Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering Professor
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  • Dr. Eng. ( 2001.1 )

  • MS. Eng ( 1993.3 )

Research Areas

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Civil engineering material, execution and construction management

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Structure engineering and earthquake engineering  / Maintenance


  • Kyushu University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Department of Civil Engineering

    1991.4 - 1993.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Kyushu University   Faculty of Engineering   Department of Civil Engineering

    1987.4 - 1991.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Organization for Research &Development of Innovative Science &Technology   Director


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  • Apr. 2005 Associate Professor in Kansai Univ., 2015.4 Professor in Kansai Univ.


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  • Apr. 1993 Research associate in Kyushu University, Apr. 1999 Lecturer in Kyushu University, Apr. 2001 Associate Professor in Kyushu University, Oct. 2002-Oct 2003 Visiting Professor in University of Ottawa, Canada, Mar. 2005 Retirement from Kyushu University

    1993.4 - 2005.3

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Professional Memberships

  • Japan Society of Civil Engineers

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  • American Concrete Institute

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  • The Society of Materials Science, Japan

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  • Japan Concrete Institute

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  • Kyushu Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering

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  • Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management

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  • Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute

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  • Japan Union of Cement Concrete

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Committee Memberships

  •   コンクリート技士講習会委員会委員  

    2007 - 2008   

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  •   コンクリート構造物のインフラマネジメント検討小委員会幹事長  


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  •   セメント系材料の時間依存性挙動に関する研究委員会委員  

    2006 - 2008   

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  •   コンクリート構造物の補修、補強、アップグレード論文報告集編集委員会委員  


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  •   コンクリート診断士研修委員会委員  

    2004 - 2005   

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  •   第31回セメント・コンクリート研究討論会実行委員会委員  


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  •   コンクリート委員会331小委員会委員  


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  •   示方書連絡調整小委員会委員  


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  •   事業部会講演会委員会委員長  


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  • Japan Society of Civil Engineers   The member of sub committee #331, Concrete Committee  


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  •   コンクリート年次大会論文査読委員会委員  

    2003 - 2004   

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  •   文献調査委員会委員  

    2002 - 2003   

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  •   コンクリート委員会化学混和剤の性能評価と規格研究小委員会委員  

    2000 - 2002   

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  •   事業部会講演会委員会副委員長  

    1999 - 2003   

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  •   コンクリート委員会コンクリートの環境負荷評価研究小委員会委員  

    1999 - 2003   

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  •   コンクリート構造物のクリープおよび収縮による時間依存変形研究委員会委員  

    1999 - 2001   

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  • アミノシラン系表面含浸材併用法における塗布手順と養生温度に関する検討 Reviewed

    山﨑 颯斗, 鶴田 浩章, 宋 宏宇

    プレストレストコンクリート工学会・第32回プレストレストコンクリートの発展に関するシンポジウム論文集   pp.603-606   2023.10

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  • Improvement of coagulating strength and toughness of alkoxysilanes for conservation of cultural heritage Reviewed

    NAKAMURA, Yoshinobu, NAGAO, Asuka, KONTANI, Ryo, NAKANE, Yuta, NAKAMURA, Takashi, TSURUTA, Hiroaki, SUEMORI, Kaoru, SUITA, Hiroshi, HIRAI, Tomoyasu, FUJII, Syuji

    WILEY, Journal of Applied Polymer Science   Volume 139, Issue 48, e53214.   2022.12

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    The optimal restoration agent for the brittle walls of Idout's tomb built 4400 years ago in Saqqara, Egypt, which is located underground in a desert area, was investigated. From x-ray diffraction analysis of the sand collected near the tomb, the main ingredient is silica. Alkoxysilane and its oligomer are used because its alkoxy groups can react readily with silica. The compressive test of solidified model sand its main component is silica was done. The increase of both molecular weight of oligomer and the content of oligomer with higher molecular weight effectively developed the compressive force. When an earthquake occurs, it is desirable that the reinforced wall will be crushed in ductility. The addition of di-alkoxy type alkoxysilane to oligomers changed the failure mode from brittle to ductile, because the network becomes looser. When a moderate quantity of di-alkoxy type is added to oligomers, the solidified model sand deforms with greater displacement, while maintaining a high compressive force. From scanning electron microscopic observation of fractured solidified specimen, alkoxysilane was making the sand particles con nect as a binder. Many cracks were clearly observed in the binder layer. Whereas, the formed crack was far smaller for di-alkoxy added system.


  • アミノ基を有するシラン系表面含浸材によるコンクリートの乾湿繰返しに対する効果 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 丸山 徹, 東口 剛士

    日本コンクリート工学会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   43巻1号, pp.1091-1096   2021.6

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    表面含浸材によるコンクリートの劣化抑制効果は含浸材の種類や使用環境によって様々であり,一般にけい酸塩系は中性化に強く,シラン系は塩分浸透抑制に効果が高いと言われている。著者らはアミノ基を有するシラン系表面含浸材の室内試験による中性化抑制効果や屋外暴露試験(4 ヶ月)での効果を確認した。さらに本稿では,1 年間の屋外暴露試験と促進中性化・塩分浸漬の繰返し試験を行い,結果としてアミノ基を有するシラン系表面含浸材がより実環境に近い条件で他のシラン系表面含浸材より高い効果を発揮することが明確になった。さらに,その効果の要因分析の初期検討として化学分析を行い,その要因の検証を行った。



    TSURUTA, Hiroaki, NAKAMURA, Yoshinobu, ITO, Atsushi, HIGO, Tokihisa, SUITA, Hiroshi, SHOEIB, Ahmed

    Kansai University / Science and Technology of Kansai University   No.63, pp.21-33   21 - 33   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publisher:Kansai University  

    As part of the conservation and restoration work of the Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture (CHC), this study explores the strengthening countermeasures and the quality estimation of rock at Mastaba Idout in Saqqara, Egypt. The Mastaba Idout was built around 2360BC. The bedrock of this unique underground burial chamber is known to be weak and, as such, an investigation of its condition and quality and an examination of various strengthening methods are reported herein. The results of quality testing for four kinds of strengthening agents for stone in Japan are also examined. The results of quality testing and repairs for the bedrock in Egypt and the results of the quality testing of strengthening agents for dirt in Japan are reported. Quality testing measures the frequency of the accelerating wave generated by striking a rock surface with an impact hammer. The repair methods involve strengthening by coating with a strengthening agent for stone and injecting non-shrink cement slurry into cracks. This research identified that the site's bedrock was of very low quality and that the strengthening methods were effective. Quality testing of the strengthening agents for dirt found that agent OH100 had good water permeability, good moisture permeability, and minimal negative effects on the compressive strength of rocks.

    DOI: 10.32286/00022960

    CiNii Books


  • Utilisation of Titanium and Titanium Dioxide as Scaffolds for Proliferating Coral Reef Reviewed

    UEDA Masato, SAWATARI Chihiro, TAKAHASHI Tomoyuki, TSURUTA Hiroaki, TOKUSHIGE Hidenobu, HIKOSAKA Hirohisa, YONETSU Daigo, IKEDA Masahiko

    Vol.1016, pp.1497-1502   2021.1

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  • 氷結晶の品質を制御する多糖によるコンクリートの耐凍害性改善に関する基礎検討 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 河原 秀久

    日本コンクリート工学会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   42巻1号   2020.7

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  • 文化財修復用アルコキシシランの補強性改良 Reviewed

    中村 充, 中根 悠太, 鶴田 浩章, 伊藤 淳志, 吹田 浩, 末森 薫, 平井 智康, 藤井 秀司, 中村 吉伸

    日本接着学会・日本接着学会誌   Vol.56, No.10, pp.397-402   2020.2

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    石造文化財の修復に用いられるアルコキシシランの凝結力向上について検討した。3 種類の分子量のメチルトリメトキシシランのオリゴマーの効果を,市販の石材強化剤であるWacker 社のOM50 等と比較した。有機錫系触媒を加えたオリゴマーで豊浦標準砂を固化させた試験片の圧縮試験では,OM50 以上の凝結力を示し,分子量にともなって凝結力がより向上した。OM50 へのオリゴマーの添加も凝結力向上に効果があった。しかしながら,オリゴマーは,分子量の増加にともなって豊浦標準砂への浸透性が低下した。以上の破壊挙動は脆性的であった。1 分子中のアルコキシ基の数が2 のメタクリロキシメチルジメトキシシランに有機錫系触媒を加えて豊浦標準砂を固化させた場合,高圧縮強度で延性的な破壊挙動を示した。アルコキシシランの構造により破壊挙動のコントロールが可能であった。


  • アミノ基を有するシラン系表面含浸材によるコンクリートの中性化抑制効果 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 中村 直哉, 上田 尚史

    日本材料学会・第19回コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム論文報告集   19巻   2019.10

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    コンクリート構造物の劣化対策として,主にシラン系とけい酸塩系のものが多く使用されて いるが,その種類によって効果を示す劣化が限定される傾向にある.そこで,一般的に塩害には有効であるが中性化には効果がやや劣ると言われるシラン系表面含浸材の中で,複合劣化対策を想定して中性化抑制に優れたものを見出すための検討として,基本性状試験,乾湿繰返し環境,屋外暴露環境(約4 カ月)においてコンクリートの中性化に対する効果の確認を行った.その結果,アミノ基を有する構造を持つシラン系表面含浸材が優れた効果を発揮することが確認できた.


  • Clarification of Effect on Frost Damage by Surface Penetrants Combination Method Reviewed

    MIYOSHI, Takahide, TSURUTA, Hiroaki

    第18巻、pp.261-266   2018.10

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  • Various Properties of Semi-Self Compacting Concrete for a Seawall Considering Frost Damage Reviewed

    Kohei,Nomura, Hiroaki, Tsuruta


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  • 石造文化財修復用アルコキシシランの凝結力の比較 Reviewed

    堤 亮太, 瀧田健太, 山下大輝, 藤井秀司, 鶴田浩章, 伊藤淳志, 吹田 浩, 中村吉伸

    日本接着学会誌   Vol.54, No.3, 90-95   2018.3

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  • A study on improving of setting properties in concrete used sewage sludge incinerated ash

    Hiroaki Tsuruta, Yuki Takemoto, Naoshi Ueda

    Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   65 ( 11 )   773 - 778   2016.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Society of Materials Science Japan  

    In recent years it tends to increase in the percentage of sewered population and increase in the generation rate of the sewage sludge every year. And weight reduction and effective utilization of sewage sludge and sewage sludge incinerated ash are desired more. In this research, authors aimed to use sewage sludge incinerated ash as admixture for concrete and make the influence to concrete clear. Sewage sludge incinerated ash has high ratio of restraining water, bad dispersibility by powder properties and the phosphorus included in the incinerated ash, make the setting of cement delayed. Therefore improvement of setting properties was measured by giving the condition to suggest reduction of setting time, and it was examined what kind of influence came to properties of setting and strength in mortar or concrete. To improve setting properties, authors used sewage sludge incinerated ash that was controlled the grading, limestone fine powder and accelerator, and to investigate the reason of delay on setting, the initial hydration temperature was measured. As a result, it was found that the use of limestone fine powder or accelerator enabled to reduce the setting time. This is because the promotion of initial hydration of alite by limestone fine powder or accelerator can reduce the setting time. So, authors found out that setting properties were influenced by C-S-H which makes promote initial hydration of alite. It's possible to use many sewage sludge incinerated ash as concrete materials by using these improvement methods, and we can think the utility value as the concrete material may generate.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.65.773



  • The Fundamental Poperties and Deeriration Measures of Semi-Self Compaciing Concrete for a Seawall Reviewed

    NOMURA, Kohei, HIRAI, Takaaki, TSURUTA, Hiroaki, UEDA, Naoshi

    Proceedings of the Concrete Structure Scenario, JSMS   第16巻 pp.85-90   2016.10

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  • 表面含浸材の併用法における施工性とその影響に関する一検討 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 島川 和之, 上田 尚史

    第25回プレストレストコンクリートの発展に関するシンポジウム論文集   353-358   2016.10

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  • Relationships between Coating Amount and Effect of Deterioration Control in Combination Method of Surface Penetrant Reviewed

    MIYOSHI, Takahide, TSURUTA, Hiroaki, UEDA, Naoshi

    第16巻 pp.415-420   2016.10

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  • Life-cycle effects of combination of surface penetrants in combining silicate and silane type surface penetrants on inhibition of deterioration in concrete Reviewed

    H. Tsuruta, K. Shimakawa


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP  

    The effects of surface penetrants on the deterioration of concrete vary widely based on the types of materials and the conditions under which they are used. Silicate-and silane-type penetrants are currently two of the most frequently used such materials. Here, the authors examine an application method of combining silicate-and silane-type surface penetrants, and aim at clarifying the effects of surface penetrants. In this paper, in order to ascertain the difference in the major component of silicate and silane, two kinds of silicate-type and three kinds of silane-type surface penetrants were used. The standard interval time in the application of surface penetrant was set at 24 hours. The results revealed that a combination type showed sufficient water interception qualities in any combination and also offered resistance to chloride ion penetration.

    Web of Science


  • シラン系塗布後にけい酸塩系を塗布した表面含浸材の併用による劣化抑制効果への影響 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 島川 和之, 中嶋 亮介, 上田 尚史

    (公社)日本材料学会・コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集   2014.10

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  • 護岸に適用する中流動コンクリートの基礎性状とすりへり抵抗性 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 村上 真, 上田 尚史, 安藤 圭

    (公社)日本コンクリート工学会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   第36巻第1号 pp.1438-1443   2014.7

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  • マトリクスと繊維の違いがFRCCはりのせん断破壊挙動に及ぼす影響に関する実験的研究 Reviewed

    上田 尚史, 谷口 拓峰, 鶴田 浩章

    公社)日本コンクリート工学会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   第36巻第2号, pp.1147-1152   2014.7

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    Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University   No.56・pp.39-48   2014.3

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  • 表面含浸材の併用における含浸材の組合せによる劣化抑制効果への影響 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 島川 和之, 中嶋 亮介

    日本材料学会・コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集   第13巻・pp.113-118   2013.11

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  • The Effects of Physical Properties of Sewage Sludge Melt-Solidified Slag on Properties of Concrete for Use in PCa Concrete Reviewed

    TSURUTA Hiroaki, MURAKAMI Makoto

    journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials   第62巻・第8号・pp.504-509 ( 8 )   504 - 509   2013.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society of Materials Science, Japan  

    In this paper, the authors studied the physical properties of sewage sludge melt-solidified slag to determine their effects on the properties of concrete for use in PCa concrete. Tests were conducted to determine the physical properties of slag aggregate, properties of fresh concrete, strength of concrete, drying shrinkage of concrete, and leaching of trace elements. We tested seven air-cooled slag aggregates obtained from the same sewage works at different times. Most of the slag was of a low quality, but the resultant slag concrete was not badly affected by the slag aggregate according to the results of the tests for bleeding, concrete strength, drying shrinkage, and leaching of trace elements. In the test for leaching of trace elements, it was particularly interesting to note that there were no notable releases of trace elements from hardened concrete containing slag. In the estimation of the relation between the quality of slag and the strength of concrete, the aggregate crushing value and the abrasion loss of slag were the best indexes for estimating the compressive strength of concrete. However, our findings showed that the relation between the indexes and the split tensile strength and the flexural strength of concrete did not exhibit the same tendency as in the case of the compressive strength of concrete.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.62.504

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/10022460683?from=CiNii

  • 想定外を勘案したRC橋脚の耐震性能評価と維持管理戦略 Reviewed

    戸井 干輝, 木野村 宏昭, 鶴田 浩章, 堂垣 正博

    日本コンクリート工学会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   Vol.35・No.2・pp.913-918   2013.7

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  • 劣化を生じたコンクリートにおける表面含浸材の併用による劣化抑制効果に関する検討 Reviewed

    中嶋 亮介, 鶴田 浩章

    日本コンクリート工学会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   Vol.35・No.1・pp.1681-1686   2013.7

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    Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University   No.55・pp.75-85   2013.3

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  • Effect of Using Silicate Type together with Silane Type Surface Penetrants on Concrete in a Different Water Content Condition Reviewed


    12、pp.453-458   2012.11

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  • シラン系及びけい酸塩系表面含浸材の併用による劣化抑制効果 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 原川 卓真

    コンクリート工学年次論文集   34巻1号   2012.7

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  • Effect of Using Silicate Type together with Silane Type Surface Penetrants on Restraint to Deterioration in Concrete Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Takuma HARAKAWA

    vol.11, pp.361-366   2011.10

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  • コンクリート用表面含浸材料の諸性質と劣化抑制効果 Reviewed

    原川 卓真(D), 鶴田 浩章

    コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集   第10巻、405-412   2010.10

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    SUZUKI Motoyuki, IWAKI Ichiro, KAMIHARAKO Akihisa, NAITO Hideki, HISADA Makoto, TSURUTA Hiroaki, SASAKI Masanori, CHIBA Yoko

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. E1 (Pavement Engineering)   66-3、231-244 ( 3 )   231 - 244   2010.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    Static loading test of a PC bridge severely damaged in corstal environment on the Japan Sea shore in Aomori was performed. Although the bridge was repaired recently, the damages from chloride induced deterioration, for example, the corrosion of steel, the spalling of cover concrete, and so on, in the girders and slabs were shown. From the static loading test with 6 dump tracks, the girders reinforced by the outside cables had enough flexcial stiffness against the present design live load. When the outside cables were released, the flexcial stiffness of the damaged girders was decreased to 70 % of the designed values.

    DOI: 10.2208/jsceje.66.231


  • 廃耐火レンガ細骨材を使用したコンクリートの力学的性状と中性化抵抗性 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 中村 健二(D), 山田 岳史(神戸製鋼所)

    (社)日本コンクリート工学協会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   32‐1、1553-1558   2010.7

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  • 下水汚泥焼却灰を使用したコンクリートの強度、中性化と環境への影響 Reviewed

    山本裕一, 久行将弘, 鶴田浩章

    セメント協会・セメント・コンクリート論文集   63、287-293   2010.2

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  • 下水汚泥焼却灰の品質変動とモルタルの凝結及び強度への影響 Reviewed

    鶴田浩章, 木場 宏

    (社)日本コンクリート工学協会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   第31巻、第1号、1897-1902   2009.7

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  • コンクリートの拡散係数が塩害の劣化予測に及ぼす影響と劣化予測の妥当性の検証 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 濵崎夏希, 松下博通

    日本材料学会・コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレード論文報告集   第7巻、29-34   2007.11

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  • 塩害を受けるコンクリート道路橋の劣化予測に及ぼす算定条件の影響 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 高柳 創, 松下博通, 佐川康貴

    日本材料学会・コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム論文報告集   第6巻,pp.275-280   2006.10

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  • 高強度コンクリートの静弾性係数に及ぼす粗骨材品質の影響 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 松下博通, 鳥居和史

    日本コンクリート工学協会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   第28巻第1号、pp.1229-1234   2006

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  • 海砂の粒度およびフライアッシュの外割混入率がコンクリートの流動性に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 福澤祥宏, 松下博通, 大屋敦志

    日本コンクリート工学協会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   第28巻第1号、pp.275-280 ( 1 )   275 - 280   2006

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本コンクリート工学協会  


    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10639837

  • Basic properties of concrete using crashed sand Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Daisuke YAMAMOTO, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Kozo ONOUE

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第27巻第1号, pp.79-84   2005.6

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  • Influences of Discount Rate on Life-Cycle Cost Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Tomohiro ShIRATAKE, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yasutaka SAGAWA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第27巻2号, pp.1615-1620 ( 2 )   1615 - 1620   2005.6

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  • The effect of surface tention of medium on the compressive strength of cement-based material Reviewed


    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第27巻1号, pp.355-360 ( 1 )   355 - 360   2005.6

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  • フライアッシュを混和した高強度コンクリートの強度・耐久性に関する研究 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 佐川康貴, 松下博通, 中原 晋

    プレストレストコンクリートの発展に関するシンポジウム論文集   Vol.14, pp.467-472   2005

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  • Is superposition of creep strains valid for concretes subjected to drying creep?

    NJ Gardner, H Tsuruta

    ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL   101 ( 5 )   409 - 415   2004.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CONCRETE INST  

    This paper describes an experimental investigation to study the validity of superposition of creep strains for specimens subjected to drying before loading, loading before drying, and sealed specimens subjected to uniaxial compression. Self-consolidating concrete was used for ease of fabrication. Strains were measured using vibrating wire strain gages. In all three conditions, (drying before loading, loading before drying, and sealed concrete), creep recovery is only 70 to 80% of the creep of previously unloaded concrete for loads applied at the same age as the recovery. It can be concluded that superposition is not valid for concrete subjected to drying or sealed concrete for situations that involve unloading.
    For increasing loads, the validity of the principle of superposition of creep strains depends upon whether the concrete is sealed or subjected to drying. For drying before loading and loading before drying, the measured incremental creeps were 10 and 20% larger respectively, than the creep of late loaded specimens. For sealed concrete, the creep due to an incremental increase in load was effectively identical to the creep of sealed, late-loaded concrete.
    Examination of the experimental results suggests an alternative hypothesis to calculate the strains recovered on unloading. The rates of development and magnitudes of the recovered creep strains were similar for all test series, suggesting that only basic creep can be recovered.

    Web of Science


  • A Study on Rihabilitation of the Initiated Crack in Mortar Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Chikara NAITOH, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yasutaka SAGAWA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   pp.627-632 ( 1 )   627 - 632   2004.6

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  • A Study on LCC Evaluation of the Concrete Bridge under Salt Damage Environment Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Kohei AIHARA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yasutaka SAGAWA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   pp.1783-1788 ( 2 )   1783 - 1788   2004.6

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  • Effect of Water Contained in Cement-Based Material on Compressive Failure Process Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Kozo ONOUE, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yasutaka SAGAWA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   pp.441-446 ( 1 )   441 - 446   2004.6

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  • A Study on Compressive Fatigue Property of Light Weight Aggregate Concrete Considering Moisture State Reviewed


    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   pp.435-440 ( 1 )   435 - 440   2004.6

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  • A Study on Fresh Property and Compressive Strength of Mortar Mixed with Molten Slag Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yasutaka SAGAWA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Junichi MIYAKE

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Engineering   第26巻1号、pp.1635-1640 ( 1 )   1635 - 1640   2004.6

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  • Effect of Gypsum Content in Cement on Autogenous Shrinkage of Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Cement Concrete Reviewed


    Proceeding of 8th CANMET/ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete   pp.683-702   2004

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  • An Effect of Quality of Recycled Aggregate to Compressive Strength of Recycled Concrete Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yasutaka SAGAWA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Ryuuichi KOGA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第25巻、pp.1265-1270   2003.7

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  • Studies on Quality Assuarance System for Concrete Structure Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Toshiyasu TOYOFUKU, Shigehisa TAGUCHI, Takehiro YAMASAKI

    Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Jouranal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavements   Ⅵ-59、No.735 ( 735 )   15 - 31   2003.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Civil Engineers  

    Recent years the damage of concrete structure has become big social problem. Therefore it is becoming increasingly important to work out a system for quality assuarance of concrete and to apply the system. Kyushu branch of Japan Concrete Institute has established a committee (June, 1999-November, 2001) on quality assuarance of concrete. The committe first look into the present state of affairs and the problems of quality control and inspection of concrete works, and then investigated the present techniques of concrete manufacturing and quality inspection method. Based on the results of the investigation, a quality assuarance system of concrete structure was proposed. In this study, the proposal of the commute is further investigated.

    DOI: 10.2208/jscej.2003.735_15



    KAMEZAWA Yasushi, MATSUSHITA Hiromichi, TSURUTA Hiroaki

    Ⅴ-57、No.718、pp.95-105   95 - 105   2002.11

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  • A Study on Pore Structure and the Durability on Cold Joint Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yoshihiro SUE, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Kohei AIHARA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第24巻、pp.567-572 ( 1 )   567 - 572   2002.6

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  • A study on Physical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Crushed by Various Methods Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yasutaka SAGAWA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yoshihiro SUE

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第24巻、pp.1347-1352 ( 1 )   1347 - 1352   2002.6

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  • Study on Strength of Concrete using Recycled Aggregate with Different Quality Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yoshihiro SUE, Takao CHIKADA

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第24巻、pp.1317-1322 ( 1 )   1317 - 1322   2002.6

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  • Influence of Arrangement of Re-bar on Filling State of Covering Concrete Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yasushi KAMEZAWA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Kozo ONOUE

    Japan Concrete Institute, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute   第24巻、pp.1017-1022 ( 1 )   1017 - 1022   2002.6

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  • Inquiry and Analysis Regarding the Technical Level of Engineers Reviewed


    Proceedings of the first fib congress 2002   Session 12, pp.27-36   2002

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  • Properties of Shrinkage and Creep in Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag, Used for a Pretension PC Girder Reviewed


    Proceedings of the first fib congress 2002   Session 7, pp.71-76 ( 3 )   673 - 678   2002

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  • Verification of Shrinkage and Creep in Concrete Containing Gound Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag by Effective Prestress on PC Girder Reviewed


    Proceedings of the first fib congress 2002   Session 7, pp.63-70   2002

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  • Verification of Effective Presstress in Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag, used for a Pretension PC Girder Reviewed

    TSURUTA Hiroaki, MATSUSHITA Hiromichi, YOSHITOMI Yasuharu, MAEDA Yoshitaka

    第23巻、第3号、pp.547-552 ( 3 )   547 - 552   2001.6

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  • 鋼繊維補強高強度モルタルの力学的性状 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 佐川康貴, 松下博通, 下山善秀

    日本コンクリート工学協会・コンクリート工学年次論文集   第23巻、第2号、pp.199-204 ( 2 )   199 - 204   2001.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本コンクリート工学協会  


    CiNii Books


  • A Study on Compressive Strength and Drying Shrinkage of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Yoshihiro SUE, Atsushi KUBONO

    Japan Cement Association, Cement Science and Concrete Technology   第54号、pp.476-483   476 - 483   2001.2

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    CiNii Books


  • A Study on Replanting on the River Revetment by No-Fines Concrete Reviewed

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Hiromichi MATSUSHITA, Akihiko HIGUCHI, Masayuki EGASHIRA

    Japan Cement Association, Cement Science and Concrete Technology   第54号、pp.530-535   530 - 535   2001.2

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  • Anchoring Method of Carbon Fiber Sheet for Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reviewed


    Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fibre-reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures   Vol.1, pp.409-417   2001

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  • The investigation about the application of the recycled aggregate to the base course material

    H. Matsushita, H. Tsuruta, A. Kubono, S. Fujimoto, S. Tanimoto

    Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan   50 ( 8 )   843 - 850   2001

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Society of Materials Science Japan  

    At present, rapidly decreasing of natural resources and capacities of final disposal sites become serious problems. In the field of construction, it has been said that demolished concrete should be more reused. Most of demolished concrete have been used as base course materials, especially as subbase course materials. However, in view of environmental protection, demolished concrete must be reused as not only subbase course materials but also upper base course materials and aggregates for concrete. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether demolished concrete can apply for upper base course materials that must satisfy stricter standard than subbase course material. Recycled base course materials used in this study were made of massive concrete, which were obtained from demolishing of bridges constructed in 1959. In order to change grading and particle size, crushing method of recycled base course material was changed in several ways. Moreover, to some of them, adjustment of grading with decomposed granite was taken. Particle size analysis, compaction test and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test were carried out. As the result of tests, modified CBR value of recycled base course material applied initial crushing could not satisfy the requirement for upper base course materials. However, adjustment of grading with decomposed granite and secondary crushing enabled to use it as upper base course materials.

    DOI: 10.2472/jsms.50.843



  • Effects of coarse aggregate qualities on creep properties of high strength concrete

    H Matsushita, H Tsuruta

    2001 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING MATERIALS, VOL II   Volume 2, pp.183-194   183 - 194   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:CANADIAN SOCIETY CIVIL ENGINEERING  

    In order to use limited natural aggregate effectively, it is important to determine the influence of the aggregate quality on the performance of concrete. In this study, compressive creep tests for concrete were carried out using different coarse aggregates, to clarify the effects of their qualities on the creep of high strength concrete. The effects of aggregate crushing value, abrasion loss and percentage of absorption on specific creep of high strength concrete were systematically investigated. Among the results, it was found the specific creep of concrete became large when aggregate crushing value, abrasion loss and percentage of absorption of used coarse aggregates were large The degree to which a coarse aggregate restrains creep changed according to differences in coarse aggregates used.

    Web of Science


  • Effects of Construction Joint on Bending Strength Reduction Reviewed


    Proceedings of Third International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions   Volume.1, pp.1117-1124   2001

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  • Properties of Shrinkage and Creep in Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag, Used for a Pretension PC Girder Reviewed

    TSURUTA Hiroaki, MATSUSHITA Hiromichi, YOSHITOMI Yasuharu, MAEDA Yoshitaka

    第22巻、第3号、pp.793-798 ( 3 )   793 - 798   2000.6

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  • Material Examination of Existing Concrete Roadway Bridge Reviewed

    KOMINE Keizou, TURUTA Hiroaki, TAKABA Masatomi, MASAKI Youzou

    第22巻、第1号、pp.571-576 ( 1 )   571 - 576   2000.6

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  • Study on Strength Reduction of Concrete by Construction Joint Reviewed

    SUE Yoshihiro, MATSUSHITA Hiromichi, TSURUTA Hiroaki, UEDA Tetsushi

    第22巻、第3号、pp.265-270 ( 1 )   265 - 270   2000.6

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  • 一軸圧縮試験における載荷面摩擦の影響 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 松下博通, 陶 佳宏

    セメント協会・セメント・コンクリート論文集   第53号、pp.397-402   2000.2

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  • これだけは知っておきたい 橋梁メンテナンスのための構造工学入門

    土木学会構造工学委員会, 鶴田 浩章 他16名

    建設図書  2019.5 

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  • 2018年制定 コンクリート標準示方書 規準編

    土木学会コンクリート委員会, 鶴田 浩章 他42名

    土木学会  2018.10 

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  • 2017年制定 コンクリート標準示方書改訂資料 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章( Role: Contributor)

    (公社)土木学会・2017年制定コンクリート標準示方書改訂資料 設計編 土木学会・2017年制定コンクリート標準示方書改訂資料 設計編・施工編  2018.3 

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    2017年制定 コンクリート標準示方書改訂資料 施工編・特殊コンクリート・高強度コンクリート


  • 2017年制定 コンクリート標準示方書 施工編 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章( Role: Contributor)

    (公社)土木学会  2018.3 

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    コンクリート標準示方書 2017年制定版 特殊コンクリート・高強度コンクリート


  • 『2012年制定 コンクリート標準示方書 基本原則編』 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 武若 耕司, 信田 佳延, 加藤 佳孝 他24名( Role: Joint author)

    土木学会  2013.3  ( ISBN:9784810607307

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    コンクリート標準示方書の新刊 基本原則編


  • 社会基盤施設の維持管理のための各種スキーム検討委員会報告書 第Ⅰ編

    森川 英典, 鶴田 浩章, 他14名( Role: Contributor)

    土木学会関西支部・社会基盤施設の維持管理のための各種スキーム検討委員会報告書  2013 

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  • 図説 わかるメンテナンス-土木・環境・社会基盤施設の維持管理 Reviewed

    宮川 豊章(京都大学), 森川 英典(神戸大学), 鶴田 浩章 他( Role: Contributor)

    学芸出版社  2010.11 

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  • Compressive strength Reviewed

    Hiromichi MATSUSHITA(Kyushu Univ.), Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yasutaka SAGAWA(Kyushu Univ.)( Role: Contributor)


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  • 鋼・合成構造標準示方書 2007年制定、設計編 第8章 耐久性に対する要求性能および照査 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 貝沼重信, 南 邦明( Role: Contributor)

    土木学会  2007.3 

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  • (社)日本材料学会編 コンクリート混和材料ハンドブック 第2編 混和材 第3章第4節 スラッジ粉

    鶴田 浩章, 児島孝之他( Role: Joint author)

    (株)エヌ・ティー・エス  2004.4 

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  • (社)日本材料学会編 コンクリート混和材料ハンドブック第2編 混和材 第3章第4節 スラッジ粉 Reviewed

    鶴田 浩章, 児島孝之他( Role: Joint author)

    (株)エヌ・ティー・エス  2004.4 

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  • 潜在リスク社会と都市空間の脆弱性―都市に潜むリスクの分析―

    石垣泰輔, 楠見晴重, 坂野昌弘, 北詰恵一, 鶴田浩章, 尾崎平

    関西大学先端科学技術推進機構, 技苑   第128号, pp.96-100   2009.3

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  • 産業副産物を使用したコンクリートの環境への影響評価

    鶴田浩章, 山本裕一

    第13回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   307-310   2009.1

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  • コンクリート構造物のインフラマネジメント検討小委員会報告書 市民にとって良いインフラとそれを支える技術・技術者システム


    土木学会 コンクリート技術シリーズ   1章,3.3.3,4.3,5.4,5.5(分担執筆) 79,1・14-15,27-29,48-51   2008

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  • ブリッジマネジメントの新たなる取組み~BM研究会の活動

    鶴田 浩章, 岩城一郎, 川谷充郎, 古田 均

    第51回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会講演論文集   89-90   2007.11

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  • 平成18年度道調橋第6号 コンクリート橋の健全度評価および劣化予測の検証業務報告書

    岩城一郎, 鶴田浩章, 上原子晶久, 荒木昭俊, 相馬 基


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  • 規準編の今までの役割と今後期待される役割

    鶴田 浩章

    土木学会・コンクリート技術シリーズ65、示方書連絡調整小委員会報告書「コンクリート標準示方書の役割と将来像」(1章1.2.3)   pp.6-8   2005.8

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  • The Influences of Coarse Aggregate Properties on Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulus in High Strength Concrete


    43 ( 2 )   76 - 83   2005.2

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  • フライアッシュの混入がコンクリートの鉄筋間隙通過性に与える影響

    大屋敦志, 松下博通, 鶴田浩章, 尾上幸造, 川端雄一郎

    土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   59th ( Disk 2 )   5 - 445   2004.9

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  • 再生モルタルの細孔構造と強度の関係

    川端雄一郎, 松下博通, 鶴田浩章, 佐川康貴, 祝井健志

    土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   59th ( Disk 2 )   5 - 189   2004.9

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  • 再生骨材の品質が再生コンクリートの圧縮強度および乾燥収縮に及ぼす影響

    川端雄一郎, 松下博通, 鶴田浩章, 佐川康貴, 古賀隆一

    土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集(CD-ROM)   58th ( Disk 2 )   V-507   2003.9

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  • コンクリートの破壊力学とアコースティック・エミッションに関する熊本国際集会

    鶴田 浩章

    コンクリート工学 = Concrete journal   37 ( 4 )   54 - 55   1999.4

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  • 粗骨材の破砕値が及ぼす高強度コンクリートの圧縮強度への影響


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集   20 ( 2 )   991 - 996   1998

  • 炭素繊維ネットの分担引張力の均等性に関する基礎的実験


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集   16 ( 1 )   1191 - 1196   1994

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  • 不凍材料の塗布によるコンクリートの凍害抑制効果の評価

    鶴田 浩章, 謝 佳禾, 河原 秀久

    土木学会  2022.9 

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    コンクリート構造物の凍害抑制策として、冷凍食品分野で実用化されている不凍材料を適用することを考え、既設コンクリート構造物を想定して、不凍材料を塗布する方法の効果について検討を行った。コンクリート供試体に不凍材料を塗布し、凍結融解試験を行い、供試体の内部ひび割れの状況を可視化するために、蛍光エポキシ樹脂含浸法を用いて観察を行った。その結果、凍結融解試験において十分な耐凍害性の確認はできなかったが、不凍材料の塗布により Nより大きな耐久性指数とひび割れが表面付近に留まり内部まで進展しない状況を確認する ことができた。


  • 不凍材料の塗布によるコンクリートのスケーリング抑制効果の評価

    梁 世航, 謝 佳禾, 鶴田 浩章, 河原 秀久

    土木学会関西支部  2022.5 

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  • Quality Estimation of the Stonework Blocks in Barbar Temple and Al-Khamis Mosque, Bahrain

    TSURUTA,Hiroaki, HIGO, Tokihisa, ITO, Atsushi, SUITA, Hiroshi

    Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University  2019.3 

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  • 銅スラグ細骨材を使用した土木配合のコンクリートのフレッシュ性状に関する検討

    于 俊楠, 高橋 修, 鶴田 浩章, 吉田 賢太

    土木学会全国大会  2018.8 

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  • 銅スラグ細骨材を使用した土木配合のコンクリートの硬化性状に関する検討

    鶴田 浩章, 若槻 洋司, 小山 宜幸, 吉田 賢太

    土木学会全国大会  2018.8 

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  • 護岸用中流動コンクリートの耐凍害性に及ぼす膨張材と収縮低減剤の影響

    于 俊楠, 野村 晃平, 鶴田 浩章

    土木学会関西支部  2018.6 

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    TSURUTA,Hiroaki, HIRAI, Takaaki, UEDA, Naoshi


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  • 震災がれき焼却残さの性質とセメント硬化体の物性及び環境への影響

    鶴田 浩章, 子田 康弘, 岩城 一郎

    第3回コンクリート技術大会(郡山)  2013.10 

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    Venue:郡山市 ホテルはまつ  


  • 護岸構造物への増粘剤系中流動コンクリートの適用に関する検討

    藤井 勇希, 鶴田 浩章, 松嶋 秀記

    土木学会第68回年次学術講演会  2013.9 

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  • 表面含浸材の併用における塗布間隔の変化が及ぼす中性化・塩害抑制効果

    中嶋 亮介, 鶴田 浩章, 島川 和之

    土木学会第68回年次学術講演会  2013.9 

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  • フレア型護岸に適用する増粘剤一液型高性能AE減水剤を使用した中流動コンクリート

    村上 真, 岩本 永斗, 鶴田 浩章

    土木学会第68回年次学術講演会  2013.9 

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  • Study on the Effects of Combining Silicate and Silane Type Surface Penetrants on Concrete under Different Water Content Conditions.


    Kansai University  2013.8 

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  • RC橋脚の余裕度による耐震性能評価

    戸井 干輝, 木野村 宏昭, 鶴田 浩章, 堂垣 正博

    平成25年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2013.6 

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  • 下水汚泥焼却灰を混和材として使用したコンクリートの諸性状

    竹本 裕樹, 鶴田 浩章, 松山 睦美

    平成25年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2013.6 

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  • 増粘剤一液型高性能AE減水剤を使用した中流動コンクリートの諸性状

    村上 真, 岩本 永斗, 鶴田 浩章

    平成25年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2013.6 

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  • 表面含浸材の併用における塗布割合の変化が及ぼす遮水性と中性化抑制効果への影響

    島川 和之, 鶴田 浩章, 中嶋 亮介

    平成25年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2013.6 

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  • 表面含浸材の併用における塗布割合の変化が及ぼす塩害抑制効果への影響

    中嶋 亮介, 鶴田 浩章, 島川 和之

    平成25年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2013.6 

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  • 電気炉酸化スラグ細骨材を用いたコンクリートの諸性状

    三谷 幸平, 鶴田 浩章, 多田 吉希

    名古屋大学東山キャンパス  2012.9 

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    粒度に関してJIS を満足していない電気炉酸化スラグ細骨材を,コンクリートへ使用したときのフレッシュ性状,強度性状への影響を調べた.置換率25%では,フレッシュ性状,強度性状ともに,電気炉酸化スラグ細骨材による悪影響はあまり見られなく,置換率50%では,流動性の確保が問題であるものの凝結の促進,ブリーディング率の減少,圧縮強度の増加が見られ,置換率増加による利点を確認することができた.


  • 細骨材に置換したリン低減型下水汚泥焼却灰のコンクリートへの影響

    松山 睦美, 鶴田 浩章, 吉田 健二

    名古屋大学東山キャンパス  2012.9 

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    セメントの凝結遅延に影響すると言われる下水汚泥焼却灰中のP2O5 量を低減したリン低減型下水汚泥焼却灰をコンクリート用細骨材の一部に置換した場合のコンクリートへの影響を明確にすることを目的とし、凝結性状、強度性状への影響を考察した。また、一般的な焼却灰についても同様の検討を行い、既往の研究との比較検討も行った。下水汚泥焼却灰が混入されているコンクリートの方が、普通コンクリートより圧縮強度が大きいことがわかった。凝結では、既往の研究結果よりも本研究の方が早く終結した。


  • 護岸構造物に適用する中流動コンクリートの諸性状と収縮ひび割れ対策

    松嶋 秀記, 鶴田 浩章

    名古屋大学東山キャンパス  2012.9 

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    中流動コンクリート(以下、SSC)と普通コンクリート(以下、NC-15)の諸性状、充填性について比較し、フレア型護岸への適用性を明らかにする。また、表面性状の改善と乾燥収縮ひび割れ対策の効果についても同時に明らかにした。本研究の結果からSSC はNC に比べ、強度、ブリーディング、施工性が優れており、乾燥収縮もほぼ同等という結果から、現場のニーズに合ったコンクリートを提供できると考えられる。また、膨張材、塗布型収縮低減材 の効果を確認でき、NC と同様のひび割れ対策が可能であることがわかった。また課題であったSSC の表面性状の改善も透水シートの使用により達成できた。


  • A Surface Properties and Measures against Drying Shrinkage Crack on Semi-Self Compacting Concrete


    Universiti Sains Malaysia  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang, Malaysia  

    Drying shrinkage crack and air bubbles often appear on the surface of semi-self compacting concrete. Therefore, authors adopted the expansive additive and applied type shrinkage reduction agent for measures against drying shrinkage crack and the permeable sheet for improving surface properties of concrete. As a result, a good quality concrete was made by using them. Consequently, it was found that semi-self compacting concrete could be applied to seawall.


  • Trial for Products of PCa Concrete used Sewage Sludge Melt-Solidified slag for concrete


    Universiti Sains Malaysia  2012.8 

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    Venue:Penang, Malaysia  

    In Japan, a sewage sludge melt-solidified slag for concrete was prescribed by JIS A 5031 in 2006. But in the practical use for construction materials, expansion of its use is not making progress. In some local government, a lot of sewage sludge melt-solidified slags are left over at sewage works. Then authors used a sewage sludge melt-solidified slag as a coarse aggregate for concrete and tried to develop PCa concrete with considering environment. So laboratory tests and to produce PCa concrete experimentally were carried out. As a result, the strength, shrinkage, resistance of carbonation induced deterioration, leaching of trace elements and a trial manufacture of PCa products has no bad influences by using this slag.


  • 下水汚泥溶融スラグを粗骨材として使用した製品用コンクリートの諸性状

    松嶋 秀記, 鶴田 浩章, 荻野 勝久

    神戸市立工業高等専門学校  2012.6 

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    下水汚泥溶融スラグをコンクリート二次製品に活用することを目標に、コンクリートベース板(JIS 外製品)を対象として、スラグをコンクリート用粗骨材として使用した製品の実用化を目指して検討を行った。本試験結果から、強度、乾燥収縮、中性化抵抗性など普通コンクリートと比較して、ほぼ同等に扱うことが可能であることがわかった。また、実製品の試作においても、材料分離もなく、施工性も問題なく十分に実用可能であるということがわかった。


  • 市民のためのコンクリート-コンクリート構造物のインフラマネジメント研究小委員会報告から-

    河野 広隆(京都大学), 鶴田 浩章

    (社)セメント協会・セメント・コンクリート  2011.5 

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  • 潜在リスク社会と都市空間の脆弱性-都市に潜むリスクの分析-

    石垣 泰輔, 楠見 晴重, 坂野 昌弘, 島田 広昭, 西形 達明, 北詰 恵一, 鶴田 浩章, 尾崎 平

    関西大学先端科学技術推進機構・技苑  2011.3 

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  • The Influences of Sewage Sludge Incinerated Ash on the Strength, Carbonation in Concrete and Environment,

    Hiroaki TSURUTA, Yuichi YAMAMOTO(Sanyo Electric Railway Co., Ltd.)

    First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization(ICSU2010)  2010.12 

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    Venue:Hong Kong  


  • The Influences of Sewage Sludge Incinerated Ash on the Various Properties and Environment

    Hiroaki TSURTA

    Cheng Shiu University  2010.8 

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  • 廃耐火レンガ細骨材を使用したモルタル及びコンクリートの強度性状に関する研究

    中村健二, 山本裕一, 鶴田浩章

    土木学会関西支部平成20年度年次学術講演会  2008 

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  • 親水性護岸に適用する中流動コンクリートの諸性状に関する研究

    東野弘幸, 地蔵智樹, 鶴田浩章

    土木学会関西支部平成20年度年次学術講演会  2008 

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  • 青森県日本海沿岸において著しい塩害を受けたコンクリート橋の劣化調査

    鶴田 浩章, 岩城一郎, 上原子晶久, 荒木昭俊, 相馬 基, 鈴木基行

    建設図書・橋梁と基礎  2007.10 

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  • 平成18年度道調橋第6号 コンクリート橋の健全度評価および劣化予測の検証業務報告書、ブリッジマネジメント研究会共同研究報告

    鶴田 浩章, 岩城一郎(日本大学), 上原子晶久(弘前大学), 荒木昭俊(電気化学工業), 相馬 基(青森県)


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  • 下水汚泥焼却灰の品質変動がモルタルの凝結及び強度に及ぼす影響

    堤 智紀, 鶴田浩章, 東野弘幸

    平成19年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2007 

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  • 廃耐火レンガ細骨材が及ぼすモルタルの流動性および強度への影響

    井出光司, 鶴田浩章, 中村健二

    平成19年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2007 

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  • 再生骨材を用いた電柱用高強度コンクリートの中性化と塩分浸透抵抗性に関する研究

    福澤祥宏, 松下博通, 佐川康貴, 鶴田浩章, 梅田 崇

    土木学会第61回年次学術講演会  2006 

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  • 砕砂の形状評価と細骨材の形状が及ぼすモルタルの流動性及び強度への影響

    西村彰洋, 鶴田浩章

    平成18年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2006 

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  • 粗骨材物性がコンクリートのヤング係数に及ぼす影響

    鳥居和史, 鶴田浩章

    平成18年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2006 

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  • 塩害環境におけるコンクリート道路橋のライフサイクルコストを考慮した最適な補修時期の検討

    白武知浩, 松下博通, 鶴田浩章, 佐川康貴

    平成17年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会  2006 

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  • 塩害環境下のコンクリート道路橋の劣化予測に及ぼす設定条件の影響

    高柳 創, 鶴田浩章

    平成18年度土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会  2006 

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  • The Influences of Coarse Aggregate Properties on Compressive Strength and Elastic Modulus in High Strength Concrete

    Hiroaki TSURUTA

    Concrete Journal  2005.2 

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  • フライアッシュを混入した高強度コンクリートの強度および中性化に関する検討

    福澤祥宏, 松下博通, 佐川康貴, 鶴田浩章, 中原 晋

    土木学会第60回年次学術講演会  2005 

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  • 維持管理手法の違いがコンクリート道路橋のLCC 評価に及ぼす影響

    白武知浩, 松下博通, 鶴田浩章, 佐川康貴

    土木学会第60回年次学術講演会  2005 

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Industrial property rights

  • 凍結防止剤

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    Application no:特願2021-113415  Date applied:2021.7

    Announcement no:特開2023ー009815  Date announced:2023.1



  • セメント硬化体の凍害抑制剤

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    Application no:特願2018-049132  Date applied:2018.3

    Announcement no:特開2019-156700  Date announced:2019.9

    Patent/Registration no:特許第7016529  Date registered:2022.1 



  • 製鋼スラグを用いた細骨材の製造方法、当該細骨材を用いた水和硬化体の製造方法、並びに、製鋼スラグを用いた細骨材及び水和硬化体

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    Application no:特願2010-040129  Date applied:2010.2


  • 廃耐火レンガ細骨材を使用したモルタルおよびコンクリート

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    Application no:特願2008-122896  Date applied:2008.5



  • 第25回 プレストレストコンクリートの発展に関するシンポジウム 優秀講演賞

    2016.10   公益社団法人 プレストレストコンクリート工学会  

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  • 日本材料学会関西支部支部長賞

    2011.4   公益社団法人 日本材料学会関西支部  

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  • 第6回コンクリート構造物の補修,補強,アップグレードシンポジウム 優秀論文賞

    2006.10   日本材料学会  

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  • 平成16年度学術奨励賞

    2005.5   日本材料学会  

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  • 平成15年度技術賞

    2004.5   土木学会西部支部  

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Research Projects

  • Creation of technology to control frost damage in concrete structures using ice crystal control agents

    Grant number:22H01567  2022.4 - 2025.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

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    Grant amount:\16900000 ( Direct Cost: \13000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3900000 )


  • Conservation Technique for Mural Paintings of Burial Chambers in Saqqara, Egypt: Cases of Idout and Memi

    Grant number:21H04366  2021.4 - 2026.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

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    Grant amount:\41600000 ( Direct Cost: \32000000 、 Indirect Cost:\9600000 )


  • Development of new restoration method for coral reefs focusing on analogy between bone and coral skeleton

    Grant number:19K22936  2019.6 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    UEDA Masato

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    Grant amount:\6240000 ( Direct Cost: \4800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1440000 )

    Polyps which are soft tissue of corals expanded vigorously on the surface of titanium and titanium oxide. This behaviour is quite similar to that in soft tissues of vertebrates. In addition, asexual reproduction of polyps tended to be more active on the titanium than on the titanium oxide. It might be due to adhesion strength of polyps to the substrates; polyps adhere more firmly to titanium oxide than to titanium. The changes in resonance frequency and resonance resistance were measured by using the quartz crystal microbalance system (QCM) in order to investigate the interfacial reaction. The adhesion behaviour was also observed with an optical microscope. Protein adsorption and polyp adhesion could be detected from these two perspectives. It was also experimentally shown that this method can be used to analyse the several reactions at the interface between the substrates and soft tissues of corals with millimetre order.


  • Clarification of the effect of surface penetrant material on composite deterioration of concrete structures using chemical analytical methods

    Grant number:19K04560  2019.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TSURUTA Hiroaki

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    In confirming the basic physical properties and deterioration inhibition effect of the specimen coated with the surface penetrant material, the silane-based one having an amino group has an excellent carbonation inhibition effect as compared with other silane-based ones in the outdoor exposure test. It was confirmed that when used in combination with other silane-based ones, a high inhibition effect on the complex deterioration of carbonation and chloride induced deterioration can be obtained. In the confirmation of the composition change of the surface penetrant material coating part using chemical analysis, it was possible to confirm the composition change by utilizing SEM-EDX analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and FT-IR. In the discussion of the deterioration inhibition effect of the surface penetrant material, it was confirmed from the analysis results that a part of the deterioration inhibition mechanism could be clarified.


  • Application of Antifreeze Polysaccharide for Improving the Freezing Resistance of Concrete

    Grant number:16K14294  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research


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    Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct Cost: \2800000 、 Indirect Cost:\840000 )

    In this study, the research goal is clarifying the validity of mixing or coating for the improvement of freezing resistance in concrete and the validity of the application to anti-freezing agent by using Antifreeze Polysaccharide which is natural material.
    In mixing of Antifreeze Polysaccharide, it was found that there were peak in the effective concentration of Antifreeze Polysaccharide and the surfactant effect in Antifreeze Polysaccharide, and much air was entrained in concrete by applying high concentration of Antifreeze Polysaccharide. In coating of Antifreeze Polysaccharide, it was found that there were effective concentration of Antifreeze Polysaccharide and possibility of the outflow of Antifreeze Polysaccharide. The advantage that conventional anti-freezing agent was exceeded couldn't be confirmed by single using Antifreeze Polysaccharide in application to anti-freezing agent.


  • Nation-wide Exposure Test on Evaluation of Environmental Inpact for Concrete Structures

    Grant number:15H04026  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


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    Grant amount:\16380000 ( Direct Cost: \12600000 、 Indirect Cost:\3780000 )

    Worldwidely, reinforced concrete structures deteriorate, sometimes seriously, due to chloride, sulphate and carbonation attack. Corrosion of reinforcing steel is of great concern because it is probably the most widespread cause of degradation in reinforced concrete. This study conducted the exposure test, where the specimens were exposed in three different exposure areas namely Kagoshima, Okinawa and Kyushu University. Based on the finding derived from the experimental program, the summary is as follows:
    The corrosion of steel bar embedded in mortar specimens was evaluated in different environmental conditions after 8 years of exposure. The exposure test was conducted in different climate conditions. The exposure locations were "sulfate condition", "chloride condition" and "carbon dioxide condition".It was found that in the specimens exposed in sulfate and chloride conditions, the corrosion was slight and still in good condition compared with those in carbonation condition.


  • Development of Cloud BMS Using Real Deteriorated Bridge

    Grant number:25289141  2013.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Furuta Hitoshi

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    Grant amount:\17420000 ( Direct Cost: \13400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4020000 )

    This project aims to achieve the sustainable management framework for the maintenance of infrastructures. Introducing the bridge management system developed here, it is possible to search an effective or optimal planning of bridge maintenance through WEB service based on cloud computing technologies. Then, by conducting the experiment of real deteriorated bridge, the system could be proven to provide useful information for the maintenance work. In order to contribute the training of inexperienced or young engineers an e-learning system has been developed, which is available to learn the the maintenance methods including inspection, repair and replacement and so on . By using the system it enables to obtain the sufficient skill and knowledge regardless of time and location constraints.


  • Development of a system encouraging coral restoration by using an independent hydroelectric power generator

    Grant number:25550065  2013.4 - 2015.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    TAKAHASHI Tomoyuki, TOKUSHIGE Hidenobu, TSURUTA Hiroaki

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    Grant amount:\2080000 ( Direct Cost: \1600000 、 Indirect Cost:\480000 )

    To develop a system encouraging coral restoration by using a weak electric current, the following field investigations, hydraulic experiment, design of the mortar base for coral reproduction and coral growing experiment have been conducted. The field investigations were carried out in Okinawa, and studied actual coral damages and the present situation of coral restoration. In the hydraulic experiment, an independent hydroelectric power generator was tested it design and performance by using a circulated water channel. The mortar base for coral reproduction was examined on its material and structure, and designed suitable for coral restoration. In the coral growing experiment, coral has been raised in two water tanks simulating the actual sea bottom environment of coral reef, and a growth rate of coral was compared about the material of mortar base and the weak electric current.


  • The development and estimation of surface protection materials which are effective for improving of the durability on concrete structures.

    Grant number:23560559  2011 - 2013

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    TSURUTA Hiroaki

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    Grant amount:\5330000 ( Direct Cost: \4100000 、 Indirect Cost:\1230000 )

    Paying attention to the surface protection method for a concrete structure, it aimed at clarifying their character and effect in application of surface penetrant material and low-temperature electric arc spraying. As a results, the effect of combination type surface penetrant was better than mixed type surface penetrant and low-temperature electric arc spraying. Main results were as follows. 1) In surface penetrant, the best effect of impregnation depth was in case of coating with standard coating quantity. 2) The curing period from coating to the start of the test was enough in 2 weeks. 3) In combination type surface penetrant, the best ratio of silicate type to silane type was 2:8, and the effect on chloride induced deterioration was better than that of carbonation. 4) Mixed type surface penetrant and low-temperature electric arc spraying were not better than the effect of combination type surface penetrant.


  • 電気炉酸化スラグの品質評価とコンクリートへの影響の明確化

    2011 - 2013

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Establishment of system of science and technology on evaluation of performance of concrete structures with material deterioration

    Grant number:21246072  2009 - 2011

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    SHIMOMURA Takumi, TANAKA Yasushi, MIYAZATO Shin-ichi, YAMAMOTO Takashi, MIKATA Yasuhiro, KOBAYASHI Koichi, KUBO Yoshimori, KAMIHARAKO Akihisa, ABA Minoru, KUNIEDA Minoru, KATO Ema, OOYADO Michiaki, KATO Yoshitaka, SAITO Shigehiko, TAKAHASHI Ryosuke, TSURUTA Hiroaki, AKIYAMA Mitsuyoshi

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    Grant amount:\46150000 ( Direct Cost: \35500000 、 Indirect Cost:\10650000 )

    Structural performance of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures which had been deteriorated by reinforcement corrosion, alkali-silica reaction and frost damage were investigated through laboratory test, loading test of actual structures and nonlinear finite analysis. Number of experimental facts and mechanisms about influences of material deterioration in structures on the structural performance were found in this study. Evaluation method of residual structural performance of deteriorated existing structures based on on-site investigation and numerical simulation was proposed.


  • 親水性防災護岸に用いる中流動コンクリートの諸性質の検討

    2007 - 2009

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 廃耐火レンガのコンクリート材料としての有効利用用途の開発

    2006 - 2008

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • ダム撤去を例とした社会基盤の再構築に関する研究

    Grant number:17656144  2005 - 2006

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  萌芽研究

    三谷 泰浩, 江崎 哲郎, 池見 洋明, 島谷 幸宏, 鶴田 浩章

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    Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 )



  • A Study on Limit State for Steel Corrosion of Concrete Members with Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag

    Grant number:14350235  2002 - 2004

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MATSUSHITA Hiromichi, TSURUTA Hiroaki, HAMADA Hidenori, TAKEWAKA Koji, SOEDA Masashi, CHIKADA Takao

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    Grant amount:\12200000 ( Direct Cost: \12200000 )

    The purpose of this study is to determine the carbonation speed and the penetration speed of chloride ion of concrete with ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) and to investigate the effects of carbonation and salt damage to the limit state of steel corrosion. Electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) was performed to obtain the detailed distribution of chloride ion. A sensor to monitoring steel corrosion was made on an experimental basis
    Firstly, normal-strength and high-strength concrete with GGBFS were tested in laboratories. High replacement ratio, high fineness, and long wet curing increased resistance to carbonation and chloride ion penetration. Chloride ion penetration of high-strength concrete was restrained at surface layer, and carbonation depth and penetration depth of chloride ion hardly increased. Only the concrete with GGBFS could resist to an antifreezing agent such as calcium chloride. Moreover, GGBFS could delay combined deterioration of carbonation and chloride penetration, and of carbonation and acid rain.
    Secondly, past researches on the limit state of steel corrosion and the results of exposure tests were summarized. It was found that the important factors to dominate corrosion were concentration of chloride ion, wind velocity, temperature, the deviation of temperature and humidity.
    Then, a method using EPMA to obtain the detailed distribution of chloride ion in concrete was verified experimentally. The results by EPMA method well agreed with the results by usual titration method.
    Lastly, practicality of the sensor made on experimental basis was examined. The condition that the steel wire of sensor corroded and electric resistance of it increased was clarified, and there is prospect of a practical application of the sensor for structures.


  • Study on the chemical prestressed shin panel with high expansive concrete

    Grant number:10650451  1998 - 2000

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    YAMASAKI Takehiro, WATANABE Akira, HARADA Tetsuo, IDEMITSU Takashi, SOEDA Masashi

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    Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )

    The method of construction which uses the permanent form instead of an wood form and supports have begun to spread from the viewpoint of construction's safety, the quickness, making noiseless, and the environment measure in building, the forest environment protection at the earth scale and so on.
    The permanent form which uses a form just as it is as the body of concrete has high proof stress compared with the wood form, and makes the construction work possible without separation of the form from the concrete after casting.
    When making an permanent form from concrete, it is desirable to introduce a prestress from the viewpoint of the crack prevention due to the self shrinkage and the dry shrinkage or the reduction of weight of the member's cross section.
    For its purpose, the introduction of uniform prestress becomes important so as not to causes a deflection, using the carbon fiber meshes which is not rust even if it is thin cover.
    Making the PC panel by 2 directions prestress, a lot of CFRP tendons must be fixed by special pre tensioning method. To use such tensioning equipment, the advanced tensioning management became necessary, it examined the application of chemical prestressed concrete (CPC) which doesn't need the fixing equipment of the CFRP tendon in this study.
    When using a tendons with low elasticity coefficient, to make an effective pre stress big, it is necessary to tense in the CFRP tendons beyond 700 μ of strain which is prescribed with the concrete specification of JSCE.
    It examined experimentally from the aspect of durable-ness improvement by the material composition, the expansion mechanism, the expansion pressure, the mix proportion, the curing method, the degree of the restriction, and the polymer mixing about the pre stress introduction characteristic by CPC under such high expansion.


  • 防菌剤を添加したコンクリートの抗菌特性

    Grant number:10875090  1998 - 2000

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  萌芽的研究

    松下 博通, 堤 博文, 鶴田 浩章, 添田 政司

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    Grant amount:\2200000 ( Direct Cost: \2200000 )




    Grant number:05650436  1993 - 1994

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    MAKIZUMI Tatsunori, TSURUTA Hiroaki

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    Grant amount:\2100000 ( Direct Cost: \2100000 )

    (1) Method for tensile test to examine the properties of Carbon Fiber Net
    To examine the bihavior of crack in concrete reinforced by Carbon Fiber Net, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of materials and anchorage mechanism of fiber reinforcement. So the methods of bending test using beams with notch at the center of specimen was examined to understand them. As the results, it was possible to understand the characteristics of the materials and the anchorage mechanism by using the testing method like the case of direct tensile tests.
    (2) Study on distribution of strain of Carbon Fiber Net in concrete
    Strain characteristics of Carbon Fiber Net was studied by the above method under tensile loads. At first, strain gauges were attached to the center of longitudinal fiber within some meshes. In order to measure the resistance force in the transverse fibers, the longitudinal fiber strain in each mesh was measured. While the load was increasing, the changes of fiber strain were measured.
    As the results are as follows :
    a) Resistance forces were transferred to next transverse fiber in order.
    b) The existence of transverse fibers that aren't necessary for anchoring don't influence the behavior of strain.
    c) If fiber reinforcements have the scattering of strains, they rupture with keeping the scattering.
    (3) Expression of equation that shows the anchorage mechanism of Carbon Fiber Net
    The properties of strains were tried to understand quantitatively by using elastic spring model that express the effect of the grid. In this paper, to express correctly the real properties with reference to elastic spring model that suggested in the study of the past, the resistance of transverse fiber was used to the model. And this study made the following condition "If the resistance exceeds the ultimate, a displacement of grid's intersection point grow". That condition made it possible to calculate the strain that reduced like a stair. In future, we will investigate the calculating crack width by using this theory.


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Social Activities

  • 国土交通省近畿地方整備局公共構造物品質コンテスト(コンクリート構造物部門)現場審査委員


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  • 日本道路公団 超高強度繊維補強コンクリートを用いた橋梁に関する技術検討委員会委員


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  • 国土交通省 九州地区長寿命コンクリート構造物検討委員会委員

    2003 - 2005

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  • 北九州市 モノレールコンクリート構造物劣化対策検討委員会副委員長

    2001 - 2002

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  • 福岡県 新北九州空港連絡道路設計・施工委員会コンクリート部会WG委員

    2001 - 2002

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  • 建設省九州地方建設局共同溝設計施工検討委員会委員

    2000 - 2003

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  • 福岡建設専門学校土木科非常勤講師

    1995 - 2004

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Devising educational methods

  • ・授業の理解度向上対策 空欄補充形式の「授業のポイント」を作成して配布、翌週の授業前に回収し、学生の授業への取組み態度および家庭学習の取組み状況を確認し、翌週返却した。 授業内容のpptをPDF版として、授業前に関大LMSに掲載。学生が授業中にPDF版にメモをとれるようにした。 授業終了5分前あたりに、当日の授業内容についての課題を与え、ミニッツペーパーに記載し提出させた。 ・討論の機会の提供 「メンテナンス工学」の授業の中で、メンテナンス分野に関連する社会情勢や社会のしくみの考慮も含めた課題を与え、少人数のグループで討議を行い、グループごとに発表させた。 ・セミでの学生による相互評価の実施 学部生、院生のゼミでの発表において、学生同士で質問しあい、評価を行い、評価点やコメントについては共有することで、他人がどう感じたかを把握させた。

Teaching materials

  • 作成した教科書 ・図説 わかるメンテナンス-土木・環境・社会基盤施設の維持管理- 学芸出版社 2010年 宮川豊章:監修、森川英典:編集 鶴田浩章:分担執筆 メンテナンス工学の教科書として使用 鋼構造物とコンクリート構造物の維持管理について、メンテナンス・マネジメントの考え方も取扱い、初学者にもわかるように解説したもの。 ・建設材料実験 公益社団法人日本材料学会2010年 日本材料学会編 都市環境工学実験の教科書として使用 従来からの同名本をJIS改正等に合わせ、内容も改訂したもので、材料実験に最適な実験書

Teaching method presentations

  •  特になし

Special notes on other educational activities

  • ・高大連携事業 関西大学北陽中学校連携プログラムで、中学生を対象に、コンクリートに関係する実験を交えて、セメントやコンクリート、構造物の維持管理に関するセミナーを行った。 ・学外の技術者対象の講義 地方自治体職員や構造物点検技術者に対する講習会の講師として、コンクリート構造物の劣化や耐久性、維持管理等の内容に関する講習を行った。