Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Business and Commerce Professor
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  • 修士(人間・環境学) ( 2005.3 )

Research Interests

  • Business communication;English education;Vocabulary teaching;

  • English education

  • Business communication

  • Vocabulary teaching

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology


  • Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies

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Professional Memberships

  • Japan Association of College English Teachers

    2012.4 - 2016.3

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  • Association of Business Communication

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  • Japan Society of English Language Education

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  • 言語科学会

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  • 異文化コミュニケーション学会

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  • The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology

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  • Japan Business Communication Association

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  • 日本比較文化学会

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  • 日本コミュニケーション学会

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Committee Memberships

  •   常任理事  

    2018.11 - 2021.10   

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  •   関西支部 支部長  


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  •   理事  


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  •   研究年報委員  


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  •   研究企画委員  

    2012.4 - 2016.3   

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  • Do Japanese University Students of English Choose Grammatical Forms for Contextually Appropriate Reasons? Reviewed

    OKAMOTO,Mayumi, NAKAMURA, Mitsuo

    Journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences   20-2,1-19   2022.9

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  • Does Translation-Friendly Paraphrased Japanese Help Leaners of English to Produce More Correct English ? Reviewed

    OKAMOTO,Mayumi, NAKAMURA, Mitsuo

    148号 219-228   2022.7

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  • Different communication styles in different languages: Examining the business messages of Japanese business people Reviewed


    第77号 65~73頁   2018.9

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  • Examining Differences in Communication Style across Languages Reviewed


    第132号 1~11頁   2018.9

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  • 英語教育における邦画使用に関する一考察 Reviewed

    岡本 真由美

    映画英語教育研究   第23号 57~70頁   2017.3

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  • Framing of Business Communication Styles: A By-product of Making English an Official Corporate Language


    第64巻第4号125~140頁 ( 4 )   125 - 140   2017.3

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  • Is corpus word frequency a good yardstick for selecting words to teach? Threshold levels for vocabulary selection. Reviewed


    System, Elsevier   Vol. 51, pp.1-10   2015.3

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  • Examining the Need for Business Communication Competence in R & D Departments: A case study of a pharmaceutical company Reviewed


    The Journal of International Business CommunicationVol. 67   第67号7~14頁 ( 67 )   7 - 14   2008.10

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    This study examines the business communication competence requirements for corporate researchers in R & D departments, focusing on a pharmaceutical company. Forty-one participants including 27 corporate researchers were given a questionnaire and interviewed about their international business communication in terms of forms, frequency, attitude, and perceived problems. The major findings are as follows. First, corporate researchers are frequently engaged in international business communication (i.e., giving presentations, attending meetings, and preparing documents). Second, they are not well aware of the dynamic nature of international business communication competence. Third, they feel difficulty in adjusting themselves to the business context, interacting with each other, and finding learning materials about international business communication appropriate to them. Thus, this study suggests that in order for corporate researchers to succeed in international business communication, they need to be aware of the importance of its dynamic nature, and that R & D is yet an unresearched area for international business communication.


  • Assessing Lexical Knowledge of English at Low-Frequency Levels: Implications for Vocabulary Teaching Reviewed


    19号 141~150頁   2008.3

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    This study examines the relation between word difficulty and word frequency, focusing on university student’s lexical knowledge at low-frequency levels. Close to 300 freshmen and sophomores were given a multiple-choice vocabulary test, which included 200 target words sampled from two dictionaries. The major findings are as follows: first, university students correctly answered 59.7% of the target words on a vocabulary test, which ranges from 1,000 to 14,000 word levels. Second, the percentage of correct answers is linearly related to word frequency only at high-frequency levels. Third, word difficulty loses its linear relation to word frequency at the 8,000 word level. The nonlinear relation, it is claimed in this study, is ascribable to hardly discernible differences in frequency of two adjacent words at low-frequency levels. Thus, it is suggested that a vocabulary of 8,000 word families may serve as a reasonable goal of vocabulary teaching in general courses in English.


  • University Students' Unknown Words and Their Self-assessed Reading Comprehension Level Reviewed


    Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE)   18号 41~50頁   2007.4

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    This study examined how the number of unfamiliar words university students encounter in the TIME magazine and Cambridge CPE would affect their self-assessed reading comprehension level. It yielded the following three results: first, students’ self-assessed comprehension level was in strong inverse proportion to the occurrence ratio of their unknown words. Second, with a vocabulary of approximately 6,000 words, they managed to attain only 54% of comprehension. Third, the occurrence ratio of those words whose meanings students were able to guess to some extent averaged approximately 1% across all the comprehension levels, and was not related to their self-assessed level of comprehension. Thus, the study suggests that in order to read current English without much difficulty, students need a much larger vocabulary, and that their insufficient vocabulary can perhaps be augmented by a well-developed guessing strategy, a problem which has yet to be researched.


  • Lexical Attrition in Japanese University Students: A Case Study Reviewed


    JACET Journal   44号 71~84頁   2007.4

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    This paper aims to see how university students’ English lexical ability changes over time by examining three lexical dimensions of breadth, depth, and retrievability. The research spanned half a year, yielding the following three results: first, students’ average receptive vocabulary contained 5,895 words, whereas the words beyond the 2,000 level they produced accounted for only 19.8% of their total production. Second, their performance was poorest on the collocation test. Third, their lexical knowledge suffered marked attrition in all three dimensions, with 25% attrition in the receptive vocabulary, 41% in the collocational knowledge, and 15% in retrievability. This study raises some questions concerning language curriculum development.


  • Examining the Motivating and Facilitating Roles of ESP Reviewed


    第64号 30~39頁   2005.10

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    This paper aims to present two problems facing required English classes at universities, and address them by suggesting the motivating and facilitating roles of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), specifically Business English, in required English classes. One of the problems presented is the university students’ de-motivation to study English, and another is their English language attrition. The present study proposes that two different dimensions of Business English play different roles: English for General Academic Business Purposes (EGABP) should motivate freshmen and sophomores in terms of the novelty, communicativeness, and simulative experiences it can provide; English for Specific Academic Business Purposes (ESABP) should facilitate junior and senior business majors’ relearning of English in terms of the firm conceptual schema underlying it. Draft plans of lesson were also presented based on the ideas stated above.


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  • 大学入試改革―何が変わり試されるのか―

    岡本 真由美( Role: Sole author)

    東京書籍 英語 New Support  2017.10 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression I(高等学校検定教科書、平成29年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2017.4 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression Ⅱ(指導書、平成29年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2017.4 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression Ⅱ(高等学校検定教科書、平成29年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2017.4 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression I(指導書、平成29年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2017.4 

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  • 日英ことばの文化事典(亀田尚己・青柳由紀江・J.M.クリスチャンセン著、丸善出版)

    岡本 真由美( Role: Sole author)

    大修館書店 英語教育  2016.3 

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  • とらえられないものを、とらえる人たち

    岡本 真由美( Role: Sole author)

    大修館書店 GCD英語通信  2014.11 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression Ⅱ(高等学校検定教科書、平成25年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2013.4 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression I(指導書、平成25年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2013.4 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression I(高等学校検定教科書、平成25年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2013.4 

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  • NEW FAVORITE English Expression Ⅱ(指導書、平成25年度版)

    中邑光男(代表)、岡本真由美、他6名( Role: Joint author)

    東京書籍  2013.4 

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  • Getting to Know SchiTech Genres: 理工系学生のための総合英語

    深山晶子、野口ジュディー、幸重美津子、岡本真由美、辻本智子、村尾純子、横山香奈( Role: Joint author)

    三修社  2011.2 

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  • Make it in Business

    OKAMOTO,Mayumi( Role: Joint author)

    Cengage Learning  2010.2 

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  • Good job!: Basic Skills for Better English

    津村修志, 加賀田哲也, 前田和彦, 小磯かおる, 岡本真由美( Role: Joint author)

    金星堂  2009.1 

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  • G4改訂日記⑫

    岡本 真由美( Role: Sole author)

    大修館書店 英語教育3月号  2008.3 

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  • Score High on the TOEIC Test

    中鉢恵一, 山田正義, Charles Cabell,Patric McCoy, 岡本真由美, 加藤恭子( Role: Joint author)

    大修館書店  2007.11 

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  • G4改訂日記⑦

    岡本 真由美( Role: Sole author)

    大修館書店 英語教育10月号  2007.10 

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  • G4改訂日記③

    岡本 真由美( Role: Sole author)

    大修館書店 英語教育6月号  2007.6 

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  • 理系たまごシリーズ③:理系英語のライティング

    野口ジュディー, 深山晶子, 岡本真由美( Role: Joint author)

    株式会社アルク  2007.2 

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  • スーパースタンダードコース(TOEIC演習コース)

    岡本 真由美( Role: Contributor)

    株式会社アルク  2006.7 

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  • ジーニアス語法シリーズTOEIC®TEST 730レベル 文法・語法・語彙

    山田正義, 西澤正幸, 武田一, 中邑光男, Jeffrey D. Shaffer, 岡本真由美( Role: Joint author)

    大修館書店;インターチャネル  2005.1 

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  • ジーニアス語法シリーズTOEIC®TEST 470レベル 文法・語法・語彙

    岡秀夫, 山田正義, 西澤正幸, 武田一, Dennis E. Schneider, 岡本真由美( Role: Joint author)

    大修館書店;インターチャネル  2005.1 

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  • ジーニアス語法シリーズTOEIC®TEST 600レベル 文法・語法・語彙

    山田正義, 西澤正幸, 武田一, 中邑光男, Andrew Stanton Obermeier, 岡本真由美( Role: Joint author)

    大修館書店;インターチャネル  2005.1 

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  • Axis Genius English-Japanese Dictionary



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  • ジーニアス英和辞典第5版

    南出康世(編集主幹) 執筆担当

    大修館書店   2014.12

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  • ジーニアス和英辞典第3版

    南出康世・中邑光男(編集主幹) 校閲担当

    大修館書店   2011.2

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  • ジーニアス英和辞典第四版

    小西友七・南出康世(編集主幹) 英文用例校閲担当

    大修館書店   2006.12

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  • Japan Society of English Language Education

    2007.8   Japan Society of English Language Education  

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Social Activities

  • 公益社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 サイバーキャンパスコンソーシアム運営委員会(コミュニケーション関係学)委員


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Devising educational methods

  • 「国際ビジネスコミュニケーション論」:  学生によるプレゼンテーション,教員の講義,全体ディスカッションという3つのセクションから構成。プレゼンテーションと講義の中でビジネスコミュニケーションの理論と実践について学びつつ,ディスカッションに参加することで,批判的視座から議論するというコミュニケーション能力を培うことを目標としている。 「上級ビジネス英語」:  瞬発力と柔軟性のある英語運用能力を養成することを目標とし,語句をその場で覚えて再生するクイックレスポンス,即興英作文,日本事象の英訳,英文の言い換え,ディベートなど,タスクベースな授業をおこなっている。

Teaching materials

  • 野口ジュディー、深山晶子、岡本真由美『理系たまごシリーズ③:理系英語のライティング』株式会社アルク、2007年。 中鉢恵一、山田正義、岡本真由美m,Charles Cabell,Patric McCoy, 加藤恭子『Score High on the TOEIC Test』大修館書店、2007年。  津村修志、加賀田哲也、前田和彦、小磯かおる、岡本真由美『Good job!: Basic Skills for Better English』金星堂、2010年。  岡本真由美,中邑光男『Make it in Business』センゲージラーニング、2010年。  深山晶子,野口ジュディー、岡本真由美、他『Getting to Know SchiTech Genres: 理工系学生のための総合英語』三修社、2011年。

Teaching method presentations

  • (学会発表)「関西大学商学部BLSPにおけるビジネス英語プログラム」2009年5月、国際ビジネスコミュニケーション学会 関西支部会。 (学会発表)「語彙教育 ビジネス英語教育の視点から」2009年11月、関西大学 商学会。 (学会発表)「ビジネス英語指導における語彙教育 - 事例研究」、2010年2月、国際ビジネスコミュニケーション学会 関西支部会。 (学会発表)Teaching Vocabulary to Business Majors、2010年5月、10th ABC Europe convention & 2nd GABC conference。 (コメンテーター)「“普通”の学校の“普通”の授業の中でも取り入れられるライティング活動」、第59回 全国英語教育研究大会(全英連東京大会)全国英語教育研究団体連合会(全英連)。 (シンポジウム)「これからの大学英語教育を変える‐ESPを知る『ESPのニーズを知る‐企業の現状』」2006年6月、大学英語教育学会 関西支部春季大会。 (講演)「英語のココロ」、2010年9月、埼玉県高等学校英語教育研究会

Special notes on other educational activities

  •  特になし