Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering ( 2010.3 )

  • Master of Engineering ( 2007.3 )

  • Bachelor of Engineering ( 2005.3 )

Research Interests

  • Authentication

  • Privacy Protection

  • Anonymity

  • Authentication;Secret Sharing

  • Education for Information Security

  • Anonymity;Privacy Protection;Access Control

  • Video Forgery Detection

  • Secret Sharing

  • Access Control

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational technology

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Communication and network engineering

  • Informatics / Information security

  • Informatics / Perceptual information processing


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Electrical, Electronic and Infomation Engineering


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  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Electrical, Electronic and Infomation Engineering


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  • Osaka University   Faculty of Engineering   Division of Electronic, Information and Energy Engineering

    - 2005

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  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Electrical, Electronic and Infomation Engineering


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  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Electrical, Electronic and Infomation Engineering


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Professional Memberships

  • Japan Society of Public Utility Economics

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  • Institute of Social Safety Science

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  • Association for Computing Machinery

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  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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  • Information Processing Society of Japan

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  • The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

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  • Reliability Engineering Association of Japan

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  • Owner authentication for mobile devices using motion gestures based on multi-owner template update Reviewed

    Shigeki Karita, Kumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Kono, Yoshimichi Ito, Noboru Babaguchi

    2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops, ICMEW 2015   2015.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.  

    This paper proposes a template updating method for improving authentication accuracy in behavioral biometric authentication with hand/arm motion gestures for mobile devices. We introduce an extended version of the standard K-Medoids based clustering algorithm called supervised K-Medoids, which can handle with 2-class data such as positive samples and negative samples. Using the supervised K-Medoids, the template corresponding to each owner is selected as the one that is the most identifiable as the actual owner, and, at the same time, the most distinguishable from the others. Therefore, our method can decrease False-Rejection-Rate (FRR) and False-Acceptance-Rate (FAR) simultaneously, compared to the conventional work that is based on the template update with only the owner's data to decrease FRR. Our template update with multi-owner data attains Equal-Error-Rate (EER) of 5.2% whereas the conventional template update method with owner's own data results in 12.0% when 10 subjects authenticate with gestures for 10 days.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICMEW.2015.7169873



  • Tablet Owner Authentication Based on Behavioral Characteristics of Multi-Touch Actions Reviewed

    Kumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Kono, Yoshimichi Ito, Noboru Babaguchi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    This paper proposes a method for tablet owner authentication based on behavioral characteristics of multiple fingers' actions called multi-touch actions. The method is based on dynamic time warping, which has been commonly used for authentication using pentablet or single finger's actions, but another problem arises due to the use of multi-touch actions (e. g., identifying fingers). We also provide methods for these problems. Using proposed method, we evaluate the authentication accuracies for several types of multi-touch actions through experiments.

    Web of Science


  • Toward Realization of Anonymous Services on the Internet Reviewed

    K. Kono

    Safety Science Review 2010   No. 1, pp. 13-26 ( 1 )   13 - 26   2011.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Anonymous Communication System Based on Multiple Loopbacks Reviewed

    K. Kono, S. Nakano, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Journal of Information Assurance and Security   Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 124-131   2011.3

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    Online published


  • Theoretical Analysis of the Performance of Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net

    Kazuhiro Kono, Shinnosuke Nakano, Yoshimichi Ito, Noboru Babaguchi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    This paper aims at analyzing the performance of an anonymous communication system 3-Mode Net with respect to the number of relay nodes required for communication and sender anonymity. As for the number of relay nodes, we give explicit formulas of the probability distribution, the expectation, and the variance. Considering sender anonymity, we quantify the degree of sender anonymity under a situation where some relay nodes collude with each other. The above analyses use random walk theory, a probability generating function, and their properties. From obtained formulas, we show several conditions for avoiding a situation where the number of relay nodes becomes large, and for providing high sender anonymity. Furthermore, we investigate the relationship between the number of relay nodes and sender anonymity, and give a condition for providing a better performance of 3MN.

    DOI: 10.1587/transfun.E93.A.1338

    Web of Science


  • A Consideration on the Numbers of Relay Nodes and Encryption Required for Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net Reviewed

    K. Kono, S. Nakano, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Journal of Information Assurance and Security   Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 276-283   2010.1

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    Online Published


  • Performance Analysis of Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net Reviewed

    Kazuhiro Kono, Shinnosuke Nakano, Yoshimichi Ito, Noboru Babaguchi


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE COMPUTER SOC  

    This paper analyzes the performance of 3-Mode Net (3MN), which is a new anonymous communication system proposed in [1]. In particular, we give the probability distributions of the number of relay nodes as well as the number of encryption required for communications. The expectations and variances of these two numbers are also given. These results enable us to grasp the influence of the probabilities of mode selections in 3MN. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate these results.

    DOI: 10.1109/IAS.2009.328

    Web of Science


  • Matrix-based algorithm for integrating inheritance relations of access rights for policy generation

    Kazuhiro Kono, Yoshimichi Ito, Akihito Aoyama, Hiroaki Kamoda, Noboru Babaguchi

    Journal of Information Processing   17   318 - 327   2009

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan  

    This paper presents a matrix-based algorithm for integrating inheritance relations of access rights for generating integrated access control policies which unify management of various access control systems. Inheritance relations of access rights are found in subject, resource, and action categories. Our algorithm first integrates inheritance relations in each category, and next, integrates inheritance relations of all categories. It is shown that these operations can be carried out by basic matrix operations. This enables us to implement the integration algorithm very easily.

    DOI: 10.2197/ipsjjip.17.318



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  • Advancement in Science and Technology and Human Societies

    S. Abe, M. Ozawa, Y. Kawata,(eds.)( Role: Contributor)

    Springer  2018.12 

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  • 社会安全学入門 理論・政策・実践

    関西大学社会安全学部[編]( Role: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2018.4 

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    「第I部第2章第3節 ICT・AIと現代社会」(pp. 25-29)を担当


  • 基礎から学ぶ情報処理 改訂版

    榎原博之[編]( Role: Contributor)

    培風館  2018.4 

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    第5章「情報のセキュリティ」(pp. 87-106)を担当


  • 防災教材 勇気をもって 災害を知り,いのちを守る

    NNN, 読売新聞社, 関西大学社会安全学部( Role: Contributor)


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    第8章「竜巻」(pp. 144-157)を担当


  • 事故防止のための安全学-被害軽減をめざす分析と実践に繋ぐ提言

    関西大学社会安全学部[編]( Role: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2013.3 

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    第8章「情報漏洩の事例から考えるセキュリティ対策」(pp. 139-158)を担当




  • Video Forgery Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks

    S. Oshiro, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2020.3


  • Data Anonymization for Service Strategy Development and Information Recommendation to Users Based on TF-IDF Method

    K. Kono, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2020

    to be published in 2020


  • A Study on Suppression of Inappropriate Use of Illegal Contents Based on Conformity Caused by Normative Influence

    H. Yamaguchi, K. Kono


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    Event date: 2019.7

    Win EMM Best Paper Award


  • Passive Video Forgery Detection Considering Spatio-Temporal Consistency

    K. Kono, T. Yoshida, S. Oshiro, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2019.4


  • A Consideration on Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Video Forgery Detection

    S. Oshiro, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2019.3


  • Video Forgery Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network

    S. Oshiro, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2018.11


  • A Study on Japanese Text Compression Using Morphological Analysis and Grammar Compression

    K. Nakamura, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2018.9


  • A Study on Measures to Prevent College Students from Viewing Illegally Uploaded Videos -- Focused on The Fraud Triangle Theory and The Situational Crime Prevention Theory --

    K. Kono


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    Event date: 2018.8


  • Video Forgery Detection Considering Spatio-Temporal Consistency

    T. Yoshida, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2018.3


  • A Study on Emotional Impression of Music Arrangement

    M. Asaumi, K. Kono


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    Event date: 2018.3


  • Analysis of the Contents of “Special Subject: Moral Education” and Development of Information Moral Learning Tool for Youth

    T. Katayama, K. Kono


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    Event date: 2018.3


  • User Authentication Using Heart Rate Sequences during Walking toward Continuous Authentication

    T. Yoshida, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3


  • A Study on Non-verbal Communication on Virtual Reality

    R. Narumiya, K. Kono

    Proc. 2017 IEICE General Conference  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3


  • A Study on the Transportation Means in Tourist Destinations From the Viewpoint of "Pilgrimage"

    N. Terashima, K. Kono

    Proc. 2017 IEICE General Conference  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3


  • GIS-based Maps based on Visual Characteristics of the Elderly

    R. Kikuchi, K. Kono

    Proc. 2017 IEICE General Conference  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3


  • A Study on the Impact of "Reach Site" on User's Copyright Infringement

    N. Yamagami, K. Kono

    Proc. 2017 IEICE General Conference  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3


  • A Study on Discomfort Factors in In-feed Web Advertising

    Y. Hirai, K. Kono

    Proc. 2017 IEICE General Conference  2017.3 

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    Event date: 2017.3


  • Towards the Development of an Educational Tool for Learning Information Security Incidents through 3D Simulation

    K. Kono

    2017 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security  2017.1 

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    Event date: 2017.1


  • キャンパスクラウド化の現状

    榎原博之, 林勲, 河野和宏, 近堂徹, 水野信也

    関西大学インフォメーションテクノロジーセンター年報2015  2016.7 

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    Event date: 2016.7


  • Multimodal User Authentication Focusing on Long-term Heart Rate Sequences from Wearable Devices

    T. Yoshida, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2016.5 

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    Event date: 2016.5


  • Video Forgery Detection Using a Time Series Model in Dynamic Scenes

    S. Karita, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • Data Anonymization based on TF-IDF Method Using Hierarchies Built from Attributes of Recommended Targets

    K. Arai, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • Analysis of Personal Consciousness for Information Security Based on Classification of News Medias

    D. Sunano, K. Kono

    Proc. 2016 IEICE General Conference  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • A Study on Management of Sleep State by Wearable Devices Towards Drowsy Driving Prevention

    N. Shimoyama, K. Kono

    Proc. 2016 IEICE General Conference  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • A Study on Accuracy of Biometric Authentication Systems in Daily Situations

    S. Iida, K. Kono

    Proc. 2016 IEICE General Conference  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • Towards the Design of Moral Education Learning Tool for Youth Based on Goal-Based Scenario Theory

    R. Narumiya, N. Terashima, Y. Murakami, Y. Hirai, T. Katayama, R. Kikuchi, Y. Sanuki, N. Yamagami, K. Kono

    Proc. 2016 IEICE General Conference  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • Analysis of Moral Education for Elementary and Junior High School Students

    Y. Murakami, N. Terashima, R. Narumiya, Y. Hirai, T. Katayama, R. Kikuchi, Y. Sanuki, N. Yamagami, K. Kono

    Proc. 2016 IEICE General Conference  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • Owner Authentication Based on Long-term Sequence of Heart Rate

    T. Yoshida, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2016 IEICE General Conference  2016.3 

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    Event date: 2016.3


  • 災害時の学内安否確認システムに関する一検討~マークシート方式かICカード方式か~


    関西大学インフォメーションテクノロジーセンター年報2014  2015.7 

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    Event date: 2015.7


  • Owner Authentication for Mobile Devices Using Motion Gestures Based on Multi-Owner Template Update

    S. Karita, K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. of 2015 Workshop on User Authentication for Emerging Interfaces (UAEI), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2015)  2015.6 

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    Event date: 2015.6


  • Data Anonymization for Information Recommendation Based on TF-IDF Method

    K. Arai, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2015.5 

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    Event date: 2015.5


  • Analysis of Personal Consciousness for Password Management Based on Classication of Sites

    S. Iwaki, K. Kono

    Proc. 2015 IEICE General Conference  2015.3 

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    Event date: 2015.3


  • Generation Methods of Secret Sharing QR Codes

    M. Kuramoto, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2015.3 

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    Event date: 2015.3


  • Usability Evaluation of Multi-Touch Actions Considering the Structure of Hand-Fingers and Its Constraints on Movement

    K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2015.3 

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    Event date: 2015.3


  • Development of Education Tool for Information Security Through 3D Virtual Environment

    R. Imai, K. Kono

    Proc. 2015 IEICE General Conference  2015.3 

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    Event date: 2015.3


  • Development of Learning Tool for Disaster Prevention Through 3D Simulation Based on Goal-Based Scenario Theory

    R. Futagami, K. Kono

    Proc. 2015 IEICE General Conference  2015.3 

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    Event date: 2015.3


  • A Study on Improvement of User's Consciousness for Security : Extraction of Security Risk in the Future Considered from Present Security Incidents and Iconization of Terms and Conditions of Use

    S. Matsusaka, N. Nakagawa, K. Kono

    IEICE technical report  2015.2 

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    Event date: 2015.2


  • A Study on Information Security from a Viewpoint of International Safety Standards

    K. Kono

    IEICE technical report  2015.2 

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    Event date: 2015.2


  • 個人情報の利用における技術的課題


    関西大学社会安全学部・大学院社会安全研究科第5回東京シンポジウム,ビッグデータ時代の個人情報保護-企業価値を高めるデータの利活用とコンプライアンス-  2014.10 

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    Event date: 2014.10


  • A Study on Usability of Multi-Touch Actions Considering the Structure of Hand-Fingers

    K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi


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    Event date: 2014.9


  • Authentication for Mobile Devices Using Behavioral Biometrics with Adaptive Templates

    S. Karita, K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE technical report  2014.7 

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    Event date: 2014.7


  • 関西大学のシラバスから見る情報セキュリティ教育の在り方


    関西大学インフォメーションテクノロジーセンター年報2013  2014.7 

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    Event date: 2014.7


  • A Study on Physical Spoofing of Biometric Information for Fingerprint Authentication Systems

    R. Futagami, F. Nakagawa, R. Imai, S. Iwaki, K. Tagashira, N. Nakagawa, S. Matsusaka, K. Kono

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • Privacy Protection by ID Types Applicable to Subjective Consideration of Users

    K. Arai, K. Kono, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • Simple Gesture-based User Authentication with Accelerometer and Gyroscope in Mobile Phones

    S. Karita, K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • Safety Confirmation System Using Non-contact type IC cards

    Y. Yamauchi, K. Kono

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • Development of Tools for Education of Information Security with Smartphone Devices

    T. Oono, K. Kono

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • Issues on Education of Information Security Through Information Study for Participating Community

    T. Yamane, K. Kono

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • Analysis of Personal Interest for Information Security Through Portal Sites and Microblogs

    Y. Ishimoto, K. Kono

    Proc. 2014 IEICE General Conference  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3


  • A Study on Information Security Education at Higher Education Institutions

    K. Kono

    The 31st Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security  2014.1 

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    Event date: 2014.1


  • Secret Sharing Scheme in QR Code Considering the Size of Shares

    M. Kuramoto, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    IEICE Technical Report  2013.9 

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    Event date: 2013.9


  • Report on "the Project to Learn from the Field Study on the Aff ected Area of Great East Japan Earthquake"

    M. Suga, K. Kamei, S. Kaneko, H. Shiroshita, K. Kono, S. Nagamatsu, Y. Hayashi, K. Koshiyama, T. Motoyoshi

    Safety Science Review 2012  2013.3 

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    Event date: 2013.3


  • Tablet Owner Authentication Based on Behavioral Characteristics of Multi-Touch Actions

    K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. of International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR 2012)  2012.11 

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    Event date: 2012.11


  • Owner Authentication of Tablet-Type Devices Using Multi-Touch Actions

    K. Nakamura, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2012 IEICE General Conference  2012.3 

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    Event date: 2012.3


  • The Great East Japan Earthquake and Information Security

    K. Kono

    Safety Science Review 2011  2012.3 

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    Event date: 2012.3


  • Analysis of Sender/Receiver Anonymity for Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net Against Collaborating Nodes

    K. Kono, S. Nakano, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    The 2011 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS)  2011.1 

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    Event date: 2011.1


  • Methods for Reducing the Number of Relay Nodes in Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net

    S. Nakano, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    The 2011 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS)  2011.1 

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    Event date: 2011.1


  • Anonymous Communication System Using Probabilistic Choice of Actions and Multiple Loopbacks

    K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 6th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security  2010.8 

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    Event date: 2010.8


  • Crowds-Based Anonymous Communication System Using Multiple Loopbacks

    K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    The 2010 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS)  2010.1 

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    Event date: 2010.1


  • Security Analysis of Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net Against Collaborating Nodes

    K. Kono, S. Nakano, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2009 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit Conference (APSIPA ASC 2009)  2009.10 

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    Event date: 2009.10


  • Performance Analysis of Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net

    K. Kono, S. Nakano, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 5th IEEE International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2009)  2009.8 

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    Event date: 2009.8

    Win Best Paper Award


  • Reduction of the Number of Relay Nodes in Anonymous Communication System 3-Mode Net

    S. Nakano, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2009 IEICE Genera Conference  2009.3 

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    Event date: 2009.3


  • Automated Trust Negotiation among Three Agent based on Service Usage of Client

    T. Hanaoka, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc.2008 IEICE General Conference  2008.3 

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    Event date: 2008.3


  • An Integration Method of Access Control Policies Using Adjacency Matrix

    K. Kono, Y. Ito, A. Aoyama, H. Kamoda, N. Babaguchi

    The Special Interest Group Notes of IPSJ  2007.5 

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    Event date: 2007.5


  • Fair Automated Trust Negotiation with Credential Disclosure Points

    R. Tanihira, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2007 IEICE General Conference  2007.3 

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    Event date: 2007.3


  • Access Control Policy Inconsistency Check Using Model Checker

    H. Kamoda, K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    The Special Interest Group Notes for IPSJ  2007.3 

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    Event date: 2007.3


  • A Study on RSA Cryptosystem Using Pseudoprimes

    K. Kono, Y. Ito, N. Babaguchi

    Proc. 2005 Society Conference of IEICE  2005.9 

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    Event date: 2005.9


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  • EMM Best paper award


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  • IPSJ Digital Courier Funai Young Researcher Encouragement Award


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  • IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award

    2010.2   IEEE Kansai Section  

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  • Best Paper Award

    2009.8   Proc. 5th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security  

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Research Projects

  • ユーザ視点に立脚した情報セキュリティ・モラル学習ツールの開発

    Grant number:21K02815  2021.4 - 2024.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    河野 和宏

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    Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 、 Indirect Cost:\690000 )

    情報セキュリティや情報リテラシーを学ぶ新しいアナログ媒体の学習ツールとして,フラックスと呼ばれるゲームをもとにした「セキュリティフラックス」,水平思考ゲームをもとにした「I Think」を開発した.大学生に体験し,ARCSモデルにおける4観点から評価したところ,どちらのゲームも興味関心の喚起や知識の修得,リテラシー能力の向上がみられ,効果的な学習ツールとなっていることが確認された.また,2018年度に発表した心理面から違法動画の視聴対策を考えた研究の成果を,2019年度に開発した「セキュリティライフゲーム」に取り入れ,より実践的な教育が実現できるように改良した.さらに,これまでの開発ゲームに得られた知見をもとに,近年話題の消費者教育にも取り組んだ.


  • Determinants of Panic and Craze at Disasters in China

    Grant number:18K03022  2018.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 、 Indirect Cost:\900000 )


  • Development of Learning Tools for Understanding Information Security and Information Morals from the Perspectives of Both Attackers and Defenders

    Grant number:18K02918  2018.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    KONO Kazuhiro

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    Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )

    To improve users' security awareness and literacy, we aim to develop learning tools for understanding information security and morals from the perspectives of both attackers and defenders. The results are as follows: 1) we analyze the thoughts and psychological states of people who commit various fraudulent acts and clarify effective countermeasures; 2) we develop several tools for learning information security and information morals while having fun by incorporating psychological findings and the concept of instructional design.


  • Applicability of machine learning to tsunami source estimation for exploring devastated area

    Grant number:17H03316  2017.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Takahashi Tomoyuki

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    Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3870000 )

    For effective disaster management, prompt and accurate tsunami source estimation is important not only for updating tsunami warnings but also for determining emergency responses. Although tsunami waveform inversion is a powerful tool for estimating tsunami sources, expert analysis of a large amount of data by trial-and-error methods is needed. Machine learning is an effective means of extracting features from complex big data and determining underlying laws related to different phenomena. In the study, a model to estimate tsunami source from observed data by using machine learning was developed.
    Using the deep learning algorithm, a neural network model was constructed. The training data were based on a dataset generated using the fault models and the virtually observed water level changes. The trained model was validated by examining whether it could determine the tsunami source parameters for the different scenarios from the virtually observed data.


  • Development of learning system according to proficiency level and age for improving user's security awareness

    Grant number:15K16267  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Kono Kazuhiro

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    Grant amount:\2990000 ( Direct Cost: \2300000 、 Indirect Cost:\690000 )

    In order to provide information security education and information moral education according to proficiency level and age, we first analyze the contents of information education and moral education through school textbooks in morality and information. As a result of analyzing the contents of information morals in “Special Subject: Moral Education”, we clarify the differences in teaching methods by proficiency level and age. We also consider contents required for developed tools. We next develop an information moral learning tool for youth based on GBS theory and an education tool for learning information security on 3D environments. The Former tool enables users to learn information moral through failure stories. The latter tool enables users to experience security incidents through 3D simulation.


  • Creation of profit harmonized with disclosure of privacy information

    Grant number:24240031  2012.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    BABAGUCHI Noboru, NITTA Naoko, ITO Yoshimichi, KONO Kazuhiro, NAKAMURA Kazuaki

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    Grant amount:\45760000 ( Direct Cost: \35200000 、 Indirect Cost:\10560000 )

    In this research, we aimed to construct HIFI (Harmonized Information Field) where a visitor at HIFI can get some profits, e.g. useful recommendations, in accordance with disclosure of his/her privacy information such as attribute, face, expression, action, position, and interest. HIFI is designed for a distinct place in the real world, consisting of processing modules of sensing, protection, organization and utilization of privacy information.


  • Network System with Anonymity for Protecting Personal Information

    Grant number:22860070  2010 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up

    KOUNO Kazuhiro

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    Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )

    This study proposed a system with anonymity, in particular anonymous communication system 3-Mode Net. This study analyzed the performance of 3-Mode Net and proposed a new version of 3-Mode Net. We evaluated the number of relay nodes, the number of encryption, sender anonymity, and receiver anonymity of 3-Mode Net by using random walk theory. We also proposed a new anonymous communication system based on multiple loopbacks, which used no multiple encryption. In addition, we implement 3-Mode Net, and consider the relationships between 3-Mode Net and other systems with anonymity, such as anonymous authentication and anonymous signature.


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Social Activities

  • 関西大学ITセンター副所長


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  • 電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア情報ハイディング・エンリッチメント研究専門委員会(EMM研),幹事


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  • 吹田市個人情報保護審議会委員


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  • 電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア情報ハイディング・エンリッチメント研究専門委員会(EMM研),幹事補佐

    2019.4 - 2020.3

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  • 社会安全学部 教学主任(学部)

    2018.10 - 2020.9

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  • 情報処理安全確保支援士(登録番号:015391)


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  • 関西大学ITセンター副所長

    2016.10 - 2018.9

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  • 電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア情報ハイディング・エンリッチメント研究専門委員会(EMM研),専門委員

    2016.4 - 2019.3

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  • 電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア情報ハイディング・エンリッチメント研究専門委員会(EMM研)、幹事補佐

    2015.4 - 2016.3

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  • 電子情報通信学会、マルチメディア情報ハイディング・エンリッチメント研究専門委員会(EMM研),専門委員

    2014.4 - 2015.3

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Devising educational methods

  • [各科目共通]

Teaching materials

  • 市販レベルの教材は作成していないが、情報セキュリティ論・IT実習については、複数の参考書をもとに自作の資料を作成・配布し、それを使って講義を進めている。AI実習については、教科書を用意して授業を進め、足りない部分や理解促進のために必要となる部分を、別途、用意・公開している。

Teaching method presentations

  • 着任年度(2010年度)から本年度まで、特になし。

Special notes on other educational activities

  • 着任年度(2010年度)からの特記事項は以下の通り。
    2011年8月30日:Kan-Dai 1セミナー「震災から学ぶことと情報セキュリティ」
    2012年8月30日:Kan-Dai 1セミナー「安全・安心にインターネットを使うために」
    2015年6月20日:夢ナビライブ2015「あなたの個人情報は大丈夫? 漏えいを考える」
    2015年11月12日:関西大学高槻ミューズキャンパス公開講座第21回「子どもとスマホ ― スマホトラブルから子ども達を守る ― :スマホを活用して安全・快適な生活を送るために」
    2015年12月19日:関西大学Kan-Dai 3セミナー「社会安全学部セミナー~身近な社会の安全・安心を科学する:指紋認証システムは本当に破れない?-身近な情報セキュリティ技術の安全性を考える」
    2016年6月18日:夢ナビライブ2016「あなたの個人情報は大丈夫? 漏えいを考える」
    2016年12月17日:関西大学Kan-Dai 3セミナー「社会安全学部セミナー~身近な社会の安全・安心を科学する:指紋認証システムは本当に破れない?-身近な情報セキュリティ技術の安全性を考える」