Updated on 2024/10/07


Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering Professor
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  • Dr. of Eng.

Research Interests

  • 無機合成

  • 人工鉱物

  • 環境浄化

  • 有害物除去

  • 湿式処理

  • 排水処理

  • 環境化学工学

  • 液相吸着

  • ノーリア

  • 副産物利用

  • 鉄鋼スラグ

  • 石炭フライアッシュ

  • 多孔質材料

  • ゼオライト

  • 層状複水酸化物

  • 含水酸化物

  • エトリンガイト

  • ラダー型環状有機オリゴマー

  • アルミニウムドロス

  • 石膏

  • 貴金属(水溶液中の金や銀の選択的回収)

  • 有害陰イオン種(ヒ酸、セレン酸の除去)

  • 資源リサイクル

  • 有価物回収

  • 分離工学

  • イオン交換

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Transport phenomena and unit operations

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental load reduction and remediation

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental materials and recycle technology


  • Kansai University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering

    1994.4 - 1996.3

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    Country: Japan


  • Kansai University   Faculty of Engineering

    1990.4 - 1994.3

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Kansai University   Professor


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  • シドニー大学   客員研究員(関西大学在外研究員・1年)


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  • Kansai University   Associate Professor


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  • Kansai University


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  • Kansai University   Research Assistant


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  • 木村化工機   開発部


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Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  • 環境資源工学会   副会長  

    2024 - Present   

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  • NEDO   技術委員  

    2023 - Present   

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  • 中部近畿地方鉱山保安協議会   委員  

    2023 - Present   

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  • 資源・素材学会   粉体精製工学部門委員長  

    2023 - Present   

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  • 資源・素材学会   理事  


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  • 化学工学会 環境部会   顧問会議メンバー  

    2021 - Present   

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  • 日本学術会議 環境工学連合小委員会   委員  

    2021 - 2022   

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  • 資源・素材学会   代議員  

    2020 - Present   

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  • 化学工学会   代議員  

    2020 - 2021   

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  • 環境資源工学会   理事  

    2019 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 資源・素材学会   粉体精製工学部門委員会 副委員長  

    2019 - 2022   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 軽金属学会・アルミニウム製造副産物のアップサイクル研究部会   委員  

    2019 - 2022   

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  • 化学工学会   環境部会長  

    2019 - 2020   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 環境資源工学会   編集委員長  


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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 環境資源工学会   編集幹事  


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  • 化学工学会   化工誌編集委員  

    2017 - 2018   

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  • 日本学術振興会 素材プロセシング第69委員会   アソシエイトメンバー  

    2017 - 2018   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 環境資源工学会   常任理事  

    2017 - 2018   

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  • 環境資源工学会   編集委員  


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  • 化学工学会   環境部会幹事(リサイクル分科会)  

    2016 - 2018   

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  • 環境資源工学会   若手の会世話人  

    2016 - 2017   

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  • 資源・素材学会   論文誌委員会委員  

    2016 - 2017   

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  • 化学工学会   代議員  

    2016 - 2017   

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  • 資源・素材学会   関西支部常議員  

    2015 - 2018   

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  • 化学工学会   化学工学誌トピックス委員  

    2015 - 2016   

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  • 環境資源工学会   理事  

    2015 - 2016   

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  • 資源・素材学会   編集幹事  


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  • 化学工学会   環境部会副部会長(リサイクル分科会長)  

    2014 - 2015   

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  • 環境資源工学会   編集幹事  

    2013 - 2016   

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  • 環境資源工学会   若手の会幹事  

    2013 - 2015   

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  • 資源・素材学会   編集委員  

    2012 - 2014   

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  • 化学工学会   環境部会幹事(リサイクル分科会)  

    2010 - 2013   

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  • 資源・素材学会   関西支部常議員  

    2009 - 2010   

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  • 環境資源工学会   評議員  

    2007 - 2014   

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  • 環境資源工学会   編集委員  

    2005 - 2012   

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  • 資源・素材学会   関西支部近畿地区幹事  

    2005 - 2007   

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  • 資源・素材学会   関西支部庶務幹事  


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  • ノーリアを用いたAu(III)の選択的分離・回収プロセスの構築 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   49, 2, 38-44   2023

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  • Phosphorus extraction from synthesized steelmaking slag by hydrothermal hydroxyapatite precipitation Reviewed

    Masanori SUZUKI, Shintaro NISHIOKA and Norihiro MURAYAMA

    Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy   9, 700-709   2023

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  • Selective adsorption of Pd(II) over Ag(I) in nitric acid solutions using nitrogen-donor–type adsorbents Reviewed

    Tomoya SUZUKI, Ukyo OTSUBO, Takeshi OGATA, Hideaki SHIWAKU, Tohru KOBAYASHI, Tsuyoshi YAITA, Mitsuaki MATSUOKA, Norihiro MURAYAMA and Hirokazu NARITA

    Separation and Purification Technology   308, 122943   2023

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  • 低品位アルミニウムドロスの減容化、無害化および再資源化を指向した湿式処理プロセスの開発 Reviewed

    和田祐介, 常見紳太, 松岡光昭, 村山憲弘, 平木岳人

    環境資源工学   69, 2, 63-70   2022

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  • Lead extraction as metallic phase from waste lead oxide‑containing glass by redox reaction in hydrothermal treatment Reviewed

    Masanori SUZUKI, Yuma UKISU and Norihiro MURAYAMA

    SN Applied Sciences   3, 419   2021

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  • 種々の石膏を出発原料に用いる懸濁液中でのエトリンガイトの合成 Reviewed

    平尾充, 松岡光昭, 村山憲弘, 飯塚淳

    化学工学論文集   47, 6, 231-236   2021

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  • Speciation and separation of platinum(IV) polynuclear complexes in concentrated nitric acid solutions Reviewed

    Tomoya SUZUKI, Ukyo OTSUBO, Takeshi OGATA, Hideaki SHIWAKU, Tohru KOBAYASHI, Tsuyoshi YAITA, Mitsuaki MATSUOKA, Norihiro MURAYAMA and Hirokazu NARITA

    Dalton Transactions   50, 33, 11390–11397   2021

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  • ノーリア骨格をテンプレートとした空孔内に水酸基を有する架橋化合物の合成とそれらの金属イオン包接性能 Reviewed


    ネットワークポリマー論文集   41, 2, 65-71   2020

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  • 複合水酸化物を前駆体に用いるZn-Al系複合酸化物の粒子形態の制御 Reviewed


    環境資源工学   67, 2, 73-79   2020

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  • Synthesis of geopolymers from mechanically activated coal fly ash and improvement of their mechanical properties Reviewed

    Mitsuaki MATSUOKA, Kaho YOKOYAMA, Kohei OKURA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Masato UEDA and Makio NAITO

    Minerals   9, 12, 791   2019

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  • 種々のMg-Fe系複合酸化物を用いた希薄水溶液中のホウ素およびヒ素の除去 Reviewed


    環境資源工学   66, 1, 29-35   2019

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  • A study of the application of Donnan dialysis to the recycling of lithium ion batteries Reviewed

    Alexandru C. SONOC, Jacob JESWIET, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Junji SHIBATA

    Hydrometallurgy   175, 133-143   2018

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  • Synthesis and metal-complexation ability of gels containing noria-templated cavities with pendant carboxylic acid groups Reviewed

    Hiroto KUDO, Tsubasa MIYAMAE, Kouta KITAGAWA, Kohei ISOI, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Jun’ichi HAYASHI

    Chemistry Select   3, 2223-2228   2018

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  • Fe-Al系複合酸化物によるAs(III)とAs(V)の除去 Reviewed

    吉田翔, 村山憲弘,芝田隼次

    化学工学論文集   43, 4, 193-198   2017

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  • 鉄鋼スラグを原料に用いる層状複水酸化物の製造プロセスについて Reviewed


    環境資源工学   63, 4, 111-119   2016

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  • Removal of dilute toxic anions in aqueous solution using layered double hydroxide synthesized from steelmaking slag Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Tomoaki TAKAGI, Takashi TSUDA, Kai MORIYAMA, Junji SHIBATA and Etsuro UDAGAWA

    Resources Processing   62, 1, 24-29   2015

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  • 希薄水溶液中のScの溶媒抽出に関する研究 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   41, 6, 362-367   2015

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  • 合成ゼオライトのモルタルへの添加効果 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   41, 1, 67-71   2015

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  • γ-Al2O3とMnO2によるAs(III)の酸化吸着挙動 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   40, 3, 250-254   2014

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  • Application of aluminum dross-derived layered double hydroxides to removal of organic compounds in aqueous solution Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Takayuki MIYOSHI, Takumi HAYASHI and Junji SHIBATA

    Resources Processing   61, 1, 32-38   2014

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  • 粉砕・分級と湿式処理によるリチウムイオン電池のリサイクル Reviewed


    日本金属学会誌   78, 7, 250-257   2014

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  • ニッケル水素電池焼成物の破砕・物理選別特性に関する研究 Reviewed


    環境資源工学   61, 3, 177-184   2014

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  • 廃蛍光体粉からのレアアースの浸出と分離・回収 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 5, 247-478   2013

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  • リチウムイオン電池のふるい下産物からのLiとCoの選択的浸出 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 5, 466-471   2013

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  • 陰イオン性界面活性剤による層状複水酸化物の機能化とその利用 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 5, 445-451   2013

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  • 重金属で汚染された土壌の溶出挙動とゼオライト添加による溶出防止 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 3, 244-249   2013

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  • Removal of Harmful Anions in Aqueous Solution with Various Layered Double Hydroxides Reviewed

    Norihiro Murayama, Daisuke Sakamoto, Junji Shibata, And Marjorie Valix

    Resources Processing   60 ( 3 )   131 - 137   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Four types of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were synthesized by a co-precipitation method. The ability of various LDHs to remove anionic species including As(III), As(V), B, Cr(VI) and Se(IV) was investigated. Removal tests were performed primarily by a batch operation. The Cr(VI) removal was conducted by both batch and column studies. For the column removal tests, LDH pellets were prepared using a granulator and 5% poly-vinyl alcohol solution as binder. Among the LDHs tested, Mg-Al-NO3 − LDH showed the optimal removal of anionic species, and it demonstrated excellent removal of As(V), Se(IV) and Cr(VI) particularly at the low anionic concentrations. The order of anionic removal by the LDHs is as follows
    Mg-Al-NO3 − LDH&gt
    Mg-Al-Cl− LDH ≫ Mg-Al-SO4 2− LDH &gt
    Mg-Al-CO3 2− LDH. The selective uptake of anion had the following order
    As(V) &gt
    Se(IV) &gt
    Cr(VI) &gt
    As(III) &gt
    B. This study has demonstrated the uptake of harmful anions is influenced by the two specific factors, (1) the originally intercalated anions in the LDH, and (2) valency of anionic target species in aqueous solution. Column study also demonstrated that about 350 times Cr(VI) in solution per unit volume of LDH pellet can be removed, though this resulted in minor change in pH of the solution and greater NO3 − elution. This study has revealed the ability of LDH to remove harmful anionic species and its practical application in wastewater treatment. © 2013, The Resources Processing Society of Japan. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.4144/rpsj.60.131



  • 放射性廃水からのCsの除去に関する動的吸着挙動 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 1, 53-59   2013

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  • キレート化剤のマスキング効果を用いた溶媒抽出によるLi+およびCo2+の抽出分離 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 4, 294-300   2013

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  • Adsorption property of water vapor on AlPO4-5 synthesized from aluminum dross Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Makoto BABA, Jun-ichi HAYASHI, Junji SHIBATA and Marjorie VALIX

    Materials Transactions   54, 12, 2265-2270   2013

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  • リン酸石膏からのレアアースの回収 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   39, 4, 399-404   2013

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  • Development of Adavanced Separation Technology of Rare Metals Using Extraction and Crystallization Stripping Reviewed

    Junji Shibata, Norihiro Murayama, Masakazu Niinae, Takashi Furuyama

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   53 ( 12 )   2181 - 2186   2012

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN INST METALS  

    In a present process to treat the tungsten carbide tool waste, the wastes are roasted in air and then an alkali leaching is carried out in an autoclave. An environmentally friendly process is required to recover rare metals (Co and W) from the wastes. The effect of mechano-chemical (MC) treatment on leaching of rare metals was investigated in this study. The solvent extraction and crystallization-stripping methods were applied to separate and recover tungsten and cobalt in the leached solutions.
    The MC treatment for the rare metal leaching is effective to dissolve rare metals from the wastes due to the change in crystalline structure of WC and oxidation of WC with KMnO4. Cobalt ions are extracted with D2EHPA by a cation exchange reaction. Tungsten in the leachate can be extracted by TOA (tri-octyl amine) as an extractant, because tungsten species exist as a form of anionic species in acidic solution. The rare metals in organic phase are recovered as insoluble salts such as oxalates and ammonium salts in the crystallization-stripping process.

    DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.M2012234

    Web of Science


  • 石油脱硫廃触媒からのレアメタルの環境調和型分離回収プロセスの開発 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   38, 6, 424-430   2012

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  • γ-Fe2O3によるヒ素の吸着挙動と温度特性 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   38, 5, 318-323   2012

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  • 使用済みリチウムイオン電池焼成物の選択破砕・物理選別特性に関する実験的検討 Reviewed


    Journal of MMIJ   128, 6, 232-240   2012

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  • 共沈法によるCa2+-Mg2+-Al3+混合溶液からの層状複水酸化物の合成とその有害陰イオン除去特性 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   38, 4, 234-241   2012

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  • 製鋼スラグからの層状複水酸化物の合成と評価 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   38, 3, 176-182   2012

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  • Dispersion of nano-sized BaTiO3 particles in toluene-ethanol media using phosphate ester Reviewed

    Junji SHIBATA, Norihiro MURAYAMA and Hyoungho LEE

    Resources Processing   59, 3, 125-130   2012

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  • Synthesis of various layered double hydroxides using aluminum dross generated in aluminum recycling process Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Ikuo MAEKAWA, Hiroyuki USHIRO, Takayuki MIYOSHI, Junji SHIBATA and Marjorie VALIX

    International Journal of Mineral Processing   110-111, 46-52   2012

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  • 超硬工具材料粉体からのタングステンとコバルトの環境調和型分離回収に関する研究 Reviewed


    日本金属学会誌   75, 11, 613-619   2011

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  • 層状複水酸化物による有機陰イオンのイオン交換特性 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   37, 6,526-539   2011

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  • Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil with chelating agent and treatment of waste solution Reviewed

    Yoshiro MAKI, Junji SHIBATA, Norihiro MURAYAMA

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   44, 10, 701-707   2011

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  • ボールミルを用いたキレート化剤による重金属汚染土壌の浄化 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   37, 3, 284-288   2011

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  • Application of solvent extraction using synergistic effect to electroless nickel plating waste liquor Reviewed

    Mitsuhiro OKADA, Satoshi KIMURA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Junji SHIBATA and Katsumi OTANI

    Resources Processing   57, 3, 109-113   2010

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  • パソコン用リチウムイオン電池の組成の解析 Reviewed


    日本金属学会誌   74, 10, 677-681   2010

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  • キレート化剤による重金属汚染土壌処理に関する一つの試み Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   36, 4, 222-228   2010

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  • ヘキサメタリン酸ナトリウム水溶液中での酸化亜鉛微粒子の電場内での運動挙動 Reviewed


    化学工学論文集   36, 3, 157-161   2010

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  • 電気泳動現象を利用したサブミクロンシリカ粒子の分級 Reviewed


    環境資源工学   57, 2, 61-67   2010

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  • Effect of structure-directing agent on AlPO4-n synthesis from aluminum dross Reviewed

    Norihiro Murayama, Kou Arimura, Nobuaki Okajima, Junji Shibata

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL PROCESSING   93 ( 2 )   110 - 114   2009.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    The hydrothermal synthesis of AlPO4-n which is a functional material of aluminophosphate, was conducted from two kinds of aluminum dross discharged in an aluminum regeneration factory. The effect of structure-directing agent (SDA) on the formation behavior of AlPO4-n from aluminum dross, the suitable condition to obtain AlPO4-n efficiently, and the pore structure and gas adsorption property were investigated in this study. AlPO4-5 and AlPO4-34 are mainly formed from aluminum dross as a raw material, and it is possible to make AlPO4-5 successfully as a main product by adjusting the amount of triethylamine (TEA) as SDA. The gas adsorption amount with AlPO4-5 is the following order; ammonia>dipropylamine>benzene, and it is found that this order mainly corresponds with the polarity of molecule among them. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2009.07.002

    Web of Science


  • Adsorption of purine compounds in beer with activated carbon prepared from beer lees Reviewed

    Junji SHIBATA, Norihiro MURAYAMA and Masato TATEYAMA

    Resources Processing   56, 3, 120-126   2009

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  • イオン交換樹脂によるリン酸廃液中のAlおよびMoの除去 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 城崎有孝, 大村友希, 村山憲弘, 柏井俊彦, 村田貢

    Journal of MMIJ   125, (6,7), 358-362   2009

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  • キレート化剤による重金属汚染土壌の浄化 Reviewed

    牧 善朗, 芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 西村泰宏, 上嶋優矢

    化学工学論文集   35, 2, 258-263   2009

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  • 層状複水酸化物によるAs(III)とAs(V)の除去 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 坂本大輔, 岡田充弘

    化学工学論文集   35, 1, 60-65   2009

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  • 密閉容器内の沈積物の重量測定および液-液界面の界面位置測定に関する研究 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 立山正人, 中澤孝一

    環境資源工学   56, 1, 3-7   2009

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  • Effect of reaction temperature on hydrothermal syntheses of potassium type zeolites from coal fly ash Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Tomoya TAKAHASHI, Kazuki SHUKU, Hyoung-Ho LEE, Junji SHIBATA

    International Journal of Mineral Processing   87, (3,4), 129-133   2008

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  • CD-Rからの有価物回収プロセスの開発 Reviewed

    珠久和樹, 村山憲弘, 芝田隼次

    化学工学論文集   34, 5, 522-526   2008

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  • Dispersion of Fe3O4 suspensions using sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate as dispersant Reviewed

    Hyoung-Ho Lee, Shoichi Yamaoka, Norihiro Murayama, Junji Shibata

    MATERIALS LETTERS   61 ( 18 )   3974 - 3977   2007.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Dispersion of Fe3O4-water suspension is enhanced with appropriate decision of solution pH and the amount of dispersant, sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate. Active adsorption of dispersant onto Fe3O4 takes place only at pH levels below the isoelectric point. The median diameter is reduced with an increase in the adsorption amount of dispersant at first, and then it increases remarkably with higher adsorption. Change in Fe3O4 particle size according to the adsorption amount of dispersant is explained on the basis of contact angle measurements which relate to hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of Fe3O4 particles. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2006.12.091

    Web of Science


  • 層状複水酸化物のpH緩衝作用について Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 中島慎輔

    化学工学論文集   33, 3, 273-277   2007

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  • Absorption and release of carbon dioxide with various metal oxides and hydroxides Reviewed

    Kenji YAMAUCHI, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Junji SHIBATA

    Materials Transactions   48, 10, 2739-2742   2007

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  • Solvent extraction of various acids with 1-butanol and its application Reviewed

    Hiroshi KURAHATA, Hirokazu TURUTA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Junji SHIBATA, Akimasa ODA, Shogo MAEDA

    Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan   14, 87-95   2007

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  • 水溶液中に存在する微粒子の電場内での挙動 Reviewed

    山下大輔, 柴田 亮, 村山憲弘, 芝田隼次

    化学工学論文集   33, 5, 409-414   2007

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  • Adsorption properties of activated carbon prepared from waste beer lees by KOH activation and CO2 activation Reviewed

    Hyong-Ho LEE, Yuki HIRANO, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Junji SHIBATA

    Resources Processing   54, 1, 19-24   2007

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  • Synthesis of hydrotalcite-like materials from various wastes in aluminum regeneration process Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Junji SHIBATA, Kenji SAKAI, Shinsuke NAKAJIMA, Hideki YAMAMOTO

    Resources Processing   53, 1, 6-11   2006

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  • シリコンウエハー研磨廃棄物からのSiCの分離・再生について Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 長江賢吾

    化学工学論文集   32, 1, 93-98   2006

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  • Hydrothermal synthesis of AlPO4-5 type zeolitic materials by using aluminum dross as a raw material Reviewed

    N Murayama, N Okajima, S Yamaoka, H Yamamoto, J Shibata

    JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY   26 ( 4-5 )   459 - 462   2006

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    The hydrothermal synthesis of AIPO(4)-5, which is one of the large pore size aluminum phosphate condensates like zeolitie materials. was carried out by using aluminum dross as a raw material. Triethylamine (TEA) was used as a structure directing agent (SDA) for AIPO(4)-5 synthesis. Various physical properties such as crystal structure, surface texture and specific surface area were investigated for the obtained reaction product. AIPO(4)-5 can be synthesized from aluminum dross under hydrothermal conditions at 453-473 K for 3 h.
    AIPO(4) salt as a by-product, which is a non-porous material, is formed at the same time. The crystal of the obtained AIPO(4)-5 is hexagonal as observed by SEM photographs. It is desirable to heat-treat the reaction product at the temperature around 823 K to remove TEA. The crystal structure of AIPO(4)-5 changes to non-porous aluminum phosphate in case of a heat treatment exceeding 973 K. The specific surface areas of the reaction product before and after heat treatment at 823 K are 18 and 360 m(2)/g, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2005.06.022

    Web of Science


  • Dispersion phenomena of α-Al2O3 in aqueous solution in the presence of hydrophilic high polymers Reviewed

    Junji SHIBATA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Kenichi HORAI and Shigeno MATSUMOTO

    Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metal   59, 3, 373-379   2006

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  • Recovery of tetra-methyl ammonium hydroxide from waste solution by ion exchange resin Reviewed

    Junji SHIBATA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Shigeno MATSUMOTO

    Resources Processing   53, 4, 199-203   2006

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  • ビール粕成形炭賦活物による有機物の液相吸着 Reviewed

    平野祐樹, 高坂智也, 中島慎輔, 村山憲弘, 芝田隼次, 岡本裕行, 木下宗茂

    化学工学論文集   32, 5, 448-453   2006

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  • ビール粕成形炭による観賞魚用水槽の水質浄化 Reviewed

    岡本裕行, 芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 山本秀樹, 塚元祐二, 飯塚梨加, 常田 聡

    環境資源工学   52, 1, 25-31   2005

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  • Synthesis of Al-containing octahedral molecular sieves and oxidation of cyclohexane with them Reviewed

    Takanori MIYAKE, Kenjirou KOIKE, Isao AOKI, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Makoto SANO

    Applied Catalysis A: General   288, (1-2), 216-219   2005

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  • ビール糟からのミネラル成分の溶出に関する研究 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 山本秀樹, 松本茂野, 岡本裕行, 木下宗茂

    環境資源工学   52, 4, 161-166   2005

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  • 廃棄物由来のMg/Al系ハイドロタルサイトを用いた水溶液中の有害重金属イオンの除去 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 田辺満昭, 柴田 亮, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次

    化学工学論文集   31, 4, 285-290   2005

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  • Synthesis and physical properties of zeolite from coal ash and its application for environmental protection Reviewed

    Junji SHIBATA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Masato YAJIMA, Hideki YAMAMOTO

    Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metal   58, 5, 897-903   2005

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  • Separation of acids from waste solutions containing phosphoric, nitric and acetic acids with solvent extraction Reviewed

    Junji SHIBATA, Masataka MORIKAWA, Norihiro MURAYAMA, Hideki YAMAMOTO

    Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan   12, 177-188   2005

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  • アルミ再生工程から排出される廃棄物を原料とするハイドロタルサイトの合成と物性評価 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 田辺満昭, 山本秀樹

    化学工学論文集   31, 1, 74-79   2005

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  • ハイドロタルサイトの合成とその陰イオン交換特性 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次

    環境資源工学   51, 2, 92-98   2004

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  • 2-Ethylhexanal OximeによるNi2+の抽出速度におよぼす添加剤の効果 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 村山憲弘, 間宮 聡, 山本秀樹

    資源と素材   120, 12, 653-657   2004

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  • Novel treatment process of harmful organic materials in waste water using temperature-sensitive gel synthesized from PVA Reviewed

    H Yamamoto, A Kushida, N Heyamoto, Y Takami, N Murayama, J Shibata

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   44 ( 12 )   2436 - 2440   2003.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN INST METALS  

    The adsorption removal of harmful organic materials in waste water has been carried out using the adsorption and desorption characteristics of a temperature-sensitive polymer gel which is synthesized from polyvinylalcohol (PVA). A new adsorption removal process using an air lifting type vessel has been designed and examined for practical use. Three types of polymerization degrees (1000, 1700 and 2500) of PVA were used in this experiment. The gel volume in water was induced the volume contraction at around 305 K for 1000, 3 10 K for 1700 and 320 K for 2500, respectively. At higher temperatures, the temperature-sensitive polymer gel shrinks because of discharging water, whereas, in contrast, at lower temperatures, the gel swells as a result of absorbing water. The reversibility of the volume change of the synthesized polymer gel is confirmed by changing temperature. The adsorption behavior of organic materials onto PVA polymer gels in water was investigated at various temperatures. The amount of adsorption of organic materials increases remarkably at temperatures higher than about 305 K for 1000, 3 10 K for 1700 and 320 K for 2500. The saturated amounts of adsorption are about 0.05 mmol/g-gel for 1000, 0.26 mmol/g-gel for 1700 and 0.20 mmol/g-gel for 2500, respectively. The organic material in waste water could be adsorbed and desorbed reversibly onto PVA polymer gel by the temperature swing. The mechanism of adsorption and desorption of organic materials onto the gel can be explained by the hydration and dehydration of the polymer gel. The driving force of the adsorption is considered to be the hydrophobic interaction between PVA polymer gel and organic compounds. The novel continuous removal process for organic materials in waste water was designed and discussed for practical use.

    Web of Science


  • Volumetric change and surface properties of temperature-sensitive polyvinylalcohol (PVA) hydrogel Reviewed

    H Yamamoto, N Heyamoto, T Matsui, N Murayama, J Shibata

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS   24 ( 5 )   1385 - 1394   2003.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBL  

    Polyvinylalcohol (PVA) polymer gel is a temperature sensitive polymeric gel, with a critical transition temperature (with H2O) of 310 K. At higher than 310 K, this temperature sensitive polymer gel shrinks because of discharging water, whereas at lower temperatures, the gel swelled because of absorbing water. The reversibility of the gel's volume change was confirmed by temperature swing. The adsorption behavior of an organic compound onto the PVA polymer gel in water was tested at various temperatures. The amount of adsorbed organic compound increased remarkably at temperatures higher than about 310 K. Then, it was confirmed that the organic compound in PVA polymer gel could be reversibly adsorbed and desorbed by a temperature change between 293 and 323 K. The mechanism of adsorption of the organic compound onto the PVA polymer gel could be explained by hydration and dehydration of polymer gel.

    Web of Science


  • Simultaneous removal of NH4+ and PO43- in aqueous solution and its mechanism by using zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash Reviewed

    N Murayama, S Yoshida, Y Takami, H Yamamoto, J Shibata

    SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   38 ( 1 )   113 - 129   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MARCEL DEKKER INC  

    The objective of this study is to investigate the cation exchange property of the product (zeolite P) synthesized from coal fly ash by alkali hydrothermal reaction, and to evaluate the water purification ability for simultaneous removal of NH4+ and PO43- in aqueous solution.
    Zeolite P crystal begins to be collapsed or to be dissolved with a decrease in aqueous pH. The cation exchange capacity of the product drastically decreases below pH 4. The simultaneous removal of NH4+ and PO43- can be achieved when NH4+ is exchanged by CaP zeolite and an insoluble salt is formed by the reaction between Ca2+ released from zeolite and PO43- in aqueous solution.
    From the above results, the effect of pH on cation exchange property of the product and the mechanism of simultaneous removal of NH4+ and PO43- in aqueous solutions are considered, respectively. The CaP zeolite used in this study, which can simultaneously remove NH4+ and PO43- has advantages compared with the other removal methods.

    DOI: 10.1081/SS-120016701

    Web of Science


  • Reaction, mechanism and application of various zeolite syntheses from coal fly ash Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Mitsuaki TANABE, Hideki YAMAMOTO, Junji SHIBATA

    Materials Transactions   44, 12, 2475-2480   2003

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  • α-Al2O3微粒子の凝集・分散挙動におよぼすポリアクリル酸の効果 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 藤井勝也, 蓬莱賢一, 村山憲弘, 山本秀樹

    化学工学論文集   29, 6, 753-759   2003

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  • 液晶製造工程から排出されるリン酸を主成分とする廃液からの酸の分離回収 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 森川正貴, 芳川典生, 山田智子, 村山憲弘, 山本秀樹

    化学工学論文集   29,4,521-525   2003

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  • 石炭灰フライアッシュからアルカリ水熱合成されたpotassium-chabaziteの物性評価 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 田辺満昭, 吉田晋輔, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次

    資源と素材   119,3,125-129   2003

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  • Mechanism of zeolite synthesis from coal fly ash by alkali hydrothermal reaction Reviewed

    Norihiro Murayama, Hideki Yamamoto, Junji Shibata

    International Journal of Mineral Processing   64 ( 1 )   1 - 17   2002.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    To clarify the mechanism of zeolite synthesis from coal fly ash, the hydrothermal reaction was carried out in various alkali solutions. Zeolite was synthesized in an 800-cm3 autoclave under the condition of 393 K and 100 g/400 cm3 of solid-liquid ratio. The changes in various physical and chemical properties, such as crystal structure, surface structure and cation exchange capacity, of the obtained zeolites and the dissolved amount of Si4+ and Al3+ in alkali solution were investigated during the hydrothermal reaction. The mechanism of zeolite crystallization and the role of alkali solution on the synthesis reaction were considered. Zeolite P and chabazite are mainly synthesized as the crystal type of zeolite from coal fly ash. There exist three steps in alkali hydrothermal reaction of zeolite synthesis: the dissolution step of Si4+ and Al3+ in coal fly ash, the condensation step of silicate and aluminate ions in alkali solution to make aluminosilicate gel, and the crystallization step of aluminosilicate gel to make zeolite crystal. The OH- in alkali solution remarkably contributes to the dissolution step of Si4+ and Al3+ in coal fly ash, while Na+ in alkali solution makes a contribution to the crystallization step of zeolite P. This zeolite has the tendency to capture K+ selectively in the cation exchange site. © 2002 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights reseved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0301-7516(01)00046-1



  • Zeolite synthesis from coal fly ash by hydrothermal reaction using various alkali sources Reviewed

    Norihiro MURAYAMA, Hideki YAMAMOTO, Junji SHIBATA

    Journal of Chemcal Technology and Biotechnology   77, 3, 280-286   2002

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  • 石炭灰フライアッシュからのpotassium-chabaziteの生成挙動 Reviewed

    芝田隼次, 吉田晋輔, 村山憲弘, 山本秀樹

    資源と素材   117, 5,6, 419-424   2002

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  • 石炭灰フライアッシュから水熱合成したゼオライトの陽イオン交換特性 Reviewed

    高見優子, 芝田隼次, 山本秀樹, 村山憲弘, 小川和男

    資源と素材   117, 6, 495-500   2001

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  • 石炭灰および焼却灰のゼオライト原料としての評価 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 山川洋亮, 小川和男, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次

    資源と素材   117, 6, 501-505   2001

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  • 石炭灰フライアッシュから合成したゼオライトの水質浄化作用 Reviewed

    高見優子, 村山憲弘, 小川和男, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次

    資源と素材   116, 9, 789-794   2000

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  • 石炭灰フライアッシュからのゼオライトのアルカリ水熱合成と生成物の陽イオン交換特性 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 山川洋亮, 小川和男, 芝田隼次

    資源と素材   116, 4, 279-284   2000

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  • 製紙スラッジ焼却灰からのゼオライトの水熱合成とその物性評価 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 石本弘治, 芝田隼次

    資源と素材   116, 1, 31-36   2000

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  • 石炭灰フライアッシュのゼオライト化反応の機構 Reviewed

    村山憲弘, 小川和男, 西川泰義, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次

    資源と素材   116, 6, 509-514   2000

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  • NaOH/Na2CO3をアルカリ源として用いた石炭灰フライアッシュからのゼオライトの水熱合成 Reviewed

    西川泰義, 村山憲弘, 山本秀樹, 芝田隼次, 小川和男

    資源と素材   115, 13, 971-976   1999

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  • 粉体精製工学部門委員会

    村山憲弘( Role: Sole author)

    季刊 資源と素材, 9, 3, 99  2024 

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  • 【開催報告】第141回学術講演会 ―湿式法による貴金属の分離・回収技術に関する最近の動向―

    村山憲弘( Role: Sole author)

    環境資源工学, 70, 2, 90-92  2023 

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  • 廃棄物や副産物を出発原料とする機能性無機材料の創製

    村山憲弘,松岡光昭,平木岳人( Role: Joint author)

    セラミックス, 57, 4, 263-266  2022 

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  • 最近の研究トピックス 関西大学 資源循環工学研究室

    村山憲弘,松岡光昭( Role: Joint author)

    環境資源工学, 67, 2, 99-101  2020 

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  • 研究室紹介

    村山憲弘, 松岡光昭( Role: Joint author)

    化学工学, 82, 3, 172  2018 

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  • 鉄鋼スラグ由来陰イオン除去材の排水処理および汚染土壌処理への適用

    村山憲弘( Role: Sole author)

    理工学と技術, 24, 23-26  2017 

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  • 第5回「若手の会」ランチョンミーティングの活動報告

    村山憲弘( Role: Sole author)

    環境資源工学, 63, 2, 88-89  2016 

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  • 鉄鋼スラグ由来陰イオン除去材を用いる希薄水溶液からの有害陰イオン種の除去

    村山憲弘,芝田隼次( Role: Joint author)

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング, 60, 9, 60-64  2015 

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  • 鉄鋼スラグを出発原料に用いる陰イオン交換体の調製について

    村山憲弘,芝田隼次( Role: Joint author)

    理工学と技術, 21, 21-24  2014 

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  • リチウムイオン電池のリサイクル

    芝田隼次,村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    ケミカルエンジニアリング, 59, 1, 17-23  2014 

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  • 第2回「若手の会」ランチョンミーティングの活動報告

    村山憲弘,所千晴( Role: Joint author)

    環境資源工学, 61, 1, 64-65  2014 

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  • オーストラリア・シドニー大学での在外研究を終えて

    村山憲弘( Role: Sole author)

    関西大学理工学会会報, 129, 13-19  2013 

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  • アルミドロスを原料とする陰イオン交換体の製造技術

    村山憲弘,芝田隼次( Role: Contributor)

    リサイクル・廃棄物事典, 564-565  2012 

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  • 聴講記・平成22年度全国鉱山・製錬所現場担当者会議

    船津貴弘,高須登美男,村山憲弘,武部博倫( Role: Joint author)

    Journal of MMIJ, 126, 8-9, 539-542  2010 

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  • アルミドロスを原料とする層状複水酸化物の調製

    村山憲弘,芝田隼次( Role: Joint author)

    アルトピア, 40, 5, 9-15  2010 

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  • アルミ再生工程で生じる副産物や廃棄物を利用した陰イオン交換体の合成と排水処理への適用

    村山憲弘,芝田隼次( Role: Joint author)

    ケミカルエンジニアリング, 55, 7, 26-31  2010 

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  • リチウムイオン二次電池のリサイクル技術

    芝田隼次,村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    化学装置, 52, 8, 25-31  2010 

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  • 石炭灰を原料とするゼオライトの水熱合成とその利用

    村山憲弘,芝田隼次( Role: Joint author)

    環境浄化技術, 7, 3, 37-40  2008 

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  • 微粒子の分散に関する2-3の研究事例

    芝田隼次,村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    第58回顔料工学講座テキスト, 18-26  2008 

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  • 微粒子金属酸化物粒子の有機溶媒中での凝集・分散現象とその評価

    芝田隼次,蓬莱賢一,松本茂野,村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    実用産業情報, 39, 52-58  2006 

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  • 廃棄物処理および資源リサイクルについて

    村山憲弘( Role: Sole author)

    工学と技術, 13, 4, 7-11  2006 

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  • 第106回例会見学会(6月15日)見学記・アサヒビール(株)吹田工場

    村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    環境資源工学, 48, 3, 45  2001 

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  • 石炭灰からの人工ゼオライトの製造技術―K型ゼオライトの直接合成について―

    小川和男,村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    産業機械, 596, 5, 116  2000 

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  • クラレックス式熱交換器の実施例

    松尾洋志,村山憲弘( Role: Joint author)

    配管技術, 5, 82-85  2000 

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Industrial property rights

  • 金の回収方法および金回収用溶液

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    Application no:特願2023-036760  Date applied:2023


  • 金の回収方法、金の回収剤および金の回収装置

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    Application no:特願2019-207362  Date applied:2019


  • 超硬合金粉体からタングステン又はコバルトを回収する回収方法

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    Application no:特願2012-72230  Date applied:2012


  • フェニルホスホン酸エステルからなる金属抽出剤

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    Application no:特願2012-29500  Date applied:2012


  • 層状複水酸化物の製造方法

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    Application no:特願2004-344201  Date applied:2004


  • ゼオライトの製造方法

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    Application no:特願平11-323924  Date applied:1999


  • ゼオライトの製造方法

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    Application no:特願平11-056829  Date applied:1999


  • 繊維板及び繊維板の製造方法

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    Application no:特願平9-176381  Date applied:1997


  • 繊維板の製造方法

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    Application no:特願平9-333669  Date applied:1997


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  • 2022年度論文賞

    2022.6   環境資源工学会  

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  • 2019年度シルバー賞

    2020.3   田中貴金属記念財団  

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  • 平成29年度論文賞

    2017.10   環境資源工学会  

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  • 第30回奨励賞

    2005.3   資源・素材学会  

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  • 紫紺賞

    1996.3   関西大学大学院工学研究科  

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Research Projects

  • 科学技術振興機構, 2024年度(〜最長10年)・共創の場形成支援プログラム(地域共創分野・本格型:富山大学)

    2024 - 2033


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  • 科学研究費補助金,令和5, 6, 7年度基盤研究(C)

    2023 - 2025


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 池谷科学技術振興財団,2023年度・単年度研究助成



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  • 科学研究費補助金,令和2, 3, 4年度基盤研究(C)

    2020 - 2022


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 田中貴金属記念財団,2019年度貴金属に関わる研究助成金・シルバー賞


    研究代表者, 村山憲弘

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学研究費補助金,平成29, 30, 31 (令和1) 年度基盤研究(C)

    2017 - 2019

    研究代表者, 村山憲弘

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学研究費補助金,平成26, 27, 28年度基盤研究(C)

    2014 - 2016

    研究代表者, 村山憲弘

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学技術振興機構,平成25年度研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP)・FSステージ探索タイプ


    研究代表者, 村山憲弘

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学研究費補助金,平成22, 23, 24年度若手研究(B)

    2010 - 2012


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学研究費補助金,平成20, 21年度若手研究(B)

    2008 - 2009


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構,平成20年度希少金属資源開発推進基盤整備事業



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 日工記念事業団,平成19年度研究助成



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 向科学技術振興財団,平成19年度研究助成



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 関西エネルギー・リサイクル科学研究振興財団,平成19年度若手奨励研究助成



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • エスペック地球環境研究・技術基金,平成19年度研究助成



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学研究費補助金,平成18, 19年度若手研究(B)

    2006 - 2007


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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学技術振興機構,平成18年度実用化のための可能性試験



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 近畿地方発明センター,平成16年度研究開発助成



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 科学研究費補助金,平成15, 16年度若手研究(B)

    2003 - 2004

    研究代表者, 村山憲弘

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


  • 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団,平成15年度若手奨励研究助成



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    Authorship:Principal investigator 


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Social Activities

  • 日本学術振興会・ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス・実施代表者

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 資源・素材学会・資源・素材2024(秋田)粉体精製部門委員会企画セッション・企画

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 環境資源工学会・第141回学術講演会・実行委員長

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 富山大学・共創の場形成支援プログラム(地域共創分野)育成型, 研究開発課題 2(リーダー:平木岳人)第 5 回会合・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 資源・素材学会・資源・素材2023(松山)粉体精製部門委員会企画セッション・企画

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 日本学術振興会・ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス・実施代表者

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 日本学術振興会・ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス・実施代表者

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 第33回環境工学連合講演会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 化学工学会・化学工学論文集特集号(環境部会)・提案者

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 日本学術振興会・ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス・実施代表者

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 化学工学会・化学工学年鑑 2021・取りまとめ委員

    Role(s): Editer


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  • MOBIO・テーマ別大学・高専合同研究シーズ発表会『環境・SDGs編』・出展および講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 化学工学会・化学工学年鑑 2020・取りまとめ委員

    Role(s): Editer


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  • 日本学術振興会・ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス・実施代表者

    Role(s): Planner


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  • CHEMECA 2019,Invited presentation

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 沖縄県進学力グレードアップ推進事業・大学見学会(模擬講義)・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 化学工学会・(特集)都市鉱山リサイクルの課題と展望・企画

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 化学工学会・第50回秋季大会部会横断型シンポジウム・オーガナイザー

    Role(s): Planner


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  • The 16th Korea/Japan International Symposium on Resources Recycling and Materials Science, Invited Presentation

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 第1回アルミニウムドロス合同会議(第76回アルミニウムドロス委員会・日本アルミニウム協会,第3回アルミニウム製造副産物のアップサイクル研究部会・軽金属学会)・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 日本学術振興会・素材プロセシング第69委員会・アソシエイトメンバー

    2017 - 2018

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  • MOBIO・テーマ別大学・高専合同研究シーズ発表会・出展および講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 化学工学会・第49回秋季大会環境部会シンポジウム・オーガナイザー

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 化学工学会・化学工学論文集特集号(環境部会)・ゲストエディター

    Role(s): Editer


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  • 近畿経済産業局・平成27年度大学発!環境技術シーズ発表会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 環境資源工学会・第1回ワークショップ・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 環境資源工学会・第135回学術講演会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 化学工学会・第48回秋季大会環境部会シンポジウム・オーガナイザー

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 環境資源工学会・第134回学術講演会・実行委員長

    Role(s): Planner


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  • The 13th Japan/Korea International Symposium on Resources Recycling and Materials Science, Keynote Lecture

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 大阪イノベーションハブ・第2回フューチャーセッション~環境とエネルギー~・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 日本学術振興会・素材プロセシング第69委員会第4分科会・第11回研究会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 化学工学会・第47回秋季大会環境部会シンポジウム・オーガナイザー

    Role(s): Planner


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  • 日本学術振興会・JSPSサマー・プログラム・受入研究者

    Role(s): Advisor


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  • はりま産学交流会・5月創造例会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 科学技術振興機構・イノベーション・ジャパン2014大学見本市&ビジネスマッチング・出展および講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 資源・素材学会・資源・素材2014企画セッション・グリーンアジアのためのエネルギーと資源確保の戦略・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • The 11th Japan/Korea International Symposium on Resources Recycling and Materials Science, Keynote Lecture

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 科学技術振興機構・関西6私大新技術説明会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 第19回関西大学・大阪府立大学・学学連携による連続技術講座・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • おおさかATCグリーンエコプラザ・環境ビジネス発表会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 日工記念事業団・第19回学術研究発表会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 関西大学産学官連携・知財センター・関西大学技術交流セミナー2008・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • NPO法人資源リサイクルシステムセンター・第5回環境ビジネスコア創出セミナー・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 環境資源工学会・第15回シンポジウム「焼却灰の再利用促進のための分離・精製技術」・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 京都工業会・第20回産学連携マッチング交流会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • さかい新事業創造センター・産学連携共創フェア2006・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 環境資源工学会・第112回例会・講師

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • The 2nd Korea/Japan International Symposium on Materials Science and Resources Recycling, Invited Presentation

    Role(s): Lecturer


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  • 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構・テーマ公募型事業・事前評価者

    2000 - 2008

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Devising educational methods

  • 板書中心の講義を行っている。

Teaching materials

  • 講義科目、演習科目、実験科目に限らず、適時、プリントなどの教材を作成している。

Teaching method presentations

  • 特になし

Special notes on other educational activities

  • 「資源循環工学の面白さを学ぼう」というシリーズで、ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス(実施代表者:村山憲弘)を4年連続して実施中である。