Updated on 2024/04/20


Faculty of Letters Professor
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  • 博士(文学) ( 2005.9 )

Research Interests

  • The Han dynasty

  • The Qin dynasty

  • Wood and bamboo slips

  • Warring States

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Asia and Africa


  • Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Oriental History

    - 1991

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  • Kyoto University   Faculty of Literature

    - 1983

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  • Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Oriental History


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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

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Committee Memberships

  • Society for Cultural Interaction Studies in East Asia   Chief Editor  


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  •   編集委員長  


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  • 日本秦漢史学会   会長  


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  •   評議員  


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  • 日本秦漢史学会   副会長  

    2007.11 - 2009.10   

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  • 日本秦漢史学会   理事  

    2003 - 2005   

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  •   理事  

    1997 - 2001   

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  • 日本歴史学協会   個人委員  


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  • The Possibilities of Chinese Wood Slip Studies through the Analysis of Writing Stiles


    11-21   2022.3

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  • "Corona Archive@Kansai University" as a Practice of Digital Public History

    KIKUCHI Nobuhiko, UCHIDA Keiichi, OKADA Tadakatsu, HAYASHI Takefumi, FUJITA Takao, NINOMIYA Satoshi, MIYAGAWA So

    Dejitaru Akaibu Gakkaishi   Vol.5,No.1,pp.32-37 ( 1 )   32 - 37   2021.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society for Digital Archive  

    <p>This article discusses the "Corona Archive@Kansai University", a joint project by researchers at the Kansai University Open Research Center for Asian Studies (KU-ORCAS) and others. "Corona Archive@Kansai University" is a digital public history project that adopts a userparticipatory community archiving method to collect records and memories of Kansai University's stakeholders at a historical turning point in the COVID-19 epidemic. This paper introduces the research field of public history and discusses the position of the "Corona Archive@Kansai University" in the global context, its characteristics, and the features of the materials it collects.</p>

    DOI: 10.24506/jsda.5.1_32

    CiNii Books


  • 東洋史学の成立―日本における近代歴史学形成の一側面

    藤田 高夫

    戎光祥出版『講座 近代日本と漢学 第4巻 漢学と学芸』   100-116頁   2020.3

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  • ナショナルヒストリーとグローバルヒストリーの間

    藤田 高夫

    関西大学等在学術研究所『東アジア圏における文化交渉の軌跡と展望』   3-19頁   2020.2

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  • Proclamationsin Stelae Inscriptions Reviewed


    87-105頁   2019.2

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  • A Memorandum for East Asian History as a Historical Framework


    29-47頁   2017.3

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  • The Resources and Method to Estimate MIlitary Expenditures in the Han Period Reviewed


    第9号,321-333頁 ( 9 )   321 - 333   2016.3

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    CiNii Books


  • 木簡の行方―唐代木簡の存否を考えるための覚書


    角谷常子編『東アジア木簡学のために』、汲古書院   75-98ページ(全305ページ)   2014.3

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  • 東アジア木簡学の視点 Reviewed


    東アジア文化交渉研究   第6号 577-585頁   2013.3

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  • 関西大学蔵非典籍文字史料の整理と公開―内藤文庫「漢封泥」を例に―


    関西大学アジア文化研究センターディスカッション・ペーパー   Vol.5 82-88頁   82 - 88   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学アジア文化研究センター  


  • The School of Shu : The Prefectural School in Cheng-du in the Han Period

    第62巻第4号1-21ページ ( 4 )   1 - 21   2013.3

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    CiNii Books


  • 東亜的共時性 Reviewed


    王勇主編『東亜座標中的書籍之路研究』中国書籍出版社   3-12頁   2013.1

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  • 東アジア文化研究に求められるアーカイヴズの構築


    関西大学アジア文化研究センターディスカッションペーパー   Vol.1 3-9   3 - 9   2012.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学アジア文化研究センター  


  • The Establishment fo the Field of "Oriental History" in Japan: Facilitating Understanding of East Asian Studies in Modern Japan Reviewed

    FUJITA Takao

    Cultural Interaciton Studies in East Asia: New Methods and Perspectives   2012.3

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  • 大英図書館・中国国家図書館蔵のコータン近郊出土木簡―唐代木簡を考えるための覚書―

    藤田 高夫

    東アジアの簡牘と社会―東アジア簡牘学の検討(科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(A)成果報告・シンポジウム報告集)   57-69頁   2012.3

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  • 趙充国伝小考―漢代における軍事費の定量的把握の可能性


    東西学術研究所創立六十周年記念論文集   181-200頁   2011.10

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  • 大英図書館蔵マザール・トクラク出土木簡からみる紙木併用時代の木簡


    “東亜的簡牘与社会―東亜簡牘学探討”学術研討会論文集   135-144頁   2011.8

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  • 東亜的共時性 Reviewed


    王勇編:東亜文化的伝承与揚棄   中国書籍出版社   2011.7

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  • 文化受容のツールとしての漢字―古代から現代を照射する― Reviewed


    第4次韓・中・日国際学術大会 近代化社会とコミュニケーションの技法 論文集   355-360   2010.10

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  • Wang Guo-wei and the beginning of Woodshipology Reviewed

    FUJITA Takao

    134-143   2010.5

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  • Synchronicity in East Asian History



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  • Chinese culture and governance in northwest frontier

    Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies   第2号 181-186頁   181 - 186   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/3235

  • Hayashi Taisuke and Wang Guowei

    第4号 73-79頁 ( 4 )   73 - 79   2009.3

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  • 日本における「東洋史」の成立―近代日本における東アジア研究を考えるために―


    関西大学アジア文化交流研究センター編 東アジア文化交流と経典詮釈   19-33頁   2009.3

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  • 日本「東洋史」的形成―如何看待近代日本的東亜研究


    東亜文化交流與経典詮釈   東亜文明研究叢書79,pp.601-620   2008.12

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  • 漢代西北辺境の文書伝達

    藤田 高夫

    藤田勝久・松原弘宣編・汲古書院『古代東アジアの情報伝達』   51-73   2008.4

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  • 関于秦漢王朝爵位制的転変―浅析日中爵位制研究的迥異 Reviewed

    藤田 高夫

    韓昇主編『古代中国:社会転型与多元文化』   24-29   2007.12

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  • Objects and Methods of the Study of Cultural Interaction in East Asia Reviewed

    FUJITA Takao

    WAKUMON:Studies on Cultural and Linguistic Exchanges between China and the West   第13号 1-8頁   2007.10

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  • On a Periodization for the History of Cultural Interaction between Japan and China

    FUJITA Takao

    第2号313-322頁 ( 2 )   313 - 322   2007.3

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  • A study for Guan-ji

    FUJITA Takao

    第56巻第2号39-51頁   2006.10

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  • A Reveiw of Academic Exchange between Japan and China

    FUJITA Takao

    Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Occidental Studies   第38輯 pp,1-9   1 - 9   2005.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    In this paper the author addresses several viewpoints to investigate cultural and academic exchange between Japan and China. In the latter half of nineteenth century, when Japan began to remodel herself into a modern nation-state, two trends of research for Chinese history emerged. One was Sinology, including Chinese philosophy and literature, and the other was Oriental history, not only for China proper but for Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia and Chinese Turkistan. In the same time, the traditional China set out to reform its regime, and some works of Japanese historians were translated into Chinese. A new trend of Chinese history in Japan, however, seemed to have no interest for China for all that many scholars of China had intimate acquaintance with Japanese scholars. Therefore the development of Sinology in China during twentieth century had no relation to the rise of Orientalism in Japan. On the other hand, most of Japanese Orientalists at that time had great interest in the Orientalists in Europe as rivals in research, but seemed to be unconcerned with the historical achievements in China. The academic exchange between Japan and China before World War II could not get over this difference in research paradigm and the author is afraid that current situation may be the same as one hundred years ago. One of hopeful approaches is, the author proposes, a foundation of comparative Sinology, which can take the difference of sinology between Japan and China into account.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/7039

  • 墓葬出土書籍よりみた戦国・秦漢の出版文化―簡牘時代の書籍の形態―

    藤田 高夫

    特定領域研究「東アジア出版文化の研究」成果報告書   本冊4、637-651頁   2005.3

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    科研費特定領域研究 20010401-20030331


  • The Han Remains on the Southern Riverside of the Sulo-Ho

    FUJITA Takao

    Bulletin of the Research Center for Silk Roadology   第22巻51-60頁   2005.3

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  • 3D Modelling of Maquanwan Site, Dunhuang: A New Approach to utilize Digital Imagery for the Investigation on the Sites in the Desert

    FUJITA Takao, Shinji Sugimura

    22   131 - 137,図巻頭4p   2005.3

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    CiNii Books


  • The Western Limes in Dunhuang Province

    FUJITA Takao

    Essays and Studies by Members of the Faculty of Letters   第54巻第3号165-183頁 ( 3 )   165 - 183   2005.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Kansai University Grant-in-Aid for the Faculty Joint Research Program 20030401-20040331

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/5226

  • A Study on the Ruin D21 seen from Excavated Woodslips

    FUJITA Takao


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  • A Report on the Han Woodslips in the Stein Collection owned by the British Library Reviewed

    FUJITA Takao

    第2号 pp.49-65   2001.11

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  • A New Inquiry into Tang Woodslips owned by the British Library

    FUJITA Takao

    pp.363-376   363 - 376   2001.10

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    CiNii Books


  • 敦煌・居延漢簡による漢代文書行政の基礎的考察

    藤田 高夫

    (平成10-11 年度科研費基盤研究(C)(2)成果報告書)   pp.1-36   2000.3

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    科研費基盤研究 19980401-20000331


  • Stone Inscriptions about Mountain Ritual of Yuanshi Prefecture in the Han Period

    FUJITA Takao

    Essays and Studies by Member of the Faculty of Letters   第48巻第2号 pp.29-51 ( 2 )   29 - 51   1998.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Kansai University Grant-in-Aid for the Faculty Joint Research Program 19980401-19990331

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/4951

  • Fines in the Qin and Han Period

    FUJITA Takao

    Punishments in Pre-modern China(The Institute for Research in Humanities)   pp.97-121   1996.12

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  • A Study of Distinction in Militry Service and the Conferral of Titled in the Han Period Reviewed

    FUJITA Takao

    The Journal of Oriental Researches   第53巻第2号 pp.33-54 ( 2 )   p235 - 256   1994.9

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  • 祀三公山碑 解題・訳注

    藤田 高夫

    『書論』 書論研究会   第29号 pp.81-88   1993.12

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  • 漢簡中に見える軍功賞賜について Reviewed

    藤田 高夫

    『古代文化』 古代学協会   第45巻第7号 pp.27-35   1993.7

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  • Historical Resources on Wood and Bamboo Slips in Qin and Han Period Reviewed

    FUJITA Takao

    Cultura Antiqua   第43巻第9号 pp.13-23   1991.9

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  • The Relatives of Imperial Consorts and the Bureaucracy in the Second Half of the Former Han Reviewed


    The Journal of Orental Researches   第48巻第4号 pp.160-182 ( 4 )   p800 - 822   1990.3

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  • 関西大学図書館蔵「内藤湖南旅券」―湖南の欧州旅行―

    藤田 高夫

    関西大学図書館フォーラム  2009.6 

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  • 石岡浩「前漢時代の賣爵と刑罰免除―爵の本質的機能とは」

    藤田 高夫( Role: Sole author)

    法制史研究  2009.3 

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  • 特集『長崎と日中文化交流』にあたって

    藤田 高夫, 内田慶市, 吾妻重二( Role: Joint author)

    アジア文化交流研究(関西大学アジア文化交流研究センター)  2007.3 

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  • Zhang Qian - Pioneer of Silk Road

    FUJITA Takao( Role: Sole author)

    SINICA  2002.9 

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  • 長城の防衛システム

    藤田 高夫( Role: Sole author)

    『しにか』大修館書店  1997.2 

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  • Compilation of Stone Inscriptions in the Han Dynasity

    FUJITA Takao( Role: Contributor)

    Research Institute for Humanities of Kyoto University  1994.2 

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  • Research on Han Slips by Osamu Oba

    FUJITA Takao


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  • 関大の部都尉をめぐる問題―中国王朝の辺境政策の一側面

    藤田 高夫

    関西大学東西学術研究所創立七〇周年記念シンポジウム  2021.10 

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  • 東アジア木簡学事始―古代漢字文化の諸相(一)

    藤田 高夫

    飛鳥史学文学講座  2021.9 

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  • Analysis of Writing Styles on wood slips (木簡) of the Han (漢) period

    藤田 高夫

    The 3rd International Symposium at KU-ORCAS  2019.8 

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    Venue:Kansai University  


  • An Attempt to Analyze Writing Forms in Administrative Documents and Records in the Han Period

    藤田 高夫

    The 11th. General Assembly and The 11th. Annual Meeting 2019, Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia  2019.5 

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    Venue:Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany  


  • 中国漢代の烽燧―河西回廊の烽燧群を中心に

    藤田 高夫

    古代山城研究会第57回例会  2018.9 

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  • Model of Proclamations in Stele Inscriptions


    Law and Writing Habits in the Ancient World  2016.9 

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    Venue:University of London  


  • 韓国歴史教科書 《東アジアの歴史》を読む

    藤田 高夫

    ONE ASIA 講演会  2015.11 

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  • 「漢学」与「中国学」―日本近代中国史学形成的一箇側面

    藤田 高夫

    「日本対中国文化的撮取与創新」学術研討会  2015.11 

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    Venue:中国・浙江工商大学 東亜研究院  


  • 林泰輔の中国上代研究―伝統漢学から近代中国学への展開

    藤田 高夫

    ICIS国際シンポジウム「文化交渉学のパースペクティブ」  2015.7 

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  • 関西大学アジア文化研究センターにおける東アジア文化資料のアーカイブズ化


    慶尚大学校慶南文化研究院  2012.12 

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  • 関西大学蔵非典籍文字史料の整理と公開


    関西大学アジア文化研究センター第2回研究集会  2012.11 

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  • 東アジア木簡学の視点―日・中・韓をつなぐもの―

    藤田 高夫

    関西大学東西学術研究所  2012.10 

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  • 東アジア文化研究科の開設と文化交渉学の展開


    関西大学東アジア文化研究科開設記念シンポジウム  2012.2 

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  • 8世紀東アジアの木簡-唐代木簡の周縁


    東西学術研究所研究例会  2011.12 

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  • 東アジア文化研究に求められるアーカイヴズの構築


    関西大学アジア文化研究センター第1回研究例会  2011.9 

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  • 从大英図書館館蔵馬咱托拉出土木簡看紙木併用時代的木簡


    科学研究費補助金 基盤研究A 東アジア木簡学の確立  2011.8 

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  • 東アジア文化交渉学の創生

    藤田 高夫

    韓国海洋大学HK  2011.5 

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  • 大英図書館蔵マザール・トクラク出土木簡の再検討―唐代木簡を考えるために―


    科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)「日足アジア木簡学の確立」  2011.1 

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  • 漢代の官吏任用と学問修養―教育制度の周縁から―


    科学研究費補助金国際シンポジウム「東アジアの伝統教育と講学」  2010.11 

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  • 文化受容のツールとしての漢字―古代から現代を照射する―

    藤田 高夫

    第4次韓・日・中国際学術大会  2010.10 

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  • 王国維与簡牘学的創始


    “王国維与中国現代学術”国際学術研討会  2010.5 

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    Venue:中国 華東師範大学  


  • 東アジア歴史研究のなかでの文化交流史研究


    関西大学アジア文化交流研究センター交流環境研究班第30回研究例会  2010.2 

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  • 東亜的共時性


    国際学術研討会「東亜文化交流―争鳴与共識」  2009.9 

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  • 東アジアの共時性


    関西大学アジア文化交流研究センター第5回国際シンポジウム  2009.6 

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  • 林泰輔和王国維―出土史料研究初期的中日学術交流


    東亜文化交流―人物往来 国際学術研討会  2008.7 

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    Venue:中国 浙江工商大学日本文化研究院  


  • The Names of Hours as seen in the Han Wood-slips

    藤田 高夫

    The Needham Research Institute  2001.1 

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    Venue:Cambridge, UK  


  • 敦煌・居延漢簡に見る簡牘の廃棄

    藤田 高夫

    中国出土資料学会1999年度第2回例会  1999.12 

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    科研費基盤研究 19980401-20000331


  • An reflection on Methodology of Wood-slip Study discovered in the Chinese Frontier

    FUJITA Takao


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  • 漢代の軍功と賜爵

    藤田 高夫

    1993年度東洋史研究会大会  1993.11 

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Research Projects

  • 中国出土木簡の書体分析の基礎的研究

    Grant number:19K01044  2019.4 - 2023.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    藤田 高夫, 吉田 壮

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )



  • Studies on Japanese Sinology, Kangaku and its Digital Archive Building Centered on Hakuen Private Academy

    Grant number:18H00611  2018.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)


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    Grant amount:\16380000 ( Direct Cost: \12600000 、 Indirect Cost:\3780000 )

    This research project,“Studies on Japanese Sinology, Kangaku and its Digital Archive Building Centered on Hakuen Shoin” is a survey and research on Hakuen Private Academy, the largest and best academy in Osaka from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period.
    Over the course of the four-year period, focusing on Hakuen Shoin, we have conducted an interdisciplinary survey of the history, development and significance of Chinese studies in Japan in the early modern and modern periods, and provided many images and textual data. We also found a number of previously unknown students and revealed that their influence was spreading throughout Japan. In addition to actively publishing papers and presenting at conferences, two comprehensive symposia were held and two collections of papers and one academic book were published. In addition, a wealth of digital information was made available to the public through the WEB Hakuen and the Hakuen collection digital archive.


  • Study of Eastern Asia Society Culture

    Grant number:26244042  2014.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    SUMIYA Tsuneko

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    Grant amount:\35230000 ( Direct Cost: \27100000 、 Indirect Cost:\8130000 )

    The following are two principal findings. Firstly, while a stone may be raised for a variety of reasons, I could verify that it sometimes necessitates a “communal” awareness. For example, a stone inscribed with matters agreed upon is evidence that its contents are common knowledge and in effect. There was an awareness that required “communality” also in cases where the decisions were made under the leadership of officials, even if only ostensibly so. Secondly, I found that one reason that a stone inscription culture did not take hold in Japan can be traced to the social context of great social fluctuations and fluidity. I perceived that the social context is a more fundamental cause than physical factors such as stone processing technologies and literacy rate.


  • A Study to Estimate Military Expenditures in the Han Period

    Grant number:25580160  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research


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    Grant amount:\1950000 ( Direct Cost: \1500000 、 Indirect Cost:\450000 )

    This research aims to estimate military expenditures in the Han period on a discussion of some historical resources and method. As a first example, the author examines a campaign by the Han dynasty against the Tibetan tribes during 61-60 B.C. Secondly, the author analyses a method to conduct calculations of the military cost using item of expenditure. Then, he examines an estimation of number of soldiers in the Han period. As a conclusion, the author emphasizes the risk of military campaign against the imperial finance in contradistinction to standing force.


  • Checkpoint and traffic policy in ancient and medieval East Asia

    Grant number:24242028  2012.10 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    TAKATORI Yuji, SUMIYA Tsuneko, FUJITA Takao, TATENO Kazumi, ICHI Hiroki

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    Grant amount:\22490000 ( Direct Cost: \17300000 、 Indirect Cost:\5190000 )

    This study was intended to clarify expansion of traffic system in ancient and medieval East Asia, including Han and Tang China, ancient Korean Peninsula and Japan, based on analysis of wooden slips excavated at border checkpoint in Han Dynasty "Jian Shui Jin Guan".The study revealed the following; collecting letters of transit included in "Jian Shui Jin Guan Hanjian" and analysis of phrases written in letters of transit, letters of transit in Han Dynasty can be classified into nine classes according to their phrases and properly was used according to the difference of applicant and purpose in those days. To introduce Chinese traffic system into Japan, the traffic system was partly changed according to situation of ancient Japan.


  • 文部科学省私立大学戦略的研究基盤整備支援事業:アジア文化資料のアーカイヴズ構築と活用法の研究

    2011 - 2015

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A) 東アジアにおける伝統教養

    2010 - 2012

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Construction the study of Woodern Documents in Eastern Asia

    Grant number:21242023  2009.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    SUMIYA Tsuneko, TOMIYA Itaru, FUJITA Takao, SEKIO Shiro, TAKATORI Yuji, TERASAKI Yasuhiro, TATENO Kazumi, WATANABE Akihiro, LEE Sungsi, ICHI Hiroki, BABA Hajime

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    Grant amount:\40170000 ( Direct Cost: \30900000 、 Indirect Cost:\9270000 )

    In the present study, we presented a new perspective for comparative study of wooden documents which have no common characteristics. This perspective includes, among others, analyzing the documents from the point of views from oral tradition, visual function, literary culture, and recording strictness. By investigating why a given society lacks a certain aspect related to the areas included in this perspective, we can discover other new unnoticed issues, and consequently, the most fundamental characteristics of that society. This is only one step to attract the attention of researcher of Chinese wooden documents to the study of Japanese and Korean wooden documents, and vice versa. Since Japanese and Korean wooden documents have almost no common characteristics, there were almost no comparative studies. However, as shown by the present study, it is possible to overcome the time barrier.


  • 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)東アジア木簡学の創出

    2009 - 2013

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Interdisciplinary study on formation and deployment of traditional cultures in East Asia focusing on education in private academy and school

    Grant number:21242001  2009 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    AZUMA Juji, MIURA Kunio, TOU Tokumin, YUASA Kunihiro, NIKAIDO Yoshihiro, FUJITA Takao, SAWAI Keiichi, IZAWA Koichi, YABUTA Yutaka, HARADA Masatoshi, MASUD Chikako, SHINOHARA Hirokata, NISHIMURA Masanari, U Shin

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    Grant amount:\34710000 ( Direct Cost: \26700000 、 Indirect Cost:\8010000 )

    In this project we interdisciplinarily considered the formation and deployment of traditional cultures in the areas called "Kanji cultural sphere", such as East Asia, i.e., China, South and North Korea, Vietnam, and Japan through the education and lecture function in private academy of this area. As the result, we published many papers and books.
    As other specific work, we made translation and annotation of "Zhuzi Yulei" , the record of Zhu xi's lecture, and also investigated "Hakuen Shoin", a private academy of Chinese classics in Osaka and "Hakuen Bunko" , the collection of books of the academy. In this field, we published "Historical Documents of Hakuen Academy" and "The Collection of Seals of Hakuen Bunko", etc.. The "WEB Hakuen Shoin" with substantial contents was also released on the internet.


  • 文部科学省私立大学学術フロンティア事業 東アジアにおける文化情報の発信と受容

    2005 - 2009

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Diffusion, Transformation and Circulation of Chinese Culture : Chinese coastal area and Japan

    Grant number:16202017  2004 - 2007

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    FUJITA Takao, MATSUURA Akira, NAKATANI Nobuo, UCHIDA Keiichi, TAO Demin, SHEN Guowie

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    Grant amount:\39130000 ( Direct Cost: \30100000 、 Indirect Cost:\9030000 )

    This research project has aimed at creating an academic field of Cultural Interchange Studies as a new discipline of history. The field that is called "history of foreign relations" has been considered a sideline to the study of national history. Besides, the traditional researches of the cultural interchange between Japan and China have been not more than the accumulation of descriptive works. No methodology or systematic perspective can be found there.
    Our research project adopted the perspectives as follows: 1) the Chinese culture transmitted into Japan was not the Chinese culture as a whole, but its particular part of particular region, 2) the coastal area of East China was essential for the study of China-Japan cultural interchange, 3) the transformation of Chinese culture should be considered from the view point of the persons who transmitted the particular cultural information and the route of its transmission, 4) after Meiji Restoration, the backflow of cultural information from Japan to China must be treated as phenomena of reaction to 'Western Impact' to both nations.
    We organized three working groups to accomplish this project; group for cultural transmission, group for cultural transformation and group for cultural circulation. The whole contents of this research project can be seen the Report of Research (342 pages), which contains a complete list of articles.


  • 墓葬出土書籍より見た戦国・秦漢の出版文化

    Grant number:13021247  2001 - 2002

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  特定領域研究

    藤田 高夫

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    Grant amount:\1700000 ( Direct Cost: \1700000 )



  • Basic Research for the Documental Administration in Han Period seen from Dunhuang and Juyan wood slips

    Grant number:10610363  1998 - 1999

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    FUJITA Takao

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    Grant amount:\1800000 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 )

    It is not necessary to say that a number of wood slips which were discovered from the North-west Chinese frontier are the most precious materials for the research of administrative system in Han period. For this kind of research, the identification of each office that bears the administrative documents is of fatal importance. I tried in this report to offer the basic method to identify offices by using wood slips, and to suggest some controversial point.
    Generally speaking, there are four method to identify office : 1)the name of office in the postal address ; 2)the name of office in tags attached to some goods ; 3)the name of sender or receiptor of official documents ; 4)the contents of administrative records. The application of these method to the wood slips from Juyan proves that there are some exceptions to the rule, which are thought to be caused by secondary re-moving or re-using, and in Dunhuang wood slips, things get more difficult to solve. I made close investigations on the slips discovered from the site TVlb in Dunhaung for example, and reached the conclusion that this site is not a watch station nor a mere watch tower, but some intermediate office between them.


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