Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Letters Professor
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Yuichi Mizoi is a professor at Kansai University, Faculty of Letters. His interests are focused on the cultural history of animal exhibitions and folktales. His recent publications include Suizoku-kan no bunka-shi: Hito dobutsu mono ga orinasu majutsu-teki sekai (The Exhibition of Oceans: The Cultural History of Public Aquariums in Europe, the United States and Japan. Tokyo: Bensei-shuppan, 2018) and Dobutsu-en: Sono rekisi to Boken (Zoo: A History with Adventurous Tales. Tokyo: Chuokoron-sinsha, 2021).

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  • Doctor of Philosophy in Literature ( 2008.3 )

Research Areas

  • Others / Others  / Cultural History

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Cultural anthropology and folklore


  • Kansai University   Graduate School, Division of Letters

    - 2008

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  • Kansai University   Faculty of Literature

    - 2003

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  • Rise of Lost Worlds. A Cultural History of the Dinosaur Park, Part 3: Walt Disney’s Creatures at the ‘Magic Skyway’ Ride.

    Yuichi MIZOI

    Essays and Studies by Members of the Faculty of Letters, Kansai University.   73 ( 3 )   135 - 170   2023.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Rise of Lost Worlds. A Cultural History of the Dinosaur Park, Part 2: Carl Hagenbeck’s Extinct Monsters.


    Essays and Studies by Members of the Faculty of Letters, Kansai University.   72.4. 51-86   2023.3

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    The second part of the article series Rise of Lost Worlds features the exhibition of prehistoric animals at the Animal Park Hagenbeck (Tierpark Hagenbeck). It was founded in Stellingen, now a city district of Hamburg, by the German animal dealer Carl Hagenbeck (1844–1913). His animal park was a ground-breaking zoo introducing the three-dimensional ‘panorama’ in which animals roamed freely. In addition, in the eastern corner is the ‘Primaeval Landscape’ (Urweltlandschaft). It was an area filled with prehistoric monsters restored by the sculptor Josef Pallenberg (1882–1946). What did Hagenbeck intend to represent through his ‘lost world’ with Pallenberg’s assistance? How deeply has the scientific and cultural climate at the time of imperialism influenced Pallenberg’s restorations and the entire landscape? As no one alive has lived during the lost world, extinct animals need to wear ‘flesh’ prepared by summoners to visually represent their original form. Further, the flesh, or collective image of extinct animals, determines their forms and behaviours. Chapter 1 focuses on Hagenbeck’s career as an animal dealer and his concept of the panoramic exhibition and ‘Primaeval Landscape’. Chapter 2 features the characteristics of Pallenberg’s sculptures and the landscape’s construction process, while I explore the cultural-historical background of the prehistoric exhibition at Hagenbeck’s Animal Park in Chapter 3.


  • Rise of Lost Worlds. A Cultural History of the Dinosaur Park, Part 1: The Geological Exhibition at the Crystal Palace Park, Sydenham. (This essay (the first section of ‘Rise of Lost Worlds’), comprising the main chapters including conclusion, was translated and revised text from my Japanese article ‘The ‘Lost World’ at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham.’ Studies in Victorian Culture. 19 (2021): 179–208), with superadded pictures)


    Essays and Studies by Members of the Faculty of Letters, Kansai University. 71.4.   73-107   2022.3

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    In this essay series, I discuss the exhibition of full-sized models of extinct animals in open (sometimes roofed) areas, which were generally called ‘dinosaur parks’, in Europe, the United States and Japan. Along with dinosaur parks managed independently, the ancient animal dioramas managed by larger facilities, such as zoological gardens, museums and amusement parks, like the geological section at the Crystal Palace Park in Sydenham (1854), are highlighted in this series. I focus on the process of producing these exhibits and exhibit designs. Furthermore, the cultural backgrounds of these exhibitions are examined because they were intimately related to scientific and religious arguments of the time, technological developments, political movements (e.g. imperialism) and historical events, such as wars. The first part of this series focuses on the geological section of the Crystal Palace Park.


  • 'The Lost Warld' at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham


    Studies in Victorian Culture   179-208   2021.11

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    This article seeks to describe the characteristics of the 'geological section' laid in the Crystal Palace Park at Sydenham, also discussing what the figures of prehistoric animals symbolised to the people of the Victorian era.


  • The Exhibition of Oceans: A History of the 'Immersive Exhibition' at Public Aquariums from the 19th to the 21st Century

    MIZOI Yuichi

    關西大學文學論集   66 ( 3 )   79 - 122   2016.12

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    Language:English   Publisher:關西大學文學會  

    This paper aims to trace the history of the 'immersive exhibition' at public aquariums from the 19th to the 21st century, with reference to technological developments as well as the social and cultural background of these exhibits. We also take a look at what these kinds of exhibitions might look like in the near future.In this paper, we also consider the 'reality' presented by aquarium exhibitions. The simulated seascape cannot seem 'realistic' unless it meets visitors' expectations. Therefore, aquarists have over time tried to reconstruct' oceans' so that visitors would feel as if the exhibition were 'real'. The first section of this paper focuses on the features of early immersive exhibitions from the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century, comparing them with other visual cultural forms, such as the panorama. The second section treats aquariums from the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. We have selected here representative aquariums in Western and Eastern countries and analyse their exhibition styles. In the last section, which features the advent of new exhibitions that apply VR technology, we concisely discuss the exhibition that may appear in the near future.

    CiNii Books


  • A Cultural History of Watching Fish "From the Side and the Bottom" : Roman Fishponds, Natural History Books, Cabinets of Curiosity, Goldfish Bowls and Aquariums

    溝井 裕一

    關西大學文學論集   65 ( 3 )   77 - 113   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:關西大學文學會  

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  • Vater- und Mutterbild in der Sage "Der Rattenfaenger von Hameln" Reviewed


    Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik   3-14頁   2014.10

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  • European Menageries and Zoos as Prototypes of "Jurassic Park"

    溝井 裕一

    關西大學文學論集   62 ( 2 )   61 - 85   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:關西大學文學會  

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  • The Objectives of Ancient and Medieval Animal Collections in the World

    溝井 裕一

    關西大學文學論集   62 ( 1 )   25 - 54   2012.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:關西大學文學會  

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  • 「動物王カール・ハーゲンベック」の神話と日本人

    溝井 裕一

    ドイツ文学論攷   ( 54 )   7 - 30   2012

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:阪神ドイツ文学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Green Men : the Images of Forest in Medieval Europe

    溝井 裕一

    説話・伝承学   19   195 - 212   2011.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:説話・伝承学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Legend of "The Lord of Animals" and European Hunting Culture: The Case of German-Speaking Areas Reviewed

    Yuichi Mizoi

    Folktales: Studies and Materials   第39号 166-182   2011.3

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  • Legend and Collective Memory : How to "Remember" the Past in Legend?

    Mizoi Yuichi

    Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental and Occidental studies, Kansai University   42   A61 - A100   2009.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    Collective memory is an interdisciplinary concept in which scholars from various fields such as archaeology, historical science, sociology, religious studies, and literary studies are interested. It assumes that past events are remembered not only by an individual but also by a group, e.g. citizens, students, and religious community. The idea is also important in the study of legend because a legend is a narrative, staging collective imagery of past forms and events as a "true story". The kidnap in the Pied Piper in Hamelin and magic acts of Dr. Faust are good examples. In principle, legend requires people to believe its contents. Consequently, it can be considered that the formation of tradition through narratives is the process of remembering the "past" in collectivity, in which descriptions of a legend does not always coincide with actual historical events. In the study of memory, it is stated that remembrance, whether individual or collective, is not a mirror of the past. In the remembering process, the one select particular information and bind it together in narrative structure. At the same time, the one omit much of "unimportant" information and may insert fictitious components. Such constructed remembrance relates not only to the past but also to individuals and groups of today. Interestingly, a legend is also created in the selecting process of information. For example, personal documents that witness historical events, famous figures, and narrative motives of old folktales as well as stereotypes of hero, heroin, magician, king, and outlaw can be the selected information in this context. In addition, conspicuous locations of circumstances such as strange objects in the nature, ruins and buildings like the Mouse Tower at Bingen may be of this category. Those information are bound together in narrative structure, through which a legend is further toned with fictitious components. Nevertheless, a narrative moralises and warns people as well as telling the sense of value through exemplification of a "true story". Wolfgang Seidenspinner (1991) briefly argued about relations between collective memory and oral legend, focusing on the works of Maurice Halbwachs and Jan Assmann. Also, Aleida Assmann (2007) suggested some key concepts such as storage memory and function memory in the study of collective memory.Adopting the latter theory, this paper analyses the formation of the Legend of Dr. Faust, the well-known written legend in the sixteenth century, as a clue to understand the nature of remembrance and oblivion in collectivity. Moreover, the paper attempts to reveal positionality of legend in collective memory, making reference to Astrid Erll's theory (2005) in which she discussed the function of literature in collective remembrance. In addition, other theories by scholars such as Lutz Röhrich (1958, 1971), Rolf Wilhelm Brednich (1990, 1991), Jan Harold Brunvand (1989), Halbwachs (2006), Jan Assmann (2007) and Peter Burk (2005) will be referred in the argument.

    CiNii Books


  • Was ist die Sagenforschung? : Uber die Bedeutungen und die Aussichten der Sagenforschung in Japan

    MIZOI Yuichi

    Die Deutsche literatur   51   213 - 237   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    Die Sage ist heute neben Marchen ein bedeutender Forschungsgegenstand, und die bisherige Sagenforschung genoss im 20. Jahrhundert einen groBen Erfolg. In Japan zahlt die Arbeit von Kin'ya Abe zu den bekanntesten Forschungen, in der er die mittelalterlichen sozio-kulturellen Hintergrunde der Sage des Rattenfanger zu Hameln entschlusselt. Ich selbst studierte auch bisher kulturgeschichtlich die Sagen von Dr. Faust, Rattenfanger zu Hameln und Klabautermann. Aber dabei stellte ich auch immer die Fragen: Was ist die Gattung "Sage"? Wo liegen die Probleme in der bisherigen Sagenforschung? Was leistet eigentlich die internationale Sagenforschung in Japan? Das heutige kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsobjekt "Sage" konstru-ierte sich erst gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Der Begriff "Sage" enthalt daher eine romantische Vorstellung, und es ist fur unsere weitere Forschung immer von Belang, die ursprunglichen Probleme der Sagen-forschung zu berucksichtigen. So werde ich mich hier mit der Definition und den Eigentumlichkeiten der Sage anhand der Arbeiten von Friedrich Ranke, Lutz Rohrich, Helge Gerndt, Linda Degh und Rolf Wilhelm Brednich beschaftigen und zum Schluss die Bedeutungen und die Aussichten der Sagenforschung erortern. Im ersten Kapitel werde ich die Entstehung des Begriffs "Sage" and die Sagenforschung im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert vorstellen. Im folgenden Kapitel werden die Themen wie "die Definition der Sage", "die Wandel-fahigkeit der Sage", "Sage und Motive" und "Sage und Medien" im Hinblick auf die Forschungsergebnisse uber historische wie moderne Sagen behandelt. Nach der Betrachtung uber these Themen werde ich im letzten Kapitel meinen eigenen Standpunkt zu diesen Problemstellungen darstellen. Zugleich werden meine Auffassungen uber Bedeutungen and Aussichten der internationalen Sagenforschung erlautern. Ich werde hier besonders die Wandlungen vom Bild der Sage und von Aspekten der Sagenforschung im 18. bis 21. Jahrhundert betonen, um zu zeigen, dass die kunftige Sagenforschung immer flexibel und offen fur jede neue Theorie and Kritik sein muss, damit unser Forschungsgebiet immer neue Aspekte geben und auch die unaufhorlichen Veranderungen der wissenschaftlichen Aussichten uberleben kann. Parallel dazu haben wir auch weiter zu fragen, wie die Sagenforschung das bessere Verstehen anderer Kulturen fordern und die Koexistenz der verschiedenen Kulturen weiterfuhren kann.

    CiNii Books


  • The Transformation of Dr. Faust - About the Ancient View of Nature in the 16th Century Faust Book Reviewed

    Yuichi Mizoi

    Folktales: Studies and Materials   第34号116-129頁   2006.7

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  • The "Swallowing Dragon" and Rites of Passage : About the Notion of "Death and Rebirth" in European Pictures

    Mizoi Yuichi

    Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental and Occidental studies, Kansai University   39   79 - 103   2006.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    Since ancient times in Europe, stories have been told about heroes, gods and saints who fought with dragons. While many of them faced monsters and killed them, there are some stories of heroes and heroines who were swallowed by a dragon, killed it from inside, and emerged unhurt from its body. Some of the pictures and legends from the ancient or medieval times tell about those dragon-slayers. For example, according to a picture on a vase of the 5th century B.C., the famous Greek hero Jason was swallowed apparently by a dragon and came out again of its mouth. A legend also tells that the Irish hero Fionn Mac Cumhail entered the body of a dragon and killed it from inside. We can also find the similar motif in the medieval paintings and the legend of St. Margaret. The meaning of those pictures and legends seems difficult to understand. I analyzed the motif of the "swallowing dragon" by applying it to the scheme of rites de passage. According to Arnold van Gennep, the rites of passage consist of three steps-separation, transition, and incorporation. It is also said that they symbolize the death and rebirth of a person who moves from one state to another. I viewed that the motif of the "swallowing dragon" represents the death and rebirth at the rites of passage of heroes or saints. At the beginning of the article, the pictures and stories of the "swallowing dragon" are presented. After that, I will compare the European "swallowing dragon" stories with the notion of the "swallowing animals" in other countries (they appear at the initiation of Siberian and Eskimo shamans as well as the people of New Guinea) and examine the analogy between them. Then, I will apply the Genneps schema to "swallowing dragon" stories and consider whether we can count them among the rites of passage. With the results from those studies, I will clarify the notion of death and rebirth in the European pictures, myths and legends.

    CiNii Books


  • The History of European Ships in the Forest Culture Over the Change of the View of Trees and the Deforestation Caused by the Shipbuilding in Europe

    Mizoi Yuichi

    The Senriyama bungaku ronshu   75   133 - 159   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • „Der Klabautermann- und der Funadama-Glauben - Zu Schutzgeistern der Schiffe in Nordeuropa und in Japan“


    Die deutsche Literatur   第50号179-203頁 ( 50 )   179 - 203   2006.3

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    Language:German   Publisher:Kansai University  

    CiNii Books


  • 魔術師ファウストの「死と再生」について--『実伝ヨーハン・ファウスト博士』と伝説の比較研究

    溝井 裕一

    ドイツ文学論攷   ( 48 )   27 - 47[含 独語文要旨]   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:阪神ドイツ文学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Folter und Hinrintungen gegen "Hexen"

    Yuichi Mizoi

    Die deutsche Literatur   第49号269-283頁 ( 49 )   219 - 283   2005.3

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  • Sea Currents in Nineteenth-Century Art Science and Culture (edited by Kathleen Davidson & Molly Duggins).

    Yuichi MIZOI( Role: Contributor191-207 (11. Aquariums under the Rising Sun: A Cultural History of Early Public Aquariums in Japan, 1882-1903). This chapter is translated and revised from a part of my book Suizoku-kan no Bunkashi, with permission of the publisher Bensei-shuppan.)

    Bloomsbury  2023  ( ISBN:9781501352782

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  • Dinosaur Parks in the Age of Imperialism.

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Sole author)

    Genron  2022.10 

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  • The ‘flesh eating’ at zoos and aquariums: a historical consideration about the relationship between ‘watching’ and ‘eating.’

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Sole author)

    Gendaisisou  2022.6 

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  • Zoos, Aquariums and War: Their complicated relations

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Sole author)

    Museum Studies  2021.7 

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  • Zoo: History and Adventure.

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Sole author)

    Chuokoron-Shinsha  2021 

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  • Zoos during the pandemic

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Sole author)

    Asteion. Vol.93  2020.11 

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  • SS先史遺産研究所アーネンエルベーナチスのアーリア帝国構想と狂気の学術

    Kater, Michael H., 森, 貴史, 北原, 博, 溝井, 裕一, 横道, 誠, 船津, 景子, 福永, 耕人( Role: Joint translator)

    ヒカルランド  2020.2  ( ISBN:9784864718271

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    Total pages:795 p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 「水族館 その歴史的な歩み」(錦織一臣編『大人のための水族館ガイド』)

    溝井 裕一( Role: Contributor)

    養賢堂  2018.11 

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  • The Exhibition of Oceans: The Cultural History of Public Aquariums in Europe, the United States and Japan. (awarded "The Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities", 2018)

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Sole author)

    Bensei Publishing  2018.6 

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    Chapter one: The relation between humans and aquatic animals before the 19th century 1. Ancient images of aquatic animals Aquatic animals in mythology / Aquatic animals as symbols of life and rebirth / The Natural History of Pliny the Elder / Early studies of aquatic animals and the exploitation of marine resources / The fishpond culture in Mesopotamia, Egypt and China / Roman fishponds / Column: Images of the underwater world and aquatic animals in Japanese mythology 2. Aquatic animals in medieval Europe Leviathan in the Bible / The exploitation of aquatic animals / The medieval fishpond / De animalibus of Albert the Great 3. Fish on paper: Natural history in early modern Europe The development of natural history / Column: Fish paintings and natural historical studies in China and Japan / The cabinet of curiosities / The overseas expansion of Europe / Summary: Changing images of aquatic animals from ancient to early modern periods / Column: Goldfish culture Chapter two: European public aquariums during the 19th century 4. The advent of aquariums The invention of the ‘balanced aquarium’ / The ‘Fish House’ at London zoo / The aquarium warehouse / The tragedy of Philip Gosse / The early immersive exhibition / Aquariums and images of the underwater world / Immersive experiences at the Berliner Aquarium unter den Linden / Column: Aquariums at the Hamburg, Amsterdam, and Antwerp zoos 5. Empires under the sea 20000 leagues under the sea and the underwater exhibit / The conquest of the deep sea / Aquariums in Great Britain / The aquarium at the Paris Colonial Exposition / Column: The HMS Challenger expedition 6. Aquariums and oceanography The Stazione Zoologica in Naples / The aquarium at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco / Carlos I of Portugal and the Aquário Vasco da Gama Chapter three: Public aquariums in the United States and Japan 7. Aquariums under stars and stripes PT Barnum’s American museum / The Great New York Aquarium and its grandiose exhibits / The New York Aquarium and the Woods Hole Science Aquarium / Aquariums constructed in monumental buildings 8. Aquariums under the rising sun Uo-nozoki: The first public aquarium at the Ueno zoo / The ‘full-fledged’ aquarium in Kobe / Struggles to keep fish alive / The private Asakusa-koen Aquarium / The Sakai Aquarium at the Fifth National Industrial Exposition / Japanese aquariums as a hybrid of European and Japanese cultures / Aquariums and imperialism / Column: The ‘Dragon Palace’ on the Land / Fish paintings inspired by aquariums / The short lived Hanshin Park Aquarium: 1934–1943 9. Suffering and revival during a turbulent period The oceanarium at the Marine Studios / The exhibition of ‘edited nature’ / Aquariums at War / Aquariums built in a battleship and a flak tower / Summary: Features of public aquariums before WW II Chapter four: The age of marine parks and ‘theme aquariums’ 10. New exhibits, new images of the sea Oceanariums and roundabouts / The introduction of acrylic panels / The impact of underwater films 11. The emergence of marine parks and theme aquariums Sea World provides underwater experiences / The conquest of the sea in the cold war era / Aquariums designed by Peter Charmayeff / ‘Diving’ experiences at the Monterey Bay Aquarium / The Living Seas at Disney World / Column: Theme Aquarium: The video game 12. Theme aquariums in Japan The ‘Circus Aquarium’ of Yasuo Suehiro / Cutting out a piece of the sea: The aquarium at Expo ‘75 / An aquarium which exhibits the ‘way of life’ of fish / Column: Expo ‘75 and ocean development 13. Commercialisation of aquariums Sea World and the process of ‘Disneyization’ / ‘Disneyized’ aquariums: Theming, hybrid consumption, merchandising and performative labour / The ‘hyperreality’ of artificial oceans / Column: An aquarium like a shopping mall Chapter five: Aquariums during the postmodern period 14. Aquariums in criticism The ‘dolphin shock’ in 2015 / The change in environmental awareness: 1960s–1970s / Animal welfare and animal rights / The fall of the ‘grand narrative’ / Challenges to ‘retheme’ aquarium exhibitions 15. Controversy about captive aquatic animals Aquariums monitored by animal protection groups / Questions about marine mammal exhibits and shows / Shamu Show and Blackfish: A ‘war’ between two narratives 16. The way to the ‘hybrid aquarium’ The introduction of virtual reality technologies / ‘Augmented’ aquarium experiences / The exhibition without boundaries: Animals, VR animals and animal-inspired robots


  • A Cultural History of Watching Fish ‘From the Side and from Below’: Roman Fish Ponds, Natural History Books, Cabinets of Curiosity, Goldfish Bowls and Aquariums. (In: Hasebe, Tsuyoshi. ed. "Transformation" of the Japanese Language and Culture)This article is the translated and revised version of ‘"Sakana wo yoko kara, shita kara miru koto" no bunkashi: Roma shiki yogyoike kara hakubutsushi, Wunderkammer, kingyobachi, suizokukan made (by Yuichi Mizoi)’ Kansai University Studies in Literature. …

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Contributor)

    Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies  2017.3 

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    The purpose of this essay is to trace the history of ‘watching fish’—from Roman fish ponds, to natural history books, to cabinets of curiosity, to goldfish bowls, to modern aquariums and to reveal the impulsion of the people in countries of the East and West for catching, describing and observing live fish to his/her satisfaction.


  • Fangen, Züchten und Faszinieren. Zur Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen westlichen Menschen und Wassertieren in Altertum und Mittelalter.

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Contributor)

    Bensei Shuppan  2017 

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  • 想起する帝国ーナチス・ドイツ「記憶」の文化史

    溝井 裕一, 細川 裕史, 齊藤 公輔( Role: Joint editor)

    勉誠出版  2016.12  ( ISBN:4585221557

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    Total pages:307  



  • 「人狼伝説から人狼裁判へ」(浜本隆志編『欧米社会の集団妄想とカルト症候群――少年十字軍、千年王国、魔女狩り、KKK、人種主義の生成と連鎖』)

    溝井 裕一( Role: Contributor)

    明石書店  2015.9  ( ISBN:4750342432

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    Total pages:400  



  • Kulturgeschichtliche Gedanken zum Verwandlungsmotiv in Märchen und Sagen

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Contributor)

    Bensei  2015.5 

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  • 「シュトゥットガルト―産業都市がもつ『ワイルド』な側面に迫る」(森貴史編『ドイツ王侯コレクションの文化史』)

    溝井 裕一( Role: Contributor)

    勉誠出版  2015.1 

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  • ドイツ奇人街道

    森 貴史, 細川 裕史, 溝井 裕一, 小路 啓之, カバーイラスト( Role: Joint author)

    関西大学出版部  2014.7  ( ISBN:4873545862

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    Total pages:350  



  • 動物園の文化史―ひとと動物の5000年

    溝井裕一( Role: Sole author)

    勉誠出版  2014.4  ( ISBN:4585220828

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    Total pages:320  



  • Brothers Grimm and the Folklore

    ( Role: Edit)

    麻生出版  2013.7  ( ISBN:9784905383031

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    Total pages:575p  

    CiNii Books


  • "The Travel with Pied Piper of Hamelin" et al. (5., 6., 9. chapter) (In: Takashi Hamamoto, Mamoru Takahashi ed.: 62 Topics about Modern German Culture.)

    Yuichi Mizoi( Role: Contributor)

    Akashi Shoten  2013.4 

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  • Fritz Rumpf and His Study over the Japanese Folktales. (In: Tokuro Yamamoto ed.: Fritz Rumpf and the Ise Monogatari.)

    Yuichi Mizoi( Role: Contributor)

    Kansai Daigaku Shuppanbu  2013.3 

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  • "The Other World" and "the Other Being" in German Folktales. (In: Hisako Ono ed.: Interdisciplinary Study of the Other World.)

    Yuichi Mizoi( Role: Contributor)

    Bensei Publishing Company  2013.1 

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  • The Green Men and their Boundary Characters. (In: Junko Ninagawa ed.: Beholding the Face - Essays of Art and Cultural History on the Represented Faces.)

    Yuichi Mizoi( Role: Contributor)

    Kansai University Press  2012.3 

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    The “green men” or “foliate heads” are peculiar sculptures located in European medieval churches. Resembling human heads, they disgorge greenery that usually consists of leaves. Their true meanings have been a mystery to scholars and have inspired a wide range of interpretations. Raglan (1939) insisted that they were descendants of pagan plant gods that give people strength and fertility, whereas Anderson (1990) asserted that they were a symbolization of “irrepressible life” and “the union of humanity and the vegetable world.” Several others such asBasford (2003) claimed that they had not only positive but also negative meanings and could evoke the horrors of the “silva daemonium.” I believe that they primarily exist as ambiguous characters in the so-called “boundary zone” between the human and botanical worlds. As stated in a theory by Leach (1995), the term “boundary” refers to the “spatial and temporal markers” that are themselves “abnormal, timeless, ambiguous…, [and] sacred.” After viewing examples during my field work in Europe, I argue that the green men serve as boundary characters that sway between graceful and ugly forms, thus representing both the victory of Jesus and the evil force of demons. The sculpture’s acts of disgorging and swallowing plants symbolize life from its beginning to death and re-birth. On the basis of this boundary theory, it is not surprising to see that they are often located at the boundary zone of churches primarily in carved portals, capitals, and the borders of tympanum.


  • ヨーロッパ・ジェンダー文化論 (女神信仰・社会風俗・結婚観の軌跡)

    浜本 隆志, 伊藤 誠宏, 柏木 治, 森 貴史, 溝井 裕一( Role: Joint author)

    明石書店  2011.4  ( ISBN:4750333689

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    Total pages:288  



  • The Legend of “Pied Piper of Hamelin” and its Relations with Popular Beliefs about Nativity of St. John the Baptist. (In: Takashi Hamamoto ed.: The "Time" when the Other World Opens.)

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Contributor)

    Kansai Daigaku Shuppanbu  2010.3 

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  • ファウスト伝説―悪魔と魔法の西洋文化史

    溝井 裕一( Role: Sole author)

    文理閣  2009.8  ( ISBN:4892595985

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    Total pages:249  



  • Study of the Green Men. (In: Takashi Hamamoto ed.: European Physiognomy.) Reviewed

    MIZOI,Yuichi( Role: Contributor)

    Hakusuisha  2008.7 

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  • ファウスト伝説ー近代における「魔法使い」像の形成と変容

    溝井, 裕一

    溝井裕一  2008 

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    Total pages:[3], 219p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 観察の変遷「ヒキ」でたどる(信岡朝子著『快楽としての動物保護』)

    溝井裕一( Role: Sole author)

    日本経済新聞  2020.11 

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  • 随想(神戸新聞) 8回にわたりコラム掲載(ロンドンの豪雨、水族館と「没入感」、「海底散歩」を楽しんだ明治期の人びと、幻の阪神パーク水族館、神戸・大阪の「テーマ・アクアリウム」、ルートヴィヒ2世の奇城、ヘック兄弟の絶滅動物復元計画、原生林・動物の幻影を追って)


    神戸新聞 夕刊  2019.5 

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  • 【木下直之著『動物園巡礼』書評】動物園―いのちと向き合う現場 ひとと動物たちの泥臭い物語


    週刊読書人  2019.3 

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  • Why is Dr. Faust always beloved?

    Yuichi Mizoi( Role: Sole author)


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  • 「アクチュアルに、文化と歴史から読み解く好著」 (浜本隆志ほか編著『ドイツのマイノリティ』について)

    溝井裕一( Role: Sole author)

    『書評』  2010.10 

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  • Das Ise Monogatari von 1608 und sein Einfluß auf die Buchillustration des 17. Jahrhunderts in Japan. (In: Tokuro Yamamoto ed.: Fritz Rumpf and the Ise Monogatari.)

    Yuichi Mizoi, Tokuro Yamamoto

    Kansai Daigaku Shuppanbu   3-73頁   2013.3

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  • Dr. Faust - A Travel in Germany with Mephistopheles

    Yuichi Mizoi


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  • [シンポジウム報告] 「文化的記憶」とメディアとしての文学

    酒井 友里, 齊藤 公輔, 溝井 裕一, 今本 幸平

    独逸文学   51   283 - 286   2007.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学独逸文学会  


  • Die Zeit, wenn die "andere Welt" sich auftut: zur Beziehung zwischen der Rattenfangersage von Hameln und dem Glauben von der Sommersonnenwende

    溝井 裕一

    Neue Beitr◆J2A44◆ge zur Germanistik   6 ( 1 )   216 - 218   2007

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    Language:German   Publisher:日本独文学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 3.集合的記憶のメディアとしての文学(「文化的記憶」とメディアとしての文学)

    溝井 裕一

    独逸文学   51   284 - 285   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • Die Zeit, wenn die „andere Welt“ sich auftut:Zur Beziehung zwischen der Rattenfängersage von Hameln und dem Glauben von der Sommersonnenwende

    MIZOI Yuichi

    Neue Beiträge zur Germanistik   133 ( 0 )   209 - 218   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本独文学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 3.よみがえるファウスト : ファウスト民衆本にみられる、前キリスト教的世界観について(2004年度修士論文要旨)

    溝井 裕一

    独逸文学   50   236 - 239   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • 2004年度修士論文要旨

    細川 裕史, 森本 真理子, 溝井 裕一

    独逸文学   50   233 - 239   2006.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学独逸文学会  


  • Tannhauser und germanische Mythologie : Uber das wahre Gesicht von Venus, Hollengottin

    Mizoi Yuichi

    Die Deutsche literatur   49   373 - 382   2005.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • Betrachtungen zu ''Tannhauser'' unter drei Gesichtspunkten

    Imamoto Kohei, Hosokawa Hirofumi, Mizoi Yuichi

    Die Deutsche literatur   49   355 - 355   2005.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • Folter und Todesstrafe bei ''Hexen''

    Mizoi Yuichi

    Die Deutsche literatur   49   269 - 283   2005.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    CiNii Books


  • Die Entstehung der Faust-Sagen : Das Faust-Volksbuch vom Jahr 1587 und sein magiegeschichtlicher Hintergrund

    Mizoi Yuichi

    Die Deutsche literatur   48   143 - 168   2004

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学  

    CiNii Books


  • Die Entstehung der Faust-Sagen--Das Faust-Volksbuch vom Jahr 1587 und sein magiegeschichtlicher Hintergrund

    溝井 裕一

    独逸文学   ( 48 )   166 - 168   2004

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    Language:German   Publisher:関西大学独逸文学会  


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  • Aquariums in Europe - Past and Future. Invited

    Yuichi MIZOI

    The tenth Aquarium Symposium – What is the Aquarium? The Current Status of Japanese Aquariums.  2023.12 

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    Event date: 2023.12



  • A microcosm in the tank: the public aquarium's history, development and cultural background. Invited


    The Japan Association of Sandplay Therapy  2022.10 

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    Venue:Naruto University of Education  


  • Zoo and Aquarium Culture in modern Europe Invited


    The Victorian Studies Society of Japan  2020.11 

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  • 水族館の文化史―歴史をとおして考えるその過去と未来 Invited


    北海道大学学芸員リカレント教育プログラム  2020.2 

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  • 水族館の文化史―展示とともに歩む人と魚の物語 Invited


    説話・伝承学会 2019年度春季大会  2019.4 

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  • The Reviving "Germanic Extinct Animals" in the Third Reich (Study of the Collective Memory in the Third Reich)


    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik  2014.10 

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    Venue:Kyoto Prefectural University  


  • In the Case of the Legend "Pied Piper of Hameln" In: Symposium "The Image of Father and Mother in Grimms Fairy Tale and German Folklore"

    Yuichi Mizoi

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik  2013.9 

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    Venue:Hokkaido University  


  • A Travel in Medieval Germany with "the Green Men"

    Yuichi Mizoi


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  • "Soldiers" in the Grimm's Fairy Tales and Patriarchy in early modern Germany. (In: Hisako Ono, Bernhard Lauer et al.: Symposium on Grimm's Fairy Tales and Gender.)

    Yuichi Mizoi


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    Venue:Mukogawa Women's University  


  • Metamorphosis in German Legends and Fairy Tales. (In: Hisako Ono, Bernhard Lauer et al.: International Symposium on Grimm's Fairy Tales: 200th Anniversary.)

    Yuichi Mizoi


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    Venue:Toyo University  


  • The Rise and Fall of the German Zoo, 19th Century to 1945.

    Yuichi Mizoi


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  • 「ドイツの民間伝承における異界と異人―ハーメルンの笛吹き男からメフィストフェレスまで」 (大野寿子ほか シンポジウム(研究発表会)総合テーマ:「異界」へのいざない―ドイツ、日本、中国の文学・音楽から)



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  • 「魔法使いファウスト伝説と西洋文化史」


    Klub Zukunft  2010.10 

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  • 「悪魔が奏でる音の魔力-笛吹き男・ファウスト・死の舞踏」


    東西学術研究所 第六回研究例会  2009.1 

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  • 「ファウスト伝説―近代における『魔法使い』像の形成と変容」


    グリムと民間伝承研究会  2008.6 

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  • 「魔女擁護者レルヒアイマーと『悪魔伝説』-『魔法に関するキリスト教的考察と警告』にみる16世紀の世界観」


    日本独文学会  2008.6 

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  • 「聖ヨハネ祭と『ハーメルンの笛吹き男』伝説」


    東西学術研究所、平成19年度第五回研究会  2007.12 

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  • 「異界が口を開けるとき-ハーメルンの笛吹き男伝説にみる夏至にまつわる世界観」


    歌謡研究会・比較民話研究会合同例会  2007.12 

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  • 「集合的記憶のメディアとしての文学」(シンポジウム《文化的記憶のメディアとしての文学》)


    関西大学独逸文学会  2006.9 

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  • 「異界が口をあけるとき-ハーメルンの笛吹き男伝説にみる夏至にまつわる世界観」


    日本独文学会  2006.6 

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  • 「クラバウターマン信仰と日本の船霊-船に宿る守護霊をめぐる考察」


    歌謡研究会・比較民話研究会合同例会  2005.12 

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  • 「魔術師ファウストの変身-16世紀民衆本に見る、魔術師の変身と古代自然観の関係について」


    日本昔話学会  2005.7 

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  • 「魔術師ファウストと変身のモティーフ-『魔術』に隠れた古代の自然観について」


    グリムと民間伝承研究会  2005.5 

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  • 「魔術師ファウストの復活-ファウスト民衆本や伝説にみられる、『死と再生』のモチーフについて」


    阪神ドイツ文学会  2005.4 

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  • 「『魔女』に対する拷問と処刑」 (シンポジウム《グリム・メルヒェンと「魔女」》)


    関西大学独逸文学会  2004.9 

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  • Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities

    2018.12   Suntory Foundation  

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Research Projects

  • Josef Pallneberg's restorations of extinct animals and the palaeontology in the colonial period

    Grant number:23K00450  2023.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 、 Indirect Cost:\900000 )


  • The Exhibitions of Oceans: The Cultural History of Public Aquariums in Europe, the United States and Japan.

    Grant number:16K16756  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Mizoi Yuichi

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    Grant amount:\2860000 ( Direct Cost: \2200000 、 Indirect Cost:\660000 )

    The purpose of my research was to trace the history of public aquariums in Europe, the United States and Japan from the 19th to the 21st century, referring to their cultural and social backgrounds.
    For example, early public aquariums that exhibited aquatic animals captured in the colonial regions represented the imperial power. After World War II, the new type of aquariums which I call “theme aquariums” and marine parks have emerged meeting expectations of the public that desires to visit the idealized aquatic world. In the postmodern period, however, public aquariums must face critics against animal keeping and change their objectives.
    Besides, topics such as traditional images of fish in Western and Eastern cultures before the 19th century as well as the possibility of the “hybrid exhibition” in the near future, consisting of real and virtual animals and robots, were also discussed in my project.


  • The Reich of the Memories: Studies on the Collective Memory in the Nazi Germany

    Grant number:25370388  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Mizoi Yuichi, HOSOKAWA Hirofumi, SAITO Kosuke, HAMAMOTO Takashi, MORI Takashi, KITAGAWA Chikako

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    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

    Our investigations were focused on the Nazis’ abuse of the collective memory. They wove elements from the "glorious heritage of the Aryans" into their cultural products like architectures, feasts, texts of speeches, etc. In this way they intended to transform the nation's identity and instill racist minds in the masses. The project for reviving the extinct animals was also related to their practice of remembering the Aryan age, which was an amalgam of the elements from different cultures developed by supposed ancestors like ancient Greeks.
    In addition to “the collective memory in the Third Reich”, “the collective memory about the Nazis” in the post-war period was a subject of our considerations. The representations of the Nazis in the modern mass-culture indicate that their images are not always based on the Nazis in reality, but merely the reconstructions that reflect our expectations and transform in accordance with the changes of generations or social circumstances.


  • Gender in Grimm's Fairy Tales and German Folk Tales

    Grant number:24520379  2012.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\5070000 ( Direct Cost: \3900000 、 Indirect Cost:\1170000 )

    We held three symposiums for the two-hundred-year Anniversary of the publication of Grimm's Fairy Tales, annual meetings of the Japan Society of Gender Studies and the Society of German Literature. We thoroughly analyzed the images of father, mother and family in Grimm's Fairy Tales and German Legends. We published nine academic papers and three books as a result of our research.
    I gave a basic lecture at the annual meeting of the Brothers Grimm Society in Kassel and a speech at the meeting of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research in Vilnius, Lithuania. My speech was recommended for publication in the prestigious Journal Fabula Nr.56. The early publications of the Grimm's Fairy Tales in Japan had many influences from the gender and moral standards of Victorian England, because many translations were from English texts and not the German original. The westernization of Japan in the Meiji-Era was not limited to technical fields but also included moral education.


  • Exploring Ikai as a Bridge between Intercultural Studies, Japanese Teaching and Ecological Education

    Grant number:21520383  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    ONO Hisako, ISHIDA Hitoshi, KAWAJI Osamu, KIMURA Hajime, SENSO Akio, TAKAHASHI Yoshifumi, TAKEHARA Takeshige, NAKAYAMA Hisao, NORO Kaori, MIZOI Yuichi, YAMADA Toshiaki, YAMAMOTO Mariko, WATANABE Manabu, HAYAKAWA Yoshie, FUJISAWA Fujisawa, IKEHARA Akiyoshi, MATSUOKA Yoshie

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    The Japanese term ikai(異界) has been variously described as "post-mortem existence" or "alternative spatial-temporal domains" that appear to exist as mere shadows. From ancient times to our current age, ikai have been interpreted as part of our inner existence and mental life, in contrast to the outer world. Ikai are a rich source for inter-disciplinary studies. For example, references to ikai appear not only in written texts but also in music and iconographic images as well as virtual spaces. The term ikai is being used in so many different ways in Japan today that much of its original nuance appears to be fading.


  • 伝説・民衆本におけるファウスト像と16世紀の世界観

    Grant number:07J03800  2007 - 2008

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特別研究員奨励費

    溝井 裕一

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    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )



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Devising educational methods

  • 現時点では、パワーポイントとレジュメを連携させた授業をおこなっている。これにより、学生は異文化について視覚的に学ぶことが可能となり、モチベーションの向上をもたらすことができる。またレジュメはWebを通じてダウンロード可能となっている。いくつかの講義では、授業の最後に教えたことを書かせるようにした。これにより、学生は授業内容を復習することができる。ゼミにおいては、学生の発表ののち、各テーマに関するレジュメを改めて配布し、概要を述べるスタイルをとったが、これが学生には好評であった。またアンケートを実施した際は、質問や要望にたいし、できるだけレスポンスするよう心がけた。オフィスアワーでは、発表等で行き詰った学生や、将来について相談のある学生が来ると、真摯に対応している。

Teaching materials

  • 自分で作成したレジュメを主に活用している。これは講義に関係する図版、キーワード、メモ欄を配したものであり、復習等に活用できる。リレー講義「ヨーロッパのマイノリティ」や「ジェンダー文化論」などでは教科書を使用し、これとレジュメを組み合わせて授業をおこない、ドイツ語の授業では指定教科書を使用した。

Teaching method presentations

  •  特になし。

Special notes on other educational activities

  •  特になし。