, the Japanese record of discus was broken in 2019 for the first time in 14 years.
