Updated on 2024/04/02


Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences Professor
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  • Master of Sociology ( 1982.3 )

Research Interests

  • attitude structure;risk perception;risk communication;

  • attitude structure

  • risk perception

  • risk communication

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social psychology

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering


  • The University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Sociology


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    Country: Japan


  • The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Letters   Department of Social Psychology

    - 1980

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    Country: Japan


Research History

  • Professor, Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University


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  • Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University

    1997.4 - 2010.3

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  • Associate Professor, School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University

    1992.4 - 1997.3

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  • Lecture, School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University

    1989.4 - 1992.3

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  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University

    1987.1 - 1989.3

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Professional Memberships

  • The Society for Risk Analysis

    2016.12 - 2019.12

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  • The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan

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  • Japan Association for Consumer Studies

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  • Atomic Energy Society of Japan

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  • The Asian Regional Organization of the Society for Risk Analysis

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  • Japan Society for Disaster Information Studies

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  • Japan Health Physics Society

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  • Behaviormetric Society of Japan

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  • The Japan Association of Applied Psychology

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  • The Japanese Group Dynamics Association

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  • The Japanese Psychological Association

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  • The Japanese Society of Social Psychology

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Committee Memberships

  •   Past-President  

    2022.11 - 2024.11   

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  •   研究専門委員会主査  

    2022.4 - 2024.3   

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  •   Chair, Awards Committee  

    2022 - 2024   

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  •   Fellow  


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  •   研究専門委員会委員  

    2020.10 - 2022.3   

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  • The Asian Regional Organization of the Society for Risk Analysis   President  

    2020.3 - 2022.11   

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  • Atomic Energy Society of Japan   Director  

    2018.6 - 2022.6   

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  • The Society for Risk Analysis   Councilor  

    2016.12 - 2019.12   

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  • Atomic Energy Society of Japan   Chair, Subcommittee "Social and Environmental"  

    2016.4 - 2022.3   

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  •   社会・環境部会部会長  

    2016.4 - 2018.3   

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  • Atomic Energy Society of Japan   co-chair, Subcommittee "Social and Environmental"  

    2015.4 - 2016.3   

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  •   社会・環境部会副部会長  

    2015.4 - 2016.3   

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  •   特別専門委員会主査  

    2012.10 - 2015.3   

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  • Japan Association for Consumer Studies   Vice-President  

    2009 - 2011   

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  • Japan Association for Consumer Studies   President  

    2007 - 2009   

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  •   代議員  

    2007 - 2009   

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  • The Japanese Psychological Association   representative  

    2007 - 2009   

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  •   理事  

    2007 - 2009   

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  •   会長  

    2007 - 2009   

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  • The Japanese Group Dynamics Association   Councilor  

    2007 - 2008   

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  • The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   President  

    2006 - 2008   

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  •   Vice-President  

    2005 - 2007   

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  •   副会長  

    2005 - 2007   

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  •   General Secretary  

    2004 - 2008   

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  • The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   General Secretary  

    2004 - 2008   

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  •   副会長  

    2004 - 2006   

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  • The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   Vice-President  

    2004 - 2006   

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  • The Japanese Society of Social Psychology   Councilor  

    2003 - 2007   

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  •   Editorial Board Member  

    2002 - 2008   

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  • Behaviormetric Society of Japan   Editorial Board Member  

    2002 - 2008   

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  • The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   Councilor  

    2000 - 2004   

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  •   理事  

    2000 - 2004   

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  • The Japanese Society of Social Psychology   Editorial committee Member  

    1999 - 2003   

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  •   編集委員  

    1999 - 2003   

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  •   Councilor  

    1999 - 2001   

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  •   理事  

    1999 - 2001   

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  •   Area Editor  

    1998 - 2006   

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  • Japan Association for Consumer Studies   Area Editor  

    1998 - 2006   

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  • Japan Association for Consumer Studies   Councilor  

    1994 - 2005   

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  •   理事  

    1994 - 2005   

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  • A Case Study of Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools for the Blind in Thailand Reviewed


    International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management   Vol. 6, No. 1, Pp. 1-14   2023.6

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    In Thailand, 9% of people with disabilities are visually impaired (VI). VI children are vulnerable when disasters occur. This study investigates risk situations and disaster risk reduction (DRR) methods in VI schools to identify present and potential ways that students can be provided skills. An interview was administered in two schools to schoolteachers and administrators. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data based on core keywords. DRR for daily risk exposure and fires is the priority. Concerns over VI students are based on the difficulty in orientation. Support is considered crucial for student safety. Supervisory means to limit risk among the VI is uncertain in times of disaster. Students are capable of learning about DRR and, combined with assistive techniques, can limit their risk. DRR policies in VI schools are primarily reactive. Uncomplicated risk awareness information and training could foster an appropriate approach to bringing self-efficacy to deal with risk.

    DOI: 10.4018/IJDREM.324574


  • 日本における防災の実態と防災関与の研究

    静間 健人, 土田 昭司

    福村出版   772-773   2022.9

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  • Changes in response of the Japanese to COVID-19 and its vaccine till October 2021 Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Shizuma, T, Urayama, K.

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis   32(1), 43-56 ( 1 )   43 - 56   2022.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  

    Response of the Japanese to COVID-19 and its vaccine was investigated with time-series questionnaire surveys conducted on December 2020 [N=2,500], February 2021 [N=1,500], June 2021 [N=2,500], and October 2021 [N=1,500]. The results showed that on December 2020 less than half of the respondents wanted to receive COVID-19 vaccination and about one fifth of them refused it. High anxiety led intension of the vaccination. On October 2021 three fourth of people in Japan had received the vaccination, and the most of respondents perceived COVID-19 vaccine very safe and beneficial. However, about 10% of respondents seemed to stick refusing the vaccination through all the surveys, and COVID-19 brought diversity of life-styles. Suitable and sufficient risk communication would be needed.

    DOI: 10.11447/jjra.SRA-0403

    CiNii Books


  • Return migration after Disasters: A Case study of 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

    NAGAMATSU, Shingo, KOSHIYAMA, Kenji, TSUCHIDA, Shoji, NAGATA, Shozo, SUGA, Mashiho, KAWATA, Yoshiaki, SEKIYA, Naoya, HIROI, U

    Journal of Societal Safety Science   第12巻, 73-81   73 - 81   2022.3

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    We investigate what are the factors that influence people’s intent to return after disasters by a literaturesurvey and conduct an empirical analysis on return migration by using a unique survey of Fukushimaevacuees to determine the factors that influence their decision to return after a disaster. We also conductthe simulation of the number of evacuees who intend to return. The result found that the number ofreturnees encouraged by this decontamination was 12,882, less than 8% of the total evacuees, while thedecontamination cost per returnee was 3.36 million USD.

    DOI: 10.32286/00026528

    CiNii Books


  • Changes in people’s minds about COVID-19: Focus on the risk perception of Vaccination Reviewed

    URAYAMA, Kaoru, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Journal of Societal Safety Sciences   第12巻, 47-59   2022.3

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    In Japan, we have experienced the five-wave of COVID-19. In June and October 2021,we conducted two online questionnaire surveys on attitude/perception change from thefirst wave to the fifth wave, and risk perception of the COVID-19 vaccination. Theresults showed that the degree of attitude change gradually decreased from the firstwave. Furthermore, those who intend to vaccinate were a lower risk perception ofvaccination than those who do not.


  • People’s response to Covid-19 vaccination


    Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences, Kansai University (ed.), “Investigation: COVID-19 disaster”, Minerva-Shobo   230-247   2022.2

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  • Response of the Japanese to COVID-19 till August 2020 Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji, MOTOYOSHI, Tadahiro, KONDO, Seiji, SHIZAMA, Taketo, URAYAMA, Kaoru, OMURA, Kayo

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis   31 (2), 79-88 ( 2 )   79 - 88   2021.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  

    Response of the Japanese to Covid-19 was investigated with 2 online questionnaire surveys conducted on May 2020 [N=1,200] and on August 2020 [N=6,000]. The results showed that high anxiety led sense of discrimination and adopting prevention behaviors against infection. People in metropolitan areas seemed estimating infection risk of long rage transport lower than people in rural areas. And response to Covid-19 of the Japanese residing outside of Japan was investigated with an online survey on August 2020 [N=116]. The results showed that in many countries the respondents answered that their local governments’ policies against Covid-19 were better than the Japanese policy because of swiftness, leadership, public relations, ICT use, and so on.

    DOI: 10.11447/jjra.SRA-0360


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/031893479

  • How and what did the Japanese people react to Covid-19 pandemic on August 2020?


    Kansai Univ.(ed.), Covid-19 pandemic drived the public into mayhem, so Kansai Univ. tried to consider on it, Naniwa-sha   88-101   2021.4

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  • Risk perception and attitude formation of Covid-19 vaccine in December 2020: Online questionnaire survey with 2,500 respondents Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji, SHIZUMA, Taketo, URAYAMA, Kaoru

    Journal of Societal Safety Sciences   第11巻, 137-150   2021.3

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    Covid-19 vaccine is expected as the measure to overcome the pandemic. It is said thatatleast70%ofpeopleshouldreceivevaccinationtoachieveherdimmunity.We conducted an online questionnaire survey on risk perception and attitude formation of Covid-19vaccinewithtotalof2,500respondentsin5areasofJapan,Hokkaido, Tohoku,Tokyo,Osaka,andChugoku-Shikokufrom11to15December,2020.The results showed that about half of respondents would accept inoculation with the vaccine. Only about 30% perceived that the vaccine would have good effects as medicine, and about 30% were afraid that it would have any side-effects. We put the same questions aboutCovid-19vaccinebeforeandafterquestionsaboutHPVvaccineandinfluenza vaccine and the answers were very stable. It seemed that people’s attitudes to Covid-19 vaccine had already formed. The female and people in their 30s and 40s had rela-tivelylesspositiveperceptionofCovid-19vaccine.Riskcommunicationwithcorrect information of the vaccine should be needed to achieve the herd immunity with it.

    DOI: 10.32286/00023053


  • Summary Report on Actual Situation of Overseas Japaneseunder COVID-19 Crisis Reviewed

    KONDO, Seiji, TSUCHIDA,Shoji

    Journal of Societal Safety Sciences   第11巻, 125-136   2021.3

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    Although COVID-19 has caused various social confusion across the world, no surveys arefoundwhichtargettheJapaneselivingoverseasunderthiscrisis.Thisstudy conducted an online questionnaire survey. The respondents were 116 Kansai University graduateswhowerestationedabroad.Inconclusion,65.2%ofrespondentsevaluated Japanesegovernment’smeasureswerelesseffectivethanthatofthecountrywhere theyresided.19.0%ofrespondentsfeltdiscriminatedbecauseoftheirnationality. Almostallrespondentswereunderalotofpsychologicalstress.Mutualaidsamong local residents were activated in many countries.

    DOI: 10.32286/00023052


  • Transition of the Concept of Vulnerable People at Disaster and Proposal of the Capability approach for the Vulnerable People Reviewed

    SHIZUMA, Taketo, TSUCHIDA,Shoji, KANOSHIMA, Emiko, SUGA, Mashiho

    Journal of Societal Safety Sciences   第10巻, 3-13   2020.3

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    InJapan,theconceptofthevulnerablepeopleatdisastersuchaselderlypeople and people with disabilities has been discussed. At the time of disaster, people who live inthecommunityareexpectedtoprovidesupportforthevulnerablepeoplewholive there. However, there is a shortage of supporters to support the vulneravule people and anincreaseintheburdenofsupporters.Inotherwords,therearelimitstohowto support vulnerable people. Therefore, in this study, we organized what perspectives the conceptofthevulnerablepeoplewasdiscussed.Inaddition,weconsideredtheassistancecountermeasureforthevulnerablepeoplebasedoncapabilityapproach.Asa result, we concluded that not only the vulnerable people who have been conventionally discussed, but their supporters also need help at disasters. In addition, considering the relationshipbetweenthevulnerablepeopleandthesupporters,wepointedoutthe importance of sharing the information that the needs of the vulnerable people and the resources of the supporters among the stakeholders.


  • Contemporary Societies and Risk

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, KONDO, Seiji, KOSHIYAMA, Kenji

    Abe, S., Ozawa, M., Kawata, Y.(eds.), Science of Societal Safety: Living at time of risks and disasters, Springer   27-36   2019

  • A study on Disaster-related deaths associated with the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture. Reviewed

    KUBO, Minoru, TSUCHIDA,Shoji, SHIZUMA, Taketo

    Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan   第59巻, 第12号, 727-731. ( 12 )   727 - 731   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Atomic Energy Society of Japan  

    DOI: 10.3327/jaesjb.59.12_727

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/028720969

  • The Government and TEPCO Problems in Communicationg Information with the Public during the Fukushima-1 NPP Accident.


    aculty of Societal Safety Sciences(ed.), THE FUKUSHIMA AND TOHOKU DISASTER, Elsevier / Butterworth-Heinemann   pp.287-308   2017.12

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  • Risk communication after Fukushima-Daiichi NPP accident


    Minerva-Shobo   308-332   2016.3

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    The risk communications by the Japanese government to respond Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident in2011 and after were investigated. In the investigation risk communications were divided into crisis communications, care communications, and consensus communications, and the first two were mainly discussed.


  • Social Capital, Mutual Aids in Disasters, and Evaluation on Neighborhood’s Disaster-Preparation: Comparison between the States of Volunteer-Firefighter and the States of Career-Firefighter in the United States Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji, SHIOTANI, Takamasa, TSUJIKAWA, Norifumi, NAKAGAWA, Yuri

    Safety Science Review   第6号   2016.3

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    Putnam defined concept of social capital as social network and also focused on its psychological aspects of trust, good will, fellowship, and sympathy. Influence of subjective connectedness in neighborhood, a psychological feature of social capital, on evaluation on neighborhood’s disaster-preparation was compared between 14 States in the U.S where more than 80% of fire departments were served by all volunteer-firefighters (SVF) [Nebraska, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, New York, etc.] and 6 States where more than 20 % of fire department were with all Career-firefighters (SCF) [Florida, Massachusetts, California, Arizona, etc.]. It was assumed that culture or social norm of neighbors’ mutual aids in disasters is kept in SVF while it is at a low ebb in SCF. Respondents of a nationwide online questionnaire survey in SVF [N=180] and in SCF [N=170] were put into causality analyses of SEM. The results showed that perception of social capital determined evaluation on neighborhood’s disaster-preparation in SVF but it directly determined personal disaster-preparing behaviors in SCF. It might be considered that it was spurious relationship and true cause of it was small size of communities, as almost all the areas with small population are protected by volunteer-firefighters in the U.S. However, the spurious relationship was not supported by the analysis with respondents in urban life style areas [N=379] and in country life style areas [N=235]. It was interpreted that culture or social norm of neighbors’ mutual aids in disasters was a factor whether perception of social capital facilitate evaluation on neighborhood’s disaster-preparation.


  • Migration intentions and their determinants: Comparison of college students in China and Japan

    Zhongyu He, Guofang Zhai, Yasushi Asami, Shoji Tsuchida

    ASIAN AND PACIFIC MIGRATION JOURNAL   25 ( 1 )   62 - 84   2016.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD  

    Maintaining a young, well-educated labor force is an important strategy for regional economic development and social vitality. Based on a comparative study of China and Japan, this article aims to elicit 1) the factors that affect college students' employment migration preference; and 2) the differences between migration preferences of students from the two countries and the possible explanations for such differences. With the use of survey data from approximately 2,000 college students in the two countries, this study identifies region of origin as a key determinant of employment migration choice in both countries. The region of origin functions as a critical point differentiating primary and secondary labor markets for individuals, whereas the first-tier region in each country is a popular work destination. A one-way bottom-up migration from lower-ranking to higher-ranking regions is revealed in our regional hierarchy model. Findings suggest that Chinese students were oriented to employment opportunities and economic well-being while Japanese students were more inclined to consider personal lifestyle and local amenities. The findings imply that reducing regional disparities in economic development and income levels in China and enhancing urban service facilities in Japan may encourage college graduates to remain in their home regions.

    DOI: 10.1177/0117196815621203

    Web of Science


  • リスクコミュニケーションと社会心理学

    土田 昭司

    近藤惠嗣(編) 『新技術活用のための法工学:リスク対応と安全確保の法律』, 民事法研究会   135頁-156頁   2016.2

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  • Changes in the Factors Influencing Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power Generation in Japan Since the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

    Norifumi Tsujikawa, Shoji Tsuchida, Takamasa Shiotani

    RISK ANALYSIS   36 ( 1 )   98 - 113   2016.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Public support for nuclear power generation has decreased in Japan since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in March 2011. This study examines how the factors influencing public acceptance of nuclear power changed after this event. The influence factors examined are perceived benefit, perceived risk, trust in the managing bodies, and pro-environmental orientation (i.e., new ecological paradigm). This study is based on cross-sectional data collected from two online nationwide surveys: one conducted in November 2009, before the nuclear accident, and the other in October 2011, after the accident. This study's target respondents were residents of Aomori, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures in the Tohoku region of Japan, as these areas were the epicenters of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the locations of nuclear power stations. After the accident, trust in the managing bodies was found to have a stronger influence on perceived risk, and pro-environmental orientation was found to have a stronger influence on trust in the managing bodies; however, perceived benefit had a weaker positive influence on public acceptance. We also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.

    DOI: 10.1111/risa.12447

    Web of Science


  • Comparative research on NIMBY risk acceptability between Chinese and Japanese college students

    Yunqing Wu, Guofang Zhai, Shasha Li, Chongqiang Ren, Shoji Tsuchida

    ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT   186 ( 10 )   6683 - 6694   2014.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Along with the progressive acceleration of urbanization, the need to identify potentially troublesome "Not In My Back Yard" (NIMBY) facilities in the city is inevitable. To resolve NIMBY conflict, it is important to know people's NIMBY risk acceptability for these facilities. A questionnaire survey was used among Chinese and Japanese college students to identify NIMBY risk acceptability. LISREL was used to construct a structural equation model to analyze the difference in NIMBY risk acceptability between the Chinese and Japanese college students. Factors that may affect NIMBY risk acceptability were analyzed: "perceiving utility," "perceiving risk," "trust in government," "reasonable compensation," and "procedural justice." The findings show that Japanese students' concerns were greater than Chinese students' concerns. Perceiving utility and perceiving risk were the most important factors that affect people's NIMBY risk acceptability, followed by procedural justice, trust in government, and reasonable compensation. There is a difference between the different cultural backgrounds in confronting the risk: Chinese students focus more on the reputation and value of real estate, while Japanese students pay more attention to environmental pollution and damage to health. Furthermore, cultural influences play a role in students' risk perception. To improve the risk acceptability for NIMBY facilities and provide a basis for resolving NIMBY conflicts, it is necessary to ensure the benefits of the NIMBY facility while reducing environmental pollution. The findings of this study may be of interest for policy makers and practitioners to devise future NIMBY strategies.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-3882-7

    Web of Science


  • A communication method beyond the gap between citizens and experts (1): Psychological barrier between them shown by social surveys Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan   第56巻,第4号:245-249 ( 4 )   245 - 249   2014.4

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  • Risk perception and behaviors of the Japanese after the North-East Japan Disaster 2011

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), "Safety Science for Prevention and Mitigation against Natural Disasters", Minerva-Shobo.   65-80   2014.3

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  • 共有情報の討議が討議メンバーについての知識の獲得に及ぼす影響

    辻川 典文, 土田 昭司

    神戸親和女子大学研究論叢   第47号,21-34   2014.3

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  • Periodical public opinion survey on nuclear energy (inhabitants living in the Tokyo metropolitan area)

    Yoshihiko Shinoda, Shouji Tsutida, Hiroshi Kimura

    Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan   13 ( 3 )   94 - 112   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Atomic Energy Society of Japan  

    Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident (Fukushima accident) has brought about a great change in many people's perceptions about nuclear power plant safety. When discussing future energy options for Japan, it is important to have a full grasp of the attitude of a large number of people towards nuclear energy. The Atomic Energy Society of Japan has conducted annual questionnaire survey of 500 adults who live within 30 kilometers of Tokyo Station. The aim of this survey is to assess trends in public attitude towards nuclear energy. The authors that designed the questionnaire entries of this survey have been managing questionnaire data as members of the Data Management Working Group under the Social and Environmental Division of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan. We confirmed the change in public attitude towards nuclear energy through this periodical survey after the Fukushima accident. In particular, public concerns about the use of nuclear energy increased after the Fukushima accident, and many people have raised doubts over the use of nuclear energy in the future.

    DOI: 10.3327/taesj.J13.018



  • The relation among intragroup relational cognition, collective efficacy, and the civic intention of participation and acceptance in the community: A questionnaire study in Nara Reviewed

    Shiotani,T., Nakahara, K., TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology   第29巻,第2号:113頁-119頁 ( 2 )   113 - 119   2013.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Society of Social Psychology  

    Previous studies have shown the positive effects of collective efficacy on community collective actions. As a predictor of collective efficacy, while behavioral social connectedness has shown a positive effect in some studies, the effect of cognitive social connectedness is little known. In this study, the perceived intragroup relationship (Yuki, 2003) was applied in order to investigate the relation among perceived intragroup relationship, collective efficacy, and the intention of participating in community development. We distributed questionnaires to 500 citizens and analyzed data that were collected from 121 respondents. The result of correlation analysis showed a positive relation among the intention of participating, collective efficacy, intragroup relational cognition, and behavioral social connectedness. Furthermore, a determinate process model of the intention to participate was examined using path analysis. The results indicate that perceived intragroup relationship has a positive correlation with social connectedness behavior and a positive effect on collective efficacy, but social connectedness behavior does not have a significant effect on collective efficacy.

    DOI: 10.14966/jssp.KJ00008993921

    CiNii Books


  • What the public want in nuclear use

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Journal of the Hear Transfer Society of Japan   第52巻,第219号: 61頁-67頁 ( 219 )   61 - 67   2013.4

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  • Social psychology of accidents

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), "Safety Science for Accident Prevention and Mitigation", Minerva-Shobo   182頁-198頁   2013.3

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  • Comparing disaster perception in Japan and the US

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N., Shiotani, T., Nakagawa, Y.

    S. Ikeda & Y. Maeda (eds.) "Emerging Issues Learned from the 3.11 Disaster as Multiple Events of Earthquake, Tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear Accident", The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan   Pp. 59-61   2013.3

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  • Risk Literacy and Risk Perception among Undergraduates in China: Case of BSE Reviewed

    Ma, H, Zhai, Guofang, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Human and Ecological Risk Assessment   vol. 19, No. 2: 526-537   2013.3

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    Risk response and cognitive characteristics of different groups are important aspects in risk research. In this article we discuss the general features of risk literacy and perception among undergraduates at Nanjing University and Huaiyin Institute of Technology in China in the case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The results show that: (1) there seem to be no relationships between respondents’ knowledge about BSE and their risk identification; (2) between all contrast samples, the greatest divergence appears in the judgment about probability of risk while the smallest one is the trust in science and technology to avoid BSE; (3) the judgment of hazard probability would be related to gender, family location, and the backgrounds of college and academic specialty. And only gender has impact on the affirmation of hazard with a significant level of 0.05. These findings provide insights into the comprehension of undergraduates’ risk literacy and perception, and can contribute to the improvement of risk communication and management in China.


  • Risk Literacy and Risk Perception among Undergraduates in China: Case of BSE

    Ma, H, Zhai, G, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Human and Ecological Risk Assessment   vol. 19, No. 2: 526-537   2013.3

  • Crisis communication at NPP-Fukushima1 accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Thermal and Nuclear Power   第675号(第63巻, 第12号):38-43   2012.12

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    The crisis communication at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in the disaster 3.11 was examined. I discussed the nature of crisis communication which is information exchange between the persons responsible to the accident and the public. And Myth of Panic and Elite Panic were also discussed.


  • Deperminants of trust in goverment with regard to nuclear power: The role of political collective efficacy and perception of civic social relationships Reviewed

    Shiotani, T., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N.

    The Japanese Journal of Applied Psychology   第38巻第2号:99-105   2012.11

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    It is necessary for stakeholders to build trust in risk communication. However, misplaced trust may lead to negative incidents. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the trust in government with regard to nuclear power, political collective efficacy (PCE) and civic social relationship (which was measured as perceived ingroup entitativity). Data used for this study were collected through a nationwide Internet social survey on energy and nuclear energy. Data collected from 2,503 participants were classified and compared on the basis of conditions around residential areas, such as nuclear power plant sitings, and type of area (conurbation or provincial areas), and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Good fit indexes were shown for each residential area, and it was found that PCE affected the trust in government whereas perceived ingroup entitativity did not. Furthermore, significant differences were found between the correlation coefficients of PCE and perceived ingroup entitativity.


  • Production and application of consumer research

    Moriguchi, T., Ueda, T., Ehara, A., Onzo, N., TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Advancers in Consumer Studies   第19巻, 第1号, 77頁-89頁   2012.10

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  • What is risk communication?: A suggestion by safety psychology

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Japanese Journal of Health Behavioral Science   第27巻:10-19   10 - 19   2012.6

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  • A report of a pilot implementation of Tutorial English classes at the Faculty of Safety Science: a two-part survey based on questionnaire-results

    Yamamoto, E., TSUCHIDA Shoji, Mamoru OZAWA, Tomoyuki TAKAHASHI, Kenji KOSHIYAMA, Shigeru YAMANE, Yasuyuki SASAKI, Naoki IKENAGA

    Safety Science Review   第2号:127-138 ( 2 )   127 - 138   2012.3

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    This paper summarizes participants' evaluations of the Tutorial English course offered by Waseda University International Corporation, as a part of a pilot English program being considered by the Faculty of Safety Science, and implemented from February 21 to March 5, 2011. The fi rst part presents the results for the Tutorial English course in particular, with the second part showing those for learning in orthodox English courses. Both sets of results were obtained by means of questionnaires administered to the students participating.

    CiNii Books


  • Effects of ingroup entitativity on attitude toward risk plants Reviewed

    Shiotani, T., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N.

    Safety Science Review   第2号:49頁-57頁   2012.3

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    An abundance of psychological studies have been conducted on risk analysis, but a little is known about the effect of social relation factor, such as social connectedness and interdependence among peoples. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of inhabiting area and perceived ingroup entitativity of local community, which is defi ned as representation of social connectedness among inhabitants, on attitude toward nuclear power plants (NPP) as a subject of risk plant. Data used for this study were collected through the internet from 2,503 respondents as a part of nationwide social survey. The results of analysis showed the interaction effect that the higher group of perceived ingroup entitativity has more positive attitude toward NPP than lower group of it in respondents of NPP siting area. The result indicates the important role of social relation among peoples on forming attitude toward risk plants.


  • Affective heuristic and linguistic representation in risk perception & judgment

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers   第78巻(第787号):374頁-383頁   2012.3

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  • Crisis communication at the Fukushima accident and the concept of crisis management Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan   第54巻第3号:181頁-183頁 ( 3 )   181 - 183   2012.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Citizens', consumers', and foreigners' responses to the Fukushima accident

    TSUCHIDA Shoji, Hirose, Y

    Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), "Investgating the North-East Japan Disaster 2011", Minerva-Shobo   253頁-277頁   2012.2

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  • Effects of perceptions of the necessities and anxieties associated with nuclear power on motivation for considering nuclear power generation Reviewed

    Tsujikawa, N., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Shiotani, T.

    Sociotechnica   第8巻:74頁-81頁   2011.4

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    The goal of this study was to examine the effects of the public perceptions toward necessities and anxieties associated with nuclear power on motivation of people to consider implementing nuclear power generation. In addition, differences in these effects were examined across areas at various distaces from nuclear power plants. Motivation for considering nuclear power generation was examined from two viewpoints: gathering information and discussion. The results suggested that perception of the necessities of nuclear power influence the gathering information motive, whereas anxieties influence the discussion motive. Perception of the necessities of nuclear power were found to have a stronger influenceon the gathering information motive among people living near a nuclear power plant than among people living far away from a nuclear power plant.


  • Affect Heuristic with "good-bad" Criterion and Linguistic Representation in Risk Judgments Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Journal of Disaster Research   Vol. 6, No. 2: 219-229   2011.3

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    Rational and normative risk judgments are made based on information on a risk object’s advantages and disadvantages, although many studies show that everyday heuristic risk judgment tends to be made based on limited information. I focused on the fact that affective heuristic (Slovic et al., 2004), one of the heuristic risk judgments, was affective judgment under “good-bad” criterion due to a trade-off in the perception of dangers and benefits, and showed by a social survey that female undergraduates in Japan and Eastern and Western Europe used the affect heuristic for various risk objects. In other words, an analysis of survey results on risk types perceived by female undergraduates inOsaka, London, Ljubljana, and Budapest showed that risk objects such as automobile driving, airplane travel, nuclear power plant, extremist group, and tobacco smoking were perceived as high-risk and low-return (Type 2) or low-risk and high-return (Type 3) [Study 1]. According to a tobacco smoking linguistic representation mail survey among university graduates of 24 to 71 years old in Japan, nonsmokers had relatively many adjectival and verbal linguistic representatives for tobacco smoking. This shows that affective risk judgment with a “good-bad” criterion was made by persons who perceived the risk object useless and the risk was taken involuntarily. [Study 2].


  • Empirical research on risk literacy and perception of undergraduates in mainland China: A case of BSE.

    Ma, H, Zhai, G, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    C. Huang,, J. Ortiz and S. Sears(eds.), "Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response", Atlantis Press   233-238   2011

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  • The BSE movement and the people's awareness of food safety in the Republic of Korea

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N., Shiotani, T.

    Survey & Data Series No. 107 (Interpersonal relations and risks in the contemporary societies), Institute of Economic and Political studies, Kansai University   1頁-35頁   1 - 35   2010.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Researches at the Society for Risk Analysis, Japan Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis   第20巻第1号:9頁-14頁   2010.3

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    After a joint seminar and a symposium with the SRA leading researchers, the Society for Risk Analysis, Japan (SRA-Japan) started its activities in 1988. Researches at SRA-Japan have been considered to cover various risk-related research agenda of disaster, industrial accident, food & medicine, environment, biohazard & infection, chemicals, radiation, disposal, and social & economic risk. Risk researches would have their stages of risk identification, risk assessment, risk communication & perception, risk management & governance, and risk education. The research articles on the Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis (JJRA) and the oral presentations at Annual Conferences of SRA-Japan showed that chemical risk assessment, environmental and health risks, risk communication & perception, and risk management & governance were the major agenda of the researches. SRA-Japan would hope to develop more international and more interdisciplinary researches.


  • Being canvassed for commodities futrures contracts and "trust" in the salespersons: Case studies of the victims

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Kansai University Psychological Research   第1号:25頁-40頁 ( 1 )   25 - 40   2010.3

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    “Trust” is an important factor of human relations. Researches on trust so far have focused on the pro-social effects of it. However, “trust” is the key factor of swindling as well. Two intensive interviews were conducted to victims of Commodities Futures Contracts. The victims told that they were under psychological stress and could not help trusting the salespersons’ advices, and the advices led them to lost their money of tens millions yen. Their psychological processes were interpreted to be effected by the thinking-variety-fading. Under the difficult situations it would be hard for the victims to consider the situations and to come to realize the varieties of possible solutions. As a result only they could do was to depend on / trust “experts”.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/7041

  • Information transmission behavior of citizens after the risk messages were presented Reviewed

    Tsujikawa, N., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Koike, F., Tanigaki, T., Nagaoka, Y.

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis   第19巻第4号:11頁-19頁   2009.12

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    Previous studies about presentation of risk messages have focused on the effects of recipients' attitude change. However, when we consider the influence social reality can have on risk perception and the necessity to communicate to the low-concern group, research into the communication process within the recipient group is also necessary. The purpose of this study was to examine information transmission behavior (intention of transmitting and transmission contents) of citizens after the risk messages were presented. For this study, the theme of risk message was nuclear power. Results showed that the intention of transmitting was high, to the degree that participants' attitudes were predictable. In addition, male participants' intention of transmitting was high to the degree of being predictable. However, female participants did not display any influence of predictable attitude. As for transmission contents, it was revealed that when participants watched a movie about shortage energy problems, participants tended to transmit information that promote nuclear power.


  • Biomedical researchers' contacts with journalists and the public: an international comparison of experiences and attitudes in Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan and the USA

    Peters, H.P., Brossard, D., Cheveigne, S., Dunwoody, S., Kallfass, M., Miller, S., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Cain, A., Paquez, A.

    Hans Peter Peters (ed.), "Media orientation of biomedical researchers in international comparison: The interface of Science & journalism and their political Relevance", Forschungszentrums Jülich   45-99   2009.12

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    Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists


  • Media coverage of science and its relevance for the relationship to politics

    Peters, H.P., Brossard, D., Cheveigne, S., Dunwoody, S., Heinrichs, H., Jung, A., Kallfass, M., Miller, S., Petersen, I., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Cain, A., Paquez, A.

    Hans Peter Peters (ed.), "Media orientation of biomedical researchers in international comparison: The interface of Science & journalism and their political Relevance", Forschungszentrums Jülich   9-43   2009.12

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  • The effects energy shortage information has on provider trust due to the primary attitude towards nuclear power: Experimental study on risk communication Reviewed

    Tanigaki, T., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N., Koike, F., Nagaoka, Y.

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis   第19巻第2号:57頁-68頁 ( 2 )   57 - 68   2009.7

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    An experimental study was conducted on the effects that information pertaining to possible lack of energy may have on risk perception, risk judgments, and exploration of risk-related information. Three hundred and twenty-three randomly-sampled individuals, aged between 20 and 59 years, living in the Osaka area (Japan) participated in the experiment. During the experiment, participants watched either a video with images portraying a society lacking electricity (experimental group) or a video without such images (control group). Then, they freely explored a database consisting of scientific, technological, economic, social, and institutional information on nuclear power generation. Participants’ risk perception of nuclear power generation and degree of trust in the video and database producers, were measured using a questionnaire.The results suggested that, in terms of risk communication, the trust of the receivers in the information provider tends to increase. That is, when the provider presents convincing risk information, the receiver tend to become increasingly afraid and dependent on the provider, and this tends to enhance his trust in the latter. Moreover, the receiver’s trust in the provider was found, in the case of nuclear power generation, to be determined by the expectation of the provider’s ability, but not directly, that is, through the expectation of the latter’s prosociality.

    CiNii Books


  • Which has more effects on risk perception and judgments, Affect or Reason?: Effects of appeals in risk communication Reviewed

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Kinoshita, T., Nakayachi, K., Tanaka, Y.

    Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis   第19巻第2号:45頁-55頁 ( 2 )   45 - 55   2009.7

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    When managing risks, people are often assumed to behave irrationally and emotionally. On risk researches Slovic(1987,1999) pointed out the “emotion heuristics” which stress the emotional process of risk judgments. However, some researchers (e.g. Behavioral Economy) argue that people’s behaviors are basically very rational even though they have some irrational biases. And some researchers (Edwards, 1990; Edwards &Hippel, 1995) suggested that rational appeals would influence on rational attitudes, while affective appeals wouldinfluence on affective attitudes. On this research we focused on the judgment processes of risk communication, and examined effects of rational-oriented-communication and emotional-oriented-communication on risk acceptance and trust formation. Total of 542 students at 4 universities participated in 4-wave experimental surveys in which risk communication toward MOX fuel using in nuclear power plants with rational or affective appeals was presented. The results showed that rational appeal had effects on attitude changes, while affective appeal had little effects.

    CiNii Books


  • A social psychological discussion on risk perception and judgments: Including application to consumer behaviors

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Annual Report 2008, Institute of Economic and Political Studies, Kansai University   129頁-138頁   129 - 138   2009.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Science-Media Interface: It's Time to Reconsider Reviewed

    Peters, H.P., Brossard, D., Cheveigne, S., Dunwoody, S., Kallfass, M., Miller, S., TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Science Communication   vol. 30, No. 2: 266-276   2008.11

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    An international mail survey of 1,354 biomedical researchers in five countries has revealed that interaction with the media is widespread among this group and that this interaction is largely perceived in a positive light. Possible reasons are offered as to why the perception persists that the scientist-journalist relationship remains troubled, despite the apparent reality. This reality may have negative as well as positive implications; the potential for too much control by the scientific community of media coverage about it, as well as that for too much media influence on inner-scientific processes, are also addressed.


  • Interactions with the Mass Media

    Peters, H.P, Brossard, D, Cheveigne, S, Dunwoody, S, Kallfass, M, Miller, S, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Science   vol. 321: 204-205   2008.7

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  • Judgment of Public Acceptance of a Technology Accompanied by the Risk of Potential Disasters:Logic, emotion and value

    Nakayachi, K., Tanaka, Y., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Kinoshita, T.

    Annual Report, Doshisha Research Center for Human Security   第5号:35頁-50頁 ( 5 )   35 - 50   2008.3

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    While complex technologies can benefit society, the benefits can be accompanied by the risk of potential disasters.How do lay citizens judge whether to accept or reject technologies that carry such risks?It is often said that judgments made by the public at large are irrational and based on emotion.Is the public therefore attracted by emotional messages?The present research approached this question b y conducting a communication experiment on the public judgment of electricity produced by thermal plutonium.Five hundred and six students responded to one of five NPO pamphlets explaining the technology.The results suggested that 1) emotion-oriented massages were less effective than factual ones, 2) participants did not clearly differentiate their values on which they made their judgments, and 3) participants whose judgments were well-grounded trusted the NPO based on a perceived similarity of values, while perception of the NPO's fairness was the bases for those who made judgments based on emotion.Finally, implications of these results for the practice of communication on technologies were discussed.

    CiNii Books


  • Victems of commodities futrures contracts and their psychological processes

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Journal of Commodities Futrures Contracts Victems   30号:25頁-34頁   2008.3

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  • Risk Ccommunication

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji( Role: Contributor)

    2019.6  ( ISBN:9784621303818

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  • Risk Perception and Heuristics

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji( Role: Contributor)

    2019.6  ( ISBN:9784621303818

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  • Psychology of safety and risk: Safety created by mind

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji( Role: Edit)

    2018.9  ( ISBN:9784563058869

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  • Do we need robots with "KOKORO (ego / mind)"?

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji( Role: Contributor)


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  • Attitude

    TSUCHIDA,Shoji( Role: Contributor)

    The Japanses Society for Cognitive Psycholoy (ed.) Handbook of cognitive psychology, Yuhikaku  2013.12  ( ISBN:9784641184169

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  • The Fukushima accident and crisis communication

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji( Role: Sole author)

    Safety Science Review  2012.3 

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  • Introduction to data-analysis for social surveys: Invitation to empirical sciences, New edition

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Yamakawa,E( Role: Joint author)

    Yuhikaku  2011.7 

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  • "attitude scales", "attitude change"

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji( Role: Contributor)

    K. Ninomiya & M. Koyasu (eds.), "Key-Word-Collection in Social Psychology", Shin-yo-sha  2011.6 

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  • Risk communication

    Hirakawa, H., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsuchiya, T.( Role: Joint author)

    Osaka University Press  2011.3 

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  • Issues and review of risk psychology

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji( Role: Contributor)

    Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University (ed.), "Science of Safety and ANSHIN", Sankei-Shinbun-Shuppan  2010.4 

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  • Attitude and behavior

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji( Role: Sole author)

    Japanese Society of Social Psychology (ed.) "Encyclopedia of social psychology", Maruzen  2009.6 

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  • Risk related terms in psychology

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji( Role: Sole author)

    The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan (ed.), "Dictionary of risk terms", Maruzen  2008.1 

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  • Mechanism of human risk perception

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Proceedings of safety science seminar 2010 (Graduate School of Safety Science, Kansai University)   128頁-138頁   2011.12

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  • A case study of disaster risk analysis in Schools for blind in Thailand


    The Society for Risk Analysis  2022.12 

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    Venue:Annual Meeting 2022  


  • The Japanese response to COVID -19 pandemic and its vaccination


    The Asian Regional Organization of the Society for Risk Analysis  2022.11 

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    Venue:SRA Asia Conference 2022 (Seoul & online) [Keynote Speech]  

    From the end of 2019 the world has been suffered from COVID-19 pandemic. In Japan we had 7 waves of the infection spread so far. We conducted 6 time-series-surveys nationwide [Aug. 2020 (N=6,000); Dec. 2020 (N=2, 000); Feb. 2021 (N=1,500); Jun. 2021 (N=2,500); Oct. 2021 (N=1,500); May-Jun. 2022 (N=1,500)] to investigate the Japanese response to the pandemic and the vaccination. Before the vaccination started major measures against the pandemic were that from public health, including restriction on interpersonal contacts that brought psychological stress to people. And the stress drove people to do infection avoidance behaviors. The vaccination started on February 2021 in Japan. On Dec. 2020 47.7% of people wanted to receive vaccination. Now about 80% received it at least twice. However, about 8% of people have refused vaccination whose risk perception to the vaccine was extremely negative. And by May-Jun. 2022 survey we found that among people with low income and low education the ratio of people who refuse the vaccination was relatively high.


  • Ethical and societal considerations associated with future generations in the application of the concepts of tolerability and reasonableness


    International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP): Task Group 114  2022.3 

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  • Chinese Panic Behaviors in Earthquakes

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Zhai, Guofang, URAYAMA, Kaoru, SHIZUMA, Taketo, KUBO, Minoru, OMURA, Kayo

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis  2020.12 

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    Venue:The Scociety for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting 2020 [online]  


  • Safety and Risk in Social Psychological Perspective

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Task Group (TG) 114  2020.1 

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    Venue:International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Task Group (TG) 114 – 2nd meeting [Lisbon, Portugal]  


  • Human Behaviors in Emergency: Panic in disasters in China

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, China  2019.10 

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    Venue:The 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response [Athens, Greece]  


  • Crisis Communication at Fukushima NPP Accident in 2011

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Kansai University  2019.9 

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    Venue:International Symposium on Strategy of Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Growth [Takatsuki, Japan]  


  • Panic behaviors in disasters in China

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Decision Research  2019.7 

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    Venue:Workshop on Compassion Research and Pro-social Decision Making [Eugine, USA]  


  • People of Fukushima after NPP Disaster

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Japan Foundation, Kansai Univeristy, University of Southern California  2018.11 

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    Venue:Symposium on Population Migration and Repatriation Following Major Disasters [Los Angeles, USA]  


  • God's Altruism: Cultural difference of responsibility for safety

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Decision Research  2018.7 

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    Venue:Workshop on Compassion Research and Pro-social Decision Making [Eugine, USA]  


  • Mass Panic phenomena at Disasters in China in comparison to Japan and the US

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Iwate University, Tsinghua University, Harverd University  2018.7 

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    Venue:The Global Conference on the International Network of Disaster Studies in Iwate, Japan “Iwate Conference” [Morioka, Japan]  


  • Psychology and Risk Analysis

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, Japan, China, Korea  2018.3 

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    Venue:The Society forRisk Analysis, Asia Conference 2018 [Takatsuki, Japan]  


  • A study on Disaster related death associated with the Great East Earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture

    KUBO, Minoru, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, Japan, China, Korea  2018.3 

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    Venue:The Society forRisk Analysis, Asia Conference 2018 [Takatsuki, Japan]  


  • Attitude of Japanese Citizens toward Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: Risk Perception and Trust

    URAYAMA, Kaoru, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, Japan, China, Korea  2018.3 

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    Venue:The Society forRisk Analysis, Asia Conference 2018 [Takatsuki, Japan]  


  • Collective Behaviors in War

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, Japan, China, Korea  2018.3 

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    Venue:The Society forRisk Analysis, Asia Conference 2018 [Takatsuki, Japan]  


  • The effect of metacognition on help-seeking intentions by the scene imagination method: Preliminary survey in high school students

    SHIZUMA, Taketo, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, Japan, China, Korea  2018.3 

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    Venue:The Society forRisk Analysis, Asia Conference 2018 [Takatsuki, Japan]  


  • Risk communication at disaster

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Scociety for Risk Analysis, China  2017.12 

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    Venue:International Symposium on Urban Disaster Mitigation [Taizhou, China]  


  • Learning from the Risk Communications at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Sichuan University  2017.5 

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    Venue:2017 Banaqia Symposium on Disaster Jurisprudence [Banaqia, China]  


  • Risk Communications at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Universiti Utara Malaysia / Kansai University  2017.3 

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    Venue:UUM/KU Joint Research seminar on Disaster [Sintok, Malaysia]  


  • Investgating Risk Communications by Japanese government at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Harvard Kennedy School, Tsinghua University, China Institute for Reform and Development  2017.1 

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    Venue:From the Management of Crisis to the Governance of Risk [Haikou, China]  


  • Investgating Risk Communication at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Society for Risk Analysis  2016.12 

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    Venue:The Society for Risk Analysis, Annual Meeting 2016 [San Deigo]  


  • Is important the expected information than the detailed information:The confirmation bias as a determinant of satisfaction for risk communication.

    SHIOTANI, Takamasa, TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Asian Association of Social Psychology  2015.9 

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    Venue:The 11th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology [Cebu City]  


  • Effects of risk judgment tendency on the language representation of risk at The Tohoku Disaster: A comparison between Japanese and American

    Nakagawa,Yuri, TSUCHIDA, Shoji, TSUJIKAWA, Norifumi, SHIOTANI, Takamasa

    International Association of Applied Psychology  2014.7 

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    Venue:8th International Conference on Applied Psychology [Paris]  


  • Studies for Crossing over from Community of Nuclear Experts; (3) Design for "forum"


    Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Spring meeting 2013  2013.3 

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    Venue:Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Spring meeting 2013  


  • Studies for Crossing over from Community of Nuclear Experts; (1) Concept of Studies


    Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Spring meeting 2013  2013.3 

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    Venue:Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Spring meeting 2013  


  • Studies for Crossing over from Community of Nuclear Experts; (2) Outline of the social surveys and their results


    Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Spring meeting 2013  2013.3 

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    Venue:Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Spring meeting 2013  


  • Cohesiveness of community

    Shiotani, T., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Nakagawa, Y., Tsujikawa, N.

    53rd Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Social Psychology  2012.11 

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    Venue:53rd Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Social Psychology  


  • Effects of risk estimation tendency on risk perception at The Tohoku Disaster

    Nakagawa, Y., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N., Shiotani, T.

    25th Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  2012.11 

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    Venue:25th Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  

    At the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011, we had lots of risk events such as earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power plant accident, and debris removal. Citizens as well as experts have faced to correct judgment on these risks. We conducted Online survey of risk perception with 2,500 respondents liveing in Tohoku, Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyushu in November 2011. The respondents' free descriptions about "the most impressive event at the disaster" were taken into correspondence analysis of quantitative data.


  • Researches in SRA-Japan

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    25th Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  2012.11 

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    Venue:25th Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  


  • 感情ヒューリステックとクライシス・コミュニケーション

    土田 昭司

    日本リスク研究学会平成24年度大会,平成23年度学会賞受賞記念講演  2012.11 

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  • Changes in attitude structure toward nuclear power in the nuclear power plant locations of Tohoku district

    Tsujikawa, N., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Shiotani, T., Nakagawa, Y.

    25th Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  2012.11 

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    Venue:25th Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  

    This survey was examined the changes in structure of attitude toward nuclear power and the influence of environmental value on the attitude structure before and after the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. With residents of Aomori, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures as participants, we conducted online surveys in November 2009 and October 2011. Comparing the results before and after the accident, we found that trust in the management of nuclear power plants had a stronger influence on the perceived risk and benefit regarding nuclear power after the accident than before the accident. The value of concern about environmental destruction resulted in reduced trust in the management.


  • The disster 3.11 in Japan: Resilience in Tohoku compared with the US

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Society for Risk Analysis, China, The 5th Annual Meeting [Nanjing]  2012.10 

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    Venue:Society for Risk Analysis, China, The 5th Annual Meeting [Nanjing]  


  • 福島事故に関する世論と学会員の意識のギャップをどう埋めていくか-マスメディア報道と原子力世論に関する調査活動の報告-(2)原子力学会員の意識をチェックする

    土田 昭司

    日本原子力学会 2012年秋の年会  2012.9 

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    Venue:日本原子力学会 2012年秋の年会  



  • リスク心理学から見た災害時の避難

    土田 昭司

    土木学会平成24年度全国大会,研究討論会「地下空間の防災・減災と災害時避難」  2012.9 

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  • Comparing Disaster Perceptions in Japan and the US

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N., Shiotani, T., Nakagawa, Y.

    World Congress on Risk 2012: Risk and development in a changing world [Sydney]  2012.7 

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    Venue:World Congress on Risk 2012: Risk and development in a changing world [Sydney]  

    The Tohoku Disaster 3.11 with earthquake M9.0, tsunami, and the Fukushima accident brought the inhabitants horrible damages. And they showed remarkably disciplined behavior in the disaster. To investigate the Japanese mind in disaster, we carried out online (web) survey in Japan and the US on October and November 2011. At the Japan survey we focused on Tohoku area people [N=1,000], Tokyo people [N=500], Osaka people [N=500], and Kyushu people [N=500] (Total N=2,500) andthe questionnaire was disigned to figure out the the people's responses to the disaster and their psychological factors. The US survey was nationwide and total of 830 people were targeted.


  • 被説明変数を「消費者の幸せ」とする研究 :例えば安全研究との融合

    土田 昭司

    第44回消費者行動研究コンファレンス  2012.6 

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  • Community and resilience in Tohoku, Japan after the disaster 3.11.

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji


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    Venue:2nd Annual Asia Public Policy Forum: Disaster Management in Asia [Singapore]  


  • Community and resilience in Tohoku, Japan after the disaster 3.11

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    2nd Annual Asia Public Policy Forum: Disaster Management in Asia [Singapore]  2012.5 

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  • Calm panic of the Japanese against the complex disaster 3-11.

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2011 [Charleston,SC]  2011.12 

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    Venue:Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2011 [Charleston,SC]  

    On March 11th in 2011, huge earthquakes (M=9.0) attacked the northern part of Honshu (the main island of Japan). They caused the complex disaster with not only the quakes but also tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accidents. Immediately after the shocks most of the Japanese showed “calm panic”, i.e. they seemed to accept the tragedy. I had three hypotheses why the Japanese were in the calm panic. Hypothesis 1: the Japanese have equality oriented culture, and in the situation that everyone was suffering they would have thought it should be accepted. Hypothesis 2: the victims would have not yet come to the phase of reality perception. Hypothesis 3: the Japanese have strong sense of unity with nature, and they would have thought they had to accept what nature did because they were part of nature. A social survey was conducted to confirm the hypotheses in the connection of the effects of mass media.


  • 東日本大震災にみる日本人の被災意識:東北・首都圏・関西圏・九州でのWeb調査(1)

    土田 昭司, 辻川典文, 塩谷 尚正, 中川 由理

    日本リスク研究学会 第24回年次大会  2011.11 

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    Venue:日本リスク研究学会 第24回年次大会  



  • Crisis communication at the NNP-Fukushima-1 accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The 19th Atomic Energy System Symposium  2011.11 

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    Venue:The 19th Atomic Energy System Symposium  


  • Crisis Communication & Management in the Fukushima Accident

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The 31st KAIF-JAIF Seminar on Nuclear Industry [Session: “PR and Communication Activities Hereafter”]  2011.11 

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    Venue:The 31st KAIF-JAIF Seminar on Nuclear Industry [Session: “PR and Communication Activities Hereafter”]  


  • 不安の自他一致度及び態度推定の正確さと内集団実体性認知との関連

    塩谷 尚正, 土田 昭司

    日本社会心理学会 第52回大会  2011.9 

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    Venue:日本社会心理学会 第52回大会  



  • 対人信頼感が危険性認知に及ぼす影響について

    河嶋 章生, 土田 昭司

    日本社会心理学会 第52回大会  2011.9 

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    Venue:日本社会心理学会 第52回大会  

    本発表では、一般的な危険性認知が対人信頼感によって影響されることを調査データにもとづいて明らかにする試みを報告した。 (発表者:河嶋章生、土田昭司)


  • 災害研究と災害報道

    土田 昭司

    Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2001: Risk analysis in an interconnected world  2011.9 

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    Venue:日本行動計量学会 第39回大会 特別企画シンポジウム『災害報道と行動計量学』  



  • 東日本大震災後における誤情報抑制のための対応措置の分析

    土田 昭司

    5th International Confernce on Probabilistic Safty Assenssment and Management  2011.9 

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    Venue:統計関連学会連合大会 企画セッション(統計関連学会連合)「大震災の科学的評価と人間行動」  



  • 大学の安全の協働に対する集合効力感及び内集団実体性認知の影響

    塩谷 尚正, 土田 昭司

    日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会 第58回大会  2011.8 

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    Venue:日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会 第58回大会  

    本発表では、大学内での安全を保つ行動が内集団実体性認知と集団効力感から影響を受けることを社会調査データにもとづいて報告した。なお、これはポスター発表であった。 (発表者:塩谷尚正、土田昭司)


  • The effect of in-group entitativity on the collective efficacy and intention of activity in maintaining university safety

    Shiotani, T., TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The 9th Biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology [KunMing, China]  2011.7 

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    Venue:The 9th Biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology [KunMing, China]  


  • Factors influencing the motivation for considering nuclear power generation

    Tsujikawa, N., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Shiotani, T.

    The 9th Biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology [KunMing, China]  2011.7 

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    Venue:The 9th Biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology [KunMing, China]  


  • Crisis communication at the Fukushima accident. (IN Panel Session "Impact to the Society")

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The First China-Japan Conference on Risk Assessment and Management  2011.7 

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    Venue:The 26th Japan-Taiwan Nuclear Safety Seminar [Tokyo]  


  • Human risk perception and linguistic representation

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, the 16th Symposium of Power and Energy Systems [Invited Lecture]  2011.6 

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    Venue:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, the 16th Symposium of Power and Energy Systems [Invited Lecture]  


  • Risk communication

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Japan Academy for Health Behavioral Science, the 26th conference [Invited Lecture]  2011.6 

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    Venue:The Japan Academy for Health Behavioral Science, the 26th conference [Invited Lecture]  


  • How do the Japanese feel and think about the Crisis?

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Kennedy School, Harvard University, Disaster Management in Asia Seminar Series [Japan in Crisis: Exploring the onsequences of a Cascading Disaster] [Boston, USA]  2011.3 

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  • Inter-cultural comparison between Japan and Nederland on risk & benefit perception toward foods

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Project Report  2011.3 

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  • Risk psychology as a risk analysis

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Nanjing University [Nanjing]  2010.3 

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    Venue:Nanjing University [Nanjing]  


  • The infuluence of community entitativity on political trust

    Shiotani, T., TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N.

    8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology [Delhi]  2009.12 

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    Venue:8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology [Delhi]  


  • Cross cultural/dietary study on risk/benefit perception of main food products between Japan and Western Countries.

    Sekizawa, J., TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2009 [Baltimore]  2009.12 

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    Venue:Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2009 [Baltimore]  


  • Victems of commodities futrures contracts and risk perception

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Joint Conference of Japanese Society of Social Psychology (50th) and Japanese Society of Group Dynamics (56th)  2009.10 

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    Venue:Joint Conference of Japanese Society of Social Psychology (50th) and Japanese Society of Group Dynamics (56th)  


  • Characteristics of Risk Communication in Japan and Korea

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Asian Conference on Risk Assessment and Management 2009  2009.5 

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    Agents of prevention, hazard mitigation, and recovery against disaster are categorized into 1)public sector (local governments / national governments), 2)community sector, and 3)private sector (individual / family).It is necessary to have Disaster Risk Communication toward the decision makers of each sector from the experts of disaster prevention and recovery.In each sector, decision makers will have their peculiar psychological biases and the risk communication should be adjusted according to their peculiarity.In Japan today, community and family function countering disasters are diminishing and institutionalized voluntary aids (and individual’s decision making) are becoming relatively important.In every country, function of influential mass media and web information cannot be bypassed.On this paper characteristics of disaster risk communication will be presented citing the research on BSE movement in Korea (Tsuchida, Tsujikawa, Shiotani, Nam, and Shin, 2009) and the experiment of emotional risk communication in Japan (Tsuchida, Tsujikawa, Koike, Tanigaki, and Nagaoka ,2008).


  • Risk perception of the Japanese: which has more effects on risk perception, affect or reason?

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2008 [Boston]  2008.12 

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    Venue:Society for Risk Analysis, Annual meeting 2008 [Boston]  

    Results of social surveys conducted in Japan for decades showed that the risk perception of the Japanese seemed to have changed when they experienced Kobe earthquake and bursting the babble economy, although they had some stable tendencies (e.g. middle-age female effect). On this presentation, I focus on the effects of affect and reason on the risk perception of the Japanese. In general, people are often assumed to behave irrationally and emotionally when they manage risks. Slovic (1987, 1999) pointed out the “emotion heuristics” which stress the emotional process of risk judgments.However, some researchers (e.g. Behavioral Economy: c.f. Kahneman & Tversky, 1979) argues that people’s behaviors are basically very rational even though they have some irrational biases.Two experimental surveys were carried out in 2007 in Japan on which we focused on the judgment processes of risk communication, and examined which would have stronger effects on risk acceptance and trust formation, rational-oriented-communication or emotional-oriented-communication.The results of them suggested that sufficient rational explanations would be necessary for the Japanese people at risk communications even when their judgment processes were influenced by their affects because of their trust formation.


  • Risk researches in Japan: their globalization and locality (IN International Symposium "The Past and the Future of Risk Analysis")

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    21st Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan [Osaka]  2008.11 

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    Venue:21st Annual Conference of Society for Risk Analysis, Japan [Osaka]  


  • What is the "reality" in researches of consumer behaviors?

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    37th Conference of Japan Association for Consumer Studies  2008.11 

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    Venue:37th Conference of Japan Association for Consumer Studies  


  • How do we think about risk?

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    Science Council of Japan, Symposium open to public (The Japnaese Society for Hygiene)  2008.11 

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    Venue:Science Council of Japan, Symposium open to public (The Japnaese Society for Hygiene)  


  • Effects of anxiety and disposition to trust in others on attitudes and information exploring behaviors in risk communication

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, Tsujikawa, N., Koike, F., Tanigaki, T., Nagaoka, Y.

    The XXIX International Congress of Psychology  2008.7 

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    Venue:The XXIX International Congress of Psychology [Berlin]  

    Effects of affective responses to information about insufficient energy supplies in the future (=fear) on trust to informants, risk perception, risk judgments, and risk information exploring behaviors were examined with a laboratory experiment. Three hundred and twenty-three individuals between 20 and 59 years old who lived in Osaka area, Japan were randomly sampled and participated in the experiment. At the experiment, participants watched a video putting fear of future insufficient energy supply into them (experiment condition) or a video explaining energy supply with no fear (control condition), and then they explored a database of nuclear power which consisted of scientific, technological, economic, social, and institutional information of nuclear power. Participants’ information exploring behaviors including the length of time spent, trust in people who made the video and the database, risk perception of nuclear power, and disposition to trust in other persons were measured and analyzed.


  • Cross-national differences in scientists' implicit models of public communication (IN symposium "Science and Media: A cross-national analysis of biomedical researchers' interactions with the media and the rol of organizational science PR.")

    Peters, H.P., TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST-10) [Malmo]  2008.6 

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    Venue:The International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST-10) [Malmo]  


  • The concept of risk in the psychological viewpoint (IN symposium "Risk governance in sustainability")

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    1st China-Japan Science Forum on Environmental Changes, Bio-resources, and Global Warming [Beijing]  2008.3 

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    Venue:1st China-Japan Science Forum on Environmental Changes, Bio-resources, and Global Warming [Beijing]  


  • How do we perceive and interpret risk?: Risk social psychology

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji

    The Institute of Statistical Methematics (ISM), Symposium  2008.1 

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    Venue:The Institute of Statistical Methematics (ISM), Symposium  


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  • What is Risk Communication?

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji


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  • Citizens' risk perception toward nuclear energy

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji


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  • Social Capital, Mutual Aids in Disasters, and Evaluation on Neighborhood’s Disaster-Preparation: Comparison between the States of Volunteer-Firefighter and the States of Career-Firefighter in the United States.

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji, SHIOTANI, Takamasa, TSUJIKAWA, Norifumi


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  • Japanese citizens’ risk perception toward nuclear power

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji


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  • Japanese Citizens’ Risk Perception toward Nuclear Power

    TSUCHIDA, Shoji


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    Japanese citizens’ risk perception and acceptance of nuclear power have dramatically changed to negative since the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident in 2011. However, at the general election of the lower house in December 2012, LDP which had declared the policy to promote nuclear power use won to become the governing party.At the Lecture the trends of Japanese citizens’ risk perception and acceptance of nuclear power shown on the results of social surveys will be presented. And the psychological processes of them will be discussed



  • Presidential Merit Award

    2018.12   The Society for Risk Analysis  

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  • The Japan Association of Applied Psychology Award

    2013.8   The Japan Association of Applied Psychology  

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  • The Award of the Society

    2011.11   The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan  

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  • The Japanese Psychological Association Award

    1999.9   The Japanese Psychological Association  

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Research Projects

  • Problem of information flow in the society and citizens’ behaviors with Covid-19:

    2020 - 2021

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  • Panic behaviors under disasters in China

    2018 - 2021

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  • EMFコミュニケーションの動向調査研究

    2011 - 2017

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Risk perception of the youth in contemporary mainland China

    2011 - 2014

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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Integration of scientific expertise in public media discourses [INWEDIS]

    2004 - 2006

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    Grant type:Competitive


Social Activities

  • Nuclear Safety Research Association (Head of a research committee)

    2003 - 2005

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  • Osaka Science and Technology Center (Member of a research committee)


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  • Japan Universities Association for Computer Education(Trustee)

    2001 - 2003

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  • Suita City Cultural Promotion Foundation (Councilor)

    2001 - 2003

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  • Nuclear Safety Research Association (Member of a research committee)

    2001 - 2002

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  • Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Research and Development Issues)

    1999 - 2005

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  • Japan Chemical Industry Association (Head of Committee on Risk-Communication)

    1998 - 1999

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  • Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development (Member of a Research Committee)


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  • Member of a Research Committee commissioned by Ministry of the Environment

    1996 - 2001

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  • Atomic Energy Commission of Japan (Invited Speaker to Meetings on HLW)

    1996 - 1998

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  • Member of the HIV Prevention Research Committee by Health and Labour Research Grants

    1994 - 2001

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  • Tenth International Conference on AIDS (member of the Program Committee)

    1993 - 1994

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  • Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (member of the Committee for Social Surveys on Citizens' Attitudes to Nuclear Power)

    1992 - 1996

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▼display all

Devising educational methods

  •  ホームページやCEASシステムを用いて、次のような工夫をしている。1)主要科目(リスク心理学、社会心理学)については、講義日毎に行われた授業内容・参考書リストを掲載している。2)これまでに指導した卒業論文の要約データベースを構築して公開している。これによって単に学習の助けとなるだけでなく、ゼミナール選択を含めた履修進路の決定の参考ともなることを目指している。  大学院生に対しては、研究プロジェクトへの共同研究者的な立場での参加を積極的に推奨している。研究プロジェクトによって得られたデータの一部を用いて大学院生が論文を作成しており、査読付き論文としても多く公開されている。

Teaching materials

  • 『リスクコミュニケーション論』(共著)大阪大学出版会 2011 『新・社会調査のためのデータ分析入門』(共著)有斐閣 2011

Teaching method presentations

  • 過去5年間においては 特になし

Special notes on other educational activities

  • 高校生を対象としたKanDai1セミナーなどを担当して高校生への導入教育に努めている。