Updated on 2024/07/31


Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • Engineering ( Kansai University )

Research Interests

  • Environmental risk

  • 環境浄化

  • Bioremediation

  • 環境

  • Biomass

  • 抗菌剤

  • antibiotics

  • Microbial control

  • Microorganism

  • 有用物質生産

  • Biorefinery

  • Antimicrobial resistance

  • Biofilm

  • sterilization

Research Areas

  • Life Science / Applied microbiology

  • Life Science / Ecology and environment

  • Life Science / Hygiene and public health

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Chemical substance influence on environment

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment

Professional Memberships


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Committee Memberships

  • 日本防菌防黴学会   和文誌編集委員  

    2023.4 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本防菌防黴学会   評議員  

    2017.4 - Present   

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    Committee type:Academic society


  • 日本防菌防黴学会   Biocontrol Science編集委員  

    2015.4 - 2023.3   

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    Committee type:Academic society



  • Effect of effective microorganisms on water purification and microbial community in a pond

    Miho Mori, Shouhei Miki, Masaki Inayoshi, Masaki Yamamoto, Ryota Ozaki, Yoshikazu Sakagami, Toru Jojima

    CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water   52 ( 7 )   2024.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Wiley  


    There are very few reports about water purification and its influence on indigenous microorganisms by effective microorganisms (EM) in the fields. This study investigated the effect of EM on water purification and microbial community via in vitro and field experiments. In in vitro water purification experiments, we examined values for chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus, and total nitrogen (TN). In systems in which the active EM solutions were at a concentration of less than 1:2000 of the total water sample, the values after 28 days were equal to or lower than those of the control. In systems using 1:200 and 1:100 active EM solutions, COD and TN values were significantly lower in artificial wastewater compared to control. Conversely, they were significantly higher than the control in the pond water. When the active EM solutions were added to the pond water, total microbial plate counts were higher than the control after 28 days for all concentrations of the EM active solutions. Excessive use of EM caused deterioration of water quality and increase of microbial counts. The results of field experiments for 4 years suggested that EM treatment did not purify the pond water, establish introduced EM, or affect indigenous microorganisms.

    DOI: 10.1002/clen.202300353


  • Collibacillus ludicampi gen. nov., sp. nov., a new soil bacterium of the family Alicyclobacillaceae. Reviewed International journal

    Toru Jojima, Yuki Ioku, Yasuhisa Fukuta, Norifumi Shirasaka, Yoshinobu Matsumura, Miho Mori

    International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology   73 ( 5 )   2023.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005827



  • A Silent Operon of Photorhabdus luminescens Encodes a Prodrug Mimic of GTP Reviewed

    Negar Shahsavari, Boyuan Wang, Yu Imai, Miho Mori, Sangkeun Son, Libang Liang, Nils Böhringer, Sylvie Manuse, Michael F. Gates, Madeleine Morrissette, Rachel Corsetti, Josh L. Espinoza, Chris L. Dupont, Michael T. Laub, Kim Lewis

    mBio   13 ( 3 )   2022.6

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Society for Microbiology  

    Drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria have become the major problem driving the antimicrobial resistance crisis. Searching outside the overmined actinomycetes, we focused on Photorhabdus , gut symbionts of enthomopathogenic nematodes that carry up to 40 biosynthetic gene clusters coding for secondary metabolites.

    DOI: 10.1128/mbio.00700-22


  • Analysis of the Relationship of Microbial Contamination with Temperature and Cleaning Frequency and Method of Domestic Refrigerators in Japan. Reviewed International journal

    Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami, Megumi Tanaka, Ryo Inoue, Toru Jojima

    Journal of food protection   83 ( 7 )   1234 - 1240   2020.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    ABSTRACT: Hygiene management of domestic refrigerators is an important aspect of food poisoning prevention. The aim of the present study was to confirm the relationship between microbial contamination and hygiene management by measuring microbial levels and investigating temperature and cleaning frequency and method of domestic refrigerators in Japan. We analyzed three internal sections (the egg compartment, bottom shelf, and vegetable drawer) of 100 domestic refrigerators in Japan. Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Yersinia enterocolitica were not found in any of the refrigerators, but coliforms and Escherichia coli were detected in more than one household, and Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently isolated pathogen. The prevalences of these microorganisms had similar tendencies in all three sections sampled and were highest in the vegetable drawer. The temperature distribution in the refrigerators was also investigated, and a temperature >6.1°C (improper temperature) was found in 46.2% of the areas surveyed. Only 17% of the respondents cleaned their refrigerators monthly or more often, and this frequency was lower than that reported in other countries. Fifty percent of the respondents used only water to clean the refrigerator, 10% used only an alcohol or disinfecting wipe, and 8% used only a dry cloth. Although no significant correlations were found between microbial contamination and temperatures in refrigerators, correlations were found between microbial contamination and refrigerator cleaning frequency and/or method. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed survey concerning relationships between microbial contamination and hygiene management in domestic refrigerators in Japan. The data obtained can be used to promote food poisoning management in Japanese households.

    DOI: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-19-322



  • A new antibiotic selectively kills Gram-negative pathogens. Reviewed

    Imai Y, Meyer KJ, Iinishi A, Favre-Godal Q, Green R, Manuse S, Caboni M, Mori M, Niles S, Ghiglieri M, Honrao C, Ma X, Guo J, Makriyannis A, Linares-Otoya L, Böhringer N, Wuisan ZG, Kaur H, Wu R, Mateus A, Typas A, Savitski MM, Espinoza JL, O'Rourke A, Nelson KE, Hiller S, Noinaj N, Schäberle TF, D'Onofrio A, Lewis K

    Nature   576 ( 7787 )   459 - 464   2019.11

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1791-1



    Other Link: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1791-1

  • Evaluation of the influence of sprinkling powdered slaked lime on microorganisms for the prevention of domestic animal infectious diseases. Reviewed

    Mori M, Sakagami Y, Hamazaki Y, Jojima T

    Environmental technology   40 ( 23 )   3094 - 3104   2019.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Taylor and Francis Ltd.  

    When infectious diseases arise in domestic animals, a large amount of slaked lime is sprinkled on cattle sheds and their surroundings for disinfection and prevention. However, optimal sprinkling methods, standard and upper limit of slaked lime, and influence of slaked lime on non-target microorganisms remain unclear. In this study, we clarified detailed microbicidal effects of slaked lime via in vitro experiments and the influence of sprinkling powdered slaked lime (PSL) in field soil on microorganisms. In vitro disinfection tests assessing the appropriate amount of water and ventilation conditions were also performed in sterilized glass bottles with soil and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium. Under conditions with a small amount of water relative to the amount of PSL, the bactericidal effect and sustainability of powdered slaked lime (PSL) tended to be lower than those without spraying water. Moreover, the sterilization effect markedly decreased after 7 days under conditions with abundant water. These results indicate that the amount of sprayed water is very important for the bactericidal effect and persistence of PSL. A field experiment showed that the pH and exchange calcium (Ca) content of the soil sprinkled with over 1000 g m−2 PSL remained high even after a long period (≥1 year), with values of approximately 0.5–1.0 and approximately 3–11 times the level without PSL, respectively. However, sprinkling PSL did not influence viable microbial counts at any concentration.

    DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2018.1465128




  • Comparative ecotoxicity of imidacloprid and dinotefuran to aquatic insects in rice mesocosms Reviewed

    Koji Kobashi, Takaaki Harada, Yoshihiro Adachi, Miho Mori, Makoto Ihara, Daisuke Hayasaka


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    There are growing concerns about the impacts of neonicotinoid insecticides on ecosystems worldwide, and yet ecotoxicity of many of these chemicals at community or ecosystem levels have not been evaluated under realistic conditions. In this study, effects of two neonicotinoid insecticides, imidacloprid and dinotefuran, on aquatic insect assemblages were evaluated in experimental rice mesocosms. During the 5-month period of the rice-growing season, residual concentrations of imidacloprid were 5-10 times higher than those of dinotefuran in both soil and water. Imidadoprid treatment (10 kg/ha) reduced significantly the populations of Crocothemis servilia inariannae and Lyriothemis pachygastra nymphs, whereas those of Orthetrwn afbistylum speciosum increased slightly throughout the experimental period. However, Notonecta uiguttata, which numbers were high from the start, later declined, indicating possible delayed chronic toxicity, while Guignotus japonicus disappeared. In contrast, dinotefuran (10 kg/ha) did not decrease the populations of any species, but rather increased the abundance of some insects, particularly Chironominae spp. larvae and C. servllia mariannoe nymphs, with the latter being 1.7x higher than those of controls. This was an indirect effect resulting from increased prey (e.g., chironomid larvae) and lack of competition with other dragonfly species. The susceptibilities of dragonfly nymphs to neonicotinoids, particularly irnidadoprid, were consistent with those reported elsewhere. In general, imidacloprid had higher impacts on aquatic insects compared to dinotefuran.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.12.025

    Web of Science



  • Bacterial and Fungal Counts of Dried and Semi-Dried Foods Collected from Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Their Reduction Methods Reviewed

    Farahnaaz Feroz, Hiromi Shimizu, Terumi Nishioka, Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    BIOCONTROL SCIENCE   21 ( 4 )   243 - 251   2016.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN  

    Food is a basic necessity for human survival, but it is still the vehicle for the transmission of food borne disease. Various studies have examined the roles of spices, herbs, nuts, and semidried fruits, making the need for safe and convenient methods of decontamination a necessity. The current study determined the bacterial and fungal loads of 26 spices and herbs, 5 nuts, 10 semi-dried fruits and 5 other foods. Spices, herbs and semi-dried foods demonstrated the highest bacterial and fungal loads with the majority showing over 10(4) CFU/mL. Nuts and other foods showed growths ranging from 10(2) to 10(6) CFU/mL. The current study also attempted to determine the effects of heat and plasma treatment. The log reduction of bacterial growth after heat treatment (maximum: 120 min for 60 degrees C) was between 0.08 to 4.47, and the log reduction after plasma treatment (maximum: 40 min) ranged from 2.37 to 5.75. Spices showed the lowest rates of reduction, whereas the semi-dried and other foods showed moderate to high levels of decrease after heat treatment. The log reduction of fungal growth after heat treatment ranged from 0.27 to 4.40, and log reduction after plasma treatment ranged from 2.15 to 5.91. Furthermore, we validated the sterilization effect of plasma treatment against Bacillus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. by using scanning electron microscopy. Both treatment methods could prove to be advantageous in the agriculture related fields, enhancing the quality of the foods.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.21.243

    Web of Science



  • Bacterial and Fungal Loads in Raw Sea Foods, Fruits and Vegetables collected from Dhaka, Bangladesh and the Effect of Heat on its Growth. Reviewed

    Farahnaaz Feroz, Hiromi Shimizu, Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology   33 ( 1-2 )   23 - 28   2016.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Draft genome sequence of the basidiomycetous fungus Flammulina velutipes TR19 Reviewed

    Atsushi Kurata, Yasuhisa Fukuta, Miho Mori, Noriaki Kishimoto, Norifumi Shirasaka

    Genome Announcements   4 ( 3 )   2016.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Society for Microbiology  

    Here, we report the draft genome sequence of Flammulina velutipes TR19, which was newly isolated from commercial strains in Japan. The genes related to fruiting body formation in the basidiomycete were identified by whole-genome analysis.

    DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00505-16




  • A new carotenoid, 9Z,9 ' Z-tetrahydroastaxanthin, from the sea cucumber Plesiocolochirus minutus Reviewed

    Takashi Maoka, Syu Nakachi, Ryouhei Kobayashi, Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    TETRAHEDRON LETTERS   56 ( 43 )   5954 - 5955   2015.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    A new minor carotenoid (1) was isolated from the sea cucumber Plesiocolochirus minutus along with beta-carotene, echinenone, canthaxanthin, adonirubin, astaxanthin, and cucumariaxanthin A. The structure of 1 was determined to be 9Z,9'Z-(3R,SS,6S,3'R,5'S,6'S)-3,3'-dihydroxy-5,6,5',6'-tetrahydro-beta,beta-carotene4,4'-dione based on chemical and spectroscopic data. This compound was named 9Z,9'Z-tetrahydroastaxanthin. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2015.09.060

    Web of Science



  • Bioremediation of Bisphenol-A Polluted Soil by Sphingomonas bisphenolicum AO1 and the Microbial Community Existing in the Soil Reviewed

    Yoshinobu Matsumura, Ayako Akahira-Moriya, Miho Sasaki-Mori

    BIOCONTROL SCIENCE   20 ( 1 )   35 - 42   2015.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN  

    Bisphenol A (BPA, 2,2'-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane) is an artificial pollutant that is easily detected in soil and water environments. BPA decomposition and removal from the environment is relatively difficult due to its stability. This study evaluated the BPA decomposition and removal activities of the microbial community existing in the soil with or without Sphingomonas bisphenolicum AO1, and revealed the toxic effects of BPA towards the microbial community. The microbial community in soil was able to degrade BPA at 1.0 mg.g(-1) soil or lower, although its degradation was slow. On the other hand, BPA at more than 10 mg.g(-1) soil was not only degraded by the microbial community but also decreased its diversity, suggesting that BPA is harmful to many microorganisms. PCR-TTGE analysis and the cloned 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that Sphingomonadales, Xanthomonadales, Burkholderiales and Pseudomonadales in the microbial community might independently or cooperatively degrade BPA. On the other hand, supplementation with strain AO1 was able to significantly improve the BPA decomposition activity of the microbial community in soil even at 10 mg BPA.g(-1) soil, although BPA at 100 mg.g(-1) soil overwhelmed the BPA decomposition activity of strain AO1. Furthermore, it was also concluded that strain AO1 could not inhabit BPA purified soil after decomposition of BPA by strain AO1 and the soil microbial community, suggesting that the application of strain AO1 could be a low-burden method for the decomposition and removal of BPA from the natural environment.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.20.35

    Web of Science



  • Metabolic engineering for improved production of ethanol by Corynebacterium glutamicum Reviewed

    Toru Jojima, Ryoji Noburyu, Miho Sasaki, Takahisa Tajima, Masako Suda, Hideaki Yukawa, Masayuki Inui

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   99 ( 3 )   1165 - 1172   2015.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum harboring genes for pyruvate decarboxylase (pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (adhB) can produce ethanol under oxygen deprivation. We investigated the effects of elevating the expression levels of glycolytic genes, as well as pdc and adhB, on ethanol production. Overexpression of four glycolytic genes (pgi, pfkA, gapA, and pyk) in C. glutamicum significantly increased the rate of ethanol production. Overexpression of tpi, encoding triosephosphate isomerase, further enhanced productivity. Elevated expression of pdc and adhB increased ethanol yield, but not the rate of production. Fed-batch fermentation using an optimized strain resulted in ethanol production of 119 g/L from 245 g/L glucose with a yield of 95 % of the theoretical maximum. Further metabolic engineering, including integration of the genes for xylose and arabinose metabolism, enabled consumption of glucose, xylose, and arabinose, and ethanol production (83 g/L) at a yield of 90 %. This study demonstrated that C. glutamicum has significant potential for the production of cellulosic ethanol.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-014-6223-4

    Web of Science



  • Characterization of Microorganisms Isolated from the Black Dirt of Toilet Bowls and Componential Analysis of the Black Dirt Reviewed

    Miho Mori, Yusuke Nagata, Kazuma Niizeki, Mitsuhiro Gomi, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    BIOCONTROL SCIENCE   19 ( 4 )   173 - 179   2014.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN  

    We have previously conducted a microflora analysis and examined the biofilm-forming activity of bacteria isolated from toilet bowl biofilms. In the present investigation, to reveal the strain involved in the formation of black dirt in toilet bowls, we performed a microflora analysis of the bacteria and fungi isolated from the black dirt of toilet bowls at ten homes. Among samples from different isolation sites and sampling seasons, although a similar tendency was not seen in bacterial microflora, Exophiala sp was detected in the fungal microflora from all samples of black dirt except for one, and constituted the major presence. By scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of the formed black dirt, SEM image at X 1,000 and X 5,000 magnification showed objects like hyphae and many bacteria adhering to them, respectively. Micro fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (micro FT-IR) and SEM with X-ray microanalysis (SEM-XMA) were used to investigate the components of black dirt. IR spectra of micro-FT-IA showed typical absorptions associated with amide compounds and protein, and the elements such as C, N, 0, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, and Ba were detected with SEM-XMA. These results showed that black dirt had living body ingredients. Furthermore, Exophiala sp. and Cladosporium sp. strains, which were observed at a high frequency, accumulated 2-hydroxyjuglone (2-HJ) and flaviolin as one of the intermediates in the melanin biosynthetic pathway by the addition of a melanin synthesis inhibitor (tricyclazole) at the time of cultivation. These results suggested strongly that the pigment of black dirt in toilet bowls was melanin produced by Exophiala sp. and Cladosporium sp. strains.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.19.173

    Web of Science



  • Biofilm-Forming Activity of Bacteria Isolated from Toilet Bowl Biofilms and the Bactericidal Activity of Disinfectants against The Isolates Reviewed

    Miho Mori, Mitsuhiro Gomi, Norihiko Matsumune, Kazuma Niizeki, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    BIOCONTROL SCIENCE   18 ( 3 )   129 - 135   2013.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN  

    To evaluate the sanitary conditions of toilets, the bacterial counts of the toilet bowl biofilms in 5 Kansai area and 11 Kansai and Kanto area homes in Japan were measured in winter and summer seasons, respectively. Isolates (128 strains) were identified by analyzing 16S ribosomal RNA sequences. The number of colonies and bacterial species from biofilms sampled in winter tended to be higher and lower, respectively, than those in summer. Moreover, the composition of bacterial communities in summer and winter samples differed considerably. In summer samples, biofilms in Kansai and Kanto areas were dominated by Blastomonas sp. and Mycobacterium sp., respectively. Methylobacterium sp. was detected in all toilet bowl biofilms except for one sample. Methylobacterium sp. constituted the major presence in biofilms along with Brevundimonas sp., Sphingomonas sp., and/or Pseudomonas sp. The composition ratio of the sum of their genera was 88.0 from 42.9% of the total bacterial flora. The biofilm formation abilities of 128 isolates were investigated, and results suggested that Methylobacterium sp. and Sphingomonas sp. were involved in biofilm formation in toilet bowls. The biofilm formation of a mixed bacteria system that included bacteria with the highest biofilm-forming ability in a winter sample was greater than mixture without such bacteria. This result suggests that isolates possessing a high biofilm-forming activity are involved in the biofilm formation in the actual toilet bowl. A bactericidal test against 25 strains indicated that the bactericidal activities of didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) tended to be higher than those of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) and N-benzyl-N,N-dimethyldodecylammonium chloride (ADBAC). In particular, DDAC showed high bactericidal activity against approximately 90% of tested strains under the 5 h treatment.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.18.129

    Web of Science



  • Synergistic Bactericidal Effects of a Sublethal Concentration of Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) and Low Concentrations of Nonionic Surfactants against Staphylococcus aureus Reviewed

    Mitsuhiro Gomi, Yukihiko Osaki, Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    BIOCONTROL SCIENCE   17 ( 4 )   175 - 181   2012.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN  

    DDAC is an effective disinfectant used in the medical and food industries and the environmental field. However, skin irritation in humans occurs at high DDAC concentrations. In this study, we analyzed the combined effect of a low concentration (0.3 ppm) of DDAC and low concentrations (6, 8, and 10 ppm) of 37 products of nonionic surfactants on the bactericidal activity against S. aureus. No bactericidal activity was found at 0.3 ppm DDAC alone. Results showed that a combination of a low concentration of DDAC (0.3 ppm) and some nonionic surfactants tested (synergistic effect of five products >= 2.0) improved the bactericidal activity of DDAC. Synergistic effects of DDAC and some nonionic surfactants are desirable and were suggested to occur as follows. Test surfactants acted against the cell walls of S. aureus, which allowed DDAC to act easily on the lipid double membrane in the cell wall, thereby increasing the bactericidal activity of DDAC. In the present study, synergistic effects of a low concentration of DDAC and some nonionic surfactants were observed, a phenomenon that may be considerable value in future developments.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.17.175

    Web of Science



  • Identification of Carotenoids in the Freshwater Shellfish Unio douglasiae nipponensis, Anodonta lauta, Cipangopaludina chinensis laeta, and Semisulcospira libertina Reviewed

    Takashi Maoka, Junko Ochi, Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE   61 ( 2 )   69 - 74   2012.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:JAPAN OIL CHEMISTS SOC  

    The biochemical properties of carotenoids from 2 species of freshwater bivalve, namely, (Unio douglasiae nipponensis and Anodonta lauta, and 2 species of freshwater snail, namely, Cipangopaludina chinensis laeta and Semisulcospira libertina, were investigated. Diatoxanthin and fucoxanthin were identified as major carotenoids in both bivalves. In contrast, lutein and zeaxanthin were found to be the major carotenoids in C. chinensis beta. In addition, a series of keto carotenoids was also identified in S. libertina.

    DOI: 10.5650/jos.61.69

    Web of Science



  • Carotenoids in Marine Invertebrates Living along the Kuroshio Current Coast Reviewed

    Takashi Maoka, Naoshige Akimoto, Miyuki Tsushima, Sadao Komemushi, Takuma Mezaki, Fumihito Iwase, Yoshimitsu Takahashi, Naomi Sameshima, Miho Mori, Yoshikazu Sakagami

    MARINE DRUGS   9 ( 8 )   1419 - 1427   2011.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:MDPI AG  

    Carotenoids of the corals Acropora japonica, A. secale, and A. hyacinthus, the tridacnid clam Tridacna squamosa, the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci, and the small sea snail Drupella fragum were investigated. The corals and the tridacnid clam are filter feeders and are associated with symbiotic zooxanthellae. Peridinin and pyrrhoxanthin, which originated from symbiotic zooxanthellae, were found to be major carotenoids in corals and the tridacnid clam. The crown-of-thorns starfish and the sea snail D. fragum are carnivorous and mainly feed on corals. Peridinin-3-acyl esters were major carotenoids in the sea snail D. fragum. On the other hand, ketocarotenoids such as 7,8-didehydroastaxanthin and astaxanthin were major carotenoids in the crown-of-thorns starfish. Carotenoids found in these marine animals closely reflected not only their metabolism but also their food chains.

    DOI: 10.3390/md9081419

    Web of Science



  • Identification of mannose uptake and catabolism genes in Corynebacterium glutamicum and genetic engineering for simultaneous utilization of mannose and glucose Reviewed

    Miho Sasaki, Haruhiko Teramoto, Masayuki Inui, Hideaki Yukawa

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   89 ( 6 )   1905 - 1916   2011.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Here, focus is on Corynebacterium glutamicum mannose metabolic genes with the aim to improve this industrially important microorganism's ability to ferment mannose present in mixed sugar substrates. cgR_0857 encodes C. glutamicum's protein with 36% amino acid sequence identity to mannose 6-phosphate isomerase encoded by manA of Escherichia coli. Its deletion mutant did not grow on mannose and exhibited noticeably reduced growth on glucose as sole carbon sources. In effect, C. glutamicum manA is not only essential for growth on mannose but also important in glucose metabolism. A double deletion mutant of genes encoding glucose and fructose permeases (ptsG and ptsF, respectively) of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) was not able to grow on mannose unlike the respective single deletion mutants with mannose utilization ability. A mutant deficient in ptsH, a general PTS gene, did not utilize mannose. These indicate that the glucose-PTS and fructose-PTS are responsible for mannose uptake in C. glutamicum. When cultured with a glucose and mannose mixture, mannose utilization of manA-overexpressing strain CRM1 was significantly higher than that of its wild-type counterpart, but with a strong preference for glucose. ptsF-overexpressing strain CRM2 co-utilized mannose and glucose, but at a total sugar consumption rate much lower than that of the wild-type strain and CRM1. Strain CRM3 overexpressing both manA and ptsF efficiently co-utilized mannose and glucose. Under oxygen-deprived conditions, high volumetric productivity of organic acids concomitant with the simultaneous consumption of the mixed sugars was achieved by the densely packed growth-arrested CRM3 cells.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-010-3002-8

    Web of Science



  • Research on the Antibacterial Activity of Silver Compounds against Some Bacteria Living in theToilet Environment Reviewed

    坂上吉一, 袋瀬直晃, 森美穂, 五味満裕, 大崎幸彦, 懸橋里枝, 山村伸吾

    防菌防黴学会誌   39 ( 1 )   3 - 11   2011.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books



  • Antibacterial Efficacy and Mechanisms of the Bactericidal Activity of HM-242, a New Antiseptic against Staphylococcus aureus Reviewed

    奥西淳二, 西村公志, 高田輝, 山口羽衣子, 森美穂, 前田四郎, 前田拓也, 西原力, 米虫節夫, 坂上吉一

    防菌防黴学会誌   38 ( 8 )   501 - 508   2010.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books



  • Xylitol production by recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum under oxygen deprivation Reviewed

    Miho Sasaki, Toru Jojima, Masayuki Inui, Hideaki Yukawa

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   86 ( 4 )   1057 - 1066   2010.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Wild-type Corynebacterium glutamicum produced 0.6 g l(-1) xylitol from xylose at a productivity of 0.01 g l(-1) h(-1) under oxygen deprivation. To increase this productivity, the pentose transporter gene (araE) from C. glutamicum ATCC31831 was integrated into the C. glutamicum R chromosome. Consequent disruption of its lactate dehydrogenase gene (ldhA), and expression of single-site mutant xylose reductase from Candida tenuis (CtXR (K274R)) resulted in recombinant C. glutamicum strain CtXR4 that produced 26.5 g l(-1) xylitol at 3.1 g l(-1) h(-1). To eliminate possible formation of toxic intracellular xylitol phosphate, genes encoding xylulokinase (XylB) and phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent fructose phosphotransferase (PTS(fru)) were disrupted to yield strain CtXR7. The productivity of strain CtXR7 increased 1.6-fold over that of strain CtXR4. A fed-batch 21-h CtXR7 culture in mineral salts medium under oxygen deprivation yielded 166 g l(-1) xylitol at 7.9 g l(-1) h(-1), representing the highest bacterial xylitol productivity reported to date.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-009-2372-2

    Web of Science



  • Isolation and Characterization of Novel Bisphenol - A-Degrading Bacteria from Soils Reviewed

    Yoshinobu Matsumura, Chiemi Hosokawa, Miho Sasaki-Mori, Ayako Akahira, Kenji Fukunaga, Toshihiko Ikeuchi, Ko-Ichi Oshiman, Tetsuaki Tsuchido

    BIOCONTROL SCIENCE   14 ( 4 )   161 - 169   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC ANTIBACTERIAL & ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS, JAPAN  

    One hundred and seven soil samples were collected from various places In Japan, and their bisphenol-A (BPA, 2,2-bis(4-Hydroxyphenyl)propane) degradative capacities were evaluated. Eighty-five soil samples possessed BPA degradative capacities, and 26 bacterial strains could be isolated as BPA-degrading bacterium. Sequence analysis of their 16S rRNA genes indicated that 22 isolates belonged to proteobacteria groups, and three of four Gram-positive bacterial strains, YA27, NO13, and NO15, were classified as Bacilli. All isolates except strain YA27 completely degraded 115 mu g/mL BPA in L medium but strain YA27 degraded only 50 mu g/mL BPA. Strain YA27 and three Sphingomonas sp. strains could also grow In basal salt media containing BPA as a sole carbon source (BSMB medium). In HPLC analyses, some isolates, including the three Sphingomonas strains, produced some BPA metabolites in their cultures although the others, Including strain YA27, produced no detectable metabolite. Furthermore, the Pseudomonas strains SU1 and SU4 produced some BPA metabolites that were different from the metabolites detected in the degradation of BPA by the S. bisphenolicum strain AO1. These results suggested that all Isolates could be applicable to the bioremediation of BPA-polluted soil and water. Furthermore, we suggest that Bacillus sp. YA27 and Pseudomonas SU1 and SU4 may exhibit novel BPA metabolism pathways that are distinct from that of S. bisphenolicum AO1.

    DOI: 10.4265/bio.14.161

    Web of Science



  • Engineering of pentose transport in Corynebacterium glutamicum to improve simultaneous utilization of mixed sugars Reviewed

    Miho Sasaki, Toru Jojima, Hideo Kawaguchi, Masayuki Inui, Hideaki Yukawa

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   85 ( 1 )   105 - 115   2009.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Corynebacterium glutamicum strains CRA1 and CRX2 are able to grow on l-arabinose and d-xylose, respectively, as sole carbon sources. Nevertheless, they exhibit the major shortcoming that their sugar consumption appreciably declines at lower concentrations of these substrates. To address this, the C. glutamicum ATCC31831 l-arabinose transporter gene, araE, was independently integrated into both strains. Unlike its parental strain, resultant CRA1-araE was able to aerobically grow at low (3.6 g center dot l(-1)) l-arabinose concentrations. Interestingly, strain CRX2-araE grew 2.9-fold faster than parental CRX2 at low (3.6 g center dot l(-1)) d-xylose concentrations. The corresponding substrate consumption rates of CRA1-araE and CRX2-araE under oxygen-deprived conditions were 2.8- and 2.7-fold, respectively, higher than those of their respective parental strains. Moreover, CRA1-araE and CRX2-araE utilized their respective substrates simultaneously with d-glucose under both aerobic and oxygen-deprived conditions. Based on these observations, a platform strain, ACX-araE, for C. glutamicum-based mixed sugar utilization was designed. It harbored araBAD for l-arabinose metabolism, xylAB for d-xylose metabolism, d-cellobiose permease-encoding bglF (317A) , beta-glucosidase-encoding bglA and araE in its chromosomal DNA. In mineral medium containing a sugar mixture of d-glucose, d-xylose, l-arabinose, and d-cellobiose under oxygen-deprived conditions, strain ACX-araE simultaneously and completely consumed all sugars.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-009-2065-x

    Web of Science



  • Identification and Functional Analysis of the Gene Cluster for L-Arabinose Utilization in Corynebacterium glutamicum Reviewed

    Hideo Kawaguchi, Miho Sasaki, Alain A. Vertes, Masayuki Inui, Hideaki Yukawa

    APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY   75 ( 11 )   3419 - 3429   2009.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 31831 grew on L-arabinose as the sole carbon source at a specific growth rate that was twice that on D-glucose. The gene cluster responsible for L-arabinose utilization comprised a six-cistron transcriptional unit with a total length of 7.8 kb. Three L-arabinose-catabolizing genes, araA (encoding L-arabinose isomerase), araB (L-ribulokinase), and araD (L-ribulose-5-phosphate4-epimerase), comprised the araBDA operon, upstream of which three other genes, araR (LacI-type transcriptional regulator), araE (L-arabinose transporter), and galM ( putative aldose 1-epimerase), were present in the opposite direction. Inactivation of the araA, araB, or araD gene eliminated growth on L-arabinose, and each of the gene products was functionally homologous to its Escherichia coli counterpart. Moreover, compared to the wild-type strain, an araE disruptant exhibited a > 80% decrease in the growth rate at a lower concentration of L-arabinose (3.6 g liter(-1)) but not at a higher concentration of L-arabinose ( 40 g liter(-1)). The expression of the araBDA operon and the araE gene was L-arabinose inducible and negatively regulated by the transcriptional regulator AraR. Disruption of araR eliminated the repression in the absence of L-arabinose. Expression of the regulon was not repressed by D-glucose, and simultaneous utilization of L-arabinose and D-glucose was observed in aerobically growing wild-type and araR deletion mutant cells. The regulatory mechanism of the L-arabinose regulon is, therefore, distinct from the carbon catabolite repression mechanism in other bacteria.

    DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02912-08

    Web of Science



  • Simultaneous utilization of D-cellobiose, D-glucose, and D-xylose by recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum under oxygen-deprived conditions Reviewed

    Miho Sasaki, Toru Jojima, Masayuki Inui, Hideaki Yukawa

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   81 ( 4 )   691 - 699   2008.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Corynebacterium glutamicum R was metabolically engineered to broaden its sugar utilization range to D-xylose and D-cellobiose contained in lignocellulose hydrolysates. The resultant recombinants expressed Escherichia coli xylA and xylB genes, encoding D-xylose isomerase and xylulokinase, respectively, for D-xylose utilization and expressed C. glutamicum R bglF(317A) and bglA genes, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) beta-glucoside-specific enzyme IIBCA component and phospho-beta-glucosidase, respectively, for D-cellobiose utilization. The genes were fused to the non-essential genomic regions distributed around the C. glutamicum R chromosome and were under the control of their respective constitutive promoter trc and tac that permitted their expression even in the presence of D-glucose. The enzyme activities of resulting recombinants increased with the increase in the number of respective integrated genes. Maximal sugar utilization was realized with strain X5C1 harboring five xylA-xylB clusters and one bglF(317A)-bglA cluster. In both D-cellobiose and D-xylose utilization, the sugar consumption rates by genomic DNA-integrated strain were faster than those by plasmid-bearing strain, respectively. In mineral medium containing 40 g l(-1) D-glucose, 20 g l(-1) D-xylose, and 10 g l(-1) D-cellobiose, strain X5C1 simultaneously and completely consumed these sugars within 12 h and produced predominantly lactic and succinic acids under growth-arrested conditions.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-008-1703-z

    Web of Science



  • Molecular cloning and characterization of cytochrome P450 and ferredoxin genes involved in bisphenol A degradation in Sphingomonas bisphenolicum strain AO1 Reviewed

    M. Sasaki, T. Tsuchido, Y. Matsumura

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY   105 ( 4 )   1158 - 1169   2008.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Aims: To clone and characterize the genes bisdA and bisdB, encoding Ferredoxin(bisd) (Fd(bisd)) and cytochrome P450(bisd) (P450(bisd)), respectively, from the bisphenol A (BPA) degrading Sphingomonas bisphenolicum strain AO1.
    Methods and Results: The 3.7 kb region containing bisdA and bisdB was cloned by genome walking and colony hybridization. The deduced N-terminal amino acid sequences of bisdA and bisdB were consistent with those of Fd(bisd) and P450(bisd) proteins characterized in our previous report. Two transposase genes, tnpA1 and tnpA2, were also located upstream and downstream of bisdAB. From amino acid sequence analysis, P450(bisd) has two conserved regions corresponding to the oxygen and heme binding regions of the bacterial cytochrome P450 family. Fd(bisd) was similar to putidaredoxin-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins. Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells bearing bisdB- and bisdAB-recombinant pET19b were able to degrade BPA. A spontaneous mutant, strain AO1L, which was unable to degrade BPA, was isolated from the stock culture, and it was confirmed that strain AO1L had no bisdAB region.
    Conclusions: P450(bisd) monooxygenase sytem, encoded by bisdAB, is one system required for BPA hydroxylation in S. bisphenolicum strain AO1.
    Significance and Impact of the Study: Our results indicate that bisdAB are key genes for BPA degradation in S. bisphenolicum strain AO1.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2008.03843.x

    Web of Science


  • Engineering of an L-arabinose metabolic pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum Reviewed

    Hideo Kawaguchi, Miho Sasaki, Alain A. Vertes, Masayuki Inui, Hideaki Yukawa

    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY   77 ( 5 )   1053 - 1062   2008.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    Corynebacterium glutamicum was metabolically engineered to broaden its substrate utilization range to include the pentose sugar L-arabinose, a product of the degradation of lignocellulosic biomass. The resultant CRA1 recombinant strain expressed the Escherichia coli genes araA, araB, and araD encoding L-arabinose isomerase, L-ribulokinase, and L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase, respectively, under the control of a constitutive promoter. Unlike the wild-type strain, CRA1 was able to grow on mineral salts medium containing L-arabinose as the sole carbon and energy source. The three cloned genes were expressed to the same levels whether cells were cultured in the presence of D-glucose or L-arabinose. Under oxygen deprivation and with L-arabinose as the sole carbon and energy source, strain CRA1 carbon flow was redirected to produce up to 40, 37, and 11%, respectively, of the theoretical yields of succinic, lactic, and acetic acids. Using a sugar mixture containing 5% D-glucose and 1% L-arabinose under oxygen deprivation, CRA1 cells metabolized L-arabinose at a constant rate, resulting in combined organic acids yield based on the amount of sugar mixture consumed after D-glucose depletion (83%) that was comparable to that before D-glucose depletion (89%). Strain CRA1 is, therefore, able to utilize L-arabinose as a substrate for organic acid production even in the presence of D-glucose.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00253-007-1244-x

    Web of Science



  • Purification of cytochrome P450 and ferredoxin, involved in bisphenol A degradation, from Sphingomonas sp strain AO1 Reviewed

    M Sasaki, A Akahira, KI Oshiman, T Tsuchido, Y Matsumura

    APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY   71 ( 12 )   8024 - 8030   2005.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY  

    In a previous study (M. Sasaki, J. Maki, K. Oshiman, Y. Matsumura, and T. Tsuchido, Biodegradation 16:449-459, 2005), the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system was shown to be involved in bisphenol A (BPA) degradation by Sphingomonas sp. strain AO1. In the present investigation, we purified the components of this monooxygenase, cytochrome P450 (P450(bisd)), ferredoxin (Fd(bisd)), and ferredoxin reductase (Red(bisd)). We demonstrated that P450(bisd) and Fd(bisd) are homodimeric proteins with molecular masses of 102.3 and 19.1 kDa, respectively, by gel filtration chromatography analysis. Spectroscopic analysis of Fd(bisd) revealed the presence of a putidaredoxin-type [2Fe-2S] cluster. P450(bisd), in the presence of Fd(bisd), Red(bisd), and NADH, was able to convert BPA. The K-m and k(cat) values for BPA degradation were 85 +/- 4.7 mu M and 3.9 +/- 0.04 min(-1), respectively. NADPH, spinach ferredoxin, and spinach ferredoxin reductase resulted in weak monooxygenase activity. These results indicated that the electron transport system of P450(bisd) might exhibit strict specificity. Two BPA degradation products of the P450(bisd) system were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis and were thought to be 1,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-propanol and 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol based on mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry analysis. This is the first report demonstrating that the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system in bacteria is involved in BPA degradation.

    DOI: 10.1128/AEM.71.12.8024-8030.2005

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  • Biodegradation of bisphenol A by cells and cell lysate from Sphingomonas sp strain AO1 Reviewed

    M Sasaki, J Maki, K Oshiman, Y Matsumura, T Tsuchido

    BIODEGRADATION   16 ( 5 )   449 - 459   2005.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SPRINGER  

    The capacity and pathway of bisphenol A [BPA; 2,2- bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane] degradation in Sphingomonas sp. strain AO1, which was isolated from the soil of a vegetable-growing field in Japan, were investigated. The bacterial strain was able to grow in a basal mineral salt medium containing BPA as the sole carbon source ( BSMB medium), and was able to degrade 115 mug ml(-1) BPA in 6 h in L medium. Several BPA metabolites were detected in the culture supernatant by HPLC and then identified by GC-MS and LC-MS-MS. These compounds were confirmed to be the same as those reported for other BPA-degrading bacteria. BPA degradation by cells in the basal mineral salt medium was induced by BPA, and activity was detected only in the intracellular soluble fraction in the presence of coenzymes, such as NADH, NAD+, NADPH or NADP+. The addition of metyrapone, a cytochrome P450 inhibitor, to BSMB medium resulted in a decrease in BPA degradation and cell growth. The BPA-degradation activity of the intracellular soluble fraction was also inhibited by the cytochrome P450 inhibitor. Carbon monoxide difference spectra indicated that cytochrome P450 was present in the cells and that the amount of cytochrome P450 corresponded to the cellular BPA-degradation activity. Our results provide evidence that the cytochrome P450 system is involved in BPA metabolism in Sphingomonas sp. strain AO1.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10532-004-5023-4

    Web of Science



  • Purification and characterization of a Bacillus subtilis 168 nuclease, YokF, involved in chromosomal DNA degradation and cell death caused by thermal shock treatments Reviewed

    JJ Sakamoto, M Sasaki, T Tsuchido

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY   276 ( 50 )   47046 - 47051   2001.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC  

    We purified and characterized a 39-kDa Bacillus subtilis 168 nuclease that has been suggested in this laboratory to be involved in chromosomal DNA degradation induced by lethal heat and cold shock treatments in vivo. The nuclease activity was inhibited in vitro by aurintricalboxylic acid but not by Zn2+. By the mutant analysis, we identified the 39-kDa nuclease as a product of yokF gene. The yokF gene contained a putative lipoprotein signal peptide motif. After in vivo exposure to lethal heat and cold stresses, the chromosomal DNA fragmentation was reduced in the yokF mutant, which demonstrated about a 2-10-fold higher survival rate than the wild type. The yokF mutant was found to be more sensitive to mitomycin C than the wild type. The transformation efficiency of the yokF mutant was about 10 times higher than that of the wild type. It is suggested that when B. subtilis cells are exposed to a stressful thermal shock resulting in membrane perturbation, YokF nuclease consequently dislocates into the cytoplasm and then attacks DNA.

    DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M106205200

    Web of Science


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    Grant amount:\4290000 ( Direct Cost: \3300000 、 Indirect Cost:\990000 )



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