Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Letters Professor
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  • Doctor of Literature

Research Interests

  • Medieval history of Japan;History of Buddhism

  • History of Buddhism

  • Medieval history of Japan

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of thought

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese history

Research History

  • The University of Tokyo   Historiographical Institute

    2014.4 - 2016.3

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Professional Memberships

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Committee Memberships

  • 佛教史学会   会長  

    2021.11 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本仏教綜合研究学会   会長  

    2020.4 - 2022.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  •   評議員  


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  • 日本古文書学会   評議員  


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  • 大阪歴史学会   編集委員  


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  • 日本史研究会   編集委員  

    1992.12 - 1994.11   

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  • 仏教史学会   委員  

    1988.11 - 2004.10   

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  • 尼五山景愛寺と法衣の相伝 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    勉誠出版 西本昌弘編都市と宗教の東アジア史   2023.2

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  • 五山 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    国際禅研究   8号、141-150頁   2022.4

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  • 醍醐寺房玄自筆「伝法灌頂記」をめぐって

    原田 正俊

    KUーORCASが開くデジタル化時代の東アジア文化研究   2022.3

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  • 相国寺の創建と足利義満の仏事法会

    原田 正俊

    桃崎有一郎・山田邦和編都『室町政権の首府構想と京』 文理閣   126-158頁   2016

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  • 室町仏教論を考える

    原田 正俊

    仏教史学研究   58巻2号、71-92頁   2016

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  • 足利将軍の受衣と室町文化

    原田 正俊

    『禅からみた日本中世の文化と社会』 ぺりかん社   332-352頁   2016

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  • 円爾-公武の帰依と南宋文化- Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『中世の人物 京・鎌倉の時代編 第三巻 公武権力の変容と仏教界』 清文堂   339-352頁   2014.7

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  • 皇帝の誕生日法会から室町将軍の誕生日祈祷へ Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『仏教がつなぐ東アジア』、勉誠出版   107-134頁   2014.6

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  • 日本の五山禅宗と中世仏教 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『東アジアのなかの五山文化』 東京大学出版会   78-103頁   2014.1

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  • Mannen-san Shokoku Jotenzen-ji Ekou Narabini Sho and Asikaga Yoshimitsu Reviewed

    第46輯 ( 46 )   17 - 31   2013.4

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  • 「五山禅林生活の変容と文雅への志向」 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『ヒストリア』   235号   2012.12

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  • 中世の摂津国における天台系寺院の展開

    原田 正俊

    『地域文化の歴史を往く』 和泉書院   52-74   2012.8

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  • 大会報告批判「大田壮一郎「室町殿と宗教」を聞いて」 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『日本史研究』   596号   2012.4

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  • House decoration and Chinese materials in the Muromachi Palace and the Zen Sect Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    Interdisciplinary studies in Japanese buddhism   ( 9 )   13 - 31   2011.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Association for the Interdisciplinary Studies of Japanese Buddhism  

    CiNii Books


  • 「The Gozan Zen Sects in the History of Japanese Buddhism」

    原田 正俊

    『ICIS Oversea Publication Series Vol.1A Selection of Essays on Oriental Studies of ICIS』Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies,Kansai University   Vol.1 29-46   2011.3

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  • 室町文化と仏教 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    佼成出版 アジア仏教史   第12巻 238-278   2010.5

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  • 室町文化と仏教

    原田 正俊

    『新アジア仏教史12 躍動する中世仏教』、佼成出版社   2010.5

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  • Nuns and Convents in Medieval Japan Reviewed


    ACTA ASIATICA   97号57-73頁   2009.8

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  • 中世における禅宗の展開と地域社会 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    歴史と地理 日本史の研究   226号1-13頁   2009.8

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  • Five- monasteries Zen Buddhism: from the perspective of Japanese Buddhist history Reviewed

    China   24号195-210頁 ( 24 )   195 - 210   2009.7

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    CiNii Books


  • 日本の禅宗と宋・元の仏教 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    アジア遊学 日本と宋元の邂逅   122号 ( 122 )   16 - 24   2009.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:勉誠出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 日本中世における禅僧の講義と室町文化 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    東アジア文化交渉学研究   2号   2009.3

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  • 仏教と太平記 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    吉川弘文館 太平記を読む   2008.11

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  • Buddhism of the Muromachi Period Reviewed

    183号 ( 183 )   40 - 59   2008.10

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    CiNii Books


  • 五山禅僧の文官的性格 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    思文閣出版 公家と武家Ⅳ官僚制と封建制の比較文明史的研究   2008.3

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  • 中世仏教再編期としての14世紀 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    日本史研究   540号   2007.8

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  • 京都五山禅林の景観と機能 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    中世寺院 暴力と景観・高志書院   2007.7

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  • Public lectures: Daijyoji, Youkouji, Soujiji in the Nanbokucho and Muromachi era Reviewed

    Harada Masatoshi

    第37号 ( 37 )   43 - 60   2006.10

  • 九条道家の東福寺と円爾 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    季刊日本思想史   第68号78-97頁 ( 68 )   78 - 97   2006.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:ぺりかん社  

    CiNii Books


  • 禅と天神信仰

    原田 正俊

    『悠久』おうふう   98号33-44頁   2004.7

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  • 崇伝 法度の起草

    原田 正俊, 圭室文雄他4名

    『日本の名僧15.天海・祟伝』、吉川弘文館   2004.7

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  • 禅宗と女性

    原田 正俊

    『国文学解釈と鑑賞』   69巻6号125-132頁   2004.6

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  • 中世の禅宗と葬送儀礼 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    東京大学史料編纂所『前近代日本の資料遺産プロジェクト研究集会報告集2001-2002』   129   2003.3

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  • 高野山金剛三昧院と鎌倉幕府 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    大隈禾雄編『仏法の文化史』吉川弘文館   108-137   2003

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  • 重源・鑁阿と勧進の思想 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    伊藤唯真編『日本仏教の形成と展開』法蔵館   204-227   2002

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  • 室町幕府と高野山金剛三昧院 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    中尾尭編『中世の寺院体勢と社会』吉川弘文館   293-317   2002

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  • 女人と禅宗 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    吉川弘文館 中世を考える 仏と女   1999.11

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  • 「五山禅林の仏事法会と中世社会-鎮魂・施餓鬼・祈祷を中心に-」 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『禅学研究』   /77,59-92 ( 77 )   59 - 92   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:花園大学  

    CiNii Books


  • 中世五山僧の進退・成敗・蜂起 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『日本仏教の史的展開』塙書房   /,330-347   1999

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  • The Regulations and Organization of Zen Temple in Medieval Ages Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    /,67-116 ( 1 )   67 - 116   1998

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Bukkyo University  

    In this paper, I examined the reality of Ji'in-ho 寺院法 (the law of temples), which existed along with the 公家法 (the law for court nobles) and Bakufu-ho 幕府法 (the law of the Shogunate), giving particular attention to the regulations of Zen temples. In Chin

    CiNii Books


  • 中世の嵯峨と天龍寺 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    平凡社 講座 蓮如   第4巻   1997.3

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  • Japanese View of India in the Ancient and Middle Ages Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    /,1429   1997

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  • State and Buddhism in the Later Middle Ages Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    415号32-64頁   1997

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  • Women and Zen Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    140-180   1997

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  • Tenryuji Temple and Saga(Kyoto) in MIddle Ages Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    79-112頁   1997

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  • 東福寺の成立と時代の妖怪 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『日本の仏教』   /1,172-189   1994

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  • Buddhism in Late Kamakura Period, An Analysis of the Tengusoshi Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    Yoshikawa K┣K00270┫bunkan   37/1,40-79 ( 1 )   p40 - 79   1994

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    CiNii Books


  • 天狗草紙を読む-天狗跳梁の時代- Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『歴史を読みなおす』第5巻 朝日新聞社   /,140-180   1994

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  • 達磨宗と摂津国三宝寺 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『有坂隆道先生古希記念 日本文化史論叢』同朋舎   1992

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  • 放下僧・暮露にみる中世禅宗と民衆 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    『ヒストリア』   /129,25-54   1990

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  • 戦国期の山科郷民と山科本願寺・朝廷 Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    津田秀夫先生古希記念 封建社会と近代のちに『寺内町の研究第2巻寺内町の系譜』法藏館1998年   37/1,40-79   1989.3

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  • Zen priest and Japanese God in Japanese Medieval Ages

    HARADA Masatoshi


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  • Zen Priests and Jishu Sectarians in the Medieval Society Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi

    /313,1-35 ( 313 )   p1 - 35   1988

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    CiNii Books


  • Tototenjin and Zen sect in Muromachi Ages Reviewed

    HARADA Masatoshi


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  • 播磨国における禅宗の発展ー臨済宗東福寺派を中心にー Reviewed

    原田 正俊

    仏教史学研究   26巻2号 ( 2 )   p95 - 103   1984.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:仏教史学会  

    CiNii Books


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  • 中世仏教再編と禅宗

    原田 正俊( Role: Sole author)

    法藏館  2023.5 

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  • 関西大学東西学術研究所創立七〇周年記念論文集 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)


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  • 日本宗教史5 日本宗教の信仰世界 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    吉川弘文館  2020.12 

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  • アジアの死と鎮魂・追善 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    勉誠出版  2020.3 

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  • 中世禅への新視角ー『中世禅籍叢刊』が 中世禅への新視角ー『中世禅籍叢刊』が開く世界ー

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    臨川書店  2019.7 

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  • 日本仏教の展開 文献より読む史実と思想

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    春秋社  2018.3 

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  • 薗田香融先生の業績をふりかえる 仏教史研究の成果と特色

    原田 正俊( Role: Sole author)

    和歌山地方史研究  2017.12 

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  • 禅教交渉論

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    臨川書店  2017 

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  • 宗教と儀礼の東アジア

    原田 正俊

    勉誠出版  2017 

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  • 仏教史研究ハンドブック

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    法藏館  2017 

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  • 聖一派

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    臨川書店  2016 

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  • 鎌倉時代の南禅寺と一山国師

    原田 正俊( Role: Sole author)

    南禅寺  2016 

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  • 訳注日本史史料

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    集英社  2015 

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  • 達磨宗

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    臨川書店  2015 

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  • 『日本宗教史研究の軌跡と展望』

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint editor)

    岩田書院  2014.8 

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  • 『丹波八木の歴史』

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)


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  • 『日本の古代中世仏教と東アジア』

    原田 正俊( Role: Edit)

    関西大学出版部  2014.3 

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  • 中世前期における禅宗の年中行事 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    遠藤基郎編『生活の文化の歴史学2 年中行事・神事・仏事』 竹林舎  2013.3 

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  • 『大阪狭山市史』第1巻本文編通史

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)


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  • 『高砂市史』第1巻通史編

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)


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  • 天龍寺文書の研究

    原田 正俊( Role: Edit)

    思文閣出版  2011.3 

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  • 新修神戸市史 歴史編Ⅱ古代・中世

    原田 正俊( Role: Contributor)

    神戸市  2010.3 

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  • 『街道をゆく04 高野聖と空海の宇宙』

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    朝日新聞社  2005.2 

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  • 『新修 亀岡市史』本文編

    原田 正俊, 川嶋将生 他( Role: Joint author)

    亀岡市  2004.3 

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  • 『日本仏教34の鍵』

    原田 正俊, 大久保良峻 他( Role: Joint author)

    春秋社  2003.5 

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  • 『きのくに荘園の世界』

    原田 正俊, 山陰加春夫 他( Role: Joint author)

    清文堂  2002.2 

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  • 『鹿王院文書の研究』 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    思文閣出版  2000 

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  • 『日本中世の禅宗と社会』 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Sole author)

    吉川弘文館  1998 

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  • 京の歴史と文化 第3巻 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    講談社  1994 

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  • 史料京都の歴史 第1巻 Reviewed

    原田 正俊( Role: Joint author)

    平凡社  1991 

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  • 臨済宗五山派と加賀・能登

    原田 正俊

    加能史料研究   第18号   2006.3

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  • 渡唐天神説話にみる中国と日本の交流

    原田 正俊

    径山禅宗祖庭文化論壇  2017.11 

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    Event date: 2017.11



  • Zen Ceremonies and the Reconfigulation of the Medieval Buddhist Ritual System

    原田 正俊

    Europian Association for Japanese Studies  2017.8 

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    Event date: 2017.8 - 2017.9



  • 「Muso Soseki’s Zen and Kenmitsu schools」

    原田 正俊

    The Association for Asian Studies 大会  2014.3 

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    Event date: 2014.3

    Venue:Philadelphia USA  


  • 「日本中世における将軍・天皇の葬儀」

    原田 正俊

    東アジア文化交渉学会第5回年会  2013.5 

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    Event date: 2013.5



  • 「足利義満の相国寺創建と仏事法会」

    原田 正俊

    平安京・京都研究集会  2012.11 

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    Event date: 2012.11



  • 「五山禅林の年中行事と室町殿」

    原田 正俊

    国際高等研究所  2012.8 

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    Event date: 2012.8



  • 「Buddhist Monks and the Heavenly and Earthly Gods in the Muromachi Period:An Examination of Tenjin Visiting China」

    原田 正俊

    The Association for Asian Studies大会  2012.3 

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    Event date: 2012.3

    Venue:Toront Canada  


  • 「禅宗の伝法・授戒と袈裟」

    原田 正俊

    灌頂シンポジウム  2011.11 

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    Event date: 2011.11



  • 五山禅宗寺院の文書管理と重書案

    原田 正俊

    日本古文書学会  2011.9 

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    Event date: 2011.9



  • 「五山禅宗寺院の文書管理と重書案」

    原田 正俊

    日本古文書学会大会  2011.9 

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    Event date: 2011.9



  • 「五山禅院の伝来文書と文書管理」

    原田 正俊

    国際高等研究所  2011.8 

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    Event date: 2011.8



  • 「The Muromachi Shoguns and the Zen」

    原田 正俊

    The Association for Asian Studies大会  2011.3 

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    Event date: 2011.3

    Venue:Honolulu Hawaii  


  • 大徳寺の運営と室町幕府

    原田 正俊

    禅宗史研究国際シンポジウム-禅宗史研究の諸課題と古文書-(東京大学)  2004.10 

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    Event date: 2004.10


  • 中世における女性と禅

    原田 正俊

    コロンビア大学中世日本研究所主催国際シンポジウム-女性と仏教  1999.11 

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    Event date: 1999.11



  • アジアと日本をつないだ僧重源・栄西

    原田 正俊


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  • 鎌倉・南北朝時代の禅宗と尼寺

    原田 正俊


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Research Projects

  • 中世後期仏教の組織・法会・思想の研究

    Grant number:22K00905  2022.4 - 2026.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    原田 正俊

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    Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )


  • International Research on Japanese Buddhism as seen from the perspective of multiple academic fields

    Grant number:25244004  2013.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    OKUBO RYOSHUN, Hayashi Makoto, Harada Masatoshi

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    Grant amount:\24960000 ( Direct Cost: \19200000 、 Indirect Cost:\5760000 )

    In order to achieve our stated goals of promoting interdisciplinary scholarship and fostering ties between different generations of scholars, over the last five years we have held eight workshops in Japan and four workshops in oversea countries. We have invited over 70 speakers from relevant disciplines, one third of whom were at the age of 40 or younger. Moreover, we have published a survey of Japanese Buddhism, Nihon bukkyo no tenkai (Ed. Okubo Ryoshun. Shunjusha Publishing Company). The book contains extensive summaries for each chapter in English and caters to a wide audience, ranging from the interested public to specialized researchers.


  • A Synthetic Study of Buddhist Ritual: Its formation and Development

    Grant number:23242005  2011.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    MORI Masahide, EINOO Shingo, TAKASHIMA Jun, TOMISHIMA Yoshiyuki, HARADA Masatoshi, YAMABE Nobuyoshi, MATSUMOTO Ikuyo, TAKASU Jun, YAGUCHI Naomichi, NISHIMOTO Yoichi

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    Grant amount:\20670000 ( Direct Cost: \15900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4770000 )

    This research project focuses upon the Buddhist ritual, especially its formation, development and transformation in the history of Buddhism in Asian countries. The research was carried out in the style of the interdisciplinary joint project consisting of several researchers of various fields: such as Indology, Buddhist studies, history, anthropology, art history, architecture, religious studies and so on. In order to realize the interdisciplinary research we set up five frameworks, i. e. kingship, representation, space, technique and human body. One of the most significant results of the project is the proceedings of the symposium about consecration ritual (abhiseka). This publication has enabled to display the general picture of this ritual all over Asian countries and to lead to the new horizon of ritual studies. As a concluding project we organized an international symposium about the relationship between rituals and the visual imagery.


  • Interdisciplinary study on formation and deployment of traditional cultures in East Asia focusing on education in private academy and school

    Grant number:21242001  2009 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    AZUMA Juji, MIURA Kunio, TOU Tokumin, YUASA Kunihiro, NIKAIDO Yoshihiro, FUJITA Takao, SAWAI Keiichi, IZAWA Koichi, YABUTA Yutaka, HARADA Masatoshi, MASUD Chikako, SHINOHARA Hirokata, NISHIMURA Masanari, U Shin

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    Grant amount:\34710000 ( Direct Cost: \26700000 、 Indirect Cost:\8010000 )

    In this project we interdisciplinarily considered the formation and deployment of traditional cultures in the areas called "Kanji cultural sphere", such as East Asia, i.e., China, South and North Korea, Vietnam, and Japan through the education and lecture function in private academy of this area. As the result, we published many papers and books.
    As other specific work, we made translation and annotation of "Zhuzi Yulei" , the record of Zhu xi's lecture, and also investigated "Hakuen Shoin", a private academy of Chinese classics in Osaka and "Hakuen Bunko" , the collection of books of the academy. In this field, we published "Historical Documents of Hakuen Academy" and "The Collection of Seals of Hakuen Bunko", etc.. The "WEB Hakuen Shoin" with substantial contents was also released on the internet.


  • Comprehensive research on Historic Ruins of the Hill behind Kawaharadera Temple in Asuka area: the Distinction of Kawaharadera Temple Considered from the Excavated Artifacts

    Grant number:21320149  2009 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    YONEDA Fumitaka, NISHIMOTO Masahiro, HARADA Masatoshi, HASE Youichi, ICHIMOTO Rui, HIROOKA Takanobu, FUJITA Namie, KOBA Motoharu, KAWAKAMI Kunihiko

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    Grant amount:\15080000 ( Direct Cost: \11600000 、 Indirect Cost:\3480000 )

    This research consists of two parts. First, we researched on the assemblage excavated from Historic ruins of the Hill behind Kawaharadera Temple in 1974 in the following ways: 1) exact understanding of their type and quantity, 2) measuring of main artifacts among them. Second, we conducted the second archaeological excavation in 2010 in order to comprehend the shape of the pit which the abovementioned assemblage had been found. As a result, we acquired expansible vision to the new research point of view on technique of making clay statuary and usage of metal implements including utensils for worship. We reported these achievements briefly by the international symposium and its proceedings in 2012. The final research report will be published in 2013.


  • The service of Zen Buddhism and the relation of the Chinese Buddhism to Japanese medieval times

    Grant number:19520584  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    HARADA Masatoshi

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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    The influence of the system, the Buddhist service, and thought which Zen Buddhism brought to Japanese medieval-times society in this research was solved on many sides. Zen Buddhism established the power base located in a line with the Tendai sect of Buddhism and the Shingon sect in response to national protection about the middle of the 14th century in Japanese society. The Buddhist service based on the courtesy of the Chinese Buddhism which Zen Buddhism performs was established as national Buddhist services including a general's funeral service. In the thought side, the active lecture by a Zen monk was performed, Zen and Confucianism were explained, and Zen thought had great influence also on entertainments like NO play.


  • Comprehensive research on Cave Temples in Western India-understanding the process of structural transition in Buddhist Cave Temples-.

    Grant number:18401033  2006 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    YONEDA Fumitaka, NAKATANI Nobuo, HASE Youichi, KOBA Motoharu, HARADA Masatoshi

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    Grant amount:\5450000 ( Direct Cost: \4700000 、 Indirect Cost:\750000 )


  • International Research on Japanese Religions and Gender : Using the Results of Surveying Convent Archives as a Foundation

    Grant number:18310171  2006 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OKA Yoshiko, MAKINO Hiroko, TAIRA Masayuki, KATSUURA Noriko, USHIYAMA Yoshiyuki, YOSHIDA Kazuhiko, TAKAGI Hiroshi, HARAGUCHI Shizuko, HARADA Masatoshi, OKAMURA Yoshiji, MATUURA Norihiro, KIRIHATA Ken, NISHIGUCHI Junko, SOMADA Yoshio, SATO Fumiko, NISHIGUCHI Jyunko, SOMADA Yoshio, SATO Fumiko, KISHIMOTO Kaori

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    Grant amount:\17930000 ( Direct Cost: \14600000 、 Indirect Cost:\3330000 )


  • Research of the ancient documents which the Five-Monasteries Zen temple consisting mainly of the Tenryu-ji (天竜寺) temple and Shokoku-ji (相国寺) temple possesses

    Grant number:16520403  2004 - 2006

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    HARADA Masatoshi

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    Grant amount:\3000000 ( Direct Cost: \3000000 )

    I took a photograph by conducting ancient-documents investigation of the Tenryu-ji (天竜寺) temple, Shokoku-ji (相国寺) temple, and a related semiautonomous subtemple temple which is a typical temple in Kyoto Gozan, created the list, and aimed at the collection.
    The contents are also abundant in the duplicates of an important document, there are also many by which the script was lost, and many precious information is included. Furthermore, investigation of the ancient documents which were flowing out of the Tenryu temple outside was also conducted.
    I created the list of all these important documents, and the data base.
    By this research, the systematic state of the ancient documents of a Zen temple can be solved. By this result, the size of social existence of the Five-Monasteries Zen Buddhism which has not been considered enough can be solved.


  • Comprehensive studies of women and Buddhism in Japan based on the results of the amadera document survey

    Grant number:14310165  2002 - 2005

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OKA Yoshiko, KIRIHATA Ken, MAKINO Hiroko, USHIYAMA Yoshiyuki, TAKAGI Hiroshi, OKAMURA Yoshiji

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    Grant amount:\7800000 ( Direct Cost: \7800000 )

    This project has been to survey amamonzeki jiin (imperial convents) called bikuni gosho in the early modern periods in Kyoto and Nara, and to hold some meetings for the studies of amadera (convents) documents to discuss women and Buddhism in Japan. Thirteen surveys of amamonzeki have been conducted at Reiganji, Chuguji and Jijuin. The subjects of our surveys are the documents written in the early modern and modern periods, and textile art. The index of Koshoin documents and the survey results in the other three convents above are in the research report. At the seven study meetings we discussed the results of the surveys of amadera documents and various topics. The research report has the details.
    From the document surveys, we have learned that it is not enough to survey just one convent or to investigate only the extracts from important documents. The documents left in each convent show different characteristics of each bikuni gosho with diversity and localism. A special feature of the amamonzeki documents is that the nuns themselves wrote their thoughts and actions concretely. The arts and crafts owned by the convents are the cultural properties donated by secular women to prove their devotion and used by the nuns. The nuns not only pursued their faith but also played an active role in a society to manage their convents. Women around the convents participated with the nuns. We believe that our research is significant for the studies of religion and gender.
    We have recognized that the studies of women and Buddhism have common aspects in all periods and all fields. Researches of convents and nuns in the early modern and modern periods have not been done much. Our research results will become effective means to fill a blank in the studies of women and Buddhism in Japan.


  • Research of the Old Documents of Zen Buddhism Temple

    Grant number:14201031  2002 - 2004

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    HOTATE Michihisa, HAYASHI Yuzuru, YANBE Kouki, HARADA Masatoshi, TANAKA Hiromi, SUEGARA Yutaka

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    Grant amount:\27170000 ( Direct Cost: \20900000 、 Indirect Cost:\6270000 )

    The old documents stored in Zen Buddhism temple has scarcely investigated from the point of view of the archival science. Our method of research has two characteristics. First was to study the archival science through the history of Zen Buddhism temple. Second was to study the material paper of old documents of Zen Buddhism temple. Later was not a point of view of historical science, but of paper science that belongs to the field of natural science.
    Planning such project, we had a good support of Daitokuji, famous Zen Buddhism temple in Kyoto, so that we had fortunate conditions of bringing old Daitokuji documents to the laboratory of the Historiographical institute, University of Tokyo. If we have not such conditions, we cannot make a two-way research of our project.
    The medieval document of Daitokuji is the largest stock of the old document among the Zen Buddhism temple in Japan. In the research field of archival science and the history of Zen Buddhism temple, we had good results in below mentioned. 1, the relation with Muromachi Shognate has the essential meaning in the archival system of Daitokuji document. 2, the founder of Daitokuji, Shuho Myocho, and his successor, Tetto Gikou have a large roll in formation of the archival system of Daitokuji. Of course it centered to the history of Daitokuji, but we made a research on Rokuoin and Myosinji as well. In the research field of paper science, we investigated structure of paper fabrics on the microscope. Specialists of paper science in our report mention the manifold results of our investigation. The computer-based image processing of the paper was successful.


  • A court noble and warrior

    2001 - 2006

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    Grant type:Competitive


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Teaching method presentations

  • 高大連携事業では、高等学校への出張講義を年に1,2回行っている。大阪府と提携している小学校・中学校・高等学校教員向けの研修講座、教員免許更新の講習などの講師を毎年努めている。また、吹田北高校の学校協議会の委員(2009~2011年度)となり、教育方法と高大連携について高等学校と協議している。  大学公開講座では、大阪文化セミナー・吹田市民講座の講師を務めている。

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