Updated on 2024/05/26


Faculty of Engineering Science Professor
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  • Doctor of Engineering ( 2003.3 )

Research Interests

  • Frost

  • Heat Exchanger

  • Defrost

  • Combustion

  • Heat Transfer Control

  • Heat Transfer

  • Tubular flame

  • Radiography

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Thermal engineering


  • Doshisha University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering


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    Country: Japan


  • Doshisha University   Faculty of Engineering

    - 1992

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

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Committee Memberships

  •   日本機械学会関西支部幹事  

    2014.5 - 2015.5   

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  •   着霜除霜技術委員会委員  

    2014.4 - 2015.3   

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  •   動力エネルギーシステム部門総務委員会幹事  

    2014.4 - 2015.3   

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  •   広報・情報部会委員(92期)  

    2014.4 - 2015.3   

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  •   動力エネルギー国際会議ICOPE-15実行委員会総務委員会  

    2014.4 - 2015.3   

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  •   参与  


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  •   動力エネルギーシステム部門部門企画委員会委員長(91期,92期)  

    2013.4 - 2015.3   

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  •   国際伝熱会議IHTC-15実行委員会委員  

    2013.4 - 2015.3   

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  •   校閲委員  

    2013.4 - 2014.3   

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  •   日本伝熱学会関西支部 伝熱セミナー委員  

    2012.10 - 2014.3   

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  •   動力エネルギーシステム部門部門企画委員会委員(90期)  

    2012.4 - 2013.3   

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  •   日本機械学会学会誌特集号企画小委員会委員(2013年8月号)  

    2012.4 - 2013.3   

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  •   校閲委員  

    2012.4 - 2013.3   

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  •   可視化情報学会2012全国講演会姫路大会実行委員  

    2011.9 - 2012.10   

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  •   理事  

    2011.5 - 2013.5   

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  • 一般社団法人 日本DME協会   日本DMEフォーラム企画委員会委員  

    2011.5 - 2012.12   

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  •   熱工学部門運営委員(89期,90期)  

    2011.4 - 2013.3   

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  •   熱工学部門年鑑委員会幹事(89期)  

    2011.4 - 2012.3   

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  • 一般社団法人 日本DME協会   第7回アジアDME会議組織委員会委員  

    2011.1 - 2011.11   

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  •   第16回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム実行委員会委員  

    2010.10 - 2011.6   

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  •   2011年国際ガスタービン会議大阪大会IGTC-11組織委員会委員  

    2010.9 - 2012.5   

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  •   理事  

    2009.5 - 2011.5   

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  •   動力エネルギーシステム部門国際企画委員会委員(87期,88期,89期)  

    2009.4 - 2011.3   

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  •   近畿地区事業推進委員会委員  


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  •   日本伝熱学会評議員(47期,48期)  

    2008.5 - 2010.4   

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  •   動力エネルギー国際会議ICOPE-09実行委員会総務委員会幹事  

    2008.2 - 2010.3   

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  •   2008年年次大会実行委員会委員  

    2007.4 - 2009.3   

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  •   動力エネルギー国際会議ICOPE-07論文委員会幹事  

    2006.11 - 2008.3   

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  •   日本伝熱学会関西支部伝熱技術フォーラム幹事  

    2006.5 - 2008.4   

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  •   日本伝熱学会学生会委員  

    2005.5 - 2007.4   

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  •   日本伝熱学会関西支部 企画委員  

    2001.5 - 2002.4   

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  •   メカライフ編集委員会委員  

    1998.4 - 1999.3   

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  • 熱交換器への着霜現象と霜層微細構造 ―ラジオグラフィ技術を用いた霜研究の新展開― Reviewed


    エアロゾル研究   37 ( 4 )   268 - 274   2022.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11203/jar.37.268


  • 霜層微細構造に及ぼす冷却面性状の影響 Reviewed

    松本 亮介, 西浦 雄人, 塩川 貴大, 槇原 拓郎, 小田 豊, 清水 智弘, 依岡 拓也, 荒木 拓人

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   37 ( 4 )   431 - 438   2020.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • X線ラジオグラフィを用いた除霜時の融解水挙動の評価 Reviewed

    松本亮介, 塩川貴大, 西浦雄人, 小田豊, 伊藤大介, 齊藤泰司

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   37 ( 3 )   249 - 256   2020.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 脈動を伴う平行平板間乱流熱伝達のDNS Reviewed

    山崎龍朗, 小田豊, 松本亮介, 香月正司

    日本機械学会論文集   86 ( 884 )   19-00197   2020.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Effect of thermal wall condition on the dissimilarity of momentum and heat transfer in pulsating channel flow Reviewed

    Tatsuro YAMAZAKI, Yutaka ODA, Ryosuke MATSUMOTO, Masashi KATSUKI

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology   15 ( 2 )   JTST0017 - JTST0017   2020

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.2020jtst0017


  • 水素燃焼チューブレス蒸気発生器の開発研究 Reviewed

    松本亮介, 小田豊, 小澤守, 重里成吾, 山本匠, 福島匡人, 安廣航平

    ボイラ研究   419   17 - 27   2019.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  


  • Three-dimensional microstructure of frost layer measured by using X-ray μCT Reviewed

    Ryosuke MATSUMOTO, Takuma UECHI, Yoshiki NAGASAWA

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology   13 ( 1 )   JTST0014 - JTST0014   2018.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.2018jtst0014


  • Development of a powerful miniature power system with a meso-scale vortex combustor Reviewed

    Daisuke Shimokuri, Yuuki Taomoto, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute   36 ( 3 )   4253 - 4260   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.06.180


  • 中性子ラジオグラフィを用いた除霜時の融解水挙動の評価 Reviewed

    松本亮介, 吉村智也, 梅川尚嗣, 網健行, 伊藤大介, 齊藤泰司

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   Vol.32 ( No.4 )   419 - 426   2015.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Measurement of local chemical reaction rate in a microchannel by using luminol chemiluminescence Reviewed

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Ruru Matsuo

    Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science   67   88 - 95   2015.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.11.013


  • Development of a small-scale power system with meso-scale vortex combustor and thermo-electric device Reviewed

    D Shimokuri, T Hara, R Matsumoto

    Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering   25 ( 10 )   104004 - 104004   2015.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IOP Publishing  

    DOI: 10.1088/0960-1317/25/10/104004


    Other Link: http://stacks.iop.org/0960-1317/25/i=10/a=104004?key=crossref.bad5d8e3b3e75c3d0f17778afc37805c

  • 中性子ラジオグラフィを用いた着霜の評価 -冷却平板での着霜量と物質伝達率の評価- Reviewed

    松本亮介, 吉村智也, 梅川尚嗣, 網健行, 伊藤大介, 齊藤泰司

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   31 ( 2 )   123 - 126   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11322/tjsrae.31.207


  • Development of water heater using tubular flame - Heat transfer characteristics on the coiled tube and the inserted tube heat exchangers - Reviewed

    Ryosuke MATSUMOTO, Tatsuro TANIKAWA, Tatsuya SUGIMOTO, Mamoru OZAWA, Yoshinori HISAZUMI, Tsukasa HORI, Noriko KAWAI, Akeshi KEGASA, Yosuke SHIRAGA, Toshikazu TAKEMORI, Masashi KATSUKI

    Mechanical Engineering Journal   1 ( 5 )   TEP0047 - TEP0047   2014

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/mej.2014tep0047


  • Diffusion in Microchannel Analyzed by Chemiluminescence Reviewed

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Kaoru Yoshida, Ruru Matsuo

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   8 ( 3 )   448 - 459   2013

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    We investigate diffusion and mixing in a microchannel by using luminol chemiluminescence (CL) to estimate the local chemical reaction rate. The degree of mixing in micromixers is generally evaluated from the deviation of concentration profiles measured by fluorescence from a uniform concentration profile. The degree of mixing measured by this method is a macroscopic estimate, which is inappropriate for investigating diffusion and mixing in microchannels. In this study, the luminol CL reaction is used to visualize and quantitatively measure local diffusion and mixing at an interface between two liquids in a microchannel. Blue CL is observed where luminol reacts with hydrogen peroxide at the mixing layer. Diffusion and mixing in a microchannel are investigated by sequentially measuring the CL and fluorescence. The experimental results are compared with the results of a numerical simulation that involves solving transport equations including the chemical reaction term. By calibrating the CL intensity with the chemical reaction rate estimated by the numerical simulation, the local chemical reaction can be quantitatively estimated from the CL intensity profile.

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.8.448

    Web of Science


  • Errata:Development of Superheated-Steam Generator Using Tubular Flame [TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B, Vol. 77 (2011), No. 776, pp.997-1001] Reviewed

    KOBAYASHI Yukihiro, MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, OZAWA Mamoru, KEGASA Akeshi, TAKEMORI Toshikazu, HISAZUMI Yoshinori, KATSUKI Masashi, FUNAGOSHI Hiroshi

    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C   Vol.77,No.776,pp.997-1001 ( 780 )   1688 - 1688   2011.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.77.1688


  • Forced flow boiling of carbon dioxide in horizontal mini-channel Reviewed

    Mamoru Ozawa, Takeyuki Ami, Hisashi Umekawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Takashi Hara

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES   50 ( 3 )   296 - 308   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER FRANCE-EDITIONS SCIENTIFIQUES MEDICALES ELSEVIER  

    This paper covers a wide spectrum of thermal flow behavior, including flow patterns, heat transfer, pressure drop, critical heat flux of flow boiling carbon dioxide at high pressure in horizontal mini-channels. The presented experimental data covers relatively wide ranges: tube diameters from 0.51 mm to 3.0 mm, mass flux from 80 kg/m(2)s to 900 kg/m(2)s, heat flux from 5 kW/m(2) to 40 kW/m(2), pressure/saturation temperature from 4.0 MPa/5.30 degrees C to 7.0 MPa/28.7 degrees C. The carbon dioxide at high pressure has small density difference between vapor and liquid and low surface tension, and shows a slightly different structure of the flow pattern from so far observed conventional two-phase flow with air and water and/or larger diameter tubes. So far proposed transition criteria of flow pattern are as a whole ineffective in the present range of experiment, and the discrete bubble model developed by the authors demonstrates its high potential in predicting flow patterns. The phase mal-distribution in the cross-section becomes rather significant beyond a critical Bond number, while less significant or almost axi-symmetric below the critical Bond number. This significant phase mal-distribution leads to the intermittent dryout at the upper wall of the tube, while below the dryout heat flux the boiling heat transfer is dominated by the nucleate boiling mode, being well predicted with conventional correlations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2010.04.017

    Web of Science


  • Critical Heat Flux Induced by Flow Instability in Boiling Channels - a Review Reviewed

    Mamoru Ozawa, Hisashi Umekawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Takeyuki Ami

    Nuclear Safety and Simulation   Vol.1   104 - 120   2010.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Flow boiling in horizontal minichannels: Flow pattern of CO2 at high pressure Reviewed

    M. Ozawa, H. Umekawa, T. Ami, R. Matsumoto, T. Hara

    Multiphase Science and Technology   22 ( 2 )   115 - 132   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This paper describes the flow patterns of carbon dioxide two-phase flow at high pressure observed in horizontal minichannels ranging from 0.51 to 3.0 mm in diameter, together with the flow pattern maps and related boiling heat-transfer characteristics. The observed flow patterns are mainly classified into bubbly, slug, slug-annular, and annular flows, similar to conventional pipes, while phase stratification tendency is still significant even in a 1.0 mm tube, so that heat transfer at high pressure shows significant differences in the upper and lower walls, especially in 2.0 and 3.0 mm tubes. Such phase stratification with reference to heat transfer is roughly scaled by means of boiling number and Bond number. The newly developed simulation model by the authors for conventional-sized tubes is successfully applied to 2.0 and 3.0 mm pipes, but not to 0.51 and 1.0 mm tubes. This model suggests that thermal flow behavior at higher Bond number Bo than 8.2 is similar to that of conventional-sized tube, and cases less than Bo = 8.2 show minichannel behavior. The heat transfer in these minichannels is well-predicted with Schrock-Grossman type correlation with nucleate and forced-convective effects, while in larger tubes, e.g., 2.0 and 3.0 mm, the heat transfer is mainly dominated by nucleate boiling in the present experimental ranges. © 2010 by Begell House, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1615/MultScienTechn.v22.i2.20




    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    Viscous flows in a concentric annulus with rotating inner cylinder was characterized by Taylor-Couette flow. When the inner cylinder is replaced with a truncated conical rotor, the effect of imbalanced centrifugal force induces the meridional circulation flow with a single toroidal vortex. Under non-isothermal condition at cooling the rotor and heating the vessel wall, the flow pattern is drastically changed with the thermal conditions and the rotating speed. This paper describes the vortex flow-pattern transition and related heat transfer of the mixed convection in such a system. The temperature and flow field were visualized by means of thermo-sensitive liquid-crystal tracers. At the same time, the local heat transfer distributions on the cylindrical vessel wall were measured under a uniform heat flux by the electrically-conductive transparent film. Based on the experimental findings is described the interaction between the heat transfer and the thermal flow field during the unsteady mixed convection in the annular gap.

    Web of Science


  • 臨界点近傍の二酸化炭素を用いたループ型サーモサイフォンの熱輸送 Reviewed

    山澤宏太, 石原勲, 矢倉周隆, 松本亮介

    日本ヒートパイプ協会誌   Vol.28   1 - 8   2009.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Flow pattern and boiling heat transfer of CO2 in horizontal small-bore tubes Reviewed

    Mamoru Ozawa, Takeyuki Ami, Isao Ishihara, Hisashi Umekawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Yasuhiko Tanaka, Taku Yamamoto, Yuya Ueda

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW   35 ( 8 )   699 - 709   2009.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Increasing attention has been focused on carbon dioxide (CO2) heat Pump system where the temperature level is rather low, while the operating pressure is rather high. in this system, the density difference between vapor and liquid becomes rather small, which significantly affects flow patterns. Low tension and latent heat also have significant influence on two-phase flow patterns and heat transfer. This paper describes experimental and numerical investigation on flow patterns and heat transfer characteristics of boiling flow CO2 at high pressure in horizontal small-bore tubes ranging from 1.0 mm to 3.0 mm I.D. Even though the density difference is rather small at high pressure, phase stratification takes place, which leads to the intermittent dryout at the upper wall. So far developed discrete bubble model by the authors for vertical flows is modified so as to include horizontal flow mechanisms. The predicted flow patterns with this new model agree on the whole with the experimental observation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2009.04.003

    Web of Science


  • 霜層厚さ評価の提案 Reviewed

    四元博之, 石原勲, 谷尾健一, 松本亮介

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   Vol.25 ( No.2 )   107 - 113   2008.6

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  • Low NOx Combustion of DME by Means of Flue Gas Recirculation Reviewed

    Ryosuke MATSUMOTO, Mamoru OZAWA, Shinya TERADA, Takenori IIO

    Journal of Power and Energy Systems   2 ( 3 )   1074 - 1084   2008

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    DOI: 10.1299/jpes.2.1074

    Web of Science


  • 空調機用熱交換器内でのミストの発生 -第2報:スリットフィンの場合- Reviewed

    石原勲, 松本亮介, 柴田豊

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   Vol.24, No.4, pp.431-437   2007.12

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  • Low NOx combustion of DME by means of flue gas recirculation Reviewed

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa, Shinya Terada, Takenori Lio

    Journal of Power and Energy Systems   Vol.2 ( No.3 )   1074 - 1084   2007

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ZHEJIANG UNIV PRESS  

    This study focuses on the fundamental characteristics of DME (Dimethyl Ether) combustion aiming at development of low-NOx combustion technology with flue-gas recirculation, FGR. The flue gas is recirculated into the combustion chamber to reduce the 02 concentration and to suppress the combustion gas temperature and the concentration Of 02, so that NO, emission is significantly reduced. The fuel gas recirculation at high mixing ratio, however, may lead to unstable combustion of conventional fuels, methane or city gas. On the other hand, DME has, however, very high potential of applicability of the flue-gas recirculation even at high mixing ratio because of its high burning velocity and low ignition temperature. Combustion tests were conducted with laboratory-scale 11kW combustor. The maximum FGR ratio is 8.5% at the initial air ratio of 1.5 with preheated diluted air about 600K. The NOx emission reduced to 13ppm at 0%-O-2, which corresponds to about 9% of NOx emission at FGR=0%. The stable combustion is sustained even in the low oxygen concentration by preheating diluted-air up to near the auto-ignition temperature of DME. Finally, an effect of the flue-gas recirculation on the NOx and CO emission is discussed with reference to the industrial-scale water-tube boilers.

    Web of Science


  • 空調機用熱交換器内でのミストの発生 Reviewed

    石原勲, 松本亮介, 北本拓造, 吉岡俊, 柴田豊

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   Vol.23 No.3   2006.9

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  • 亜臨界圧領域と超臨界圧領域における冷却熱伝達の類似性 Reviewed

    石原勲, 森裕典, 竹森弘一, 松本亮介

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   Vol.22,No.3 pp.199-208   2005.9

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  • Quantitative measurement of depth-averaged concentration fields in microchannels by means of a fluorescence intensity method Reviewed

    MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, H.Farangis Zaheh, P.Ehrhard

    Experiments in Fluids   Vol.39   2005.9

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  • Development of Tube-Nested Combustor with Transpiration Air Supply Reviewed

    R.Matsumoto, M.Tsuda, I.Ishihara, M.Ozawa

    Thermal Science and Engineering   Vol.13 No.1 pp.41-46 ( 1 )   41 - 46   2005.1

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    CiNii Books


  • DME-fired water-tube boiler - A R&D study

    Mamoru Ozawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Nobuo Higuchi, Yoshio Hayashi, Hiroki Uematsu, Yoshitaka Suita

    Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference 2005, Pts A and B   Vol.49 No.2   839 - 844   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    Increasing attention has been given to the development of low-NOx combustion technology for DME (Dimethyl Ether). The present paper describes a R&D study for water-tube boiler carried out in Kansai University and Hirakawa Guidam Co. Ltd. under the support of DME project from METI. The main problem arisen in DME use is a difficulty in an application of premixed flame owing to low ignition temperature and rather high burning velocity. Then the previously developed lube-nested combustor, i.e. water-tubes are installed in the empty furnace, becomes effective means to overcome such difficulty in realizing low-NOx combustion. This paper begins with a brief review of R&D study of the tube-nested combustor specifically designed for city gas. Then further development for DME-fired water-tube boiler is described.

    Web of Science


  • Development of low-NOx DME multi-ports burner

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa, Isao Ishihara, Shingo Sasaki, Masahiro Takaichi

    Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference 2005, Pts A and B   Vol.49 No.2   807 - 812   2005

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    This study focuses on fundamental characteristics of DWE combustion, aiming at the development of low-NOx multi-ports burner. Multi-ports burner consists of a fuel-port and surrounding multi-air-ports. The strong re-circulation flow is formed by the small air jets, thus the short flames form a cluster on every burner unit so that the thermal NOx generation is significantly suppressed to a very low level. The NOx emission of the DME from the co-axial diffusion burner was over 130ppm beyond the level of the other fuels. On the other hand, NOx emission of DME from the newly advanced multi-ports burner was reduced to 60ppm at 0% O-2. With the help of the low-NOx combustion system, referred to as the tube-nested combustion, NOx emission of DME was further reduced to 20ppm at 0% O-2.

    Web of Science


  • 着霜を伴う冷却面近傍に発生するミストの研究 Reviewed

    今井寿大, 石原勲, 梅川尚嗣, 松本亮介

    日本冷凍空調学会論文集   Vol.21 No.3 pp.227-233   2004.9

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  • Diffusion combustion in a tube-nested combustor

    T Seko, R Matsumoto, Y Shintani, Ishihara, I, M Ozawa


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    An advanced-type compact water-tube boiler has been designed on the basis of the new concept of cooling flame by water-tube bank in the furnace, and is referred to as "tube-nested combustor". It realized drastic reduction in boiler size as well as in the NOx emission. In this present study, aiming at further improvement of boiler efficiency and reduction of NOx emission, the combustion characteristics in the furnace were investigated by using the test boiler of 0.5 t/h steam output. Experimental results indicated that the NOx formation was restricted in the narrow area close to the burner exit, and that the CO-concentration decreased drastically with the combustion gas stream through the tube-bank. These facts were closely related to the experimental evidence of the cross-sectional distribution of gas temperature being rather uniform owing to the agitation by the tube-bank. These experimental results verified the soundness of the boiler design and, in addition, gave relevant information on local combustion characteristics available for the R&D of the next generation tube-nested combustor.

    Web of Science


  • Development of low-NOx emission DME (Dimethyl Ether) combustor

    R Matsumoto, Ishihara, I, M Ozawa, K Imahori


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    This study focuses on fundamental characteristics of DME (Dimethyl Ether) combustion, aiming at the development of low-NOx combustion. DME is one of the most promising new alternative fuels owing to its cleanness of the exhaust gas and wide applications. Combustion experiments using a diffusion burner were conducted for characterizing DME through the comparison with the results of LPG and 13 A-city gas. Experimental results demonstrated a high potential of DME for a boiler and a gas-turbine fuel. DME has a wide stable-combustion range compared with those of the other fuels. In this study, the concept of the low-NOx combustion, referred to as the tube-nested combustion, was applied to the DME combustion. This tube-nested combustor consists of tube banks to cool the burning flame leading to NOx reduction. Then, the NOx emission of the DME combustion was successfully reduced to a level suitable for practical applications.

    Web of Science


  • Structure of Recirculation Flow Induced by an Annular Jet Reviewed

    MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, Takashi Ohnishi, Isao Ishihara, Mamoru Ozawa

    Thermal Sciece & Engineering   11巻2号15頁 ( 2 )   15 - 22   2003.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure with symmetrically localized heating and cooling zones

    Ishihara, I, T Fukui, R Matsumoto

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW   23 ( 3 )   366 - 372   2002.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC  

    Numerical and experimental studies of natural convection in a single-phase, closed thermosyphon were carried out, using a vertical, rectangular enclosure model. Two vertical plates, each 100 x 100 mm(2) in dimension, and placed symmetrically play the role of heat transfer surfaces. These symmetrical heat transfer surfaces are separated into three horizontal zones of equal height; the top and bottom thirds of these surfaces are the zones of, respectively, cooling and heating, the intermediate section being an adiabatic zone. Silicon oil is used as the working fluid. Variable parameters are the distance, D, between the two heat transfer surfaces, and temperature difference, DeltaT, between the heating and cooling zones. By changing both D and DeltaT, three regimes of natural convection flow; steady, quasi-two-dimensional, steady, three-dimensional, and unsteady flows were found in experiment. Converged solutions obtained by numerical simulation agreed well with experimental results with regard to the temperature and velocity of the fluid as visualized by means of thermo-sensitive liquid crystal powders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

    Web of Science


  • Flow Pattern in a Simulated Tube-Nested Combustor Reviewed

    MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, Yoshitomo Sintani, Masaki Okada, Keizo imahori, Takashi ohnisi, Isao Ishihara, Mamoru Ozawa

    Transaction of the Visualization Society of Japan   22巻2号15頁 ( 1 )   15 - 22   2002.2

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  • 亜臨界領域における二酸化炭素の凝縮液の挙動 Reviewed

    松本 亮介, 石原 勲, 森裕典

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   Vol.68 No.671   2002.2

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  • Heat transfer characteristics of an endwall with single row of oblique pin fins Reviewed

    R Matsumoto, S Kikkawa, M Senda, M Suzuki


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    The effect of a single row of oblique pin fins on the end-wall heat transfer is investigated experimentally in the two types of pin fin arrangements. One is the "single row" arrangement, in which all of the pin fins are inclined toward the same direction and the other is the "cross row" arrangement, in which the pin fins are alternately inclined toward the upstream and downstream directions. Pin fins are inclined toward the streamwise direction from 0 = -60 degrees (upstreamwise) to +60 degrees (downstreamwise), where 0 is an angle between the axis of the pin fin and the normal of the endwall surface. The averaged Nusselt number of the oblique pin fins for the single row arrangement is smaller than that of the perpendicular pin fins, because the endwall heat transfer in the downstream region of the pin fins is not enhanced. In the case of the cross row arrangement of - 30 less than or equal to 0 less than or equal to + 30, the heat transfer shows almost the same value at the perpendicular pin fins. The cross row arrangement of 0 = 30 degrees shows about 25% less pressure loss than that of the perpendicular pin fins in spite of having almost the same averaged Nusselt number.

    Web of Science


  • Natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure with localized heating and cooling zones

    Ishihara, I, R Matsumoto, A Senoo

    HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER   36 ( 6 )   467 - 472   2000.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG  

    Experimental and numerical studies of natural convection in a single phase, closed thermosyphon were carried out using a vertical, rectangular enclosure model. Only one vertical plate plays the role of heat transfer surface having 100 mm height and 100 mm width, and others act as the adiabatic wall made of transparent plexiglass. The heat transfer surface is separated into three horizontal zones with an equal height; top 1/3 and bottom 1/3 of the surface are cooling and heating zones, respectively and intermediate section is an adiabatic zone. Water is used as the working fluid. Variable parameters are distance D between the heat transfer surface and an adiabatic plate opposite to the heat transfer plate, and temperature difference DeltaT between heating and cooling zones. By changing both D and DeltaT, three regimes of the natural convection flow; quasi-two-dimensional steady, three-dimensional steady and unsteady flows are observed by means of thermo-sensitive liquid crystal powder and numerically simulated very well by solving a set of governing equations.

    Web of Science


  • 一列傾斜ピンフィン群を設置したエンドウォールの熱伝達 Reviewed

    松本 亮介, 吉川進三, 千田衛, 鈴木聖教

    日本機械学会論文集B編   66巻649号2426-2434頁   2000.10

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  • Effect of Cross-Flow Temperature Distribution on Heat Transfer in Cylinder Array Reviewed

    R. Matsumoto, I.Ishihara, S.Kikkawa, M.Senda, K.Nishigaki

    International Journal of Transport Phenomena   Vol.3 pp.1-15   2000

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  • Endwall heat transfer characteristics with a single oblique pin fin

    R Matsumoto, S Kikkawa, M Senda, M Suzuki

    JOURNAL OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER   7 ( 3 )   167 - 184   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:GORDON BREACH SCI PUBL LTD  

    Effect of a single oblique pin fin on the endwall heat transfer is dealt with in the present paper. Pin fin was inclined to the streamwise direction from theta = -60 degrees (upstreamwise) to + 60 degrees (downstreamwise) in every 15 degrees, where theta is an angle between the axis of the pin fin and the normal of the endwall. Thermosensitive liquid crystal was used to measure the local heat transfer coefficient on the endwall. When the pin fin was inclined upstreamwise at theta = - 45 degrees, the heat transfer coefficient on the endwall and the area of enhanced heat transfer became maximum. From the flow visualization by the smoke wire method, the horseshoe Vortices were observed around the pin fin when the pin fin was inclined upstreamwise. Especially, for the case of theta = - 45 degrees, it was found that the heat transfer was enhanced by the impingement of the wake flow on the immediate downstream endwall of the pin fin. However, for the case of the pin fin inclined downstreamwise, there was no effect on the enhancement of heat transfer on the endwall.

    Web of Science


  • Effect of pin fin arrangement on endwall heat transfer

    R Matsumoto, S Kikkawa, M Senda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS  

    Experiments were conducted to measure the local heat transfer on an endwall with pin fin array. Heat transfer behavior was examined for the cases of a single pin, a single row, in-line and staggered arrays having six streamwise rows. Thermosensitive liquid crystal film was used to measure the local heat transfer coefficient on the endwall. Neural network was applied for the color-to-temperature transformation of the thermosensitive liquid crystal. Local heat transfer on the endwall having a single row of pin fin was affected by flow acceleration between the pin fins rather than the horseshoe vortex around the pin fin. Therefore, the average Nusselt number exhibited a good correlation to the Reynolds number Re-max, which was based on the average velocity of the minimum flow area, regardless of the pin fin spacing. For in-line and staggered arrays, the average Nusselt numbers correlated with the Reynolds number Re-max decreased with the reduction of the pin fin spacing.

    Web of Science


  • Gravity-controlled Condensation Heat Transfer of Carbon Dioxide Condensation (Relationship between Condition and Heat Transfer) Reviewed

    I.Ishihara, R.Matsumoto, T.Ebihara

    Heat Transfer-Japanese Research   Vol.25 No.4 pp.214-225 ( 595 )   1118 - 1123   1996.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    This paper concerns the condensation of carbon dioxide and its heat transfer on a vertical surface in the subcritical region. In this region, physical properties of carbon dioxide show marked temperature and pressure dependence. In particular, as the pressure increases and approaches the critical pressure, the difference in the properties of liquid and vapor, and surface tension approach zero. Therefore, condensate flow from natural convection decreases and configuration of condensation may differ from that at lower pressure. In this study, the configuration of condensation is observed and at the same time, condensation heat transfer is obtained by measuring the volume of condensate. Heat transfer is discussed in connection with the configuration of condensation.

    DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.62.1118


  • Effect of Pin Fin Arrangement on Endwall Heat Transfer Reviewed

    MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, Sinzo Kikkawa, Mamoru Senda

    Trnsactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering Series B   62巻597号1953頁   1996.5

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  • 炭酸ガスの体積力対流凝縮熱伝達(凝縮状態と熱伝達の関係) Reviewed

    石原勲, 松本亮介, 海老原努

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   62巻 595号 pp.286-291   1996.3

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  • 亜臨界領域における炭酸ガスの自然対流凝縮熱伝達(第1報:蒸気圧力が比較的低い場合) Reviewed

    石原勲, 松本亮介, 海老原努, 前小屋哲

    日本冷凍協会論文集   11巻 3号 pp.299-308   1994.11

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  • Fundamentals of thermal and nuclear power generation

    Hitoshi Asano, Daisuke Ito, Kei Ito, Motonari Haraguchi, Yasuo Koizumi, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Hiroshi Miyano, Shoji Mori, Takao Nakagaki, Takao Nakamura, Tomio Okawa, Mamoru Ozawa, Cheol Ho Pyeon, Yasushi Saito, Hisashi Umekawa( Role: Joint author3.4 Fundamentals of combustion)

    Elsevier  2021.2  ( ISBN:0128207337

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    Total pages:320   Language:English  

    CiNii Books



  • 攪拌・混合技術とトラブル対策

    小澤守, 松本亮介( Role: Joint author第2章3節)

    技術情報協会  2014.10  ( ISBN:9784861045455

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  • エネルギー変換論入門

    小澤, 守, 竹中, 信幸, 梅川, 尚嗣, 浅野, 等, 松本, 亮介, 村川, 英樹( Role: Joint author第4章,第5章5.2節~5.8節)

    コロナ社  2013.5  ( ISBN:9784339046236

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    Total pages:vii, 224p   Language:Japanese  

    CiNii Books


  • 演習 グラフィカル物理数学

    松本亮介, 山口智実( Role: Joint author)

    電気書院  2012.4 

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  • 家庭用小型過熱蒸気発生器の開発 -ものづくりの一側面 -

    松本亮介( Role: Sole author)

    2010年度社会安全学セミナー講演録  2011.12 

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  • 演習 工業熱力学

    小澤守, 梅川尚嗣, 松本亮介, 網健行

    電気書院  2011.11 

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  • 熱移動論入門

    竹中信幸, 小澤守, 梅川尚嗣, 浅野等, 松本亮介( Role: Joint author)

    コロナ社  2008.11 

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  • Investigation of Counter Flow Diffusion Reaction in Microchannel by Using Chemiluminescence


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  • Development of Water Heater Using Tubular Flame

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Tatsuro Tanikawa, Mamoru Ozawa, Yoshinori Hisazumi, Tsukasa Hori, Noriko Kawai, Yosuke Shiraga, Akeshi Kegasa, Toshikazu Takemori, Masashi Katsuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering-13 ICOPE-13  2013.10 

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    Venue:Wuhan, China  


  • Development of Superheated-steam Generator Using Tubular Flame

    Tatsuya Sugimoto, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa, Yosuke Shiraga, Akeshi Kegasa, Toshikazu Takemori, Yoshinori Hisazumi, Yoshinori Hisazumi, Masashi Katsuki

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering-13 ICOPE-13  2013.10 

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    Venue:Wuhan, China  


  • Quantitative Evaluation of Frosting Phenomena by Using Neutron Radiography- Evaluation of Frosting Phenomena on Finned-tube Heat Exchanger with 5mm Fin Pitch -


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  • Diffusion and Mixing in Microchannel Analyzed by the Luminol Chemiluminescence

    Ruru Matsuo, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    ASME  2013.6 

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    Venue:Sapporo, Japan  


  • 管状火炎を用いた家庭用コージェネレーションシステム向け補助熱源器の開発

    谷川達朗, 松本亮介, 小澤守, 河合範子, 堀司, 久角喜徳, 白神洋輔, 毛笠明志, 香月正司

    日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2012  2012.11 

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  • 中性子ラジオグラフィを用いた着霜現象の可視化

    吉村智也, 松本亮介, 梅川尚嗣, 網健行, 齊藤泰司

    可視化情報学会全国講演会2012姫路  2012.10 

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  • 中性子ラジオグラフィを】用いた着霜現象の定量評価

    吉村智也, 松本亮介, 梅川尚嗣, 網健行, 齊藤泰司

    2012年度日本冷凍空調学会年次大会  2012.9 

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  • Pattern Dynamics Approach to Two-Phase Flow Dynamics -In memory of Professor Seikan Ishigai, the Founder of the First Japan-U.S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics-

    Mamoru Ozawa, Takeyuki Ami, Hisashi Umekawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    2012 Japan-U.S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics  2012.6 

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    Venue:Tokyo JAPAN  


  • Pattern Dynamics Approach to Two-Phase Flow Dynamics -In memory of Professor Seikan Ishigai, the Founder of the First Japan-U. S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics-

    Mamoru Ozawa, Takayuki Ami, HIsashi Umekawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    2012 Japan- U. S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics  2012.6 

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  • Development of Superheated Steam Generator Using Tubular Flame

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Yukihiro Kobayashi, Mamoru Ozawa, Akeshi Kegasa, Yosuke Shiraga, Toshikazu Takemori, Yoshinori Hisazumi, Masashi Katsuki

    Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena ISTP-22  2011.11 

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    Venue:Delft NETHERLANDS  


  • Oil-Water Mixture in Horizontal Mini-channel

    Mamoru Ozawa, Kohei Awata, Noriko Nakamura, Hisashi Umekawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena ISTP-22  2011.11 

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    Venue:Delft NETHERLANDS  


  • フィンチューブ熱交換器における着霜特性

    柳奥裕貴, 松本亮介, 吉村智也, 梅川尚嗣, 網健行

    日本空調冷凍学会  2011.9 

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  • Diffusion and mixing phenomena in micro-channel analyzed by the luminol chemiluminescence

    Kaoru Yoshida, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale HTFFM-IV  2011.9 

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    Venue:Fukuoka JAPAN  


  • Diffusion phenomena in micro-channel analysed by the luminol Chemiluminescence

    Kaoru Yoshida, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    6th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2011  2011.8 

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    Venue:Osaka JAPAN  


  • Low NOx combustion of DME by the exhaust gas recirculation

    Hiroaki Takeuchi, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa

    6th International Symposium in Science and Technology at Kansai University 2011  2011.8 

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    Venue:Osaka JAPAN  


  • Diffusion and Mixing Phenomena in Micro-channel Due to the Chemiluminescence-Fluorescence hybrid Method

    Kaoru Yoshida, Ryosuke Matsumoto

    Proceeding of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Confecence 2011 AJK2011-FED  2011.7 

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    Venue:Hamamatsu JAPAN  


  • Low NOx Combustion of DME by Exhaust Gas Recirculation Under the High Pressure

    Hiroaki Takeuchi, Tatsuro Tanikawa, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa

    Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Power Conference POWER2011 co-located ICOPE-2011  2011.7 

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    Venue:Denver, USA  


  • 高圧下における排気再循環を用いたDMEの低NOx燃焼

    竹内祐亮, 松本亮介, 小澤守

    日本機械学会  2011.6 

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  • 管状火炎の炉筒面での伝熱特性

    松本亮介, 皿田侑大, 薦田弦, 小澤守, 毛笠明志, 白神洋輔, 香月正司

    日本伝熱学会  2011.6 

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  • 管状火炎の炉筒面への伝熱特性

    皿田侑大, 松本亮介, 小澤守, 毛笠明志, 白神洋輔, 香月正司

    日本機械学会関西支部  2011.3 

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  • 潜熱回収熱交換器の伝熱特性

    中村友美, 松本亮介, 小澤守

    日本機械学会関西支部  2011.3 

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  • 管状旋回流動場における伝熱・流動特性

    薦田弦, 松本亮介, 小澤守

    日本機械学会関西支部  2011.3 

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  • 水平二重円筒内の共存対流

    矢倉周隆, 松本亮介, 小澤守

    日本機械学会関西支部  2011.3 

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  • 側壁が加熱・冷却される回転同心二重円筒内の渦流れとその伝熱特性

    巴山美穂, 松本亮介, 小澤守

    日本機械学会関西支部  2011.3 

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  • 管状火炎を用いた過熱蒸気発生器の開発

    小林侑弘, 松本亮介, 小澤守, 毛笠明志, 竹森利和, 久角喜徳, 香月正司, 舩越弘

    日本機械学会熱工学部門  2010.10 

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  • Flow Pattern Transition and Related Heat Transfer in an Annular Gap Around a Truncated Conical Rotor in a Cylinder

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Mamoru Ozawa

    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers  2010.8 

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    Venue:Washington DC USA  


  • 管状火炎を用いた過熱蒸気発生器の開発

    小林侑弘, 松本亮介, 小澤守, 毛笠明志, 竹森利和, 久角喜徳, 香月正司, 舩越弘

    日本機械学会 動力エネルギー部門  2010.6 

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  • 低圧・定質量流束条件下における周方向非均一加熱管の限界熱流束 -加熱長さの影響-

    網健行, 廣瀬拓哉, 堀田一成, 梅川尚嗣, 松本亮介, 小澤守, 三島嘉一郎, 齊藤泰司

    日本伝熱学会  2010.5 

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  • 学術賞

    2021.3   日本冷凍空調学会   霜層微細構造に及ぼす冷却面性状の影響


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  • Hartnett-Irvine Award

    2018.8   International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer ICHMT   Measurement of three-dimensional microstructure of frost layer by using X-ray computed tomography

    Ryosuke Matsumoto, Takuma Uechi, Kazuma Kagebayashi

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  • 学術賞

    2015.5   日本冷凍空調学会   中性子ラジオグラフィを用いた着霜の評価 -冷却平板での着霜量と物質伝達率の評価-

    松本亮介, 吉村智也, 網健行, 伊藤大介, 斎藤泰司

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  • 2014年度関西支部賞研究賞

    2015.3   日本機械学会関西支部   管状火炎超小型過熱蒸気発生器の研究開発

    松本亮介, 白神洋輔, 竹森利和, 毛笠明志, 堀司, 久角喜徳, 小澤守, 香月正司

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  • 90周年功労者表彰

    2015.3   日本機械学会関西支部  

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  • 日本伝熱学会賞 技術賞

    2009.6   日本伝熱学会   家庭用ガス焚き超小型過熱蒸気発生器の開発

    松本亮介, 小澤守, 竹森利和, 久角喜徳, 毛笠明志, 飯尾剛範

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  • 日本冷凍空調学会賞 学術賞

    2006.5   日本冷凍空調学会   亜臨界圧領域と超臨界圧領域における冷却熱伝達の類似性


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  • 日本伝熱学会賞 学術賞

    2004.5   日本伝熱学会   Structure of Recirculation Flow Induced by an Annular Jet

    小澤守, 松本亮介, 大西崇之, 石原勲

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Research Projects

  • Elucidation of the frost growth process by means of the heat and mass transfer analysis bases on the frost micro structure measurement by using X-ray micro CT

    Grant number:18K03994  2018.4 - 2021.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )

    Frost formation on the heat exchangers of the air conditioning equipment causes the serious energy loss, thus the anti-frost formation technique is the urgent task. The purpose of this study is to clarify the frost growth process by estimating the relationship between the frost-crystal micro structure and the heat-mass transport phenomena in the frost layer. The three-dimensional microstructure of the frost crystal was measured using X-ray micro CT, and the effect of the cooling surface properties on the crystal structure was evaluated. Furthermore, the combined heat conduction of ice crystals and moist air in the frost layer was analyzed using the measured three-dimensional microstructure data. The surface temperature of the frost layer rises as the frost layer grows, while the temperature of the bottom of the frost layer decreases. As a result, ice crystals at the bottom of the frost layer grow by the water vapor supplied from the sublimation in the frost layer.


  • Quantitative estimation of the local mass transfer coefficient in microchannel by using chemiluminescence

    Grant number:15K05846  2015.4 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Matsumoto Ryosuke

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    Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )

    In this study, the mass transfer characteristics in the microchannel was evaluated by using chemiluminescence(CL). When the catalyst was supported at the microchannel wall, the CL reaction will be occurred at the microchannel wall. Thus, the mass flux of the chemical reactance from the mainstream can be visualized by the CL intensity. In the present study, the chemiluminescence on the immobilized catalyst was installed in the microchannel, the mass transfer coefficient was measured for CL intensity.


  • Dynamic Interaction of Combustion/Boiling Heat Transfer of Compact Steam Generator and its System Stability

    Grant number:22360092  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OZAWA Mamoru, MATSUMOTO Ryosuke

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    Grant amount:\19370000 ( Direct Cost: \14900000 、 Indirect Cost:\4470000 )

    Combustion/boiling heat transfer interaction is of primary importance in constructing compact steam generator with tubular-frame combustor. In this series of study, combustion characteristics, boiling heat transfer, exhaust gas properties and mutual interaction were experimentally investigated under steady and unsteady conditions, which gave principal design criteria. The optimized compact steam generator at present has been constructed with tubular flame combustor surrounded by spirally-wound bellows-type flexible tube


  • 熱交換器の着霜に関する研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 管状火炎を用いた蒸気発生器に関する研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 超小型蒸気発生器の低騒音化および起動自動化に関する研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Mixing Control in the micro-mixer by electrical field-functional separation of mixing and transportation-

    Grant number:19760124  2007 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    MATSUMOTO Ryosuke

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    Grant amount:\3670000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\270000 )


  • 小型燃焼ボイラの低騒音化に関する研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • キッチン用小型燃焼ボイラの研究


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • 超小型高効率燃焼ボイラの開発


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    Grant type:Competitive


  • Two-phase Flow Characteristics under Taylor-Spiral Flow Condition

    Grant number:16560197  2004 - 2005

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    OZAWA Mamoru, UMEKAWA Hisashi, MATSUMOTO Ryousuke

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    Grant amount:\3800000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 )

    In this investigation, experimental studies with rotational annular channel, which consisted of rotational inner cylinder and stationary outer cylinder, were conducted by using three kinds of working fluids, i.e.air-water, liquid nitrogen and silicon oil.
    The experimental apparatuses for the investigations of air-water and liquid nitrogen were similar configuration, and flow and heat transfer characteristics were measured. On the basis on the experimental results of the air-water two-phase flow, pressure drop, flow regime transition, void fraction and bubble characteristics were discussed, and fundamental flow characteristics have been confirmed. In the case of the stationary condition, Misihima-Ishii's flow regime map, which is obtained for the round pipe, could be adapted, and flow regime transition conditions moved to the lower volumetric flow velocity condition with the increasing of the rotational speed. In the investigation, this flow regime transition was explained by the discussion of the bubble characteristics, which was obtained by using the flow image processing, and also drift-flux model had been adapted.
    In the case of the experiment of the liquid nitrogen, outer cylinder was heated by electric heater, and heat transfer characteristics and dryout characteristics had been confirmed.
    Former investigations were conducted under forced convection, but the investigation of the silicon oil was conducted under pool condition. In this case inner cylinder is not column but conical, and this conical inner cylinder was cooled. In the experiment, the flow characteristics and temperature distribution was visualized by using the thermo-sensitive liquid crystal and PIV, and flow transition was explained as the phenomena of the mixed convection, i.e. the interaction between the natural convection by the cooling of the inner cylinder and the forced convection caused by the rotation of the inner cylinder.


  • 電場によるマイクロ・ミキサーの能動的混合制御

    Grant number:16760139  2004 - 2005

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究(B)

    松本 亮介

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    Grant amount:\3900000 ( Direct Cost: \3900000 )

    H16年度製作したジャンクション部の角度は小さく,混合に適していなかった.そこで角度が90゜のTジャンクションとし,流路幅が200,100,50μmのチャンネルを新たに製作し,形状,流路幅の影響を観察した.Tジャンクション下流では,2流体の界面が波状のwavy flowパターンと,2流体が分断して交互にジャンクション部に流入するsegmented flowパターンの2つのフローパターンが観察された.電場の切り替え周波数,電気浸透速度,および流路幅で表されるストローハル数がO.2以下ではsegmented flowパターンを示した.
    混合度の定量評価の結果,segmented flowパターンの混合性能が高いことが明らかとなった.混合度は,流路幅に関わらず,上記に示したストローハル数と,拡散係数と対流時間および流路幅からなるフーリエ数に依存することが明らかとなった.このことから本手法のマイクロ・ミキサーを設計の際の指針が得られた.流路幅に関係なくストローハル数が0.2付近で混合度は最大値を示し,流路幅が100μmでは流路長さが1.5mmで約85%の混合度の十分な性能を示した.


  • Thermal-Flow Modeling of Fluidized-Bed combustor/Reactor (Real-Time Radiographic Quantitative Flow Visualizaiton of High Temperature Fluidized-Bed Model)

    Grant number:11450091  1999 - 2001

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OZAWA Mamoru, MATSUMOTO Ryosuke, ISHIHARA Isao

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    Grant amount:\16200000 ( Direct Cost: \16200000 )

    Aiming to construct fundamental basis of the thermal hydraulics in gas-fluidized bed operated at high temperature, experimental investigations have been conducted using the neutron and X-ray radiography systems. The experimental temperature range was from room temperature to about 450 degree C. For the room temperature experiment, the neutron radiography was used for quantitative measurement of void fraction and its fluctuation characteristics, interrelationship between the flow of bed materials and the heat transfer, bubble behavior in the bed including bubble rise velocity and bubble size, behavior of binary mixture in the bed, flow field around solid particles and bubbles. On the basis of the experimental data, the bubble rise velocity and the void fraction have been well correlated by the use of drift-fiux model. The observed bubble size was also well correlated taking into account the effect of tube bank arrangement.
    Segregation behavior is also an important factor for the design of fluidized bed. Then the fluidized-bed with binary mixture was visualized using neutron radiography. The dynamic behavior was well visualized and the qualitative and quantitative information useful in understanding the segregation were obtained.
    High temperature experiment was conducted using X-ray radiography system. Theh the minimum fluidization velocity, bubble movement, void fraction distribution and the fluctuation characteristics were obtained. At high temperature, bubbles were observed in the whole area of the bed, while only a limited part was agitated by the bubbles at room temperature. The other characteristics parameters were well correlated by means of drift-flux model as well.


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Devising educational methods

  •  ここでは学部1年生配当の物理数学Ⅰと2年生配当の熱力学1の機械工学科の基礎科目について述べる.  物理数学Ⅰ(演習含む):約230名の履修者を3名の教員で担当し,学生の能力別の3クラスで運営している.マルチメディア機器は決して利用しない.基礎的な科目では学習の阻害となる.数学の修得には,グラフを自らが描いて視覚的に意味を考え,式を自らの手で展開し,解釈する方策しか道はない.よって,教科書とは別に独自に作成した約100枚のプリントを配布し,演習を行うと同時に,黒板の積極的な活用により数学的な論理展開を説明し,学生に数学の素養を身につけさせる.  熱力学Ⅰ:同様に履修者は約230名であり,3名の教員で学生の能力別の3クラスで運営している.エネルギーの保存,サイクル論など黒板に概念図を描き,具体的なグラフを計算しながら説明することで,考え方が身につくよう指導している.あわせて約100問の問題集を配布し,その中から約30問をレポートとして提出させる.  インターネットを用いた学習,マルチメディア機器を用いた学習が推奨されているが,基礎的な科目においては,それらは学習の阻害になると意識している.旧来の手法ではあるが,黒板にリアルタイムで式を展開しグラフと図を描くことで,教員の思考の展開が学生に示される.学生自身も手を動かしながら,考えながらの学習となる.  授業は情報を与えるだけの場ではない.どのように考えるのか,思考を身につける場である.従って,私の教育に関する工夫・努力とは90分の授業のクオリティを上げることであり,以下の基本的事項である. 1. 90分の授業の「シナリオ」となる授業ノートの精査. 2. 話し方の工夫:話す内容の精査.内容に応じた話す速度と強弱の工夫. 3. 黒板の記述内容:全てを書いては学生が写すだけになる.要点を捉えることができる工夫. 4. 黒板の使い方の工夫:書くスピード,文字の大きさ,式とグラフの書き方の工夫.  90分の授業のクオリティを上げて,学生の集中力を維持し,興味を引き出し,知識と考え方を身につけること目的である.物理数学Ⅰと熱力学Ⅰの担当し,5年目である.上記の4点はまだまだ不十分であり,授業の準備に多くの時間を費やす.教員の独りよがりの授業とならぬよう,小テスト,演習を頻繁に行い,学生の理解度と合わせながら,毎回の授業を構成している.

Teaching materials

  • 物理数学Ⅰ(演習含む):プリントを約100枚配布し,授業を行っている.これらのプリントは,2012年3月に電気書院より出版予定である.特に,微分積分の基礎を理解するために,グラフの図式解法により微分係数や導関数を求める課題を与え,グラフと式との対応関係を自らの作図により理解する教材を作成している. 熱力学Ⅰ(演習含む):演習問題集を配布している.この問題集は2012年3月に同じく電気書院より出版される. エネルギー変換論:現在,自作のプリントの配布で授業を行っているが,これについても現在,エネルギー変換論の本の出版のため,執筆中である. 伝熱工学特論(大学院):自作の燃焼反応解析ソフト,熱交換器設計ツールを用いて,具体的な燃焼炉の設計や熱交換器の設計を行っている.

Teaching method presentations

  •  特になし

Special notes on other educational activities

  • ・小中学生対象サイエンスセミナー(2004年~2008年)  「試験管で作るスターリングエンジン模型」:スターリングエンジンの模型の製作と実験を通して,エネルギー変換の基礎を体験. ・併設校への理科実験教室の開講(2011年)  「試験管で作るスターリングエンジン模型」:スターリングエンジンの模型を製作と実験を行い,さらに高校の物理の知識を用いてエンジンが動く理由(気体の状態変化,サイクル論)について解説する. ・高校生への公開授業(2011年)  「2サイクルエンジンの分解組立から学ぶ熱機関」:排気量30ccのエンジンを分解し,エンジンの構造を理解すると伴に,内燃機関の発達の歴史を学ぶ.