Updated on 2024/09/18


Faculty of Engineering Science Professor
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  • Doctor of Engineering ( 1987.3 )

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Basic mathematics

  • Informatics / Theory of informatics

  • Informatics / Mathematical informatics


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Department of Communication Engineering

    - 1987

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  • Osaka University   Faculty of Engineering   Department of Communication Engineering

    - 1982

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    Country: Japan


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Department of Communication Engineering


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    Country: Japan


Research History

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Committee Memberships

  •   数理モデル化と問題解決研究会 編集委員  


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  •   査読委員  


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  • Indoor Fingerprinting Positioning System Using Deep Learning with Data Augmentation Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, Luomeng Liu, Qianyue Zhao, Shoma Miki, Jumpei Tokunaga

    Sensors and Materials   vol.34, no.8(1), pp.3047-3061   2022.8

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    We propose an indoor positioning system based on deep learning and fingerprinting. On the mobile side, we designed an Android application with received signal strength information (RSSI) signal reading, database storage, and real-time online positioning module functions. In addition, we placed a trained neural network model on the built server to achieve real-time positioning using the developed Android application. The deep learning framework of this paper uses a residual network (ResNet) and a data augmentation technique called mean and uniform random numbers in the preparation of the dataset. By using this data augmentation method, we significantly reduced the collection time of the dataset and increased the test accuracy of the neural network from 20.4% before the augmentation to 97.5% after the augmentation.

    DOI: 10.18494/SAM3912


  • Proposal of Highly Reliable System by Inexpensive Self-Employed Radio Line for Inventory Management of Municipal Disaster Stockpile Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, KAWAI,Susumu, WADA,Tomotaka

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   vol.142, no.3, pp.216-224   2022.3

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    Many people use the Internet which are connected by cables between terminals. For this reason, it may be crowded and not connected in the event of a disaster or emergency. It also has weaknesses that make it vulnerable to natural and human threats. This is a problem for the communication line of the local government office. Therefore, we propose a self-employed radio propagation path that can be constructed at low cost. An MCA line was set up for the outdoor trunk line, and an LPWA line was set up for communication inside the disaster stockpile storage building. An experiments were conducted in a university campus building. In order to obtain the effectiveness, we moved inside the building to find the optimum threshold. As a result, we were able to obtain feasible data. As a result of performance experiments with Wi-Fi and LPWA, it was found that LPWA is superior to Wi-Fi.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.142.216


  • Proposal of An Automatic Flight Time Measurement method for Small Aircraft using a Built-in Smartphone 3-Axis Accelerometer Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, KAWAI,Susumu, WADA,Tomotaka

    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems   vol.141, no.6, pp.743-751   2021.6

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    This paper proposes a method for obtaining the Flight Time of Small Aircraft from acceleration using a 3-axis acceleration sensor with a built-in Smartphone. In recent years, the use of GNSS(Global Navigation Satelite System) has been successful, and it was listed as a candidate this time, but there are some errors and there is a history of giving up. The conventional method had many individual errors because it is recollected by the Captain. The proposed method can be easily and inexpensively upgraded. In the experiment, an actual Small Aircraft was used and acceleration data was acquired assuming actual flight. We were able to fly 5 times because we could not fly freely due to control. Excel and total software R were used for data analysis. The number of flight was 5, but the number of samples was more than 30,000 in one flight. Since the phenomena in the natural world follow a normal distribution, we calculated the threshold with a 99% confidence interval. R was used for curve analysis of the normal distribution. As a result, it was found that false detection occurred at a rate of 0.5% in the proposed method.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.141.743


  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Combination Duty-Cycling Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network Reviewed

    EBARA, Hiroyuki

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS   Vol.J103-B, No.11, pp.605-615   2020.11

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  • Mixed synchronous and asynchronous duty-cycling protocol in sensor networks

    Shunroku Kawabata, Raito Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Ebara

    PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare   2019.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ICST  

    Wireless Sensor Networks are usually relying on the energy source to the battery, so lifetime of the sensor nodes is limited. Duty Cycling is known as one of the methods to reduce the energy consumption of wireless sensor networks. Therefore, efficient Duty Cycling needs to be performed to extend the lifetime of the network. In this proposed method, efficient Duty Cycling is performed while securing scalability by using a synchronous protocol and an asynchronous protocol in combination. We compare with the existing methods and show that network lifetime is extended.

    DOI: 10.1145/3339186.3339187



  • Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Deep Learning Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, MIKI,Shoma

    IPSJ Transactions   Vol.60, No.2, pp.651-659   2019.2

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    In this paper, we focus on the traveling salesman problem (TSP) that is a typical combinatorial optimization problem, and propose a method for solving it with applying deep learning. This method features learning the image of the optimal tour by a convolutional neural network to acquire the Good-Edge Distribution whose edges could be included in the optimal solution. It also conducts neighborhood search by using Good-Edge Value that is an evaluation of each edge calculated from the distribution. We show experimentally that this method improves the quality of solutions.


  • Parallel Consultant-Guided Search with Crossover Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, UEDA,Yota, NAKAYAMA,Koki, IIDA,Syuhei

    The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, Springer   vol.11, no.2, pp 185–200   2017.12

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    Consultant-guided search (CGS) is a recent metaheuristic method. This approach is an algorithm in which a virtual person called a client creates a solution based on consultation with a virtual person called a consultant. In this study, we propose a parallel CGS algorithm with a genetic algorithm’s crossover and selection, and calculate an approximation solution for the traveling salesman problem. We execute a computer experiment using the benchmark problems (TSPLIB). Our algorithm provides a solution with less than 3.3% error rate for problem instances using less than 6000 cities.


  • Post-Disaster Road Traversability Mapping Based on GPS Track Sharing and Map-Matching Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, W.Yu, X.Song, V.Raghavan, D.Yoshida

    International Journal of Geoinformatics   vol.13, no.4, pp.13 - 23   2017.12

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  • Fast Hybrid Method with Particle Swarm Optimization Parameter Tuning Reviewed

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, NAGATSUJI,Ryouta, HAZAMA,Kazuki

    vol.58, no.10, pp.1724 - 1734   2017.10

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    Meta-heuristics is available for the combinatorial optimization problem and its ability has been developed. Especially, the Consultant Guided Search-Particle Swarm Optimization (CGS-PSO) hybrid method has showed powerful performance. CGS-PSO hybrid method tunes parameters of CGS algorithm with PSO algorithm adaptively. In this study, in order to enhance the CGS-PSO hybrid method, we propose the new parallel parameter tuning method with sharing parameters between processes. We benchmark the proposed method in the convergence speed and the error rate for instances of TSPLIB. As a result, we show the proposed method is superior in terms of the convergence speed.


  • Effects of adaptive parameter tuning by Particle Swarm Optimization Reviewed

    Ryota Nagatsuji, Shuhei Iida, Hiroyuki Ebara

    IPSJ TOM   vol.9, no.1, pp.1-12 ( 1 )   1 - 12   2016.2

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    Meta-heuristics is available for the combinatorial optimization problem and its ability has been developed. The Swarm Intelligence (SI) with the adaptive parameter tuning by the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm shows powerfull results. In this study, some SI algorithms apply the adaptive parameter tuning by the PSO algorithm. We perform simlulation experiments, and evaluate the ability of SI enhanced by the PSO. In addition, we consider the important parameters for some instances, and analyze its effectiveness, comparing the enhanced SI with the SI algorithm set the static parameters.

    CiNii Books


  • Parallel Consultant-Guided Search Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Ebara, Koki Nakayama, Shuhei Iida, Ryota Nagatsuji

    IPSJ Journal   vol.57, no.1, pp.331-342 ( 1 )   331 - 342   2016.1

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have been studied as a method for sloving combinatorial optimization problems. Recently, the Consultant-Guided Search(CGS) for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP) has been proposed. In this paper, we propose a parallel method which assigns virtual consultants and virtual clients of the CGS to processes of computers, and calculates an approximation solution effectively for the TSP. In addition, we introduce the island model to increase the diversity of the solution. We execute computer experiments with the benchmark instances(TSPLIB) by 10 quad-core computers. Our algorithm provides a solution with less than 5% error rate for problem instances of 5000 cities.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00147418/

  • Near Real-time Mapping Using Shared GPS data from Stranded Commuters Reviewed

    Wenlong YU, Hiroyuki EBARA, Raito MATSUZAKI, Daisuke YOSHIDA, Venkatesh RAGHAVAN

    The Review of Socionetwork Strategies   vol.9, no.2, pp.41-57   2015.12

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    Japan is known as one of the world's most quake-prone countries. Many commuters are stranded when major earthquake occurs in Japan. Most of the stranded commuters cannot use mobile devices to connect to the Internet because of failure of other communication channels. In this paper, we propose sharing GPS data over DTN (Delay Tolerant Network) to facilitate the generation near real-time maps and support for stranded commuters in the event of earthquake disasters. In order to evaluate the network performance, we have carried out simulations using map data for Asahi Ward, Osaka City in Japan. The results of the simulation indicate that the proposed method could achieve desired accuracy considering reasonable time constraints for near real-time mapping.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12626-015-0055-2


  • Rescue Support System with DTN for Earthquake Disasters

    Raito Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Ebara, Noriaki Muranaka

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E98B ( 9 )   1832 - 1847   2015.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    In a previous paper, we proposed a rescue support system for victims buried in an earthquake disaster by constructing an ad-hoc network using home-server based smart homes. However, this system has the following two problems: i) it cannot ensure sufficient density of home servers to realize adequate WLAN coverage, ii) the system does not consider areas in which home servers cannot be used such as parks and factories, for example. In this paper, we propose a new method using a delay tolerant network (DTN) technique. In this method, rescuers (such as rescue teams) with mobile devices relay information between disconnected networks by walking around during rescue activities. For a performance evaluation, we performed simulation experiments using a map of Abenoku, Osaka. From our results, we show that the proposed method increases the information acquisition rate, and that the network can be maintained. We also quantitatively show the penetration rate of smart homes needed for our system. In addition, we show that the rescue request system is more effective than other systems, and the method with the mobile device relay is better than without this method.

    DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E98.B.1832

    Web of Science


  • Dynamic region division and binding algorithm for MMORPG Reviewed

    Hiroyuki EBARA, Hiraku YOSHIOKA, Raito MATSUZAKI

    vol.J98-A, no.4, pp.337-356 ( 41 )   337 - 356   2015.4

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    In this paper, we propose a dynamic region division and binding algorithm of a P2PMMORPG(MMORPG:Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). The P2P MMORPG divides a virtual space into regions and sets a peer to manage the region as a management node. If a peer takes over load, delay or interruption of the game occurs. So, it is necessary to divide regions in order to distribute the load. We dynamically decompose regions by detecting the movement of players and providingthresholds that is upper and lower limits of the number of players in each region. By our algorithm, it is possible to perform load balancing that corresponds to issues of P2P communication type. We show the proposed algorithm reduces the total load than the conventional algorithms by simulation experiments.

    CiNii Books


  • Hybrid Consultant-Guided Search for the Traveling Salesperson Problem

    Hiroyuki Ebara, Yudai Hiranuma, Koki Nakayama


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    Metaheuristic methods have been studied for combinational optimization problems for some time. Recently, a Consultant-Guided Search (CGS) has been proposed as a metaheuristic method for the Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP). This approach is an algorithm in which a virtual person called a client creates a solution based on consultation with a virtual person called a consultant. In this research, we propose a parallel algorithm which uses the Ant Colony System (ACS) to create a solution with a consultant in a Consultant-Guided Search, and calculate an approximation solution for the TSP. Finally, we execute a computer experiment using the benchmark problems (TSPL1B). Our algorithm provides a solution with less than 2% error rate for problem instances using less than 2000 cities.

    DOI: 10.1587/trnasfun.E97.A.1728

    Web of Science


  • A Novel Evacuation Route Search Algorithm for Route Distribution of Evacuees Groups in Fire Disasters Reviewed

    Hiroki Murotsu, Manato Fujimoto, Tatsuya Suzuki, Hiroyuki Ebara, Tomotaka Wada, Hiromi Okada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    A lot of people have suffered and died due to sudden disasters (fire, earthquake, terrorism, etc) in the world. In sudden disasters, it is very important for evacuees to find out appropriate evacuation routes. We previously proposed the evacuation support system named as Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS). This system is based on MANET and aims to dramatically reduce the number of victims in sudden disasters. This paper deals with the evacuation route search which is one of the most important functions of ERESS. In this paper, we propose a new evacuation route search algorithm for route distribution of evacuees groups in fire disasters. In this algorithm, evacuees can evacuate more safely and immediately by avoiding the congestion passage. To show the validity of the proposed algorithm, we carry out performance evaluations by computer simulations. As the results, we show that more evacuees can evacuate effectively compared with the previous route search algorithm.

    Web of Science


  • Ad-hoc Networks Using Smart Homes in an Earthquake Disaster -Delivery of Rescue Request MAP Data for Buried Victims Reviewed

    Matsuzaki Raito, Ebara Hiroyuki

    IPSJ TOM   vol.6, no.1, pp.64-78 ( 1 )   64 - 78   2013.3

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    We propose a rescue support system for victims in an earthquake disaster, using home servers of smart homes that realize a comfortable home environment by sensing, and aim to achieve this system. In this paper, we consider the method of data delivery to achieve our system. Our proposed system is starting communication between neighboring home servers, and set up ad-hoc networks, when it detects the Earthquake Early Warning. By sharing information with each other through communication, each home server identies buried victims etc. by information such as being at home after the earthquake, and generates a Rescue Request MAP. As we can get the Rescue Request MAP by mobile devices from home servers, this system can eciently help rescue operations by rescuers and local residents. To achieve our proposal, we must consider a disconnected communication problem, because the home server can't be put in park area, factory area, and so on. Therefore, we propose to set repeaters to aid communication between home servers. In order to evaluate performance, we measure actual experiments for wireless LAN communication as preliminary experiments, and perform simulations with modeling systems based on actual experiment results. From our simulations, we quantitatively show the penetration of smart home that needed to achieve this proposal, and find that this system can maintain in the low penetration rate by setting repeaters. We also show amount of information a user with a mobile device gets, when the user walk around freely for collecting a Rescue Request MAP. As a result, we found that our proposed system can be maintained in the penetration rate of 50%.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/7840

  • Literature Management System Based on BibTEX for Laboratory Reviewed

    Hiroyuki Ebara, Takahiro Ohtsuka, Yuki Yamakami

    IPSJ Journal   vol.53, no.8, pp.2049-2060   2012.8

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    The important things about managing literatures in laboratories are “Sharing literatures between members” and “Easy to search literatures and to cite them in papers”. Currently, many literature management tools have developed, but not enough to satisfy the above conditions. In this paper, we develop the literature management system “bole” that specializes in the use of laboratories. The proposed system is developed as the web application, and when literature information is registered in the system, research area, comment, evaluation, and so on about literatures are registered as additional information in order to facilitate sharing of literature information in laboratories. BibTEX is used in our laboratory to write a paper, therefore we develop functions convenient to use BibTEX, for example citation key can be copied with one click. We show the utility of the proposed system to share literature information easily in the laboratory, and efficiently to write the papers.


  • Development of Distributed PC Grid System

    vol.9, no.1, pp.57-72 ( 1 )   57 - 72   2012.3

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  • Development and performance evaluation of PC Grid which applied Virtual Machine Reviewed

    Hiroaki MORIKAWA, Hiroyuki EBARA, Katsumi ONISHI, Hideo NAKANO

    IEICE Trans.   vol.J93-D, no.8, pp.1555-1566 ( 8 )   1555 - 1566   2010.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/7999

  • Improvement for vTPM access control on Xen

    Morikawa Hiroaki, Ebara Hiroyuki, Onishi Katsumi, Nakano Hideo

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops   268 - 274   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Nowadays, computing resources have taken tens percent of utilization at busy time for increasing computing power. However, the virtual machine (VM) technology is effective to the use of computing resources. Besides, the vulnerable services in VM prevent the affect of the other VM attacks. For example, Amazon has applied the VM method to run in real machine (Host OS) independently but attackers can retrieve data by CPU and memory dump software. Therefore this study suggests a method to improve the access virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) implemented in Xen software to keep the server system safely. Furthermore, we implement and evaluate this method. © 2010 IEEE.

    DOI: 10.1109/ICPPW.2010.44



  • Economic Losses Caused by Spam Mails in Japan Reviewed

    T.Takemura, H.Ebara

    Journal of International Development   vol.8, no.1, pp.23-33 ( 1 )   23 - 33   2008.9

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    CiNii Books


  • Economic Loss Caused by Spam Mail in Each Japanese Industry Reviewed

    T.Takemura, H.Ebara

    Selected Proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Sciences (Social Sciences Research Society)   Vol.3, pp29-42   2008

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    Spam mail is a nuisance for most Internet users. Recently, spam mail has been shown to cause large economic losses in industries. The purpose of this paper is to quantitatively analyze the negative economic effects caused by spam mail. Concretely, we calculate the loss of GDP in Japanese industries through a production function. In addition, we examine whether or not a difference exists in economic loss by spam mail across industries. Finally, we discuss the effectiveness of spam mail countermeasures.


  • Spam Mail Reduces Economic Effects Reviewed

    Toshihiko Takemura, Hiroyuki Ebara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE COMPUTER SOC  

    From the view of economics, the authors analyze the disadvantages of Spam mail. For this purpose, we introduce a production function model and estimate the effect of Spam mail. As a result, we find that the existence of Spam mail decreases not only the level of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which is about 464 billion yen (0.1% of the Japanese GDP), but also reduces labor productivity This implies that the existence of Spam mail directly and indirectly damages the entire economy Therefore, we suggest a full-fledged introduction of "Outbound Port 25 Blocking" to all ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and "Sendmail Authentication" to all firms as effective Spam mail countermeasures.

    Web of Science


  • Optimal allocation of cache servers and content files in content distribution networks Reviewed

    Akiko Nakaniwa, Hiroyuki Ebara


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:ACTA PRESS ANAHEIM  

    Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) have proliferated rapidly with the growth in network bandwidth and the variety of content files. The CDN service is one of the most popular Web services from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), since most ISPs are currently striving to provide additional services besides their original Internet access service.
    The Internet has seen an explosive increase in the number of users, which causes network servers to become overloaded, and we are currently facing several serious issues, such as declining reliability, increased response time, and so on. The replicated allocation of content files on cache servers for load-balancing is known as an effective solution to overcome these issues. In CDNs, one of the most important problems is how we allocate cache servers and content files while considering trade-offs between the cost, reliability, and delay.
    In this paper, we examine an example of the CDN service in an ISP "BBit-Japan", which is one of the biggest CDN service providers in Japan. We apply this example to the cache server and content allocation model which we have proposed. This optimization model introduces 0-1 integer programming to determine the optimal allocation of cache servers and content files. In this optimization model, we aim to maximize the reliability of the whole system subject to restrictions of cost and delay, and in considering trade-offs between reliability, cost, and delay. The use of this optimization model makes it possible to show precisely how they can properly allocate cache servers and content files at limited cost and within permissible delays to the CDN service providers.

    Web of Science


  • Effect of the selection of branch variables in parallel branch and bound method Reviewed

    K Onishi, H Ebara, H Nakano


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SCRIPTA TECHNICA-JOHN WILEY & SONS  

    The branch and bound method is a solution method which is used in deriving the optimal solution for combinatorial optimization problems. The parallel implementation of the branch and bound method is considered, aiming at expansion of the range of applicable problems. With recent advances in PCs and network technology, there have been studies of the parallel branch and bound method in a meta-computing environment, which differs from conventional parallel computers. It is difficult in the branch and bound method to identify the effective strategy for each sample problem beforehand, since the behavior of the program is different in each case. In this study, the following method is considered in order to determine whether it is possible to foresee the effective strategy. Some feasible problems in the meta-computing environment are first solved by several different strategies, and the effective strategy is identified. Then, the identified strategy is used to reduce the later processing time. As a real sample problem, a program for the parallel branch and bound method was prepared to solve the traveling salesman problem. The scheme for branch variable selection was varied. The method that derives an optimal solution, and the method that searches all optimal solutions with the same evaluation value are compared in terms of computation time and acceleration. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI: 10.1002/ecjb.20244

    Web of Science


  • A cost-effective dynamic content migration method in CDNs

    H Ebara, Y Abe, D Ikeda, T Tsutsui, K Sakai, A Nakaniwa, H Okada

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E88B ( 12 )   4598 - 4604   2005.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) are highly advanced architectures for networks on the Internet, providing low latency, scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing. One of the most important issues to realize these advantages of CDNs is dynamic content allocation to deal with temporal load fluctuation, which provides mirroring of content files in order to distribute user accesses. Since user accesses for content files change over time, the content files need to be reallocated appropriately. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective content migration method called the Step-by-Step (SxS) Migration Algorithm for CDNs, which can dynamically relocate content files while reducing transmission cost. We show that our method maintains sufficient performance while reducing cost in comparison to the conventional shortest-path migration method. Furthermore, we present six life cycle models of content to consider realistic traffic patterns in our simulation experiments. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our SxS Migration Algorithm for dynamic content reconfiguration across time.

    DOI: 10.1093/ietcom/e88-b.12.4598

    Web of Science


  • Content Oriented Communications for emergencies in wireless environments Reviewed

    K Sakai, H Nakano, A Nakaniwa, H Ebara, H Okada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE COMPUTER SOC  

    In the conventional WWW search or P2P file sharing systems, users search for some information by using the Explicit Information such as keywords, addresses or content names. However, it is very difficult to obtain real-time information immediately just after serious accident (i.e. Fires, Earthquake, Explosion by terrorism, Traffic accidents and so on) happens suddenly. The conventional information systems, whether it is centralized nor distributed, cannot support user accesses, since they cannot provide any contents with the Explicit Information, in such short time.
    In this paper, we propose a new communication scheme named COC - Content Oriented Communications. In COC, distributed information systems don't observe the Explicit Information (keywords, addresses, content names, etc.) but the Implicit Information (locations, time, speed, etc.). This is why we call our system Content Oriented. In this paper, we introduce COC, which enables us to decrease the personal damage of a disaster in a local area where the disaster occurs by searching and getting some information for the evacuation.

    Web of Science


  • Evaluation of Technical Efficiencies for Internet Service Providers in Japan- Current Issues and Future Prospects for Local Providers - Reviewed


    Journal of Public Utility Economics   vol.56, no.3, pp.85-94 ( 3 )   85 - 94   2004.12

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    Internet service providers operated in local area have made advanced information systems and promoted local community in their area. However recently, while providers operated in nationwide expand their service area, local providers are facing operational difficulty. In this paper, we measure technical efficiencies for internet service providers using data envelopment analysis. We obtain the data by our questionnaire survey. Then we test the difference of the level of calculated efficiency scores between nationwide providers plus providers served in three metropolitan areas (Tokyo, Aichi, and Osaka) and local providers, using Mann-Whitney's rank sum test.The result says there is a statistical difference at 5% significance level between the two groups. We can obtain the fact that local providers should use IT assets more efficiently than nationwide or three metropolitan providers. Following this result, we suggest some implications from the viewpoints of a scheme of subsidy, M&A and price of backbone usage.

    CiNii Books


  • Load fluctuation-based dynamic file allocation with cost-effective mirror function

    J Takahashi, A Nakaniwa, Y Abe, H Ebara, H Okada

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E86B ( 4 )   1317 - 1326   2003.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    Mirroring of network servers has been considered to be effective for load balancing. However, the cost of setting up new mirror servers is enormously high. In this paper, we propose a dynamic file allocation model with a simple mirroring function for handling significant changes of network traffic in the Internet. According to the load fluctuation, we can dynamically reallocate files using this model. We show that our model accomplishes satisfactory performance and reduces cost by adding a simple mirroring function to all existent servers instead of setting up mirror servers afresh.

    Web of Science


  • Server and route selection method for QoS-based anycast protocol Reviewed

    A Nakaniwa, H Niimi, K Inui, H Ebara, H Okada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    The anycast communication protocol is to select the best server and the best route for a particular client from a group of replicated servers with the same contents. As users have come to demand contents with high QoS, the necessity to support the anycast communications in QoS networks has grown. In this paper, we propose a server and route selection method with application-level QoS-based anycast protocol. The protocol we propose has the following advantages. 1) The latest server and route information can be constantly acquired through distributed resource management by E-BB. 2) The server and route selection algorithm enable us to consider both the server load and network load simultaneously. 3) High reliability can be guaranteed by decentralized control.

    Web of Science


  • Reliability-based mirroring of servers in distributed networks

    A Nakaniwa, J Takahashi, H Ebara, H Okada

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E85B ( 2 )   540 - 549   2002.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    In this paper, we consider optimal mirror allocation problems for the purpose of load balancing in network servers. We focus on constructing high-reliability networks and propose the optimal mirror allocation model such that the system reliability is maximized subject to costs and delays, in view of the trade-off between the reliability and cost. This optimization model is capable of dealing with various kinds of network topologies, although for simplicity, we assume the read-only situation. We formulate this optimization problem into a 0 1 integer programming model, and we use an approximate method for numerical analysis in order to analyze more large-scale systems. Our objective is to find the optimal mirror allocation by solving this model, and to show quantitatively the general characteristics of the load balancing and the improvement of the system reliability by the distributed mirror allocation.

    Web of Science


  • Effect on the Selection of Branch Variables in Parallel Branch and Bound Method Reviewed

    ONISHI Katsumi, EBARA Hiroyuki, NAKANO Hideo

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers.   J84-D-I巻 9号 1318-1326頁 ( 9 )   1318 - 1326   2001.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Parallel branch-and-bound method is one of the algorithms that are applied to combinatorial optimization problems. We consider a distributed computing environment and evaluate the strategy available for such meta-computing architecture. Firstly, we solve partial problem with plural strategies. Further, to find the most promising strategy, we solve the whole problem in the hope to shorten the average processing time. We have developed a parallel branch-and-bound method to solve Traveling Salesman Problem. We consider the relationship between the evaluation to decide one optimum solution and all optimum solutions in the point of processing time and acceleration by changing the selection of branch variables.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1872

  • Sensitivity analysis in optimal design for distributed file allocation systems

    A Nakaniwa, M Onishi, H Ebara, H Okada

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E84B ( 6 )   1655 - 1663   2001.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    In distributed network systems, it is one of the most important problems how to assign the files to servers in view of cost and delay. It is obvious that there is a trading-off relationship between costs and delays in these systems. In order to evaluate the optimization that the total cost is minimized subject to the total delay, we have presented the Optimal File Allocation Model as 0-1 integer programming, and have investigated the general characteristics in distributed systems. In this model, we have introduced many cost and delay parameters to evaluate the total cost and delay in the system more exactly. In constructing practical systems, it is necessary to investigate the weight and the contribution of each parameter to the total cost. It is very useful to show how to estimate cost and delay parameters on the basis of this analysis. In this paper, we analyze the sensitivity of these parameters and make clear the influence between principal parameters.

    Web of Science


  • Reliability-based optimal allocation of mirror servers for Internet Reviewed

    A Nakaniwa, J Takahashi, H Ebara, H Okada


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we consider the optimal mirror allocation problems for the purpose of load balance in network servers. We focus on constructing high-reliability networks, and propose the optimal mirror allocation model such that the system reliability is maximized subject to costs and delays, in view of the trading-off relationship between the reliability and cost. This optimization model is capable of dealing with various kinds of network topology. We formulate this optimization problem as a 0-1 integer programming in this model, and we can find the place where each mirror server should be and the concrete assignment of files to mirror servers. Our objective is to find the optimal mirror allocation by solving this model, and to show the general characteristics about the load balance and the Improvement of the system reliability by the distributed mirror allocation, quantitatively.

    Web of Science


  • File allocation designs for distributed multimedia information networks

    A Nakaniwa, H Ebara, H Okada

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E81B ( 8 )   1647 - 1655   1998.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    In this paper, we study the optimal allocation of multimedia files in distributed network systems. In these systems, the files are shared by users connected with different servers geographically separated, and each file must be stored in at least one of servers. Users can access any files stored in any servers connected with high-speed communication networks. Copies of the files accessed frequently are to be stored in several servers that have databases. So, it is one of the most important problems how to assign the files to servers in view of costs and delays. Considering these problems in heterogeneous network environments, we present a new system model that covers wide range of multimedia network applications like VOD, GALS, and so on. In these systems, it is obvious that there is trading-off relationship between costs and delays. Our objective is to find the optimal file allocation such that the total cost is minimized subject to the total delay. We introduce a 0-1 integer programming formulation for the optimization problem, and find the optimal file allocation by solving these formulae.

    Web of Science


  • An efficient adaptive routing algorithm for the faulty star graph

    LQ Bai, H Ebara, H Nakano, H Maeda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRONICS INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS ENG  

    This paper introduces an adaptive distributed routing algorithm for the faulty star graph. The algorithm is based on that the n-star graph has uniform node degree n - 1 and is n- 1-connected. By giving two routing rules based on the properties of nodes, an optimal routing function for the fault-free star graph is presented. Far a given destination in the n-star graph, n-1 node-disjoint and edge-disjoint subgraphs, which are derived from n - 1 adjacent edges of the destination, can be constructed by this routing function and the concept of Breadth First Search. When faults are encountered, according to that there are n - 1 node-disjoint paths between two arbitrary nodes, the algorithm can route messages to the destination by finding a fault-free subgraphs based on the local failure information (the status of all its incident edges). As long as the number f of faults (node faults and/or edge faults) is less than the degree n- 1 of the n-star graph, the algorithm can adaptively find a path of length at most d + 4f to route messages successfully from a source to a destination, where d is the distance between source and destination.

    Web of Science


  • A Broadcasting Algorithm with Time and Message Optimum on Arrangement Graphs Reviewed

    EBARA Hiroyuki, L.Bai, H.Maeda, H.Nakano

    Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications   2巻 2号 1-17   1998.5

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  • Fault-tolerant broadcasting on the arrangement graph

    LQ Bai, H Ebara, H Nakano, H Maeda

    COMPUTER JOURNAL   41 ( 3 )   171 - 184   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS  

    This paper proposes a distributed fault-tolerant algorithm for one-to-all broadcasting in the one-port communication model on the arrangement graph, Exploiting the hierarchical properties of the arrangement graph to constitute different-sized broadcasting trees for different-sized subgraphs, we propose a distributed algorithm with optimal time complexity and without message redundancy for one-to-all broadcasting in the one-port communication model for the fault-free arrangement graph. According to the property that there is a family of k(n - k) node-disjoint paths between any two nodes, we develop a fast fault-tolerant procedure capable of sending a message from a node to its adjacent nodes on the (n, k)-arrangement graph with less than k(n - k) faulty edges, Combining the fault-tolerant procedure and the optimal broadcasting algorithm, a fault-tolerant broadcasting is achieved on the arrangement graph, It is shown that a message can be broadcast to all the other (n !/(n - k) !) - 1 processors in O (k Ig n) steps if no faults exist on the (n, k)-arrangement graph, and in O(k(2) lgn + k lg(2) n)) steps if the number of faulty edges is less than k(n - k).

    Web of Science


  • File allocation in distributed multimedia information networks Reviewed

    H Nakaniwa, M Ohnishi, H Ebara, H Okada

    GLOBECOM 98: IEEE GLOBECOM 1998 - CONFERENCE RECORD, VOLS 1-6   740 - 746   1998

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE  

    In this paper, we study allocation problems of multimedia files in distributed network systems. In these systems, the files are shared by users connected with different servers through high-speed communication networks. It is one of the most important problems in distributed systems how to assign the files to servers in view of costs and delays. In these systems, it is obvious that there is a trading-off relationship between costs and delays. Our objective is to find the optimal file allocation such that the total cost is minimized subject to the total delay. In order to evaluate the optimization, we present a system model that can covers a wide range of multimedia network applications such as VoD (Video on Demand), corporation information networks, and so on. We introduce a 0-1 integer programming formulation for the optimization problem. We find the optimal file allocation by solving these formulae, and quantify the general tendency in distributed systems. Moreover, we make a comparison between the exhaustive search and the approximate method that we use for optimization.

    Web of Science


  • Automatically Graph Drawing Using Genetic Algorithm Reviewed

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers A   J80-A1号187-194   1997.1

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  • An adaptive distributed fault-tolerant routing algorithm for the star graph Reviewed

    LQ Bai, H Ebara, H Nakano, H Maeda


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    This paper presents an adaptive distributed fault-tolerant routing algorithm for the n-star graph. Based on the local failure information and the properties of the star graph, the algorithm can make routing decisions without deadlock and livelock. After faults are encountered, the algorithm routes messages to a given destination by finding a fault-free n-1-star graph. As long as the number f of faults (node faults and/or edge faults) is less than the degree n - 1 of the n-star graph, the algorithm can adaptively find a path of length at most d + 6f to route messages from a source to a destination, where d is the distance between tow nodes.

    Web of Science


  • An efficient adaptive routing algorithm for the faulty star graph Reviewed

    LQ Bai, H Maeda, H Ebara, H Nakano


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:IEEE COMPUTER SOC  

    This paper introduces an adaptive distributed routing algorithm for the faulty star graph. By giving two routing Pules based on the properties of nodes, an optimal routing function for the fault-free star graph is presented. For a given destination in the n-star graph, n - 1 node-disjoint and edge-disjoint subgraphs, which are derived from n - 1 adjacent edges Elf the destination, can be constructed by applying this routing function and the concept of Breadth First Search. When faults are encountered, the algorithm can route messages to the destination by finding a fault-free subgraphs based on the local failure information. As long as the number f of faults (node faults and/or edge faults) is less than the degree n - 1 of the n-star graph, the algorithm can adaptively find a path of length at most d + 4f to route messages successfully from a source to a destination, where d is the distance between two nodes.

    Web of Science


  • A Visualization System for Parallel Branch-and-Bound Method Reviewed

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-I   J79-D-I7号400-408   1996.7

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  • Performance Evaluations of Graph Drawing Algorithms Reviewed

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers A   J-79-A3号 680-686   1996.3

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  • A Routing Algorithm in Faulty n-Rotator Graph and Its Performance Evaluation Reviewed

    EBARA Hiroyuki, P.Yamakawa, H.Nakano

    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan   36巻7号1511-1519   1995.7

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  • Broadcasting algorithm on the arrangement graph Reviewed

    LQ Bai, PM Yamakawa, H Ebara, H Nakano

    COMPUTING AND COMBINATORICS   959   462 - 471   1995

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

    In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm for one-to-all broadcasting on the arrangement graph. The algorithm exploits the rich topological properties of the (n, k)-arrangement graph to constitute the broadcasting binary tree and works recursively When faulty links are encountered, the concepts of node-disjoint paths and virtual paths are used to deal with the broadcasting procedure. It is shown that the message can be broadcast to all n!/(n-k)! processors in O(k lg n) steps for fault-free mode, and in O(k(k + Ig n)) for less than k(n - k) - 1 faulty links.

    Web of Science




    LATIN '95: THEORETICAL INFORMATICS   911   509 - 523   1995

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN  

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:IEICE-INST ELECTRON INFO COMMUN ENG  

    Roundness is one of the most important geometric measures for circular objects in the process of mechanical assembly. It is the amount of variation in a circular size which can be permitted. To compute roundness, the authors have already proposed an exact polynomial-time algorithm whose time complexity is O(n2). In this paper, we show that this roundness algorithm can be improved more efficiently, by introducing the deletion of the unnecessary points, in practical applications. In addition, the computational experience of this revised algorithm is also resented.

    Web of Science


  • A Roundness Algorithm Using the Voronoi Diagrams Reviewed

    IEICE Transactions   J70-A4号 620-624 ( 4 )   620 - 624   1987.4

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  • Approximation Algorithm for Constrained Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem Reviewed

    IEICE Transactions   J69-A8号 1015-1017 ( 8 )   p1015 - 1017   1986.8

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  • Constrained Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem Reviewed

    IEICE Transactions   J69-A3号 350-358 ( 3 )   p350 - 358   1986.3

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  • 基礎から学ぶ情報処理 改訂版

    榎原 博之( Role: Joint author)

    培風館  2018.3 

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  • 基礎から学ぶ情報処理

    榎原博之, 鈴木三四郎( Role: Joint editor)

    培風館  2009.3 

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  • ソシオネットワーク戦略とは何か

    榎原 博之, 村田忠彦, 渡邊真治 編( Role: Joint author)

    多賀出版  2007.3 

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  • 現代社会における情報処理

    榎原 博之, 鈴木三四郎 他( Role: Joint author)

    J.B.企画  2006.3 

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  • インターネット・サービス・プロバイダの実証分析

    榎原 博之, 中庭明子, 竹村敏彦, 横見宗樹( Role: Joint author)

    多賀出版  2006.2 

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  • The Roundness Problem

    EBARA Hiroyuki( Role: Sole author)

    Communications of the OR Society of Japan  1992.2 

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  • Algorithm Animation

    ( Role: Joint author)

    Journal of IEICE  1990.3 

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  • 緊急救命避難支援を実現する情報通信技術 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (先端科学技術推進機構研究グループ)

    和田 友孝, 榎原 博之, 村中 徳明, 尹 禮分, 川口 寿裕, 元吉 忠寛

    技苑 = Innovative technology world   ( 150 )   145 - 152   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • 緊急救命避難支援を実現する情報通信技術 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (先端科学技術推進機構研究グループ)

    和田 友孝, 榎原 博之, 村中 徳明, 尹 禮分, 川口 寿裕, 元吉 忠寛

    技苑 = Innovative technology world   ( 148 )   171 - 178   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • 非常時緊急救命避難支援のための情報通信技術開発 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (先端科学技術推進機構研究グループ)

    榎原 博之, 和田 友孝, 村中 徳明, 尹 禮分, 元吉 忠寛

    技苑 = Innovative technology world   ( 144 )   113 - 123   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

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  • B-15-19 Construction and Experiment of the Tsunami Evacuation Support System

    Yoshimoto Ryo, Hagihara Humiki, matsuzaki Raito, ebara Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2016 ( 1 )   601 - 601   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • B-5-80 Information Sharing in Congested Wireless Network

    Suganuma Hatsuki, Matsuzaki Raito, Ebara Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2016 ( 1 )   473 - 473   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • 津波避難支援システムの構築と実験

    吉本 涼, 萩原 史樹, 松﨑 頼人, 榎原 博之

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   20   187 - 190   2016.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • 非常時緊急救命避難支援のための情報通信技術開発 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (先端科学技術推進機構研究グループ)

    榎原 博之, 和田 友孝, 村中 徳明, 尹 禮分, 元吉 忠寛

    技苑 = Innovative technology world   ( 142 )   133 - 141   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • Rescue Support System with DTN for Earthquake Disasters

    EBARA Hiroyuki, MATSUZAKI Raito, MURANAKA Noriaki

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   98 ( 9 )   1832 - 1847   2015.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Informationa and Communicaton Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • Dynamic route construction of Convergecast considering load balancing in wireless sensor networks

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2015 ( 11 )   1 - 6   2015.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    Wireless Sensor Networks are used to monitor the various events. However, sensor nodes are usually relies on energy source to the battery, so lifetime of the sensor nodes is limited. Duty Cycling is used to reduce energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. Therefore, lifetime of sensornodes is extended, but if relay of data packets is concentrated on some nodes, the network lifetime becomes shorter. In this paper, we propose a dynamic duty cycle construction method and a dynamic route determination method for convergecast considering load balancing. We compare with the existing methods and show that network lifetime is extended.

    CiNii Books


  • 大規模災害時における緊急ネットワークの構築と被災者支援システム (関西大学先端科学技術推進機構50周年記念)

    松﨑 頼人, 榎原 博之, 村中 徳明

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   19   245 - 249   2015.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • 非常時緊急救命避難支援のための情報通信技術開発 (特集 プロジェクト研究報告概要集) -- (先端科学技術推進機構研究グループ)

    榎原 博之, 和田 友孝, 上島 紳一

    技苑 = Innovative technology world   ( 140 )   171 - 178   2015

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • A New Position Estimation Algorithm of Terrorist by Using RFID for Evacuation Route Search in ERESS

    MUROTSU Hiroki, FUJIMOTO Manato, EBARA Hiroyuki, WADA Tomotaka, OKADA Hiromi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   114 ( 207 )   75 - 80   2014.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    A lot of people have suffered and died due to sudden disasters (fire, earthquake, terrorism, etc) in the world. In sudden disasters, it is very important for evacuees to find out appropriate evacuation routes. We previously proposed the evacuation support system named as Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS). This system is based on MANET and aims to dramatically reduce the number of victims in sudden disasters. This paper deals with the evacuation route search which is one of the most important functions of ERESS. Currently, there is no method to estimate the locations of terrorist and evacuees. In this paper, we propose a new position estimate algorithm of terrorist by using RFID for evacuation route search in ERESS. In this algorithm, evacuees can evacuate more safely and immediately by avoiding the terrorist. To show the validity of the proposed algorithm, we carry out performance evaluations by computer simulations. As the results, the proposed method can evacuate more evacuees effectively compared with the conventional method.

    CiNii Books


  • 突発的災害時における避難グループの経路分散のための避難経路探索法

    藤本まなと, 鈴木達也, 室津裕樹, 榎原博之, 和田友孝, 岡田博美, 飯田幸雄

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   114 ( 207 )   87 - 92   2014.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 人体通信と音声センサを用いた入退室管理システムの設計と実装 (モバイルネットワークとアプリケーション)

    周 士翔, 榎原 博之, 松崎 頼人

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   113 ( 495 )   251 - 258   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人電子情報通信学会  


    CiNii Books


  • 人体通信と音声センサを用いた入退室管理システムの設計と実装

    周 士翔, 榎原 博之, 松崎 頼人

    研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL)   2014 ( 18 )   1 - 8   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  


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  • A Revisit of: Real-time Mapping System Using GPS for Stranded Commuters 〜A Simulation by Network Simulator 2

    Wenlong Yu, Hiroyuki Ebara, Raito Matsuzaki, Daisuke Yoshida, Venkatesh Raghavan

    IPSJ SIG technical reports   2014 ( 40 )   1 - 8   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    Japan is known as one of the world's most quake-prone countries. Many commuters are stranded if an earthquake occurs in Japan. Most of the stranded commuters cannot use mobile devices to connect the Internet because of communication failure. In this paper, we propose a Real-time Mapping System based on GPS and wireless LAN function of the mobile devices. In this system, we aim to support for stranded commuters in an earthquake disaster. Using the position information and DTN(Delay Tolerant Network) which are automatically recorded during those users' rescue operations. As performance evaluation, we perform simulations with modeling systems based on maps of Asahi-ku, Osaka. The results from the experiments have shown that our method could achieve certain accuracy within reasonable time.

    CiNii Books


  • 人体通信と音声センサを用いた入退室管理システムの設計と実装

    周 士翔, 榎原 博之, 松崎 頼人

    研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI)   2014 ( 18 )   1 - 8   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  


    CiNii Books


  • 帰宅困難者の移動データをもとにした災害後道路地図の作成

    YU Wenlong, RAGHAVAN Venkatesh, 吉田大介, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人

    情報地質   25 ( 2 )   2014

  • A Revisit of: Rcal-time Mapping System Using GPS for Stranded Commuters~A Simutation by Network Simutator 2

    YU Wenlong, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人, 吉田大介, RAGHAVAN Venkatesh

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 495(MoNA2013 71-84) )   2014

  • スマートホームを利用した津波避難支援システム

    松崎頼人, 菅沼初希, 榎原博之, 村中徳明

    研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS)   2013 ( 12 )   1 - 2   2013.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:一般社団法人情報処理学会  

    近年,日本での自然災害による被害が深刻化してきている.特に東日本大震災において,地震被害以上に津波被害によって多くの犠牲者がでている.また,地震の場合には通常のインフラ (通信回線,携帯電話網など) を利用できないため,災害時に緊急で構築可能なネットワークが必要である.著者らは,これまでにスマートホーム (スマートハウス) システムを利用して,地震被災時における緊急ネットワーク環境を構築する研究を行っている.本研究では,スマートホームによる緊急ネットワークを利用して,津波被害直前までに被災地域からの避難を支援するシステムを提案する.各避難者は,モバイル端末を利用することで避難経路を確認できる.また,モバイル端末とスマートホーム間で通信することで,モバイル端末の位置情報などから周辺の混雑状況を把握し,その情報を利用することで最適な避難経路を提示する.

    CiNii Books


  • Dynamic region load balancing for P2P MMORPG

    Yoshioka Hiraku, Ebara Hiroyuki, Matsuzaki Raito

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2013 ( 2 )   87 - 87   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • Information Sharing System for Local Communities using Smart Homes

    Matsuzaki Raito, Ebara Hiroyuki, Muranaka Noriaki

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2013 ( 2 )   110 - 110   2013.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • Real-time Mapping System Using GPS for Stranded Commuters


    IEICE technical report   112 ( 493 )   223 - 228   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    Japan is known as one of the world's most quake-prone countries. Many commuters are stranded if an earthquake occurs in Japan. Most of the stranded commuters cannot use mobile devices to connect the Internet because of communication failure. In this paper, we propose a Real-time Mapping System based on GPS and wireless LAN function of the mobile devices. In this system, we aim to support for stranded commuters in an earthquake disaster. As performance evaluation, we perform simulations with modeling systems based on maps of Abeno-ku, Osaka and Asahi-ku, Yokohama. As a result, our proposed system creates a map almost completely by 1000 mobile devices within l minute in Asahi-ku.

    CiNii Books


  • Real-time Mapping System Using GPS for Stranded Commuters

    2013 ( 35 )   1 - 6   2013.3

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  • Real-time Mapping System Using GPS for Stranded Commuters

    2013 ( 35 )   1 - 6   2013.3

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    CiNii Books


  • Development of Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS) in Panic-type Disaster : Real-Time Cooperative Evacuation Route Search

    SUZUKI Tatsuya, MURAKAMI Tatsuya, FUJIMOTO Manato, WADA Tomotaka, EBARA Hiroyuki, OKADA Hiromi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   112 ( 209 )   105 - 110   2012.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In the event of disasters such as terrorism and fire, evacuees have to escape the disasters safely and quickly. Our laboratory has been developing of Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS). In ERESS, it is important to provide a safe escape route to the exit to the evacuees. The previous route search algorithm in ERESS did not consider the status of the other evacuees so much. But we need to consider all the surrounding circumstances. In this paper, we propose a Real-Time Cooperative Evacuation Route Search in ERESS. By using this algorithm, it is able to prevent the congestion of the passage. We show the validity of the proposed algorithm by computer simulation. As a result, we show more evacuees can evacuate than the previous route search algorithm.

    CiNii Books


  • Smart Home Delay Tolerant Network for an Earthquake Disaster

    2012 ( 2 )   1 - 6   2012.7

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    CiNii Books


  • Dynamic region decomposition method in large-scale virtual space

    2012 ( 7 )   1 - 8   2012.5

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    CiNii Books


  • L-040 仮想計算機XenにおけるvTPMのアクセス制御の改良(L分野:ネットワーク・セキュリティ,一般論文)

    森川 浩明, 榎原 博之, 大西 克実, 中野 秀男

    情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集   9 ( 4 )   269 - 270   2010.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:FIT(電子情報通信学会・情報処理学会)運営委員会  

    CiNii Books


  • New job scheduling for PC grid system with migration function

    Morikawa Hiroaki, Ebara Hiroyuki, Onishi Katsumi, Nakano Hideo, Yamakawa Hideki, Arakawa Masahiro, Dan Hiroshige

    Bulletin of Osaka City University Media Center   9   1 - 10   2010.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Osaka City University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://dlisv03.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/il/meta_pub/G0000438repository_KJ00006658339

  • Job migration adapting PC grid with virtual machine


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2009 ( 19 )   17 - 20   2009.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    PC grid is one of the parallel computing system, and it makes the best use of idle PCs. In this paper, we propose an implementation of a PC grid system with migration function. If a person use the PC running a grid job, the migration function moves it to another idle PC Furthermore, the time of migration with virtual machine depends on the fixed memory size. So, we propose a method to carry out jobs in considering of the memory size.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00061899/

  • New job scheduling for PC grid system with migration function

    6 ( 1 )   2009

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  • About the interprocess communication with parallel tabu search algorithms for the traveling salesperson problem


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2005 ( 126 )   1 - 4   2005.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)  

    The traveling salesperson problem is one of the typical examples in the combinational optimization problems and many researches have been conducted so far. In this paper, the tabu search method which is one of the meta-heuristics method for this problem is parallelized. Especially we focus on the communication needed to share the information regarding to "the edge exchange" between processes, and examine a method which enable to share the informations more efficiently. The computing examination has been done by several evaluations from the result of running the parallel tabu search programs.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1001/00033188/

  • L-015 A Knowledge-Based File Allocation Method for Real-Time Environments

    Nakaniwa Akiko, Chu Wesley W., Ebara Hiroyuki, Okada Hiromi

    3 ( 4 )   35 - 38   2004.8

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    Language:English   Publisher:Forum on Information Technology  

    CiNii Books


  • A Knowledge-Based File Allocation Method for Real-Time Environments (知的情報通信技術による高度防災交通支援システムの構築プロジェクト)

    Nakaniwa Akiko, Chu Wesley, Ebara Hiroyuki

    関西大学学術フロンティア・センター研究成果報告書   2004   173 - 177   2004

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    Language:English   Publisher:関西大学学術フロンティア・センター  

    CiNii Books


  • Reliability-Based Mirroring of Servers in Distributed Networks

    NAKANIWA Akiko, TAKAHASHI Jun, EBARA Hiroyuki, OKADA Hiromi

    IEICE transactions on communications   85 ( 2 )   540 - 549   2002.2

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    In this paper, we consider optimal mirror allocation problems for the purpose of load balancing in network servers. We focus on constructing high-reliability networks and propose the optimal mirror allocation model such that the system reliability is maximized subject to costs and delays, in view of the trade-off between the reliability and cost. This optimization model is capable of dealing with various kinds of network topologies, although for simplicity, we assume the read-only situation. We formulate this optimization problem into a 0-1 integer programming model, and we use an approximate method for numerical analysis in order to analyze more large-scale systems. Our objective is to find the optimal mirror allocation by solving this model, and to show quantitatively the general characteristics of the load balancing and the improvement of the system reliability by the distributed mirror allocation.

    CiNii Books


  • An All-Port Broadcasting Algorithm on the Arrangement Graph

    Bai Leqiang, Ebara Hiroyuki, Nakano Hideo, Maeda Hajime

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   1997 ( 1 )   15 - 15   1997.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    CiNii Books


  • アルゴリズムアニメ-ションを実現するウィジェットセット

    榎原 博之

    技苑   ( 81 )   p54 - 59   1995.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学工業技術研究所  

    CiNii Books


  • Measuring Method of Roundness(Patent)


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  • A Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Arrangement Graphs

    Yamakawa Peter, Ebara Hiroyuki, Nakano Hideo

    IEICE technical report. Theoretical foundations of Computing   93 ( 249 )   89 - 98   1993.9

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    Language:English   Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers  

    This paper presents a depth first search-based routing protocol for arrangement interconnection network in the presence of faulty links.(n,k)-Arrangement graph,a superset of Star graph,is a good candidate for parallel computers.This topology offers facilities for the designer in working with size,degree,and diameter.These parameters are so essential in practical situations.The protocol exploits fully the properties of this network,and attempts to route a message to the destination via optimal path(shortest path). Also,if optimal paths are blocked our algorithm looks for the available shorter path from the destination.In addition,we give the mathematical expression for the probability of routing messages traveling over optimal paths.The results show that our algorithm routes a message with high probability for any selection of the parameters n and k.

    CiNii Books


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  • 強化学習を用いた畳み込みニューラルネットワークによる巡回セールスマン問題の解法

    榎原 博之, 三木 彰馬

    情報処理学会  2022.3 

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  • 分散台帳を利用したMANETの中継状況に基づくメッセージ優先転送制御

    榎原 博之, 徳永 潤平

    情報処理学会  2022.3 

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  • 刻々と変わる混雑状況に対応した経路探索手法

    榎原 博之, 菊川 侑起, 徳永 潤平, 上田 修功

    情報処理学会  2022.3 

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  • 相乗りを考慮したMin-Max型タクシー配車問題

    榎原 博之, 黒住 涼帆, 江守 礼

    情報処理学会  2022.3 

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  • Using Blockchain And Smart-Contract To Improve Reliability Of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, TOKUNAGA,Junpei

    INFORMS  2020.11 

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  • Solving Traveling Salesman Problem with Image-based Classification

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, MIKI,Shoma

    31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI)  2019.11 

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    Venue:Portland, OR, USA  


  • 巡回セールスマン問題に対するファインチューニング

    榎原 博之, 濱洲 陵, 山本 大輔, 三木 彰馬

    電子情報通信学会  2019.9 

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  • ベイズ最適化を用いたフロー型実時間避難計画

    榎原 博之, 姫野 湧太, 徳永 潤平, 上田 修功

    情報処理学会  2019.9 

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  • トランス配置問題の定式化

    榎原 博之, 中川 卓弥

    情報処理学会  2019.9 

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  • Mixed synchronous and asynchronous duty-cycling protocol in sensor networks

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, KAWABATA,Shunroku, MATSUZAKI,Raito

    the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing, AWASN Workshop  2019.8 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


  • 視線とハンドジェスチャーを併用したポインティング機能の実装

    榎原 博之, 直野 智仁

    関西大学インフォメーションテクノロジーセンター  2019.4 

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  • 強化学習を用いた巡回セールスマン問題の解法

    榎原 博之, 山本 大輔, 三木 彰馬

    情報処理学会  2019.3 

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  • ネットワークフローを用いた実時間避難シミュレーション

    榎原 博之, 姫野 湧太, 徳永 潤平

    情報処理学会  2019.3 

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  • 小規模向けのブロックチェーンを用いた情報セキュリティシステム

    榎原 博之, 梅原 拓也, 徳永 順平, 園田 皓平

    情報処理学会  2019.3 

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  • 高精度な位置情報を用いた自動ログインシステム

    榎原 博之, 園田 皓平, 梅原 拓也

    情報処理学会  2019.3 

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  • Branch and Bound Algorithm for Parallel Many-Core Architecture

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, HAZAMA,Kazuki

    the Sixth International Symposium on Computing and Networking, PDAA Workshop  2018.11 

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    Venue:Hida Takayama, Japan  


  • 無線センサネットワークにおけるハイブリッド同期プロトコル

    榎原 博之, 川端 俊禄, 松崎 頼人

    電子情報通信学会  2018.9 

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  • 視線と手のジェスチャーを併用したポインティング機能の実装

    榎原 博之, 直野 智仁, 園田 皓平

    電子情報通信学会  2018.9 

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  • タクシー配車問題に対するヒューリスティック解法

    榎原 博之, 中川 卓弥

    電子情報通信学会  2018.9 

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  • 遅延耐性ネットワークを用いた混雑時の情報共有手法

    榎原 博之, 金光 涼, 徳永 潤平

    電子情報通信学会  2018.9 

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  • Applying Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning to Traveling Salesman Problem

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, MIKI,Shoma, YAMAMOTO,Daisuke

    IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering 2018  2018.8 

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    Venue:University of Essex, Southend, UK  


  • Routing for Ad-hoc Networks with Densely Populated Nodes and Frequent Communication

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, TOKUNAGA,Junpei, KANEMITSU,Ryo

    the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, AWASN Workshop  2018.8 

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    Venue:Eugene, OR, USA  


  • 混雑時のアドホックネットワークにおけるルーティング

    榎原 博之, 徳永 潤平, 金光 涼

    情報処理学会  2018.6 

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  • 深層学習を用いた組合せ最適化問題の解法と強化学習の適用

    榎原 博之, 三木 彰馬, 山本 大輔

    情報処理学会  2018.6 

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  • ドローンを用いた巡回セールスマン問題の近似解法

    榎原 博之, 上田 遥太

    日本OR学会 秋季研究発表会  2017.9 

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    Venue:関西大学, 大阪  


  • 深層学習を用いた巡回セールスマン問題の解法

    榎原 博之, 三木 彰馬

    日本OR学会 秋季研究発表会  2017.9 

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    Venue:関西大学, 大阪  


  • ERESSにおける輻輳制御および優先制御を用いた情報拡散方式

    榎原 博之, 上村 和暉, 松本 航輝, 和田 友孝, 大月 一弘

    2017年電子情報通信学会基礎・境界ソサイエティ大会  2017.9 

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    Venue:東京都市大学, 東京  


  • Real-time book collection location search system

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, HIRAI,Tomoki

    the 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies  2017.7 

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    Venue:Quebec City, Canada  


  • Formulation of the traveling salesman problem with multiple drones and its solution

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, UEDA,Youta

    the 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies  2017.7 

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    Venue:Quebec City, Canada  


  • 複数台のドローンを用いた巡回セールスマン問題の定式化

    榎原 博之, 上田遥太, 上原遼

    2017年電子情報通信学会 総合大会  2017.3 

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  • webカメラを用いた蔵書位置検索システム

    榎原 博之, 平井知希, 長辻亮太

    2017年電子情報通信学会 総合大会  2017.3 

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  • 災害後の経路地図作成システムのためのマップマッチング手法

    榎原 博之, 于文龍, 宋現鋒, ベンカテッシュ ラガワン, 吉田大介

    FOSS4G 2016  2016.10 

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  • 緊急救命避難支援システムのためのWi-Fi Directを用いた周辺人数把握方式

    榎原 博之, 松本航輝, 和田友孝

    2016年電子情報通信学会基礎・境界ソサイエティ大会  2016.9 

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  • A Fast Hybrid Parallel Method for the Traveling Salesman Problem

    EBARA,Hiroyuki, Ryouta NAGATSUJI, Youta UEDA

    The 19th Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games  2016.9 

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  • 都市防災のための通行可能な道路地図作成システムの開発

    榎原 博之, 于文龍, 宋現鋒, ベンカテッシュ ラガワン, 吉田大介

    大阪市立大学都市研究プラザ10周年記念国際シンポジウム  2016.9 

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  • Tsunami Evacuation Support System Considering Impassable Roads


    INFORMS International Conference 2016  2016.6 

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    Venue:Hawaii, USA  


  • 携帯端末利用者のGPSトレースとOSMデータを用いたマップマッチング処理による災害後の経路地図作成

    榎原 博之, 于文龍, 宋現鋒, ベンカテッシュ ラガワン, 吉田大介

    日本情報地質学会GEOINFORUM-2016  2016.6 

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  • キャンパスクラウド化の現状

    榎原 博之, 林勲, 河野和宏, 近堂徹, 水野信也

    関西大学インフォメーションテクノロジーセンター年報(2015年度版)  2016.4 

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  • 津波避難支援システムの構築と実験

    吉本涼, 松崎頼人, 榎原博之, 萩原史樹

    2016年電子情報通信学会 総合大会  2016.3 

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  • 混雑時の無線ネットワークにおける情報共有

    菅沼初希, 松崎頼人, 榎原博之

    2016年電子情報通信学会 総合大会  2016.3 

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  • 入退室管理と連携したリアルタイムチャットシステム

    平井知希, 岩本祥太朗, 榎原博之

    2016年電子情報通信学会 総合大会  2016.3 

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  • Parallel Consultant Guided Search with Crossover


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  • Webアンケート調査のアイトラッキングを用いた分析

    岩本 祥太朗, 平井 知希, 榎原 博之

    情報処理学会  2015.9 

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  • 粒子群最適化による適応パラメータチューニングの効果

    長辻 亮太, 飯田 修平, 榎原 博之

    情報処理学会  2015.9 

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  • センサネットワークにおける負荷分散を考慮したコンバージキャストの動的経路構築

    辰己真言, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人, 菅沼初希

    情報処理学会  2015.3 

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    Wenlong Yu, Daisuke Yoshida, Venkatesh Raghavan, Hiroyuki Ebara, Raito Matsuzaki

    FOSS4G-Asia  2014.12 

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    Venue:Bangkok, Thailand  


  • A Novel Evacuation Route Search Algorithm for Route Distribution of Evacuees Groups in Fire Disasters

    Hiroki Murotsu, Manato Fujimoto, Tatsuya Suzuki, Hiroyuki Ebara, Tomotaka Wada, Hiromi Okada

    Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2014  2014.11 

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    Venue:Melbourne, Australia  


  • File Classification Problem in Hybrid Cloud Storage Systems

    Fan Liu, Hiroyuki Ebara

    INFORMS  2014.11 

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    Venue:San Francisco  


  • Real-time Support System for Stranded Commuters Considering Traffic Conditions

    Wenlong Yu, Hiroyuki Ebara, Raito Matsuzaki, Venkatesh Raghavan, Daisuke Yoshida

    INFORMS  2014.11 

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    Venue:San Francisco  


  • ERESSにおける避難経路探索のためのRFIDを用いたテロリスト位置推定法

    室津裕樹, 藤本まなと, 榎原博之, 和田友孝, 岡田博美

    電子情報通信学会  2014.9 

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  • 突発的災害時における避難グループの経路分散のための避難経路探索法

    藤本まなと, 鈴木達也, 室津裕樹, 榎原博之, 和田友孝, 岡田博美, 飯田幸雄

    電子情報通信学会  2014.9 

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  • Parallel Consultant-Guided Search for the Traveling Salesperson Problem

    Koki Nakayama, Hiroyuki Ebara

    the International Federation of Operational Research Societies  2014.7 

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  • 帰宅困難者の移動データをもとにした災害後道路地図の作成

    于文龍, ベンカテッシュ ラガワン, 吉田大介, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人

    日本情報地質学会  2014.6 

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  • 帰宅困難者のためのGPSを用いたリアルタイム地図作成システムの再検討 ~Network simulator 2によるシミュレーション

    于文龍, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人, 吉田大介, ラガワンベンカテッシュ

    情報処理学会  2014.3 

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  • 人体通信とセンサネットワークを用いた入退室管理システムの設計と実装

    周士翔, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人

    情報処理学会  2014.3 

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  • スマートホームを利用した津波避難支援システム

    松崎頼人, 菅沼初希, 榎原博之, 村中徳明

    情報処理学会  2013.12 

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  • リアルタイム授業支援システムの開発

    吉川健悟, 右衛門佐孝行, 榎原博之

    電子情報通信学会  2013.9 

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  • P2P型MMORPGにおける動的領域負荷分散

    吉岡啓, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人

    電子情報通信学会  2013.9 

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  • スマートホームを利用した地域コミュニティ情報共有システム

    松崎頼人, 榎原博之, 村中徳明

    電子情報通信学会  2013.9 

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  • PDFに対するアノテーション機能の開発

    宮川朋也, 榎原博之

    電子情報通信学会  2013.9 

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  • Development of a user-friendly computational cloud system in computer rooms

    Ryuichiro Yamada, Hiroyuki Ebara

    26th European Conference on Operational Research  2013.7 

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    Venue:Roma, Italy  


  • 帰宅困難者のためのGPSを用いたリアルタイム地図作成システム

    于文龍, 榎原博之, 松崎頼人, ラガワンベンカテッシュ

    情報処理学会  2013.3 

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  • BibTeX文献管理システムに対する有用性の評価

    榎原博之, 大塚隆弘, 宮川朋也

    情報処理学会  2013.1 

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  • TSPにおけるアントコロニー・コンサルタント誘導型探索

    平沼雄大, 榎原博之

    情報処理学会  2012.12 

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  • Smart Home Delay Tolerant Network for an Earthquake Disaster

    Raito Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Ebara

    The 2012 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'12)  2012.7 

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    Venue:Las Vegas, USA  

    In a previous paper, we proposed a rescuesupport system for victims buried in an earthquake disasterby constructing an ad-hoc network using home-server smarthomes. However, this system has the following two problems:i) it cannot ensure sufficient density of home servers fora WLAN communication range, ii) the system does notconsider areas in which home servers cannot be used suchas in parks and factories, for example. In this research,we propose a new method using a delay tolerant network(DTN) technique. In this method, rescuers with mobiledevices relay information between disconnected networks bywalking around during rescue activities. For a performanceevaluation, we performed simulation experiments using amap of Abeno-ku, Osaka. From our results, we show thatthe proposed method increases the information acquisitionrate, and the network can be maintained. In addition,we quantitatively show the penetration of the smart homeneeded for our system.


  • 大規模仮想空間における動的領域分割手法

    榎原博之, 吉岡啓, 松崎頼人

    情報処理学会  2012.5 

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  • A semi-fixed Branch and Bound method for the traveling salesman problem

    Yudai Hiranuma, Hiroyuki Ebara

    3rd International Conference on Optimization Methods and Software 2012  2012.5 

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    Venue:Crete, Greece  

    In this paper, we present a heuristic algorithm based on the Branch andBound (BB) method for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), that isone of the combinatorial optimization problems. We call the proposedmethod the Semi-Fixed Branch and Bound (SFBB) method. The BBmethod is a method to find the optimal solution by searching the whole solutionspace, and consists of branching and bounding. The SFBB methodis composed of three phases. In the first phase, it solves the plural approximatesolutions in parallel by executing metaheuristics algorithms such asTabu Search (TS), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and so on. Afterobtaining dozens of the approximate solutions from each algorithm, go tothe next phase. In the second phase, it checks the solutions obtained inthe first phase, and fixes several edges. It divides into a set of candidateedges (Ec) and a set of bounding edges (Eb). Ec is a set of edges emergingin many solutions. Eb is a set of edges rarely emerging in solutions. Inthe third phase, it executes the BB method in parallel for the subproblemwith edges fixed by Ec and Eb. We perform computational experimentsusing the TSPLIB to evaluate the performance of the SFBB method. Inthe experiments, we use the PC cluster in our laboratory. In the parallelalgorithm, we adopt Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Pthreads. Itcommunicates between PCs with MPI, and assigns one thread to eachcore with Pthreads.


  • アノテーション機能を備えた文献評価システムの開発と評価

    王淼, 大塚隆弘, 榎原博之

    電子情報通信学会  2012.3 

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  • 研究室向けBibTeX文献管理システムの改良

    大塚隆弘, 榎原博之

    電子情報通信学会  2012.3 

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  • 分散PCグリッドシステムの実装とその評価

    梅本潤志, 榎原博之, 于文龍

    電子情報通信学会  2012.1 

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  • 分散PCグリッドシステムにおけるポータルサイトの構築

    于文龍, 榎原博之, 梅本潤志

    電子情報通信学会  2011.10 

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  • アノテーション機能を備えた文献評価システムの構築

    王淼, 大塚隆弘, 榎原博之

    情報処理学会  2011.9 

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  • Development of Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System (ERESS) in Panic-type Disaster: Dynamic Evacuation Route Search

    Tatsuya Murakami, Shizuka Okada, Haruka Majima, Tomotaka Wada, Hiroyuki Ebara, Hiromi Okada

    26th ITC-CSCC 2011  2011.6 

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  • 粘菌ネットワークを用いた巡回セールスパーソン問題の解法

    榎原 博之, 田中 裕也, 石川 琢士

    情報処理学会数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告  2011.5 

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  • 地震時におけるスマートホームを利用したアドホックネットワーク

    松崎頼人, 榎原博之

    情報処理学会数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告  2011.5 

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  • BibTeXを用いた文献管理ウェブシステムの構築

    山上悠喜, 大塚隆弘, 榎原博之

    2011年電子情報通信学会総合大会  2011.3 

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  • スマートホーム都市型ネットワークを用いた児童監視システム

    村上達也, 岡澤和寛, 和田友孝, 榎原博之, 岡田博美

    2010年電子情報通信学会通信ソサイエティ大会  2010.9 

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  • 文献管理システムの構築

    山上悠喜, 榎原博之

    日本ソフトウェア科学会大会  2010.9 

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  • 研究室向けのファイル管理ウェブシステム

    村口洋士, 榎原博之

    日本ソフトウェア科学会大会  2010.9 

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  • 仮想計算機XenにおけるvTPMのアクセス制御の改良

    森川浩明, 榎原博之, 中野秀男, 大西克実

    Proc. of FIT2010  2010.9 

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  • Improvement for vTPM access control on Xen

    H.Morikawa, H.Ebara, K.Onishi, H.Nakano

    39th Annual International Conference on Parallel Processing, SCC Workshop  2010.9 

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  • マルチコアを考慮した並列タブーサーチアルゴリズム

    榎原博之, 長谷川裕之介, 田中裕也

    情報処理学会数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告  2010.9 

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  • 分散PCグリッドシステムの構築

    梅本潤志, 榎原博之

    情報処理学会関西支部 支部大会  2010.9 

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  • Spam Mail Reduces Economic Effects

    EBARA Hiroyuki, Toshihiko Takemura

    IARIA  2008.3 

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    From the view of economics, the authors analyze the disadvantages of Spam mail. For this purpose, we introduce a production function model and estimate the effect of Spam mail. As a result, we find that the existence of Spam mail decreases not only the level of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which is about 464 billion yen (0.1% of the Japanese GDP), but also reduces labor productivity. This implies that the existence of Spam mail directly and indirectly damages the entire economy. Therefore, we suggest a full-fledged introduction of ”Outbound Port 25 Blocking” to all ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and ”Sendmail Authentication” to all firms as effective Spam mail countermeasures.


  • Optimal Allocation of Cache Servers and Content Files in Content Distribution Networks

    EBARA Hiroyuki, A.Nakaniwa

    IASTED  2007.3 

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    Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) have proliferated rapidly with the growth in network bandwidth and the variety of content files. The CDN service is one of the most popularWeb services from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), since most ISPs are currently striving to provide additional services besides their original Internet access service. The Internet has seen an explosive increase in the number of users, which causes network servers to become overloaded, and we are currently facing several serious issues, such as declining reliability, increased response time, and so on. The replicated allocation of content files on cache servers for load-balancing is known as an effective solution to overcome these issues. In CDNs, one of the most important problems is how we allocate cache servers and content files while considering trade-offs between the cost, reliability, and delay. In this paper, we examine an example of the CDN service in an ISP ”BBit-Japan”, which is one of the biggest CDN service providers in Japan. We apply this example to the cache server and content allocation model which we have proposed. This optimization model introduces 0-1 integer programming to determine the optimal allocation of cache servers and content files. In this optimization model, we aim to maximize the reliability of the whole system subject to restrictions of cost and delay, and in considering trade-offs between reliability, cost, and delay. The use of this optimization model makes it possible to show precisely how they can properly allocate cache servers and content files at limited cost and within permissible delays to the CDN service providers.


  • Content Oriented Communications for emergencies in wireless environments


    International Conference on Parallel Processing  2005.6 

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    In the conventional WWW search or P2P file sharing systems, users search for some information by using the Explicit Information such as keywords, addresses or content names. However, it is very difficult to obtain real-time information immediately just after serious accident (i.e. Fires, Earthquake, Explosion by terrorism, Traffic accidents and so on) happens suddenly. The conventional information systems, whether it is centralized nor distributed, cannot support user accesses, since they cannot provide any contents with the Explicit Information, in such short time. In this paper, we propose a new communication scheme named COC, Content Oriented Communications. In COC, distributed information systems don't observe the Explicit Information (keywords, addresses, content names, etc.) but the Implicit Information (locations, time, speed, etc.). This is why we call our system Content Oriented. In this paper, we introduce COC, which enables us to decrease the personal damage of a disaster in a local area where the disaster occurs by searching and getting some information for the evacuation.


  • Server and Route Selection Method for QoS-Based Anycast Protocol


    IEEE  2003.12 

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    The anycast communication protocol is to select the best server and the best route for a particular client from a groupof replicated servers with the same contents. As users have come to demand contents with high QoS, the necessity to support the anycast communications in QoS networks has grown. In this paper, we propose a server and route selection method with application-level QoS-based anycast protocol. The protocol we propose has the following advantages. 1) The latest server and route information can be constantly acquired through distributed resource management by E-BB. 2) The server and route selection algorithm enable us to consider both the server load and network load simultaneously. 3) High reliability can be guaranteed by decentralized control.


  • A dynamic file allocation model for serious load fluctuation in the internet


    Proc. of CESA2003  2003.7 

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    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


  • A QoS-Based Anycast Protocol in Defferentiated Service Networks


    Proc. of IASTED CCN2002  2002.11 

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  • Reliability-Based Optimal Allocation of Mirror Servers for Internet


    IEEE  2000.11 

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    Grant-in-Aid for International Scientific Research 199904-200103


  • Sensitivity Analysis of File Allocation for Distributed Information Netoworks

    EBARA Hiroyuki, A.Nakaniwa, M.Ohnishi, H.Okada

    IEEE  1999.6 

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  • File Allocation in Distributed Multimedia Information Networks

    EBARA Hiroyuki, A.Nakaniwa, M.Ohnishi, H.Okada

    IEEE  1998.11 

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  • An Efficient Adaptive Routing Algorithm for the Faulty Star Graph

    EBARA Hiroyuki, L.Bai, H.Nakano, H.Maeda

    IEEE  1997.12 

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  • An Adaptive Distributed Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for the Star Graph

    EBARA Hiroyuki, L.Bai, H.Nakano, H.Maeda

    ISAAC '97 : Algorithms and Computation(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)  1997.12 

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  • A Broadcasting Algorithm on the Arrangement Graph

    EBARA Hiroyuki, L.Bai, P.Yamanaka, H.Nakano

    COCOON'95:Computing and Combinatorics(Lecture Notes in Computer Scieuce)  1995.8 

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  • A New Approach for Routing in Arrangement Graphs and Its Performance Evaluation

    EBARA Hiroyuki, P.Yamakawa, H.Nakano

    LATIN '95 : Theoretical Informatics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)  1995.4 

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  • Fault Tolerant Routing for Arrangement Graphs

    Peter YAMAKAWA, Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO, Hajime MAEDA

    ISPAN'94  1994.12 

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    Venue:Ishikawa, Japan  


  • A Visualization System for Parallel Branch-and-bound Method

    Katsumi ONISHI, Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO, Hajime MAEDA

    Abstracts of APORS'94  1994.7 

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    Venue:Fukuoka, Japan  


  • Asynchronous Parallel Branch and Bound Method - Experimental Case for the Knapsack Problem

    Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO

    Abstracts of 14th ISMP  1991.8 

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    Venue:Amsterdam, The Netherlands  


  • Roundness Algorithms Using the Voronoi Diagrams

    Hiroyuki EBARA, Noriyuki FUKUYAMA, Hideo NAKANO, Yoshiro NAKANISHI

    1st Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry  1989.8 

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    Venue:Montréal, Canada  


  • Scheduling Jobs with Release Times to Minimize Schedule Length

    Tuyoshi KAWAGUCHI, Seiki KYAN, Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO, Yoshiro NAKANISHI

    Abstracts of 13th ISMP  1988.8 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • A Parallel Algorithm for Constructing the Half-Plane Intersection and Its Applications

    Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO, Yoshiro NAKANISHI

    Abstracts of 13th ISMP  1988.8 

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    Venue:Tokyo, Japan  


  • A Roundness Algorithm Using the Voronoi Diagrams and Its Acceleration

    Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO, Yoshiro NAKANISHI

    1st International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Discrete Algorithms  1987.9 

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    Venue:Osaka, Japan  


  • Constrained Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem

    Hiroyuki EBARA, Hideo NAKANO, Yoshiro NAKANISHI

    Proceedings of ISCAS'85  1985.6 

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    Venue:Kyoto, Japan  


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Industrial property rights

  • 真円度の測定方法

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    Patent/Registration no:1805330  Date registered:1993.11  Date issued:1993.11


Research Projects

  • Proposal of new evaluation value for combinatorial optimization problem using deep learning

    Grant number:18K11484  2018.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    EBARA Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost:\1050000 )

    In this research, I propose approximate solution methods that apply deep learning and deep reinforcement learning to the traveling salesman problem, which is one of the combinatorial optimization problems. The deep learning is trained to learn the optimum solution or the near-optimal solution as an image for a large number of randomly generated problem instances, and an evaluation value is calculated from the image data obtained as an output. The evaluation value obtained by learning is adopted to the heuristic solution method instead of the conventional evaluation value based on distance, in order to obtain a solution. Computational experiments have shown that the evaluation values obtained by learning are valid.


  • Development of Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System Based on Auto Detection of Local Disaster by Cooperating with People

    Grant number:17K01309  2017.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Wada Tomotaka

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    We are developing an emergency rescue evacuation support system (ERESS) for the purpose of evacuation support in the case of a local disaster. This system is a system that automatically detects the occurrence of a disaster at an early stage using only mobile terminals equipped with multiple sensors such as smartphones, and provides real-time disaster information to the evacuees. In this research, we propose a new disaster occurrence detection method that integrates detection by terminal sensor information and human visual information for the purpose of improving the reliability of disaster occurrence detection. As a result of performance evaluation by indoor demonstration experiments, it has been shown that the reliability of disaster occurrence detection can be improved by appropriately integrating sensor information and human visual information.


  • Construction of delay tolerance ad hoc network to support the rescue immediately after the earthquake and its application

    Grant number:25330123  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Ebara Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    I have developed Delay Tolerant Ad hoc Network in Disaster (DTAND) system, using home servers of a smart home system. The main purpose of this study is to support the rescue and the evacuation of residents immediately after the earthquake, with this system and mobile terminals equipped with its own apps. In three years of the study period, I developed the following three systems: rescue support system for victims buried in an earthquake disaster, stranded commuter support system, and tsunami evacuation support system. Its usefulness was evaluated by experiment and simulation.


  • Policy simulation of the effect of ICT to the employment and social welfare

    Grant number:23330098  2011.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    UKAI Yasuharu, WATANABE Shinji, MURATA Tadahiko, EBARA Hiroyuki, CHIDA Ryokichi, TAKEMURA Toshihiko, TAMEGAWA Kenichi

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    Grant amount:\19240000 ( Direct Cost: \14800000 、 Indirect Cost:\4440000 )

    The object of this research is to estimate the effect of cloud computing system to Japanese economy based on the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, DSGE model. At the first step the mailing surveys to the listed companies at Tokyo Stock Exchange Market were conducted in three times. Then it was clarified that the 10 percent of listed companies employed pure cloud computing system, so-called public computing system. At the second step a dynamic simulation of DSGE model was conducted by this statistical finding. Then it was estimated that the total factor productivity will increase in 10 percent. At the third step all of the impulse response functions were examined. Then it was clarified that GNP decreased, investment, capital stock and labor supply increased, wages decreased and the consumptions decreased in the long run. The trend of social welfare was ambiguous.


  • Development of Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System for Panic-type Disasters in Urban Area

    Grant number:22300029  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OKADA Hiromi, WADA Tomotaka, MUTSUURA Kouichi, OHTSUKI Kazuhiro, EBARA Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\17680000 ( Direct Cost: \13600000 、 Indirect Cost:\4080000 )

    The objective of this research is to develop a new security IT system named ERESS(Emergency Rescue Evacuation Support System) for Panic-type serious disaster in urban area. The researchers have obtained the following results by 3 years project. 1) We have presented a new algorithm to identify when, what, and where serious disasters are happening in few 10 seconds. 2) We have developed pre-ERESS terminals (ERESS prototype V.3) which install the above function. 3) We have verified the validity of the pre-ERESS through several emergency evacuation experiments in the athletic stadium of the Kansai University, Japan.


  • Development of the next generation vehicular information system for collision avoidance in the environment including non-information vehicles

    Grant number:19360180  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OKADA Hiromi, WADA Tomotaka, MUTSUURA Kouichi, OHTSUKI Kazuhiro, EBARA Hiroyuki, MUNEYASU Mitsuji

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    Grant amount:\14300000 ( Direct Cost: \11000000 、 Indirect Cost:\3300000 )

    This research dealt with vehicular collision avoidance in the environment of co-existence of vehicles with VCASS and without VCASS. The major results of this research are as follows.
    1) To develop S-VCASS system for non-VCASS vehicles and show its validity by experiments.
    2) To develop P-VCASS for pedestrians to estimate the position information of them during their walking situation.
    3) To present accurate and fast position estimation methods for RFID, named as CRR (Communication Range Recognition) and S-CRR (Swift CRR).


  • Development of Contents-Oriented Wireless Communications Networks for On-Board Information Facilities in Inter-Vehicle communications

    Grant number:16360194  2004 - 2006

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OKADA Hiromi, MUTSUURA Kouichi, EBARA Hiroyuki, OHTSUKI Kazuhiro, MUNEYASU Mituji, WADA Tomotaka

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    Grant amount:\14400000 ( Direct Cost: \14400000 )

    The objective of this research project is to develop near-future typed adhoc networking technology for vehicles and mobile users without any base stations and information centers. In restricted area with almost 1 Km by 1 Km squared, we have pursued to realize advanced adhoc networking systems that enable vehicles, pedestrians, and PC mobile users in the area to communicate each other tightly and get some real-time hot information. We have proposed a new communications system named Contents-Oriented Communication (COC). In this system, any one can get their necessary information urgently whether they do not know where such information is or what kind information and/or ID the information is. We have developed the algorithms for that system, and verified the validity of the proposed systems by computer simulations and various experiments with three vehicles.
    As results of the researches we have had the following.
    1) We have developed VACSS (Vehicular Collision Avoidance Support System) by getting the location information of vehicles and exchanging those with each other.
    2) We have developed VPEC (Vehicle PEdestrian Communications) to enable some small pedestrian terminal to communicate with nearby vehicles directly.
    3) We have developed the real time traffic estimation system by using COC.
    4) We have developed the real time situation recognition algorithms when some tragic accidents like Earth-quake, Fires, Terrorist' bombing, Massacre shooting and so on happen. We call this kind of systems, EUC (Emergency Urgent Communications).


  • Development of Integrated Communication/Switching Systems for Advanced Vehicle-on-board Digital Facilities

    Grant number:14350208  2002 - 2003

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    OKADA Hiromi, HORII Yasushi, EBARA Hiroyuki, MUTSUURA Koichi

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    Grant amount:\7400000 ( Direct Cost: \7400000 )

    This research project deals with effective communications systems for advanced vehicular on-board digital equipments in order to accomplish enhanced ad-hoc communications networks. These communications systems enable a number of new communications schemes, including ad-hoc inter-vehicle communications (IVC), vehicle-pedestrian communications (VPEC), flexible road-vehicle communications (RVC), and integrated communications with vehicles and conventional fixed broadband networks. The project settled 5 research targets to develop the objective systems. (1)To establish a unified packet data structure, (2)to find out new algorithms to organizing ad-hoc networks for IVC and VPEC, (3)to present a new media access control for CDMA systems, (4)to present new and effective retrieval/access methods for vehicular users to acquire information they need, and (5)to develop actual communications systems to combine the protocol presented above in order to experiment the systems and certificate the validity of them.
    The above 4 researchers carried out the research project for 2002 and 2003, and obtained the following results. On issue 1, they set the unified packet format and data structure. They also presented some mechanisms to select essential information from the received information and reconstruct a new packet by mixing own data. On issue 2, they presented new algorithms to deploy ad-hoc wireless networks for IVC and VPEC. They showed the performance of the algorithms by simulations and experiments with actual vehicles. They also showed the validity of the systems for preventing from traffic accidents. On issue 3, they presented new access control scheme to obtain high throughput and small power consumption. On issue 4, the researchers proposed very new concept named Contents-Oriented Communications(COC). COC enable for users to acquire real-time traffic information which the users themselves can not clearly recognized what, where and how the information is. Finally, the researchers combined the elemental control protocols into total communication systems, investigated the availability of the systems in the actual environment by experiments, and quantatively certificated the basic operation and behavior of the developed systems.


  • Development of Economical Evaluation Method on Information System Investment during Monetary Crisis

    Grant number:11553001  1999 - 2002

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    UKAI Yasuharu, SUDA Kazuyuki, IWASA Yoichi, SHIBA Kenji, WATANABE Shinji, TAKEDA Koichi

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    Grant amount:\14400000 ( Direct Cost: \14400000 )

    This research started from the recognition that the measurement of information technology assets contribution to the firms' value in the stock market is proper to the evaluation of industries' information system investment but not to one of firms' specific information system. At first, we selected technical efficiency index defined by the distance of the actual inputs and output combination from the production frontier in order to take cross section analyses of the interaction between individual banks' several types of assets and this efficiency during the time of 1993-99. Our statistical computer software was LIMDEP ver.8.0, Econometric Software Inc. the most difficult condition to this efficiency was how to define the production of bank. We tried five types of definition to measure it. The largest number of the statistically significant cases was founded when we used the definition of total value of deposit and net loans: loans deducted by nonperforming loans. It was also cleared that the computer software asset always had stable positive effect to this efficiency. This evaluation method will be applied to time series analysis of individual bank.
    Second, we realized that organization constitution and human capital of individual bank were decisive factors to information system working. We developed a statistical evaluation method of these factors. We mailed 600 IT strategy questionnaires to the blanch bureaus of Japan Postal Service by stratified sampling. The final number of returned answers was 326. The analyses of cross tabulation for these answers derived our third finding that on the job training and management decentralization were important to improve the technical efficiency concerning IT investment. Finally, balanced scorecards of four largest Japanese banking groups were introduced in order to diversify IT investment evaluation. Financial data were reciprocal movement to the other data including IT index. This was our forth finding.


  • Development of Advanced Inter-Vehicular Communications

    Grant number:11694180  1999 - 2000

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).

    OKADA Hiromi, SHIBATA Hajime, MUTSUURA Koichi, EBARA Hiroyuki

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    Grant amount:\5300000 ( Direct Cost: \5300000 )

    This research project dealt with advanced Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC) for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The objective of this research project is to develop a new and noble communications systems for vehicles, in order to make possible to exchange various kinds of vehicular information, including positioning, velocity, moving direction, control status of vehicle, emergency information of road where the vehicle will move to, traffic condition and so on, with nearby vehicles automatically. By utilizing these kinds of information, vehicles can enjoy the most safety and effective driving on free-ways, trunk line, and all kind of roads in rural and/or urban area.
    This research project consists of 4 issues as follows. 1) The establishment of ad-hoc communication links among great number of moving vehicles. 2) The presentation scheme of positioning information. 3) Distributed information file allocation for vehicles. 4) Effective transmission methods for vehicular communications.
    As results of 2 years activity for this research project, we have obtained the folowing.
    1) We proposed a new and effective routing control method with transmission power control for ad-hoc vehicular communications. Besides, the Ohio State University proposed GPS based multi-hop control scheme and showed its validity in the collaboration with this research project.
    2) This project presented a new addressing concept which combines vehicular ID and current position and also present a new scheme named VIBROR method to construct the transmission data unit for IVC.By exchanging the information, vehicles can recognize the other vehicles possibly colliding each other by very simple calculations.
    3) We developed a mathematical model which deals with complicated distributed file allocation and reallocation due to the vehicle mobility and showed efficient algorithm to obtain the solution in reasonable time.
    4) As a new access control scheme for CDMA, we proposed collision-free typed access control named CDMA/CSMA/CF.We have submitted this scheme to obtain a Japanese patent. (The Patent pending No. 2000-90731)


  • アルゴリズムアニメーション用ウィジェットセットの設計に関する研究

    Grant number:05750348  1993

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    榎原 博之

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    Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )



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Devising educational methods

  • 1年次春学期の「情報リテラシー実習」において、授業支援システムCEASとTA(大学院生の補助員)を利用して、コンピュータ実習を行っている。説明は最小限にとどめ、実習中TAが巡回して、課題に対する質問がしやすい環境を作っている。さらに、進捗度に合わせてアドバンス課題を用意し、一部の優秀な学生にも対応している。

Teaching materials

  • 榎原博之, 鈴木三四郎 編著:"基礎から学ぶ情報処理", 培風館,(Mar.2009).

Teaching method presentations

  • 榎原博之, 本村康哲:"関西大学における情報リテラシー教育-全学教養科目「情報処理論」と文学部専門教育科目「知のナヴィゲーター」-", 平成21年度教育改革IT戦略大会,分科会E情報リテラシー教育の現状と今後の取り組み,私立大学情報教育協会,(Sep.2009).

Special notes on other educational activities

  •  特になし