Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Letters Professor
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  • 修士 ( 1996.3   筑波大学 )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Education

Research Projects

  • A study on the types and background of foreign teachers' appointments in public schools of each nation state in the age of globalization

    Grant number:15K04326  2015.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    HIROSE YOSHINORI, LEE wol-soon, O yongho, KIMU sangmun, FUJIKAWA masao, TATE nahoko, YABUTA naoko

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

    We conducted research on foreign teachers in public schools in a globalizing society and obtained the following results. First of all,we clarified the conditions and background regarding employment of foreign teachers through surveys.The main purpose of the study is to identify and to classify patterns of hiring and the working conditions of foreign teachers in various nation states.And positioned the appointment type of foreign teachers in Japan in the international context.
    On the other hand,from the early 1970's to the present,we historically described the movements of foreign teachers in each region of Japan.In particular, based on various actors' materials, we clarified the process of formal and informal dialogues and consultations between Japan and Korea regarding notification by the Ministry of Education in 1991.
    Finally, in the general consideration of this study, we drew several scenarios of appointment patterns of foreign teachers that could be selected in the future.


  • An investigation into the state and issues among public school teachers with non-Japanese nationality

    Grant number:24653256  2012.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    NAKAJIMA Tomoko, KIM Yunjeong, HIROSE Yoshinori

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    Grant amount:\2340000 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 、 Indirect Cost:\540000 )

    In order to clarify the current state and issues among public school teachers with non-Japanese nationality, a series of research with three different approaches was conducted. First, the survey was sent out to the boards of education and this revealed that at least 257 teachers who have foreign citizenships are currently working in public schools. Secondly, in-depth interviews were conducted, targeting mainly the teachers with foreign citizenships. The data show that there are great diversity among the interviewees in the process of choosing their occupation, how they got appointed, and their relationships to other colleagues, parents, and children. Generational differences in the experiences among the teachers were also observed. Finally, the government's responses toward this issue have been analyzed. Overall, the results pointed out that there is a great lack of acknowledgment and understanding about non-Japanese teachers themselves and their status.


  • Synthetic research concerning Japan's teacher disposal after the war(2)-Around the dismissal disposal of educational public servants

    Grant number:21530860  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    MOTOI Ichiro

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    Grant amount:\2600000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 、 Indirect Cost:\600000 )

    The purpose of this study is analyzed from the point of view we make a study of political and social structure on the disposal of teachers since the peace treaty came into effect in 1951. In the course of the study, we were divided into the first half and second half of the year 1956 as an epoch, the period in question.
    During the first half, were examined in the context of the political and economic structure at the time the configuration of the disposal of teachers after the end of occupation policy. As is well known, this time, the Japanese government has conducted against the backdrop of political disposition faculty Cold War. This trend is similar in structure and disposition during the Occupation, disposal Dismissal of civil servants teachers has been frequently used as a disposal method main. Needless to point out, the Ministry of the Internal Affairs curriculum dominance is not only to mean simply authoritarian domination, but also an efficient governance structure to structure economic and fiscal stance. In 1956, we pointed out that the structure of domination Ministry of the Internal Affairs, more economical and financial structures, it is an epoch to be transferred to the center axis of the Ministry of Finance financial allocations in other words exactly.
    Therefore, as in history, in the second half of the present study, it could still be said that time and you run the disposal and faculty, the faculty governance structure of the newly-axis and such a financial structure. We are thinking and are duplicated in the process of building a new system to cornerstone the Board of Education faculty postwar disposal system is the center of the local educational administration.
    At least we should overview the prefectural board of education and human resources superintendent of schools, policy-making system that the local educational administration building of the Ministry of Education with a focus on possible overview. Moreover, Establishment of disposal of these teachers, the Ministry of Education Ministry of the Interior on behalf of the local educational administration before the war had been, namely control and jurisdiction We can point out in relation to conversion to the system, had been executed. I would like to point out about these points, we conducted a study on evaluation work over the struggle of teachers in other prefectures, and issues that became clear as it is necessary to consider structural anew.


  • International general research about a save and representation of the war/the colony memory in East Asia

    Grant number:18320097  2006 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KIMIZUKA Yoshihiko, MATAYOSHI Seikiyo, WANG Xin, ZHAO Jun, WATANABE Masayuki, SUK Soon-hi, HASHIMOTO Eiichi, OMORI Naoki, KONDO Kenichirou, HIROSE Yoshinori

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    Grant amount:\19420000 ( Direct Cost: \16000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3420000 )

    In this study, Russia, China, Taiwan, South Korea (Sakhalin region), as for East Asia and Japan, which is stored memories collected over a colonial war of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, public whether the representation has been, by comparison with Europe, including research. Representation and memory storage colonies in East Asia war, against the background of the political situation and historical understanding of the difference between each country and region are showing signs of different complexity and variety of Europe. At the same time, the memory of oppression and resistance to war and colonialism, as a monument to the pursuit of peace in East Asia in the division of historical understanding, but must have great significance in exploring the way of solidarity rather than been revealed.


  • Japan's colonial education on the overall situation in the international joint research

    Grant number:16330156  2004 - 2006

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    WANG Zhi Xin, OMORI Naoki, FUJISAWA Kenichi, ZHAO Jun, SU Lin

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    Grant amount:\15000000 ( Direct Cost: \15000000 )

    The aim of this study is to reveal the full picture of colonial education implemented by Japan in its occupied territories. After three years of research, this paper presents the results of in-depth surveys as follows.
    Studies on colonial education tend to be based on historical documents. Until recently, Japanese scholars would travel to China or Korea, bring back any sources they found regardless of how they were obtained, write articles or publish a series of papers, and claim to be engaged in collaborative research. Scholars from the former occupied nations criticize such behavior, calling for a new cooperative structure to replace the old pattern. While studies on colonialism appear attractive at first glance, there in fact remains a lot to be understood with regard to the former occupied territories. I have become aware of the need to conduct cooperative research with scholars from former occupied nations such as China and Korea, in order to improve the current research environment, which is far from ideal. I have therefore attempted to establish a kind of cooperative system. I will try to support this system by securing Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research for a series of studies. [Remark 1] This study is mainly based on research on history of objects (monuments), incidents (repression on teachers, etc.), and people (through interviews). Of course, the various studies were not standardized, and each scholar conducted their studies according to their own style. We cooperate with scholars from Korea, China, and other former occupied states with regard to the following points: (i) logical thinking and practical analysis, (ii) research on history and academic resources, and (iii) deepening of thought through field work. Furthermore, Studies on the realities of colonial education is not limited to school education only. It deals with education from a broad perspective-as a social process of human development-by researching diverse topics such as social education, vocational education, calligraphy, music, and language. It thus aims to reveal the full picture of the issue of human control/domination across multiple dimensions. During the survey period, international symposiums, for exchanging opinions and conducting discussions, were held at Okinawa International University, at Xinan Normal University in Chungking, China, and at Chungbuk National University in South Korea. Research outcomes were shared with Korean and Chinese scholars.
    In the process of collaborative research surveys, the following long-term objectives were established for deepening relevant research: (a) construction of a common history of colonial education in East Asia, (b) publication of studies on colonization, and (c) creation of a resource database. Furthermore, database management, scope of usage, and the target audience for the service remain as issues for future work.


  • 日本の植民地教育実態に関する国際共同研究企画

    Grant number:15633008  2003

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    王 智新, 藤澤 健一, 石 純姫, 広瀬 義徳, 大森 直樹, 蘇 林

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    Grant amount:\2900000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 )



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Devising educational methods

  •  2009年度、2011年度担当している「知へのパスポート」の授業では、参加型授業として学生のグループワークやパワーポイントを利用したプレゼンテーションの方法習得などを組み込んで授業運営した。  2011年度担当した「知のナヴィゲーション」では、少人数制を活かして、スチューデントスキル全般の入門的な教授を目指し、論文などのリーディングの方法、レポートのライティングスキル、議論の方法習得などを中心に、学生主体の演習形式による授業を行っている。また、両授業では、文学部GPに基づく卒論ラボの協力を得ながら、授業外での添削指導も行った(2010年より卒論GPの卒論ラボ委員を担当)。  2009年度より毎年「教育制度論」については、150~250名という大教室のため、学生からの授業評価による要望を受け止め、毎回事前に講義で利用するパワーポイント資料を事前にインフォメーションシステムにUPし、学生の予習と復習に資するよう配慮している。  ゼミでは、毎年、教育文化専修で秋期に実施されるインターゼミ合宿に向けた共同学習として、課題図書の読解と資料検索、個人発表、全体討議などを重ね、学生間の対話による学び合いを重視している。

Teaching materials

  •  最近過去5年間に作成したテキストは、下記の通りである。  第一点目は、菱田隆昭編著『幼児教育の原理』(株みらい、2006年5月)。概要を述べれば、保育所、幼稚園に関連した評価の基本的な意味、方法、種類を概説し、保育における自己評価から第三者評価までの必要性と要点を理解できるようにした(広瀬義徳「第10章 自己評価から第三者評価まで」を分担執筆)。  第二点目は、岡田裕編著『最新保育テキストブック3 教育原理』(聖公会出版、2009年)、概要を述べれば、各国の教育制度の特徴やその構成原理といった基本的な知識の解説からはじまり、現代日本における幼児教育及び初等教育の制度的側面を概説するとともに、新学習指導要領を含めたカリキュラムの特徴と問題点が理解できるように叙述した(広瀬義徳「第4章 教育制度」を分担執筆)。

Teaching method presentations

  •  教職専門科目担当者として2008年度より毎年参加している関西大学教職専門科目担当者研究会にて、2010年3月13日、大学における教員養成の課題について基調報告を行った。報告の概要は、「団塊の世代」の大量退職時代を迎えた今日、近年の学校組織や教員採用に起きている状況変化を踏まえ、大学における教員養成においてどのような改革・対応が求められているのか、その課題について整理し、また、若干の論点を提示するものであった。また、関西大学教職支援センター委員として、同センター設立の趣旨と事業概要について簡単な紹介も行った。当日は、大阪府教育委員会より講師を招聘し、有意義な討議の時間となった。

Special notes on other educational activities

  •  2008年は免許資格部門委員会委員、2009年より関西大学の教職支援センター委員、2010年より教職科目検討プロジェクト委員、2009年より教員免許更新講習必修領域とりまとめ及び教員免許更新講習「教育政策の最新動向を理解する」講師などを担当し、関西大学の教職課程に関する業務に広く従事している。また、2010年より阪神地区私立大学教職課程研究連絡協議会の幹事校会員、2011年10月より教職支援センター副センター長に任ぜられている。  2009年より高大連携事業の一環として、KanDai15セミナーで科目「学びの扉」への高校生の受け入れ指導、高校への出張講義、大学での模擬授業などを複数担当している。  吹田市民大学公開講座に、2008年及び2009年は講師として、2011年度は企画責任者として関わった。教育文化専修が企画する本講座では、毎回、現在的な課題・テーマを取り上げ、地域の成人・社会教育に貢献している。 2008年度から2010年度まで、福島県内、大阪府内の教職員団体の研修会・セミナー・フォーラムなどにおいて複数回講演した。