Updated on 2024/09/02


Faculty of Foreign Language Studies Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • 博士(外国語教育学)

Research Interests

  • Foreign Language Anxiety

  • Motivation

  • Learner's Individual Differences

  • Language Learning

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education

Professional Memberships

  • Japanese Association of TEA for Qualitative Inquiry

    2024 - Present

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  • 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)

    2007 - Present

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Committee Memberships

  •   関西支部運営委員  

    2017.4 - 2020.3   

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  • L2 Anxiety and Self-efficacy: Redefining the Relationship in the Japanese EFL Context with Reference to Motivation, Procrastination Behavior, and L2 Proficiency

    Michiko Ueki

    30   103 - 119   2024.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • コミュニケーション場面における英語スピーキング不安の測定に向けた圧電センサの適応可能性 Reviewed

    宝田 隼, 植木美千子, 脇田貴文, 守谷 順, 竹内 理, 田實佳郎

    静電気学会誌   47   2 - 7   2020.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 自分にあった学び方を見つけ出す:学習ストラテジーを意識させる授業実践


    英語教育(大修館書店)   pp.30-31   2019.6

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  • The impact of studying abroad experience on the affective changes related to L2 motivation: A qualitative study of the processes of change

    Michiko Ueki, Osamu Takeuchi

    L2 Selves and Motivations in Asian Contexts   119 - 133   2016.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)   Publisher:Multilingual Matters Ltd  



  • Study abroad and motivation to learn a second language: Exploring the possibility of the L2 Motivational Self System. Reviewed

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI

    外国語教育メディア学会   52   2016.3

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  • Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: The L2 Motivational Self System and learner autonomy in a Japanese EFL context Reviewed

    Michiko Ueki, Osamu Takeuchi

    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching   7 ( 3 )   238 - 252   2013.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Research on the L2 Motivational Self System has drawn considerable attention in Second Language Acquisition. Previous studies have discussed the system itself, its basic concepts and their relationships to such affective variables as anxiety in various L2 learning contexts. The findings of these studies suggest that (1) having a clearer image of one's ideal L2 self might facilitate motivated L2 learning behaviour, (2) affective variables can promote or hinder learners' will to envision their ideal L2 selves, and (3) the system has both theoretical and pedagogical implications for L2 learner autonomy. The present survey study aimed to validate the system among Japanese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in two groups, whose learning contexts made it respectively easier and harder to formulate a clear image of an ideal L2 self. Survey data were analysed using multiple-group structural equation modelling. Results showed that the proposed model fitted both groups, but the relationships among variables in the model were different according to the group. The study also illustrated the dynamic interplay of affective variables (e.g. anxiety, self-efficacy) and the basic tenets of the system thereby providing us with useful insights into L2 learner autonomy. © 2013 Taylor &amp

    DOI: 10.1080/17501229.2013.836205



  • Exploring the Concept of the Ideal L2 Self in an Asian EFL Context: The Case of Japanese University Students.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI

    Journal of Asian TEFL   10, pp. 25-45   2013.4

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  • L2 Communication Anxiety Levels in Relation to Different Communication Partners : An Empirical Study in Japanese EFL Classrooms(Part I,<Special Issue>Towards the Next Decade) : Reviewed

    UEKI Michiko

    JACET Kansai journal   15, pp.25-39 ( 15 )   25 - 39   2013.3

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    In this article, the author presents an empirical study that examines whether second language (L2) communication anxiety varies in relation to the learner's communication partner: non-native teachers of English, native teachers of English, more capable peers, less capable peers, and returnees from English speaking countries. The study also explores the relationship between learners' academic status (i.e. junior high, senior high, or college) and their L2 anxiety level with each communication partner. The study adopted a mixed methodology approach: a questionnaire with 240 Japanese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students and a semi-structured interview with 26 students. The overall results are as follows: (1) L2 anxiety varies depending on communication partners and is particularly high with non-native teachers of English; (2) learners' academic status influences their levels of L2 anxiety with different communication partners; and (3) three reasons may explain the variance in learners' anxiety with different communication partners: fear of negative evaluation by others, nervousness about L2 communication, and a sense of not being evaluated by others. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to Dornyei's L2 motivational self system.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10501173

  • 海外留学は学習者の何を変えていくのか−英語圏長期留学が学習者の情意面に与える影響を探る−


    STEP BULLETIN   24, pp.49-66   2012.11

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  • Validating the L2 Motivational Self System in a Japanese EFL Context : The Interplay of L2 Motivation, L2 Anxiety, Self-efficacy, and the Perceived Amount of Information Reviewed

    UEKI Michio, TAKEUCHI Osamu

    Language Education & Technology   Vol.49   1 - 22   2012.6

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology  

    The purpose of this study is to validate, in a Japanese EFL context, the L2 motivational self system (Dornyei, 2005) with some hypothesized relationship among (1) its underlying tenets, i.e., the ideal L2 self, the ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experience (including L2 learning attitude and others' influence), (2) L2 learners' motivation, (3) L2 anxiety, (4) self-efficacy, and (5) the perceived amount of information related to learners' future self-guides. A total of 151 EFL Japanese university students participated in this study. The data, which were obtained through a questionnaire were analysed using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The proposed SEM model showed that the perceived amount of information and self-efficacy have a positive influence on the ideal L2 self. It also revealed that the ideal L2 self and L2 learning attitude positively affect learners' motivation, while others' influence and the ought-to L2 self have a strong impact on L2 anxiety that negatively affects learners' motivation. On the basis of these findings, the authors argue that the L2 motivational self system can be developed into an integrative framework that explains not only L2 learners' motivation but also other affective variables such as anxiety and self-efficacy, all in one system.

    DOI: 10.24539/let.49.0_1

    CiNii Books


  • On the Effectiveness and Transferability of Language Arts Training in a Picture Description Task Reviewed

    UEKI Michiko

    Language Education & Technology   Vol.48   49 - 66   2011.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology  

    This article examined the effectiveness and transferability of language arts (LA) training in a picture description task. Study 1 explored the effects of LA training on participants' picture descriptions in L1. A total of 40 participants were divided into two groups (speakers/listeners), and the speakers were asked to describe pictures for the listeners in L1 before (without) and after (with) LA training. The results showed that LA training had a great impact on the improvement of 1) the quality of information conveyed; 2) focus distribution in the descriptions; 3) description order; and 4) listeners' judgment of the comprehensibility of the descriptions. Study 2 examined whether LA training conducted in L1 also had effects on picture descriptions in L2. Participants were 10 Japanese college students (speakers) and 10 international students (listeners). The same procedures as Study 1 were adopted. The results showed that LA training conducted in L1 had a positive impact on picture descriptions in L2, thereby confirming the transferability of the effects of LA training across the languages. These findings were then discussed in relation to cognitive processing mechanism. The author concluded this article by showing the implications of the studies reported to EFL teaching in Japan.

    DOI: 10.24539/let.48.0_49

    CiNii Books


  • Use of Listening Strategies in an Academic Setting by University Students of EFL Reviewed

    植木 美千子

    外国語教育メディア学会 関西支部研究集   第13号   2011.3

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  • Illuminating the Path to the TOEIC L&R® TEST

    ( Role: Edit)


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  • 大学生の学びを育むオンライン授業のデザイン―リスク社会に挑戦する大学教育の実践

    植木美千子( Role: Contributor第15章 英語教育)

    関西大学出版部  2022.1 

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  • 文部科学省検定済教科書CROWN: Logic and Expression I~III

    植木美千子( Role: Contributor)

    三省堂  2020 

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  • Lighting up the TOEIC test

    Ueki Michiko, Osamu Takeuchi, Koji Yamaoka, Brent Cotsworth( Role: Edit)

    金星堂  2016.1 

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  • 外国語教育研究ハンドブック−研究手法のより良い理解のために

    植木 美千子( Role: Edit)

    松柏社  2013.6 

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    第18章 調査的面接法入門 第22章 APAスタイル入門—共通のルールで書くには


  • Reading Stream: Intermediate

    竹内 理, 薮越智子, 住 政二郎, 植木美千子( Role: Contributor)

    金星堂  2013.1 

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  • Reading Stream: Elementary

    竹内 理, 薮越智子, 住 政二郎, 植木美千子( Role: Contributor)

    金星堂  2013.1 

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  • 外国語教育研究ハンドブック

    (編者)竹内 理, (編者)水本 篤, 山西博之, 杉田麻哉, 中田達也, 池田真生子, 田中博晃, 印南 洋, 住 政二郎, 植木美千子( Role: Contributor)

    松柏社  2012.4 

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  • Reading Stream: Pre-intermediate

    竹内 理, 薮越智子, 住 政二郎, 植木美千子( Role: Contributor)

    金星堂  2012.1 

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  • Pulse measurement and its signal processing with a flexible piezoelectric sensor for objective psychological assessment.

    The 17th Pacific Polymer Conference  2022.9 

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  • 客観的心理測定に向けた圧電センサの適応可能性 (I) —コミュニケーション場面における英語スピーキング不安の測定—

    宝田 隼, 中川勇武, 中村 隼, 鎌田浩輝, 川村 碧, 植木美千子, 脇田貴文, 守谷 順, 柳 美帆, 黒木和明, 天野 航, 武藤崇記, 出口美樹, 竹内 理, 田實佳郎

    第46回静電気学会全国大会  2020.9 

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  • 客観的心理測定に向けた圧電センサの適応可能性 (II) —コミュニケーション場面における英語スピーキング不安の測定—

    脇田 貴文, 植木美千子, 宝田 準, 守谷 順, 柳 美帆, 黒木和明, 天野 航, 武藤崇記, 出口美樹, 田實佳郎, 竹内 理

    第46回静電気学会全国大会  2020.9 

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  • Study abroad experience for heritage language learners: Identity and motivation (Panel Session Theme: (Re-)Shaping social identities in the Japanese context).

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu Takeuchi


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    Venue:Hong Kong Polytechnic University  


  • How does effective collaboration emerge? Investigating the effect of teacher feedback on collaborative L2 writing in the Japanese EFL context.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand  


  • Are they two sides of a coin? Redefining the relationship of anxiety and self-efficacy in the Japanese EFL context.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:Jyvaskyla, Finland  


  • Effects of collaborative writing on learners' strategy use and affect.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:National Institute of Education, Singapore  


  • Willpower, the ideal L2 self and L2 motivation: Exploring their possible relationships in the Japanese EFL context.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:University of Nottingham, UK  


  • Formation and maintenance of motivation in L2 learning: Implications from a study abroad program.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:University of Queensland,Australia  


  • 外国語学習における先延ばし行動の予備的調査: 自己調整学習の枠組みを用いて

    植木美千子, 竹内 理


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  • L2動機を支えるものはどう変化しているのか?―L2動機モデルの構造変化に関する質的研究―

    植木美千子, 竹内 理


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  • Investigating learners’ decision making in mobile EFL learning: Promoting learner autonomy

    植木美千子, 竹内 理

    KOTESOL International Conference 2012  2012.10 

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    Venue:Sookmyung University, Seoul, Korea  


  • Investigating learners’ decision making in mobile EFL learning: Promoting learner autonomy.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:Sookmyung University, Seoul, Korea  


  • Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: Validating the L2 motivational self system in a Japanese EFL context in relation to L2 learner autonomy

    植木美千子, 竹内 理

    5th Independent Learning Association Conference 2012  2012.9 

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    Venue:Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand  


  • 留学プログラムの前・後における動機づけモデルの比較検討:多母集団パス解析を用いて

    植木美千子, 竹内 理

    第52回外国語教育メディア学会 全国研究大会  2012.8 

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  • Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: Validating the L2 motivational self system in a Japanese EFL context in relation to L2 learner autonomy.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand  


  • 「『縦断研究法』への挑戦−量・質の観点から−」

    植木 美千子


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  • Validating the L2 motivational self system in an EFL context: The inteplay of Ideal L2 self, future self, motivation, and anxiety

    植木 美千子

    JACET Convention 2011: The 50th Commemorative International Convention (JACET student members' special presentations)  2011.9 

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  • Validating the L2 motivational self system in an EFL context: The interplay of Ideal L2 self, future self, motivation, and anxiety.

    Michiko UEKI


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    Venue:Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, Japan  


  • EFL環境下におけるL2 Motivational Self Systemの検証:英語専攻者と非専攻者を比較して

    植木 美千子

    第51回外国語教育メディア学会 全国研究大会  2011.8 

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  • Exploring the concept of Ideal L2 self in an EFL context

    植木 美千子

    The 9th Asia TEFL international Conference  2011.7 

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    Venue:Seoul, Korea  


  • Exploring the concept of Ideal L2 self in an EFL context.

    Michiko UEKI, Osamu TAKEUCHI


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    Venue:Seoul KyoYuk MunHwa HoeKwan, Seoul, Korea  


  • 対話者別にみる外国語コミュニケーション不安

    植木 美千子

    第38回全国英語教育学会 大阪研究大会  2010.8 

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  • 言語技術指導の有効性に関する実証研究

    植木 美千子

    外国語教育メディア学会 50周年記念全国研究大会  2010.8 

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  • 日本人大学生EFL 学習者のリスニング時における方略使用の実態 -発話刺激法を使っての研究-

    植木 美千子


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  • 日本人大学生EFL学習者のリスニング時における方略使用の実態:発話刺激法を使っての研究



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  • 学術研究振興資金(若手研究者奨励金)

    2016.5   日本私立学校振興・共済事業団  

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  • 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (DC)

    2012.4   独立法人 日本学術振興会  

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  • (財)日本英語検定協会第24回 英検研究助成(調査部門)

    2011.7   財団法人 日本英語検定協会  

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  • 日本英語検定協会 第24回 英検研究助成

    2011.5   日本英語検定協会  

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Research Projects

  • Establishing an objective measurement of L2 listening anxiety through the use of sensing devices.

    Grant number:21K00776  2021.4 - 2024.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4030000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 、 Indirect Cost:\930000 )


  • Re-interpretation of language learning anxiety based on the cultural differences

    Grant number:20K00875  2020.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )


  • 日本人英語学習者を対象としたL2 Self Systemのモデル構築と拡張

    Grant number:12J00739  2012 - 2013

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費

    植木 美千子

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    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )

    今年度は前年度で得た結果をもとに提案された拡張版L2 MSSの枠組みを用いて、学習者の情意面へのSAの影響について検証を試みた。本研究では、英検準1級用のCan-do Listを用いて、英語力の変化についても調べることとした。質問紙とCan-do ListはSA前とSA後に2回にわたり実施された。分析は、多母集団共分散構造分析(multi-group SEM)を用いておこなった。結果として、SA後は(a) L2不安が有意に低下し、(b) L2動機づけと英語能力の間により強い関係性が見いだされ、(c)義務L2自己のL2不安への影響も有意に低下し、(d)理想L2自己、自己効力感、L2学習態度(L2 learning attitude)に加えて義務L2自己までが、L2学習動機を有意に支える構図が明らかとなった。申請者は、この(d)に関してさらに考察を行い、「動機づけの堅牢性」(robustness of L2 motivation)という概念を提唱し、SAにより、動機を支える1つひとつの情意要因の影響がより強化されるだけではなく、動機を支える情意要因の数までが増えていき、その結果、L2学習へのより強い動機づけが得られるのではないか、と主張している。


  • 日本英語検定協会 受託研究

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    Grant type:Competitive
