Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Foreign Language Studies Professor
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  • MA in International Policy Studies ( モントレー国際大学院 )

  • Ph.D. in Communication ( ニューメキシコ大学 )

Research Interests

  • Intercultural Communication

  • Organizational Communication

  • Nonverbal Communication

  • 非言語コミュニケーション

  • インターカルチュラルコミュニケーション

  • マンハッタンプロジェクト、原爆、記憶、表象

  • 組織コミュニケーション


  • Monterey Institute of International Studies   International Policy Studies

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    Country: United States


  • University of New Mexico   Department of Communication & Journalism

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    Country: Mexico


Research History

  • Kansai University


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  • Kanda University of International Studies


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  • Kanda University of International Studies


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  • Kanda University of International Studies


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Professional Memberships


  • Challenging America's Collective Memory of the Bombing of Hiroshima : An Analysis of U.S. University Students' Reactions to the Anime Version of Barefoot Gen Reviewed

    No. 20 147-166 ( 20 )   147 - 166   2017.6

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    CiNii Books


  • 戦後70年:過去から未来へのメッセージ


    グローバル・コミュニケーション研究   第3号, pp.71-76   2016.3

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  • Tales of Two Cities: Hiroshima and Los Alamos, and the Collective Memories about the Atomic Bombing Presented in their Principal Museums


    グローバル・コミュニケーション研究   第2号, pp.137-159   2015.3

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  • Perceptions of the Salience of Intercultural Communication in the Contexts of Public health and Medical Practice


    神田外語大学紀要   第25号, pp.49-78   2013.3

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  • フィードバックの再考:日本企業における日本人上司と北米圏インターンの文化に基づいた期待と行動


    国際社会研究   第3号, pp.1-21   2012.12

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  • Salience and Semantics of key Words at the Intersection of Health Care Providers, Public Health, and Intercultural Communication

    Tomoko Masumoto

    International Academy of Linguistics, Behavioral, and Social Sciences,Proceedings   24(19), 1-13   2012.11

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  • Learning How to Learn: preparing the Expatriate Intern to Work in a Japanese Organization

    Tomoko Masumoto

    International Journal of Humanities and Social Science   2(18), pp.77-84   2012.10

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  • The Semantic Dimension of an International Story: The Ehime Maru Incident

    Tomoko Masumoto

    ETC: A Review of General Semantics   68(2), 205-213   2011.4

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  • Cultural Semantics of an International Incident: Telling the Story of the ‘Ehime Maru

    Tomoko Masumoto

    International Academy of Linguistics, Behavioral, and Social Sciences,Proceedings   19(3), 1-11   2008.11

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  • Individualism and Collectivism in Theory and Practice: The Work Experience of US interns in Japanese Organizations

    第18号, pp.109-135   2006.3

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  • Learning to “Do Time”: A study of U.S. Interns in Japanese Organizations

    Tomoko Masumoto

    International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management   4 (1), 19-37   2004.4

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  • Kisha Kurabu and Koho: Japanese Media Relations and Public Relations

    William Kelly, Tomoko Masumoto, Dark Gibson

    Public Relations Review   28, 265-281   2002.2

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  • Face and Facework in Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China, Germany, Japan, and the United States

    John Oetzel, Stella Ting-Toomey, Tomoko Masumoto, Yumiko Yokochi, Xiaohui Pan, Jiro Takai, Richard Wilcox

    Communication Monographs   68 (3), 235-258   2001.9

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  • A Typology of Facework Behaviors in Conflicts with Best Friends and Relative Strangers

    John Oetzel, Stella Ting-Toomey, Yumiko Yokochi, Tomoko Masumoto, Jiro Takai

    Communication Quarterly   48 (4), 397-419   2001

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  • American Interns in Japanese Organizations: Participant Perceptions and Interpretations of Intercultural Communication in the U.S.-Japan Industry and Technology Management Program

    Tomoko Masumoto

    University of New Mexico (2000).Dissertation Abstracts International   2000.5

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  • 『沈黙と間』, 『時間の概念』, 『インターンシップ』

    桝本智子( Role: Joint author)

    石井敏・久米昭元編「異文化コミュニケーション事典」, 春風社  2013.1 

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  • 第六章『先住アメリカ人』

    桝本智子( Role: Contributor)

    アダルベルト・アギーレ・ジュニア&ジョナサン・H・ターナー(著)神田外語大学アメリカ研究会(訳)「アメリカのエスニシティ:人種的融和を目指す他民族国家」, 明石書店  2013.1 

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  • With Respect to Japanese: Going to work in Japan

    John C. Condon, Tomoko Masumoto( Role: Joint author)

    Intercultural Press  2011.1 

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  • 多文化社会の異文化間コミュニケーション

    桝本智子( Role: Joint author)

    五島敦子・関口知子編「未来をつくる教育:ESD持続可能な多文化社会をめざして」, 明石書店  2010.2 

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  • Analysis of long-term effects of participating in an international internship program, with implications for human resource management in Japanese organizations

    桝本智子( Role: Sole author)

    2005~2007年度日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(C)、研究課題番号17530456  2009.2 

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  • 第3章『価値観』, 第4章『非言語』, 第6章『グループコミュニケーション』

    徳井厚子, 桝本智子( Role: Joint author)

    「日本語教師のためのコミュニケーション学入門: 対人関係構築のために」, ひつじ書房  2006.4 

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  • 第2章『ニューメキシコでの時間との遭遇』

    桝本智子( Role: Joint author)

    国際行動学会編「文化摩擦における戸惑い」, 創元社  2004.8 

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  • KUIS コミュニケーションガイドブック:KUISでの留学生活をより充実にしたものにするために

    桝本智子( Role: Joint author)

    神田外語大学異文化コミュニケーション研究所 コミュニケーション・ガイドブック作成プロジェクト  2004.3 

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  • 第2章『非言語』

    桝本智子( Role: Joint author)

    西田ひろ子編著「異文化間コミュニケーション入門」, 創元社  2000.6 

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  • コミュニケーション論文献目録


    異文化間教育   29号, pp.95-120   2008.4

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  • 「ロスアラモスで原爆はどのように語られてきたのか―『はだしのゲン』上映と現地調査より


    日本平和学会  2017.6 

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    Event date: 2017.6



  • Command, Control, and Communication: Scholarly Perspectives on Seventy Years of Nuclear Weapons History

    Tomoko Masumoto

    101th National Communication Association Annual Convention  2015.11 

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    Event date: 2015.11

    Venue:Las Vegas, NV  


  • Japan’s Collective Memory of Hiroshima seen through the Eyes of a Child: The National and Global Impact of Keiji Nakazawa’s Graphic Novel

    Tomoko Masumoto

    University of Alberta, Prince Takamado Japan Center “70th After Hiroshima”  2015.9 

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    Event date: 2015.9

    Venue:Alberta, Canada  


  • Barefoot Gen”: The Continued Influence of the Most Significant Anti-Nuclear War Manga Ever Published

    Tomoko Masumoto

    36th Southwest Popular and American Culture Association Conference  2015.2 

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    Event date: 2015.2

    Venue:Albuquerque, NM  


  • Salience and Semantics of Key Words at the Intersection of Health Care Providers, Public Health, and Intercultural Communication

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The International Academy of Linguistics, Behavioral, and Social Sciences  2012.11 

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    Event date: 2012.11

    Venue:Washington D.C  


  • Site as Symbol: Hiroshima, Los Alamos, and the cultural Evocations of Two Museums

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The Western States Communication Association Annual Conference  2012.2 

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    Event date: 2012.2

    Venue:Albuquerque, NM  

    Top three paper in Intercultural Communication Division


  • Feedback about ‘Feedback’: Culture-based Expectations and Behavior in Japanese Organizations

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The Western States Communication Association Annual Conference  2008.2 

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    Event date: 2008.2

    Venue:Denver, CO  


  • The Expatriate Intern in a Japanese Organization: Predeparture Training, Intercultural Communication, and ‘Learning How to Learn

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The National Communication Association Annual Conference  2007.11 

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    Event date: 2007.11

    Venue:Chicago, IL  

    Top three paper in Training and Development Division


  • Exploring Emergent Leadership in Global Virtual Teams

    Tomoko Masumoto

    91th National Communication Association Conference  2005.11 

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    Event date: 2005.11

    Venue:Boston, MA  


  • Saving Face, Maintaining Rapport: Intercultural Perspectives

    Tomoko Masumoto

    91th National Communication Association Conference  2005.11 

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    Event date: 2005.11

    Venue:Boston, MA  


  • The Ehime Maru Incident:A Case Study of Intercultural Conflict and Communication

    Tomoko Masumoto


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    Event date: 2004.2

    Venue:Albuquerque, NM  


  • Turning “Gojira” into “Godzilla” An American Take-over of a Japanese Film: A Postcolonial Approach

    Tomoko Masumoto

    87th National Communication Association Conference  2001.11 

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    Event date: 2001.11

    Venue:Atlanta, GA  


  • Face and Facework in Conflict:A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China, Germany, Japan and the United States

    Tomoko Masumoto


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    Event date: 2001.5

    Venue:Acapulco, Mexico  

    Top ranked paper in Intercultural communication division


  • Reconsidering Individualism and Collectivism in Japanese Organizations

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The Western States Communication Association Conference  2001.2 

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    Event date: 2001.2

    Venue:Coeur d’Alene, ID  


  • Cultural Influence in the Perception and the Meaning of Time: Americans and Japanese Workers in Japanese Organizations

    Tomoko Masumoto

    86th National Communication Association Conference  2000.11 

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    Event date: 2000.11

    Venue:Seattle, WA  


  • Developing a Cross-Cultural Typology of Facework Behavior in Interpersonal Conflicts

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The International Communication Association Conference  1999.5 

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    Event date: 1999.5

    Venue:San Francisco, CA  

    Top ranked paper in Intercultural communication division


  • A Study of the Relations Between Cultural Adjustment and Job Satisfaction: A Case of Expatriates in Japan

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The Western States Communication Association Conference  1999.2 

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    Event date: 1999.2

    Venue:Vancouver, B.C  


  • The Perceptions of American Interns and Japanese Host Organizations: A Study of the JIMT Program

    Tomoko Masumoto

    84th National Communication Association Conference  1998.11 

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    Event date: 1998.11

    Venue:New York, N.Y  


  • Cross-Cultural Encounters:Experiences of a One-Month Field Trip to Japan by Prospective U.S. Interns

    Tomoko Masumoto


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    Event date: 1998.2

    Venue:Denver, CO  


  • The Ehime Maru Incident: A Case Study of Intercultural Conflict and Communication

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The Western States Communication Association Conference  2004.2 

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    Venue:Albuquerque, NM  


  • Face and Facework in Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China, Germany, Japan and the United States

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The International Communication Association Conference  2001.5 

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    Venue:Acapulco, Mexico  

    Top ranked paper in Intercultural communication division


  • Cross-Cultural Encounters: Experiences of a One-Month Field Trip to Japan by Prospective U.S. Interns

    Tomoko Masumoto

    The Western States Communication Association Conference  1998.2 

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    Venue:Denver, CO  


  • Listening to Your Own Voice: Edward T. Hall and How the Need for Training Created a Discipline

    Tomoko Masumoto

    97th National Communication Association Annual Convention 

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    Venue:New Orleans, LA  

    Top Panel in Training and Development Division


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  • Facework across cultures

    1998 - 2000

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  • 日本企業におけるアメリカ人インターンと上司のコミュニケーション

    1996 - 1999

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  • American interns in Japanese Organizations : Participant perceptions and interpretations of intercultural communication in the U.S.'-Japan industry and technology management program

    1996 - 1999

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  • Top three paper in Intercultural Communication Division

    2012.2   The Western States Communication Association Annual Conference   Site as Symbol: Hiroshima, Los Alamos, and the Cultural Evocations of Two Museums

    MASUMOTO Tomoko

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  • Top panel in Training and Development Division

    2011.11   The National Communication Association Annual Conference   Listening To Your Own Voice: Edward T. Hall and How the Need for Training Created a Discipline.

    MASUMOTO Tomoko

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  • Top three paper in Training and Development Division

    2007.11   The National Communication Association Annual Conference   The Expatriate Intern in a Japanese Organization: Predeparture Training, Intercultural Communication, and ‘Learning How to Learn’.

    MASUMOTO Tomoko

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  • Top Competitive Paper Award in International Communication (The International Communication Association)


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  • Top Competitive Paper Award in International Communication (The International Communication Association)


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Research Projects

  • 次世代に継ぐ平和への歩み

    2013.4 - 2015.3


    桝本 智子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 萌芽研究 「原爆はどのように語られてきたのかーロスアラモスで問う新たな歴史

    2012.4 - 2015.3


    桝本 智子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • Application of Intercultural Communication to Health Communication

    2009.8 - 2010.7

    Fulbright Scholarship 

    MASUMOTO Tomoko

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 日本企業に国際インターンシップが与える人材経営面における長期的効果の考察

    2005.4 - 2007.3


    桝本 智子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • 神田外語大学における留学生活適応の研究

    2002.4 - 2004.3


    桝本 智子

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


  • Health communication across cultures

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 医療機関におけるコミュニケーションのあり方-文化的違い

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 医者と患者のコミュニケーション

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • A postcolonial approach to American translation of Japanese films

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Different perception of time in multi-cultural organizations

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Communication between doctors and patients

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Facework across cultures

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    Grant type:Competitive


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Teaching Experience

  • 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション

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  • メディア・コミュニケーション

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  • 観光コミュニケーション

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  • 文化とコミュニケーション

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  • 異文化コミュニケーション論

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  • 非言語コミュニケーション論

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  • 英語スモールグループコミュニケーション

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  • 日本語スモールグループコミュニケーション

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  • 研究演習

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Social Activities