Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Letters Professor
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  • Doctor of Literature ( 2006.3 )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / History of Europe and America


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Western History

    - 1983

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  • Osaka University   Faculty of Literature   Department of History

    - 1978

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    Country: Japan


  • Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Western History


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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

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  • The Kashimov Khanate and Russia

    Nakamura Hitoshi

    Essays and Studies by the members of Faculty of Letters   第66巻第2号 ( 2 )   1 - 16   2016.9

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  • Vasilii Ⅱ and the Tatar prince Kasim

    Nakamura Hitoshi

    Essays and Studies by the members of Faculty of Letters   第65巻第2号   2015.10

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  • Foundation period of Russian cossack hosts

    Nakamura Hitoshi

    Essays and Studies by the members of Faculty of Letters   第61巻第3号 ( 3 )   27 - 48   2011.12

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    CiNii Books


  • Russian Cossacks and the Steppe Nomads

    Nakamura Hitoshi

    Essays and Studies by the members of Faculty of Letters   第58巻第4号 ( 4 )   51 - 70   2009.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10112/1174

  • ロシア辺境の拡大とカザーク

    中村 仁志

    関西大学 文学論集   第56巻第4号   2007.3

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  • A Legscy Story about the Origin of Yaik Cossacks

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    54巻4号169-188頁   2005.3

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  • Construction of Ivangorod and the Russian Baltic Politics

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies, Kansai University   36号 pp.71-89   71 - 89   2003.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    Construction of Ivangorod and the Russian Baltic politics In 1478 Ivan III, the grand prince of Muscovy completed the annexation of Novgorod and gained access to the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea. From that time on, Ivan and his successors pursued a goal to make Russia one of the great powers in Baltic region. It is construction of Ivangorod that set the first stone of building a Baltic power. Ivangorod, the first Russian maritime port named after Ivan III, played great role in the frontier defense and diplomacy of Russia as well as in her foreign trade. Besides Ivangorod situated in the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland, Ivan III was eager to have a port in the northern shore of that gulf and made war against Sweden to get rid of Vyborg from it.

    CiNii Books


  • The Formation of Volga Cossack Host

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    Essays and Studies by the members of Faculty of Letters   49巻1号59-81頁   59 - 81   1999.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Kansai University  

    In the history of Russian Cossacks the eighteenth century was the age of great significance. It is in this period that the Cossacks Hosts,once self-independent warrior communities, were completely incorporated into the military system of Russia.Russian government tookmeasures of disbanding one Cossack Host and reorganizing another to make full use of Cossacks. We can see the typical case of such a measure in the history of Volga Cossacks. They were separated from the mother Host of Don Cossacks, organized into the independent Volga Cossack Host and finally disunited to be reorganized into newly formed Astrakhan Cossack Host.

    CiNii Books


  • The Socio-Economic Change of Ural Cossack Host in the 19th Century

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    Essays and studies by the members of the Faculty of Letters   45巻2号47-62頁   1995.12

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    After the suppression of Pugachev's rebellion,the Yaik Cossacks, having played a immportant role in the rebellion, were transformed into integrated part ofmilitary-administrative system of the Russian empire under the new name the Ural Cossacks. After the political transformation came a series of social and economic changes. The most remarkable changes occurred in Ural Cossack region were the growth of agriculture and flows of immigrants. The rapid growth of agriculture and increasing of the Cossacks engaging agriculture brought about drastic change in economic life ofthe Ural Cossacks. And the flow ofimmigrants from various regions of Russia led to great consequence in demography of Ural Cossack region. Once the population there was made up almost exclusively by the Cossacks, but as the number ofnewcomers, non-Cossack Russians rose, the balance of population gradually changed in favor of the latters.


  • Shah Ali and Safa Girey

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    Essays and Studies by the members of the Faculty of Letters   44巻1-4号295-309頁   1995.3

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    Shah Ali and Safa Girey were the rulers of Kazan Khanate in the first half of the sixteenth century. Bothgained the throne of Kazan several times and behind them stood foreign countries,Muscovite Russia and Crimean khanate. Shah Ali was a puppet of Russia and Safa Girey was a member ofthe Gireys, royal clan of Crimean khanate. In the perspective of historical alternatives, Shah Ali represented the possibility of Kazan khanate to be autonomous state under the influence of Moscow. On the contrary, we can see in Safa Gireya warrior lord that might overpower Muscovite Russia with the united forces of Kazan and Crimea. But all doomed to be in vain mainly because of the incompetence of Shah Ali as a ruler and sudden death of Safa Girey. And after all, the Kazan khanate was conquered and annexed by Russia.


  • The Crimean Khanate and Russia in the First Half of the 16th Century

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    Essays and studies by the members of the Faculty of Letters   43巻2号37-59頁   1993.12

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    Among the tatar states emerged after the breakup of the Golden Horde, the strongest was the Great Horde that proclaimeditselfthereal successor of the Golden Horde. It is a necessity to oppose this strong Horde that led Muscovite Russia to make ally with Crimean khanate. But the breakdown of the Great Horde made the ally unnecessary and Moscow and Crimea entered into political rivalry that focused on the battle for throne of Kazan khanate. Every time the throne of Kazan left vacant, Moscow and Crimea competed to install their own candidate, tatar prince, descendent from Genghis Khan on the throne of Kazan khanateand to gain a control on the khanate.


  • The Russo-Tatar Relations in the Second Half of the 15th Century

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    SHISEN   76号1-15頁   1992.9

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    The gradual decline and single disintegration of the Golden Horde resulted in the extinction of the tatar superpower of steppe and the rise of several tatar succession states, Great Horde, Crimean khanate, Astrakhan khanate, Kazan khanate and Nogais. Though being disunited and small in size, tatar state was yet a dreadful enemy for Muscovite Russia. In 1445 Muscovite army under the grand prince Vasily ┣K00420┫ was seriously defeated by tatar troops and grand prnce was captured and released for great amount of ransom. The Muscovite princes never forgot this tragedy. So they devoted themselves to look after the conditions among tatars and make use of any opportunity in their favor. For example Muscovy welcomed the tatar prince who was forced to leave his khanete.This is the Russian way to deal with tatars in the second half of the fifteenth century.


  • Pussia and Tatars

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    4号85-92頁   1991.3

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    The second half of the fifteenth century saw thedisintegration of the Golden Horde, the western flank ofMongol Empire, and the rise of a series of tatar succession states, Great Horde, Crimean khanate, Astrakhan khanate, Kazan khanate and Nogais. In this paper I examine the changing relations of Muscovite Russia with these tatar succession states in the sphere of religion ,geography and economy. And to make more clear the charaters of these tatar powers, I emphasize the two elements. The one is steppe, geographic base for the nomadic people to be excellent horsemen. The other is city, urban center that is indispensable for efficient administration and stable commercial activities.


  • Some Poblems on the Early Cossack History Reviewed

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    49号2-16頁   1990.7

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    In this paper I examine the early history of Cossacks with a review of historiography on the subject. As for the origin of the Cossacks there are two different, even contradictory, opinions. Some insist that the ancestors of the Cossacks consist of, almost exclusively, runaway peasants from Russia and the Ukraine. Others emphasize ,on the contrary ,the importance of the tatar element in the forming process of Cossacks. The author also analyzes the nature of the relation between Russian government and early Cossacks through the examination of Ermak expedition of Siberia and the role played by the Cossacks in the great social turmoil of Russia called the Time of trouble.


  • Cossack Frontier and Russia

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    1号59-72頁   1988.3

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    In this paper I examine the changing relations between Russian state and Yaik Cossacks living in the Yaik valley ,taking also into account the activities of nomadic people around the Russian frontier. In the seventeenth century nomadic Kalmyk tribes entered into a military alliance with Russia and settled in the southeastern steppe of Russia. Then the Yaik Cossacks fought as auxiliary troops of Russia in expeditions far from Yaik region. In the eighteenth century declining importance of Kalmyktribe as military ally changed the Russian policy toward them and Yaik Cossacks took a role to guard the Russian frontier along the Yaik river. Though the Yaik Cossacks gained a control of whole lower-Yaik valley in return of their military service, they got put under the direct control of Russian government.


  • The Settlement of the Southern Ukraine and the Zaporozhian New Sich Reviewed

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    69巻6号90-126頁   1986.11

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    The eighteenth-century Southern Ukraine was composed of two regions with different social characters. One is northern settlement in which colonization movement under the control of Russian government developed with great intensity. The other, southern region is Vol'nosti, privileged territory of Zaporozhie Cossack community with areconstructed administrative center named New Sich. Through the eighteenth century Russian government expanded the northern settlement at the expense of the Zaporozhian Vol'nosti.This territorial encroachment inevitably caused ever-growing conflicts between Zaporozhians and Russian authorities. In this struggle, Zaporozhians tried to reinforce their corps by means of attracting the settlers from the northern settlement to Vol'nosti. It is this flow of human capital into Vol'nostithat forced Russian government to abolish the New Sich.


  • The Zaporozhie Cossacks and the Ukraine in the Latter Half of the 17th Century Reviewed

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    138号21-37頁   1985.9

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    The Ukrainian peasants who fled from serfdom under the Polish-Lithuanian feudal lords to the Dniper region established Zaporozhie Cossack community with an administrative and military center called Sich. In this article I examine the role played by the Zaporozhie Cossacks in international relations after the so called reunification of the Ukraine with Russia in 1654. The Zaporozhie Cossacks, the sons of Ukraine, were prominent in the struggle against the neighboring countries that jeopardized freedom and independence of the Ukraine. But domestically Zaporozhians came into conflict with Hetman , the father of Ukraine, to wrest control of the region from him. Thisdomestic conflict doomed all the efforts made by Zaporozhie Cossacks to establish the independent Ukrainian state to be in vain.


  • The Change of the Don Cossack Community in the 17th Century Reviewed

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi

    124号1-19頁   1982.3

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    The Don Cossacks, mainly composed of runaways from the exploitation of serfdom in the central regions of Russia to the Don valley , organized a community named the Don Cossack Host.In this article the author examines thechanging pattern of the intercourse between the cossacks and the Russian governmentduring the seventeenth century in relation to the social changes in southern frontier of Russia.The Don Cossack Host ,having had irregular relations with the Russian state since the 1570s, enjoyed a great deal of autonomy in the reign of Mikhail Romanov, first tsar of Romanov dynasty. But in the latter half of the seventeenth century, Russian government began to exert direct control over the Cossacks.Meantime, the southern frontier, intervening between Russian proper territory and the Don region, was left non-enserfed and attracted fugitives. As a result the frontier prevented anti-serfdom oriented people from joining forces with the Don Cossacks in the battle against Russian serfdom.


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  • Pugachev's Rebellion, the Revival of a Good Tsar

    NAKAMURA Hitoshi( Role: Sole author)


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    One of the most remarkable facts of Russian history is people's strong psychological relation to tsar, Russian emperor, religious belief in goodness of tsar. This mental tendency of Russian people is called tsarist illusion.It is Pugchev's rebellion occurred in 1773 that represents a typical case of that illusion. The leader of the rebellion, runaway Cossack Pugachev proclaimed himself as late tsar Peter ┣K00430┫ who was believed among Russian people to be purged from thrown by a conspiracy of evil nobles. Under the flag of pretended Peter ┣K00430┫, great amount of people assembled to become faithful subject of a good tsar and to annihilate evil nobles.In this monograph I trace the history of formation of the belief in good tsar and analyze some aspects of tsarist illusion appeared in Pugachev's rebellion and the effects of the illusion on the process ofthe rebellion.



  • 18世紀のヴォルガ・カザーク

    中村 仁志

    ロシア東欧研究会  1997.6 

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  • 主として卒業論文の作成を念頭に以下の諸点について説明したプリントを作成し教材として使用した。 ○参考文献の探索方法 ○研究発表の要領 ○配布用資料の作成方法 ○章・段落からなる論文の構成方法 ○論理的な文章表現をするうえでの留意点

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