Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Sociology Professor
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  • PhD. (Human Science) ( 2008.5 )

  • Master of Aarts in Gender, Culture and Society ( 1999.5   University of Essex, the UK )

  • Master of Arts ( 1989.3 )

Research Interests

  • Family

  • Family;Gender;Generation

  • Generation

  • Gender

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology


  • University of Essex   Department of Sociology   Sociology


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    Country: United Kingdom


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Human Science   Sociology

    - 1989

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  • The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Literature

    - 1984

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    Country: Japan


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Human Science   Sociology


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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

Committee Memberships

  • 日本社会学会   専門委員  


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  • 日本家族社会学会   理事  


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  •   編集委員会委員  


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  •   社会学教育委員会委員  

    2002 - 2003   

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  •   編集委員会委員  

    2001 - 2003   

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  •   編集委員会委員  

    1992 - 1997   

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  • 「親・義親との援助関係における“ 夫婦の個人化” ?―第3 回全国家族調査(NFRJ08)の分析から」


    『人口問題研究』   73(1), 58-77.   2017

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  • 「「”父系”と”性別分業型双系”の並存」から新しい世代関係へ―少子高齢化とグローバル化による世代関係の変化」


    『ソシオロジ』   58(2), 116-118   2013.10

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    [ISSN 0584-1380]


  • "Do full-time housewives and their husbands have higher social status identification than working wives and their husbands in present-day Japan?"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University   44(1), 1-21   2012.10

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  • "The past, present and future of marital bonds in the post-war Japan: with reference to couples' emotional relationships and cooperation for livelihood"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University   43(1), 1-20. ( 1 )   1 - 20   2011.11

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  • “The coexistence of the gendered-bilateral and patrilateral relationships in contemporary Japan: A review of studies on intergenerational relationships between elderly parents and adult children“

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN0287-6817)   42(1), 35-76. ( 1 )   35 - 76   2010.11

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  • “A preliminary study on the effects of public-pension and public-care systems on intergenerational relations between older parents and adult children in contemporary Japan“

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN0287-6817)   40(3), 61-78. ( 3 )   61 - 78   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/900

  • “A study on the co-ordination of introductory course in sociology”

    YAMATO Reiko, SUGINO Akihiro, NAGAI Yoshikazu, MABUCHI Ryogo

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University [ISSN 0287-6817]   39(3), 63-102 ( 3 )   63 - 102   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Although Japanese sociologists are currently concerned with the methods and the outcomes of their teaching, no study has been made in terms of what individual professors actually teach in their classes and how far those classes are coordinated with each other. The four authors of this paper report what they teach in the introductory courses of sociology, and explore ways for better co-ordination through mutual review of their course contents. Furthermore, a half of the first-year students registered at the department of sociology were asked how far those introductory courses were coordinated with each other and helped them to understand sociology. The study shows that although the courses are coordinated to some extent there is much room to improve the current course contents.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1546

  • “Japanese people’s preference for care as a care giver and a care receiver: A comparison between men and women”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN0287-6817)   39(3), 103-121 ( 3 )   103 - 121   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Japanese society has a cultural tradition that adult children should take care of their elderly parents. From the 1980s, however, increasing number of Japanese people, especially women, began to think that they would prefer professional care rather than family care when long-term caring was needed. An ordinary explanation for this attitudinal change says that women prefer professional care to family care because they are usually expected to be a care giver for the family, thus want to avoid shouldering a responsibility of giving long-term care to the family. Present study aims at critically examining this "women-avoid-care-giving" hypothesis by comparing three types of Japanese people's attitudes: first, preferences between family care and professional care if a respondent were in the position of a care giver for their family; second, the preferences if a respondent were in the position of a care receiver; and third, the preference as a general attitude. According to the results, from the view point of a family care giver, there were no significant gender differences in preferences, whereas from the view point of a care receiver, women were more likely than men to prefer professional care. The results of the general attitudes were similar to the attitudes as care receiver. These findings indicate that women are more likely than men to prefer professional care not because women want to avoid giving long-term care for the family, but because they want to avoid being cared for by their family. In other words, Japanese women are willing not to force their husband or children to shoulder the burden of taking long-term care for them, therefore they prefer professional care to family care. Implications of the results for gendered identities are discussed.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/8825

  • “Impact of fathers’ support and activities on mothers’ marital satisfaction by income contribution during economic recession in Japan” Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers [ISSN: 1537-6680]   6(2), 149-168   2008

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  • “Research Trend: Theories of Social Gerontology in Contemporary Britain”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Japanese Journal of Family Sociology [ISSN:0916328X]   19(1), 55-61   2007

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  • “The impact of knowledge-based economy on families in Japan”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN0287-6817)   37(1), 1-24   2006.10

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  • Changing attitudes towards elderly dependence in Postwar Japan

    Reiko Yamato

    Current Sociology   54 ( 2 )   273 - 291   2006.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    There is a stereotypical view that East Asian cultures value familism and filial piety, regarding elderly dependence on children as morally desirable. The present study, examining postwar Japan as a case, shows that the social changes this country has undergone have transformed people's attitudes such that more and more people are seeing elderly dependence on children as less desirable. It is suggested that in order to understand attitudinal changes towards intergenerational relationships in postwar Japan, two research frameworks are necessary: one that takes public welfare systems into consideration as a context where such relationships are placed, and another that distinguishes financial dependence from dependence for personal care. Examining surveys conducted in the last four decades, it is argued that attitudes towards finance changed far earlier than those towards personal care did, and that these attitudinal changes are closely related to the extent to which public welfare systems have developed.

    DOI: 10.1177/0011392106056746



  • “How Japanese women have accommodated their work career and family careers: Focusing on re-entry into the labor market after child-rearing”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN0287-6817)   37(1), 57-78 ( 1 )   57 - 78   2005.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    The present study, focusing on Japanese womens re-entry into the labor market after child-rearing, shows how the manner of re-entry and factors which influence it have changed between the 1926-1945 birth cohort, here referred to as the older cohort, the 1946-1955 one, referred to as the middle cohort, and the 1956-1965 one, referred to as the younger cohort. The data of the Social-Stratification-and-Social-Mobility national survey conducted in 1995 were analyzed. The results show that for the older cohort, there were diversities in terms of the timing of re-entry, the social class backgrounds of those who re-entered, and employment statuses after re-entry. In contrast, progressive uniformity was observed in the way in which the middle cohort re-entered into the labor market. In this cohort, women with lower educational levels were more likely to re-enter than those with higher ones; most of them re-entered when the last child was around 8 years old; and most of them were re-employed as part-timers. With regard to the younger cohort, progressive diversities were observed again in terms of the timing of the re-entry, and employment statuses after re-entry.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1532

  • 'Care, the Public and the Private in Contemporary Japan: with Respect to Male and Female Gender Identities'

    YAMATO Reiko

    Japanese Journal of Research on Household Economics(ISSN09144609)   No.56 (2002, Autumn), 11-21.   2002.10

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  • 'How the Concept of Housework Has Developed in Sociological Studies?: With Reference to the Image of Society as Separate Spheres between the Public and the Private'

    YAMATO Reiko

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN0287-6817)   33(3): 75-135. ( 3 )   75 - 135   2002.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1547

  • Does Husbands' Sharing of Housework Increase Wives' Marital Satisfaction?: A Study of Japanese Wives with Reference to the Wives' Contribution to the Household Income Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    Soshioroji   46(1) pp.3-20 ( 1 )   3 - 20   2001.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:SHAKAIGAKU KENKYUKAI  

    Precedent researches have suggested that it depends on situations where couples are placed how far husbands' sharing of housework increases wives' marital satisfaction. The present study focuses on wives' income contribution to the household, and examines whether the effect of husbands' sharing of housework on wives' marital satisfaction differs according to the extent to which wives financially contribute to the household. Japanese nationally representative data collected in 1999 are analyzed. The results are as follows. For couples with small children, husbands' sharing of housework always increases wives' marital satisfaction despite the level of wives' contributions to the household income. For couples without such small children, however, the effect of husbands' housework performance differs between wives with higher income contributions and those with no or smaller contributions. Our data shows that, for wives who earn more than 30% of their household income, husbands' performance of housework has positive effects on wives' marital satisfaction, whereas for wives who earn less than 30% of the household income, husbands' sharing of housework has no effect on wives' marital satisfaction. On the basis of these results, it is discussed that the gendered division of housework, where wives perform almost all household tasks, brings about different consequences to individuals depending on gender and whether or not husbands play the role of a sole breadwinner.<br><br>Key words: housework, marital satisfaction,<br> wife's contribution to the household income

    DOI: 10.14959/soshioroji.46.1_3

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1309

  • Social Networks and Socioeconomic Status in Japan: A Comparison between the 'Network of Sociability' and the 'Network of Care' Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    Japanese Sociological Review   第51巻、第2号 pp.235-250 ( 2 )   235 - 250   2000.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Sociological Society  

    Co-op Kobe 1994-1996

    DOI: 10.4057/jsr.51.235

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1903

  • ”Preferences for Personal Care in Japan : The Influence of Gender and Socioeconomic Status” Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    The International Scope Review   Vol.2, Issue 4   2000

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  • Housework : some aspects beyond 'women's unpaid work for labor reproduction'

    YAMATO Reiko

    Japanese Journal of Family Sociology   11号 pp.113-118   1999.7

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  • The family : is it a group, an organization or a linkage of personal networks?

    YAMATO Reiko

    Studies on Organizations and Network,The institute of Economic and poltical studies, Kansai University   第112冊、11-56   1999.3

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  • The family and spport networks in the contemporary Japan

    YAMATO Reiko

    Annals of Industrial Seminars 1997(Sangyo Seminar Nenpoh 1997),Kansai University,Institute of Economics and Political Studies   59-82   1997.12

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  • The Relationship between Support Networks and 'Connectedness-oriented' Roles in late-middle-aged Japanese Men Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    Japanese Sociological Review   第47巻、第3号 pp.350-365   1996.12

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  • Two Dimensions of the Attitude toward the Sexual division of labor of Japanese Women Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    Sociologi   第40巻、第1号 pp.109-126   1995.5

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  • ”Selectable” Bonds and ”Unselectable” Bonds as the Emotional Bonds between Wife and Husband in Japan Reviewed

    YAMATO Reiko

    Annals of Family Studies   第16号 pp.38-50   1991.3

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  • 「壮年期における年齢階層移行と役割実現不能感の形成」

    大和 礼子

    『年報人間科学』大阪大学人間科学部社会学1・人間学・人類学研究室   12, 85-102   1991.3

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  • 『中年の危機』の社会的創出――ライフコース・アプローチに向けて」

    大和 礼子

    『年報人間科学』大阪大学人間科学部社会学・人間学・人類学研究室   11, 119~137   1990.3

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  • Intergenerational Relationships between Married Children and Their Parents in 21st Century Japan: How are Patrilineal Tradition and Marriage Changing?

    YAMATO Reiko

    Leiden/Boston: Brill  2021.7 

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  • 「高齢期のケア:理論から家族をとらえる(4)」

    大和礼子( Role: Sole author)

    西野理子・米村千代編著『よくわかる家族社会学』ミネルヴァ書房  2019.12  ( ISBN:4623085511

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  • 『オトナ親子の同居・近居・援助―夫婦の個人化と性別分業の間』

    大和礼子( Role: Sole author)

    学文社  2017.9  ( ISBN:9784762027376

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  • 「公的介護保険導入にともなう介護期待の変化――自分の介護を誰に頼るか」

    大和礼子( Role: Sole author)

    稲葉昭英・保田時男・田渕六郎・田中重人編『日本の家族 1999-2009 全国家族調査[NFRJ]による計量社会学』東京大学出版会  2016.6  ( ISBN:9784130501880

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  • The Impact of a Changing Employment System on Women's Employment upon Marriage and after Childbirth in Japan

    Yamato Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    Tarohmaru, Hiroshi (ed.) Labor Markets, Gender and Social Stratification in East Asia: A Global Perspective, Leiden: Brill  2016  ( ISBN:9789004256101

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  • An Inter Regional Comparison of Occupational Gender Segregation in Japan

    Oda Akiko, Hiroshi Tarohmaru, Reiko Yamato( Role: Joint author)

    Tarohmaru, Hiroshi (ed.) Labor Markets, Gender and Social Stratification in East Asia: A Global Perspective, Leiden: Brill  2016  ( ISBN:9789004256101

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  • Introduction to sociology of the family with new questions

    IWAMA Akiko, YAMATO Reiko, TAMA Yasuko( Role: Joint editor)

    Tokyo: Yuhikaku  2015.3  ( ISBN:9784641150164

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  • "The future of parents-adult child relationships"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    Iwama, Akiko, Reiko Yamato and Yasuko Tama, Introduction to sociology of the family with new questions, Tokyo: Yuhikaku.  2015.3 

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  • "Marriage"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    Iwama, Akiko, Reiko Yamato and Yasuko Tama, Introduction to sociology of the family with new questions, Tokyo: Yuhikaku.  2015.3 

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  • "Impact of a changing employment system on women’s employment at the times of marriage and childbirth in Japan"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    Hiroshi Tarohmaru (ed.) Labor markets and social stratification in East Asia, Kyoto: Kyoto University Academic Press  2014.5  ( ISBN:9784876983797

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  • "An Inter-Regional Comparison of Occupational Gender Segregation in Japan"

    Oda Akiko, YAMATO Reiko, TAROHMARU Hiroshi( Role: Joint author)

    Hiroshi Tarohmaru (ed.) Labor markets and social stratification in East Asia, Kyoto: Kyoto University Academic Press  2014.5  ( ISBN:9784876983797

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  • 『基礎社会学』(新訂第3版)

    永井良和, 間淵領吾, 大和礼子( Role: Joint editor)

    世界思想社  2014.3  ( ISBN:9784790716198

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  • "Has the public pension system transformed family relationships in post-war Japan?"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)


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  • "How has the sociology of the family understood the human development?"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)


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  • "Is the generational contract between care and inheritance still alive in Japan? The coexistence of gendered bilateral and patrilineal intergenerational relationships"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    Tanaka, Shigeto (ed.) A quantitative picture of contemporary Japanese families: Tradition and modernity in the 21st century, Sendai: Tohoku University Press  2013.3  ( ISBN:9784861632266

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  • 「育児不安/3歳児神話」

    大和礼子( Role: Sole author)

    大澤真幸・吉見俊哉・鷲田清一編『現代社会学事典』弘文堂  2012.12 

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  • "domesticity"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)


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  • "cult of motherhood"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)


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  • "child care; child rearing"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)


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  • "A comparison of women's M-shaped life course between Japan and Korea: Focusing on reentry into the labor market after child birth"

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    Yoshimichi Sato and Fumiaki Ojima (eds.) Social Stratification in Contemporary Japan: 1: Disparity and Diversity, University of Tokyo Press  2011.9 

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  • 「変貌する家族」

    大和礼子( Role: Sole author)

    『基礎社会学(新訂第2版)』世界思想社  2010.4 

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  • 「ジェンダー論の基礎」

    大和礼子( Role: Sole author)

    『基礎社会学(新訂第2版)』世界思想社  2010.4 

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  • ”The basic knowledges on gender”in Basic sociology (additional edition)

    ( Role: Sole author)

    Basics of Sociology, Fukumura Shuppan  2010.4 

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  • “Women’s labor market activity”

    YAMATO Reiko, NONOYAMA Hisaya( Role: Sole author)

    Handbook of theoretical and research issues in family sociology, Kyoto: Sekai-shiso-sha  2009.3  ( ISBN:9784790713968

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  • “The division of labor between husband and wife”

    YAMATO Reiko, NONOYAMA Hisaya( Role: Sole author)

    Handbook of theoretical and research issues in family sociology, Kyoto: Sekai-shiso-sha  2009.3  ( ISBN:9784790713968

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  • “Family as financial and practical resources for daily life”

    ( Role: Sole author)

    Families in contemporary Japan, Tokyo: Uhikaku  2009.2  ( ISBN:9784641183704

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  • The making of the life-long carer in postwar Japan: reconstructed intergenerational relations and not-yet-reconstructed gender relations

    YAMATO Reiko( Role: Sole author)

    2008.9  ( ISBN:9784762018596

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  • “What kinds of childcare do Japanese mothers expect of their husband: caring, socialization or playing with their children?”

    ( Role: Sole author)

    Childcare for men and for women in contemporary Japan: a sociological approach  2008.4  ( ISBN:9784812208021

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  • Childcare for men and for women in contemporary Japan:a sociological approach

    YAMATO Reiko, ONODE Setsuko, KIWAKI Nachiko( Role: Joint editor)

    Showa-do  2008.4  ( ISBN:9784812208021

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  • “Fathers who care, socialize, and/or play with their children and mothers who search for their identity outside the family: childcare in contemporary Japan.”

    ( Role: Sole author)

    Childcare for men and for women in contemporary Japan: a sociological approach. Showa-do  2008.4  ( ISBN:9784812208021

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  • 「高齢者の扶養・介護からみるシンガポールと日本――「世帯間の連帯」を促すしくみと「世帯間の自立」を促すしくみ」

    大和 礼子, 落合 恵美子, 山根 真里, 宮坂 靖子( Role: Sole author)

    『アジアの家族とジェンダー』勁草書房  2007.2  ( ISBN:9784326648740

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  • 「孫の世話はしない(台湾)」

    大和 礼子, 落合 恵美子, 上野 加代子( Role: Sole author)

    『21世紀アジア家族』明石書店  2006.12  ( ISBN:4750324647

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  • 「高齢者のサポート」

    大和 礼子, 落合 恵美子, 上野 加代子( Role: Sole author)

    『21世紀アジア家族』明石書店  2006.12  ( ISBN:4750324647

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  • 「シンガポール男性の介護意識(シンガポール)」

    大和 礼子, 落合 恵美子, 上野 加代子( Role: Sole author)

    『21世紀アジア家族』明石書店  2006.12  ( ISBN:4750324647

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  • 「絆を強める社会保障(シンガポール)」

    大和 礼子, 落合 恵美子, 上野 加代子( Role: Sole author)

    『21世紀アジア家族』明石書店  2006.12  ( ISBN:4750324647

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  • 「変貌する家族」

    大和 礼子, 片桐 新自, 永井 良和, 山本 雄二( Role: Sole author)

    世界思想社『基礎社会学』(新訂第1版)  2006.3  ( ISBN:4790711765

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  • 「ジェンダー論の基礎」

    大和 礼子, 片桐 新自, 永井 良和, 山本 雄二( Role: Sole author)

    世界思想社『基礎社会学』(新訂第1版)  2006.3  ( ISBN:4790711765

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  • Networks for personal care, gender, and social class in Japan

    YAMATO Reiko, WATANABE,H, INABA,A, SHIMAZAKI,N( Role: Sole author)

    Structure and Change in Contemporary Japanese Families: Quantitative Analyses of National Family Research (NFRJ98), Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press  2004.1 

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  • 'Sociology of the Family'

    YAMATO Reiko, KATAGIRI Shinji, NAGAI Yoshikazu, YAMAMOTO Yuji( Role: Sole author)

    Basic of Sociology (third edition) , Fukumura Shuppan  2002.4  ( ISBN:4571410387

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  • Three theoretical perspectives on wife-and-husband relationships

    YAMATO Reiko, NONOYAMA Hisaya, WATANABE Hideki( Role: Sole author)

    An Introduction to family sociology : Theories and techniques of family studies,Bunkashobou-Hakubunsha  1999.2 

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  • 「愛情とお金の間――現代家族再考」

    大和 礼子, 三木英, 藤本憲一( Role: Sole author)

    『社会を視る12の窓』 学術図書出版  1995.7 

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  • Changes in the social attitude toward the family in Modern Japan

    YAMATO Reiko, MIYAMOTO Koji, MORISHITA Shinya, KIMIZUKA Kimisato( Role: Sole author)

    Sociology of Organizations and Networks, Shinyosya  1994.4 

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  • Book review: Why is the rate of men taking maternity leave so low in Japan? Invited

    Yamato, Reiko

    ( 3610 )   2023.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • 「書評」(筒井淳也著, 2015, 『仕事と家族――日本はなぜ働きづらく、産みにくいのか』中央公論新社)



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  • 「書評」 (森川美絵著, 2015, 『介護はいかにして「労働」となったのか――制度としての承認と評価のメカニズム』ミネルヴァ書房)

    大和 礼子

    福祉社会学研究 = Journal of welfare sociology   ( 13 )   187 - 191   2016

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:福祉社会学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 「書評」(中西泰子著, 2009, 『若者の介護意識――親子関係とジェンダー不均衡』勁草書房)

    大和 礼子

    家族社会学研究   22 ( 1 )   102 - 103   2010

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    Publisher:Japan Society of Family Sociology  

    DOI: 10.4234/jjoffamilysociology.22.102


  • 「書評に応えて」(大和礼子著, 2008『生涯ケアラーの誕生―再構築された世代関係/再構築されない世代関係』学文社 への書評へのリプライ)



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  • 「書評:『家事』から見える社会のあり方」(品田知美著, 2007,『家事と家族の日常生活――主婦はなぜ暇にならなかったのか』学文社)

    大和 礼子


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  • 「男性の介護意識(シンガポール)」

    大和 礼子

    (21世紀アジア家族 第4部 男と女の未来 6), 京都新聞   朝刊10面   2005.11

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  • 「『孫の世話はしない』(台湾)」

    大和 礼子

    (21世紀アジア家族 第3部 高齢期の過ごし方 4), 京都新聞   朝刊11面   2005.8

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  • 「絆を強める社会保障」

    大和 礼子

    (21世紀アジア家族 第1部 同時代を生きる 9), 京都新聞   朝刊11面   2005.4

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  • 「文献紹介」(ユーラン・アーネほか著、日本・スェーデン家族比較研究会ほか訳, 2001, 『家族に潜む権力――スウェーデン平等社会の理想と現実』青木書店)

    大和 礼子


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  • 「書評」(井上眞理子著, 2005,『ファミリー・バイオレンス――子ども虐待発生のメカニズム』晃光書房)

    大和 礼子


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  • 「文献紹介」(中野収著, 1992, 『「家族する」家族――父親不在の時代というけれど』有斐閣)

    大和 礼子


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▼display all


  • "Comparison of eight Asian societies on married children's coresidence with their parents and parents-in-law"

    Yamato, Reiko


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    Event date: 2023.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • "Coresidence with the Father and coresidence with the mother: A comparison of determinants between Japan and Taiwan"

    Yamato, Reiko


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ”Changing Roles of the Wife and the Husband in Care-Giving to Their Older Parents in Japan”

    Yamato Reiko

    The XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, held in Toronto  2018.7 

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    Event date: 2018.7

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:The session of Caring of Elderly By Their Families: Roles and Challenges in Ageing Societies, RC11, The XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, held in Toronto, July 15-21, 2018  


  • ”Determinants of intergenerational living arrangements in Japan: A comparison between living together, living nearby, and living far away with the husband’s and the wife’s parents”

    Yamato Reiko

    The joint conference for RC06 and RC41: Changing Demography, Changing Families  2018.5 

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    Event date: 2018.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:The joint conference for RC06 and RC41: Changing Demography, Changing Families held in Singapore, May 17-19, 2018  


  • Patrilineal, bilateral, or individualized? Changing intergenerational relationships in Japan

    Yamato Reiko

    the Third ISA Forum of Sociology  2016.7 

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    Venue:Vienna, Austria  


  • Individualization of intergenerational relationships between married children and their older parents in Japan

    Yamato Reiko

    the seminar of Research Comittee 06 (Family), International Sociological Association  2015.8 

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    Venue:the University College Dublin, Ireland  


  • "Changing determinants of women’s continued employment at the time of family formation: A comparison between Japan and Taiwan"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Conference Paper presented to RC06, Work and family in cross-national comparative perspective, The World Congress of the International Sociological Association, 13-19 July 2014, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan  2014.7 

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  • "Gender difference in adult children’s coresidence with their older parents: A comparison between Japan and Taiwan"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Conference Paper presented to RC11, Intergenerational Dependencies, The World Congress of the International Sociological Association, 13-19 July 2014, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan  2014.7 

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  • "How has economic globalization, mediated by country-specific institutions, influenced women's employment at marriage and childbirth? A Comparison between Japan and Taiwan"(招待講演).

    YAMATO Reiko

    Paper presented to Symposium on Asian Perspectives on Social Stratification and Inequality, 27-28 October 2012, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan  2012.10 

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  • "Inconsistency between policy presumptions and actual relationships of the intergenerational relationships within the family in present-day Japan"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Conference paper presented to Research Committee 11 (Aging), Forum of Sociology, International Sociological Association, 1-4 August 2012, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.  2012.8 

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  • "Is the norm of patri-locality applied to older mothers and fathers in the same way ? An examination of the nature of intergenerational relationships within the intimate sphere in contemporary Japan"

    YAMATO Reiko

    International Sociological Association, Research Committee 06 (CFR), Kyoto Workshop, September 12 to 15, 2011  2011.9 

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    Venue:Kyoto University, Japan  


  • "A Comparison of determinants between married children's coresidence with the father and with the mother in present-day Japan"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Tabuch, Rokuro and Shimazaki, Naoko (eds.) Second Report of the National Family Research of Japan, 2008 (NFRJ08) Volume 2: Dynamics of Intergenerational Relationships, Committee on the National Family Research (NFRJ), the Japan Society of Family Sociology  2011.9 

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  • "Regional Variety of Occupational Sex Segregation in Japan"

    Oda Akiko, YAMATO Reiko, TAROHMARU Hiroshi

    ISA RC28 Spring Meeting  2011.8 

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    Venue:University of Iowa  


  • "A comparison of gender segregation of occupation between geographical areas in Japan"

    Oda Akiko, YAMATO Reiko, TAROHMARU Hiroshi

    The 51st meeting of Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, March 8 to 9, 2011  2011.3 

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    Venue:Okinawa Kokusai University, Japan  


  • "A bridge or dead end? A comparison between Japan and Korea on the position of nonstandard employment in the life course of women"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Kazuo Misumi (ed.) Study of an East Asian Stratification Model, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) #20330104  2011 

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  • "A comparison of M-shaped curves of female labor participation between Japan and Korea: With regard to the impact of different social policies"

    YAMATO Reiko

    Yoshimichi Sato (ed.), Studies of Social Stratification in Comtemporary Japan: From the Perspective of Micro-Macro Linkages, Vol. 2, Education, Gender, and Marriage, Grant-in-Aid, #20243029.  2011 

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  • “A comparison of women’s M-shape curves between Japan and Korea: With regard to the impact of different social policies”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Conference Paper presented to the World Congress of the International Sociological Association.  2010.7 

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    Venue:The Swedish Exhibition&Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.  


  • “Is the generational contract between care and inheritance still alive in Japan? Results of a interview study on the relationships between older parents and adult children”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Conference paper presented to the annual conference of Japanese Sociological Association  2009.10 

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    Venue:Rikkyo University, Tokyo.  


  • “Is the generational contract between care and inheritance still alive in Japan? Results of a preliminary interview study on the relationships between older parents and adult children”

    YAMATO Reiko

    Conference paper presented to the annual conference of Kansai Sociological Association  2009.5 

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    Venue:Kyoto University  


  • “Married women’s re-entry into the labor market”

    YAMATO Reiko

    The annual conference of Japanese Sociological Association  2008.11 

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    Venue:Kawauchi Campus, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan  


  • “Changing Japanese mothers’ re-entry into the labour market after child-rearing"

    YAMATO Reiko

    The conference of the Research Committee of the Family Study (RC06), the International Sociological Association (ISA)  2008.9 

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    Venue:Lisbon, Portugal  


  • "Do full-time housewives and their husbands have higher social-status identification than working wives and their husbands?"

    YAMATO Reiko, TODOROKI Makoto(ed.)

    Social Stratification and Social Psychology in Contemporary Japan,2005 SSM Reserch Group  2008.3 

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  • “Is Japanese mothers’ re-entry into the labor market as part-timers associated with lower socioeconomic status? A comparison between the 1995 and 2005 SSM Surveys”

    YAMATO Reiko, NAKAI Miki, SUGINO Isamu

    Social Stratification from Life Course and Lifestyle Perspective, 2005 SSM Research Group  2008 

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  • “How Japanese women have made arrangements between work career and family career? Focusing on re-entry into the labor market after child-rearing”

    YAMATO Reiko

    The Conference of Asia Pacific Sociological Association  2007.11 

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    Venue:Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia  


  • “Financial support and personal care for elderly parents in Singapore,”

    YAMATO Reiko

    The Theme Session: Families and Social Networks in East&Southeast Asia, the 115th annual conference of Society for the Study of Social Policy  2007.10 

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    Venue:Fukakusa Campus, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan  


  • 「(共同報告:父親と育児)第2報告:母親は父親に対してどのような育児役割を期待しているか?」

    大和 礼子

    第58回関西社会学会大会  2007.5 

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  • “What do Japanese wives with small children expect of their husband under a serious economic depression?: To be a breadwinner, to share housework, or to be a good father?”

    YAMATO Reiko

    XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee on Family Research RC06, Session 12  2006.7 

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    Venue:Durban, South Africa  


  • “Does husbands’ sharing of housework and childrearing increase wives’ marital satisfaction under the economic recession in the 1990s to the 2000s in Japan?”

    YAMATO Reiko, NISHINO Michiko, INABA Akihide, SHIMAZAKI Naoko

    A Research Report of the National Family Research of Japan 2003 (NFRJ03), Vol. 1: Wives and Husbands, Households, and Life-course, Japan Society of Family Sociology and the research committee of the National Family Research of Japan 2003  2006.4 

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  • “Socialization, marketization, or support from relatives?:Housework and childcare in contemporary Japan”

    YAMATO Reiko

    A Study on Gender and Support Networks for Child-rearing in Contemporary Japan  2006.3 

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    Research Project Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (1) (2004-2005) (#1651207), Head Investigator: Nachiko Kiwaki (Hagoromo Kokusai University)


  • 「社会学教育とジェンダー」

    大和 礼子

    『社会学者は誰に何を教えどんな人間を創っていくのか』  2006.3 

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    平成14-16年度科学研究費補助金(基礎研究(B) (1)、#14310074)研究成果報告書, 代表者 藤崎宏子(お茶の水大学)


  • ‘Changing attitudes toward Elderly Financial Support and Personal Care in Postwar Japan’

    YAMATO Reiko

    Thursday Seminar, the Department of Sociology  2006.2 

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    Venue:the University of Surrey, UK  


  • “Changing attitudes toward Elderly Financial Support and Personal Care in Postwar Japan”

    YAMATO Reiko

    International Conference on Low Fertility and Rapid Aging in East and South East Asian Societies  2005.10 

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    Venue:Tong-A University, Busan, Korea.  


  • 「夫の家事参加は妻の夫婦関係満足感を高めるか?」

    大和 礼子

    第15回日本家族社会学会大会 テーマセッション(2)「第2回全国家族調査(NFRJ03)の結果から」  2005.9 

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  • 「援助ネットワークと介護」

    大和 礼子, 木下 栄二

    日本家族社会学会・全国家族調査(NFRJ)委員会編『第2回 家族についての全国調査(NFRJ03) 第1次報告書』  2005.4 

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  • Changing Attitudes toward “Dependence” in Old Age in Postwar Japan

    YAMATO Reiko

    International Conference on the Solutions and Issues of the Elderly in the 21st Century  2004.10 

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    Venue:Yeungnam University, Gyeonsang, Republic of Korea.  


  • 'Changing Meanings of ”Dependence” in Old Age in Postwar Japan'

    YAMATO Reiko

    The 36th Congress of International Institute of Sociology, Session 28  2004.7 

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    Venue:Beijing, the People's Republic of China  


  • 'Support for the elderly in Singapore: a comparison with Japan'

    YAMATO Reiko

    A Comparative Study on Gender in Asian Societies: Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, and Singapore, Research Project Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (1) (2001-2003) (No.13372001), Head Investigator: Yasuko Miyasaka (Nara Women's University)  2004.3 

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  • 「戦後日本における高齢者の扶養・介護に関する人々の意識の変化」

    大和 礼子

    第76回日本社会学会大会報告  2003.10 

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  • 'Networks for childrearing and attitudes toward gender division of labor in contemporary Japan'

    YAMATO Reiko

    Gender and Support Networks for Childrearing in Contemporary Japan, Research Project Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (1) (2001-2002) (#13837040), Head Investigator: Nachiko Kiwaki (Hagoromo Gakuen Junior Colledge)  2003.3 

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  • 'Changing Meanings of ”Dependence” in Old Age in Postwar Japan'

    YAMATO Reiko

    The International Conference on ”Intergenerational Relations in Families' Life Course”  2003.3 

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    Venue:Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan  


  • 'Does Husbands' Sharing of Housework Increase Wives' Marital Satisfaction?: A Study of Japanese Wives with Reference to the Wives' Contribution to the Household Income'

    YAMATO Reiko

    The XV World Congress of Sociology  2002.7 

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    Venue:The Brisbane Convention&Exhibition Centre, AUSTRALIA  

    Kansai University Grant-in-Aid for the Faculty Joint Research Program 2001


  • “How Japanese people use commercialized and public services for housework, education, and caring?”

    YAMATO Reiko

    A Qualitative Study of Housework in Contemporary Japanese Families: Realities, Meanings, and Sentiments  2002.3 

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    Research Project Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (1) (2000-2001) (#12610173), Head Investigator: Mari Yamane (Aichi University of Education)


  • “Gender differences and locality differences in personal networks for sociability in Japan”

    YAMATO Reiko

    A Qualitative Study of Housework in Contemporary Japanese Families: Realities, Meanings, and Sentiments  2002.3 

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    Research Project Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (1) (2000-2001) (#12610173), Head Investigator: Mari Yamane (Aichi University of Education)


  • 'Meanings of public and private spheres: gender differences and class differences'

    YAMATO Reiko

    A Qualitative Study of Housework in Contemporary Japanese Families: Realities, Meanings, and Sentiments, Research Project Report, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (1) (2000-2001) (#12610173), Head Investigator: Mari Yamane (Aichi University of …  2002.3 

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  • 「自分の介護が必要になったとき、頼れる人」は誰か?―ジェンダーと社会階層による違い―」

    大和 礼子

    第11回日本家族社会学会大会  2001.9 

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    科学研究費基礎研究 1998-2000


  • 'Why Do Women than Men Have More ”Varied” Networks of Caring?'

    YAMATO Reiko, ISHIHARA Kunio, OKUBO Koji

    Support Resources and Care for the Aged of the Contemporary Family , The Research Report of the Grant-in Aid (#10301010) for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education ,Science, Sports and Culture of Japan in 1998 academic year, the National Fami…  2001.9 

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  • 'Gender, Class, and Preference for Personal Care in Japan'

    YAMATO Reiko

    The 4th Conference of the Asia Pacific Sociological Association  2000.9 

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    Venue:Kwansei-Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan  


  • Changes in Women's Reentry into the Labor Market in the Post-War Japan

    YAMATO Reiko, IWAI Hachiroh

    Gender and Life-Course(1995 SSM Research Group)  1998.3 

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  • The ranges of social Support networks and its constraining factors for Japanese adult women and men

    YAMATO Reiko, YAMANE Mari, ONODE Setsuko, FUJITA Michiyo

    The Research on the Possibility of changes in the Social Division of Honsework in Japan:Coop Kobe  1997.9 

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  • 「家族多様化時代における家事労働の変容可能性に関する研究」

    大和 礼子

    第69回日本社会学会大会  1996.11 

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    コープこうべ・生協研究機構の助成金 1994-1996


  • 「世帯内コミュニケーション構造――ライフステージによる分析」

    大和 礼子, 直井 優, 川端 亮

    『集合住宅におけるコミュニティ形成――エリア・サンプル法による調査』, 大阪大学人間科学部経験社会学・社会調査法講座  1995.3 

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  • 「女性の『社会進出』と女性議員の分化」

    大和 礼子

    地方自治研究会(編)『地域社会の政治構造と政治意識 解析編』  1992.3 

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  • 「新聞の投書にみる現代の『家族なるもの』」

    大和 礼子

    第64回日本社会学会大会  1991.11 

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  • 「ライフコースから見た女性議員の社会的背景」

    大和 礼子

    第42回関西社会学会大会  1991.5 

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  • 「夫婦間の情緒行動とライフステージ」

    大和 礼子

    第63回日本社会学会大会  1990.11 

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  • 「『中年期』考察のための一視角――社会構造と年齢カテゴリー」

    大和 礼子

    第40回関西社会学会大会  1989.5 

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Research Projects

  • Varieties and transformations of inter-generational and gender relations in Asian ageing societies

    Grant number:19H01559  2019.4 - 2022.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Ochiai Emiko

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    Grant amount:\17420000 ( Direct Cost: \13400000 、 Indirect Cost:\4020000 )

    The CAFS database that includes the results of our surveys conducted in 7 areas from 5 countries has been constructed and made public. The research results based on the CAFS database by our research team including young scholars and students from Japan and other countries are already published in academic journals and as CAFS working papers. A comprehensive result that compares 7 areas from 5 countries will be published as books both in English and Japanese. The Japanese book will be published from Kyoto University Press. Stark differences between East Asia and Southeast Asia in both generational and gender relationships, significant differences between north and south regions of Vietnam, gaps between attitudes and behaviors in Southeast Asian societies and gaps by age and educational background are among the most important findings.


  • Construction and Analyses of the CAFS Database for the Study of Commonality and Varieties of Contemporary Asian Families

    Grant number:16H03690  2016.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Ochiai Emiko

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    Grant amount:\16770000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\3870000 )

    To reinforce the strength of the CAFS (Comparative Asian Family Survey) database, we conducted two additional surveys in Turkey (2016) and Can Tho in the south of Vietnam (2017) to study the diversity in the Islamic societies and to find a missing link between East Asia and Southeast Asia. We constructed a database covering 8 areas in 6 countries in 2017. Our comparative analyses revealed unexpectedly wide differences in the Islamic societies as well as the changes in the social norms in patrilineal societies. We published Care Relations in Southeast Asia(Brill, 2018)in English and are preparing for another book. The datasets from Southeast Asia are open now.


  • An empirical study of inheritance in today's Japan

    Grant number:16K04125  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    YAMATO Reiko

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    Grant amount:\3770000 ( Direct Cost: \2900000 、 Indirect Cost:\870000 )

    This study aims at analyzing inheritance in Japan today in relation to other aspects of intergenerational relationships including residential arrangements and support exchanges. The finding from the analysis is that intergenerational relationships in Japan today are not straightforwardly guided by one principle. Intergenerational relationships as a whole consist of various different relations, which include emphases on the husband's side of the family vs. on the wife's side of the family; on the male heir vs. on the female heir vs. equal distribution of responsibilities or resources.
    A reason for such multidimensional relationships could be that people make adjustments so as to keep a balance in intergenerational relationships between the traditional inclination toward prioritizing the husband's side of the family or the male heir and the recent tendency toward emphasizing the wife's side of the family or the female heir or equal distribution of responsibilities or resources.


  • Multi-angle Study of Changes in Japanese Families: An Attempt at Integrative Data Analysis

    Grant number:25380731  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Kamano Saori, CHITOSE Yoshimi, KOYAMA Yasuyo, YAMAUCHI Masakazu, FUSE Kana, NOGUCHI Haruko, YAMATO Reiko

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    Grant amount:\4940000 ( Direct Cost: \3800000 、 Indirect Cost:\1140000 )

    We compiled a database of survey questions used in quantitative family research in Japan. The database is organized by topics and includes a list of questions and response categories and details of the data collection method. From the database, we identified themes that can be analyzed using “integrative data analysis.” Such themes include the division of and time spent on housework and childcare; communication, companionship and decision-making between partners; relationship satisfaction; and ideas regarding families. In addition, we undertook an Internet survey (n=1271) in order to compare the response patterns when different response categories are used on the same question and when different questions are asked on the same phenomenon. We also conducted face-to-face interviews with 6 married couples on the survey questions in order to understand these response patterns.


  • Comparative Sociology of Changing Values and Social Stratification

    Grant number:25285148  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Tarohmaru Hiroshi, NAGAYOSHI Kikuko, SHIBATA Haruka, TANABIKI Yusuke, MANABE Kazufumi, YAMATO Reiko, Sakaguchi Yusuke

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    Grant amount:\10270000 ( Direct Cost: \7900000 、 Indirect Cost:\2370000 )

    We described and explained the changing values in Japan, 1973-2008, comparing with those in other countries. Our main findings are as follows. Firstly, the direction of value changes were not toward the post-modernity, but toward the hyper-modernity. Post-modernization of values means diversification of values, decreasing association between values and social class, and recession of modern values. Hyper-modernization means rising orientation toward private life, and self expression. Secondly, We decomposed the value changes into three factors: age, period, and cohort (APC). Although the effects of APC were inconsistent, the effects of cohort were consistently smaller than previous studies had emphasized. When a large value change happened in a whole society, it happened among older cohorts as well as younger cohorts.


  • Comprehensive studies of Japanese family during 1999-2009 by National Family Research of Japan dataset

    Grant number:25380683  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Inaba Akihide, TABUCHI Rokuro, TSUTSUI Junya, YASUDA Tokio, MATSUDA Shigeki, NISHIMURA Junko, TANAKA Shigeto, NAGAI Akiko, NISHINO Michiko, SHIMAZAKI Naoko, HIRASAWA Kazushi, ARAMAKI Sohei, MATSUI Shinichi, BAE Jihey, KIM JungNim, SHI Liping, SUGANO Tsuyoshi, DAINICHI Yoshiharu, TANAKA Keiko, YAMATO Reiko, SUZUKI Fumiko, FUKUDA Nobutaka, NAKANISHI Yasuko, SHINADA Tomomi, INUI Junko, SHIMA Naoko, SAWAGUCHI Keiichi, MATSUNOBU Hiromi, UCHIDA Tetsuro, IDA Mizue, HORI Makiko, KAMO Yoshinori, YODA Shohei, MIWA Kiyoko, NEGISHI Yumi, CHIKAKANE Michiko, YOSHITAKE Rio

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    Grant amount:\4810000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 、 Indirect Cost:\1110000 )

    We pubish book entitled 'Families in Japan,1999-2009: Based upon quantitative analyses of National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ)', which is consisted of nineteen papers written by twenty eight representive family researchers in Japan, in June 2016 from University of Tokyo Press (now printing).
    We analyzed structures and changes of families in Japan mainly around preiod between 1999 to 2009, based upon National Family Reserach of Japan 2008 data set(NFRJ08),with NFRJ98 data set and/or NFRJ03 data set.
    Thorugh the analyses, we can see the trend that people depend more on one's family of orientation during these period, though we can also see the disadvantages of people who do not have such resourceful family relationships gradually increasing.


  • An empirical study of the relationships between parents and adult-children in the era of globalization and population aging with low birth rates

    Grant number:25380721  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Yamato Reiko

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    Grant amount:\3510000 ( Direct Cost: \2700000 、 Indirect Cost:\810000 )

    Globalization of economy and population aging with low birth rates transform inter-generational relationships based on the gendered division of labor. This study examine two questions. 1) Which of the “individualization of spousal relationships” (namely each of the wife and the husband exchanges support with their own parents rather than with their spouse’s parents) or the “wife kin-keeper” (namely the wife, not the husband, exchanges support with both the wife’s and husband’s parents) are observed? 2) How has the gendered inheritance pattern changed? Analyses of the qualitative data of Japan revealed that 1) both the “individualization of spousal relationships” and “wife kin keeper” are observed when adult children give support to their parents, while only the “wife kin-keeper” is observed when the parents give support to adult children; and 2) gendered inheritance pattern has been weaken but maintained with more men receiving real estate while more women receiving money.


  • International Joint Research on Family Changes and Welfare regimes in Contemporary Asia

    Grant number:22243039  2010.4 - 2014.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)


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    Grant amount:\41210000 ( Direct Cost: \31700000 、 Indirect Cost:\9510000 )

    It has been made clear by statistics that Asian families are diverse and cannot be reduced to geographical differences between East Asia and Southeast Asia. The myth of a monolithic "Asian Familism" tradition is also untrue. However, under the common condition of compressed modernity, welfare regimes have evolved where the role of the market is greater than that of the state and the economic burden of families is large; and in turn through the employment of migrant domestic workers and the characteristics of the labor market we see gender divisions becoming fixed and modern norms being further reinforced.


  • An empirical analysis and theory construction on the relationships between elderly parents and adult children in contemporary Japan

    Grant number:22530588  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    YAMATO Reiko

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    Grant amount:\2860000 ( Direct Cost: \2200000 、 Indirect Cost:\660000 )

    Using quantitative and qualitative data, this study examined the hypothesis that the parents-adult children relationships in the post-war Japan can be understood as the coexistence of patrilineal and gendered bilateral relationships. According to the results, first, the hypothesis is supported. Second, the coexistence of the two relationships hinders the smooth flow of resources between generations (i.e. the exchange of long-term care with inheritance). Third, the recent changes in the gendered division of labor in the adult-children’s household have altered the previous parents-adult children relationships and increased the coresidence with the wife’s parents.


  • Study of an East Asian Stratification Model

    Grant number:20330104  2008 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MISUMI Kazuo, ISHIDA Hiroshi, ARITA Shin, IWAMA akiko, KANBAYASHI Hiroshi, TAKENOSHITA Hirohisa, TAROMARU Hiroshi, NAKAMURA Takayasu, HAYASHI Yusuke, MIWA Satoshi, YAMATO Reiko, AIZAWA Shinichi, TAKI Hirofumi

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    Grant amount:\17550000 ( Direct Cost: \13500000 、 Indirect Cost:\4050000 )

    In order to develop international comparative study of occupational and educational inequality from the standpoint of East Asia, we proposed an East Asian stratification model in which we developed perspectives, conceptions, and methodology for effectively analyzing East Asian properties based on survey data. Within the common framework of educational expansion and rapid late-industrialization, it is important to evaluate influences of the historical and institutional differences with regard to educational institutions, labor institutions and economic organizations, gender, and social groups.


  • A study on the relationships between public and private intergenerational transfers in contemporary Japan

    Grant number:19530481  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    YAMATO Reiko, IWABUCHI Akiko, SHINDO Yukiko

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    Grant amount:\3120000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 、 Indirect Cost:\720000 )

    Intergenerational relationships between elderly parents and adult children in contemporary Japan were studied on the basis of literature review and interview surveys. It was found that public intergenerational transfers such as old-age pension did not weaken but rather have maintained family relationships as seen in the fact that elderly parents actively give financial support to their adult children. From this study, a new hypothesis was established that both patri-lineal and bilateral relationships coexist in contemporary Japanese families.


  • A Study of the division of child-rearing work between partners, relatives, neighbors, and child-care services in contemporary Japan

    Grant number:16510207  2004 - 2005

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    KIWAKI Nachiko, ONODE Setsuko, FUYUKI Haruko, YAMATO Reiko

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    Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 )

    This based on our previous research which is done in 2002〜2003.
    Our findings was there are so much gender-bias in child-care in contemporary Japan. Very few fathers participate in child-care and housework, but on the other side they feel that family is very Important. So, we wondered what factors prevent fathers from child-care.
    This research is aimed to find more private circumstances around fathers and Mothers in contemporary Japan. We made interviews of 32parents (10fathers and 22mothers) in 2005.
    The findings are that many father s doing so long-time works (especially in company) that they. Cannot get along with there children.
    Our report is composed by 5 chapters. 1. Fathers conflicts between there works and (Kiwaki), 2. Child-care and gender-role images of house wife (Fujita), 3. Socialization of housework's and child-care (Yamato), 4. Relationship between parents and child : from the point of orientation family (Fuyuki), 5. The meaning of housework's and child-care of man.


  • Comparative Study on Gender and Families in Asian Societies

    Grant number:13372001  2001 - 2003

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    MIYASAKA Yasuko, FUJITA Michiyo, OCHIAI Emiko, YAMANE Mari, HASHIMOTO Hiroko, UENO Kayoko

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    Grant amount:\32500000 ( Direct Cost: \25000000 、 Indirect Cost:\7500000 )

    This research examines three types of societies categorized by the patterns of women's labor force participation rate. "An inverted U-shaped Curve" society ; China and Thailand, "a Giraffe Curve" society ; Singapore and Taiwan, and "an M-shaped Curve" society ; Japan and Korea. This means that people, except the area of Japan and Korea, take the style of two-income family after childbirth and child rearing.
    In China, Thailand, and Singapore, relatives (parents, specially) help child rearing, and people hire servants in need. This has maintained the style of two-income family among those countries. Besides this point, each country has its own specific characteristics. In China (the South) today, women in maternity and in child rearing sustain their jobs by gaining the help by relatives (specially. by grandparents) and fathers' participation in child rearing. In recent Thailand (Urban Middle Class), the way of child rearing is changing. Depending on the marketization of housework, it shifts from the care by parents (by wives, in general) and resident maids to the care by the staffs in a private day-care center. Urban Middle Class in Thailand starts having a full-time housewife. In 1998 and 1999, it had the first M-shaped Curve in the women's labor force participation rate. In Singapore, generally, relatives take care of a child, and parents hire foster parents for child rearing until a child enter a kindergarten. As the sign of marketization of child rearing, it is the most significant characteristic of Singapore that a resident maid take care housework instead of parents (parents do not do any housework).
    In conclusion, even in Japan and Korea, an M-shaped Curve society, the women's work force participation rate is now raising. In both countries, parents on wife's side support child rearing and use kindergartens for it, and a father participates in child rearing. However, Korea doesn't have an issue of isolation of mothers in child rearing. It is because people have closer relationship between relatives and various networks (neighborhoods and friends) more than Japan. Therefore, anxiety in child rearing remains one of the specific characteristics seen in Japan, which is unique in Asia.


  • A Study on Gender and Support Networks for Child-Rearing in Contemporary Japan

    Grant number:13837040  2001 - 2002

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    KIWAKI Nachiko, MIYASAKA Yasuko, FUYUKI Haruko, ONODE Setsuko, YAMATO Reiko, YAMANE Mari

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    Grant amount:\3700000 ( Direct Cost: \3700000 )

    This is a research project report of "A Study on Gender and Support Networks for Child-Rearing in Contemporary Japan" which took place in the fiscal year 2001-2002,with the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research c(l)(2001-2002).
    The primary purpose of this research is to disclose the social support network for child rearing in contemporary Japan, and needs of the support network. Additionally, this research aims to reveal child rearing perceptions and problems that parents have in our changing society. The following is the summary for the content of this research.
    Chapter 1. Research project outline: Research methods, attribution of the subjects, etc.
    Chapter 2. Thoughts on task division by gender (Gender-Role): Utilization of child rearing support network and its frequency.
    Chapter 3. Housework, child rearing, career and marital relationships: Relationships between domestic task sharing and contentment of marital relationship, etc.
    Chapter 4.Men's orientation toward family and career: Men's strong tendencies toward family orientation are disclosed.
    Chapter 5.: Developing the child rearing stress criteria in men.
    Chapter 6.Issues surrounding wife's and husband's child rearing leave:Correlations between husband's view on taking child rearing leave and wife's professional career.
    Chapter 7. Issues surrounding a mother's willingness to leave her children: 30% of full time housewives seldom leave their children, and are hesitant to leave them in someone's care.
    Chapter 8. The mother's view in Post-Feminism era: Modern mothers have strong tendencies toward business-like transactions for child rearing.
    Chapter 9.Modern aspects of child rearing: From subject's comments, we have analyzed the mother's sense of obstacles in child rearing, the father's active enrollment in child rearing, and difficulties of having a professional career.


  • A Qualitative Study of Housowork in. Contempcrary Japanese Families : Realities, Meani and Sentiments

    Grant number:12610173  2000 - 2001

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    YAMAME Mari, YAMATO Reiko, FUJITA Michiyo, ONODE Setsuko

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    Grant amount:\3600000 ( Direct Cost: \3600000 )

    The purpose of this study is to think about the possibility that housework is shared with men and by public sector in Japanese context. For that purpose, we had already conducted a questionnaire survey in 1995 both at urban and rural areas in Hyogo prefecture and had analyzed that data. In this project, we conducted an interview survey again in Hyogo prefecture during 2000 and 2001.
    This year we analyzed the interview data and gave some papers at academic conferences and wrote a report of this project And besides, we held a public seminar on the theme of "From big merchant ie in Tokugawa era to zaibatsu in modern Japan; from perspective of le-dozoku theory.
    Major findings of our interview survey are as follows. 1) The reason why Japanese women do almost all housework is that there is a kind of mechanism in which women get their gender identity by doing housework, not that they have strong gender role norms; 2) One of the important contexts in which men do housework is the necessity of caring for their own parents, a cause of life stage. 3) The meanings of sphere separation in rural area are different from that in urban area. In urban area, the concept of modern occupational/domestic separation of spheres is often indicated by informants and housework is spoken as chores which are done in domestic sphere, whereas in rural area, the concept of soto-shigoto(work of outside sphere)/naka-shigoto(work of inside sphere) separation is sometimes indicated by informants. 4) The occupational labor of women does not change men's gender role orientation but changes that of women. 5) Geiider and socio-economic status effect the meanings of ublic/private spheres, which are related to the orientation of receiving care after getting aged.


  • 家族の境界とケアおよびジェンダーとケアに関する研究

    Grant number:08710152  1996

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    大和 礼子

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    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )



  • 日本近・現代における家族変動

    Grant number:05851033  1993

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  奨励研究(A)

    大和 礼子

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    Grant amount:\900000 ( Direct Cost: \900000 )



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Social Activities

Devising educational methods

  • すべての科目において、グローバル化時代に対応できるコミュニケーション力と論理的思考力を養うことを主眼としている。 ●基礎研究(学部・演習科目・1年時生向け) ① 宿題としてのミニレポート:学習課題のより深い理解とコミュニケーション力向上のために、グループ・ワークを中心に授業を進めている。グループ・ディスカッションを有効に機能させるために、ディスカッションのテーマについて毎回、全員に宿題としてミニレポートを課している。それをもとにディスカッションとグループ発表を行う。またミニレポートは教員に提出し、教員は一人ひとりについて添削・評価して返却している。 ② ディベートの実施:自分の意見をわかりやすく話すこと、相手の主張をきちんと聞いて理解すること、チーム全員が協力することなどの力を高めるために、授業でディベートを行っている。学生には「おもしろくて、ためになる」と好評である。 ③ ポジティブなコメントの推奨: 建設的・価値創造的な思考力を養うため、ディスカッションの際には、必ずポジティブなコメントをしてから、質問に入ることをルール化している。 ④ コピー・アンド・ペーストをさせない工夫:発表・レポート作成時に、インターネットからの安易なコピー・アンド・ペーストを避けるため、予備的発表(授業時に、参考文献として読む本の現物を持参し、なぜその本が当該テーマの研究に有益なのかを説明する)を課している。その後、その本を読んで、研究テーマについての発表を行い、レポートを書く。 ●専門演習・卒業研究(学部・演習科目・3~4年時生向け) ⑤ 発表とディスカッション中心の授業:コミュニケーション力を養うため、発表とディスカッション中心の授業を行っている。司会、発表順などプログラムの作成、重要ポイントの板書なども学生が行っている。 ⑥ 「問い→仮説構築→データの提示→結論」という思考:論理的思考力を養うため、文献輪読、発表、レポート作成の際は、「問い→仮説構築→データの提示→結論」という流れを念頭において行うことを課している。 ⑦ 数字・図をつかったプレゼンテーション:将来、日本語以外の言語でコミュニケーションする際に、言語でのコミュニケーションを補う有効な手段として、発表やレポート作成において、数字や図を使った説明をできるだけ取り入れることを推奨し、その具体的な方法についても指導している。 ⑧ パネルディスカッション:卒業研究は11月末までに大筋を仕上げ、12月以降の授業ではパネルディスカッション方式で学生の研究発表を行っている。4年間の研究の総仕上げということで、活発なディスカッションが行われ、学生自身も自分および仲間の能力向上を実感する場となっている。またそこで出された他の学生の意見は、卒業研究の最後の仕上げに役立っている。 ●講義科目(学部) ⑨ 「問い→仮説構築→データの提示→結論」という思考:講義を「問い→仮説構築→データの提示→結論」という構成で行い、学生が論理的思考法・プレゼンテーション法を学ぶためのモデルとして利用できるように配慮している。 ⑩ 双方向的コミュニケーションの確保:大人数の講義においても、教員←→学生、学生←→学生といった双方向的コミュニケーションを確保できるよう、ハンドマイクを使って学生の意見を聞く、コメントペーパーを記入・提出してもらい次の授業でそれを紹介・フィードバックする、といったことを行っている。講義科目においても他の学生の意見や経験から学ぶ機会になっており、たいへん有効である。

Teaching materials

  • ① 教材としての小冊子の作成:演習科目である基礎研究(学部・1年時生向け)や専門演習・卒業研究(学部・3~4年時生向け)のために、発表・レポート作成に必要な技法・情報・ひな型をまとめた4種類の小冊子を作り、学生に配布している。学生はこれを参考にしながら自主学習により、発表の準備・レポート作成などができる。毎年バージョンアップを行っている。 ・『基礎研究の進め方』(学部・1年時生用) http://yamatoreiko.web.fc2.com/kisoken_spring_web.pdf ・『社会調査の方法』『卒業研究の進め方』『卒業研究の書き方』(学部・3~4年時生用) ② 家族社会学の教科書の執筆:専門の講義科目である家族社会学1・2のために、以下の教科書を作った。どちらにおいても「問い→仮説構築→データの提示→結論」という思考のモデルとなるように、記述や章立てを工夫している。 ・大和礼子・斧出節子・木脇奈智子(編)2008『男の育児・女の育児―家族社会学からのアプローチ』昭和堂. ・大和礼子, 2008, 『生涯ケアラーの誕生―再構築された世代関係/再構築されない世代関係』学文社. ③ 社会学専攻の教員で、『基礎社会学』(世界思想社から出版)というテキストを作っている。4年ごとに改定を行い、アップ・トゥー・デートな内容になるよう配慮している。

Teaching method presentations

  • ① 社会学教育についての調査:日本社会学会の社会学教育委員会の委員として、「学生に対する社会学教育についてのアンケート調査」「さまざまな世代の社会学者に対して、自分が受けた社会学教育・自分が行ってきた社会学教育についてのインタビュー調査」を行った(2002~2004年)。その成果を次の報告書で発表した。 ・大和礼子, 2006, 「社会学教育とジェンダー」『社会学者は誰に何を教えどんな人間を創っていくのか』平成14-16年度科学研究費補助金(基礎研究(B)(1)、#14310074)研究成果報告書, 代表者 藤崎宏子(お茶の水大学), 81-97. ② 社会学の導入教育についての調査・実践記録:関西大学社会学部社会学専攻の教員4人で社会学の導入教育についての研究会を作り、調査を行い、その成果を授業の実践記録と合わせて次の論文にして発表した。 ・杉野昭博・永井良和・大和礼子・間淵領吾, 2008, 「社会学の導入教育における授業連携に関する予備的調査研究」『関西大学社会学部紀要』39(3), 63-102.

Special notes on other educational activities

  • ・本学併設校の高校生向けに、社会学部および社会学専攻をよりよく知っていただく活動の一環として、シンポジウム「東日本大震災を社会学部で考える」を行った(2011年7月25日(月))。そのシンポジウムで、「東日本大震災と家族」というテーマで報告した。