Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering Professor
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  • 水産学博士 ( 1994.3 )

  • 水産学修士

Research Interests

  • 未利用資源、n-3系高度不飽和脂肪酸、キトサン、水産タンパク質

  • 健康機能、栄養機能、生活習慣病、生理活性物質、機能性評価、タンパク質栄養、脂質栄養

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Research Areas

  • Life Science / Food sciences

  • Life Science / Aquatic life science

  • Life Science / Medical management and medical sociology


  • Hokkaido University   Graduate School, Division of Fisheries


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    Country: Japan


  • Hokkaido University   Faculty of Fisheries

    - 1988

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Facultyof Chemistry ,Materials and Bioengineering Professor


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  • Facultyof Chemistry ,Materials and Bioengineering Associate Professor


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  • Kansai University Faculty of Engineering , Associate Professor


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  • Kansai Medical University Depertment of Public Health,Associate Professor

    1995.7 - 2003.3

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  • Institute of Applied Biochemistry

    1995.4 - 1995.6

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  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral fellowship

    1993.10 - 1995.3

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Professional Memberships

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  • メタボローム解析を用いた氷温(−4℃)発酵パンの成分プロファイルの評価 Reviewed

    北野淳志, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   25, 1-6   2024.3

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  • セレン強化リョクトウスプラウトに含有されるセレンの栄養有効性 Reviewed

    王婷婷, 西村聡史, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   40, 6-9.   2023.12

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  • Structural analysis of Ceramide Aminoethyl Phosphonate Derived from Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) By-product Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, S. Itonori, R. Hosomi, T. Ishida, H. Matsui, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Trace Nutrients Research   40, 46-51.   2023.12

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  • カキ肉エキスの給餌によるマウスの糞中ムチン濃度および回腸Mucin2 発現量の増加効果 Reviewed

    石田達也, 松井博之, 松田芳和, 田中元稀, 中西晏里沙, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   40, 34-39.   2023.12

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  • Nutritional Availability of Zinc Contained in Phytin in Rats with Adequate and Low Zinc Status Reviewed

    Z. Jin, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida

    Metallomics Research   3(3), reg01-reg08 .   2023.12

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  • レンコンデンプンの栄養価 Reviewed

    黄欣儀, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   40, 10–13.   2023.12

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  • Dietary Bamboo Charcoal Decreased Visceral Adipose Tissue Weight by Enhancing Fecal Lipid Excretions in Mice with High-fat Diet-induced Obesity Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, T. Shinagawa, K. Kuroki, S. Toma, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Preventive Nutrition and Food Science   28(3): 246-254.   2023.10

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  • 氷温(−4℃)でのパン生地の一次発酵がパンの性状および嗜好性に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    北野淳志, 平野里南, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   24, 8-14   2023.3

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  • Ablation efficacy of 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy on human glioma stem cells Reviewed

    N. Omura, N. Nonoguchi, T. Fujishiro, Y. Park, N. Ikeda, Y. Kajimoto, R. Hosomi, R. Yagi, R. Hiramatsu, M. Furuse, S. Kawabata, K. Fukunaga, T. Kuroiwa, I. Nakano, M. Wanibuchi

    Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy   41, 103119   2023.3

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  • Effect of Sodium Phytate and Phytin on the Absorption and Organ Concentration of Several Minerals in Rats Reviewed

    Z. Jin, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida

    Trace Nutrients Research   39, 1-7   2022.12

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  • Protective Effects of Fish (Alaska Pollock) Protein Intake Against Short-term Memory Decline in Senescence-Accelerated Mice Reviewed

    Y. Murakami, R. Hosomi, A. Nishimoto, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Nutrients   14(21), 4618   2022.11

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  • Processing Alaska pollock protein into kamaboko protein mitigates elevated serum cholesterol and postprandial glucose levels in obese Zucker fa/fa rats Reviewed

    N. Takada, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga

    Foods   11(21), 3434   2022.11

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  • Changes in the Renal Copper Concentration in Rats as a Function of Phosphorus Intake Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, S. Ikeda, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga

    Metallomics Research   2(2), reg1-8   2022.8

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  • Dietary scallop oil prepared from the internal organs of Japanese giant scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) improved mite allergen-induced atopic dermatitis-like symptoms on the dorsal skin of NC/Nga mice Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, N. Hagihara, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistr   86(7), 922-931   2022.7

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  • Dietary Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Extract Ameliorates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Chronic Experimental Colitis by Improving the Composition of Gut Microbiota in Mice Reviewed

    T. Ishida, H. Matsui, Y. Matsuda, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida

    Foods   11(14), 2032   2022.7

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  • Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Extract Attenuates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Acute Experimental Colitis by Improving Gut Microbiota and Short-Chain Fatty Acids Compositions in Mice Reviewed

    T. Ishida, H. Matsui, Y. Matsuda, R. Hosomi, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida

    Foods   11(3), 373   2022.3

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  • Dietary Alaska Pollock Protein Attenuates the Experimental Colitis Induced by Dextran Sulfate Sodium via Regulation of Gut Microbiota and Its Metabolites in Mice Reviewed

    G. Tanaka, N. Hagihara, R. Hosomi, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Metabolites   12(1), 44   2022.1

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  • Dietary Phospholipids Prepared from Scallop Internal Organs Attenuate the Serum and Liver Cholesterol Contents by Enhancing the Expression of Cholesterol Hydroxylase in the Liver of Mice Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Frontiers in Nutrition   8: 761928   2021.10

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  • Dietary eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl esters influence the gut microbiota and bacterial metabolites in rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, A. Matsudo, K. Sugimoto, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Oleo Science   70(10), 1469-1480   2021.10

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  • Effect of Phytic Acid Administration on the Zinc concentration, Uric Acid Biosynthesis, and Serum Lipid Components in Rats Reviewed

    Z. Jin, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida

    Metallomics Research   1(1), 26-32   2021.10

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  • Comparison of the Cholesterol-Lowering Effect of Scallop Oil Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis), Fish Oil, and Krill Oil in Obese Type II Diabetic KK-Ay Mice Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, R. Hosomi, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Oleo Science   70(7), 965-977   2021.7

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  • Effect of 6,9,12,15-Hexadecatetraenoic Acid (C16:4n-1)-Ethyl Ester on Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Composition in the Blood and Organs of Mice Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, T. Tanizaki, S. Ikawa, T. Tsushima, Y. Misawa, N. Baba, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Oleo Science   70(5), 703-712   2021.5

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  • ニンニク‘北海道在来’の摂取によるアポリポプロテインE欠損マウスの動脈硬化進展抑制効果 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 新井博文, 安永亜花里, 矢萩大嗣, 安武俊一, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    日本健康医学会雑誌   30(1), 76-82.   2021.4

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  • 可食性昆虫類における脂肪酸の組成とその由来 Reviewed

    吉田宗弘, 大澤司, 林佳奈子, 奥本碧, 細見亮太, 福永健治

    環動昆   32(1), 9-15   2021.4

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  • 氷温を利用した豚肉の長期熟成処理が一般生菌数および呈味成分濃度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 岸本友里恵, 福田雄一, 中村潤平, 福間康文, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   22, 1-6   2021.3

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  • 重合度の異なるリン酸塩の給餌がラットの腎臓石灰化およびミネラル出納に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 中澤知奈美, 萩原希, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    日本健康医学会雑誌   29(4), 389-400   2021.1

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  • Effects of dietary oils prepared from the internal organs of the Japanese giant scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) on cholesterol metabolism in obese Type-II diabetic KK-Ay mice Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Food Science & Nutrition   8, 6727–6737   2020.12

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  • 老化米の投与がラットの成長と鉄状態に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    吉田宗弘, 泉井望希, 神田珠希, 細見亮太, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   37, 7-11   2020.12

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  • Dietary Alaska pollock protein attenuates liver steatosis and alters gut microbiota in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice Reviewed

    H. Maeda, R. Hosomi, T. Yokoyama, Y. Ikeda, A. Nishimoto, G. Tanaka, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Functional Foods   75, 104266   2020.12

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  • 系統の異なるシロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)のセレン耐性および蓄積の違い Reviewed

    森武栄光, 清水栄人, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   37, 19-23   2020.12

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  • Dietary Alaska pollock protein alters insulin sensitivity and gut microbiota composition in rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, A. Nishimoto, T. Kobayashi, Y. Ikeda, M. Mitsui, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Food Science   85(10), 3628-3637   2020.10

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  • 家庭用冷蔵庫のチルドルームを用いた牛および豚ロース肉の熟成処理が一般生菌数,呈味成分濃度および食味性に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 中村潤平, 福田雄一, 船山敦子, 福間康文, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    日本食品保蔵科学会誌   46(3), 99-109   2020.8

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  • 餌料中トリポリリン酸ナトリウム濃度の違いがラットの腎臓石灰化およびミネラル出納に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 中澤知奈美, 萩原希, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    日本健康医学会雑誌   29(2), 208-218   2020.7

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  • Repeated 28-Day and 13-Week Dose Toxicity Studies of Oils Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) in Rats Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, E. Shimizu, N. Hagihara, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida, T. Yoshioka, K. Takahashi

    Fundamental Toxicological Sciences   7(4), 177-188   2020.5

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  • Single and Repeated Dose 28-Day and 13-Week Toxicity Studies of Oil Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) in Mice Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, T. Tanizaki, E. Shimizu, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida, T. Yoshioka, K. Takahashi

    Foods   9(6), 691   2020.5

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  • A puncturing device that mimics the mechanism of mosquito's proboscis and labium -Verification of the effect of skin deformation/needle buckling prevention mechanism and puncture experiment on artificial skin and experimental animals- Reviewed

    S. Yamamoto, S. Aoyagi, M. Yamada, T. Takahashi, M. Suzuki, T. Nagashima, A. Kunugi, M. Chiyonobu, T. Kuroiwa, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, D. Uta, T. Takazawa, T. Hikitsuchi, Y. Kawajiri, K Nakayama

    International Journal of Automation Technology   14(1), 117-127   2020.4

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  • 食餌性リン酸塩の化学形態およびリン濃度がラットの腎臓石灰化およびミネラル出納に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 中澤知奈美, 萩原希, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    日本健康医学会雑誌   29(1), 27-38   2020.4

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  • Keratin Film for Evaluation of Puncture Performance of Microneedle Reviewed

    R. Nishino, S. Aoyagi, M. Suzuki, A. Ueda, Y. Okumura, T. Takahashi, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, D. Uta, T. Takazawa, T. Fujii

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   32(2), 351-361   2020.4

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  • ドライエイジングおよびウェットエイジング処理した牛肉表面の微生物群集の網羅的解析 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福田雄一, 中村潤平, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   21, 1-8   2020.3

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  • カキ肉エキスの給餌がマウスの糞中細菌叢および短鎖脂肪酸組成に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    中村潤平, 池田祐生, 細見亮太, 石田達也, 松井博之, 松田芳和, 下埜敬紀, 神田靖士, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   36, 21-28   2019.12

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  • 食餌タンパク質の違いが炭酸ランタン投与ラットの血清リン濃度と臓器中ランタン濃度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    吉田宗弘, 西崎一誠, 古村絵理, 細見亮太, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   36, 29-34   2019.12

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  • スクロオキシ水酸化鉄由来の鉄の栄養的価値と臓器蓄積 Reviewed

    長谷川剛志, 西浦駿将, 田口実穂, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   36, 4-9   2019.12

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  • 亜セレン酸ナトリウムを曝露したシロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)中に存在するSe-(メチル)セレノ-L-システインの同定 Reviewed

    森武栄光, 大塚政志, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   36, 10-14   2019.12

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  • D-アラニンの給餌がマウスおよびラットの血清生化学検査値および遊離アミノ酸濃度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    清水栄人, 中川航希, 平田夏希, 老川典夫, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   36, 15-20   2019.12

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  • Dietary Fat Influences the Expression of Genes Related to Sterol Metabolism and the Composition of Cecal Microbiota and Its Metabolites in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, A. Matsudo, K. Sugimoto, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Oleo Science   68(11), 1133-1147   2019.11

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  • Effect of Dietary Oil rich in Docosahexaenoic Acid-bound Lysophosphatidylcholine Prepared from Fishery By-Products on Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition in Rat Liver and Brain Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, T. Nagao, S. Shiba, K. Miyauchi, M. Yoshida, K. Takahashi

    Journal of Oleo Science   68(8), 781-792   2019.8

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  • Genotoxicity Evaluation of Oil Prepared from the Internal Organs of the Japanese Giant Scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) Reviewed

    K. Sugimoto, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, T. Yoshioka, K. Takahashi

    Fundamental Toxicological Sciences   6(4), 137-143   2019.6

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  • 超氷温ジェルアイスを用いた解凍処理が冷凍カツオおよびマグロの脂質劣化指標に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 古川英和, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   20, 1-5   2019.3

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  • Effect of Dietary Partial Hydrolysate of Phospholipids, Rich in Docosahexaenoic Acid-Bound Lysophospholipids, on Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition in Rat Serum and Liver Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, T. Nagao, T. Tanizaki, K. Miyauchi, M. Yoshida, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, K. Takahashi

    Journal of Food Science   84(1), 183-191   2019.1

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  • シロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)における亜セレン酸ナトリウムおよびセレノ-L-メチオニン曝露後の発現変動遺伝子の網羅的解析 Reviewed

    大塚政志, 細見亮太, 老川典夫, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   35, 21-27   2018.12

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  • カキ肉エキスの給餌によるラットの盲腸内細菌叢の変化 Reviewed

    池田祐生, 細見亮太, 松田芳和, 新井博文, 下埜敬紀, 神田靖士, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   35, 41-46   2018.12

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  • 即席中華めんおよび中華スタイル即席カップめんのリン含有量の計算値と実測値の比較 Reviewed

    中澤知奈美, 山田紗百合, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    日本健康医学会誌   27(1), 62-67   2018.4

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  • 超氷温ジェルアイスを用いた冷凍魚解凍後の脂質過酸化指標の評価 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 湯之上航, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   19, 1-6   2018.3

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  • コンビニエンスストア弁当に含まれるリンの計算値と実測値の比較 Reviewed

    谷崎俊文, 山田紗百合, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   34, 33-36   2017.12

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  • セレン強化スプラウトの抗酸化成分含量および抗酸化活性の評価 Reviewed

    大津浩平, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   34, 27-32   2017.12

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  • 無機および有機セレン化合物の曝露がシロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)の生長と遺伝子発現量に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    大塚政志, 廣瀬侑太郞, 細見亮太, 老川典夫, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   34, 8-13   2017.12

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  • 低鉄飼料投与ラットにおけるマンガンの臓器蓄積 Reviewed

    由上文子, 津本真也, 斉悦, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   34, 47-51   2017.12

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  • Effects of Oolonghomobisflavan A on Oxidation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Reviewed

    E. Sukhbold, S. Sekimoto, E. Watanabe, A. Yamazaki, L. Yang, M. Takasugi, K. Yamada, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai

    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry   81(8), 1569-1575   2017.8

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  • Differential effects of cod proteins and tuna proteins on serum and liver lipid profiles in rats fed non-cholesterol- and cholesterol-containing diets Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, H. Maeda, Y. Ikeda, Y. Toda, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Preventive Nutrition and Food Science   22(2), 90-99   2017.7

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  • Dietary tuna dark muscle protein attenuates hepatic steatosis and increases serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in obese type-2 diabetic/obese KK-Ay mice Reviewed

    H. Maeda, R. Hosomi, M. Fukuda, Y. Ikeda, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Food Science   82(5), 1231-1238   2017.5

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  • Soybean Meal Reduces Tissue Iodine Concentration in Rats Administered Kombu Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, A. Mukama, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga

    Biomedical Research on Trace Elements   28(1), 28-34   2017.4

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  • Dietary Oyster-Extract Decreases Cholesterol Content by Suppressing hepatic HMG-CoA Reductase mRNA Expression Level and Enhancing Fecal Steroids Excretions in Rats Fed High-Fat Diet Reviewed

    A Matsudo, N Nishimura, R Hosomi, S Harumatsu, S Fukuda, Y Matsuda, M Yoshida, K Fukunaga

    Trace Nutrients Research   33, 43-48   2016.12

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  • ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイス貯蔵による鮮魚の品質保持延長効果 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 坂上貴彦, 松堂杏菜, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   18, 1-6   2016.12

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  • 亜セレン酸曝露によるシロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)の生育抑制と遺伝子発現量の変化 Reviewed

    廣瀬侑太郞, 大塚政志, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   33, 112-117   2016.12

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  • 氷温熟成による豚ロース皮下脂肪部の遊離脂肪酸生成およびトリグリセリド分解の及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 仲勇樹, 中澤 知奈美, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   18, 7-12   2016.12

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  • 亜セレン酸またはセレノメチオニンの栄養有効性に及ぼす投与期間の影響 Reviewed

    廣瀬侑太郞, 北川怜子, 下川真由子, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   33, 9-12   2016.12

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  • ラットの鉄栄養状態に及ぼす硫酸鉄およびヘモグロビン給餌の影響 Reviewed

    中澤知奈美, 柳井美穂, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   33, 49-54   2016.12

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  • Hypolipidemic Effects of Phospholipids (PL) Containing n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) Are Not Dependent on Esterification of n-3 PUFA to PL Reviewed

    K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, M. Fukao, K. Miyauchi, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Lipids   51(3), 279-289   2016.3

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  • Porcine Hemoglobin Promotes Lipid Excretion to Feces more Strongly than Globin Protein in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, R. Otsuka, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Food Science and Biotechnology   25(S), 107-112   2016.3

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  • 氷温熟成過程での豚ロース筋肉部の遊離アミノ酸および呈味成分の変化 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 戸田裕子, 山本夏穂, 大塚錬, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   17, 1-6   2015.12

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  • Lipid Components Prepared from an Oyster-extract By-product Decreases Triacylglycerol Contents by Suppressing Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Activity and Lowering the Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Index in Rat Livers Reviewed

    Y. Toda, T. Sato, R. Hosomi, S. Harumatsu, S. Fukuda, Y. Matsuda, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Trace Nutrients Research   32, 20-26   2015.12

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  • マグロ血合肉の希塩酸抽出物に含まれるセレンの栄養有効性 Reviewed

    廣瀬侑太郎, 崔懿, 山川裕久, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   32, 1-3   2015.12

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  • 亜鉛の過不足によるカイワレダイコン(Raphanus sativus L. 'Kaiwaredaikon')スプラウトの亜鉛濃度および遺伝子発現量への影響 Reviewed

    高井彩帆, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   32, 34-39   2015.12

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  • 高リン給餌時のラット腎臓ミネラル濃度およびミネラル出納に及ぼす魚肉たんぱく質の影響 Reviewed

    宮内一匡, 須田理子, 中澤知奈美, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   32, 15-19   2015.12

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  • Salmon Protamine Decreases Serum and Liver Lipid Contents by Inhibiting Lipid Absorption in an In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion Model and in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Miyauchi, D. Yamamoto, H. Arai, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Food Science   80(10), H2346–H2353   2015.10

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  • Effect of Bean Extract of Yabumame (Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fernald subsp. edgeworthii (Benth.) H.Ohashi) on Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation In Vitro Reviewed

    L. Yang, J. Kinkoshi, S. Sekimoto, M. Takasugi, K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, A. Hishida, N. Kawahara, T. Yamagishi, H. Arai

    Food Science and Technology Research   21(4), 589-596   2015.8

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  • Low Molybdenum State Induced by Tungsten as a Model of Molybdenum Deficiency in Rats Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, M. Nakagawa, R. Hosomi, T. Nishiyama, K. Fukunaga

    Biological Trace Element Research   165(1), 75-80   2015.5

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  • Dietary ε-Polylysine Decreased Serum and Liver Lipid Contents by Enhancing Fecal Lipid Excretion Irrespective of Increased in Hepatic Fatty Acid Biosynthesis-related Enzymes Activities in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, D. Yamamoto, R. Otsuka, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Preventive Nutrition and Food Science   20(1), 43-51   2015.3

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  • Dietary Cod Dietary cod protein decreases triacylglycerol accumulation and fatty acid desaturase indices in the liver of obese type-2 diabetic KK-Ay mice Reviewed

    H. Maeda, R. Hosomi, M. Koizumi, Y. Toda, M. Mitsui, K. Fukunaga

    Journal of Functional Foods   14, 87-94   2015.2

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  • Serum and Tissue Iodine Concentrations in Rats Fed Diets Supplemented with Kombu Powder or Potassium Iodide Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, A. Mukama, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, T. Nishiyama

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   60 (6), 454-456   2014.12

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  • ナノ窒素海水ジェルアイスを用いた鮮魚貯蔵中の脂質酸化的劣化度の評価 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 小池陽介, 野口伸之助, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   16, 7-13   2014.12

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  • 魚肉タンパク質がリン過剰存在下におけるカルシウムの可溶性に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    須田理子, 宮内一匡, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   31, 6-11   2014.12

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  • 氷温熟成過程における脂肪融点の低い豚肩ロース皮下脂肪部の脂質性状の変化 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 河田有梨江, 大塚錬, 黒木克翁, 福間康文, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   16, 1-6   2014.12

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  • Effects of Porcine Hemoglobin on Serum Lipid Content and Fecal Lipid Excretion in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Journal of Medicinal Food   17(3), 302-309   2014.3

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  • 使用年数の異なる鉄鍋を用いた調理中の鉄溶出量と鉄鍋表面の金属元素の化学状態 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 下地葵, 野口伸之助, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   30, 17-20   2013.12

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  • 氷温熟成が豚ロース皮下脂肪部の脂質性状に与える影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 福間康文, 大塚錬, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    氷温科学   15, 1-6   2013.12

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  • Chemical Composition of Salmon Ovary Outer Membrane and its Protein Increases Fecal Mucins Content in C57BL/6J and Type 2 Diabetic/Obese KK-Ay Mice Reviewed

    H. Maeda, R. Hosomi, U. Chiba, K. Fukunaga

    Foods   2(3), 415-429   2013.9

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  • Supplementation With Highly Purified Docosahexaenoic Acid Ethyl Ester Was Associated With Enhancement of Hepatic Fatty Acid Oxidation and Greater Apparent Absorption of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Rats Reviewed

    K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, R. Inayoshi, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Journal of Food Research   2(5), 90-103   2013.9

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  • Dietary Combination of Fish Oil and Hemoglobin Hydrolysates Alters Serum and Liver Lipid Contents in Rat. Reviewed

    K. Fukunaga, N. Yukawa, R. Hosomi, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Food and Nutrition Sciences   4(9A1), 86-93   2013.9

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  • Effect of combination of dietary fish protein and fish oil on lipid metabolism in rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Journal of Food Science and Technology   50(2), 266-274   2013.4

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  • Effect of Dietary Oyster-Extract By-Product on Serum and Liver Lipid Contents in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, H. Noda, Y. Matsuda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Trace Nutrients Research   29, 18-24   2012.12

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  • 日本人成人女性ビーガンのビタミンB12摂取量の評価 Reviewed

    湯川法子, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   29, 28-31   2012.12

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  • Combination Effect of Phospholipids and n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Rat Cholesterol Metabolism Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Fukao, M. Yoshida, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, T. Kanada

    Food Science and Biotechnology   21(5), 1335-1342   2012.10

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  • ラットの脂質代謝に及ぼすハトムギ精白粉給餌の影響

    細見亮太, 稲吉良亮, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    鳥取短期大学紀要   65, 27-33   2012.6

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  • Seafood Consumption and Components for Health Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga

    Global Journal of Health Science   4(3), 72-86   2012.5

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  • Tissue Lanthanum Deposition and Phosphorus Balance in Rats with Long-term Dietary Administration of Lanthanum Carbonate Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama

    Biomedical Research on Trace Elements   23(1), 40-44   2012.4

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  • Phosphorus Balance in Rats with Hypophosphatemia Induced by Lanthanum Carbonate Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, R. Hosomi, M. Kunimatsu, M. Nakamura, K. Fukunaga, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama

    Food and Nutrition Sciences   3(3), 405-410   2012.3

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  • Fish protein hydrolysates affect cholesterol metabolism in rats fed non-cholesterol and high-cholesterol diets Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Journal of Medicinal Food   15(3), 299-306   2012.2

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  • 日本人成人女性ビーガンの脂肪酸摂取量 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 湯川法子, 大儀倫子, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    微量栄養素研究   28, 45-48   2011.12

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  • Fish Protein Decreases Serum Cholesterol in Rats by Inhibition of Cholesterol and Bile acid Absorption Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Journal of Food Science   76(4), H116-H121   2011.5

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  • Effect of Simultaneous Intake of Fish Protein and Fish Oil on Cholesterol Metabolism in Rats Fed High-Cholesterol Diets Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    The Open Nutraceuticals Journal   4, 12-19   2011.2

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  • Effect of Fish Protein and Peptides on Lipid Absorption in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, M. Fukao, K. Fukunaga, M. Okuno, R. Yagita, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Trace Nutrients Research   27, 21-27   2010.12

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  • 食事鉄の化学形態の違いがラットの鉄栄養状態に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    植村佳奈, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   27, 13-16   2010.12

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  • 緑茶系飲料の投与がラットの鉄および亜鉛栄養状態に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    安井萌, 小野寺佳奈, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   27, 60-63   2010.12

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  • Effect of dietary protamine on lipid metabolism in rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Nutrition Research and Practice   4(6), 462-469   2010.12

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  • Tissue accumulation and urinary excretion of chromium in rats fed diets containing graded levels of chromium chloride or chromium picolinate Reviewed

    M. Yoshida, E. Hatakeyama, R. Hosomi, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, K. Fukunaga

    The Journal of Toxicological Sciences   35(4), 485-491   2010.8

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  • Effect of phospholipid n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on rat lipid metabolism Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, T. Kanada, M. Yoshida

    European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology   112(5), 537-544   2010.5

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  • Effect of Dietary L-Carnitine on Lipid Metabolism in Growing Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, T. Shimizu, K. Fukunaga, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Trace Nutrients Research   26, 59-64   2009.12

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  • Effects of dietary fish protein on serum and liver lipid concentrations in rats and the expression of hepatic genes involved in lipid metabolism Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry   57(19), 9256-9262   2009.10

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  • Effect of Dietary Oyster Extract on the p-aminophenol-induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats Reviewed

    R. Hosomi, Y. Matsuda, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida

    Trace Nutrients Research   25, 91-95   2008.12

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  • Nicotine suppresses tunicamycin-induced, but not thapsigargin-induced, expression of GRP78 during ER stress-mediated apoptosis in PC12 cells Reviewed

    Harue Sasaya, Takahiro Utsumi, Koji Shimoke, Hitoshi Nakayama, Yoshinobu Matsumura, Kenji Fukunaga, Toshihiko Ikeuchi

    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY   144(2):251-257 ( 2 )   251 - 257   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    We previously reported that nicotine protected against tunicamycin (T(m))-induced ER stress-mediated apoptosis, but not thapsigargin (T(g))-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. In the present study, we report that the expression of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) was suppressed by nicotine in Tm-treated PC12 cells. Interestingly, the GRP78 expression was not changed by nicotine in Tg-treated cells. Moreover, nicotine reduced the activation of caspase-12 in Tm-treated cells, but not in Tg-treated cells. These results suggest that nicotine prevented Tm-induced ER stress-mediated apoptosis by attenuating an early stage of Tm-induced ER stress. It was possible that the suppression of GRP78 expression by nicotine was achieved through the suppression of the Ire1-XBP1 and/or ATF6 pathways. We observed that nicotine suppressed the Tm-induced, but not Tg-induced, splicing of XBP1 mRNA, and also suppressed the Tm-induced, but not Tg-induced, production of cleaved ATF6 in PC12 cells. These results indicate that the suppression of Ire1-XBP1 and ATF6 pathways contributes to the suppression of GRP78 expression by nicotine in Tm-treated PC12 cells, suggesting that nicotine suppresses a common step upstream of both the Ire1-XBP1 and ATF6 pathways which are required for the expression of GRP78 during Tm-induced ER stress.

    DOI: 10.1093/jb/mvn063

    Web of Science


  • Effects of trans and conjugated LC N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid composition and abdominal fat weight in rats Reviewed

    T. Okada, R. Noguchi, M. Hosokawa, K. Fukunaga, T. Nishiyama, N. Zaima, T. Hirata, K. Miyashita

    JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE   73, 201-206 ( 8 )   H201 - H206   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BLACKWELL PUBLISHING  

    Trans and conjugated fatty acids may exhibit either beneficial or detrimental bioactive effects depending on their metabolic properties. This study was conducted to elucidate if isomerization and conjugation of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) demonstrate more favorable bioactivity on lipid metabolism compared to unmodified EPA and DHA. The effects of dietary intake of trans and conjugated forms of EPA and DHA on lipid metabolism were evaluated in animal trials and compared to a control group fed soybean oil. None of the experimental diets showed significant differences from the control in terms of body weight; however, the white adipose tissue weight of rodents fed trans DHA, conjugated EPA (CEPA), and conjugated DHA (CDHA) was significantly lower than the control. Triacylglycerol levels in plasma were significantly decreased in groups fed trans DHA (17.2 mg/dL) and CDHA (31.9 mg/dL) relative to the control (51.3 mg/dL). The total cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower than the control (68.0 mg/dL) in all experimental groups (47.3 to 53.7 mg/dL) except CEPA (58.3 mg/dL). Fatty acid compositions of lipids extracted from rodent livers were influenced by the dietary fatty acid profiles, with all groups showing higher concentrations of stearic acid and lower levels of linoleic acid compared to the control. Rodents fed trans DHA did not have detectable levels of these fatty acid isomers in their livers, suggesting either quick metabolism or a difficulty with bio-absorption.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2008.00916.x

    Web of Science


  • 生産地の異なるカキの体成分 Reviewed

    小邨奈未, 安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 福永健治, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   25, 125-128   2008

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  • 黒豆を用いたクエン酸健康飲料の開発 Reviewed

    穂坂 賢, 数岡孝幸, 堤 和弘, 上田康弘, 舘 博, 安藤達彦, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    日本健康医学会会誌   17 (2),19-24   2008

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  • 醗酵黒大豆飲料投与による血清および肝臓脂質濃度の減少 Reviewed

    吉田宗弘, 八木弘子, 石黒麻里子, 細見亮太, 福永健治, 堤 和弘, 上田康弘, 西山利正, 数岡孝幸, 舘 博, 安藤達彦, 穂坂 賢

    日本健康医学会会誌   17 (1),3-7   2008

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  • 新規の牡蠣 (Crassostrea gigas) 抽出物に含まれる亜鉛のラットにおける吸収性とその体内分布 (第一報) Reviewed

    安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 小邨奈未, 福永健治, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   25, 46-50   2008

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  • Marine phosphatidylcholine suppresses 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats by inducing apoptosis


    Nutrion Research   28 (9) , 635-640   2008

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  • Evaluation of nutritional availability and anti-tumor activity of selenium contained in selenium-enriched Kaiware radish sprouts


    Biosci. Biotech. Biochem   71 (9), 2198-2205   2007

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  • マウス大腸前癌病変の発現におよぼすカキ肉エキス給餌の影響 Reviewed

    細見亮太, 松田芳和, 石丸綾子, 竹村沙織, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   24,71-75   2007

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  • 飼料中モリブデン濃度がラット臓器および血清モリブデン濃度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    吉原花織, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   24,120-123   2007

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  • 2世代にわたる亜鉛投与量の違いがマウスの組織亜鉛濃度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 小邨奈美, 福永健治, 栗山孝雄, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   24,139-144   2007

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  • Oxidative stability of salmon and herring roe lipids and their dietary effect on plasma cholesterol levels of rats Reviewed

    Hiromi Moriya, Takashi Kuniminato, Masahi Hosokawa, Kenji Fukunaga, Toshimasa Nishiyama, Kazuo Miyashita

    FISHERIES SCIENCE   73 (3), 668-674 ( 3 )   668 - 674   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:BLACKWELL PUBLISHING  

    The oxidative stability of lipids from salmon roe and herring roe was compared with those of commercial fish oils originated from sardine and tuna. Both fish roe lipids contained high amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Total EPA and DHA was more than 35% of total fatty acids in both roe lipids. On the basis of oxygen consumption, fish roe lipids showed the higher oxidative stability than both fish oils. This tendency in oxidative stabilities was also confirmed by the determination of propanal formation during oxidation. Analyses of lipid compositions suggested that the higher oxidative stabilities of fish roe lipids would be mainly due to the presence of phospholipids in them. Dietary effects of salmon and herring roe lipids were also determined. Little increase in total cholesterol level was observed in plasma lipids in rats fed salmon and herring roe lipids, although cholesterol content in fish roe lipids were 6.3% and 9.7% of total lipids for salmon roe and herring roe.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1444-2906.2007.01380.x

    Web of Science


  • Therapy of myeloma in vivo using marine phospholipid in combination with Agaricus blazei Murill as an immune respond activator Reviewed


    J. Oleo Sci   56 (4), 179-188   2007

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  • Assessment of Nutritional Availability of Selenium in Selenium-enriched Pumpkin Reviewed


    Biomedical Research on Trace Element Research   19 (4), 391-394   2007

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  • Serum molybdenum concentration in healthy Japanese adults determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry Reviewed

    M Yoshida, S Ota, K Fukunaga, T Nishiyama

    JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY   20(1):19-23 ( 1 )   19 - 23   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG  

    The serum molybdenum (Mo) concentrations in 70 Japanese adults (35 males and 35 females) not receiving any medical care or treatment were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Serum Mo concentration in the subjects ranged from < 0.1 to 9.11 ng/mL. More than half (55.7%) of the subjects showed values of less than 1 ng/mL and only 6 (8.6%) subjects showed more than 2 ng/mL. The mean +/- SD, geometrical mean (GM), range of GM geometrical SD (GSD) and median value were 1.21 +/- 1.34, 0.81, 0.30 to 2.16, and 0.90 ng/mL, respectively. Among age, body mass index and several serum biochemical values, activities of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase showed significant associations with serum Mo; 15 subjects suspected of having liver dysfunction showed significantly higher serum Mo than others. We propose a range of 0.10-4.73 ng/mL, estimated as a range of GM +/- 2GSD of serum Mo in the remaining 55 subjects without liver dysfunction, as a reference range of serum Mo in Japanese healthy adults. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2005.10.003

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  • Evaluation of the estrogenic activities of some pesticides and their combinations using MtT/Se cell proliferation assay Reviewed

    Mart Manabe, Seiji Kanda, Kenji Fukunaga, Alro Tsubura, Toshimasa Nishiyama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH   209(5): 413-421 ( 5 )   413 - 421   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG  

    A number of pesticides are used in agricultural production with some having estrogenic activities, such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals that may affect wildlife and humans. This study aimed to detect the estrogenic effects of some mixed agricultural chemicals in agricultural production. The assay to measure estrogenic activity was evaluated by the cell proliferative activity of MtT/Se cells, which respond well to estrogen. To evaluate MtT/Se cells we went down to the molecular level of estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha and ER-beta expression. The proportion of ER-alpha to ER-beta was 3.55: 1, as determined by semi-quantitative real-time PCR. These results showed that ER-alpha was dominant in MtT/Se cells on the transcriptional level, therefore implying that the estrogenic activity detected by these cells may be mainly mediated by ER-alpha. It was found that diazinon, tolclofos-methyl, pyriproxyfen, prothiofos and thiabendazole had estrogenic activity. Several pesticides are often present in agricultural products. Therefore, we evaluated the estrogenic activity of a mixture of two pesticides. The REC10 levels of prothiofos/pyriproxyfen and thiabendazole/orthophenylphenol were increased up to 10-fold. We concluded that those two pesticide combinations showed a significantly higher estrogenic effect in comparison to the results of the respective pesticides when tested individually. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2006.04.004

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  • ジメチルヒドラジン投与マウスにおける大腸異型陰窩巣形成に及ぼす亜セレン酸とセレン強化カイワレダイコンスプラウトの抑制効果 Reviewed

    岡田敏英, 福永健治, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   23, 17-21   2006

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  • かき肉エキス給餌による1, 2-ジメチルヒドラジン誘発マウス大腸前ガン病変予防効果 Reviewed

    石丸綾子, 細見亮太, 松田芳和, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   23, 13-16   2006

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  • 牡蠣より調製した亜鉛濃縮画分に含まれる亜鉛吸収促進物質の分離と性状 Reviewed

    小邨奈未, 安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 荒川泰昭, 稲生大作, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   23, 77-79   2006

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  • Characterization of Trans Eicosapentaenoic Acid Isomers: Oxidative Stability and Anti-Inflammatory Activity Reviewed

    Nobuhiro Zaima, Tatsuya Sugawara, Hirofumi Arai, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Mikako Takasugi, Kenji Fukunaga, Ryoko Noguchi, Takashi Hirata

    Journal of Oleo Science   54(9),505-512 ( 9 )   505 - 512   2005.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Although trans geometric isomers of unsaturated fatty acids are formed during heat treatment, little is known about the physicochemical properties and the bioactivities of trans eicosapentaenoic acid (TEPA). We examined the oxidative stability and the anti-inflammatory activity of TEPA prepared using p-toluenesulfinic acid. TEPA was more stable to oxidation induced by radical generators than eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in organic and in aqueous solutions, and was less suitable as a substrate for 15-lipoxygenase oxidation than was EPA. These results suggest that the trans conformation may be a more stable structure to oxidation. In addition, the release of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) from Ca-ionophore-stimulated rat peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) was not affected by treatment with TEPA, and TEPA was taken up into PEC at lower levels compared to EPA. These results suggest that dietary TEPA has different physiological effects than EPA. © 2005, Japan Oil Chemists' Society. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.5650/jos.54.505



  • An investigation of the pesticide residue in agricultural products in shiga Prefecture Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji, M.Kojima, T.Nishiyama, H.Harada, A.Takino, T.Motohiro

    Jpn. J.Food Chem.   12(2),100-107   2005.8

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  • Evaluation of estrogenic activities of pesticides using an in vitro reporter gene assay Reviewed

    M Kojima, K Fukunaga, M Sasaki, M Nakamura, M Tsuji, T Nishiyama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH   15(4),271-280 ( 4 )   271 - 280   2005.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    The estrogenic activities of 32 pesticides in agricultural products were evaluated using the E-CALUX assay system developed by Xenobiotic Detection Systems Inc ( North Carolina, USA). This system utilizes human ovarian carcinoma cells ( BG1) stably transfected with an estrogen-responsive luciferase reporter gene plasmid. It was found that tolclofos-methyl, prothiofos, diazinon, Thiabenclazole (TBZ) and pyriproxyfen had estrogenic activity. Several pesticides are often present in agricultural products. Therefore the estrogenicity of the mixtures of two kinds of pesticides was evaluated. The activity of diazinon/tolclofos-methyl, pyriproxyfen/prothiofos and TBZ/o-phenylphenol (OPP) was increased up to 1.2-5.3 fold. On the other hand, chlorfluazuron, imazalil and chlorfenapyr had anti-estrogenic activity. Further, to evaluate the change in the estrogenic activity of pesticide metabolites, an experimental system was established using a rat S9 mixture. Metabolites of permethrin and OPP had no estrogenic activity, but they had weak activity after the metabolism. On the other hand, the metabolites of TBZ exhibited less estrogenic activity than the original compounds.

    DOI: 10.1080/09603120500155765

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  • 大学生における茶からのマンガン摂取量の推定 Reviewed

    林希未子, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    日本健康医学会   14(1),19-23   2005.7

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  • 滋賀県における農産物中残留農薬の動向

    小嶋美穂子, 辻元宏, 西山利正, 福永健治

    食生活研究   25(2),28-32   2005.1

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  • 勤労者の喫煙環境と禁煙について Reviewed

    福永 健治, 小石真子, 沖寿美, 高山佳子, 平田裕美子, 真鍋亜朱

    日本健康医学会誌   14(1),14-18   2005

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  • Effect of dietary fish protein on serum matrix metalloproteinase activity in 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine-treated rats Reviewed


    Medicine and Biology   149(12), 453-460   2005

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  • Effect of intermittent supplementation with selenate on selenium status of rats fed selenium-deficient diet Reviewed

    S Sugihara, K Fukunaga, T Nishiyama, M Yoshida

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY   51, 478-481 ( 6 )   478 - 481   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CENTER ACADEMIC PUBL JAPAN  

    To examine the selenium (Se) status of rats intermittently supplemented with Se, we measured tissue Se contents and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities in rats fed a Se-deficient diet intermittently supplemented with selenate. In experiment 1, four groups of male 4-wk-old Wistar rats were fed a Torula yeast-based Se-deficient diet (Se content, <0.01 mu g/g) for 28 d. During the experimental period, the diet of each group was supplemented with sodium selenate (0.17 mu g Se/g) for 0, 1, 2 or 7 d/wk. The tissue Se contents and GPx activities both increased gradually with an increase in frequency of the selenate supplementation, and significant linear regressions were observed between the frequency and these Se indices. In particular, the correlation coefficient in the liver and plasma indices was nearly equal to a value of 1.0. In experiment 2, three groups of rats were fed the Se-deficient basal diet for 28 d. Among these, one group was daily supplemented with sodium selenate to the Se-deficient diet at a level of 0.17 mu g Se/g, and another group was intermittently supplemented with the selenate at a level of 1.19 mu g Se/g for 1 d/wk. The tissue Se contents and GPx activities both were increased by the selenate supplementation and no significant difference was observed between daily and weekly supplementation in the Se indices except in erythrocyte Se. These results indicate that Se status in the growth period is dependent on total Se intake in this period and that weekly intermittent supplementation with Se can maintain adequate Se status.

    Web of Science


  • 亜鉛充足飼料から亜鉛欠乏飼料への転換がラットの飼料摂取量,体重, および組織中亜鉛濃度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 小邨奈未, 川島朋絵, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   22, 117-120   2005

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  • 1,2-ジメチルヒドラジンの害作用に対するセレン強化カイワレダイコンスプラウトの影響 Reviewed

    岡田敏英, 福永健治, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   22, 13-17   2005

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  • カイワレダイコン種子およびスプラウトへのセレンの蓄積 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 岡田敏英, 吉田宗弘, 老川典夫

    微量栄養素研究   21,37-42   2004.12

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  • 総摂取脂肪酸n-6/n-3比におよぼす魚肉缶詰摂取の影響

    福永 健治, 中谷紗織, 吉田宗弘

    食生活研究   24(6),16-19   2004.12

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  • Biochemical activity and preparation of substituted retinoic acids Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji, Y.Nagasawa, T.Nishiyma

    15(2),125-129   2004.6

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  • Separation of sardine oil without heating from surimi waste and its effect on lipid metabolism in rats Reviewed

    K Toyoshima, R Noguchi, M Hosokawa, K Fukunaga, T Nishiyama, R Takahashi, K Miyashita

    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY   52(8),2372-2375 ( 8 )   2372 - 2375   2004.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Sardine oil was obtained by centrifugation of surimi wastewater without heating or chemical refining. This oil (CE) showed light yellow color and the peroxide value was less than 1.0 meq/kg. The main lipid class of CE was triacylglycerol (TG) (> 99%). These features indicate that CE can be directly used as food materials without further purification. Commercial sardine oil (CO) is usually prepared via some kind of refining process with high temperature (250 C) and chemical treatment. The comparative study on the physiological effects of these sardine oils (CE and CO) revealed that the dietary sardine oils were more effective in reducing abdominal fat pads, plasma total cholesterol, and TG levels of rats than was a soybean oil diet (control). Furthermore, these effects were greater in CE than CO, although there was little difference in the fatty acid composition of both oils. Although the main lipid class of CE was TG (> 99%), CE was prepared by centrifugation from surimi waste and directly used as dietary fat without further purification. Therefore, CE may contain some kinds of minor components, which could be attributed to the higher physiological activity of CE. To reveal the involvement of the minor compounds in CE, we prepared TG from CE by column chromatography and measured its effect on lipid metabolism of rats. TG from CE also showed the reducing effects on abdominal fad pads and plasma lipid levels. The effect of TG from CE was almost the same as that of original CE, suggesting that the higher nutritional activity of CE than CO may not be due to the minor compounds in CE.

    DOI: 10.1021/jf0306439

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  • Determination of SH compounds in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography using o-phtalaldehyde as a fluorescent labeling reagent. Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji, K.Kikuchi

    31(4),192-196   2004.3

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  • コレステロールと健康(2)

    福永 健治, 森下敏子

    食生活研究   24(3)17-22   2004.3

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  • コレステロールと健康(1)

    福永 健治, 森下敏子

    食生活研究   24(2),5-11   2004.2

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  • 勤労者の疲労と生活習慣について Reviewed

    小石真子, 家氏佳奈子, 大澤博美, 大野原ひとみ, 松本珠美, 峯森絵理, 福永健治

    日本健康医学会誌   13(1): 18-22   2004

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  • Preparation of Zinc-Rich Powder fromOysters and Evaluation of Its Bioavailability Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji, Y. Matsuda, S. Kitani, S. Kitani, M. Yoshida

    Biomed. Res. Trace Elements   14,307-315   2003.12

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  • EPAの生理活性と応用について


    工学と技術   13(1),67-71   2003.11

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  • Dietary docosahexaenoic acid suppresses N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinogenesis in rats more effectively than eicosapentaenoic acid Reviewed

    T Yuri, N Danbara, M Tsujita-Kyutoku, K Fukunaga, H Takada, Y Inoue, T Hada, A Tsubura

    NUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL   45(2),211-217 ( 2 )   211 - 217   2003.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOC INC-TAYLOR & FRANCIS  

    We compared the effects of identical amounts but different proportions of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced mammary cancer in a rat model. The ability of dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to suppress mammary cancer was evaluated. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to three groups and maintained on diets containing 10% fatty acid consisting of EPA, a 1:1 mixture of EPA-plus-DHA, or DHA. The experimental diet was started after administration of MNU at 49 days of age, and the rats were maintained on the respective diets until the largest mammary tumor reached greater than or equal to1 cm in diameter or until the end of the study period (20 wk after MNU). All histologically detected mammary carcinomas were evaluated, irrespective of size. The DHA diet was associated with signiftcant suppression of the carcinogenic effect of MNU compared with the EPA and EPA-plus-DHA diets: tumor incidence decreased to 23% (3/13) compared with 73% (11/15) and 65% (12/17)(P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively); tumor multiplicity decreased to 0.23 compared with 1.67 and 1.59 (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively). There was no significant difference in tumor latency among the DBA, EPA, and EPA-plus-DHA groups(119,105, and 117 days, respectively). Over2Owk, the fatty acid composition of serum and mammary fat tissue reflected differences in the dietary n-3 PUFAs. Although DHA suppressed MNU-induced mammary carcinogenesis more effectively than EPA, generalized steatosis including mammary fat tissue appeared in all three groups.

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  • 日本人と魚のおいしい関係2

    福永 健治 30(1) 88-94

    海外医療   2003.4

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  • Effect of alpha-tocopherol on the oxidative modification of apolipoprotein e in human very-low-density lipoprotein Reviewed

    H Arai, K Uchida, K Fukunaga, Y Nagasaka, S Mohri, H Furumoto, Y Kuramitsu, K Nakamura

    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY   67(2),402-405 ( 2 )   402 - 405   2003.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    The oxidative modification of apolipoprotein (apo) E and lipid peroxidation in human very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) induced by peroxynitrite and cupric ions in vitro were strongly suppressed by enrichment with a-tocopherol (alpha-Toc; 170 mum). alpha-Toc also suppressed the decrease in the heparin-binding activity of apoE in the VLDL oxidation. These results suggest that alpha-Toc protected apoE in VLDL from oxidative stress.

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  • Digestibility and chemical species of selenium contained in high-selenium yeast Reviewed

    M Yoshida, S Sugihara, T Suenaga, C Naito, K Fukunaga, H Tsuchita

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY   148(5),401-404 ( 5 )   401 - 404   2002.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CENTER ACADEMIC PUBL JAPAN  

    To evaluate the bioavailability of selenium (Se) in high-Se yeast (SeY), the digestibility and chemical species of Se in SeY were investigated. Both Se and nitrogen in SeY were readily released into the soluble fraction through trypsin digestion. In a Sephadex G-25 gel chromatography of the trypsin digest of SeY, the range in which Se was eluted was coincident with the range in which peptide fragments were eluted. Se was distributed almost uniformly within the range and there was no fraction that contained Se in a specifically high amount. A proteolytic enzyme extract of SeY was found to contain Se as selenomethionine (74.8%), selenocystine (9.9%), selenite (5.1%) and as at least three unknown Se compounds (10.2%) when analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICPMS). These results indicate that Se in SeY is mainly present as selenomethionine non-specifically incorporated into peptide chains and is highly digestible. Accordingly, it is concluded that the bioavailability of Se in SeY is high.

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  • ハツカネズミのコレステロールおよび鉄吸収におよぼすキトサン摂取の影響 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 菊地数晃

    医学と生物学   145(3),51-55   2002.9

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  • 各種高度不飽和脂肪酸の in vitro 及び in vivo での酸化安定性 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 荒関美奈, 野口亮子, 細川雅史, 宮下和夫

    脂質栄養学会誌   11(2),132   2002.8

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  • 高齢者の健康度と社会活動について Reviewed

    小石真子, 小笠原知子, 梅津のぞみ, 原田るみ子, 曽根愛子, 吉満あゆ, 福永健治

    日本健康医学会誌   11(1),13-18   2002.8

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  • 高齢者の健康度と社会活動について Reviewed

    福永 健治, 小石真子, 小笠原知子, 梅津のぞみ, 原田るみ子, 曽根愛子, 吉満あゆ

    日本健康医学会誌   11(1),13-18   2002.8

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  • 日本人と魚のおいしい関係1

    福永 健治

    海外医療   29(1),33-36   2002.3

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  • Decontamination of aflatoxin-forming fungus and elimination of aflatoxin mutagenicity with electrolyzed NaCl anode solution Reviewed

    T Suzuki, T Noro, Y Kawamura, K Fukunaga, M Watanabe, M Ohta, H Sugiue, Y Sato, M Kohno, K Hotta

    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY   50(3),633-641 ( 3 )   633 - 641   2002

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Electrolysis of a 0.1% (17.1 mM) solution of NaCl using separate anode and cathode compartments gives rise to solutions containing active chemical species. The strongly acidic "anode solution" (EW(+)) has high levels of dissolved oxygen and available chlorine in a form of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) with a strong potential for sterilization, which we have investigated here. Exposing Aspergillus parasiticus at an initial density of 10(3) spores in 10 muL to a 50-fold volume (500muL) of EW(+) containing ca. 390 mumol HOCl for 15 min at room temperature resulted in a complete inhibition of fungal growth, whereas the cathode solution (EW(-)) had negligible inhibitory effects. Moreover, the mutagenicity of aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)) for Salmonella typhimurium TA-98 and TA-100 strains was strongly reduced after AFB(1) exposure to the EW(+) but not with the EW(-). In high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, the peak corresponding to AFB(1) disappeared after treatment with the EW(+), indicating decomposition of the aflatoxin. In contrast, the routinely used disinfectant sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl, of the same available chlorine content as that of EW(+) but in a different chemical form, hypochlorite (OCl-) ion, did not decompose AFB(1) at pH 11. However, NaOCl did decompose AFB(1) at pH 3, which indicated that the principle chemical formula to participate in the decomposition of AFB(1) Is not the OCl- ion but HOCl. Furthermore, because the decomposition of AFB(1) was suppressed by pretreating the EW(+) with the OH radical scavenger thiourea, the chemical species responsible for the AFB(1)-decomposing property of the EW(+) should be at least due to the OH radical originated from HOCl. The OH in EW(+) was proved by electron spin resonance analysis.

    DOI: 10.1021/jf0108361

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  • Bioavailability of selenium in the defatted dark muscle of tuna Reviewed

    M Yoshida, M Abe, K Fukunaga, K Kikuchi

    FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS   19(10),990-995 ( 10 )   990 - 995   2002

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    The content and bioavailability of selenium (Se) in the dark muscle of tuna (DMT) were studied. Fluorometric analysis showed that DMT contained 2.0-4.7 mug g(-1) Se. A large part of Se of the DMT was recovered in the dry powder of the defatted fraction prepared by successive treatment with acetone and n-hexane/ethanol. On trypsin digestion of the defatted DMT, release of Se paralleled that of nitrogen and about 70% of Se was released within 4 h. Male weanling ddY mice were fed a Torula yeast-based Se-deficient diet (basal diet) for 3 weeks, and then fed the basal diet or a diet supplemented with a 0.05-0.25 mug g(-1) Se as either sodium selenite or the defatted DMT for a further 1 week. Se contents and GSHPx activities in the liver increased gradually with increases in the amount of supplemented Se. No differences were observed between selenite and defatted DMT in the effect on Se content. At low Se levels, the effect of Se in the defatted DMT on the liver GSHPx activities was inferior to that of selenite, but at a high Se level, Se in the defatted DMT showed a greater effect. The bioavailability of Se in the defatted DMT, as assessed by slope ratio analysis using selenite as the reference Se, was 87% for the liver Se content and 168% for the GSHPx activity. The results indicate that the defatted DMT contains high levels of Se in a nutritionally available form.

    DOI: 10.1080/02652030110114202

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  • Sampling methods and residential factors affecting formaldehyde concentration in indoor air Reviewed

    Y Endo, T Miyazaki, Y Hikita, M Azuma, H Ikeda, K Fukunaga, G Endo

    TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE   195(6),227-236 ( 4 )   227 - 236   2001.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:TOHOKU UNIV MEDICAL PRESS  

    Formaldehyde (HCHO) is the most serious residential pollutant. In order to evaluate residential HCHO levels, two sampling methods have been recommended; one is a 30 minute sampling in a closed room, and the other is a 24 hour sampling with an ordinary lifestyle routine. The aim of this report was to clarify the difference between the HCHO levels obtained by the two sampling methods. Residential air in 58 rooms was sampled for 30 minutes by an active sampling method more than 5 hours after residents closed windows, and by a passive sampling method for 24 hours with an ordinary lifestyle routine. The HCHO concentration with the 30 minute sampling was 0.118 +/- 0.065 ppm (range: 0.0340-295 ppm) and 36 rooms (62%) exceeded the Japanese guideline value of 0.08 ppm, while 5% were higher than 0.25 ppm. The HCHO concentration with the 24 hours sampling was 0.053 +/- 0.039 ppm (range: 0.02-0.167 ppm) and only 13 rooms (22%) exceeded 0.08 ppm. The relationship between the concentrations obtained by the two methods was linear. However, the level with the 24 hour sampling significantly reduced with prolonged window opening time, meaning that occupants made an effort to reduce the usual exposure to about 40% of the exposure in a closed room by opening windows in order to escape from irritation. Since major adverse effects of HCHO are irritation and sensitization, the occasional peak concentration must be focused. In order to evaluate residential HCHO levels, measurement in a closed room is recommended even if people are living there. (C) 2001 Tohoku University Medical Press.

    Web of Science


  • Dietary effects of bitter gourd oil on blood and liver lipids of rats Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji, R.Noguchi, Y.Yasui, R.Suzuki, M.Hosokawa, K.Miyashita

    Arch.Biochem.Biophys.   396(2),207-212   2001.12

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  • Determination of Selenium in tea by High Performance liquid Chromatography Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Biomedical Research on Trace Element   75(8), 446-447   2001

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  • 牡蠣の酸可溶性画分に含有される亜鉛の栄養有効性 Reviewed

    辻貴之, 菊池祐子, 中塚千晶, 木谷祥子, 福永 健治, 西山利正, 松田芳和, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   18, 63-66   2001

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  • Quantitative evaluation of Selenium Contained in tea by High performance liquid chromatography

    FUKUNAGA Kenji, M.Yoshida, Y.Kimura, M.Abe, T.Ando, H. Tachi

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   47/3,248-252   2001

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  • Effect of storage conditions on lipid peroxide levels in human serum Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Medicine and Biology   141/6,293-296   2000.12

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  • Does selenium status influence the ability of swimming in mice. Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Trace Nutrient Research   17: 159-163   2000

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  • 牡蠣に含まれる亜鉛の人工消化試験における動態 Reviewed

    辻貴之, 坂口正洋, 保田亮二, 福永健治, 松田芳和, 太田隆男, 柴田幸雄, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   17:153-157   2000

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  • 高セレン酵母中のセレンの生物学的有効性 Reviewed

    吉田 宗弘, 福永 健治, 土田 博, 安本 教傳

    Biomedical research on trace elements   10(3), 211-212   1999.12

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  • Bioavailability of Selenium Contained in High Selenium Yeast Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Biomed Res Trace Elements   10/3,211-212   1999.6

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  • ラット肝臓の総抗酸化活性に及ぼす魚油の影響 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 中園 直樹

    医学と生物学   138(4), 109-112   1999.4

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  • Effect of oyster extracts supplementation on oxidizability of rat plasm and red blood cells membrane Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Trace Nutrient Research   16/,125-130   1999.3

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  • Mechanism of Oxidative Damage to Fish Red Blood Cells by Ozone Reviewed

    Kenji Fukunaga, Naoki Nakazono, Tetsuya Suzuki, Kozo Takama

    IUBMB Life   48(6): 631-634   1999

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  • 牡蠣に含まれる亜鉛の季節変化 Reviewed

    吉田宗弘, 大原千加子, 福永健治, 松田芳和, 太田隆男, 柴田幸雄

    微量栄養素研究   16:105-109   1999

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  • 魚油含有健康食品の過剰摂取について Reviewed

    福永 健治, 吉田 宗弘

    日本健康医学会雑誌   8(1): 40-45   1999

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  • An Evaluation of the Bioavailability of Selenium in High-Selenium Yeast Reviewed

    Munehiro YOSHIDA, Kenji FUKUNAGA, Hiroshi TSUCHITA, Kyoden YASUMOTO

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   45(1): 119-128   1999

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  • ラット血漿および赤血球膜の被酸化性におよぼすカキ肉エキス摂取の影響 Reviewed

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 高谷英子, 松田芳和, 太田隆男, 柴田幸雄

    微量栄養素研究   16: 125-130   1999

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  • Distribution of Muscular Glutathione in Fish and Shellfish Reviewed

    Takashi Hirata, Shota Tanimoto, Kenji Fukunaga, Hirofumi Arai, Morihiko Sakaguchi

    Fisheries science   65(2): 329-330   1999

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  • 女子バレーボール選手の貧血状態と栄養素摂取 Reviewed

    福永健治, 小野聡子, 木村隆, 吉田宗弘

    微量栄養素研究   15:173-176   1998

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  • A simple, rapid, highly sensitive and reproducible quantification method for plasma malondialdehyde by high-performance liquid chromatography Reviewed

    Kenji Fukunaga, Munehiro Yoshida, Naoki Nakazono

    Biomedical Chromatography   12(5): 300-303   1998

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  • 運動部夏期合宿前後の血清亜鉛濃度の変化 Reviewed

    吉田 宗弘, 福永 健治, 小野 聡子, 中園 直樹

    Biomedical research on trace elements   8(3), 51-52   1997.12

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  • ラット肝ミクロソ-ムにおけるス-パ-オキシド生成および肝臓脂質過酸化に及ぼす魚油摂取の影響 Reviewed


    医学と生物学   134(6), 223-226   1997.6

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  • 急激な運動による血液成分の変化Ⅱ Reviewed

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 小野聡子, 中園直樹

    微量栄養素研究   14: 161-166   1997

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  • 急激な運動による血液成分の変化 Reviewed

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 西尾信宏, 中園直樹

    微量栄養素研究   13: 93-97   1996

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  • オゾン暴露によるニジマス赤血球の障害発現における鉄の関与 Reviewed

    福永建治, 鈴木鐵也, 高間浩蔵

    微量栄養素研究   12: 51-56   1995

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  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Plasma Malondialdehyde Level without a Solvent Extraction Procedure Reviewed

    Fukunaga K., Takama K., Suzuki T.

    Analytical Biochemistry   230(1): 20-23   1995

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  • ニジマスのオゾン暴露障害に対するVitaminCおよびVitaminEの毒性軽減効果 Reviewed

    福永健治, 鈴木鐡也, 高間浩蔵

    微量栄養素研究   11: 83-88   1994

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  • ヒスタミン産生菌の増殖に及ぼすガス置換包装の影響 Reviewed

    岡 重美, 福永 健治, 伊藤 博司, 高間 浩蔵

    北海道大学水産学部研究彙報   44(1), p46-54   1993.2

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  • Highly sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography for the measurement of malondialdehyde in biological samples Reviewed

    Kenji Fukunaga, Tetsuya Suzuki, Kozo Takama

    Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications   621(1): 77-81   1993

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  • Intoxication of euglena cells by tributyltin chloride and its detoxication by pretreatment with high electric field loaded water Reviewed

    Tetsuya Suzuki, Nozomu Takahashi, Kenji Fukunaga, Mutsuo Okamura, Tatsuro Tanaka, Kozo Takama

    Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality   8(2): 207-222   1993

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  • ポストラベル蛍光検出器 HPLCによるグルタチオンの高感度定量分析 Reviewed

    福永健治, 鈴木鐡也, 高間浩蔵

    微量栄養素研究   10: 151-154   1993

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  • Acute toxicity of ozone against morphology of gill and erythrocytes of Japanese charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) Reviewed

    K. Fukunaga, T. Suzuki, M. Arita, S. Suzuki, A. Hara, K. Yamauchi, N. Shinriki, K. Ishizaki, K. Takama

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology   101(2):331-6.   1992.2

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  • Isolation and characterization of tributyltin chloride-resistant marine Vibrio Reviewed

    Tatsuo Fukagawa, Satoru Suzuki, Kenji Fukunaga, Tetsuya Suzuki, Kozo Takama

    FEMS Microbiology Letters   93(1): 83-86   1992

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  • イワナの鰓タンパク質ならびにATPase活性に及ぼすオゾン暴露の影響 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 鈴木 鐵也, 原 彰彦, 高間 浩蔵

    日本水産学会誌   58(1), 171-17   1992

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  • 有機スズ障害ユーグレナ細胞の機能回復におよぼす高電圧・静電場負荷水の効果 Reviewed

    鈴木鐵也, 福永健治, 高間浩蔵, 岡村睦雄, 大野惇吉, 田中達郎

    微量栄養素研究   9:181-187   1992

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  • Acute toxicity of ozone to Japanese Charr (Salvelinus Leucomaenis)

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Free Radical Biology and Medicine   9/,181-187   1992

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  • Effect of Ozone on the Activities of Reactive Oxygen Scavenging Enzymes in Rbc of Ozone Exposed Japanese Charr (Salvelinus Leucomaenis) Reviewed

    Kenji Fukunaga, Tetsuya Suzuki, Akihiko Hara, Kozo Takama

    Free Radical Research Communications   17(5): 327-333   1992

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  • Antioxidative activity of phospholipid from squid mantle muscle. Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Bulletin of the faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University   8: 131-134   1991

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY  

    The lipid peroxidation suppressing ability of whole lipid extracted from commercially purchased squid mantle muscle of three common squids, i. e.,Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus), flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) and short-finned squid (Illex argentinus), was evaluated by the progress of peroxide value (PV) and carbonyl value (CV) of purified sardine oil with or without addition of whole lipid fraction at 10% level. Every whole lipid extracted from the three species of squid markedly suppressed the peroxidation of purified sardine oil. The whole lipid of I. argentinus showed the strongest suppressive activity of the three. Neither differences in compositions of lipid and fatty acids nor content and composition of tocopherols in the mantle muscle could sufficiently account for their antioxidative ability. The addition of purified phospholipid fraction, fractionated from the whole lipid of I. argentinus, to purified sardine oil at the concentration of 5% (w/w) markedly suppressed the peroxidation of sardine oil.

    Web of Science


  • Acute toxicity of ozone to Japanese Charr (Salvelinus Leucomaenis) Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Free Radical Biology and Medicine   9: supp-S1   1990

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  • Studies on the micro-nutrients in the seaweed-Seasonal fluctuation of iron and arsenic distributions in Kombu, Laminaria Japonica, Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Trace Nutrient Research   6/,129-133   1989

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  • Seasonal changes of arsenic distribution of Kombu, Laminaria japonica Reviewed

    FUKUNAGA Kenji

    Bulletin of the faculty of fisheries, Hokkaido University   39/,160-166   1988

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  • 魚肉タンパク質の持つ多様な健康機能

    福永 健治

    FOODStyle21  2023.7 

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  • スケトウダラたんぱく質の摂取による加齢促進モデルマウスの短期記憶低下予防効果

    細見亮太, 村上由希, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    BIOINDUSTRY  2023.7 

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  • 異なる熟成処理温度が豚ロース肉の一般生菌数および呈味成分濃度に及ぼす影響

    細見亮太, 中村潤平, 梅林雄斗, 岩崎壮一郎, 北野淳志, 坂本竜也, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治( Role: Joint author)

    調理食品と技術  2020.4 

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  • 新・食生活を科学する

    吉田宗弘, 福永健治, 細見亮太

    文教出版  2018.3 

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  • 魚油よりも健康性機能に優れた 純国産ホタテオイル

    高橋 是太郎, 福永 健治, 吉岡 武也

    オレオサイエンス  2018 

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  • 氷温域を利用した食品の加工・保存技術

    細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    調理食品と技術  2016.4 

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  • 日本食およびその素材の健康機能性開発(魚肉タンパク質)

    福永健治( Role: Joint author)

    シーエムシー出版  2016 

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  • カキ肉エキス摂取の薬物惹起性疾病に対する予防・改善効果

    細見亮太, 春松槙, 福田卓, 松田芳和, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    New Food Industry  2015.10 

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  • 魚介類食の機能性の発見・開発

    福永 健治( Role: Sole author)

    Functional Food  2015 

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  • 日本型食生活と健康“健康維持・増進と魚介類の摂取”

    福永 健治( Role: Sole author)

    日本健康医学会誌  2014 

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  • かまぼこを巡る話題 : 新たな展開に向けて (特集 かまぼこの新展開)

    福永健治( Role: Sole author)

    食品と科学  2013.8 

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  • 脂質栄養を巡る話題の変遷

    細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    食生活研究  2012.4 

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  • 魚肉タンパク質と魚肉ペプチドの健康機能について

    細見亮太, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治

    New Food Industry  2011.12 

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  • 水産物の消費動向について

    福永健治, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘

    食生活研究  2011.4 

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  • クックチルシステム

    福永健治, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘

    調理食品と技術  2009.4 

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  • 水産調味加工食品-つくだ煮について-

    福永健治, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘

    調理食品と技術  2008.12 

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  • 水産調味食品 -つくだ煮について-

    福永健治, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘( Role: Joint author)

    調理食品と技術  2008 

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  • Biocatalysis and Biotechnology for Functional Foods and Industrial Products. “Functional Marine Complex Lipids” (ed. by T-H.Ching, J-F. Shaw)

    FUKUNAGA,Kenji( Role: Joint author)


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    CRC Press


  • 大腸がん発症に及ぼすL-カルニチン摂取の影響

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 関口 健( Role: Joint author)

    平成18年度 食肉に関する助成研究調査成果報告書  2007 

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  • 伝統食“かまぼこ”の歴史と現状,栄養機能性について

    福永健治( Role: Sole author)

    調理食品と技術  2007 

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  • 日本人と魚食文化

    福永健治( Role: Sole author)

    食生活研究  2007 

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  • Biocatalysis and Biotechnology for Functional Foods and Industrial Products(ed. by T. Ching and Hou Jei-Fu Shaw)

    FUKUNAGA,Kenji( Role: Joint author)


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  • 『新規機能エイコサペンタエン酸』「福永健治著」水産機能性脂質-給源・機能・利用- Reviewed

    福永 健治, 高橋是太郎, 柳田晃良ら( Role: Joint author)

    厚生社恒星閣 『水産機能性脂質:給原・機能・利用』  2004.11 

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  • 脂質の栄養『基礎栄養学』 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 伏木亨, 吉田宗弘ら( Role: Joint author)

    『基礎栄養学』 光生館  2004.9 

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  • コレステロールと健康(2)

    福永健治, 森下敏子( Role: Joint author)

    食生活研究  2004.3 

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  • コレステロールと健康(1)

    福永健治, 森下敏子( Role: Joint author)

    食生活研究  2004.2 

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  • 日本人と魚のおいしい関係2

    福永健治( Role: Sole author)

    海外医療  2003.4 

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  • 身のまわりの食品化学実験第2版 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 吉田宗弘, 安藤達彦ら( Role: Joint author)

    三共出版  2003.3 

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  • 日本人と魚のおいしい関係1

    福永健治( Role: Sole author)

    海外医療  2002 

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  • 運動生理・生化学辞典 Reviewed

    福永 健治, 大野秀樹, 伏木亨, 井澤鉄也ら( Role: Joint author)

    大修館書店  2001.7 

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  • 平成19年度食肉に関する助成研究調査成果報告書

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 関口 健

    26, 15-21   2009

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  • 水産調味食品 -つくだ煮について-

    福永健治, 細見亮太, 吉田宗弘

    調理食品と技術   14, 11-18   2008

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  • Evaluation of nutritional availability and anti-tumor activity of selenium contained in selenium-enriched Kaiware radish sprouts Reviewed

    Munehiro Yoshida, Toshihide Okada, Yaichi Namikawa, Yoshimi Matsuzaki, Toshimasa Nishiyama, Kenji Fukunaga

    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY   71 (9), 2198-2205 ( 9 )   2198 - 2205   2007

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    Language:English   Publisher:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD  

    We estimated the nutritional availability of selenium (Se) in Se-enriched Kaiware radish sprouts (SeRS) by the tissue Se deposition and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity of rats administered the sprouts, and examined the effect of SeRS on the formation of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of mice administered 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) to evaluate anti-tumor activity. Male weanling Wistar rats were divided into seven groups and fed a Se-deficient basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 0.05, 0.10, or 0.15 mu g/g of Se as sodium selenite or SeRS for 28 d. Supplementation with Se dose-dependently increased serum and liver Se concentrations and GPX activities, and the selenite-supplemented groups showed a higher increase than the SeRS-supplemented groups. The nutritional availability of Se in SeRS was estimated to be 33 or 64% by slope ratio analysis. Male 4-week-old A/J mice were divided into seven groups and fed a low Se basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with selenite, SeRS, or selenite + non-Se-enriched radish sprouts (NonSeRS) at a level of 0.1 or 2.0 mu g Se/g for 9 weeks. After I week of feeding, all mice were given six subcutaneous injections of DMH (20 mg/kg) at 1-week intervals. The average number of ACF formed in the colon of mice fed the basal diet was 4.3. At a supplementation level of 0.1 Kg Se/g, only SeRS significantly inhibited ACF formation. At a supplementation level of 2.0 mu g Se/g, both selenite and SeRS significantly inhibited ACF formation. The addition of NonSeRS to the selenite-supplemented diets tended to inhibit ACF formation, but this was not statistically significant. These results indicate that SeRS shows lower nutritional availability but higher anti-tumor activity than selenite.

    DOI: 10.1271/bbb.70158

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of nutritional availability and anti-tumor activity of selenium-enriched radish sprouts


    2nd International Symposium on Trace Elements and Health, Programme & Abstracts   152   2007

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  • Bioavailability of Selenium in Selenium-enriched Radish Sprouts and Pumpkin



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  • 内分泌かく乱物質と大豆など既存食品の発育・癌化及び内分泌かく乱作用の比較

    西山利正, 真鍋真理, 小嶋美穂子, 福永健治, 神田靖士, 堀伸二郎

    厚生労働化学研究費補助金化学物質リスク研究事業総合研究報告書   164-203   2005

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  • Additive effects estrogenic activity by the combination of E2 and pesticides Reviewed


    J Kansai Med Univ.   57, 165-170   2005

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  • EPA結合型及びDHA結合型グリセロ脂質の経口投与による血液性状と脂質代謝に及ぼす影響

    椎名 徹, 福永健治, 井上良計, 高橋是太郎

    日本油化学会第47回年会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9



  • ラットのコレステロール代謝に及ぼす魚肉タンパク質およびペプチドの影響

    細見亮太, 福永健治, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    第17回日本脂質栄養学会  2008.9 

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    Event date: 2008.9



  • 食餌タンパク質の種類の変化がラットにおける鉄の利用に及ぼす影響

    吉田宗弘, 田仲麻友美, 福永健治

    第19回日本微量元素学会  2008.7 

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    Event date: 2008.7



  • 新規の牡蠣 (Crassostrea gigas )抽出物に含まれる亜鉛の吸収性(第一報)

    安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 小邨奈未, 福永健治, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    第25回日本微量栄養素学会学術集会  2008.5 

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    Event date: 2008.5



  • 各種生牡蠣における栄養成分の動態

    小邨奈未, 安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 福永健治, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    第25回日本微量栄養素学会学術集会  2008.5 

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    Event date: 2008.5



  • ラット薬物性腎障害に及ぼすカキ肉エキス給餌の影響

    細見亮太, 松田芳和, 渡部祥典, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第25回日本微量栄養素学会学術集会  2008.5 

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    Event date: 2008.5



  • Effect of Dietary Fish Protein and Lipid on Plasma Lipid Metabolism in Rats


    99th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo  2008.5 

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    Event date: 2008.5

    Venue:Seattle USA  


  • ラットの脂質代謝に及ぼす魚肉タンパク質およびペプチドの影響

    細見亮太, 福永健治, 西山利正

    第62回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2008.5 

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    Event date: 2008.5



  • セレン強化カイワレスプラウトの栄養有効性と抗腫瘍活性

    吉田宗弘, 並河佑一, 松崎良美, 福永健治

    第61回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • 醗酵黒大豆飲料の健康効果(その2)

    吉田宗弘, 八木弘子, 福永健治, 堤 和弘, 上田康弘, 数岡孝幸, 舘 博, 安藤達彦, 穂坂 賢

    第17回日本健康医学会総会抄録集  2007 

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    Event date: 2007


  • ラットの脂質代謝に及ぼす魚肉タンパク質およびペプチドの影響

    細見亮太, 福永健治, 吉田 晃, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    平成19年度日本水産学会秋季大会  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • マウス大腸前癌病変の発現に及ぼすカキ肉エキス給餌の影響

    細見亮太, 松田芳和, 石丸綾子, 竹村沙織, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第24回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • 魚肉タンパク質および魚肉ペプチドのラット血清脂質成分に及ぼす影響

    福永健治, 細見亮太, 吉田 晃, 吉田宗弘

    第61回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • 2世代にわたる亜鉛投与量の違いがマウスの組織亜鉛濃度におよぼす影響

    安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 小邨奈美, 福永健治, 栗山孝雄, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    第24回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • 飼料中モリブデン濃度がラット臓器および血清モリブデン濃度に及ぼす影響

    吉原花織, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第24回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • キトサンコート水産リン脂質による抗腫瘍性の促進

    福永健治, Z. Hossain, 田内正敏, 竹内洋文, 岩倉和彦, 高橋是太郎

    平成19年度日本水産学会  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • マグロ腸粉末給餌によるラット血清脂質成分改善効果

    細見亮太, 永世義人, 田居俊亮, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第61回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2007 

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    Event date: 2007



  • ラット大腸癌発症に及ぼす魚肉タンパク質摂取期間の影響

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 西山利正, 新井博文

    第60回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2006 

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    Event date: 2006



  • 成長期ラットにおける黒豆クエン酸酢の健康効果

    吉田宗弘, 穂坂 賢, 数岡孝幸, 堤 和弘, 上田康弘, 舘博, 安藤達彦, 石黒麻里子, 福永健治

    第16回日本健康医学会総会  2006 

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    Event date: 2006


  • セレン強化スプラウトおよびセレン強化カボチャに含まれるセレンの栄養有効性

    吉田宗弘, 佐野菊江, 石幸恵理, 福永健治, 西山利正

    第17回日本微量元素学会  2006 

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    Event date: 2006



  • ラットにおける亜鉛の吸収率と組織濃度に及ぼす飼料中亜鉛レベルの影響

    松田芳和, 安部麻美子, 小邨奈未, 川島朋絵, 福永健治, 荒川泰昭, 吉田宗弘

    第17回日本微量元素学会  2006 

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    Event date: 2006



  • かき肉エキス給餌による1,2-ジメチルヒドラジン誘発マウス大腸前ガン病変予防効果

    細見亮太, 松田芳和, 石丸綾子, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第23回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2006 

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    Event date: 2006



  • 1,2-ジメチルヒドラジン誘発マウス大腸前癌病変に及ぼすセレン強化スプラウトと無機セレンの影響

    岡田敏英, 福永健治, 西山利正, 吉田宗弘

    第23回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2006 

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    Event date: 2006



  • アガリクス水抽出物及びイカリン脂質の相加的抗腫瘍性

    村川謙太郎 D, 福永健治, 高橋是太郎

    2006年度日本水産学会大会  2006 

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    Event date: 2006



  • 内分泌かく乱物質と大豆など既存食品の発育・癌化及び内分泌かく乱作用の比較

    福永 健治, 西山利正, 真鍋真理, 小嶋美穂子, 神田靖士, 堀伸二郎


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    Event date: 2005.3


  • 亜鉛充足ラットに亜鉛欠乏飼料を投与したときの亜鉛の体内分布の変化

    安部麻美子, 松田芳和, 小邨奈未, 川島朋絵, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第22回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • 亜鉛強化酵母に含有される亜鉛の性質と動物代謝実験による吸収性の検討

    甲斐輝彦, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治, 岡田敏英, 西山利正

    第59回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • トランス脂肪酸の同定とその生理機能について

    野口亮子, 福永健治, 宮下和夫, 平田 孝

    2005年度日本農芸化学会  2005 

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    Event date: 2005


  • ジメチルヒドラジンによって惹起したマウス大腸リンパ球浸潤反応に対するセレン強化スプラウトの抑制効果

    岡田敏英, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治, 西山利正

    第59回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • 亜鉛強化スプラウトに含有される亜鉛の有効性評価

    山根綾子, 吉田宗弘, 福永健治, 岡田敏英, 西山利正

    第59回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • 健常な成人日本人の血清モリブデン濃度

    吉田宗弘, 太田祥江, 福永健治, 西山利正

    第16回日本微量元素学会  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • 日本人の血清モリブデン濃度と大豆からのモリブデン摂取の意義

    吉田宗弘, 太田祥江, 三木篤史, 福永健治, 吉武 裕, 児玉直子, 西牟田守

    第22回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • ラット大腸癌発症におよぼすコレステロールおよびイコサペンと塩酸投与の影響

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 西山利正

    第59回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • セレン強化スプラウトの抗腫瘍効果. ジメチルヒドラジンによって惹起されるマウス大腸リンパ球浸潤反応への影響

    岡田敏英, 福永健治, 西山利正

    第22回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2005 

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    Event date: 2005



  • 水産機能性脂質・給源・機能・利用

    福永 健治

    EPA平成16年度日本水産学会シンポジウム  2004 

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    Event date: 2004



  • 魚肉タンパク質の大腸癌抑制作用

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 佐々木真理 D, 西山利正

    第58回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2004 

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    Event date: 2004



  • ワカメ油及びフコキキサンチンによる体脂肪蓄積の改善効果

    前多隼人 B, 細川雅史, 福永健治, 船山桂, 中野隆久, 宮下和夫

    第58回日本栄養・食糧学会大会  2004 

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    Event date: 2004



  • セレン強化スプラウトの調製

    岡田敏英, 福永健治, 吉田宗弘

    第21回微量栄養素研究会シンポジウム  2004 

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    Event date: 2004



  • トランス型EPAの生理活性とHPLCによる分析

    財満信宏 D, 野口亮子 D, 福永健治, 平田孝

    平成16年度日本水産学会  2004 

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    Event date: 2004



  • 平成13年度年飯島記念食品科学振興財団年報

    福永 健治, 吉田宗弘, 老川典夫, 左右田健次


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    Event date: 2003.8


  • Dietary Fish Protein Influences the Composition of Intestinal Microbiota in Rats

    K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, Y. Ikeda, A. Nishimoto, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida


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  • Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ethyl ester influences the composition of bacteria and their metabolites in rat cecal content

    R. Hosomi, A. Matsudo, T. Tsushima, Y. Misawa, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effects of Dietary Scallop Oil Prepared from Scallop By-product on Lipid Metabolism in Type II Diabetic/Obese KK-Ay Mice

    K. Sugimoto, J. Nakamura, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Dietary Fat Influences the Composition of Bacteria and its Metabolites in Cecum of Rat

    R. Hosomi, A. Matsudo, T. Shimono, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, K. Fukunaga, M. Yoshida


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  • Differential effects of cod and tuna proteins on liver lipid accumulation in obesity/diabetes ob/ob mice

    R. Hosomi, Y. Ikeda, H. Maeda, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effects of Oil Prepared from a Scallop By-product on Liver Lipid Peroxidation in Mice.

    R. Hosomi, T. Tanizaki, K. Fukunaga, S. Mori, S. Inoue, T. Kawanami, K. Takahashi, T. Yoshioka


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    Venue:Orlando, Florida, USA  


  • Effect of dietary chemical form of phosphate and phosphorus content on the mineral concentration and balance in rats

    C. Nakazawa, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effect of fat source on the steroid composition in feces of rats.

    A. Matsudo, R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effect of Dietary Lysophosphatidylcholine Containing n-3 PUFAs on Lipid Contents and Fatty Acid Compositions in the Serum and Brain of Rats

    R. Hosomi, K. Miyauchi, K. Fukunaga, T. Nagao, K. Sugimto, M. Yoshida, K. Takahashi


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  • Hypoxic Gel Ice Storage Extends the Shelf Life for Marine Species Compared with Block Ice Storage

    R. Hosomi, Y. Fukuma, A. Yamane, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Salmon protamine decreases serum and liver lipid contents by inhibiting lipid absorption in an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion model and in rats

    R. Hosomi, K. Miyauchi, H. Arai, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effect of Dietary Lysophospholipids Containing n-3PUFAs on Serum and Liver Lipids Contents in Rats

    R. Hosomi, K. Miyauchi, K. Fukunaga, Y. Inoue, T. Nagao, M. Yoshida, K. Takahashi


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  • Inhibitory Effect of a-tocopherol and the Analogues on Release of Chemical Mediators from Mast Cells

    M. Takasgugi, J. Kirikoshi, S. Sasayama, M. Hirata, A. Utsunomiya, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai


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  • e-Polylysine Decreases Micellar Lipids Solubility and Enhances the Fecal Lipids Excretion in Rats

    R. Hosomi, D. Yamamoto, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • 植物油脂原料および副産物を用いたホスファチジルセリンの製造方法



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  • Dietary Fish Protein Alter the Serum Lipid Contents and Expression of Hepatic Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism in Rats

    R. Hosomi, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effect of Slurry Ice Storage on Lipid Quality and Vitamin E Concentration of Fish Fillets

    S. Noguchi, R. Hosomi, Y. Fukuma, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effect of Superchilling Aging on the Melting Point of Fat in Pork

    R. Otuka, R. Hosomi, Y. Fukuma, M. Yoshida, K. Fukunaga


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  • Inhibitory Effect of tellimagrandin I in Rosa rugosa Petals on Allergic Reaction

    H. Arai, Y. Takaya, S. Sasayama, K. Toda, R. Takahashi, T. Yamagishi, A. Utsunomiya, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, M. Takasugi


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  • Effect of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal on Chemical Mediators Release from Mast Cells

    M. Takasugi, T. Hirata, S. Matsumoto, S. Sekimoto, R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai


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  • Dietary Hemoglobin Reduce Serum and Liver Cholesterol Contents and Increase Fecal Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, and Bile Acids in Rats

    K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida


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  • Superchilling Treatment Alter the Melting Point of Fat in Pork

    R. Hosomi, Y. Fukuma, K. Fukunaga, M. Takasugi, H. Arai, M. Yoshida


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  • Effect of alpha-tocopherol on chemical mediators release from mast cells

    H. Arai, J. Kirikoshi, S. Sasayama, K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, M, Takasugi


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  • Effect of Dietary Protamine on Serum Lipid Concentrations and Lipid Absorption in Rats

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida


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  • Effect of extracts from Rugosa rose petals and fruits on chemical mediators release from mast cells

    H. Arai, Y. Takaya, S. Kawai, T. Yamagishi, K. Fukunaga, R. Hosomi, M. Takasugi


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  • Effect of Phospholipids Containing n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Rat Lipid Metabolism

    K. Fukunaga, M. Fukao, R. Hosomi, H. Arai, S. Kanda, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida


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  • Effect of lanthanum-induced low phosphorus status on tissue trace element contents

    M. Yoshida, R. Hosomi, H. Noda, K. Uemura, K. Fukunaga


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  • Effect of Protamine on Lipid Metabolism in Rats

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, S. Kanda, H. Arai, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida


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  • Effect of Dietary Fish Protein and Oil on Lipid Metabolism in Rats

    R. Hosomi, K. Fukunaga, H. Arai, T. Nishiyama, M. Yoshida


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  • Effect of Fish Oil and Protein on Azoxymethane-Induced Preneoplastic Lesions in the Mouse Colon

    K. Fukunaga, T. Nishiyama, R. Hosomi, H. Arai, M. Yoshida


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  • Evaluation of nutritional availability and anti-tumor activity of selenium-enriched radish sprouts

    2nd International Symposium on Trace Elements and Health  2007 

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  • 大腸がん発症に及ぼすL-カルニチン摂取の影響

    福永健治, 吉田宗弘, 関口健


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  • Bioavailability of Selenium in Selenium-enriched Radish Sprouts and Pumpkin

    International Union of Food Science and Technology(IUFOST) XIIIth World Congress  2006.9 

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    Venue:Nantes, France  


  • 14年度厚生労働科学研究費報告書

    福永健治, 西山利正, 佐々木真理, 神田靖士

    厚生労働科学研究費報告書  2002 

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  • 23th J. Oleo Science Editor's Award

    2020.4   公益社団法人 日本油化学会  

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Research Projects

  • マグロ頭部シクロデキストリン加工粉末の栄養機能特性に関する研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Preventive effect of dietary kamaboko poroducts on colon cancer

    2004 - 2005

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)  Grant type:Competitive


  • Effect of chitosan intake on iron and lipid absorption


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Development of macrophage glutathione redox measurement method


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Elucidation of Physiological regulation function of marine Organisms origin PUFA trans isomer.


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Health and Labor Science Research Grant for Research on Risk of Chemical Substances, from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare,Japan.

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Research on immune activity of fish protein

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Research on immune activity substance in marine products.

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Research on fish products of anticancer effects.

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Research on advanced use of fisheries waste

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    Grant type:Competitive


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Social Activities

  • 香ヶ丘高等看護専門学校公衆衛生学担当


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  • 京都光華女子大学・短期大学部共通教育科目 生命の科学担当 非常勤講師


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  • 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科生命資源科学専攻特別講義2非常勤講師


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  • 星ヶ丘厚生年金保険看護専門学校保健学科 地域看護実習、疫学保険統計1.2担当 非常勤講師

    2003 - 2004

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  • 関西医科大学医学部医学科公衆衛生学 非常勤講師


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  • 近畿高等看護専門学校公衆衛生学担当


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  • 関西医科大学医学部付属保険看護専門学校生化担当 非常勤講師

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Devising educational methods

  • 演習科目,実験実習においては、全学生完全参加型の指導を行う様にしている。演習科目では、黒板を用いた演習問題の解答,添削を行い、さらに解法の理解を深めることを目的に、小テストの実施を毎回行っている。 また、実験実習では、毎回実験班の構成を無作為に改変し、積極的に参加する学生と追従型の学生が慣習的に固定しないように工夫している。また、試薬の調製は、秤量から学生が行うこととし、いわゆる体験型実験実習ではなく、個々の学生が主体的に実験実習を行うようにしている。毎年、少しずつテーマを変えてレポートの使い回し(前年度の丸写し)が不可能なようにしている。 通常の講義においては、適宜補助教材を配布して、時事問題にも対応可能な用に工夫している。基礎知識の 定着をはかるため、板書のみならず、重要項目については口述筆記を取り入れている。当初、学生の評判は芳しくなかったが、小テストの実施によって、確認してみると、着実に理解が深まっていることがわかったことから、現在は全ての講義について口実筆記を実施している。授業の評価については、小テスト実施時に、別紙に無記名にて、毎回、良かったところ、改善してほしいところ、悪かったところを学生に記述させて講義にフィードバックしているとともに、学生の理解度の把握に役立てている。 オフィスアワーはとくに指定していないが、各講義終了時点で、学生からの相談や、質問など申し出を受け付ける旨、学生に事前に周知して、該当学生と打ち合わせを行い、別途時間を設けるなど工夫している。

Teaching materials

  • 演習科目、講義科目においては、市販の教科書を用い、補助として適宜プリント(穴埋め式)を印刷して配布している。そのプリントを用いて、学生が個々のノートを作成する様にしむけている。これは教員から提供した方法を丸写しすることを避け、学生が自ら考え行動するようにするためである。また、実験実習においては、特に参考書などを指定しないで、学生が実験前に下調べをし、実験ノートを作成するようにしている。

Teaching method presentations

  • 研究に関する、発表講演は行っているが、現時点で教育方法・教育実践に関する発表、講演等はした経験はない。今後積極的に機会を得る様にして、行っていきたい。

Special notes on other educational activities

  • 2005-2008年度において、アラカルト入試入学予定者のe-ラーニングの担当し、インターネットを通じて入学前学生の質問に対応した。2009,2010年度において理工学教育開発委員会の学科委員として、入学前教育を担当した。また、併設校の理系科目教員との懇談に参加して、入学者の学力上の問題点などについて意見の交換を行った。