2024/03/30 更新


ナカシマ サトル
中嶋 悟
環境都市工学部 特別任用教授


  • フランス国家理学博士 ( フランス国立オルレアン大学 )

  • 理学修士 ( 東京大学 大学院 理学系研究科 )


  • 自然科学一般 / 生物物理、化学物理、ソフトマターの物理  / 地球と生命の物理化学

  • 自然科学一般 / 生物物理、化学物理、ソフトマターの物理  / 可視・蛍光・ラマン・近赤外・赤外分光学

  • 自然科学一般 / 宇宙惑星科学

  • 自然科学一般 / 固体地球科学

  • 自然科学一般 / 地球生命科学  / 生命の起源と進化

  • ライフサイエンス / 植物栄養学、土壌学  / 植物の葉,果実等の熟成劣化過程

  • 環境・農学 / 環境動態解析  / 地球資源環境学



  • フランス国立オルレアン大学   自然科学研究科 国家理学博士課程

    1981年9月 - 1984年12月


    国名: フランス共和国


  • 東京大学   大学院理学系研究科大学院博士課程   地質学専攻

    1980年 - 1981年9月


    国名: 日本国


  • 東京大学   大学院理学系研究科大学院修士課程   地質学専攻

    1978年4月 - 1980年3月


    国名: 日本国


  • 東京大学   理学部   地学科

    1974年4月 - 1978年3月


    国名: 日本国



  • 関西大学   環境都市工学部   特任教授   大阪大学 名誉教授

    2020年4月 - 現在




  • 大阪大学   大学院理学研究科   教授

    2005年1月 - 2020年3月





  • 東京工業大学   大学院理工学研究科   教授

    1999年3月 - 2004年12月





  • 北海道大学   大学院理学研究科   教授

    1997年4月 - 1999年3月





  • 東京大学   大学院理学系研究科   助教授

    1992年8月 - 1997年3月





  • 秋田大学   鉱山学部 資源地学研究施設   助教授

    1991年4月 - 1992年7月




  • 日本原子力研究所   環境安全研究部   研究員

    1985年4月 - 1991年3月


  • フランス国立オルレアン大学   理学部 地球科学科   客員助手

    1984年1月 - 1984年6月




  • フランス国立科学研究院 (CNRS)   鉱物の合成と化学の研究所 (CRSCM)   フランス政府給費留学生

    1981年10月 - 1984年12月








  • 地球惑星科学関連学会合同大会   プログラム委員長  






  • 日本鉱物学会   評議員  

    1998年 - 2000年   





  • 資源地質学会   編集委員  

    1998年 - 2000年   






  • Gas Cell Infrared and Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopic Studies for Organic–Inorganic Interactions in Adsorption of Fulvic Acid on the Goethite Surface Generating Carbon Dioxide

    Yuki Nakaya, Satoru Nakashima, Takahiro Otsuka

    Applied Spectroscopy   75 ( 9 )   1114 - 1123   2021年9月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE Publications  

    The generation of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) from Nordic fulvic acid (FA) solution in the presence of goethite (α-FeOOH) was observed in FA–goethite interaction experiments at 25–80 ℃. CO<sub>2</sub> generation processes observed by gas cell infrared (IR) spectroscopy indicated two steps: the zeroth order slower CO<sub>2</sub> generation from FA solution commonly occurring in the heating experiments of the FA in the presence and absence of goethite (activation energy: 16–19 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>), and the first order faster CO<sub>2</sub> generation from FA solution with goethite (activation energy: 14 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>). This CO<sub>2</sub> generation from FA is possibly related to redox reactions between FA and goethite. In situ attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopic measurements indicated rapid increases with time in IR bands due to COOH and COO<sup>–</sup> of FA on the goethite surface. These are considered to be due to adsorption of FA on the goethite surface possibly driven by electrostatic attraction between the positively charged goethite surface and negatively charged deprotonated carboxylates (COO<sup>–</sup>) in FA. Changes in concentration of the FA adsorbed on the goethite surface were well reproduced by the second order reaction model giving an activation energy around 13 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>. This process was faster than the CO<sub>2</sub> generation and was not its rate-determining step. The CO<sub>2</sub> generation from FA solution with goethite is faster than the experimental thermal decoloration of stable structures of Nordic FA in our previous report possibly due to partial degradations of redox-sensitive labile structures in FA.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702821991219


    その他リンク: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full-xml/10.1177/0003702821991219

  • 相対湿度制御下での赤外分光法による高木スギ葉横断面への水吸着

    東 若菜, 中嶋 悟, 山北 絵理, 太田 民久

    日本森林学会大会発表データベース   132   413   2021年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本森林学会  

    葉の貯水性は高木における梢端への水輸送の困難さを補償し、組織の解剖特性や生理特性に加え、生体分子や水の物理化学特性が複雑に関与している。そこで、葉において水分子がどのように吸着されるか、生体分子と水との相互作用に基づいて理解することを目的とし、スギの梢端(52 m)および樹冠下部(19 m)の葉の横断面切片を、相対湿度(RH)制御下において、顕微赤外分光法で測定した。OH吸収帯面積(葉の含水量と相関するスペクトル領域)は、どのRHでも常に梢端が樹冠下部より大きかった。この梢端葉の高い水分吸着性は移入組織の表面積が大きいことに起因し、ペクチンのCa架橋構造の水分吸着への効果は小さいと考えられた。OH吸収帯を4つのガウス型成分で近似したところ、RHの増加とともに、長い水素結合(自由水:3550 cm<sup>-1</sup>)および短い水素結合(結合水:3200 cm<sup>-1</sup>)の成分が、梢端と樹冠下部で同様に吸着された。一方、自由水の吸収帯面積は、どのRHでも常に梢端が樹冠下部よりも大きかった。スギの葉の横断面上において、自由水は多糖類の疎水性CH基の表面に緩く吸着され、結合水は多糖構造の薄層にきつく保持される可能性が示唆された。

    DOI: 10.11519/jfsc.132.0_413


  • Effect of Water Saturation on the Electrical Conductivity of Microporous Silica Glass

    Ryosuke Umezawa, Makoto Katsura, Satoru Nakashima

    Transport in Porous Media   138 ( 1 )   225 - 243   2021年5月


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11242-021-01601-6


    その他リンク: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11242-021-01601-6/fulltext.html

  • Water retention capabilities of collagen, gelatin and peptide as studied by IR/QCM/RH system. 査読 国際誌

    Sachie Kudo, Satoru Nakashima

    Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy   241   118619 - 118619   2020年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    In this study, water retention properties of triple helix collagen, gelatin (separated single chains) and peptide (broken peptide fragments) were studied by using IR micro-spectroscopy equipped with a relative humidity (RH) control system and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). Adsorbed water ratios (wt%) are found to be in the order of collagen, gelatin and peptide (at about RH = 60%, 22 wt% for collagen, 14 wt% for gelatin and 9 wt% for peptide). Free water molecules with longer H bonds are the major adsorbed water species for collagen, gelatin and peptide. IR band shifts and changes in normalized band areas of functional groups are generally larger for collagen than gelatin and peptide, indicating larger interactions of water molecules with functional groups such as aliphatic CH2, CH3, amides, COO- and C-O for collagen. Relations between normalized band areas show that water molecules are interacting with aliphatic CH species and C-O bonds of collagen. Since the fibril structures of collagen triple helices are reported to be cross-linked by sugars, water molecules can be attracted to polar C-O bonds of sugars linking collagen triple helices in fibrils and they are interacting with adjacent aliphatic CH side chains on the surface of fibrils.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118619



  • Molecular evolution during hydrothermal reactions from formaldehyde and ammonia simulating aqueous alteration in meteorite parent bodies 査読

    Yoko Kebukawa, Satoru Nakashima, Hajime Mita, Yasuji Muramatsu, Kensei Kobayashi

    ICARUS   347   2020年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Simple molecules such as formaldehyde and ammonia were expected to be incorporated into small bodies with water ice in the early accretion history. These molecules would have reacted to produce various organic compounds during aqueous alteration which most of the primitive carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies have experienced. Our previous hydrothermal experiments involving formaldehyde and ammonia have already shown formations of amino acids and organic solids that resemble to macmmolecular organic matter in primitive meteorites. Here we focus on the characterization in liquid phases with various analytical methods including high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), in addition to kinetic analyses of the reactions using in-situ FTIR spectroscopy with a heatable liquid cell.The HRMS results showed that soluble fractions contain various carbohydrates (CHO molecules) and these with nitrogen (CHON molecules). The mass defect plots of the reaction products suggested the reactions involving CH2O addition, CH2 addition, dehydration and decarboxylation. C=C and C=N bonds increased with temperature by condensation reactions. Behaviors of oxygen-bearing functional groups showed high complexity. In general, carboxyl/ester/aldehyde compounds formed at the early stage of the reactions, then some of these decomposed by decarboxylation. N-XANES indicated the presence of amide-bearing compounds that could be precursors of amino acids.The in-situ FTIR spectra showed that formaldehyde and ammonia reacted and formed hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) before starting the heating experiments at room temperature. Kinetic analyses showed that the apparent activation energy of decreases in HMT is similar to 130-140 kJ mo1(-1). The decrease in HMT is faster than the other reactions, indicating that the reactions involving HMT occurred at the early stage of the aqueous alteration. The kinetics of the ammonia-aldehyde system suggested that the reactions involving formaldehyde, ammonia and HMT are efficient for aqueous alteration in parent bodies of CI, CM, and CR chondrites.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113827

    Web of Science



  • Water Adsorption to Leaves of Tall Cryptomeria japonica Tree Analyzed by Infrared Spectroscopy under Relative Humidity Control. 査読 国際誌

    Wakana A Azuma, Satoru Nakashima, Eri Yamakita, Tamihisa Ohta

    Plants (Basel, Switzerland)   9 ( 9 )   2020年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Leaf water storage is a complex interaction between live tissue properties (anatomy and physiology) and physicochemical properties of biomolecules and water. How leaves adsorb water molecules based on interactions between biomolecules and water, including hydrogen bonding, challenges our understanding of hydraulic acclimation in tall trees where leaves are exposed to more water stress. Here, we used infrared (IR) microspectroscopy with changing relative humidity (RH) on leaves of tall Cryptomeria japonica trees. OH band areas correlating with water content were larger for treetop (52 m) than for lower-crown (19 m) leaves, regardless of relative humidity (RH). This high water adsorption in treetop leaves was not explained by polysaccharides such as Ca-bridged pectin, but could be attributed to the greater cross-sectional area of the transfusion tissue. In both treetop and lower-crown leaves, the band areas of long (free water: around 3550 cm-1) and short (bound water: around 3200 cm-1) hydrogen bonding OH components showed similar increases with increasing RH, while the band area of free water was larger at the treetop leaves regardless of RH. Free water molecules with longer H bonds were considered to be adsorbed loosely to hydrophobic CH surfaces of polysaccharides in the leaf-cross sections.

    DOI: 10.3390/plants9091107



  • Interactions of Glycerol, Diglycerol, and Water Studied Using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Akari Habuka, Takeshi Yamada, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   74 ( 7 )   767 - 779   2020年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC  

    In order to examine the mixing properties of glycerol-water and diglycerol-water solutions, these solutions were measured using attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy. The absorbance spectra corrected for 1 mu m thickness were subtracted by pure polyols for obtaining water spectra, and by pure water for polyol spectra. Both asymmetric and symmetric CH2 stretching vibration bands (around 2940, 2885 cm(-1)) shifted about 10 cm(-1) to lower wavenumber side (redshifts) with increasing polyol concentrations, especially at higher concentrations. Redshifts of C-O-H rocking bands (around 1335 cm(-1)) with increasing polyol concentrations are slightly larger for diglycerol-water (10 > 6 cm(-1)) than glycerol-water solutions. C-O stretching bands of CHOH groups (1125 and 1112 cm(-1)) shift slightly but in opposite sides for glycerol and diglycerol at highest polyol concentrations (90-100 wt%). These shifts of CH2 stretching, COH rocking, and CO stretching of CHOH at higher polyol concentrations suggest interactions of outer CH2 with inner CHOH groups of surrounding polyols. The normalized band area changes with polyol concentrations could be fitted by quadratic polynomials possibly due to mixtures of different interactions between water-water, polyol-water, and polyol-polyol molecules. The OH stretching band for diglycerol 90 wt% shows three humps indicating at least three OH components: long, medium, and short H bond water molecules. Short H bond water molecules are the major component possibly between inner CHOH and outer side CH2OH groups, while the long H component might loosely bind to outer CH2OH groups.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702820919530

    Web of Science



  • Three dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of typical Japanese soil powders 査読 国際誌

    Yuki Nakaya, Satoru Nakashima, Mihoko Moriizumi, Masahiro Oguchi, Shinsuke Kashiwagi, Nobuyuki Naka



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Front face fluorescence spectroscopy of typical Japanese soil powders (soil A: Typic Hapludand; soil H: Typic Hydraquent; soil Y: Typic Paleudult) has been conducted. Three dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectra of the 100 wt% soils showed similar fluorescence patterns to each other. The fluorescence patterns were similar between the soil samples and their residues after extraction by NaOH solution for 60 min. In order to examine fluorescence extinction from a view point of whiteness of the soils, the soil powders were mixed with white and black diluents (Al2O3 and Fe3O4) and fluorescence spectra of the mixtures were measured at 450 nm excitation. At low levels of dilution with Al2O3 (2-100 wt% of A: 50-100 wt% of H and Y), the fluorescence intensities increased with dilution. At high levels of dilution with Al2O3, the fluorescence intensities decreased with dilution. On the other hand, fluorescent intensities decreased by dilution with Fe3O4. These results suggested inner filter effect-like fluorescence extinction by (1) large amount of blackish organic compounds giving high total carbon value and (2) blackish non-fluorescent mineral compounds. In order to correct the fluorescence intensities of the mixtures containing the sample soils and the diluents, we preliminary applied a correction method based on the Kubelka-Munk theory using diffuse reflectance. The corrected fluorescence intensities of samples with white diluents (Al2O3) were described by a simple fluorescence response model having saturation values. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118188

    Web of Science




  • Changes in IR band areas and band shifts during water adsorption to lecithin and ceramide 査読 国際誌

    Sachie Kudo, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Adsorption of water to a phospholipid (lecithin) and a ceramide were studied by IR microspectroscopy equipped with a humidity control system and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The water weight ratios increase up to 12.2 wt% for lecithin and 1.2 wt% for ceramide at RH similar to 80%, with linear correlations with infrared OH (+NH) band areas. For lecithin, the 1230 cm(-1) band (PO2-) and the 1735 cm(-1) band (C=O) shift to lower wavenumbers, while the 1060 cm(-1) band (PO2-, P-O-C) shift to higher wavenumber with RH. Band areas of phosphates (1230 and 1060 cm(-1)) increase with RH showing positive relations with the band area of bound water. Bound water molecules with shorter H bonds might be bound to these phosphate groups. Band areas of aliphatic CHs are negatively correlated with the increasing adsorption of free water. Free water molecules with longer H bonds might interact loosely with aliphatic chains of lecithin. For ceramide, only the 1045 cm-1 band (C-O) shows a small red shift at higher RHs than 60%, indicating adsorption of bound water to C-O bonds. Amounts of water molecules adsorbed to ceramide are very limited due to few adsorption of free water. (c) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2019.117779

    Web of Science




  • Combined Microspectroscopic Characterization of a Red-Colored Granite Rock Sample 査読 国際誌

    Katsuya Okada, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   73 ( 7 )   781 - 793   2019年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC  

    Combined microspectroscopic mapping have been conducted on a red-colored Tenzan granite sample by using an original visible-fluorescence-Raman microspectrometer together with a low vacuum scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) without coating. Visible darkfield reflectance spectra were converted to L*a*b* color values and Kubelka-Munk (KM) spectra. Large a* value (red) positions correspond to large band areas at 500-560 nm, possibly due to hematite-like iron oxide, while large b* value (yellow) positions to large band areas at 450-500 nm, due to epidote-like mineral. Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometry analyses indicated that the reddish parts are Na and K-feldspars with low Fe contents (<0.5 wt%). Raman microspectroscopy could not detect hematite-like minerals. Since some hematite-like minerals were only identified by transmission electron microscope, they are considered to be submicron microcrystals disseminated in feldspar matrices. The KM spectra for prehnite-like minerals show a weak broad band around 430 nm due possibly to a ligand field band of Fe3+ without clear Fe2+-Fe3+ inter-valence charge transfer (IVCT) bands around 720 nm. Therefore, Fe in prehnite is not considered to be present as hematite-like iron oxide, but can be mainly present as Fe3+ replacing Al3+ in the crystal structure. Since determination of physicochemical states of Fe such as valence and coordination states (Fe2+ or Fe3+, oxide or in crystal lattice, etc.) and their distributions are extremely difficult, especially in complex colored materials such as rocks, the combined microspectroscopic methods are useful for their nondestructive characterization.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702818823555

    Web of Science



  • Water adsorption with relative humidity changes for keratin and collagen as studied by infrared (IR) micro-spectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Sachie Kudo, Satoru Nakashima

    SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY   25 ( 3 )   258 - 269   2019年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    Background Natures and amounts of water retained at the surface of stratum corneum (SC) of human skins, affecting skin health and penetration of chemical components, remain unclear. Methods A keratin film, a main component of human SC surface, was measured by IR micro-spectroscopy combined with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and a relative humidity (RH) control system. Results Water contents increased with RH up to about 19 wt% and were correlated linearly with the OH + NH band areas in IR spectra of the keratin film. The OH + NH band areas for the triple helix collagen film are about twice as large as those for the keratin film (double helix). The free water component increases with RH by keeping the bound water component minor for the keratin film. About twice of water retention capacity of the collagen film can be due to increasing adsorption of free water, interacting possibly with hydrophobic aliphatic CH surfaces. Conclusion The present results suggest relatively low water contents less than about 19 wt% of outermost SC layers of human skin composed mostly of keratin exposed to ambient RH conditions. The triple helix collagen can be used as an effective moisturizing agent.

    DOI: 10.1111/srt.12641

    Web of Science




  • Evaluation of kinetic competition among formation and degradation processes of dissolved humic-like substances based on hydrothermal reactions measured by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy 査読

    Yuki Nakaya, Satoru Nakashima, Takahiro Otsuka

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   53 ( 6 )   407 - 414   2019年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:GEOCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

    Hydrothermal decolorization (color loss) of Nordic fulvic and humic acid solutions at 80-180 degrees C for 0-600 hours was traced by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. These changes were considered to be due to degradation of humic-like chemical structure and represented by decreases in absorbance at 254 nm (UV254). The temperature dependence of their apparent rate constants obtained by the first order reaction model was well described by the Arrhenius equation giving activation energies of 87.6 and 101 kJ mol(-1) for degradation of fulvic and humic acids, respectively. The degradation rates of humic substances were slower than the formation rates of humic-like substances by the Maillard-type browning reaction, suggesting that humic-like substances can be preserved in the aquatic environments, where their formation (browning) and degradation (decolorization) processes are occurring together. By extrapolation to 15 degrees C of the Arrhenius equation, 99-1980 years of time scales for these processes were estimated. A time scale of changes in UV254 in natural aquatic environments estimated by kinetic analyses on Ago Bay bottom sediments (18 years) were closer to the formation time scales of humic-like substances.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0575

    Web of Science


  • 非蒸着・低真空SEM-EDSと顕微ラマン分光を用いたコケと石灰岩の境界部分の解析

    山北 絵理, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   2019   467   2019年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2019.0_467


  • Geochemistry and the Origin of Life: From Extraterrestrial Processes, Chemical Evolution on Earth, Fossilized Life's Records, to Natures of the Extant Life 査読 国際誌

    Satoru Nakashima, Yoko Kebukawa, Norio Kitadai, Motoko Igisu, Natsuki Matsuoka

    LIFE-BASEL   8 ( 4 )   2018年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MDPI  

    In 2001, the first author (S.N.) led the publication of a book entitled "Geochemistry and the origin of life" in collaboration with Dr. Andre Brack aiming to figure out geo- and astro-chemical processes essential for the emergence of life. Since then, a great number of research progress has been achieved in the relevant topics from our group and others, ranging from the extraterrestrial inputs of life's building blocks, the chemical evolution on Earth with the aid of mineral catalysts, to the fossilized records of ancient microorganisms. Here, in addition to summarizing these findings for the origin and early evolution of life, we propose a new hypothesis for the generation and co-evolution of photosynthesis with the redox and photochemical conditions on the Earth's surface. Besides these bottom-up approaches, we introduce an experimental study on the role of water molecules in the life's function, focusing on the transition from live, dormant, and dead states through dehydration/hydration. Further spectroscopic studies on the hydrogen bonding behaviors of water molecules in living cells will provide important clues to solve the complex nature of life.

    DOI: 10.3390/life8040039

    Web of Science




  • Hydrothermal Transformation of Inorganic and Biogenic Silica as Studied Using in Situ Hydrothermal Infrared Microspectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Naoto Morifuji, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   72 ( 10 )   1487 - 1497   2018年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC  

    Infrared (IR) spectral changes with time of biogenic and inorganic silica have been examined using in situ IR micro-spectroscopy by using an original hydrothermal diamond cell. Centric diatoms (diameters = 100-350 mu m) and silica gels (C-300, Wako Chemicals) were heated at 125-185 degrees C range with a pressure of 3 MPa. Decreases of 950 cm(-1) (Si-OH) peak heights could be fitted by a combination of exponential and linear decreases (y = A(1) exp (-k(1)t)-k(0) t+A(0)). The first-order rate constants k(1) [s(-1)] for Si-OH decreases of diatoms and silica gels are similar but the activation energy was lower for diatoms (61 kJ.mol(-1) < 106 kJ.mol(-1)). The first-order rate constants k(1) [s(-1)] for Si-OH decreases of diatoms and silica gels are much faster than reported hydrothermal transformation rates of silica (Opal A to Opal CT and Opal CT to quartz). These results indicate that the exponential Si-OH decreases observed in biogenic and inorganic silica during hydrothermal reactions are considered to correspond to dehydration-condensation reactions in the amorphous states (Si-OH+HO-Si -> Si-O-Si). In fact, band area ratios 1220 cm(-1)/1120 cm(-1) increased exponentially indicating more bridging of Si-O-Si. On the other hand, the linear decreases of Si-OH of silica gels (k(0) [s(-1)]) were considered to be due to dissolution of silica. By using the grain size and density of silica gels, the zero-order dissolution rate constants k(0)* [mol.m(-2).s(-1)] were calculated from k(0) [s(-1)]. The obtained dissolution rates k(0)* are larger than reported values for silica glass and quartz. The zero-order dissolution rates k(0) [s(-1)] for diatoms are similar to those for silica gels but with a lower activation energy (32 kJ.mol(-1) < 60 kJ.mol(-1)). The smaller activation energy values for diatoms than silica gels both for the first and zero-order decrease rates of Si-OH might indicate catalytic effects of organic components bound to biogenic silica for the dehydration-condensation reaction and dissolution. The present in situ hydrothermal IR micro-spectroscopy is useful for characterizing transformation of amorphous materials including inorganic-organic composites.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702818771817

    Web of Science




  • Spectroscopic Study of Effects of Goethite Surfaces on the Simulated Maillard Reaction Forming Humic-like Substances 査読

    Yuki Nakaya, Katsuya Okada, Yudai Ikuno, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SURFACE SCI SOC JAPAN  

    Progress of the simulated Maillard reaction for 0.1 mol L-1 glycine and ribose mixture solution at 80 degrees C for 0-7 days forming humic-like substances in the presence/absence of goethite was examined by ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy. 254 nm and 420 nm absorption intensities for the product solutions with goethite increased faster than for those without goethite, indicating enhancement of the reaction progress in the presence of goethite in several days at 80 degrees C. Adsorption onto goethite of reactants of the reaction were directly monitored by attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy with thin layers of goethite on the ATR crystal (ZnSe). IR spectral changes with time for the reactant solution (0.1 mol L-1 glycine and ribose mixture solution) on the goethite layer suggested fast adsorption within a few hours at room temperature of oxygenated components of glycine onto positively charged goethite surface. In situ heating ATR-IR kinetic measurements of humic-goethite interfaces will be useful for examining mechanisms of surface processes leading to reaction enhancement.

    DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2018.411

    Web of Science



  • Water Retention of Calcium-Containing Pectin Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Infrared Spectroscopy with a Humidity Control System 査読 国際誌

    Eri Yamakita, Satoru Nakashima

    JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY   66 ( 35 )   9344 - 9352   2018年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    To examine differences of water-retention mechanisms between pectins with and without Ca2+, quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and infrared microspectroscopy combined with a humidity-control system were used to analyze differences in amounts and species of adsorbed water to pectins without and with Ca2+. QCM analysis shows that water contents are similar to 2-3 times larger for the pectin film with Ca2+ than that without Ca2+. The difference IR spectra suggest that long, medium, and short H-bond water molecules (free, medium, and bound water) are adsorbed to the pectin film without Ca2+. IR peak shifts of C=O of COOH and C-OH suggest that these water molecules are hydrogen-bonded to C=O and C-OH groups. In addition to these water molecules, bulk water is adsorbed. IR OH band areas fitted by four Gaussian components show that bulk water is mainly adsorbed to the pectin film with Ca2+, possibly among skeletal chains of pectin bridged by Ca2+.

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b02413

    Web of Science




  • Electrical Conductivity at Surfaces of Silica Nanoparticles with Adsorbed Water at Various Relative Humidities 査読

    Ryosuke Umezawa, Makoto Katsura, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SURFACE SCI SOC JAPAN  

    Electrical conductivity of silica nanoparticles deposited on electrodes from colloidal suspension were measured under controlled relative humidity (RH). The electrical conductivity values at 1 kHz increased with increasing RH. Amounts of water adsorbed on silica nanoparticles were measured by quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and they also increased with increasing RH. An empirical power law relation was observed between the reported surface conductivity and RH data for a silica glass. By applying this relation to the silica nanoparticles, the water film thicknesses are estimated to be from 0.08 nm to 0.23 nm. The corresponding specific surface area (SSA) becomes smaller (102 m(2) g(-1)) than the reported value (215 m(2) g(-1)), indicating aggregation of the nanoparticles. In fact, aggregated rod-like structures were observed under electron and laser scanning microscopy. The electrical conduction of deposited silica nanoparticles under various RH can be understood by surface conduction in thin water films adsorbed on the nanoparticles.

    DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2018.376

    Web of Science



  • Nondestructive Spectroscopic Tracing of Simulated Formation Processes of Humic-Like Substances Based on the Maillard Reaction 査読 国際誌

    Yuki Nakaya, Satoru Nakashima, Mihoko Moriizumi

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   72 ( 8 )   1189 - 1198   2018年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC  

    The formation processes of humic-like substances have been simulated by heating a glycine and ribose mixed solution (0.1 molL(-1)) at 80 degrees C using the Maillard reaction. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), three-dimensional excitation emission spectroscopy and size exclusion liquid chromatography succeeded in quantitatively tracing increases of the products during the heating of glycine and ribose mixed solution (0.1 molL(-1)). Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopic analyses suggested that a band area around 280 nm (UV280) and 254 nm absorbance (UV254) can be used as measures of the formation of furfural-like intermediates and humic-like products, respectively. They were monitored using in situ UV-Vis spectroscopy with the original heatable liquid cell at 60-80 degrees C. Kinetic analyses of the obtained data gave activation energies of 91.4-96.6 kJ mol(-1). These nondestructive measurements by an in situ spectroscopic method did not require any additional procedures including drying or extracting the solution and they can be effectively used for direct tracing of the reaction progress and/or decomposition.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702818775737

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  • Changes of aliphatic C-H bonds in cyanobacteria during experimental thermal maturation in the presence or absence of silica as evaluated by FTIR microspectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Motoko Igisu, Tadashi Yokoyama, Yuichiro Ueno, Satoru Nakashima, Mie Shimojima, Hiroyuki Ohta, Shigenori Maruyama

    GEOBIOLOGY   16 ( 4 )   412 - 428   2018年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    Aliphatic C-H bonds are one of the major organic signatures detected in Proterozoic organic microfossils, and their origin is a topic of interest. To investigate the influence of the presence of silica on the thermal alteration of aliphatic C-H bonds in prokaryotic cells during diagenesis, cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 were heated at temperatures of 250-450 degrees C. Changes in the infrared (IR) signals were monitored by micro-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Micro-FTIR shows that absorbances at 2,925cm(-1) band (aliphatic CH2) and 2,960cm(-1) band (aliphatic CH3) decrease during heating, indicating loss of the C-H bonds, which was delayed by the presence of silica. A theoretical approach using solid-state kinetics indicates that the most probable process for the aliphatic C-H decrease is three-dimensional diffusion of alteration products under both non-embedded and silica-embedded conditions. The extrapolation of the experimental results obtained at 250-450 degrees C to lower temperatures implies that the rate constant for CH3 (k(CH3)) is similar to or lower than that for CH2 (k(CH2); i.e., CH3 decreases at a similar rate or more slowly than CH2). The peak height ratio of 2,960cm(-1) band (CH3)/2,925cm(-1) band (CH2; R-3/2 values) either increased or remained constant during the heating. These results reveal that the presence of silica does affect the decreasing rate of the aliphatic C-H bonds in cyanobacteria during thermal maturation, but that it does not significantly decrease the R-3/2 values. Meanwhile, studies of microfossils suggest that the R-3/2 values of Proterozoic prokaryotic fossils from the Bitter Springs Group and Gunflint Formation have decreased during fossilization, which is inconsistent with the prediction from our experimental results that R-3/2 values did not decrease after silicification. Some process other than thermal degradation, possibly preservation of specific classes of biomolecules with low R-3/2 values, might have occurred during fossilization.

    DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12294

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  • Infrared spectroscopic tracing of hydration/dehydration processes of dry yeast cells 査読

    Natsuki Matsuoka, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:IEEE  

    Hydration/dehydration processes of dry yeast cells have been monitored by infrared micro-spectroscopy under controlled relative humidity and temperature. Changes in IR absorption bands of water, amides (proteins) and lipids were analyzed during increasing/decreasing RH at 35 degrees C and during heating at 60 degrees C. While water and protein followed RH conditions at 35 degrees C, they show exponential decreases with similar rate constants at 60 degrees C.

    Web of Science


  • Water retained in tall Cryptomeria japonica leaves as studied by infrared micro-spectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Wakana Azuma, Satoru Nakashima, Eri Yamakita, H. Roaki Ishii, Keiko Kuroda

    TREE PHYSIOLOGY   37 ( 10 )   1367 - 1378   2017年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OXFORD UNIV PRESS  

    Recent studies in the tallest tree species suggest that physiological and anatomical traits of tree-top leaves are adapted to water-limited conditions. In order to examine water retention mechanism of leaves in a tall tree, infrared (IR) micro-spectroscopy was conducted on mature leaf cross-sections of tall Cryptomeria japonica D. Don from four different heights (51, 43, 31 and 19 m). We measured IR transmission spectra and mainly analyzed OH (3700-3000 cm(-1)) and C-O (1190-845 cm(-1)) absorption bands, indicating water molecules and sugar groups, respectively. The changes in IR spectra of leaf sections from different heights were compared with bulk-leaf hydraulics. Both average OH band area of the leaf sections and leaf water content were larger in the upper-crown, while osmotic potential at saturation did not vary with height, suggesting higher dissolved sugar contents of upper-crown leaves. As cell-wall is the main cellular structure of leaves, we inferred that larger average C-O band area of upper-crown leaves reflected higher content of structural polysaccharides such as cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Infrared micro-spectroscopic imaging showed that the OH and C-O band areas are large in the vascular bundle, transfusion tissue and epidermis. Infrared spectra of individual tissue showed that much more water is retained in vascular bundle and transfusion tissue than mesophyll. These results demonstrate that IR micro-spectroscopy is a powerful tool for visualizing detailed, quantitative information on the spatial distribution of chemical substances within plant tissues, which cannot be done using conventional methods like histochemical staining. The OH band could be well reproduced by four Gaussian OH components around 3530 (free water: long H bond), 3410 (pectin-like OH species), 3310 (cellulose-like OH species) and 3210 (bound water: short H bond) cm(-1), and all of these OH components were higher in the upper crown while their relative proportions did not vary with height. Based on the spectral analyses, we inferred that polysaccharides play a key role in biomolecular retention of water in leaves of tall C. japonica.

    DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpx085

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  • Adsorption of Water to Collagen as Studied Using Infrared (IR) Microspectroscopy Combined with Relative Humidity Control System and Quartz Crystal Microbalance 査読 国際誌

    Sachie Kudo, Hiromi Ogawa, Eri Yamakita, Shio Watanabe, Toshiyuki Suzuki, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   71 ( 7 )   1621 - 1632   2017年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC  

    Infrared (IR) microspectroscopy combined with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) together with an original relative humidity (RH) control system has been developed for studying water adsorption on a collagen film. The adsorbed water weights measured by QCM are almost similar for wetting and drying processes at 28 degrees C, indicating that the collagen film is close to the water adsorption/desorption equilibria. A broad OH+NH stretching band area (3000-3700 cm(-1)) in the IR spectra of the collagen film increased linearly with the adsorbed weight until about 1.2 mu g/8.0 mu g dry collagen film at relative humidity (RH) = 40%, while at higher RH (60%, 80%), the band area deviates from the linear trend to the lower side, due to viscoelasticity and others. The OH+NH band can be simulated by four Gaussian components at 3440, 3330, 3210, and 3070 cm(-1) with the relatively constant band areas of 3330 and 3070 cm(-1) components due to amide A and B (NH) for increasing and decreasing RH. Bound water (3210 cm(-1) component: short H bond) constitutes around 70% of total water (3440+3210 cm(-1) band areas) at RH = 4.9% but decreases to 23% at RH = 80.3%, where free water (3440 cm(-1) component: long H bond) becomes dominant over 70%. The peak shifts of C=O stretching (Amide I) and N-H bending (Amide II) can be understood by increasing hydrogen bonding of water molecules (bound water) bound to peptides at lower RH. The higher wavenumber shifts of CH stretching can be due to the loose binding of water molecules (free water) to aliphatic chains on the collagen surface, especially at higher RH. The present combined QCM-IR method is useful for studying amounts and natures of water adsorbing on biomolecules.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702817693855

    Web of Science




  • Glycine Polymerization on Oxide Minerals 査読 国際誌

    Norio Kitadai, Hiroyuki Oonishi, Koichiro Umemoto, Tomohiro Usui, Keisuke Fukushi, Satoru Nakashima

    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES   47 ( 2 )   123 - 143   2017年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    It has long been suggested that mineral surfaces played an important role in peptide bond formation on the primitive Earth. However, it remains unclear which mineral species was key to the prebiotic processes. This is because great discrepancies exist among the reported catalytic efficiencies of minerals for amino acid polymerizations, owing to mutually different experimental conditions. This study examined polymerization of glycine (Gly) on nine oxide minerals (amorphous silica, quartz, alpha-alumina and gamma-alumina, anatase, rutile, hematite, magnetite, and forsterite) using identical preparation, heating, and analytical procedures. Results showed that a rutile surface is the most effective site for Gly polymerization in terms of both amounts and lengths of Gly polymers synthesized. The catalytic efficiency decreased as rutile > anatase > gamma-alumina > forsterite > alpha- alumina > magnetite > hematite > quartz > amorphous silica. Based on reported molecular-level information for adsorption of Gly on these minerals, polymerization activation was inferred to have arisen from deprotonation of the NH3 (+) group of adsorbed Gly to the nucleophilic NH2 group, and from withdrawal of electron density from the carboxyl carbon to the surface metal ions. The orientation of adsorbed Gly on minerals is also a factor influencing the Gly reactivity. The examination of Gly-mineral interactions under identical experimental conditions has enabled the direct comparison of various minerals' catalytic efficiencies and has made discussion of polymerization mechanisms and their relative influences possible Further systematic investigations using the approach reported herein (which are expected to be fruitful) combined with future microscopic surface analyses will elucidate the role of minerals in the process of abiotic peptide bond formation.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11084-016-9516-z

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  • 珪藻のシリカとタンパク質の埋没続成作用における変化の顕微赤外分光熱水その場観測による追跡

    森藤 直人, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   64   79 - 79   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本地球化学会  

    <p>珪藻内有機物とシリカの変化を調べるために,現生の珪藻の熱水条件での変化を,顕微赤外分光その場観測によって追跡し,速度論的解析を行った. 珪藻の赤外スペクトルの、タンパク質(アミド)に由来するピーク(1550cm-1)とSiOHに由来するピーク(950cm-1)の時間変化の解析を行ったところ、珪藻のアミド減少とSiOH減少の1次反応速度定数は126-175℃の範囲でほぼ同様の速度と温度依存性を示し,活性化エネルギーはそれぞれ66kJ/mol,56kJ/molとなった(図1).珪藻内アミドの減少は,純タンパク質のそれよりもはるかに遅く,珪藻内タンパク質の減少はシリカの構造変化に律速されており,タンパク質の加水分解や溶解が,シリカによって守られている可能性が示唆された.</p>

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.64.0_79


  • Electrical conductance of a sandstone partially saturated with varying concentrations of NaCl solutions 査読

    R. Umezawa, N. Nishiyama, M. Katsura, S. Nakashima

    Geophysical Journal International   209 ( 2 )   1287 - 1295   2017年



    © The Authors 2017. Electrical conductance G at 100 kHz of Berea sandstone initially saturated with varying NaCl concentrations was measured by an impedance meter at decreasing water saturation. The obtained conductance G values can be well simulated by the model equation composed of conductance of bulk pore water and that of mineral surfaces by introducing both tortuosities of bulk pore water τb and mineral surfaces τs. The surface conductivity s = 2.1 × 10−10 S and the tortuosity of mineral surfaces τs = 2.6 in this equation can be valid for most of the data at varying water saturation except for the lowest water saturation (Sw = 0.05). The tortuosity of pore water τb increased from 1.7 at Sw = 1.0 to 15 at Sw = 0.05 with a power law relationship. The present electrical conduction model with double tortuosities of bulk pore water τb and mineral surfaces τs can be considered as an alternative expression of the combined Archie’s first and second laws in terms of tortuosities and would be useful for describing conductance of electrolyte containing partially saturated rocks including very low water saturation.

    DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx092



  • SEM/EDSを用いたコケ植物と岩石の相互作用の解析

    山北 絵理, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   64   255 - 255   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本地球化学会  

    <p> 火山噴火などによって植生が完全に失われた土壌の存在しない岩石上に、最初に遷移するのはコケ植物や地衣類である。これらの生物は、岩石上に水分を保持し岩石を風化させるが、コケ植物が岩石の風化に与える影響の詳細は明らかになっていない。本研究では、コケ植物が生息している石灰岩の鉱物組織と元素分布に着目しSEM/EDS観察を行った。SEM画像からコケなし部分は粒子サイズが3-10µm程度で、粒子サイズの分布が一様であったのに対し、コケあり部分では、上部は20µm程度の粒子が多く、下に向かうほど粒子サイズが細かくなる傾向が観察された。EDS解析からコケあり部分には、コケ植物が生育するために必要な栄養元素(鉄など)がコケなし部分よりも多いことが示唆された。</p>

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.64.0_255


  • 二次元相関分光法を活用した腐植物質生成模擬過程の分光学的追跡 査読

    中屋 佑紀, 中嶋 悟, 森泉 美穂子

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   64 ( 0 )   276 - 276   2017年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本地球化学会  

    <p>本研究では,グリシン・リボース混合水溶液(0.1 mol/l)のメイラード反応により生成した模擬腐植物質のバッチ加熱実験試料(80℃,0-168時間)を紫外可視分光法,三次元蛍光分光光度法,サイズ排除クロマトグラフィーにより測定し,それぞれのスペクトル,クロマトグラムの時間変化の相関を二次元相関分光法により解析した.また,独自の分光セルを用いた紫外可視その場分光観測(60, 65, 70, 75, 80℃,5分ごとに測定,計144時間)により,反応を速度論的に解析し,活性化エネルギーを見積もることができた.</p>

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.64.0_276


  • In Situ IR Transmission Spectroscopic Observation and Kinetic Analyses of Initial Stage of the Maillard Reaction as a Simulated Formation Process of Humic Substances 査読

    Yuki Nakaya, Satoru Nakashima

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   45 ( 10 )   1204 - 1206   2016年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

    The Maillard reaction is one of the dominant processes forming humic substances in natural waters affecting environmental pollution. In this study, we succeeded in quantitatively following decreases of starting materials (glycine and ribose) of the Maillard reaction by in situ infrared (IR) transmission spectroscopic observations with an original heatable liquid cell. The obtained kinetic parameters extrapolated to a typical Earth's surface aquatic environments (15 degrees C) indicate the half-life of around 2 years for the decrease of these components as the first step for the formation of humic substances.

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.160596

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  • Decrease of aliphatic CHs from diatoms by in situ heating infrared microspectroscopy 査読

    Leila Alipour, Satoru Nakashima

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   43 ( 8 )   3670 - 3676   2016年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    In situ heating IR microspectroscopy at 260-300 degrees C under air and N-2 conditions has been conducted on diatom frustules to examine aliphatic CH losses during heating, simulating their changes with burial-diagenesis. Assuming a reaction model made up of two first-order kinetic relations, reaction rate constants k(1) and k(2) and activation energies (E-a) were evaluated for aliphatic CHs. The rate constants for loss of aliphatic CHs of diatom frustules under air and N-2 flow are much larger, with much smaller activation energies (57-109 kJ/mol: air; 14-44 kJ/mol: N-2), than those for conventional hydrocarbon generation reactions from kerogens (170-370 kJ/mol) studied at higher temperatures (350-450 degrees C). The CH decrease rates are somewhat different from the amide I decrease (protein degradation) rates. The obtained results suggest that organic transformation reactions including degradation of aliphatic CHs inside the diatom silica frustules might be quite different from those of kerogens separated from the biological structures.

    DOI: 10.1002/2016GL068638

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  • Infrared Microspectroscopy of Bionanomaterials (Diatoms) with Careful Evaluation of Void Effects 査読 国際誌

    Leila Alipour, Mai Hamamoto, Satoru Nakashima, Rika Harui, Masanari Furiki, Osamu Oku

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   70 ( 3 )   427 - 442   2016年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC  

    In order to characterize a representative natural bionanomaterial, present day centric diatom samples (diameter, 175-310 mu m) have been analyzed and imaged by infrared (IR) micro-spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Because diatom silica frustules have complex microscopic morphology, including many void areas such as micro- or nano-pores, the effects of voids on the spectral band shapes were first evaluated. With increasing void area percentage, 1220cm(-1)/1070cm(-1) peak height ratio (Si-O polymerization index) increases and 950cm(-1)/800cm(-1) peak height ratio (Si-OH/Si-O-Si) decreases, both approaching 1. Based on the void area percentage of representative diatom samples determined using SEM image analyses (51.5% to 20.5%) and spectral simulation, the 1220cm(-1)/1070cm(-1) ratios of diatom samples are sometimes affected by the void effect, but the 950cm(-1)/800cm(-1) ratios can indicate real structural information of silica. This void effect should be carefully evaluated for IR micro-spectroscopy of micro-nano-porous materials. Maturity of diatom specimens may be evaluated from: (1) void area percentages determined by SEM; (2) average thicknesses determined by optical microscope; and (3) average values of 1220cm(-1)/1070cm(-1) peak height ratios (opposite trend to the void effect) determined by IR micro-spectroscopy. Microscopic heterogeneities of chemical structures of silica were obtained by IR micro-spectroscopic mapping of four representative diatoms. The 950cm(-1)/800cm(-1) ratios show that large regions of some diatoms consist of hydrated amorphous immature silica. The successful analysis of diatoms by IR micro-spectroscopic data with careful void effect evaluation may be applied to physicochemical structures of many other bionanomaterials.

    DOI: 10.1177/0003702815626665

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  • Transmission IR Micro-Spectroscopy of Interfacial Water between Colloidal Silica Particles 査読

    Mai Hamamoto, Makoto Katsura, Naoki Nishiyama, Ryota Tononue, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SURFACE SCI SOC JAPAN  

    Interfacial water among silica particles were measured on silica colloid suspensions (0-31.1 vol.%) by transmission infrared micro-spectroscopy. The difference absorption index k spectra from the pure water of silica colloid suspensions with varying volume fractions have residual components in the O-H stretching region: the 3060 cm(-1) component increased linearly with the silica volume fraction, while the 3620 cm(-1) component increased and the 3380 cm(-1) component decreased with much less linearity. The 3060 and 3620 cm(-1) components are considered to be characteristic to the surface silanol and interfacial water and affected by overlapping diffuse electrical double layers among silica particles.

    DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2015.301

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  • A Method to Obtain the Absorption Coefficient Spectrum of Single Grain Coal in the Aliphatic C-H Stretching Region Using Infrared Transflection Microspectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Ryota Tonoue, Makoto Katsura, Mai Hamamoto, Hiroki Bessho, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   68 ( 7 )   733 - 739   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY  

    A method was developed to obtain the absorption coefficient spectrum of a grain of coal (as small as 10(-7)) in the region of aliphatic and aromatic C-H stretching bands (2700-3200 cm(-1)) using infrared transflection microspectroscopy. In this method, the complex refractive index n - ik was determined using an optimization algorithm with the Kramers-Kronig transform so that the calculated transflection spectrum from the Fresnel equation corresponded to the measured one. The obtained absorption coefficients were compared with the bulk values determined from the potassium bromide (KBr) pellet measurement method.

    DOI: 10.1366/13-07063

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  • Darkfield Reflection Visible Microspectroscopy Equipped with a Color Mapping System of a Brown Altered Granite 査読 国際誌

    Chie Onga, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   68 ( 7 )   740 - 748   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY  

    Visible darkfield reflectance spectroscopy equipped with a color mapping system has been developed and applied to a brown-colored Rokko granite sample. Sample reflectance spectra converted to Kubelka-Munk (KM) spectra show similar features to goethite and lepidocrocite. Raman microspectroscopy on the granite sample surface confirms the presence of these minerals. Here, L"a*b* color values (second Commission Internationale d'Eclairage [CIELab] 1976 color space) were determined from the sample reflection spectra. Grey, yellow, and brown zones of the granite show different L*, a*, and b* values. In the a*-b* diagram, a" and b*values in the grey and brown zones are on the lepidocrocite/ferrihydrite trends, but their values in the brown zone are larger than those in the grey zone. The yellow zone shows data points close to the goethite trend. Iron (hydr)oxide-rich areas can be visualized by means of large a* and b* values in the L*, a*, and b* maps. Although the present method has some problems and limitations, the visible darkfield reflectance spectroscopy can be a useful method for colored-material characterization.

    DOI: 10.1366/13-07255

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  • Effects of Ions on the OH Stretching Band of Water as Revealed by ATR-IR Spectroscopy 査読

    Norio Kitadai, Takashi Sawai, Ryota Tonoue, Satoru Nakashima, Makoto Katsura, Keisuke Fukushi

    JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY   43 ( 6 )   1055 - 1077   2014年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS  

    The effects of various cations (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+) and anions (Cl-, Br-, I-, , , , and ) on the molar absorptivity of water in the OH stretching band region (2,600-3,800 cm(-1)) were ascertained from attenuated total reflection infrared spectra of aqueous electrolyte solutions (22 in all). The OH stretching band mainly changes linearly with ion concentrations up to 2 mol center dot L-1, but several specific combinations of cations and anions (Cs2SO4, Li2SO4, and MgSO4) present different trends. That deviation is attributed to ion pair formation and cooperativity in ion hydration, which indicates that the extent of the ion-water interaction reflected by the OH stretching band of water is beyond the first solvation shell of water molecules directly surrounding the ion. The obtained dataset was then correlated with several quantitative parameters representing structural and dynamic properties of water molecules around ions: Delta G (HB), the structural entropy (S (str)), the viscosity B-coefficient (B (eta) ), and the ionic B-coefficient of NMR relaxation (B (NMR)). Results show that modification of the OH stretching band of water caused by ions has quasi-linear relations with all of these parameters. Vibrational spectroscopy can be a useful means for evaluating ion-water interaction in aqueous solutions.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10953-014-0193-0

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  • FTIR microspectroscopy of Ediacaran phosphatized microfossils from the Doushantuo Formation, Weng'an, South China 査読

    Motoko Igisu, Tsuyoshi Komiya, Mika Kawashima, Satoru Nakashima, Yuichiro Ueno, Jian Han, Degan Shu, Yong Li, Junfeng Guo, Shigenori Maruyama, Ken Takai

    GONDWANA RESEARCH   25 ( 3 )   1120 - 1138   2014年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    Phosphatized microfossils from ca. 580 Ma from the Doushantuo Formation in the Weng'an region of South China were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FOR) microspectroscopy for their chemical characterization. Two morpho-types of phosphatized embryo-like fossils (Megasphaera and Megaclonophycus) were analyzed, together with algal fossils. Transmission IR spectra of the microfossils have absorption bands of around 2960 cm(-1) and 2925 cm(-1), indicating the presence of aliphatic hydrocarbon (anti-symmetric aliphatic CH3 and aliphatic CH2), and have an additional band of around 1595 cm(-1), probably derived from aromatic moieties (aromatic C=C). In addition, IR microscopic mapping shows that aliphatic hydrocarbon and aromatics are distributed inside the embryo-like fossils. The embryo-like fossils appear to show three types of CH3/CH2 peak height ratios (R-3/2) and aromatic C=C/CH2 peak height ratios (R-C=C/2 values): (1) high-R-3/2/low-R-C=C/2 type (R-3/2 = similar to 02-1.0 and R-C=C/2 similar to 0-2), (2) low-R-3/2/medium-R-C=C/2 type (R-3/2 = similar to 0.2-0.6 and R-C=C/2 = similar to 1-4); and (3) low-R-3/2/high-R-C=C/2 type (R-3/2 = similar to 02-0.6 and R-C=C/2 similar to 1-8). All three types are contained in both Megasphaera and Megaclonophycus. Raman spectra for the carbonaceous matter within the rock sample show a similar degree of thermal alteration, indicating that the organics were embedded in situ prior to thermal maturation. The IR spectroscopic differences might reflect differences in original organic compositions of microorganisms, and/or immediate post-mortem alteration. This suggests that the origins of phosphatized embryo-like fossils are more diverse than was previously recognized on the basis of their morphology. A comparison of R-3/2 and R-C=C/2 values in the embryo-like fossils with those of the algal fossils and the extant microorganisms indicates the possible interpretation that some of the embryo-like fossils belong to animal embryo, others are algae, but none of them originate from bacteria. (C) 2013 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2013.05.002

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  • Calcium Silicate hydrate formation rates during alkaline alteration of rocks as revealed by infrared spectroscopy 査読

    Satoru Nakashima, Hiroki Bessho, Ryota Tomizawa, Yusuke Kirino, Naoki Nishiyama, Ryota Tonoue, Tadashi Yokoyama, Hiroshi Sasamoto

    ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2014   2002 - 2009   2014年



    © 2014 by Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics. Cement grouting of rock fractures will be used to improve mechanical stability and reduce the groundwater inflow of underground construction sites such as high level radioactive waste (HLW) repository. Cementitous grouts will produce a high pH groundwater leading to the dissolution of primary minerals and the precipitation of secondary minerals such as calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-Hs). A new method using infrared (IR) spectroscopy was proposed here for chacraterizing formation processes of C-S-Hs during the simulated alkaline alteration experiments of granitic rocks. Conventional batch experiments were first conducted at 140 ° C with granite and SiO2 powders and Ca(OH)2 solutions. IR spectra on the experimental products showed rapid increases of absorbance around 965 cm-1 due to CSHs within 2 days at 140 °C. An in situ hydrothermal cell with a titanium cell and diamond windows, resistant to high-temperature, high-pressure and high-alkali conditions, was then constructed. This cell was combined with a microscopic Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer and the change in IR spectra with the reaction progress was measured sequentially with a short time interval (5 minutes). In the experiment, quartz, Ca(OH)2 powders (grains of 5-10 μm and 2-3 μm diameter), and water were placed in the cell and heated at temperatures of 100, 110, 120, 130 and 140°C and at a pressure of 3 MPa, and IR spectrum was measured at every 5 minutes. A peak around 790 cm1 due to Si-O-Si of quartz decreased gradually, while another peak around 970 cm1 due to Si-OH of C-S-H increased gradually within about 1000 minutes at 140oC. It was found that formed C-S-Hs did not consist of a single phase because the ratio of peak height at 910 cm1 to that at 970 cm1 changed with time. Temporal changes in each peak height were analyzed assuming that two types of C-S-Hs were formed, and temporal changes in peak at 970 cm1 for each phase were obtained. The obtained results can be used to evaluate formation rates of different C-S-H phases possibly with different Ca/Si ratios.



  • Color change rates of a rock (Oya tuff) by spectro-colorimetry 査読

    Chie Iguchi, Satoru Nakashima

    ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2014   1728 - 1734   2014年



    © 2014 by Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics. In order to evaluate degradation rates of rocks, color changes of Oya tuff samples were monitored by a spectro-colorimeter at room temperature (24-25 °C) with relative humidity around 30%. Under ambient condition permitting drying of the rock, water was lost gradually during 8 days. a∗ (green) and b∗ (yellow) values increased rapidly with the increase of L∗ (lightness) value during the first 3 days. On the other hand, b∗ value increased exponentially after 6 days until 42 days. Under wet condition avoiding drying of the rock, L∗, a∗ and b∗ values increased slowly quasi-linearly with time during 130 days. b∗ value increased exponentially for the first 10 days. The first order rate constants for b∗ increases under these ambient and wet conditions are in the order of 1 × 10-6 s-1. These color change rates can be possibly related to oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+, occurring at the interface of mineral with water film present under normal humidity conditions.



  • 減衰全反射顕微赤外分光(μATR-IR)法による石炭マセラルのキャラクタリゼーション

    塔ノ上 亮太, 桂 誠, 中嶋 悟, 中西 一晃, 矢澤 明子

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   61   97 - 97   2014年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地球化学会  


    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.61.0_97


  • Visible and near infrared spectroscopy of rocks for rock strength evaluation 査読

    Satoru Nakashima, Youco Isono, Takayuki Kimura, Junpei Kanaji, Yasuaki Shukuin, Naoto Takeda, Yukinobu Yoshida, Tomohiro Hamasaki, Daisuke Watanabe, Hiroshi Tsutsumi, Kunji Kawakami, Toru Saeki

    ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2014   354 - 364   2014年



    © 2014 by Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics. Spectro-colorimtery and near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been applied to rocks for evaluating non-destructively their compressive strength. b∗ values (yellow) of Paleogene granite core samples showed a good correlation with the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) (156-97 N/mm2), while those for Ryoke granodiorite core samples with less strength (71-0.2 N/mm2) showed only slight changes. NIR band areas around 1450 nm (OH) and 1950 nm (H2O) indicated two different quasi-linear relations in logarithmic diagrams against the UCS. Hydration of feldspars in these granitic rocks is considered to be a good indicator of rock strength. Colors and water contents by these spectroscopic methods showed also positive relations with UCS estimated by the point load test on granodiorite porphyry, welded tuff and sandstones samples. A handy portable spectro-colorimeter (PRISMO MIRAGE) has been developped for measuring visible reflection spectra and color values of materials on field sites. We applied this method for the measurements of colors (L∗: White-black, a∗: Red-green, b∗: yellow-blue) of rock masses at highway construction sites. These color values were compared with the uniaxial compressive strength of rocks estimated from on-site Schmidt Rock Hammer test. The results on igneous rocks (welded tuff and granodiorite porphyry) at HigashiKyushu highway construction sites at Miyazaki, Japan indicated fairly good relationships among a∗ (red) and b∗ (yellow) with the rock strength. However, colors of sandstones at ShinMeishin highway construction sites at Osaka, Japan showed worse correlations with the rock strength and other evaluations such as water contents on-site by handy NIR spectrometer is necessary. The rock quality and its degradation can be evaluated at least partly by this on-site spectroscopy.



  • Water resistance of cerium phosphate glasses as studied by in situ high temperature IR microspectroscopy 査読

    Hiroko Shinozaki, Satoru Nakashima, Shio Takahashi, Akio Hanada, Yutaka Yamamoto

    JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS   378   55 - 60   2013年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    In order to study water resistance of cerium phosphate (CeP) glasses, behavior of infrared (IR) bands of the CeP glass was investigated by using high temperature IR microspectroscopy. A small sharp 2165 cm(-1) band is observed in both Raman and IR spectra only for the phosphate glass containing Ce and is considered to be due to combination of symmetric stretching vibration of P-O (1185 cm(-1)) and asymmetric stretching vibration of P-OH (980 cm(-1)) bonds of Q(2) species, based mainly on the similarity of reversible heating behavior of the IR bands. The 3085 cm(-1) band can correspond to OH stretching vibrations of P-OH species associated with Q(2) species. The broad band around 3500 cm(-1) appeared after the water treatment of the CeP glass. This band can be due to H2O molecules H bonded to P-OH species of the Q(2) units and was mostly lost upon heating. Origins of water resistant properties of the CeP glass were therefore considered to be due to strong Q(2) P-O chains with P-OH bonds. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.06.016

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  • Surface complexation modeling for sulfate adsorption on ferrihydrite consistent with in situ infrared spectroscopic observations 査読

    Keisuke Fukushi, Kazuki Aoyama, Chen Yang, Norio Kitadai, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY   36   92 - 103   2013年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Sulfate, a major anion in nature, can affect the mobility of coexisting dissolved toxic trace elements by influencing the adsorption properties of the species on mineral surfaces. Ferrihydrite is an important scavenger for trace elements in natural water because of its adsorption capacity and its ubiquitous formation in surface conditions. To elucidate the adsorption behavior of the trace elements in natural water, it is important to construct a predictive model of sulfate adsorption on ferrihydrite that can predict the adsorption behavior of sulfate quantitatively under widely various environmental conditions based on the spectroscopic information of sulfate adsorption.In situ infrared spectra for sulfate adsorption on ferrihydrite as a function of pH (3-7), ionic strength (I = 0.01 and 0.1) and sulfate loading ([SO42-] = 0.1 and 0.2 mM) were obtained to constrain the surface speciation of sulfate on ferrihydrite. The shape of the spectra was pH-dependent. The degree of nu(3) band splitting decreases with pH. Little difference of the spectra was found between different ionic strengths and sulfate loadings for the same pH. The little influence of ionic strength on the IR spectra reflects that the inner sphere and outer sphere species most likely do not exist simultaneously in the same pH conditions. Based on the IR spectra obtained from lower pH showing the splitting of nu(3) band to two peaks with activation of nu(1) band, the surface species is identified to be single inner sphere monodentate sulfate. The changes of spectra with pH are most likely attributable to the changes of the electric field strength posed to the sulfate on ferrihydrite surface, which is strongly pH-dependent.The predictive model for sulfate adsorption was constructed using an extended triple-layer model (ETLM). The pH adsorption edges and proton surface charges in the presence of sulfate as a function of ionic strength and sulfate concentration were obtained, respectively, from batch adsorption and acid-base titration experiments. The sulfate adsorption on ferrihydrite increases continuously with decreasing pH and ionic strength. These macroscopic adsorption data were analyzed using ETLM to retrieve the sulfate adsorption reaction and the equilibrium constant. Results of ETLM analyses showed that adsorption of sulfate on ferrihydrite is a single monodentate inner sphere process that is consistent with in situ infrared spectroscopic observation, as expressed by the following complexation reaction:2 FeOH + H+ + SO42- = ( FeOH) ( FeOSO3-) + H2O;where FeOH denotes a surface hydroxyl. Batch adsorption data from earlier studies of sulfates on ferrihydrite were reasonably reproduced using ETLM with the same adsorption reaction and equilibrium constant.Prediction of the effect of sulfate on trace dissolved anionic species adsorption on ferrihydrite was conducted using previously reported adsorption parameters for iodine and arsenic. The predictions showed that the adsorption of I and As(V) on ferrihydrite were diminished because of the competition with sulfate, although the adsorption of IO3- and As(III) were enhanced in the presence of sulfate. The sulfate surface species (( FeOH) ( FeOSO3-)) + possesses net negative charge. To compensate the negative surface charge, the formations of net positive surface species, which are dominant IO3- and As(III) surface species, are enhanced. The predictions demonstrated that sulfate strongly influences the adsorption behavior of trace anionic species on a ferrihydrite surface. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.06.013

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  • Dehydration kinetics of antigorite using in situ high-temperature infrared microspectroscopy 査読

    Michiyo Sawai, Ikuo Katayama, Arisa Hamada, Makoto Maeda, Satoru Nakashima

    PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS   40 ( 4 )   319 - 330   2013年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    The dehydration kinetics of serpentine was investigated using in situ high-temperature infrared microspectroscopy. The analyzed antigorite samples at room temperature show relatively sharp bands at around 3,655-3,660 cm(-1) (band 1), 3,570-3,595 cm(-1) (band 2), and 3,450-3,510 cm(-1) (band 3). Band 1 corresponds to the Mg-OH bond, and bands 2 and 3 correspond to OH associated with the substitution of Al for Si. Isothermal kinetic heating experiments at temperatures ranging from 625 to 700 A degrees C showed a systematic decrease of the OH band absorbance with heating duration. The one-dimensional diffusion was found to provide the best fit to the experimental data, and diffusion coefficients were determined with activation energies of 219 +/- A 37 kJ mol(-1) for the total water band area, 245 +/- A 46 kJ mol(-1) for band 1, 243 +/- A 57 kJ mol(-1) for band 2, and 256 +/- A 53 kJ mol(-1) for band 3. The results indicate that the dehydration process is controlled by one-dimensional diffusion through the tetrahedral geometry of serpentine. Fluid production rates during antigorite dehydration were calculated from kinetic data and range from 3 x 10(-4) to 3 x 10(-5) . The rates are high enough to provoke hydraulic rupture, since the relaxation rates of rocks are much lower than these values. The results suggest that the rapid dehydration of antigorite can trigger an intermediate-depth earthquake associated with a subducting slab.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00269-013-0573-9

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  • Broadband near-field mid-infrared spectroscopy and application to phonon resonances in quartz 査読 国際誌

    Michio Ishikawa, Makoto Katsura, Satoru Nakashima, Yuka Ikemoto, Hidekazu Okamura

    OPTICS EXPRESS   20 ( 10 )   11064 - 11072   2012年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OPTICAL SOC AMER  

    Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a versatile analytical method and nano-scale spatial resolution could be achieved by scattering type near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM). The spectral bandwidth was, however, limited to approximately 300 cm(-1) with a laser light source. In the present study, the development of a broadband mid-IR near-field spectroscopy with a ceramic light source is demonstrated. A much wider bandwidth (at least 3000 to 1000 cm(-1)) is achieved with a ceramic light source. The experimental data on quartz Si-O phonon resonance bands are well reproduced by theoretical simulations indicating the validity of the present broadband near-field IR spectroscopy. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America

    DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.011064

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  • Effects of heating on the mechanical and chemical properties of human dentin 査読 国際誌

    Mikako Hayashi, Yu Furuya, Kohji Minoshima, Mitsuru Saito, Keishi Marumo, Satoru Nakashima, Chizuru Hongo, Jongduk Kim, Taisuke Ota, Shigeyuki Ebisu

    DENTAL MATERIALS   28 ( 4 )   385 - 391   2012年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Objectives. We had previously discovered that the flexural and tensile strengths of human dentin were 2-2.4 times greater after being heated to 140 degrees C, and deduced that the generation of higher-density structures and therefore dehydration probably promoted the increased strength. Our test hypotheses were that intertubular dentin, which constitutes a major part of organic components, was selectively affected by heating, and such changes could happen without critical damages to the basic structure of dentin type I collagen.Methods. Micro-mechanical changes of human dentin by heating at 140 degrees C were investigated by nano-indentation. Chemical changes in dentin collagen after heating were also investigated by X-ray diffraction study, a microscopic Fourier transform infrared (micro-FTIR) and a laser Raman spectroscopic analyses, and a cross-linking analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography.Results. The results of nano-indentation showed that the micro-hardness of intertubular dentin increased after heating at 140 degrees C to 1.8 times more than unheated dentin; on the other hand, peritubular dentin was unchanged. Results of X-ray diffraction showed that the lateral packing of collagen molecules shrank from 13.6 +/- 0.3 to 10.6 +/- 0.1 angstrom after heating, but the shrinkage reversed to the original after rehydration for seven days. After heating, no substantial chemical changes in the collagen molecules were detected in tests by micro-FTIR or Raman analyses, or by cross-linking analysis.Significance. These results suggest that intertubular dentin, which contains most of the type I collagen, was selectively affected by heating at 140 degrees C without critical damage to its collagen. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2011.11.015

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  • Development of scattering near-field optical microspectroscopy apparatus using an infrared synchrotron radiation source 査読

    Yuka Ikemoto, Michio Ishikawa, Satoru Nakashima, Hidekazu Okamura, Yuichi Haruyama, Shinji Matsui, Taro Moriwaki, Toyohiko Kinoshita

    OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS   285 ( 8 )   2212 - 2217   2012年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    We report the status of a scattering near-field microspectroscopy apparatus developed at SPring-8 using an infrared synchrotron radiation (IR-SR) source. It consists of a scattering type scanning near-field optical microscope and a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The IR-SR is used as a highly brilliant and broadband IR source. This apparatus has potential for application in near-field spectroscopy with high spatial resolution beyond the diffraction limit. In order to eliminate background scatterings from the probe shaft and/or sample surface, we used higher harmonic demodulation method. The near-field spectra were observed by 2nd harmonic components using the lock-in detection. The spatial resolution of about 300 nm was achieved at around 1000 cm(-1) (10 mu m wavelength). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2011.12.106

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  • Domain-level identification and quantification of relative prokaryotic cell abundance in microbial communities by Micro-FTIR spectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Motoko Igisu, Ken Takai, Yuichiro Ueno, Manabu Nishizawa, Takuro Nunoura, Miho Hirai, Masanori Kaneko, Hiroshi Naraoka, Mie Shimojima, Koichi Hori, Satoru Nakashima, Hiroyuki Ohta, Shigenori Maruyama, Yukio Isozaki

    ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS   4 ( 1 )   42 - 49   2012年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    Domain-level identification of microbial cells or cell-like structures is crucial for investigating natural microbial communities and their ecological significance. By using micro-Fourier transform infrared (micro-FTIR) spectroscopy, we established a technical basis for the domain-level diagnosis and quantification of prokaryotic cell abundance in natural microbial communities. Various prokaryotic cultures (12 species of bacteria and 10 of archaea) were examined using micro-FTIR spectroscopic analysis. The aliphatic CH3/CH2 absorbance ratios (R-3/2) showed domain-specific signatures, possibly reflecting distinctive cellular lipid compositions. The signatures were preserved even after chemical cell fixation (formaldehyde) and nucleic acid staining (DAPI) processes - techniques that are essential in studying microbial ecology. The micro-FTIR technique was successfully applied for quantification of the bacteria/archaea abundance ratio in an active microbial mat community in a subsurface hot aquifer stream. We conclude that the micro-FTIR R3/2 measurement is both fast and effective for domain-level diagnosis and quantification of first-order prokaryotic community structures.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2011.00277.x

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  • Hydration-dehydration interactions between glycine and anhydrous salts: Implications for a chemical evolution of life 査読

    Norio Kitadai, Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   75 ( 21 )   6285 - 6299   2011年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Polymerizations of organic monomers including amino acids, nucleotides and monosaccharides are essential processes for chemical evolution of life. Since these reactions proceed with "dehydration" reactions, they are possibly promoted if combined with thermodynamically favorable "hydration" reactions of minerals and salts. To test the possibility, we conducted heating experiments of the simplest amino acid "glycine (Gly)" mixed with four simple anhydrous salts (MgSO4, SrCl2, BaCl2 and Li2SO4) at 140 degrees C up to 20 days. Gly polymerization was strongly promoted by mixing with the salts in the order of MgSO4 > SrCl2 > BaCl2 > Li2SO4. Up to 6-mer of Gly polymers were synthesized in the Gly-MgSO4 mixture, and a total yield of Gly polymers attained about 7% of the initial amount of Gly by the 20 days heating. The total yield was about 200 times larger than that from the heating of Gly alone. XRD measurements of the Gly-MgSO4 mixture revealed the generation of MgSO4 monohydrate during Gly polymerization. These observations indicate that Gly polymerization was promoted by the salt hydrations through the hydration-dehydration interactions. Based on the observations, we tried to find a relationship between thermodynamic characteristics of the interactions and the promotion effects of each salt on Gly polymerization. It was found that the salts having lower hydration Delta(r)G(0) (easier to hydrate) promote Gly polymerization more strongly. The relationship was used to estimate promotion effects of simple oxide minerals on Gly polymerization. The estimations were consistent with previous observations about the effects of these minerals on Gly polymerization. The fact suggests that the hydration-dehydration interactions between amino acids and minerals are an important mechanism for amino acids' polymerizations on minerals. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.08.027

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  • Solute distribution in porous rhyolite as evaluated by sequential centrifugation 査読

    Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima, Takashi Murakami, Lionel Mercury, Yusuke Kirino

    APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY   26 ( 8 )   1524 - 1534   2011年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Pore water in a porous rhyolite, having a porosity of 27% and pore radii ranging from >25 mu m to 0.008 mu m, was centrifugally extracted stepwise with increasing centrifugal speed to examine the potential variations of the compositions of pore water and their relationships to reaction and transport occurring in the rock. The rock was soaked for from 1 h to 7 days in an aqueous solution prior to centrifugation. To evaluate the effect of adsorption under minimum effect of dissolution, Li(+) and Br(-) were added to the solution as tracer ions. As centrifugal speed increased, water was extracted in order of large to small pores and the thickness of residual water film became thinner. The concentrations of ions dissolving from the rock (Na(+), K(+) Ca(2+), etc.) after 7 days of immersion were relatively constant in pores of 1-10 mu m radii and exponentially increased by 3-100 fold with decreasing pore radius to 0.1 mu m. These ions are dissolved from the rock and transported toward the exterior of the rock by diffusion. The calculation using a reactive-transport equation showed that the observed concentration changes reflect the change in solute distribution profile with pore size. The concentration of Si after 7 days of immersion was approximately constant or slightly decreased with increasing centrifugal speed, which appears to be controlled by the solubility. The concentration of Li(+) decreased with increasing centrifugal speed after 1 h of immersion but the trend changed after 7 days of reaction. Initial behavior of Li(+) is explained by adsorption on pore walls, and the change of trend is explained by desorption of that previously adsorbed, slight amounts of dissolution, and inflow from the outside of the rock. The change in concentration of Br(-) with increasing centrifugal speed was small, probably because Br- was not adsorbed on the surfaces. The sequential centrifugation thus provides information on the solute distribution associated with reaction and transport occurring in rock pores. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.06.017

    Web of Science



  • Modulated near-field spectral extraction of broadband mid-infrared signals with a ceramic light source 査読 国際誌

    Michio Ishikawa, Makoto Katsura, Satoru Nakashima, Kento Aizawa, Tsutomu Inoue, Hidekazu Okamura, Yuka Ikemoto

    OPTICS EXPRESS   19 ( 13 )   12469 - 12479   2011年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:OPTICAL SOC AMER  

    In order to obtain broadband near-field infrared (IR) spectra, a Fourier-transform IR spectrometer (FT-IR) and a ceramic light source were used with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM). To suppress the background (far-field) scattering, the distance between the scattering probe and the sample was modulated with frequency Omega by a piezo-electric actuator, and the Omega component was extracted from the signal with a lock-in detection. With Omega=30 kHz, a peak-to-peak modulation amplitude of 198 nm, and a probe with smooth surface near the tip, broadband near-field IR spectra could be obtained in the 1200-2500 cm(-1). (C)2011 Optical Society of America

    DOI: 10.1364/OE.19.012469

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  • Nature of Hydrogen Bonding of Water Molecules in Aqueous Solutions of Glycerol by Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) Infrared Spectroscopy 査読 国際誌

    Yuki Kataoka, Norio Kitadai, Osamu Hisatomi, Satoru Nakashima

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   65 ( 4 )   436 - 441   2011年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY  

    Attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy was performed on glycerol/water solutions in order to gain a better understanding of the strong hydrogen bonding of glycerol as a humectant. The OH stretching band after eliminating the contribution of glycerol OH in the glycerol/water solutions was decomposed using three Gaussian components. With increasing glycerol concentrations up to 50 volume %, the decrease of the 3428 cm(-1) component (middle H-bond component) and the increase of the 3562 cm(-1) component (longer H-bond component) suggested the breaking of H bonds among water molecules. On the other hand, the 3242 cm(-1) component (shorter H-bond component) remained unchanged. It was expected that water molecules surrounding glycerol molecules are retained by strong H bonding between H atoms of water and O atoms in C-O of glycerol when aqueous solutions containing glycerol are introduced in human skin.

    DOI: 10.1366/10-06183

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  • Near-field spectroscopy with infrared synchrotron radiation source 査読

    Yuka Ikemoto, Taro Moriwaki, Toyohiko Kinoshita, Michio Ishikawa, Satoru Nakashima, Hidekazu Okamura

    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology   9   63 - 66   2011年3月



    We report the results of near-field spectroscopy measurements performed using a scanning near-field optical microscopy system combined with an infrared synchrotron radiation source. The infrared synchrotron radiation is a highly brilliant white light source, and is tightly focused onto the probe tip. Strong background scattering is suppressed by modulating the distance between the probe and the sample. Higher harmonic components are extracted from the scattered light using a lock-in amplifier and examined for the presence of near-field signals. Near-field spectra in the mid-infrared region are measured by loading the higher harmonic components into a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic apparatus. A striped metal pattern with a width of 1 μm printed on a glass substrate is found to be resolved at a wavelength of 9.8 μm. © 2011 The Surface Science Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2011.63



  • Application of a modulating technique to detect near-field signals using a conventional IR spectrometer with a ceramic light source 査読

    Michio Ishikawa, Makoto Katsura, Satoru Nakashima, Kento Aizawa, Tsutomu Inoue, Yuka Ikemoto, Hidekazu Okamura

    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology   9   40 - 45   2011年2月



    The goal of the present study is to obtain broadband near-field infrared (IR) spectra by combining Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with scattering near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM). A stage was added to the IR spectrometer with a ceramic light source in order to modulate the probe-sample distance, and the second harmonic component was extracted by a lock-in amplifier. The detected IR signal intensity decreased exponentially with the distance between the probe tip and an Au mirror, with a localization scale of approximately 100 nm. An area with Au islands formed by electron beam lithography was scanned with the modulation system with mapping steps of X = 80 nm and Y = 133 nm. The obtained IR intensity image matches the topographic image, indicating sub-micron spatial resolution. These results indicate that the addition of the modulation system to the broadband near-field IR spectrometer was successful in obtaining localized near-field signals and sub-micron spatial resolution, even using a ceramic IR light source. © 2011 The Surface Science Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2011.40



  • 研究所と連携した弦の振動数測定と楽器の共鳴の視覚化(<特集>新潟支部)

    中嶋 悟

    物理教育   59 ( 2 )   132 - 137   2011年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本物理教育学会  


    DOI: 10.20653/pesj.59.2_132

    CiNii Books


  • 隕石有機物の高速衝突変性に関する赤外・ラマン顕微分光研究 査読

    緒方 雄一朗, 今井 栄一, 橋本 博文, 三田 肇, 小林 憲正, 矢野 創, 山下 雅道, 山岸 明彦, たんぽぽ ワーキンググループ, 薮田 ひかる, 中嶋 悟, 奥平 恭子, 森脇 太郎, 池本 夕佳, 長谷川 直, 田端 誠, 横堀 伸一

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   58 ( 0 )   175 - 175   2011年



    始原小天体有機物は、太陽系および生命原材料物質の起源と進化を理解するための重要な情報を記録している。「たんぽぽ計画」では、大気圏突入時の熱変成や地上での汚染を受けていない宇宙塵を、国際宇宙ステーション上に超低密度シリカエアロゲルを設置して回収を試みる予定である。しかし、この方法では、宇宙塵のエアロゲルへの衝突により変成する可能性を考慮する必要がある。そこで本研究では、宇宙科学研究所・スペースプラズマ実験施設の二段式高速ガス銃を用いて、隕石微粒子の高速衝突模擬実験を行い、マーチソン隕石微粒子をシリカエアロゲルに撃ち込んだものを取り出し、2枚のアルミ板にはさみハンドプレスして圧着された隕石微粒子を、片方のアルミ板に載せた状態で、赤外顕微分光装置と顕微ラマン分光装置で測定を行った。また、SPring-8, BL43IRの高輝度赤外顕微分光装置IFS120HRでイメージング測定を行い、衝突前後の隕石有機物の分子構造の変化を見出すことを目的とした。

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  • Temperature dependence of molecular structure of dissolved glycine as revealed by ATR-IR spectroscopy 査読

    Norio Kitadai, Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE   981 ( 1-3 )   179 - 186   2010年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy was applied to investigate the structural change in dissolved glycine (H(3)(+)-N-CH(2)-COO(-)) with rising temperature from 27 to 150 degrees C The spectra were recorded using a heatable ATR-IR system, which was developed by Masuda et al. [1] This apparatus allows us to obtain the IR spectrum of aqueous solution at temperatures of up to 200 degrees C and under pressures of up to 30 MPa. Spectral analysis revealed the following changes in the covalent bond strength of glycine with rising temperature: (1) the N-H bonds of NH(3)(+) group became stronger, (2) the structure of COO(-) group became asymmetric owing to the strengthening of the electrostatic interaction between the NH(3)(+) group and COO(-) group, (3) the strengths of C-C bond and C-N bond became weaker These changes can be mainly attributed to the weakening of the hydrogen bond interaction between glycine and water molecules. The relationship between the structural change and the change in decomposition behavior of glycine with rising temperature was then evaluated It was interpreted that the decarboxylation and the deamination were caused by the weakening of C-C bond and C-N bond as well as the strengthening of NH(3)(+)COO(-) interaction with rising temperature (C) 2010 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2010.08.004

    Web of Science



  • Integral molar absorptivities of OH in muscovite at 20 to 650 degrees C by in-situ high-temperature IR microspectroscopy 査読

    Kazuyo Tokiwai, Satoru Nakashima

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST   95 ( 7 )   1052 - 1059   2010年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MINERALOGICAL SOC AMER  

    The change with temperature of IR absorption bands in OH in muscovite was studied using unpolarized in-situ high-temperature infrared microspectroscopy. The molar absorption coefficient epsilon at 3628 cm(-1) for OH in muscovite at room temperature (20 degrees C) has been determined to be 127 +/- 6 L/mol.cm. Using the orientation factor gamma= 0.47 for the angle between OH vector and c* axis (75 +/- 5 degrees), the true molar absorption coefficient epsilon at 3628 cm(-1) is determined to be 270 +/- 10 L/mol,cm at 20 degrees C. Integral molar absorptivities are also determined from 20 to 650 degrees C showing no weight loss. The value decreases from 7060 +/- 190 L/mol.cm(2) at 20 degrees C to 5190 +/- 270 L/mol.cm(2) at 650 degrees C (26% decrease). OH orientation of muscovite sample measured by polarized IR microspectroscopy at 20 C showed that the angle between the projection of OH vector to (001) plane (the OH' vector) and b axis is 30.5 degrees at 20 degrees C and did not change greatly at higher temperatures until 650 degrees C. The tilting of OH dipoles toward the c* axis from 75 degrees to about 43 degrees while keeping the same angles along b axis would explain the observed decrease in integral molar absorptivities at higher temperatures, but further studies are needed to clarify the OH behavior at high temperatures.

    DOI: 10.2138/am.2010.3235

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  • Spatial distribution of organic matter in the Bells CM2 chondrite using near-field infrared microspectroscopy 査読

    Yoko Kebukawa, Satoru Nakashima, Michio Ishikawa, Kento Aizawa, Tsutomu Inoue, Keiko Nakamura-Messenger, Michael E. Zolensky

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   45 ( 3 )   394 - 405   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    Distributions of organic functional groups as well as inorganic features were analyzed in the Bells (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite using near-field infrared (NFIR) spectroscopy. NFIR spectroscopy has recently been developed to enable infrared spectral mapping beyond the optical diffraction limit of conventional Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. NFIR spectral mapping of the Bells 300 nm thick sections on Al plates for 7.5 x 7.5 mu m(2) areas showed some C-H-rich areas which were considered to represent the organic-rich areas. Heterogeneous distributions of organic matter as well as those of inorganic phases such as silicates (Si-O) were observed with 1 mu m spatial resolution. The NFIR mappings of aliphatic C-H (2960 and 2930 cm) 1) and structural OH (3650 cm) 1) confirm that organic matter is associated with phyllosilicates as previously suggested. The NFIR mapping method can provide 1 mu m spatial distribution of organic functional groups and their association with minerals. High local sensitivity of NFIR enables us to find organic-rich areas and to characterize them by their aliphatic CH2/CH3 ratios. The aliphatic CH2/CH3 ratio of Bells is slightly higher than Murchison, similar to Orgueil, and lower than literature values of IDPs and cometary dust particles.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01030.x

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  • Dehydration kinetics of muscovite by in situ infrared microspectroscopy 査読

    Kazuyo Tokiwai, Satoru Nakashima

    PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS   37 ( 2 )   91 - 101   2010年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Dehydration behavior of muscovite flake was investigated at 760-860A degrees C by using in situ high-temperature IR microspectroscopy for the OH absorption band around 3,620 cm(-1). Isothermal kinetic heating experiments at each temperature gave detailed decrease curves of the OH band area with time. These curves have been simulated by the first and second order reactions or mono- and two-dimensional diffusion processes. The mono-dimensional diffusion was found to give the best fit to the experimental data and apparent diffusion coefficients D were determined at 760-860A degrees C with the activation energy of 290 +/- A 20 kJ/mol. The apparent diffusion coefficients D varied with the sample thickness L. This variation can be explained by an m layers model with a unit length of L' with a constant diffusion coefficient D'. Therefore, the dehydration process might be rate-limited by mono-dimensional diffusion through tetrahedral silicate sheet perpendicular to (001) planes of muscovite with a unit length of L'.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00269-009-0313-3

    Web of Science



  • In-situ heating infrared micro-spectroscopy for the detailed kinetic study of aliphatic hydrocarbon decrease of humic substances 査読

    R. Tonoue, S. Nakashima

    Water-Rock Interaction   959 - 962   2010年1月



    © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London. In-situ heating infrared micro-spectroscopy has been tested for determining kinetic parameters of aliphatic CH decrease of humic substances. The numerous data points of aliphatic CH peak heights at 2930 cm−1 with an interval of 90 seconds during the isothermal heating at 260–310°C of a test material could be well fitted by a combination of two first order reactions with different activation energy and frequency factor values. Detailed kinetics of aliphatic CH decrease of humic substances can be studied by this new method by using well characterized appropriate kerogens for petroleum/gas formation.



  • Kinetics of organic matter degradation in the Murchison meteorite for the evaluation of parent-body temperature history 査読

    Yoko Kebukawa, Satoru Nakashima, Michael E. Zolensky

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   45 ( 1 )   99 - 113   2010年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    To evaluate kinetic parameters for thermal degradation of organic matter, in situ heating experiments of insoluble organic matter (IOM) and bulk of Murchison (CM2) meteorite were conducted under Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy combined with a heating stage. Decreases of aliphatic C-H band area under Ar flow were well fitted with Ginstling-Brounshtein three-dimensional diffusion model, and the rate constants for decreases of aliphatic C-H were determined. Activation energies E-a and frequency factors A obtained from these rate constants at different temperatures using the Arrhenius equation were E-a = 109 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1) and A = 8.7 x 10(4) s(-1) for IOM, and E-a = 61 +/- 6 kJ mol(-1) and A = 3.8 s(-1) for bulk, respectively. Activation energy values of aliphatic C-H decrease are larger for IOM than bulk. Hence, the mineral assemblage of the Murchison meteorite might have catalytic effects for the organic matter degradation. Using obtained kinetic expressions. the time scale for metamorphism can be estimated for a given temperature with aliphatic C-H band area, or the temperature of metamorphism can be estimated for a given time scale. For example, using the obtained kinetic parameters of mm, aliphatic C-H is lost approximately within 200 years at 100 degrees C and 100 Myr at 0 degrees C. Assuming alteration period of 7.5 Myr, alteration temperatures could be calculated to be <15 +/- 12 degrees C. Aliphatic C-H decrease profiles in a parent body can be estimated using time-temperature history model. The kinetic expression obtained by the infrared spectral band of aliphatic C-H could be used as an alternative method to evaluate thermal processes of organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.01008.x

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  • 中国海南島産テクタイトの希ガス組成と含水量について

    下 良拓, 西村 智佳子, Czuppon Gyorge, 松本 拓也, 方 中, 横山 正, 中嶋 悟, 松田 准一

    地球化学   44 ( 2 )   43 - 50   2010年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本地球化学会  

    We investigated contents of the noble gas and water of tektite-like materials collected from several localities within Hainan Island, China. The island is located in the northern edge of the Australasian strewn filed, and has been known as providing different types of tektites. One of the major objectives of this study is to identify the samples as tektites and to classify them into subtypes based on the analytical results. Noble gas compositions, as expected for tektites, are characterized by neon enrichment, while the Ne/Ar ratios are smaller than that of normal-type tektites, indicating consistent feature to that of previously reported Muong Nong-type tektites. Range of water contents agrees with those reported for Muong Nong-type tektites. Together with apparent morphological similarities between our samples and Muong Nong-type tektites, our results provide strong evidence to conclude that the studied samples are Muong Nong-type tektites. Since the Muong Nong-type tektites are formed relatively closer to impact craters, our findings and further studies on the Muong Nong-type tektites will help to narrow out the possible location of the source crater of the Australasian tektites.

    DOI: 10.14934/chikyukagaku.44.43

    CiNii Books


  • Micro-spectroscopic characterization of organic and hydrous components in weathered Antarctic micrometeorites 査読

    A. Suzuki, Y. Yamanoi, T. Nakamura, S. Nakashima

    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE   62 ( 1 )   33 - 46   2010年


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER HEIDELBERG  

    Eight unmelted Antarctic micrometeorite (AMMs) recovered from Kuwagata Nunatak were Studied oil Al-foils by infrared (IR), Raman, and visible reflection micro-spectroscopy in combination with electron microscopy. Major element abundances of the AMMs studied were found to be similar to solar abundance, although all have the common characteristic of Mg-depletion. Absorption hands around 500 run were detected for some of the AMMs by the visible micro-spectroscopic method, and these AMMs can be assigned to Fe-hydroxide-like materials. These results suggest that the studied AMMs experienced weathering in Antarctica. Four grains showed file presence of IR H2O and CH hands similar to those of type 2 carbonaceous chondrites, while these were found to be absent in two grains, as in type 3 carbonaceous chondrites. D (disordered: 1360 cm(-1)) and G (graphite: 1600 cm(-1)) Raman hand features of graphitic carbonaceous materials in these AMMs were not similar to those for type 3 but were rather close to those for type 2 and 1 carbonaceous chondrites, although some data showed it degree of deviation. The genetic classification of individual AMM grains can thus be Studied by these methods, although the weathering effects and the atmospheric entry heating oil organics and hydrous components need to be evaluated. These multiple micro-spectroscopic reflectance methods are useful for file characterization of precious small samples.

    DOI: 10.5047/eps.2008.11.001

    Web of Science


  • Micro-spectroscopic characterization of organic and hydrous components in weathered Antarctic micrometeorites 査読

    A. Suzuki, Y. Yamanoi, T. Nakamura, S. Nakashima

    Earth, Planets and Space   62 ( 1 )   33 - 46   2010年



    Eight unmelted Antarctic micrometeorite (AMMs) recovered from Kuwagata Nunatak were studied on Al-foils by infrared (IR), Raman, and visible reflection micro-spectroscopy in combination with electron microscopy. Major element abundances of the AMMs studied were found to be similar to solar abundance, although all have the common characteristic of Mg-depletion. Absorption bands around 500 nm were detected for some of the AMMs by the visible micro-spectroscopic method, and these AMMs can be assigned to Fe-hydroxide-like materials. These results suggest that the studied AMMs experienced weathering in Antarctica. Four grains showed the presence of IR H2O and CH bands similar to those of type 2 carbonaceous chondrites, while these were found to be absent in two grains, as in type 3 carbonaceous chondrites. D (disordered: 1360 cm-1) and G (graphite: 1600 cm-1) Raman band features of graphitic carbonaceous materials in these AMMs were not similar to those for type 3 but were rather close to those for type 2 and 1 carbonaceous chondrites, although some data showed a degree of deviation. The genetic classification of individual AMM grains can thus be studied by these methods, although the weathering effects and the atmospheric entry heating on organics and hydrous components need to be evaluated. These multiple micro-spectroscopic reflectance methods are useful for the characterization of precious small samples. Copyright © The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS).

    DOI: 10.5047/eps.2008.11.001



  • In situ ATR-IR investigation of L-lysine adsorption on montmorillonite 査読 国際誌

    Norio Kitadai, Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE   338 ( 2 )   395 - 401   2009年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    The adsorption behavior of lysine on montmorillonite in aqueous solution was investigated by in situ attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy. To distinguish the protonation states of a-amino group, side-chain amino group and carboxyl group in lysine structure using ATR-IR spectra (i.e., NH(2) versus NH(3)(+) and COO(-) versus COOH), pH-induced spectral changes of dissolved lysine were firstly measured and correlated with the thermodynamically calculated dissociation states of lysine (di-cationic, cationic, zwitterionic and anionic states). The obtained result was applied to interpret the ATR-IR spectra of lysine adsorbed on montmorillonite. We found that the adsorbed lysine was dominantly present as cationic state over the whole range of tested pH (pH = 4.9-9.7). This indicates that the adsorption is mainly driven by electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged montmorillonite surface and positively charged cationic lysine. We also found that lysine interacts with montmorillonite surface through the protonated side-chain amino group. This result suggests that lysine has a preferred vertical orientation, with the side-chain amino group pointing toward the surface. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.06.061

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  • Micro-FTIR spectroscopic signatures of Bacterial lipids in Proterozoic microfossils 査読

    Motoko Igisu, Yuichiro Ueno, Mie Shimojima, Satoru Nakashima, Stanley M. Awramik, Hiroyuki Ohta, Shigenori Maruyama

    PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH   173 ( 1-4 )   19 - 26   2009年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Precambrian microbial fossils show carbonaceous cellular structure, which often resemble in shape and size cyanobacteria and other prokaryotes. Morphological taxonomy of these minute, simple, and more or less degraded fossils is, however, often not enough to determine their precise phylogenetic positions. Here we report the results of micro-FTIR spectroscopic analyses of well-preserved microfossils in similar to 850 Ma and similar to 1900 Ma stromatolites, together with those of 8 species of extant prokaryotes and 5 of eukaryotes for comparison. These Proterozoic fossils have low CH3/CH2 absorbance ratios (R-3/2 < 0.5) of aliphatic CH moieties, suggesting selective preservation of long, straight, aliphatic carbon chains probably derived from bacterial membrane lipids. All the observed R-3/2 values of coccoids, filaments and amorphous organic matter resemble lipid fractions of extant Bacteria including cyanobacteria, but not Archaea. The results indicate that Proterozoic microfossils belong to Bacteria,which is consistent with the cyanobacterial origin inferred from morphology. Moreover, the R3/2 Value of fossilized cell would reflect chemical composition of its precursor membrane lipid, thus could be a useful new tracer for distinguishing Archaea, Bacteria and possibly Eucarya for fossilized and extant microorganisms. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.03.006

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  • Polarized infrared spectroscopic study of diffusion of water molecules along structure channels in beryl 査読

    Junichi Fukuda, Keiji Shinoda, Satoru Nakashima, Naoya Miyoshi, Nobuyuki Aikawa

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST   94 ( 7 )   981 - 985   2009年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MINERALOGICAL SOC AMER  

    Incorporation of water in anhydrous synthetic beryl was studied at 500-700 degrees C and 50-150 MPa of confining water pressure to measure the diffusion of water molecules along the channels in a cyclosilicate. A series of polarized IR spectra series were taken with E parallel to the channel direction, which is parallel to the c-axis, along a traverse parallel to this axis. Water concentration profiles were determined from absorbance of H(2)O peaks. The IR spectra showed that the dominant diffusing species is type I water molecule, whose H-H vector is parallel to the c-axis (sharp peak at 3700 cm(-1)). No pressure dependence on water diffusivity can be recognized under these experimental conditions. The Arrhenius relation gives the activation energy of 133 +/- 12 kJ/mol, with a pre-exponential factor of 10(-2.6) (cm(2)/s). Diffusion of water is much faster in the beryl channels than Volume diffusion in other silicates, but the activation energy and diffusion coefficient values for beryl are similar to the corresponding values previously reported for grain boundary diffusion in quartz aggregates.

    DOI: 10.2138/am.2009.3124

    Web of Science



  • Effect of density-driven flow on the through-diffusion experiment 査読 国際誌

    Yusuke Kirino, Tadashi Yokoyama, Tetsuro Hirono, Takashi Nakajima, Satoru Nakashima

    JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY   106 ( 3-4 )   166 - 172   2009年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Diffusion is one of the main mechanisms of solute transport in pore water of geologic media. The effective diffusion coefficient of a solute in a rock is usually measured by the through-diffusion experiment. However, in this experiment, the effect of advection, induced by density difference between dense aqueous solution and pure water, has not been considered. To evaluate the effect of density-driven flow, a through-diffusion experiment using Fontainebleau sandstone was conducted for KCl and KI aqueous solutions with various densities. The measured effective diffusion coefficients were positively correlated with the density difference; the effective diffusion coefficient of a 1 M KI solution (density difference, 0.119 g/cm(3)) was one order of magnitude larger than that of a 0.1 M KCl solution (density difference, 0.005 g/cm(3)). The result is explained by a theoretical model using a diffusion-advection equation including Darcy's law. Based on the theory, a diagram to evaluate the condition at which the measured effective diffusion coefficient does not include the effect of advection is presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2009.02.006

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  • Rapid contamination during storage of carbonaceous chondrites prepared for micro FTIR measurements 査読

    Yoko Kebukawa, Satoru Nakashima, Takahiro Otsuka, Keiko Nakamura-Messenger, Michael E. Zolensky

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   44 ( 4 )   545 - 557   2009年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:WILEY  

    Organic contamination (similar to 2965 and similar to 1260 cm(-1) peaks) was found on Tagish Lake (C2) and Murchison (CM2) carbonaceous chondrites containing abundant hydrous minerals by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy oil the samples pressed on Al plates. On the other hand, anhydrous chondrite (Moss, CO3) was not contaminated. This contamination occurred within one day of storage, when the samples pressed on Al were stored within containers including silicone rubber mats. Volatile molecules having similar peaks to the contaminants were detected by long-path gas cell FTIR measurements for the silicone rubber mat. Rapid adsorption of the volatile contaminants also Occurred when silica gel and hydrous minerals such as serpentine were stored in containers including silicone rubber, silicone grease, or adhesive tape. However, they did not show any contamination when stored in glass and polystyrene containers without these compounds. Therefore, precious astronomical samples such as meteorites, interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), and mission-returned samples from cornets, asteroids, and Mars, should be measured by micro FTIR within one day of storage in glass containers without silicone rubber, silicone grease, or adhesive tape.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb00750.x

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  • Color-change processes of a plinian pumice and experimental constraints of color-change kinetics in air of an obsidian 査読

    Mihoko Moriizumi, Satoru Nakashima, Satoshi Okumura, Yuta Yamanoi

    BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY   71 ( 1 )   1 - 13   2009年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Colors of plinian pumices were measured by spectrocolorimetry, and their quantitative color parameters in the L*a*b* color space were determined. A series of heating experiments of obsidian was conducted to simulate the color-change processes of rhyolitic glasses. In these experiments, following three stages of color-change processes were observed. Stage I showed a rapid b* (yellowishness) increase associated with fast dehydration controlled by water diffusivity (D (water)). In stage II, a* (reddishness) increase was accompanied by Fe(2+) decrease. Both a* increase and Fe(2+) decrease can be simulated by a diffusion model. Obtained diffusivity D (oxidation) were about two orders of magnitude smaller than D (water) . The a*-value increase after the oxidation in stage III appeared to be quasi-linear with time, indicating the zeroth order reaction corresponding to the formation of hematite-like structures in rhyolitic glasses. The diffusion-limited a* increase model in stage II was applied to a natural plinian pumice fall unit to evaluate time periods of color-change processes through oxidation by air of fragmented rhyolitic materials.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00445-008-0202-5

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  • Submicron Distribution of Organic Matter of Carbonaceous Chondrite Using Near-field Infrared Microspectroscopy 査読

    Yoko Kebukawa, Satoru Nakashima, Keiko Nakamura-Messenger, Michael E. Zolensky

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   38 ( 1 )   22 - 23   2009年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:CHEMICAL SOC JAPAN  

    Carbonaceous chondrites are known to contain up to a few wt % organic carbon. Organic materials are disseminated in the clayish matrix, and some of them have been reported to be in the form of submicron organic globules. However, little is known about the nature of these microscopic organics. The organic matter distribution of the Bells (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite has been studied using a near-field infrared (NFIR) microspectrometer. Organic matter distribution and mineral associations at the submicron scale spatial resolution were observed.

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2009.22

    Web of Science



  • ATR-IR spectroscopic study of L-lysine adsorption on amorphous silica 査読 国際誌

    Norio Kitadai, Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE   329 ( 1 )   31 - 37   2009年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE  

    Attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy was employed to quantitatively evaluate the dissociation states (di-cationic, cationic. zwitterionic, and anionic) of lysine adsorbed on amorphous silica. To determine the relationship between the ATR-IR spectra and each dissociation state, we first measured pH-induced Spectral changes of dissolved lysine and correlated these changes with the thermodynamically calculated dissociation states of lysine. This procedure yielded calibration curves with good linearity: we used these curves for the quantitative analysis of adsorbed lysine. our analysis revealed that 81 +/- 5% of the lysine adsorbed on amorphous silica was present in a cationic state and 19 5% was in a zwitterionic state; these percentages remained mostly Unchanged over the whole range of pH values tested (pH = 7.1-9.8). We interpret the values obtained to indicate that lysine adsorption is mainly driven by electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged Silica surface (Si-O(-)center dot center dot center dot Lys(+), Si-O(-)center dot center dot center dot Lys(+/-) (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2008.09.072

    Web of Science




  • Temperature dependence of reflectance spectra and color values of hematite by in situ, high-temperature visible micro-spectroscopy 査読

    Yuta Yamanoi, Satoru Nakashima, Makoto Katsura

    AMERICAN MINERALOGIST   94 ( 1 )   90 - 97   2009年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MINERALOGICAL SOC AMER  

    We measured visible reflectance spectra and colors of hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) reagent powders and a natural feldspar grain containing dispersed hematite microcrystals from room temperature LIP to 800 degrees C using an in situ, high-temperature visible micro-spectrometer with dark field optics. The spectrum of room-temperature hematite powder is characterized by a nearly constant reflectivity in the range 400-550 nm, a shoulder near 620 nm, and a reflectivity maximum near 750 nm. The reflectance spectrum is similar to the diffuse reflectance spectra Measured by a spectrophotometer and a conventional spectrometer with an integrating sphere. This result indicates that the dark field objective is Suitable for measuring visible reflectance spectra of hematite powders with the visible micro-spectrometer. The reflectance of hematite powders in the longer wavelength region (>550 nm) decreases gradually With increasing temperature. The shoulder centered around 620 nm and the reflectance maximum near 750 nm also become indistinct at high temperatures. The calculated L* (dark-light), a* (red-green). and b* (blue-yellow) color values decrease with increasing temperature. This means that the red color of hematite becomes black with temperature increase. The calculated absorption intensities (Kubelka-Munk functions) Suggest that this temperature dependence of the hematite powder-reflectance spectra can be mainly explained by a change in hand gap absorption edges for a semiconductor (Urbach rule). The visible spectra and colors of a natural feldspar grain containing dispersed hematite microcrystals show a similar change with temperature, indicating that the temperature dependence can be observed under natural conditions at high temperatures, Such as in volcanic eruptions.

    DOI: 10.2138/am.2009.2779

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  • Three differentiation stages of a single magma at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion hot spot) 査読

    Vincent Famin, Benoit Welsch, Satoshi Okumura, Patrick Bachelery, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION  

    We present major element and volatile concentration analyses in melt and gas inclusions from two recent picrite eruptions (February 2005 and December 2005) at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean). Combined with literature data, our new data show that the large variability of major element compositions in Piton de la Fournaise lavas may be explained by three depth-dependent differentiation stages of a single transitional parental magma (9-11 wt% MgO; 0.5-0.8 wt% K2O, and 10-12 wt% CaO). The deepest differentiation (>7.5 km) is controlled by the fractional crystallization of clinopyroxene + plagioclase and yields gabbros and basalts enriched in K and depleted in Ca relative to the parental magma. In a shallower storage zone (<2.5 km), differentiation of the transitional parental magma is dominated by the fractionation/accumulation of Fo(83-85) olivine phenocrysts, yielding Mg-poor basalts at the top of the reservoir and picrites at the base. In cooling dykes and subsurface pockets (<0.6 km), Mg-poor basalts may themselves evolve into more differentiated melts by clinopyroxene + plagioclase fractionation. The incorporation of dunitic xenocrysts or other xenoliths is not necessary to explain the major element chemical diversity of the volcano. The same superposition of differentiation mechanisms may occur at similar depths in other shield volcanoes.

    DOI: 10.1029/2008GC002015

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  • アミノ酸重合反応における解離状態の効果

    坂田 霞, 北台 紀夫, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   56   145 - 145   2009年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地球化学会  

    生命起源においてアミノ酸重合反応は重要なプロセスである.アミノ酸の重合速度にはpHが影響することが知られているが,定量的な解析はされていない.そこで本研究では,グリシン(Gly)を用いて速度論的パラメーターを求めた.NaOH,HClでpHを4から12に調整したGly水溶液の加熱実験を行い,液体クロマトグラフィーで生成物を分析した.反応経路はGlyからGlyGlyが生成し,さらにDKPが生成すると推定し,反応速度定数を求めた.重合速度はpHに大きく依存し,pH 9から10で極大値を示した.Glyの各解離状態での重合速度を求めると,両性イオンと陰イオンの重合が最も速いことが分かった.よって,両性イオンと陰イオンが約半数ずつ存在する状態(pH 9.8)で,全体の重合速度が最も速くなると推測される.解離状態による反応性の違いは,アミノ基の求核性,分子間及び分子内の電気的相互作用に起因すると考えられる.

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  • 炭素質コンドライト中有機物の熱的安定性と鉱物の効果

    癸生川 陽子, 中嶋 悟

    遊・星・人 : 日本惑星科学会誌   17 ( 4 )   232 - 237   2008年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本惑星科学会  


    CiNii Books


  • Color measurements of volcanic ash deposits from three different styles of summit activity at Sakurajima volcano, Japan: Conduit processes recorded in color of volcanic ash 査読

    Yuta Yamanoi, Shingo Takeuchi, Satoshi Okumura, Satoru Nakashima, Tadashi Yokoyama

    JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH   178 ( 1 )   81 - 93   2008年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    We measured quantitatively colors of volcanic ash deposits erupted from three different styles of summit activity (Strombolian activity, Vulcanian explosions and continuous ash venting activity) at Sakurajima volcano from 1974 to 1985. Colors of Strombolian ash samples have larger yellow components of their visible spectra (b* values) than those of explosion and continuous venting ash samples. Colors of explosion ash samples show larger variation in both red and yellow components of their visible spectra (a* and b* values, respectively), while colors of continuous venting ash samples are in the narrow ranges within colors of g explosion ash samples. Colors of components with lower densities than 3.1 g/cm(3) (groundmass and phenocrystic plagioclase) obtained by magnetic and heavy liquid separation methods are similar to the unseparated bulk ash samples. This result suggests that the color variations of ash deposits are mainly originated from the particles composed of groundmass. The particles can be classified into three different types of particles with different vesicularity and crystallinity (vesicular particle [VP], dense particle with vesicles [DPV] and dense particle without vesicles [DP]). Analytical results of component proportions, chemical compositions of groundmass glasses, ferrous iron contents and surface ferric materials show that (1) VP has larger yellow components of the visible spectrum (b* values) and high ferrous iron content, and is less crystallized than the DP and DPV, (2) DP has larger red and yellow components of its visible spectrum (a* and b* values, respectively) and involves ferric materials on the surfaces produced by oxidation process, and (3) DPV has smaller red and yellow components of its visible spectrum (a* and b* values, respectively) and involves less ferric materials on the ash surfaces. Color differences of ash deposits from three different activity styles can be explained by the different mixing ratios of VP, DPV and DP. During the Strombolian activity, the VP is a main component in the ash, which is formed from relatively less degassed and crystallized magma. In the Vulcanian explosion and continuous ash venting activity, the proportions of DPV and DP in ash are larger than that in the Strombolian activity. The highly crystallized DP may correspond to a vent cap, and DPV to a magma below the cap. The color measurements of ash deposits provide information on the pre-eruptive processes at the shallower levels of a conduit. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.11.013

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  • Permeability measurements of natural and experimental volcanic materials with a simple permeameter: Toward an understanding of magmatic degassing processes 査読

    Shingo Takeuchi, Satoru Nakashima, Akihiko Tomiya

    JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH   177 ( 2 )   329 - 339   2008年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER  

    Permeability measurement of quenched volcanic porous materials is an important approach to understand permeability development and degassing of vesicular silicic magmas. In this study, we developed a gas permeameter to measure permeability of natural samples and experimental products. The permeameter has broad measurement ranges of pressure difference (10(1)-10(5) Pa) and gas-flow rate (10(-9)-10(-5) m(3)/s). These ranges enable us to measure viscous permeability in the range of 10(-17)-10(-9) m(2) for 1 centimeter-scale samples, using the Forchheimer equation, which includes the inertial effect of gas flow permeating through the samples. In addition, we improved the procedure for performing permeability measurements of mm-sized products of decompression experiments. Although a previous study reported the first permeability data for vesicular silicic glass products of decompression experiments, we found an overestimation in their permeability data due to problems in sample preparation, especially for very low permeability samples. Our improved measurements give lower permeability values than those of Takeuchi et al. (2005)(Takeuchi, S., Nakashima, S., Tomiya, A., Shinohara, H., 2005. Experimental constraints on the low gas permeability of vesicular magma during decompression. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L10312 doi:10.1029/2005GLO22491).We also evaluated the inertial effect on apparent permeability calculated using Darcy's law under the conditions of permeability measurement and magmatic degassing. The permeability measurements indicate that the apparent permeabilities of highly permeable samples (>10(-10) m(2) in viscous permeability) are affected considerably by the inertial effect under a high-pressure gradient (> 10(5) Pa/m) and reduced by more than 0.5 orders of magnitude from their viscous permeabilities. Also under magmatic conditions, the reduction of apparent permeability by more than 0.5-1.0 orders of magnitude may occur during the degassing of highly permeable magmas driven by a high-pressure gradient. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.05.010

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  • Water at high temperatures in a microcrystalline silica (chalcedony) by in-situ infrared spectroscopy: physicochemical states and dehydration behavior 査読

    Junichi Fukuda, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN ASSOC MINERALOGICAL SCIENCES  

    In order to study physicochemical states of water in a chalcedony, thin sections were heated from room temperature (RT) to 400 degrees C at 50 degrees C intervals under an infrared (IR) microscope. A sharp IR absorption band due to hydroxyls (Si-OH) shifts linearly from 3585 cm(-1) at RT to 3599 cm(-1) at 400 degrees C (1.8 cm(-1)/50 degrees C). A broad band due to H2O shifts also linearly from 3425 cm(-1) at RT to 3535 cm(-1) at 400 degrees C (15 cm(-1)/50 degrees C). These reversible band shifts, without dehydration, of hydroxyl and H2O can be explained by the increasing hydrogen bond distance and the decreasing coordinating numbers of water molecules, respectively.The in-situ IR spectra of the chalcedony thin sections during the isothermal heating at 550 degrees C showed a decrease of the total water band area. The RT spectra quenched from 550 degrees C indicated the major decrease of 3585 cm(-1) absorbance due to Si-OH with the minor decrease of the 3425 cm(-1) absorbance due to H2O. These results suggest the dominant dehydration of Si-OH species from the microcrystalline quartz and the certain stability of liquid-like H2O against dehydration in pores and grain boundaries.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.071022a

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  • Measurements of ionic diffusivity in various rock samples: Low diffusivity through nanoscale pores 査読

    Tetsuro Hirono, Satoru Nakashima, Christopher J. Spiers



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2007.07.008

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  • Earthquakes produce carbon dioxide in crustal faults 査読

    Vincent Famin, Satoru Nakashima, Anne-Marie Boullier, Koichiro Fujimoto, Tetsuro Hirono

    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS   265 ( 3-4 )   487 - 497   2008年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microanalysis of pseudotachylytes (i.e. friction-induced melts produced by seismic slip) from the Nojima fault (Japan) reveals that earthquakes almost instantaneously expel 99 wt.% of the wall rock CO2 content. Carbon is exsolved because it is supersaturated in the friction melts. By extrapolation to a crustal-scale fault rupture, large events such as the M7.2 Kobe earthquake (1995) may yield a total production of 1.8 to 3.4 x 10(3) tons CO2 within a few seconds. This extraordinary release of CO2 can cause a flash fluid pressure increase in the fault plane, and therefore enhance earthquake slip or trigger aftershocks; it may also explain the anomalous discharge of carbon monitored in nearby fault springs after large earthquakes. Because carbon saturation in silicate melts is pressure-dependent, FTIR can be used as a new tool to constrain the maximum depth of pseudotachylyte formation in exhumed faults. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.10.041

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  • Hydration of rhyolitic glass during weathering as characterized by IR microspectroscopy 査読

    Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoshi Okumura, Satoru Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   72 ( 1 )   117 - 125   2008年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    The mechanism and rate of hydration of rhyolitic glass during weathering were studied. Doubly polished thin sections of two rhyolites with different duration of weathering (Ohsawa lava: 26,000 yr, Awanomikoto lava: 52,000 yr) were prepared. Optical microscope observation showed that altered layers had developed along the glass surfaces. IR spectral line profile analysis was conducted on the glass sections from the surface to the interior for a length of 250 mu m and the contents of molecular H2O (H2Om), OH species (OH) and total water (H2O1) were determined. The diffusion profile of H2Om in Ohsawa lava extends beyond the layer observed by optical microscope. The content of H2Om in the hydrated region is much higher than that of OH species. Thus, the reaction from H2Om to OH appears to be little and H2Om is the dominant water species moving into the glass during weathering. Based on the concentration profiles, the diffusion coefficients of H2Om (DH2Om) and (HOt)-O-2 (DH2O1) were determined to be 2.8 x 10(-10) and 3.4 x 10(-10) mu m(2) s(-1) for Ohsawa lava, and 5.2 x 10(-11) and 4.1 x 10(-11) mu m(2) s(-1) for Awanomikoto lava, respectively. The obtained DH2Om during weathering are more than 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than the diffusion coefficient at similar to 20 degrees C that is extrapolated from the diffusivity data for >400 degrees C. This might suggest that the mechanism of water transport is different at weathering conditions and >400 degrees C. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.10.018

    Web of Science



  • アミノ酸重合反応におけるpHの効果

    坂田 霞, 北台 紀夫, 田中 良典, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   55   159 - 159   2008年



    生命の起源において,アミノ酸の重合反応は重要なプロセスである.アミノ酸の重合速度には,pHが大きく影響していることが知られているが,pHの効果について定量的な解析はなされていない.そこで本研究では, Glyを用いて,pHがGlyの重合速度に及ぼす影響を定量的に検証した. NaOH水溶液を用いてpHが7から10の間で調整した100mMのGly水溶液を作成した.このGly水溶液を8-10mlずつテフロン反応容器に入れ,温度を140,160℃に保ったオーブンでそれぞれ1日から14日の間で加熱した.加熱後の水溶液を冷却した後,液体クロマトグラフィーでGly,GlyGly,DKPの濃度を測定した.実験結果より、GlyからいったんDKPが生成し, DKPからGlyGlyが生成していると考えられた.このGlyGly生成の1次反応速度定数は,pHが高くなるにつれて増加した.

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  • The formation of CO2 by fulvic acid on the surface of goethite studied using ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy 査読

    Takahiro Otsuka, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:JAPAN ASSOC MINERALOGICAL SCIENCES  

    Changes in the absorption intensity (absorbance) at 254 nm of a fulvic acid solution in the presence of goethite powder were monitored in situ in a liquid cell at a temperature of 80 degrees C in a UV-visible spectrometer. The absorbance at 254 nm decreased rapidly with time in the initial stage in the presence of goethite with a first-order rate constant of k(1)(UV) = 3 x 10(-4) S-1. while in the absence of goethite, the absorbance at 254 nm decreased slowly with time, with a first-order rate constant of k(0)(UV) = 6 x 10(-7) s(-1). A hydrothermal vessel was connected to a long-path gas cell infrared spectrometer to monitor the volatile compounds formed on heating the fulvic acid at 80 degrees C. Carbon dioxide formed gradually over time from the fulvic acid solution in the absence of goethite (k(0)(CO2) = 1.5 x 10(-6) s(-1)). The formation of CO2 in the presence of geothite occurred via two first-order reactions. The initial first-order rate constant of CO2 formation from fulvic acid in the presence of goethite (k(1)(CO2) = 3.2 x 10(-4) s(-1)) had the same magnitude as the decrease in absorbance at 254 nm. The second rate constant of CO2 formation (k(2)(CO2) = 1.8 X 10(-6) s(-1)) had the same magnitude as CO2 formation in the absence of goethite. These results suggest that the formation of CO2 from the fulvic acid is greatly accelerated by the presence of goethite, possibly through the adsorption of the fulvic acid on the goethite surface with subsequent redox reactions occurring.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.070619c

    Web of Science



  • Transformation of gamma-ray-formed methyl radicals in methane hydrate at 10 MPa 査読

    Kenji Ishikawa, Atsushi Tani, Takahiro Otsuka, Satoru Nakashima



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:INST PURE APPLIED PHYSICS  

    The stability of methyl radicals formed in synthetic methane hydrate by gamma-ray irradiation at 77 K was studied at 200-273 K and 10 MPa. The methyl radicals decayed under these conditions, despite the stability of methane hydrate, and changed into other molecules that could not be detected by electron spin resonance (ESR). Decay products were investigated by gas cell infrared (IR) spectroscopy by measuring the decomposed gas from the gamma-irradiated methane hydrate. Only ethane molecules were detected from the irradiated sample, while these were absent in an unirradiated sample. The molar ratio of ethane to methane (C2H6/CH4) was 12 +/- 1 ppm, which did not contradict with that of methyl radical to methane (CH3./CH4) in the literature. Hence, most of the methyl radicals generated by irradiation were supposed to be transformed to ethane in methane hydrate.

    DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.46.455

    Web of Science



  • Development of in situ low temperature infrared spectroscopy for a study of methane hydrate 査読

    K. Ishikawa, A. Tani, S. Nakashima

    Physics and Chemistry of Ice   233 - 239   2007年





  • In situ infrared microspectroscopy of approximately 850 million-year-old prokaryotic fossils. 査読 国際誌

    Motoko Igisu, Satoru Nakashima, Yuichiro Ueno, Stanley M Awramik, Shigenori Maruyama

    Applied spectroscopy   60 ( 10 )   1111 - 20   2006年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    In situ infrared (IR) and Raman microspectroscopy have been conducted on Neoproterozoic, organic-walled microfossils (prokaryotic fossils) in doubly polished, petrographic thin sections in order to detect their spectral signatures. The microfossils are very well preserved and occur in black chert from the approximately 850 million-year-old Bitter Springs Formation, Northern Territory, Australia. Raman microspectroscopy on two species of microfossils, one a filament and the other a coccoid, shows disordered peaks (D peak, 1340 cm(-1)) and graphite peaks (G peak, 1600 cm(-1)), indicating that they consist of disordered carbonaceous materials. IR micro-mapping results of the filament reveal that the distributions of peak heights at 2920 cm(-1) (aliphatic CH(2)), 1585 cm(-1) (aromatic C-C), and 1370 cm(-1) (aliphatic CH(3)) match the shape of the filamentous microfossil. These results suggest that IR microspectroscopy can be used for in situ characterization of organic polar signatures that morphologically indicate microfossils embedded in chert by using doubly-polished rock (petrographic) thin section samples. Further, these methods can be applied to controversial microfossil-like structures to test their biogenic nature.

    DOI: 10.1366/000370206778664707




  • In situ infrared microspectroscopy of similar to 850 million-year-old prokaryotic fossils 査読

    Motoko Igisu, Satoru Nakashima, Yuichiro Ueno, Stanley M. Awramik, Shigenori Maruyama

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   60 ( 10 )   1111 - 1120   2006年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:SOC APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY  

    In situ infrared (IR) and Raman microspectroscopy have been conducted on Neoproterozoic, organic-walled microfossils (prokaryotic fossils) in doubly polished, petrographic thin sections in order to detect their spectral signatures. The microfossils are very well preserved and occur in black chert from the similar to 850 million-year-old Bitter Springs Formation, Northern Territory, Australia. Raman microspectroscopy on two species of microfossils, one a filament and the other a coccoid, shows disordered peaks (D peak, 1340 cm(-1)) and graphite peaks (G peak, 1600 cm(-1)), indicating that they consist of disordered carbonaceous materials. IR micro-mapping results of the filament reveal that the distributions of peak heights at 2920 cm-1 (aliphatic CH2), 1585 cm-1 (aromatic C-C), and 1370 cm-1 (aliphatic CH3) match the shape of the filamentous microfossil. These results suggest that IR microspectroscopy can be used for in situ characterization of organic polar signatures that morphologically indicate microfossils embedded in chert by using doubly-polished rock (petrographic) thin section samples. Further, these methods can be applied to controversial microfossil-like structures to test their biogenic nature.

    DOI: 10.1366/000370206778664707

    Web of Science


  • Interaction experiments between RNA molecules and phosphate minerals 査読

    Kosuke Okihara, Satoru Nakashima

    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF THE BIOSPHERE   36 ( 3 )   292 - 293   2006年6月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Web of Science


  • Water diffusion in basaltic to dacitic glasses 査読

    Satoshi Okumura, Satoru Nakashima

    Chemical Geology   227 ( 1-2 )   70 - 82   2006年3月



    Dehydration experiments on basaltic, andesitic and dacitic glasses with 1.1, 0.7 and 1.0 wt.% total water, respectively, were performed at 400-675 °C and 0.1 MPa. The dehydration rates were measured by in situ infrared (IR) spectroscopy and modeled by assuming the diffusion of one component water (total water). The diffusivities of total water in basalt and dacite were found to be linearly dependent on total water contents, but that in andesite was weakly dependent on or independent of total water contents at water content and temperature ranges of this study. The total water diffusivities in basalt and dacite were determined by assuming the linear-dependent diffusivity on total water contents and that in andesite was obtained by assuming the constant diffusivity. The obtained diffusivities of total water D (μm2/s) can be expressed by the following equations: DBasalt = C/C0exp[(20.2±2.1) - (166,000±13,000)/RT] DAndesite = exp[(12.4±1.4) - (138,000±10,000)/RT] DDacite = C/C0exp[(13.9±0.9) - (133,00 0±6000)/RT], where C is the total water contents in weight perce nt; C0, reference total water contents of 1.1 and 1.0 wt.% for basalt and dacite, respectively; and T, temperature in Kelvin. These equations cover the temperature ranges of 400-575, 500-675 and 500-675 °C, and the water content ranges of <1.1, 0.7 and 1.0 wt.% for basalt, andesite and dacite, respectively. The obtained diffusivities of total water in basalt, andesite and dacite and previous data for water diffusivity in rhyolite show that at 0.7 wt.% and 400-675 °C, the total water diffusivity decreases from rhyolite to andesite, but the total diffusivity in basalt is higher than that in dacite and lower than that in rhyolite. On the other hand, the results of this study predict that the diffusivities of total water in basalt to rhyolite increase with depolymerization of silicate structures at higher temperatures, which results from the crossovers of diffusivity-temperature trends. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.09.009



  • Water content in natural eclogite and implication for water transport into the deep upper mantle 査読

    Ikuo Katayama, Satoru Nakashima, Hisayoshi Yurimoto

    Lithos   86 ( 3-4 )   245 - 259   2006年2月



    Infrared spectroscopy and ion micro-probe measurements showed that the major constituent minerals of eclogites from the Kokchetav massif, which have been subducted to ∼180 km depths, contain significant amounts of water up to 870 ppm H2O (by weight) in omphacite, 130 ppm H2O in garnet and 740 ppm H2O in rutile. Omphacite shows three hydroxyl absorption bands at 3440-3460, 3500-3530 and 3600-3625 cm-1, garnet has a single band at 3580-3630 cm-1 and rutile has a single sharp band at 3280 cm-1. The hydroxyl absorbance at these wavenumbers changes with the crystal orientation in polarized infrared radiation, indicating that the water is structurally incorporated in these minerals. The water contents in omphacite and garnet increase systematically with the metamorphic pressure of the host eclogites. The partitioning coefficient of the water content between coexisting garnet and omphacite is similar in different eclogites, DGrt/Omp∼0.1-0.2, but decreases slightly at high pressure. Based on the mineral proportions of the eclogites, we estimate bulk-rock water content in the eclogites ranging from 3070 to 300 ppm H2O (by weight). Although hydrous minerals are absent in the diamond-grade eclogite (∼60 kbar and ∼1000 °C), trace amounts of water are incorporated in the nominally anhydrous minerals such as omphacite and garnet. The presence of significant water in these minerals implies that the subducting oceanic crust can transport considerable amounts of water into the deep upper mantle beyond the stability of hydrous minerals. Such water may be stored in the deep upper mantle and have an important influence on dynamics in the Earth's interior. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2005.06.006



  • Pore space visualization of rocks using an atomic force microscope 査読

    T. Hirono, W. Lin, S. Nakashima

    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences   43 ( 2 )   317 - 320   2006年2月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2005.06.006



  • Hydrothermal fluid venting along a seismogenic detachment fault in the Moresby rift (Woodlark basin, Papua New Guinea) 査読

    Vincent Famin, Satoru Nakashima

    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems   6 ( 12 )   2005年12月



    We investigate the conditions of hydrothermal alteration occurring along an active, seismogenic normal fault dipping <30° in the Moresby rift (Woodlark basin, Papua New Guinea). Petrological and fluid inclusion studies were conducted in the samples recovered from the Ocean Drilling Program leg 180 that cored the footwall, scarp, and hanging wall of the fault. Chemical analyses of the thermodependent Si-Al substitutions in chlorites show that synrift alteration is coeval with a temperature rise from 200°C to 300°C in the footwall of the detachment, whereas no thermal event is recorded in the hanging wall. In the same samples, fluid inclusions indicate that footwall rocks followed an isothermal exhumation path from 5-7 km to the subsurface. Taken together, the results strongly suggest that the +100°C temperature rise results from the upward migration of H2O-NaCl fluids expelled by dehydrating metamorphic rocks from the lower crust. Fluid release began with the onset of detachment faulting and is still actively occurring nowadays. The fact that low-angle earthquakes also occur now at 5 - 7 km along the fault suggests that the dehydration of the metamorphic rocks and the subsequent circulation of hot hydrothermal fluids may be responsible for the weakening of the middle crust and the formation of a detachment in the Moresby rift. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union.

    DOI: 10.1029/2005GC001112



  • In situ high-temperature visible microspectroscopy for volcanic materials. 査読 国際誌

    Yuta Yamanoi, Satoru Nakashima

    Applied spectroscopy   59 ( 11 )   1415 - 9   2005年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    In situ high-temperature visible microspectroscopy has been developed in order to study color change kinetics of volcanic materials. Olivine thin sections put on a synthetic alumina plate are heated on a heating stage at 600-800 degrees C under a visible microspectroscope. Changes in visible absorption spectra are monitored every 60 s for 5 hours. The obtained high-temperature visible spectra showed a gradual increase with time in absorbance in the shorter wavelength region (400-600 nm). The 430 nm absorbance (ligand field transition of Fe3+ increased more with time at higher temperatures. Assuming diffusional transport in plane sheets, apparent diffusion coefficients were determined at temperatures of 600-800 degrees C. The activation energy for this diffusion in olivine is 208 +/- 17 kJ/mol. This activation energy value is similar to those for the metal vacancy diffusion in olivine. This newly developed in situ high-temperature visible microspectroscopy can provide kinetic measurements of visible spectral change of materials at high temperatures such as volcanic materials.

    DOI: 10.1366/000370205774783205




  • Diffusivity anisotropy in a rhyolite and its relation to pore structure 査読

    Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    Engineering Geology   80 ( 3-4 )   328 - 335   2005年8月



    The diffusivity anisotropy of ions through rock pore water was evaluated quantitatively by through-diffusion experiments on a rhyolite rock having anisotropic pore structure. The rhyolite has planar flow structure with elongated pore shapes to the flow direction (X-Y plane). Diffusion coefficients of K+ ions for the direction perpendicular to this flow structure (Z-direction) were about 5-9 times smaller than those for the orthogonal parallel directions (X- and Y-direction). Pore geometrical analyses on backscattered electron microscopic images indicated that the pore length ratios among the X-, Y-, and Z-direction were roughly 2: 2: 1. This shorter pore length for the Z-direction appears to reduce pore connectivity, causing larger tortuosity and smaller diffusivity for this direction. This diffusivity anisotropy needs to be taken into account for precise modeling of diffusion-limited geological processes such as contaminant transport and rock deformation. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2005.07.002



  • Color development of iron oxides during rhyolite weathering over 52,000 years 査読

    Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    Chemical Geology   219 ( 1-4 )   309 - 320   2005年6月



    To evaluate the behavior of iron during weathering, colors of four rhyolites with different degrees of weathering (eruption ages: 1.1, 1.8, 26, and 52 ka) were studied. Because the initial chemical compositions of the four lavas were similar to one another, it is considered that the four lavas had similar whitish color at the time of eruption. However, at present more weathered lavas have more yellow-brownish color, indicating the formation of iron (hydr)oxides or Fe-bearing clays. In order to characterize those weathering products, spectro-colorimetry and differential dissolution method were combined. The colors of 1.1- and 1.8-ka lavas are close to the color of ferrihydrite whereas those of 26- and 52-ka lavas approach to the color of goethite. This indicates that the initial stage of weathering is dominated by the formation of ferrihydrite and with increasing weathering the transformation from ferrihydrite to goethite proceeds. It is estimated from the change of rock color that the half-life for the transformation reaction of ferrihydrite to goethite in the field is >1100 years, which is at least 80 times longer than previously reported values based on laboratory experiments. The presence of impurities such as Si and Al in ferrihydrite can be a possible origin for retarding the transformation rate in the field. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.03.005



  • Experimental constraints on the low gas permeability of vesicular magma during decompression 査読

    Shingo Takeuchi, Satoru Nakashima, Akihiko Tomiya, Hiroshi Shinohara

    Geophysical Research Letters   32 ( 10 )   1 - 5   2005年5月



    Change in permeability during vesiculation has been measured for vesiculated products from decompression experiments. The permeabilities of the experimental products are less than 10-15.5 m2 at vesicularity less than 45 vol %, and increase by about 2 orders of magnitude with the vesicularity increase from 45 to 80 vol %. The permeability-vesicularity relationship of the experimental products is quite different from those obtained for natural eruptive materials by previous measurements, which reported a dramatic increase in permeability from 10-15.5 to 10-13 m2 with vesicularity increase from 2 to 40 vol %. The quenched experimental products can be considered as snapshots in vesiculating magma during decompression. Therefore, the permeability variation in vesiculating magma is close to that obtained from the experiments than that obtained from natural eruptive materials, because the latter has experienced complex deformation in the late stages of eruption. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union.

    DOI: 10.1029/2005GL022491



  • Structure and diffusive properties of fluid-filled grain boundaries: An in-situ study using infrared (micro) spectroscopy 査読

    Siese de Meer, Chris J. Spiers, Satoru Nakashima

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters   232 ( 3-4 )   403 - 414   2005年4月



    The rate of numerous diagenetic, deformation and metamorphic processes in crustal rock systems ultimately depends on the structure and diffusive properties of water-bearing grain boundaries. We present the first in-situ spectroscopic study of the nature of aqueous films present in mineral interfaces undergoing stress-induced dissolution or 'pressure solution'. Using infrared micro-spectroscopy, we show that during active pressure dissolution of the (111) plane of halite (NaCl) against a CaF2 plate, the confined intercrystalline liquid has an average thickness of 85-185 nm and occupies a rough, non-equilibrium grain boundary structure. The hydrogen bonding of the water within the grain boundary film is modified due to increased polymerization towards ice-like (hard) water. Simultaneous pressure solution rate measurements show that diffusion within the grain boundary fluid is about one order of magnitude slower than in bulk solution. During active pressure solution of the (100) plane of halite, a similar non-equilibrium grain boundary structure develops but the average thickness of the confined water film is only ∼40 nm and no evidence is found for modification of the hydrogen bonding of the water. The difference in hydrogen bonding between the two orientations studied is attributed to differences in surface charge distribution on the (111) and neutral (100) interfaces in NaCl. The difference in mean film thickness is attributed to differences in crystallographically controlled roughness of the dissolving NaCl Surface. If similar grain boundary thickness and diffusivity effects occur in other rock forming minerals, pressure solution in such systems will tend to be interface reaction controlled and may be capable of producing significant seismic anisotropy. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.12.030



  • Threonine transformation under hydrothermal conditions 査読

    Dai Shiota, Satoru Nakashima

    Chemistry Letters   34 ( 2 )   158 - 159   2005年2月



    In order to revisit the kinetics of amino acid transformation in the chemical evolution, a series of hydrothermal experiments has been conducted for threonine (Thr) solution. Thr transformed into glycine (Gly) and other products including peptides and polymers at 121 to 160°C. The Thr → Gly decomposition rate (k1 ) is different from apparent Thr decreasing rate (k), because of the presence of other side reactions. Copyright © 2005 The Chemical Society of Japan.

    DOI: 10.1246/cl.2005.158



  • Molar absorptivities of OH and H<inf>2</inf>O in rhyolitic glass at room temperature and at 400-600 °C 査読

    Satoshi Okumura, Satoru Nakashima

    American Mineralogist   90 ( 2-3 )   441 - 447   2005年2月



    We determined near-infrared (NIR) molar absorptivities of hydroxyl group (4500 cm-1) and molecular water (5230 cm-1) in rhyolitic glasses at room temperature and at high temperature, 400-600 °C. Five rhyolitic glasses with 0.5-2.8 wt% total water were analyzed by FT-IR microspectroscopy at room temperature and at 50 °C intervals in the range of 400 to 600 °C using a heating stage. The total water contents in the rhyolitic glasses were measured by Karl-Fischer titration. Based on these data, the linear molar absorptivities of the 4500 and 5230 cm-1 bands at room temperature were determined to be 1.42 ± 0.12 and 1.75 ± 0.08 L/mol-cm, respectively. The integral molar absorptivities obtained are 285 ± 24 and 239 ± 11 L/mol-cm2 for the 4500 and 5230 cm-1 bands, respectively. These values can be used to determine the concentrations of hydroxyl group and molecular water in rhyolitic glass with 0.5-2.8 wt% total water at room temperature. The experimental results at high temperature show that the linear and integral molar absorptivities of the 4500 cm-1 band at 400-600 °C generally remain within 6% of the values at room temperature. On the other hand, the linear and integral molar absorptivities of the 5230 cm-1 band systematically decrease with increasing temperature in the ranges of 400 to 600 °C. These high-temperature molar absorptivities are useful for evaluating the water speciation in rhyolitic glass by in situ high-temperature IR microspectroscopy.

    DOI: 10.2138/am.2005.1740



  • 間隙水の物性変化による移流・拡散現象の遅延効果

    廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟, 林 為人, 高橋 学

    応用地質   45 ( 3 )   118 - 124   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本応用地質学会  

    ナノスケールの空隙 (以下, ナノポアと略す) をもつ岩石および堆積物の溶存イオンの実効拡散係数の評価のため, 多種類の岩石・堆積物を用いてヨウ素イオンの透過拡散試験を行い, ナノポアにおけるヨウ素イオンの拡散係数の測定を行った. その結果, ナノポア中の間隙水を介するイオンの実効拡散係数は自由水中のそれと比べて約1桁低い値を示し, かつ間隙径が小さくなるほど, その値が低下する傾向が認められた. ナノスケールでの薄膜水の赤外分光法による過去の研究報告では, 水の物性は温度・圧力のみならず鉱物表面との相互作用およびその作用が及ぶ範囲にも依存し, その分子構造の緻密化は100nm以下で顕著に現れることが示唆されている. この分子構造の変化が本研究でのイオンの実効拡散係数の低下の原因と考えられる. また, 岩石が100nm以下のナノポアを多く含む場合, 等価管路モデルで透水係数の推定を行った最近の研究報告では, 間隙径による水の粘性係数の変化を考慮することにより実験値により近い値が得られている. このように, ナノポアにおける水分子の構造化に起因する溶存イオンの実効拡散係数および透水係数の低下は, 地下深部での物質移動を定量的に評価するうえで無視できない要素と言える.

    DOI: 10.5110/jjseg.45.118

    CiNii Books


  • Shape changes of calcareous nannofossils upon aqueous dissolution as revealed by atomic force microscope measurements 査読

    Kyoma Takahashi-Shimase, Satoru Nakashima

    Geophysical Research Letters   31 ( 14 )   2004年7月



    We measured three-dimensional shape of a specimen of calcareous nannofossil by using an atomic force microscope (AFM), and traced its change during an aqueous dissolution experiment. Some numerical values are calculated to characterize the shape changes of the specimen upon dissolution; volume, surface area, and roughness of the specimen decreased by the dissolution. The present AFM method is expected to study quantitatively possible changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblage due to different dissolution rates for different fossil forms. Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union.

    DOI: 10.1029/2004GL020416



  • Water diffusivity in rhyolitic glasses as determined by in situ IR spectroscopy 査読

    S. Okumura, S. Nakashima

    Physics and Chemistry of Minerals   31 ( 3 )   183 - 189   2004年4月



    The dehydration rate of hydrous rhyolitic glasses at 475-875°C was measured by in situ infrared (IR) spectroscopy in order to determine the diffusion coefficient of water in rhyolitic glasses. The IR spectra of glass thin sections were obtained at 90-s intervals during 90 min at high temperatures, and the change in absorbance at 3550 cm-1 corresponding to total water was monitored. The diffusion coefficients obtained from dehydration rates of the rhyolitic glasses are considered to be averaged value over the water-concentration profile in the sample. The averaged apparent diffusion coefficients increase with the initial total water content from 0.20 μm2 s-1 for 0.7 wt% to 0.37 μm2 s-1 for 2.8 wt% at 700°C. The apparent activation energy for the diffusion of total water decreases with increasing initial water content from 112 ± 6 kJ mol-1 for 0.7 wt% to 60 ± 17 kJ mo1-1 for 4.1 wt%. Assuming a linear relation between the diffusion coefficient of total water and the total water content, the diffusion coefficients at each initial total water content were also determined. The diffusion coefficients of total water at the water contents of 0.7 and 1.9 wt% and at 0.1 MPa were best fitted by In D = [(12.9 ± 0.8) - (111 500 ± 6400)/RT] and In D = [(10.6 ± 0.4) - (86 800 ± 2800)/RT], respectively, and are in agreement with previous data (D in μm2 s-1, T in K). The present in situ IR dehydration experiment is a rapid and effective method for the determination of water diffusivity at high temperatures. © Springer-Verlag 2004.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00269-004-0383-1



  • Mobility of metarmorphic fluids inferred from infrared microspectroscopy on natural fluid inclusions: The example of Tinos Islands, Greece 査読

    Vincent Famin, Satoru Nakashima, Laurent Jolivet, Pascal Philippot

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology   146 ( 6 )   736 - 749   2004年2月



    OH structure of metamorphic fluids has been studied by high temperature infrared (IR) microspectroscopy on natural fluid inclusions contained in quartz veins, over the temperature range 25-370 °C. Blueschist-facies veins from Tinos island core complex (Cyclades, Greece) display H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-CO2 inclusions whereas greenschist-facies veins contain H2O-NaCl ± CO2 inclusions. From 25 to 370 °C, peak positions of OH stretching IR absorption bands increase quasilinearly with slopes of 0.25 and 0.50 cm-1 °C-1 for inclusions trapped under blueschist and greenschist conditions, respectively. Extrapolation to 400 °C yield peak positions of 3,475 cm-1 for blueschist inclusions and 3,585 cm-1 for greenschist inclusions. Because the smaller wave number indicates the shorter hydrogen-bond distance between water molecules, fluids involved in the greenschist event have a 'loose' structure compared with blueschist fluids. We suggest that these properties might correspond to a low wetting angle of fluids. This would explain the high mobility of aqueous fluids suggested by structural observation and stable isotope analysis. © Springer-Verlag 2003.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00410-003-0531-5



  • Water solubility in majoritic garnet in subducting oceanic crust 査読

    Ikuo Katayama, Kei Hirose, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Satoru Nakashima

    Geophysical Research Letters   30 ( 22 )   2003年11月



    Water in majoritic garnet synthesized in the mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) + H2O composition at 20 GPa and 1400-1500°C was measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and infrared spectroscopy. We found that the majorite contains 1130 to 1250 ppm OH by weight. The infrared absorption band showed that incorporation of the hydroxyl in majorite is most likely due to the hydrogarnet substitution. Our results indicate that water can be transported into the mantle transition zone by nominally anhydrous minerals such as omphacite and majorite in the subducting basaltic crust. Such water may have great influences on the physical properties of slab in the transition zone.

    DOI: 10.1029/2003GL018127



  • In situ visualization of fluid flow image within deformed rock by X-ray CT 査読

    Tetsuro Hirono, Manabu Takahashi, Satoru Nakashima

    Engineering Geology   70 ( 1-2 )   37 - 46   2003年10月



    We applied an X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging method to study fluid advection in a laboratory permeameter in order to visualize the advecting fluid image during permeability testing under atmospheric pressure and to elucidate the relationship between fluid flow properties within fault-related rocks and their deformation mechanism. The X-ray CT images show high-resolution, three-dimensional fluid flow distribution in the fault-related rocks. A fault zone without grain cataclasis enables fluid flow, whereas cataclastic fault zones act as barriers. The fluid flow properties of the deformation bands are strongly dependent on the cataclastic fabrics. In sheared rock, including some cracks, only connected cracks can function as fluid conduits. The localized permeabilities along permeable fault zones and fractures, calculated using fluid front rates, are two orders higher than averaged bulk permeability derived from the pressure or volume difference between inflow and outflow in the permeameter. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0013-7952(03)00074-7



  • Morphological analysis of olivine grains annealed in an iron-nickel matrix: Experimental constraints on the origin of pallasites and on the thermal history of their parent bodies 査読

    Kazuto Saiki, Didier Laporte, Daniel Vielzeuf, Satoru Nakashima, Pierre Boivin

    Meteoritics and Planetary Science   38 ( 3 )   427 - 444   2003年3月



    Two types of pallasites can be distinguished on the basis of the grain shape of olivine (rounded or angular). It has been suggested that these two types of textures resulted from different degrees of annealing at high temperature in the parent body. In order to characterize the kinetics of rounding of olivine grains in an Fe-Ni matrix, we carried out a series of annealing experiments using a mixture of olivine and Fe-Ni powder. We were able to reproduce, at a miniature scale, the range of textures in pallasites. The rate of rounding was rapid enough to be observed and measured at the scale of a few micrometers to 20 μm, even though the experiments were performed below the solidus of the Fe-Ni metal. For instance, grains ≈14 μm in diameter became nearly spherical within 7 days at 1400°C. For the morphological analysis of olivine grains, we used two independent techniques: the "critical diameter method" and the "Gaussian diffusion-resample method," a new technique specially developed for our study. Both techniques indicate that the rounding time scale is proportional to the cube of the grain size and that morphological adjustments in our experiments occured by volume diffusion in the olivine lattice, not by surface diffusion along the olivine-metal boundaries. We used our experimental data to estimate the time scales required for the development of olivine-metal textures in natural pallasites. We determined that small scale rounding of olivine grains in a solid metal matrix can be produced within relatively short time intervals: ≈100 years to produce rounded olivine grains 0.1 mm in radius at 1300-1400°C.

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2003.tb00278.x



  • Structural change of water with solutes and temperature up to 100 degrees C in aqueous solutions as revealed by attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy. 査読 国際誌

    Kaori Masuda, Taishiro Haramaki, Satoru Nakashima, Bertrand Habert, Isabelle Martinez, Seiichi Kashiwabara

    Applied spectroscopy   57 ( 3 )   274 - 81   2003年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectra of several aqueous solutions have been measured by using a newly developed heatable rod-type ATR cell. The OH stretching bands showed systematic change with increasing solute concentrations and these changes can be explained by four different OH components based on curve-fitting results. NaCl solutions show longer H-bond distance character, while carbonate solutions present shorter ones. The Na2CO3 1 M solution conserves this shorter H-bond nature up to 100 degrees C. On the other hand, the loose nature of NaCl solutions becomes less pronounced at higher temperatures because of the dissociation of pure water clusters. These in situ observations of water structures are generally in agreement with the expected nature of fluids within the earth.

    DOI: 10.1366/000370203321558173




  • Hydroxyl in clinopyroxene from the deep subducted crust: Evidence for H<inf>2</inf>O transport into the mantle 査読

    Ikuo Katayama, Satoru Nakashima

    American Mineralogist   88 ( 1 )   229 - 234   2003年1月



    Clinopyroxenes in eclogites from the deep subducted crust in the Kokchetav, Kazakhstan, ultra-high-pressure metamorphic terrane were found by infrared spectroscopy to contain up to 3020 ppm OH. These rocks were recrystallized at pressures over 60 kbar and temperatures over 1000 °C, where no hydrous minerals are stable. Infrared spectra of the clinopyroxenes show three hydroxyl absorption bands in the regions 3440-3460 cm-1, 3500-3530 cm-1, and 3600-3625 cm-1. The hydroxyl absorbance increases with recrystallization pressure of the eclogites and with vacancy concentration in the pyroxene structure (Ca-Eskola component). Clinopyroxenes represent about 40-50 vol% of eclogites, such that the bulk eclogites contain approximately 1300 ppm hydroxyl at depths greater than 150 km. Thus, subducted oceanic crust can transport trace amounts of H2O into the upper mantle, even in the absence of nominally hydrous minerals.

    DOI: 10.2138/am-2003-0126



  • Determination of molar absorptivity of IR fundamental OH-stretching vibration in rhyolitic glasses 査読

    Satoshi Okumura, Michihiko Nakamura, Satoru Nakashima

    American Mineralogist   88 ( 11-12 PART 1 )   1657 - 1662   2003年



    Molar absorptivity of the infrared (IR) fundamental OH-stretching vibration band at 3550 cm-1 was determined for rhyolitic glasses. Five obsidian samples, unheated and heated at 500-700°C using an internally heated pressure vessel, were used to evaluate the dependence of the molar absorptivity and final quenched H2O speciation on H2O contents and temperature. Water contents of the obsidians were measured by Karl-Fischer titration first, then the amount of unextracted H2O was calibrated by IR spectroscopy and a conventional vacuum extraction method. Total H2O contents of the obsidians were determined to be 0.24-1.25 wt%. IR spectra of the unheated and heated obsidian samples were obtained using an FT-IR microspectrometer. We determined the molar absorptivity for the 3550 cm-1 band to be 75 ± 4 L/mol/cm without significant dependence on the H2O contents and heating temperature. This value can be used to determine precise H2O contents up to 1.25 wt% in rhyolitic volcanic glasses.

    DOI: 10.2138/am-2003-11-1204



  • Water solubility in majoritic garnet in MORB composition at the mantle transition zone 査読

    Katayama, I, Hirose, K, Yurimoto, H, Nakashima, S

    Geophysical Research Letters30   30   2003年


  • Direct imaging of fluid flow in fault-related rocks by X-ray CT 査読

    T. Hirono, M. Takahashi, S. Nakashima

    Geological Society Special Publication   215   107 - 115   2003年



    Faults profoundly affect patterns and rates of fluid flow and solute transport in the geological environment. They may act as conduits, barriers or combined conduit-barrier systems. In order to elucidate the relationship between fluid flow properties and deformation mechanisms of fault-related rocks, we applied X-ray CT during laboratory permeameter measurements for direct imaging of fluid flow during permeability testing. A KI solution, which has high X-ray attenuation values, was used as a contrast medium for the advection imaging. Three-dimensional fluid flow distributions were measured for the studied fault-related rocks. Fault zones characterized by independent particulate flow as deformation mechanism act as conduits for fluid flow, whereas cataclastic fault zones act as barriers.

    DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.215.01.10



  • O-339 超高圧変成岩中の水を含んだ単斜輝石とザクロ石 : 地球深部への水の輸送機構(28. 変成岩とテクトニクス,口頭発表,一般講演)

    片山 郁夫, 中嶋 悟, 丸山 茂徳

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   2002   168 - 168   2002年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2002.0_168_1

    CiNii Books


  • Rolling experiment with partially molten rocks: A new apparatus and some experiments on the kinetics of material transport, dissolution and crystal growth 査読

    Susumu Ikeda, Satoru Nakashima

    European Journal of Mineralogy   11 ( 3 )   441 - 453   1999年5月



    In order to investigate the effects of melt movement on material transport, dissolution and crystal growth in partially molten rock systems, a new apparatus was designed to move partial melt. Spherical specimens with low degrees of melting (less than 40 vol%) were rolled in a PtRh crucible rotating at 240 rpm in an electric furnace. Melt movement in this rolling experiment was confirmed by the displacement of Au powder added to the partially molten natural dacite. A partial melt movement of about 200 μm/h was observed in the rolling experiment. Element transport in the melt was traced using a Ni foil placed in the centre of the spherical dacite specimens. The apparent diffusion coefficient of Ni in the rolling experiment (1 x 10-12 m2/s) was one order of magnitude larger than the diffusion coefficient in the static experiment (1 x 10-13 m2/s). An increase of the dissolution rate of crystals of ~ 20% was observed under these advective conditions. The calculated dissolution rates using diffusion coefficients and the thicknesses of compositional boundary layers in melt showed good agreement with the observed dissolution rates. This suggests that dissolution in the present study was transport-controlled and was enhanced by rolling. Furthermore, an increase in crystal growth rate was observed in an isothermal experiment using a partially molten synthetic pyroxene solid solution. These results indicate that the kinetics of dissolution and the growth of crystals are influenced by melt movement in partially molten rock systems in which advective material transport is larger than material transport resulting solely from molecular diffusion.



  • Measurement of self-diffusion coefficients of water in smectite by stimulated echo <sup>1</sup>H nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 査読

    Yoshito Nakashima, Fumiyuki Mitsumori, Satoru Nakashima, Manabu Takahashi

    Applied Clay Science   14 ( 1-3 )   59 - 68   1999年2月



    1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging was performed for the measurement of self-diffusion coefficients of water molecules (1H2O) in smectite. We measured two smectite samples (saponite and montmorillonite) with 96.6 wt.% of water at 23.8°C. A stimulated echo imaging sequence with magnetic field gradient pulses for the diffusion measurement was applied to the samples at a static magnetic field of 2.35 T. Eight NMR images were obtained with systematically changing the strength of field gradient pulses. The statistics of 225 diffusion data for each sample showed that the average diffusion coefficient was 2.06 × 10-9 m2/s for saponite and 1.52 × 10-9 m2/s for montmorillonite. The standard deviation was 0.02 × 10-9 m2/s for saponite and 0.05 × 10-9 m2/s for montmorillonite. The measurement time for the eight NMR images was 2.8 h, which is much shorter than that for conventional methods. Therefore, NMR imaging is suitable for the quick measurement of water diffusion in clay. ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0169-1317(98)00049-0



  • In-situ IR measurements of OH species in quartz at high temperatures 査読

    S. Suzuki, S. Nakashima

    Physics and Chemistry of Minerals   26 ( 3 )   217 - 225   1999年2月



    The nature of OH species in natural clear quartz was investigated by means of in-situ IR measurements over the temperature range -185 to 1000 °C. Reversible thermal behavior of OH species was examined for a sample pre-heated to 1000 °C for 1 hour. At room temperature, the IR spectrum of the quartz sample examined includes an intense absorption peak at 3379 cm-1 which has been assigned to an OH stretching vibration associated with Al substituting for Si (OH(Al)). The major spectral changes of the OH(Al) bond involve a systematic shift of its peak position and a decrease in its integral absorbance with temperature. A quasi-linear increase of the peak position from -185 to 400 °C is interpreted to be due to the change in the vibrational frequency of OH(Al) with hydrogen bond (H bond) distance. At higher temperatures, the IR frequency shows only a slight change, indicating a small influence of the H bond. On the other hand, the gradual decrease of the integral absorbance of OH(Al) with temperature indicates a decrease of this defect's molar absorptivity without any reduction in defect concentration. This is interpreted to result from a decrease in dipole moment of OH(Al) with temperature. A sudden shift of the vibrational frequency from 3396 to 3386 cm-1 between 550 and 560 °C and a constant value of the integral absorbance from 535 to 570 °C were considered to be related to the change in H bond distance during the structural transformation of α-quartz to its β-form. The local environment of OH(Al) begins to change at temperatures below 570 °C, where the crystallographic α-β transition occurs.

    DOI: 10.1007/s002690050180



  • Formation of goethite and hematite from neodymium-containing ferrihydrite suspensions 査読

    Tetsushi Nagano, Hisayoshi Mitamura, Shinichi Nakayama, Satoru Nakashima

    Clays and Clay Minerals   47 ( 6 )   748 - 754   1999年



    The effects of neodymium (Nd) on the transformation of ferrihydrite to iron oxides was studied. The possible isomorphous substitution of Nd3+ for Fe3+ in iron oxides was examined also. Nd was used as an inactive substitute of trivalent radioactive actinide elements. Hydrolysis of ferric nitrate solution containing 0-30 mole % of Nd formed Nd, Fe-rich ferrihydrite as initial precipitates, which were poorly crystalline. Aging of the Nd-containing ferrihydrite in 0.3 M OH- at 40°C and at pH 9.2 at 70°C formed Nd-free goethite and Nd-substituted hematite. The abundance of these crystalline phases was related to Nd in the parent solutions. Phase abundance, unit-cell parameters, and peak width were estimated by use of the Rietveld method.

    DOI: 10.1346/CCMN.1999.0470609



  • NMR imaging of <sup>1</sup>H in hydrous minerals 査読

    Yoshito Nakashima, Satoru Nakashima, Dieter Gross, Karlheinz Weiss, Kazuo Yamauchi

    Geothermics   27 ( 1 )   43 - 53   1998年2月



    NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) of 1H is applied for the first time to the three-dimensional imaging of hydrogen-bearing samples (stilbite, agate, and enhydros) from geothermal fields. The spin-spin relaxation time of the nuclei of 1H in hydrous minerals is very short, so that it has been difficult to detect NMR signals with a high S/N ratio. This technical problem has been solved by newly developed probeheads and pulse sequences, so that clear images of 1H in stilbite, agate, and enhydros can now be obtained. For example, 1H in an enhydros sample (about 5 cm in diameter) is successfully imaged at a resolution of 0.31 mm. NMR imaging is nondestructive and automatic and is therefore a promising instrument for the rapid acquisition of data on the three-dimensional distribution of water and hydrous minerals in rock samples from geothermal fields. © 1998 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0375-6505(97)00029-1



  • プリニー式噴火噴出物中に含まれるメルト包有物中の水分布 査読

    森泉 美穂子, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1998 ( 0 )   P082   1998年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1998.0_P082


  • Change in D/H ratio, water content and color during dehydration of hornblende 査読

    Isoji Miyagi, Osamu Matsubaya, Satoru Nakashima

    Geochemical Journal   32 ( 1 )   33 - 48   1998年



    The hydrogen isotopic composition of hornblende in volcanic rocks has potential to indicate processes such as degassing of a magma reservoir, as well as the origin of magmatic water. However, during eruption and high-temperature interaction with air, the isotope composition of hornblende can be altered. In order to establish criteria to select natural hornblende that preserves magmatic hydrogen isotopic ratios, hydrogen isotopic composition (δD), water contents, and colors of hornblendes were measured. A series of heating experiments on natural green hornblendes was conducted in air and under vacuum up to 1000°C. There observed a negative relationship between the intensity of redness (a*) and water content among heated hornblendes in air and under vacuum, as well as natural samples from several Quaternary volcanos in Japan. Heating hornblende results in a significant increase in δD value that can be explained by a Rayleigh distillation (simultaneous degassing without hydrogen isotopic exchange between the gas and the mineral) model involving degassing of both H2O and H2. According to the model, maximum fractionation occurs when hornblende dehydrates only by H2 degassing. Application of the model indicates that hornblendes in pumice fragments from Plinian eruptions are most representative of the δD of pre-eruptive magma. In contrast, the δD values of minerals from lava flows, lava domes, or even from thick pumice flow deposits may have suffered from 1) hydrogen isotopic fractionation by mineral dehydration, and/or 2) isotopic reequilibration with degassing magma during eruption stage and during cooling stage after the emplacement.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.32.33



  • Micro FT-IR study of the hydration-layer during dissolution of silica glass 査読

    Norio Yanagisawa, Koichiro Fujimoto, Satoru Nakashima, Yoshiaki Kurata, Norio Sanada

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta   61 ( 6 )   1165 - 1170   1997年3月



    Hydrothermal hydration of silica glass was experimentally studied with pure water at temperatures of 400-500°C and pressures of 40-96 MPa. The dissolution of silica glass occurred at nearly constant rates based on the weight loss and the hydrated surface layers have optical anisotropy. The thickness of the hydration layer increased gradually during the initial stage of the reaction and reached a steady state thickness (0.1 mm) after tens of hours. Concentration-depth profiles of both OH and H2O species in the hydration layer were obtained using microscopic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (micro FT-IR). The concentration of the OH group was 0.4-1.3 wt% and that of H2O was about one third of the OH group near the surface. These concentrations decreased exponentially from the surface of the silica glass inward, indicating diffusion-related processes. Overall reaction rates are interpreted to be determined by diffusion of water in the hydration layer. The diffusion coefficients are estimated to be 10-15-10-14 m2/s and exhibit positive correlations with pressure and temperature. The activation energy was approximately 60 kJ/mol. Copyright © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(96)00406-1



  • High temperature infrared spectra of hydrous microcrystalline quartz 査読

    H. Yamagishi, S. Nakashima, Y. Ito

    Physics and Chemistry of Minerals   24 ( 1 )   66 - 74   1997年1月



    A series of in-situ high temperature infrared (IR) measurements of water in an agate sample and in a milky quartz has been conducted in order to understand the nature of water in silica at high temperatures (50-700 °C) and the dehydration behavior. IR absorption bands of water molecules trapped in the milky quartz showed a systematic decrease in intensities and a shift from 3425 cm-1 at 50°C toward 3590 cm-1 at 700 °C without any loss of water. This indicates a change in IR absorption coefficients corresponding to different polymeric states of water at different temperatures. The broad 3430 cm-1 band in the agate sample also showed a systematic decrease in IR intensity and a band shift toward higher frequency with increasing temperature ( ∼ 700 °C). This indicates that the agate sample also contains fluid inclusion-like water. For this agate sample, a dehydration of loosely hydrogen-bonded molecular water occurred at lower temperatures (<200 °C). At higher temperatures (>400 °C), sharp bands around 3660 and 3725 cm-1 (3740 cm-1 at 50 °C) due to surface silanols, appeared. This indicates dehydration of H2O molecules that are hydrogen bonded to surface silanols. SiOH species in the agate are divided into three groups, namely SiOH group located at structural defects, surface silanols hydrogen bonded to each other and free surface silanols. Former two dehydrate below 700 °C and the dehydration rate of the SiOH at structural defects is faster than the other. IR spectra show that SiOH species decrease continuously even after the dehydration of most of H2O molecules. All these results provide realistic bases for the change in physicochemical states of different OH species in silica at high temperatures.

    DOI: 10.1007/s002690050018



  • 新型顕微可視分光計の開発とウラン鉱物の結晶化学,地球化学

    磯部博志, 中嶋悟

    月刊地球   18 ( 4 )   262 - 268   1996年4月





  • Infrared microspectroscopy analysis of water distribution in deformed and metamorphosed rocks 査読

    Satoru Nakashima, Hiromi Matayoshi, Takako Yuko, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Toshiaki Masuda, Noriko Kuroki, Hiraku Yamagishi, Yuki Ito, Akira Nakamura

    Tectonophysics   245 ( 3-4 )   263 - 276   1995年5月



    Infrared microspectroscopy has been applied to thin sections of various deformed and metamorphosed rocks in order to investigate water content of quartz in these rocks. The broad IR band absorbance around 3400 cm-1 probably due to fluid-inclusion molecular water (H2O) was used to calculate water contents. Deformed granitic rocks from the Yanazawa-Kamimura area near the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) showed an increase of water content in quartz from about 300 ppm to 2500 ppm toward the MTL with increasing degree of deformation. Metacherts from Sambagawa metamorphic rocks (Asemigawa route) showed a systematic decrease of water content in quartz from about 1000 ppm to 200 ppm with increasing metamorphic degree from chlorite, garnet, albite-biotite to oligoclase-biotite zones. An Archaean metachert from the Napier Complex (granulite facies) has only 40 ppm water. Comparing this with an Inuyama unmetamorphosed chert sample having water contents of 3500 to 7000 ppm (a starting point of metamorphism), the systematic decrease of water in quartz with increasing metamorphic grade may extend from unmetamorphosed cherts to the highest-grade metacherts. Water contents in high-pressure metamorphic rocks in Japan are mostly of the order of 500 ppm (300-700 ppm), except for those from Kurosegawa with a water content as high as 1700 ppm. These results represent an exploratory analysis of intragranular water contents in quartz in various deformed and metamorphosed rocks. Further micro FT-IR studies of the distribution of water in crustal rocks will provide a quantitative basis for examining the geochemical cycle of water in the earth's crust. © 1995.

    DOI: 10.1016/0040-1951(94)00239-6



  • Diffusivity of ions in pore water as a quantitative basis for rock deformation rate estimates 査読

    Satoru Nakashima

    Tectonophysics   245 ( 3-4 )   185 - 203   1995年5月



    A systematic treatment of diffusion of ions in rock pore water is presented in order to provide data suitable for quantitatively addressing water-rock interaction problems including the influence of fluids on rock deformation. Diffusivity of ions in water-saturated, high-porosity sediments is primarily controlled by total porosity øtot and grain size. Diffusivity of ions in water-saturated, medium-porosity rocks (øtot = 0.005 to 0.5) is mainly controlled by the transport porosity øtra (> 5 nm), but is influenced by the tortuosity difference between fast pathways through interconnected micropores and slow pathways including nanopores (less than 25 nm). The effective diffusivity De vs. øtot relations obtained are potentially useful for the prediction of diffusion coefficients in rocks and also their time-dependence during water-rock interactions. Based on the above and literature data, the value ranges at 25°C of "pore-water diffusion" coefficients (Dpw) and of "grain-boundary diffusion" coefficients (Dgb) are evaluated. Comparison of these with recent higher temperature data suggests low activation energies estimated for both Dpw and Dgb (15 kJ mol-1). Representative Dgb value trends thus obtained yield "wet" grain-boundary diffusion coefficients Dgb of the order of 10-14 m2 s-1 at 150-350°C. An example calculation of strain rates in fluid-assisted rock deformation such as pressure solution is given based on the method of Shimizu using the above Dgb values. The strain rates at 350°C with typical grain size (d = 0.1 mm), differential stress (σ = 100 MPa) and typical grain-boundary width of about 1-10 nm are estimated to be very fast around 10-11 to 10-9 s-1 via diffusion through "wetted" grain boundaries. Very slow strain rates of about 10-17 s-1 are estimated for "non-wetted" deformation. Wetting characteristics of grain boundaries and the nature of aqueous fluid films have a significant role in the enhancement of rock deformation, especially for low-porosity rocks. © 1995.

    DOI: 10.1016/0040-1951(94)00234-Z



  • The use of color to quantify the effects of pH and temperature on the crystallization kinetics of goethite under highly alkaline conditions 査読

    Tetsushi Nagano, Satoru Nakashima, Shinichi Nakayama, Muneaki Senoo

    Clays and Clay Minerals   42 ( 2 )   226 - 234   1994年4月



    The crystallization kinetics of goethite were studied colorimetrically under highly alkaline conditions (pH 10.1-12.2) at temperatures from 40° to 85°C. Color changes during crystallization from fresh precipitates, plotted on a*-b* colorimetric diagrams, were used to discriminate between pure goethite and mixtures of goethite and hematite. Only the b* value increased as goethite crystallization proceeded, and even a minor increase in the a* value revealed the existence of hematite. The rate of goethite crystallization, estimated from the b* value, could be modeled by a pseudo-first-order rate law. This rate depended both on pH and on temperature. Apparent activation energies for the reactions of 56.1 kJ/mol at pH 11.7 and 48.2 kJ/mol at pH 12.2 were estimated from Arrhenius plots. © 1994, The Clay Minerals Society.

    DOI: 10.1346/CCMN.1994.0420213



  • Kinetics and thermodynamics of U reduction by natural and simple organic matter 査読

    S. Nakashima

    Organic Geochemistry   19 ( 4-6 )   421 - 430   1992年12月



    The hypothesized reaction mechanisms for U reduction by the dehydrogenation of hydroxyl groups and aliphatic hydrocarbonaceous moieties of lignite were verified by kinetic U reduction experiments using simple alcohols (1-octadecanol and 2-propanol) and aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-octacosane). The rate constants and activation energies for U reduction by these alcohols are similar to those obtained for U reduction by lignite. The rate-determining step for U reduction by both simple and natural organic matter is hypothesized to be controlled by oxygen diffusion through U oxides. The equilibria of the system lignite-aqueous uranyl have been used to calculate standard free energy changes ΔG° for lignite dehydrogenation. Their comparison with those for the dehydrogenation of simple organic molecules supports the proposed reactions thermodynamically. © 1992.

    DOI: 10.1016/0146-6380(92)90009-M



  • The factors controlling vertical color variations of North Atlantic Madeira Abyssal Plain sediments 査読

    Seiya Nagao, Satoru Nakashima

    Marine Geology   109 ( 1-2 )   83 - 94   1992年12月



    Colors of Madeira Abyssal Plain sediments, North East Atlantic were determined with a simple colorimeter and described in the second CIE 1976 color space (L*a*b* color space). L*a*b* values of the original sediment core and the powdered sediments vary sharply with depth and these variations were found to be due to changes in the contents of calcium carbonate, organic matter, iron and manganese. The vertical color profiles are essentially conserved after drying and powdering. These results suggest that this rapid measurement method with the colorimeter can be used in quantitative color determination of marine sediments aboardship. As a result of quantitative studies among L*a*b* values, calcium carbonate, organic carbon, iron and manganese contents of powdered sediment samples, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) L* value (psychometric lightness) is controlled by calcium carbonate for whitish color and by organic matter for blackish color. The redox fronts can be easily characterized by a sharp decrease in L* value; (2) a* value (psychometric red-green chromaticness) is controlled by iron for pelagic sediments, by manganese carbonate and iron oxide and hydroxide for calcareous turbidites and turbidite G and by pigments and iron(II)-bearing minerals for greenish and grayish turbidites; (3) b* value (psychometric yellow-blue chromaticness) is controlled by iron contents probably in the form of hydroxides for calcareous turbidites. © 1992.

    DOI: 10.1016/0025-3227(92)90222-4



  • Introduction 査読

    Jack J. Middelburg, Satoru Nakashima

    Marine Geology   109 ( 1-2 )   1992年12月



    DOI: 10.1016/0025-3227(92)90217-6



  • Color variations associated with rapid formation of goethite from proto-ferrihydrite at pH 13 and 40°C 査読

    T. Nagano, S. Nakashima, S. Nakayama, K. Osada, M. Senoo

    Clays and Clay Minerals   40 ( 5 )   600 - 607   1992年10月



    Color variations from brown to yellow of synthesized goethite have been studied colorimetrically and spectroscopically. Goethite with various colors was synthesized at pH 13 and 40°C by varying the incubation time. Colorimetry revealed that the b* value (yellowish chroma) in L*a*b* color space was a quantitative indicator of color variations of the diluted samples. From UV-VIS-NIR spectra, the increase in the b* value was found to be caused by the increase in crystal field absorptions due to goethite formation around 500 nm. The b* value was a good indicator of the relative proportion of goethite in the precipitates including ferrihydrite. X-ray diffraction patterns and infrared spectra revealed that crystallization of goethite was associated with loss of water from the proto-ferrihydrite. © 1992, The Clay Minerals Society.

    DOI: 10.1346/CCMN.1992.0400515



  • Complexation and reduction of uranium by lignite 査読

    Satoru Nakashima

    Science of the Total Environment, The   117-118 ( C )   425 - 437   1992年5月



    Interaction between aqueous acid uranyl solutions and two lignite samples have been studied experimentally at temperatures from 20 to 250°C in order to elucidate the diagenetic evolution of uranium-lignite systems. For the Tertiary lignite from Arjuzanx, France, which is rich in carboxyl groups, fast removal of U from solution occurred already at room temperature by means of cation exchange. Uranyl species are observed by IR spectroscopy to be adsorbed to the lignite. IR spectra of organic moieties suggest the complexation of U by carboxyl groups. This uranyl-carboxyl compound appears to be decomposed thermally to demix uraninite (reduced U) following the decarboxylation of the lignite. In the case of Cretaceous lignite from Gardanne, France, which is poor in carboxyl groups, uranyl adsorption requires some heating and results in the formation of stable organo-uranyl compounds without ion exchange. These compounds seem to be an activated complex controlling the reaction rate in the reduction of uranyl into uraninite at higher temperatures. These experimental studies suggest that uranyl might be complexed by lignite without reduction at low temperature geological environments and the U reduction might occur under late diagenetic or hydrothermal conditions. © 1992.

    DOI: 10.1016/0048-9697(92)90108-5



  • Possible complexation of uranium with dissolved humic substances in pore water of marine sediments 査読

    Seiya Nagao, Satoru Nakashima

    Science of the Total Environment, The   117-118 ( C )   439 - 447   1992年5月



    The relation between dissolved uranium and humic substances in pore water of marine sediments was studied in three different marine environments (hemipelagic, pelagic, and Japan Trench sediments) off Hokkaido Island, Japan. Pore water samples were squeezed out from sediments collected by a box corere at these sites, and their UV-visible spectra, fluorescence emission spectra and uranium concentrations were measured. In hemipelagic sediments, a positive correlation between uranium content and fulvic acid content (fluorescence at 400 nm) in pore water was observed. In Japan Trench sediments, positive correlations between uranium content and absorbance at 280 and 320 nm of pore water are found. These results suggest that pore water uranium may be complexed with dissolved humic substances, especially fulvic acid in hemipelagic and Trench sites. © 1992.

    DOI: 10.1016/0048-9697(92)90109-6







    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)   出版者・発行元:MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC  

    Web of Science


  • 鉱物学・鉱物学会をどうしていくか (2)新しい鉱物科学とその環境作りをめざして:(2)新しい鉱物科学とその環境作りをめざして

    中嶋 悟

    鉱物学雜誌   21 ( 4 )   293 - 300   1992年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences  

    The new trends of mineralogical sciences have been suggested with a special emphais on the development of in-situ characterization techniques such as microspectroscopy, the quantitative color description by colorimetry and the quantitative representation of forms and textures of the real rock and material systems. The systematic treatments of heterogeneous mineralogical kinetics including solid-liquid and solid-gas reactions, diffusion, phase transformation and rheology should also be advanced. The background of these new mineralogy depends on their academic environments and the education of younger generation. Young Mineralogist Organization (YMO) has been working since 5 years to provide a forum of communication and crossover of mineralogical people who are mentally young. In order to take over these interdisciplinary interactions into the academic societies themselves, the unity of 3 mineralogy related societies and their English journals should be envisaged.

    DOI: 10.2465/gkk1952.21.293


  • A convenient method of color measurement of marine sediments by colorimeter 査読

    Seiya Nagac, Satoru Nakashima

    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   25 ( 3 )   187 - 197   1991年



    A convenient method has been developed for the determination of colors of wet and powdered marine sediments. The colors of the sediments are determined with a simple colorimeter and described in the second CIE 1976 color space {Lsab color space). This method can sensitively detect color differences impossible to detect by the naked eye for wet and powdered sediment samples. It generally gives standard deviations of about 3% for replicate determinations of Labk values for powdered samples of brown, dark brown, and greenish gray sediments, and less than 8% for wet black sediments. The color measurement of wet core samples on board the ship can be rapidly performed by this method, which is much more convenient and quantitative than the conventional visual color description using rock color chart. The effects of water content, grain size and oxidation artifact on color of sediments are also discussed. © 1991, GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.25.187



  • Study of colors and degrees of weathering of granitic rocks by visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy 査読

    Tetsushi Nagano, Satoru Nakashima

    Geochemical Journal   23 ( 2 )   75 - 83   1989年



    Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and colorimetry have been applied to study the colors of powdered granitic rocks with different degrees of weathering. As a result, FeO(OH) was considered to be the source of the yellow-brownish color of the weathered rock powders. FeO(OH) contents were determined by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy based on the Kubelka-Munk function and found to increase during weathering. The FeO(OH) contents can be hence taken as a quantitative indicator of the degree of weathering. © 1989, GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.23.75



  • Long-term reaction path modeling of radionuclide fixation in geosphere by spectroscopic methods 査読

    S. Nakashima, T. Nagano

    High Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management   341 - 346   1989年



    As a first step of the reaction path modeling of the long-term behavior of iron during water-rock interactions visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and infrared microspectroscopy have been applied to elucidate chemical forms of iron and water in granitic rocks. These spectroscopic methods revealed that at least a part of dissolved iron in groundwater is finally fixed in granitic rocks as ferric iron hydroxides or oxides. Their chemical forms depend on the geochemical environments: ferric iron hydroxides are precipitated around biotite during the weathering and goethite and hematite are preserved inside feldspars along the fracture after the hydrothermal alteration. The behaviors of iron during these natural processes are expected to provide bases for the evaluation of long-term behaviors of certain radionuclides such as Am.



  • Infrared microspectroscopy analysis of the chemical state and spatial distribution of hydrous species in minerals 査読

    Satoru Nakashima, Sadatsugu Ohki, Shukichi Ochiai

    Geochemical Journal   23 ( 2 )   57 - 64   1989年



    Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (Micro FT-IR) has been applied to minerals to analyze hydrous microphases. Spectra interpretation and mapping analysis of a thin section of altered granitic rock can give us information on the chemical states of hydrous species and their spatial distribu-tion, respectively, in an area as small as 10x10/µm. Micro FT-IR can be a powerful method of microscopical study of heterogeneous geochemical processes, such as water-rock interactions. © 1989, GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.23.57



  • Fixation et reduction de l'uranium par les matieres organiques naturelles: mecanismes et aspects cinetiques. 査読

    S. Nakashima, J. R. Disnar, A. Perruchot, J. Trichet

    Bulletin de Mineralogie   110 ( 2-3 )   227 - 234   1987年



    The reactivity of lignite towards soluble uranyl species in an aqueous medium has been investigated experimentally as a function of T (20-400oC). The fixation process starts near 45oC, with reduction beginning at approx 120oC, and leads to the formation of chemically and thermally stable organo-uranyl species. The reduction of free uranyl species is accompanied by a stoichiometric (2:1) liberation of protons into the medium; these protons originate from the organic matter which thus undergoes dehydrogenation, explaining the low hydrogen content of natural organic materials associated with U deposits. Alcoholic and aliphatic hydrocarbon groups are responsible for the reduction; the kinetics have been studied at 180, 190 and 200oC and, when extrapolated to 20oC, show that reduction can be a crucial process in the geochemical behaviour of U especially in the thermal conditions in which sedimentary basins evolve. -R.A.H.





    BULLETIN DE MINERALOGIE   110 ( 2-3 )   227 - 234   1987年


    記述言語:フランス語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MASSON EDITEUR  

    Web of Science


  • Experimental study of mechanisms of fixation and reduction of uranium by sedimentary organic matter under diagenetic or hydrothermal conditions 査読

    S. Nakashima, J. R. Disnar, A. Perruchot, J. Trichet

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta   48 ( 11 )   2321 - 2329   1984年11月



    Interactions between lignite and soluble uranyl species have been investigated experimentally at different temperatures from 20° to 400°C. Fixation of uranyl species by lignite (45° to 250°C) and their reduction to uraninite (120° to 400°C) were observed. The fixation of uranyl species by lignite results in the formation of stable organo-uranyl compounds. The reduction of uranyl species by lignite results in a stoichiometric liberation of H+ in the solution medium and in a dehydrogenation of lignite. This dehydrogenation can be attributed to two different processes. The first is an oxidation of alcohol functional groups into aldehyde or ketone functions accompanied by a simultaneous reduction of uranyl species. The second is a dehydrogenation of hydrocarbonaceous aliphatic moieties induced by the uranium species. The molecular hydrogen produced during this process is subsequently used for an additional reduction of uranyl species. © 1984.

    DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(84)90228-X



  • (Behavior of uranium during the formation of granitic magma by anatexis (I). Influence of redox conditions and the presence of chloride on the solubility of uranium in the hydrothermal solutions). 査読

    S. Nakashima, J. T. Iiyama

    Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences, Serie II   296 ( 19 )   1515 - 1517   1983年



    The behaviour of uranium is examined experimentally in the course of partial fusion of natural or synthetic granitic rocks. Uranium is soluble in the associated hydrothermal solutions containing chloride under oxidizing conditions, but it is not soluble in the same fluids under reducing conditions. -English summary



  • (Experimental study of the concentration mechanisms of uranium by sedimentary organic matter under conditions of increasing diagenesis, first results). 査読

    S. Nakashima, J. R. Disnar, A. Perruchot

    Comptes Rendus des Seances - Academie des Sciences, Serie II   296 ( 18 )   1425 - 1428   1983年



    The experimental study of the uranium-lignite association has been investigated at different temperatures from 20 t0 400oC. Fixation of uranyl species by the lignite (45 to 250oC) and reduction of them to uraninite (120 to 400oC) were observed. The reduction of uranium is accompanied by dehydrogenation of the lignite.-English summary





  • 図説 日本の温泉 – 170温泉のサイエンス

    一般社団法人日本温泉学会誌監修( 担当: 分担執筆 範囲: 5-3 汐の湯温泉)

    朝倉書店  2020年 


  • 鉱物・宝石の科学事典

    日本鉱物学会編( 担当: 分担執筆 範囲: 102 エネルギー資源)

    朝倉書店  2019年 


  • マイクロビームアナリシスハンドブック

    中嶋 悟, 鍵裕之( 担当: 分担執筆 範囲: 7.2 顕微赤外・ラマン分光法)

    オーム社  2014年 


  • Physicochemistry of Water in Geological and Biological Systems. - Structures and Properties of Thin Aqueous Films -

    Nakashima, S, Spiers, C.J, Mercury, L, Fenter, P, Hochella, Jr., M( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    Universal Academy Press  2004年 


  • Geochemistry and the Origin of Life : proceedings of the international symposium on The Geochemistry and the Origin of Life, held on March 30, 2001, at the Centennial Memorial Building of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, in Japan

    中嶋, 悟( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    Universal Academy Press  2001年  ( ISBN:4946443673


    総ページ数:ix, 355 p   記述言語:英語  

    CiNii Books


  • 新版地学辞典

    中嶋 悟( 担当: 分担執筆 範囲: 線量当量)

    平凡社  1997年 


  • 放射性廃棄物と地質科学ー地層処分の現状と課題ー

    島崎英彦, 新藤静男, 吉田鎮男編( 担当: 分担執筆 範囲: 岩石中の物質移動と岩石・水反応機構)

    東京大学出版会  1995年 


  • 実験地球化学

    飯山, 敏道, 河村, 雄行, 中嶋, 悟( 担当: 分担執筆)

    東京大学出版会  1994年9月  ( ISBN:4130607073


    総ページ数:x, 233p   記述言語:日本語  

    CiNii Books


  • 地球色変化 : 鉄とウランの地球化学

    中嶋, 悟

    近未来社  1994年8月  ( ISBN:490643102X


    総ページ数:292p, 図版 [4] p   記述言語:日本語  

    CiNii Books


  • 固体惑星物質科学の基礎的手法と応用

    武田弘, 北村雅夫, 宮本正道編( 担当: 分担執筆 範囲: 分光学的手法)

    サイエンスハウス  1994年 




  • 赤外分光による角層中水分量変動の非侵襲評価法の開発

    工藤 幸会, 中嶋 悟

    日本香粧品学会誌   42 ( 3 )   180 - 181   2018年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本香粧品学会  


  • 雲凝結核生成時における硫酸アンモニウムと鉱物粒子の影響

    丸山 大貴, 中嶋 悟

    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   58回   418 - 418   2017年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)大気環境学会  


  • 顕微赤外分光法による高木のスギ針葉の水分保持メカニズムの解明

    東 若菜, 中嶋 悟, 山北 絵理, 石井 弘明, 黒田 慶子

    日本森林学会大会発表データベース   127 ( 0 )   317 - 317   2016年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本森林学会  

    樹木は高木になるほど、光合成に有利な光環境の良い梢端までの根からの水供給が物理的に困難となる(水ストレス)。近年、樹高50mの<i>Cryptomeria japonica</i>や樹高100mの<i>Sequoia sempervirens</i>において、梢端の葉の貯水能が高くなり水ストレスが補償されることが示唆された。しかし、葉の組織中で水分がどのように保持されているかは未解明である。本研究では、顕微赤外分光法を<i>C. japonica</i>の葉横断切片に適用し、高さにともなう葉の水分及び化学成分を明らかにし、生理学的測定と比較した。葉横断面のスペクトルから得られた水分量(O-H吸収帯面積(3700–3000 cm<sup>-1</sup>))は高さにともない増加し、生理学的測定と同様の傾向を示した。葉横断面のスペクトルから得られた糖類の量(C-O吸収帯面積(1190–845 cm<sup>-1</sup>))は高さにともない増加していたが、生理学的測定において葉の浸透調節能は高さによらず一定であった。スペクトルマッピングによって水分・糖類量について葉横断面において分布を可視化でき、梢端の葉では葉肉組織中に水分・多糖類の分布が拡大していた。梢端の葉では多糖類が水分保持に寄与すると考えられる。

    DOI: 10.11519/jfsc.127.0_317


  • 大阪の大気微粒子(PM2.5)のSEM/TEM-EDSによる分析

    丸山 大貴, 中嶋 悟, 富澤 亮太, 鈴木 実, 大西 市朗, 瀬戸 雄介, 松本 恵, 西村 理恵, 福山 由依子

    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   56回   293 - 293   2015年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)大気環境学会  


  • 大気微粒子(PM2.5)のミクロ・ナノ分析法と生成過程追跡法の開発

    中嶋 悟, 丸山 大貴, 富澤 亮太, 岡田 実紗, 鈴木 実, 大西 市朗, 瀬戸 雄介, 松本 恵, 西村 理恵, 福山 由依子

    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   56回   437 - 437   2015年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)大気環境学会  


  • 5 惑星間環境下での有機物の変成を探る : 地上模擬実験とたんぽぽ計画(一般講演,第36回学術講演会講演要旨集)

    小林 憲正, Sarker Palash. K., 小野 恵介, 川本 幸徳, 大林 由美子, 金子 竹男, 藪田 ひかる, 中嶋 悟, 三田 肇, 高橋 淳一, 神田 一浩, 山岸 明彦, たんぽぽWG

    Viva origino   39 ( 0 )   5 - 5   2011年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:文部省科学研究費総合研究(B)「原始地球上における生命の起源に関する研究」班  

    CiNii Books


  • 花崗岩アルカリ変質生成物の顕微分光解析と間隙構造に基づく核種の移行挙動

    桐野 裕介, 西山 直毅, 塔ノ上 亮太, 中嶋 悟, 笹本 広

    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集   2011 ( 0 )   682 - 682   2011年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本原子力学会  

    花崗岩が高アルカリ溶液によって変質して生成することが予想されるCalcium Silicate Hydrateを顕微ラマン・赤外分光などで解析し,また間隙構造の変化を解析し,核種の移行挙動へ与える影響を検討した.

    DOI: 10.11561/aesj.2011f.0.682.0


  • 25aHA-2 赤外放射光を光源とした近接場分光装置の開発(25aHA 顕微・近接場分光/高密度励起現象,領域5(光物性))

    池本 夕佳, 石川 迪雄, 中嶋 悟, 岡村 英一, 森脇 太郎, 木下 豊彦

    日本物理学会講演概要集   66 ( 0 )   731 - 731   2011年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 25aHA-1 セラミック光源を用いた近接場赤外スペクトルの変調検出(25aHA 顕微・近接場分光/高密度励起現象,領域5(光物性))

    石川 迪雄, 桂 誠, 中嶋 悟, 会澤 見斗, 井上 勉, 岡村 英一, 池本 夕佳

    日本物理学会講演概要集   66 ( 0 )   731 - 731   2011年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 23aRE-2 セラミック光源を用いた近接場赤外光の変調検出(23aRE 顕微・近接場分光/新光源・新分光法,領域5(光物性))

    石川 迪雄, 桂 誠, 中嶋 悟, 会澤 見斗, 井上 勉, 池本 夕佳, 岡村 英一

    日本物理学会講演概要集   65 ( 0 )   672 - 672   2010年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • 23aRE-3 赤外放射光を光源とした近接場分光(23aRE 顕微・近接場分光/新光源・新分光法,領域5(光物性))

    池本 夕佳, 石川 迪雄, 中嶋 悟, 岡村 英一, 森脇 太郎, 木下 豊彦

    日本物理学会講演概要集   65 ( 0 )   672 - 672   2010年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本物理学会  

    DOI: 10.11316/jpsgaiyo.

    CiNii Books


  • Micro FT-IR Spectroscopic Analysis of Modern and Proterozoic Prokaryotic Fossil: Evidence of Existence of Lipids in Proterozoic Prokaryote? 査読

    Motoko Igisu, Yuichiro Ueno, Mie Shimojima, Satoru Nakashima, Hiroyuki Ohta, Shigenori Maruyama

    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES   39 ( 3-4 )   372 - 373   2009年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Web of Science


  • ATR-IR Spectroscopic Study of L-Lysine Adsorption on Amorphous Silica Surface 査読

    Norio Kitadai, Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES   39 ( 3-4 )   255 - 256   2009年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Web of Science


  • Electrical impedance measurement of hydrous microcrystalline quartz 査読

    Junichi Fukuda, Colin J. Peach, Christopher J. Spiers, Satoru Nakashima




    High temperature impedance spectra, up to 450 C, were measured for a microcrystalline quartz aggregate (chalcedony), which initially contained 0.3 wt% of liquid-like water (H2O) dispersed in grain boundaries and fluid inclusions together with 0.3 wt% of hydroxyl (Si-OH) in the crystal structure. Infrared spectra obtained after heating, showed dominant dehydration of liquid-like water, while much hydroxyl remained stable. Electrical conductivities before (wet) and after heating to 450 C (dry) gave linear Arrhenius relations with apparent activation energies of 11 +/- 1 kJ/mol for initial heating of the wet sample versus 32 +/- 3 kJ/mol for the subsequently dry sample. Compared with previously reported Arrhenius relations for alpha-quartz single crystals, our activation energies are much lower, and the absolute conductivities we obtained range from similar values to three orders of magnitude higher. We infer that the presence of grain boundaries and/or triple junctions containing liquid-like water greatly influences the electrical conductivity.

    DOI: 10.2465/jmps.081022f

    Web of Science



  • Effects of adsorption processes on the interactions of phthalic acid and geothite

    Y. Shushi, N. Kitadai, T. Yokoyama, S. Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   73 ( 13 )   A1218 - A1218   2009年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • 物質表面の構造化された水の物理化学的性質

    中嶋 悟

    表面科学 : hyomen kagaku = Journal of the Surface Science Society of Japan   30 ( 3 )   140 - 147   2009年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本表面科学会  

    Physicochemical properties of thin film water on and between material surfaces have been reviewed. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy on thin film water sandwiched between various materials showed shifts of OH stretching vibration frequency maxima from 3400 cm<sup>&minus;1</sup> to about 3250 cm<sup>&minus;1</sup>. These shifts vary with different materials, crystallographic orientations, film thickness (less than about 200 nm), dissolved ions and temperatures. The thin film water is supposed to have constrained structure close to ice and might have smaller diffusion coefficients and larger viscosity than the bulk liquid water. Standard molar volume, specific heat and entropy values for hydration water on some inorganic materials are different from these for the bulk liquid water and close to those for ice polymorphs. Sonic wave velocity measurements on a water-saturating rock suggest a larger P wave velocity for the thin film water than the value for bulk water. These structured thin water films with different properties from those of the bulk water can be present in the earth's interior and also in living materials such as cactus and human skin controlling dynamics of earth and life.

    DOI: 10.1380/jsssj.30.140

    CiNii Books


  • 有機物・微生物の宇宙曝露と宇宙塵・微生物の捕集(たんぽぽ)

    山岸 明彦, 横堀 伸一, 小林 憲正, 山下 雅道, 橋本 博文, 矢野 創, 長谷川 直, 河合 秀幸, 田端 誠, 中嶋 悟, Yamagishi Akihiko, Yokobori Shinichi, Kobayashi Kensei, Yamashita Masamichi, Hashimoto Hirofumi, Yano Hajime, Hasegawa Sunao, Kawai Hideyuki, Tabata Makoto, Nakashima Satoru

    宇宙利用シンポジウム = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of Space Utilization Symposium   7 ( 25 )   TK.49-TK.55 (J-STAGE)   2009年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部  

    第25回宇宙利用シンポジウム(2009年1月14日-15日, 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部相模原キャンパス)著者人数: 16人資料番号: AA0064297070

    DOI: 10.2322/tstj.7.Tk_49

    CiNii Books



  • 5 アミノ酸重合反応におけるpH効果の定量的評価(一般講演,第34回学術講演会講演要旨集)

    坂田 霞, 北台 紀夫, 中嶋 悟

    Viva origino   37 ( 0 )   5 - 5   2009年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:文部省科学研究費総合研究(B)「原始地球上における生命の起源に関する研究」班  

    CiNii Books


  • 有機物・微生物の宇宙曝露と宇宙塵・微生物の捕集(たんぽぽ)

    山岸明彦, 横堀伸一, 小林憲正, 山下雅道, 橋本博文, 矢野創, 長谷川直, 河合秀幸, 田端誠, 中嶋悟, 癸生川陽子, 藪田ひかる, 奥平恭子, 丸茂克美, 奈良岡浩, 三田肇

    宇宙利用シンポジウム   25th   2009年


  • 4 高温溶液中におけるアミノ酸の赤外吸収特性について(一般講演,第34回学術講演会講演要旨集)

    北台 紀夫, 横山 正, 中嶋 悟

    Viva origino   37 ( 0 )   4 - 4   2009年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:文部省科学研究費総合研究(B)「原始地球上における生命の起源に関する研究」班  

    CiNii Books


  • 303 近接場赤外分光法を用いた炭素質コンドライト中有機物の空間分布(微惑星と原始惑星,オーラルセッション8)

    癸生川 陽子, 中嶋 悟, 中村メッセンジャー 圭子, Zolensky Michael E.

    日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集   2008   64 - 64   2008年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本惑星科学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Organic and mineral transformations during experimental aqueous alteration of carbonaceous chondrite ningqiang

    A. Suzuki, Y. Yamamoto, S. Nakashima, T. Nakamura

    METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE   43 ( 7 )   A150 - A150   2008年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:METEORITICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • 有機物・微生物の宇宙曝露と宇宙塵・微生物の捕集(たんぽぽ)

    山岸明彦, 横堀伸一, 川口壽太郎, YANG Yinjie, 小林憲正, 薮下さやか, 藤崎健太, 矢野創, 山下雅道, 奥平恭子, 長谷川直, 岸本直子, 橋本博文, 田端誠, 河合秀幸, 中嶋悟, 癸生川陽子, 鈴木彰子, 三田肇, 奈良岡浩, 丸茂克美

    宇宙利用シンポジウム   24th   2008年


  • 環状珪酸塩鉱物中の水分子-陽イオン相互作用:菫青石,緑柱石を例として

    福田 惇一, 篠田 圭司, 中嶋 悟

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 )   106 - 106   2008年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本鉱物科学会  

    環状珪酸塩鉱物の代表物質である菫青石と緑柱石はチャネルと呼ばれる筒状の空洞を形成している.チャネル中にはtype I, type IIと呼ばれる2種類の水分子があることが知られている.Type I はH-Hベクトルがc軸方向(チャネル方向)に平行に向いて存在している.水分子の近傍にLi+やNa+などの陽イオンが存在するとH-Hベクトルがc軸垂直方向に向いたtype IIに再配向する. 本研究では,菫青石と緑柱石中の水分子について,高温その場状態と急冷後室温での赤外吸収スペクトルを測定することにより,type I / II水分子のチャネル中での安定性や脱水挙動を議論する.また,type II水分子の対称伸縮振動,変角振動ピーク波数の変化は,水分子の陽イオンへの配位数変化によって説明できることを報告する.

    DOI: 10.14824/jakoka.2008.0.106.0


  • 減衰全反射赤外(ATR-IR)分光法を用いたアミノ酸の鉱物への吸着形態の解析

    北台 紀夫, 横山 正, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   55 ( 0 )   353 - 353   2008年




    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.55.0.353.0


  • 含水微結晶質石英集合体の電気インピーダンス測定

    福田 惇一, Peach Colin, Spiers Chris, 中嶋 悟

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集   2008 ( 0 )   97 - 97   2008年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本鉱物科学会  

    本研究では,鉱物粒界に保持されている分子状の水(以降,液体様水)の脱水に伴う電気伝導度の変化について報告する.試料は微結晶質石英集合体である玉髄を,含水岩石のアナログ物質として用いた.本試料は約数百ナノメートル程度の粒子から構成されており,粒界に液体様水,また石英の結晶構造中にOHとして水が保持されている.250, 350, 450℃の一定温度で,約1時間おきに高温のインピーダンススペクトルを測定した.また,加熱前後の液体様水と水酸基の量を赤外吸収スペクトルから求めた.加熱前の液体様水,水酸基の量は共に0.3 wt%程度であった.350℃で6日間高温で保持し,連続して測定した電気伝導度は,保持時間と共に増加し,最終的に5 &times; 10<sup>-5</sup> Sm<sup>-1</sup>から二桁程度増加した.加熱後の水酸基の量はほとんど変化しなかったが,液体様水は0.1 wt%へ減少した.

    DOI: 10.14824/jakoka.2008.0.97.0


  • 有機物,微生物の高速衝突非破壊捕集後分析

    山岸明彦, 横堀伸一, 坂井伸伍, 阿部勇理也, 東正希, 小林憲正, 藪下さやか, 藤崎健太, 矢野創, 山下雅道, 奥平恭子, 長谷川直, 河合秀幸, 田端誠, 中嶋悟, 癸生川陽子, 鈴木彰子, 三田肇, 丸茂克美

    スペース・プラズマ研究会   2007   2008年


  • 顕微赤外・ラマン分光法で探る地球外微小有機物

    中嶋 悟, 癸生川 陽子, 鈴木 彰子, 奥平 恭子, 三田 肇, 小林 憲正, 山岸 明彦

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   55 ( 0 )   180 - 180   2008年




    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  • 岩石間隙水の遠心分離抽出 : 電気二重層の影響

    横山 正, 中嶋 悟, 村上 隆

    日本鉱物学会・学術講演会,日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会学術講演会講演要旨集   2007   172 - 172   2007年9月



    CiNii Books


  • 含水微結晶質シリカ(玉髄)中における水の脱水挙動の赤外分光その場観測

    福田 惇一, 中嶋 悟

    日本鉱物学会・学術講演会,日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会学術講演会講演要旨集   2007   121 - 121   2007年9月



    CiNii Books


  • Dehydration behaviour of muscovite by in situ infrared microspectroscopy 査読

    Kazuyo Tokiwai, Satoru Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   71 ( 15 )   A1026 - A1026   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • The simulation experiments on hydrothermal formation of organic globules in carbonaceous chondrites 査読

    Taku Iwamoto, Tadashi Yokoyama, Satoru Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   71 ( 15 )   A434 - A434   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Raman spectroscopy of organics in Antarctic micrometeorites

    A. Suzuki, Y. Yamanoi, S. Nakashima, T. Nakamura, E. Katafuchi

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   71 ( 15 )   A988 - A988   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Influence of hydrothermal transformation of amorphous silica on amino acid adsorption capacity 査読

    Norio Kitadai, Satoru Nakashima, Tadashi Yokoyama

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   71 ( 15 )   A488 - A488   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • 薄膜水の氷への構造変化の低温顕微赤外分光その場観測

    谷 篤史, 中島 悟, 石川 謙二, 古田 力矢, イシカワ ケンジ, フルタ リキヤ, タニ アツシ, ナカシマ サトル

    大阪大学低温センターだより   138   13 - 17   2007年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:大阪大学低温センター  

    CiNii Books


  • 模擬物質を用いた炭素質コンドライト中有機物の変成実験

    癸生川 陽子, 中嶋 悟

    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集   2007 ( 0 )   137 - 137   2007年




    DOI: 10.14909/jsps.2007f.0.137.0


  • 台湾チェルンプ断層掘削プロジェクトHoleB断層コアにおける摩擦発熱温度の推定

    廣野 哲朗, Song Sheng-Rong, 濱田 洋平, 横山 正, 中嶋 悟, 谷川 亘, 林 為人, 徐 垣, 三島 稔明, 藤本 光一郎

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   2007 ( 0 )   244 - 244   2007年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2007.0.244.0

    CiNii Books


  • 61. 同一動水勾配における透水係数の経時変化および溶存成分による透水係数の変化(試験・計測・探査(2),口頭発表)

    中島 崇, 横山 正, 廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟

    研究発表会講演論文集   19   121 - 122   2007年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本応用地質学会  

    CiNii Books


  • メタンハイドレート中の微量メタノールの検出

    村山 達郎, 大塚 高弘, 谷 篤史, 中嶋 悟

    日本雪氷学会全国大会講演予稿集   2007 ( 0 )   102 - 102   2007年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本雪氷学会  

    DOI: 10.14850/jssi.2007.0.102.0


  • IR and Raman microspectroscopy for the characterization of ancient life 査読

    Motoko Igisu, Satoru Nakashima, Yuichiro Ueno, Stanley M. Awramik, Shigenori Maruyama

    ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF THE BIOSPHERE   36 ( 3 )   310 - 311   2006年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:SPRINGER  

    Web of Science


  • 吸光・蛍光ダイヤグラムによる溶存腐植物質性質変化の新指標

    大塚 高弘, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   53 ( 0 )   116 - 116   2006年




    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  • 南極宇宙塵中の有機・含水成分の顕微赤外分光測定

    鈴木 彰子, 癸生川 陽子, 中嶋 悟, 中村 智樹

    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集   2006 ( 0 )   109 - 109   2006年



    宇宙塵の顕微赤外分光分析を行うと、全てのサンプルにOHとCH3・CH2のピークが見られた。これらに注目し、ピーク高さの比を求めると、CH3/CH2 比は0.6~0.9、OH/CH2 比は1~3 となり、炭素質コンドライトを比較すると共に宇宙塵の方が小さかった。また、宇宙塵の加熱の影響を検証するため加熱実験を行ったところ、CH3/CH2 比・OH/CH2 比に変化が見られることがわかり、現在は水質変成の影響も追跡中である。

    DOI: 10.14909/jsps.2006f.0.109.0


  • 顕微赤外分光マッピング測定によるTagish Lake隕石中の有機物の分布

    癸生川 陽子, 中嶋 悟, ゾレンスキー マイケル

    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集   2006 ( 0 )   108 - 108   2006年



    Tagish Lake隕石中の有機物の分布を顕微赤外分光装置下でマッピング測定することにより調べた.その結果,脂肪族C―Hの多く存在する部分と,ほとんど見られない部分とが観測され, 脂肪族C―Hの多い部分には含水ケイ酸塩鉱物のO―Hの吸収帯が多くみられた.また,それぞれの部分をSEM-EDSで元素分析した結果,脂肪族C―Hの多く存在する部分は周りに比べ,Mgが多く,Fe,Sは少ないことがわかった.以上の結果より,脂肪族C―HはMg-richな含水珪酸権鉱物と共存していることが示唆された.

    DOI: 10.14909/jsps.2006f.0.108.0


  • Water content in eclogite from the ultrahigh-pressure terrane

    Katayama, I, S Nakashima, H Yurimoto, S Maruyama

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   69 ( 10 )   A651 - A651   2005年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • 微小な火山噴出物・実験生成物試料の浸透率測定のための透気試験装置

    竹内 晋吾, 中嶋 悟, 津久井 雅志

    火山   50 ( 1 )   1 - 8   2005年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    In order to measure permeabilities of small volcanic eruptive materials and experimental run products, we developed a new simple permeameter to measure gas permeabilities of millimeter-size samples. This permeameter can measure permeability in the wide range from 10<sup>-17</sup> to 10<sup>-10</sup>m<sup>2</sup>, with the precision within one order of magnitude. Nitrogen gas is used as a working gas. The permeability is calculated by using Darcy's law applied to results of steady state gas flow measurement at fixed pressure differences up to 1.5×10<sup>4</sup>Pa (ca. 0.15atm). The pressure difference is measured with the precision of 10Pa by a water column manometer. Gas flow rate is converted to water flow rate in an acrylic container and the water flow dripping from the container through the tube into a flask is monitored by an electric balance. We confirmed the accuracy in permeability measurement by measuring gas flow in a stainless capillary tube (15mm in length and 100μm in inner diameter). We carried out flow measurement with the pressure difference of 1.2×10<sup>2</sup> to 1.4×10<sup>4</sup>Pa at the flow rate of 3.5×10<sup>-10</sup> to 3.9×10<sup>-8</sup>m<sup>3</sup>/s. Measured gas flow rate was compared with calculated flow rate, assuming that the gas flow in the capillary tube is Poiseuille flow. Although the difference between them becomes large for smaller flow rate than 10<sup>-9</sup>m<sup>3</sup>, the discrepancy is within 0.25 log unit for the flow rate larger than 10<sup>-10</sup>m<sup>3</sup>/s. Permeabilities of centimeter-size, four air-fall pumice and scoria measured by this permeameter are consistent with the permeability-vesicularity relationship obtained from pyroclastic materials by Klug and Cashman (1996). We measured permeabilities of nine samples of porous ceramics with varying dimensions from 1.3 to 8.3mm in length and from 5 to 78mm<sup>2</sup> in cross sectional area, which were cut from a homogeneous ceramic rod. Permeabilities of millimeter-size samples are consistent with those of ca. 1 centimeter-size samples, indicating that this permeameter can determine permeability for the millimeter-size samples. The permeameter can be easily assembled with commercially available components at a very low cost, and will be a useful tool to measure permeabilities of small volcanic eruptive materials and experimental run products.

    DOI: 10.18940/kazan.50.1_1

    CiNii Books


  • P50 減圧発泡したマグマのガス浸透率を支配する発泡組織(日本火山学会2005年秋季大会)

    竹内 晋吾, 中嶋 悟, 東宮 昭彦, 篠原 宏志

    日本火山学会講演予稿集   2005 ( 0 )   150 - 150   2005年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2005.0_150

    CiNii Books


  • A25 桜島火山の山頂噴火における火山灰の色(火山の地質・噴火年代 (3), 日本火山学会2005年秋季大会)

    山野井 勇太, 竹内 晋吾, 奥村 聡, 中嶋 悟, 横山 正

    日本火山学会講演予稿集   2005 ( 0 )   25 - 25   2005年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2005.0_25

    CiNii Books


  • 三次元蛍光分光による英虞湾底質に含まれる有機物の分析

    大塚 高弘, 中嶋 悟

    日本地球化学会年会要旨集   52 ( 0 )   284 - 284   2005年



    三重県英虞湾は近年、堆積物中の有機物量の増大が問題になっている閉鎖系の海域である。この有機物種には腐植物質様の有機高分子化合物が含まれていると言われており、そのキャラクタリゼーションが求められている。本研究では堆積物コアより抽出した腐植物質様有機物質の深さ方向の変化について、三次元蛍光分光法によって解析した。英虞湾中央部、湾奥部のそれぞれ深さ0-3,3-6,6- cmの計6点の試料について、全有機炭素濃度TOCをそろえた希釈率の溶液を作成し,3次元蛍光分光測定を行った。その結果、典型的な腐植物質のピークである450nmの蛍光強度(励起波長345nm)が深さと共に増大することがわかった.これは,フミン物質の割合または官能基構造が深さと共に変化していることを示唆する.腐植物質標準試料の加熱実験生成物の3次元蛍光スペクトルの変化と比較して、上記の結果を検討する

    DOI: 10.14862/geochemproc.


  • 微化石形態の3次元評価手法

    辻川 葉奈, 中嶋 悟

    形の科学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form   19 ( 2 )   233 - 234   2004年11月



    CiNii Books


  • 皮膚表皮の赤外分光測定--肌の水分計測 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    久家 紀子, 白鷹 範子, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   555 - 557   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 炭素質隕石中有機物の顕微赤外分光加熱その場観測--惑星生命物質科学の試み (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    癸生川 陽子, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   507 - 511   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 生命と水の学際理学--新しい地球惑星生命科学をめざして (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   501 - 506   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 有機無機相互作用と生命の起源と進化・環境汚染 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    中嶋 悟, 腹巻 泰士朗, 島田 晋也

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   529 - 534   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 約30億年前の微化石様有機物の顕微ラマン・赤外分光 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    伊規須 素子, 中嶋 悟, 上野 雄一郎

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   517 - 522   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 微化石形態の3次元測定とその変化 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    辻川 葉奈, 高橋(島瀬) 共馬, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   543 - 546   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 溶存有機物の加熱その場観測法の開発 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    増田 香理, 腹巻 泰士朗, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   538 - 542   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 植物の水分保持機構--サボテン中の水のキャラクタリゼーション (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    島田 晋也, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   552 - 554   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 水と生命--水溶液の水素結合構造 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    中嶋 悟, 桝田 紀雄, 腹巻 泰士朗

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   547 - 551   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 生命の働きを色で測ろう--飲酒による顔肌色変化の速度論 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    山野井 勇太, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   558 - 562   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 惑星形成の現代的シナリオと生命発生場としての大気の形成 (総特集 新しい地球惑星生命科学)

    生駒 大洋, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   26 ( 8 )   512 - 516   2004年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • Ion concentration profile near rock pore wall as revealed by centrifugation

    T Yokoyama, T Murakami, S Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   68 ( 11 )   A154 - A154   2004年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • CCDカメラを用いた色の定量測定法の開発

    高橋(島瀬) 共馬, 山野井 勇太, 中嶋 悟

    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 = Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan   24 ( 1 )   75 - 88   2004年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本リモ-トセンシング学会  

    CiNii Books


  • B40 発泡に伴う珪長質マグマのガス浸透率の発展に関する実験的研究

    竹内 晋吾, 中嶋 悟, 東宮 昭彦, 篠原 宏志

    日本火山学会講演予稿集   2004 ( 0 )   104 - 104   2004年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2004.0_104

    CiNii Books


  • 分光測色法によるスコリアの色変化測定と加熱再現実験

    山野井 勇太, 中嶋 悟, 奥村 聡, 竹内 晋吾

    火山   49 ( 6 )   317 - 331   2004年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    In order to study quantitatively color changes of basaltic scoria erupted at Takatsukayama, North-east Izu, Japan, the scoria colors were measured by spectro-colorimetry and described m the international standard color space(CIE L<sup>*</sup> a<sup>*</sup> b<sup>*</sup>)The color values [a<sup>*</sup> (red) and b<sup>*</sup> (yellow) values]of Takatsukayama scoria cone increase from margin to center, indicating their color change from black to red. The bulk chemical compositions of scoria, including total Fe content, remain almost unchanged despite the color variations. 0n the other hand, the FeO(Fe<sup>2+</sup>) contents determined by the phenanthrolme method have a good linear relation with a^* values (red) of scoria. Under the optical microscope, the red parts are not found m the black scoria, whereas the red scoria have red parts m the groundmass and the olivine phenocryst. For dull red scoria, the red carts are observed only m the groundmass These indicate that red parts appear first m the groundmass and then in the olivine phenocryst. Visible and Raman microspectroscopy indicated the presence of hematite m these red Darts A series of heating experiments of the black scoria under an atmospheric condition at 500-1150℃ were conducted to simulate the color changes of Takatsukayama scoria. The heated scoria showed the increases in a<sup>*</sup> and b<sup>*</sup> values (i e. red coloring). The FeO(Fe<sup>2+</sup>) contents of the heated scoria had similar linear correlation with a<sup>*</sup> values (red) as for natural ones. The presence of hematite was also found by visible and Raman microspectroscopy. These results imply that the increases in a<sup>*</sup> and b<sup>*</sup> values (red coloring) of Takatsukayama scoria can be explained by the high temperature oxidation of Fe<sup>2+</sup>, resulting m the formation of hematite first in the groundmass and then m the olivine phenocryst. Since the direction of the red coloring is oblique to the depositional sequences of the cone, the high temperature oxidation process might have occurred after the scoria deposition from the center of a heat source to the outer parts.

    DOI: 10.18940/kazan.49.6_317

    CiNii Books


  • P64 分光測色法を用いた火山灰の比較 : 桜島火山のブルカノ式噴火における爆発噴火と非爆発噴火

    山野井 勇太, 竹内 晋吾, 奥村 聡, 中嶋 悟

    日本火山学会講演予稿集   2004 ( 0 )   174 - 174   2004年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2004.0_174

    CiNii Books


  • Thermal stability of dissolved humic acid as revealed by in-situ UV spectroscopy

    K Masuda, Y Ito, T Otuka, S Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   67 ( 18 )   A276 - A276   2003年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • In-situ dehydration of hydrous glasses at high temperature

    S Okumura, S Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   67 ( 18 )   A359 - A359   2003年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Behavior of iron during rhyolite weathering over 52,000 years by spectro-colorimetry

    T Yokoyama, S Nakashima

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   67 ( 18 )   A567 - A567   2003年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Color change of a scoria and simulation heating experiments by spectro-colorimetry

    Y Yamanoi, S Nakashima, S Okumura, S Takeuchi

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   67 ( 18 )   A555 - A555   2003年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • Reduction of ionic diffusivity through thin-film and nano pore water in geomaterials

    T Hirono, S Nakashima, CJ Spiers

    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   67 ( 18 )   A150 - A150   2003年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)   出版者・発行元:PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD  

    Web of Science


  • P-2 粘土鉱物のリング剪断その場赤外スペクトル測定

    廣野 哲朗, 田中 秀実, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   2003 ( 0 )   210 - 210   2003年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2003.0_210_2

    CiNii Books


  • 水の物性と地球のダイナミクス : 地球内部のかたい水と地震の発生?

    中嶋 悟

    日本物理學會誌   57 ( 10 )   746 - 753   2002年10月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本物理学会  


    DOI: 10.11316/butsuri1946.57.746

    CiNii Books


  • Water distribution in low-grade siliceous metamorphic rocks by micro-FTIR and its relation to grain size: A case from the Kanto Mountain region, Japan 査読

    Yuki Ito, Satoru Nakashima

    Chemical Geology   189 ( 1-2 )   1 - 18   2002年9月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Infrared microspectroscopy reveals that liquid-like water is always present in polycrystalline quartz grains from low-grade metamorphic cherts and shale in the Chichibu Group and the Mikabu Greenrock Complex of the Kanto Mountains area. The water distribution in these rocks is heterogeneous and is related to rock textures. In the microcrystalline quartz, O-H species due possibly to Si-OH are generally present. The liquid-like water is also present at grain boundaries and/or in sub-micron fluid inclusions in the microcrystalline parts. On the other hand, in quartz grains larger than 20 μm in diameter within veins, only the liquid-like water is present, possibly as fluid inclusions trapped during quartz vein formation. In the microcrystalline cherty matrix of the metamorphic rocks, a general decrease in liquid-like water content is observed with increasing metamorphic grade, associated with an increase in grain size. Two representative grain shapes, a cube and a regular tetradecahedron (having 14 planes), are used to estimate the surface area between grains per unit volume with the grain size D (μm): 3/D for cubic and 2.37/ D for tetradecahedron. Grain boundary volumes were then calculated assuming grain boundary widths from 0.5 to 20 nm and normalized by unit volume of the rock. The measured IR data on low-grade metamorphic cherty rocks fall closely on these curves with grain boundary width of around 10 nm for the both models, assuming saturation of H2O at grain boundary. The observed decrease in water content with increase in grain size can be rigorously explained by the decrease in grain boundary volume per unit volume. These results suggest that liquid-like water occurs mainly between grain boundaries in the microcrystalline quartz of low-grade metamorphic rocks. Although this grain boundary water model is the first approximation and requires further details of quantitative grain boundary textures, the present model can provide a new approach to understand water distribution in polycrystalline rocks. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00022-0

    Web of Science



  • マイクロフォーカスX線CT装置を用いた堆積物・岩石の内部構造の非破壊観察

    廣野 哲朗, 横山 正, 高橋 学, 中嶋 悟, 山本 由弦, 林 為人

    地質學雜誌   108 ( 9 )   606 - 609   2002年9月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.108.606

    CiNii Books


  • Water distribution in low-grade siliceous metamorphic rocks by micro-FTIR and its relation to grain size: a case from the Kanto Mountain region, Japan

    Y Ito, S Nakashima

    CHEMICAL GEOLOGY   189 ( 1-2 )   1 - 18   2002年9月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    Infrared microspectroscopy reveals that liquid-like water is always present in polycrystalline quartz grains from low-grade metamorphic cherts and shale in the Chichibu Group and the Mikabu Greenrock Complex of the Kanto Mountains area. The water distribution in these rocks is heterogeneous and is related to rock textures. In the microcrystalline quartz, O-H species due possibly to Si-OH are generally present. The liquid-like water is also present at grain boundaries and/or in sub-micron fluid inclusions in the microcrystalline parts. On the other hand, in quartz grains larger than 20 mum in diameter within veins, only the liquid-like water is present, possibly as fluid inclusions trapped during quartz vein formation. In the microcrystalline cherty matrix of the metamorphic rocks, a general decrease in liquid-like water content is observed with increasing metamorphic grade, associated with an increase in grain size. Two representative grain shapes, a cube and a regular tetradecahedron (having 14 planes), are used to estimate the surface area between grains per unit volume with the grain size D (mum): 3/D for cubic and 2.37/D for tetradecahedron. Grain boundary volumes were then calculated assuming grain boundary widths from 0.5 to 20 nm and normalized by unit volume of the rock. The measured IR data on low-grade metamorphic cherty rocks fall closely on these curves with grain boundary width of around 10 nm for the both models, assuming saturation of H2O at grain boundary. The observed decrease in water content with increase in grain size can be rigorously explained by the decrease in grain boundary volume per unit volume. These results suggest that liquid-like water occurs mainly between grain boundaries in the microcrystalline quartz of low-grade metamorphic rocks. Although this grain boundary water model is the first approximation and requires further details of quantitative grain boundary textures, the present model can provide a new approach to understand water distribution in polycrystalline rocks. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00022-0

    Web of Science


  • Characterization of iron hydroxides in a weathered rock surface by visible microspectroscopy

    T Nagano, H Isobe, S Nakashima, M Ashizaki

    APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY   56 ( 5 )   651 - 657   2002年5月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:SOC APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY  

    In order to nondestructively characterize chemical forms of ferric hydroxides in weathered rock, charge-coupled device type visible microspectroscopy was applied to brown stains produced in weathered granite surfaces. The combination of visible microspectra and color parameters (a* and b*) was effective in examining chemical forms of ferric hydroxides in the analytical area. Color parameters in an a*-b* diagram of the brown stains, mostly lying between goethite and ferrihydrite trends, indicated that the brown stains contain ferrihydrite or hematite in addition to goethite. Similarity of the visible microspectra of the brown stains and their first derivatives to those of goethite or ferrihydrite suggests that goethite and/or ferrihydrite are the main weathering products of the granite. Occurrence of ferrihydrite as well as goethite in the brown stains implies that crystallization of ferrihydrite to goethite might be hindered during the granite weathering. This fact suggests the possibility of toxic metal retention in ferrihydrite by its long-term persistence during water-rock interactions at the earth's surface.

    DOI: 10.1366/0003702021955222

    Web of Science


  • Characterization of iron hydroxides in a weathered rock surface by visible microspectroscopy 査読

    Tetsushi Nagano, Hiroshi Isobe, Satoru Nakashima, Midori Ashizaki

    Applied Spectroscopy   56 ( 5 )   651 - 657   2002年5月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:SOC APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY  

    In order to nondestructively characterize chemical forms of ferric hydroxides in weathered rock, charge-coupled device type visible microspectroscopy was applied to brown stains produced in weathered granite surfaces. The combination of visible microspectra and color parameters (a* and b*) was effective in examining chemical forms of ferric hydroxides in the analytical area. Color parameters in an a*-b* diagram of the brown stains, mostly lying between goethite and ferrihydrite trends, indicated that the brown stains contain ferrihydrite or hematite in addition to goethite. Similarity of the visible microspectra of the brown stains and their first derivatives to those of goethite or ferrihydrite suggests that goethite and/or ferrihydrite are the main weathering products of the granite. Occurrence of ferrihydrite as well as goethite in the brown stains implies that crystallization of ferrihydrite to goethite might be hindered during the granite weathering. This fact suggests the possibility of toxic metal retention in ferrihydrite by its long-term persistence during water-rock interactions at the earth's surface.

    DOI: 10.1366/0003702021955222

    Web of Science



  • Water in Earth’s lower mantle 査読 国際誌


    Science   295 ( 5561 )   1885 - 7   2002年3月


  • Water in earth's lower mantle 査読

    Motohiko Murakami, Kei Hirose, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Satoru Nakashima, Naoto Takafuji

    Science   295 ( 5561 )   1885 - 1887   2002年3月


    Secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements show that Earth's representative lower mantle minerals synthesized in a natural peridotitic composition can dissolve considerable amounts of hydrogen. Both MgSiO3-rich perovskite and magnesiowüstite contain about 0.2 weight percent (wt%) H2O, and CaSiO3-rich perovskite contains about 0.4 wt% H2O. The OH absorption bands in Mg-perovskite and magnesiowüstite were also confirmed with the use of infrared microspectroscopic measurements. Earth's lower mantle may store about five times more H2O than the oceans.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.1065998




  • シリカ-水-有機物相互作用

    中嶋 悟, 伊藤 由紀, 塩田 大

    岩石鉱物科学   31 ( 1 )   58 - 61   2002年1月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会  

    At the earth's surface, divers organic-inorganic interactions are occurring and controlling the biogeochemical cycling. In this paper, we will review the experimental results on silica-organic interactions in aqueous solutions. The kinetics of dehydration-crystallization of hydrated amorphous silica into more crystalline forms during the diagenesis of siliceous marine sediments was studied and the influence of some biogenic organic compounds was evaluated. The transformation of amino acids on hydrous silica was also studied in order to test a new hypothesis on the origin of life: coupled dehydration-polymerization in silica-amino acid systems. The significance of organic-inorganic interactions in the fate of organic pollutants in the earth's surface will also be pointed out.

    DOI: 10.2465/gkk.31.58


    CiNii Books


  • Physical properties of water and geodynamics – “Hard” water in the earth’s interior and the origin of earthquakes?

    Butsuri   57 ( 10 )   746 - 753   2002年

  • 堆積物・岩石のナノポア中のイオンの拡散と水の構造 (総特集 沈み込み帯地震発生帯--その物質科学と深海掘削) -- (2章 沈み込み地震発生帯の地質学と物質科学)

    廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟

    号外地球   ( 36 )   60 - 67   2002年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • A52 噴出物の含水量測定によるマグマ上昇プロセスの考察 : 北海道駒ケ岳 1929 年噴火の例

    奥村 聡, 竹内 晋吾, 中嶋 悟, 中村 美千彦

    日本火山学会講演予稿集   2002 ( 0 )   52 - 52   2002年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    DOI: 10.18940/vsj.2002.2.0_52

    CiNii Books


  • Hollow organic globules in the Tagish Lake meteorite as possible products of primitive organic reactions

    International Journal of Astrobiology   1 ( 4 )   2002年


  • Hollow organic globules in the Tagish Lake meteorite as possible products of primitive organic reactions 査読

    Kelko Nakamura, Michael E. Zolensky, Satoshi Tomita, Satoru Nakashima, Kazushige Tomeoka

    International Journal of Astrobiology   1 ( 3 )   179 - 189   2002年


    We report the first in situ observation of hollow organic globules in any extraterrestrial material using the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite. Data from analytical transmission electron microscopy, Raman and micro-Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicate that the globules consist of aliphatic and oxygenated functions. The hollow spherical morphologies are strikingly similar to the material produced by the laboratory simulation of ultraviolet photolysis of interstellar ice analogues and subsequent aqueous processing, suggesting that the organic globules in the Tagish Lake meteorite may be extremely primitive organic material that formed before or during the formation of the solar system. The FTIR organic signatures also show strong similarities to the membrane-like products formed from hydrothermal reaction of an OH-bearing amino acid in the presence of hydrous minerals. The survival of the structures in the Tagish Lake sample indicates that primitive meteorites must have delivered these structures to the early Earth as a possible precursor to life. © 2002, Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1017/S1473550402001167



  • X線CT装置を用いた移流像その場観測透水試験法の開発

    廣野 哲朗, 高橋 学, 中嶋 悟, 池原 研

    応用地質   42 ( 5 )   294 - 299   2001年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本応用地質学会  

    X線の吸収が弱い有機系材料のアクリル樹脂を用いて透水試験機を製作し, その試験機をX線CT装置の中に設置, 造影剤を透水させることによって, 供試体内の移流像をX線CT装置で撮影する試験法を開発した. この試験法によって, 供試体内の微小組織とその透水性との関係の議論が可能になった. 新第三系の凝灰質砂岩に発達する小断層では, 断層内の砂粒子の破砕作用の有無が, その断層内の透水性を左右することがわかった. また, 透水フロントの認定によって計算した断層沿いの局所的な透水係数の値は, 従来の試験方法でのそれに比べて1桁以上, 高い値を示すことが明らかになった.

    DOI: 10.5110/jjseg.42.294

    CiNii Books


  • X線CT装置を用いた移流像その場観測透水試験法の開発

    廣野 哲朗, 高橋 学, 中嶋 悟

    資源・素材   2001   11 - 12   2001年9月



    CiNii Books


  • 原子間力顕微鏡を用いた地質媒体中の微小間隙の認定とその定量的評価

    廣野 哲朗, 林 為人, 中嶋 悟, 高橋 学

    応用地質   42 ( 1 )   24 - 29   2001年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人日本応用地質学会  

    原子間力顕微鏡 (AFM) を用いた微小間隙の観察を行い, その像と走査型電子顕微鏡像との比較を行った. さらに, 水銀ポロシメーターによる間隙径分布と水飽和法による有効間隙率のデータをもとに, AFM像の深さ情報での2値化を行い, 間隙分布だけの画像へと変換した. その間隙画像を市販の画像解析ソフトウェアを用いて, 間隙周囲長, 間隙面積, 動水半径, 等円直径等の幾何学的情報を解析した. 原子間力顕微鏡では走査方向に加え, 深さ方向に定量的な情報が得られる. さらに2値化した間隙画像を用いて, 個々の間隙やすべての間隙での幾何学的情報を統計的に解析することができる. よって本手法は地質媒体における間隙構造の可視化およびその定量的評価においてきわめて有効と言える.

    DOI: 10.5110/jjseg.42.24

    CiNii Books


  • O-183 ナノポアにおける水の物性変化と拡散現象(19. 岩石・鉱物の破壊と変形,口頭発表,一般発表)

    廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   2001 ( 0 )   91 - 91   2001年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2001.0_91_2

    CiNii Books


  • 走査型電子顕微鏡観察による含水未固結粘土の凍結乾燥法後およびオーブン乾燥後の微細組織の比較

    廣野 哲朗, 塩野 正道, 小川 勇二郎, 坂本 竜彦, 中嶋 悟, 小泉 格

    地質學雜誌   106 ( 12 )   909 - 912   2000年12月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.909

    CiNii Books


  • 原子間力顕微鏡を用いた石灰質ナノ化石の観察

    高橋 共馬, 廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟

    地質學雜誌   106 ( 11 )   816 - 818   2000年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.816

    CiNii Books


  • 地殻における粒界薄膜水の分布と物性--地殻深部の水はかたい!? (総特集 水・岩石相互作用の機構と速度)

    中嶋 悟, 伊藤 由紀, 鈴木 覚

    月刊地球   22 ( 7 )   470 - 476   2000年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 水・岩石相互作用のその場観測--ありのままの変化を測ろう! (総特集 水・岩石相互作用の機構と速度)

    中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   22 ( 7 )   419 - 422   2000年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 金コロイド凝集その場観測実験--コロイド鉱床学の幕開け (総特集 水・岩石相互作用の機構と速度)

    飯田 真司, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   22 ( 7 )   423 - 428   2000年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 金鉱床の細粒石英集合体中の水--鉱床学の新たな切り口 (総特集 水・岩石相互作用の機構と速度)

    矢島 太郎, 飯田 真司, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   22 ( 7 )   463 - 469   2000年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 火山噴出物の色測定と水・岩石相互作用 (総特集 水・岩石相互作用の機構と速度)

    森泉 美穂子, 中嶋 悟

    月刊地球   22 ( 7 )   435 - 439   2000年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 地質媒体における物質移動現象--間隙ネットワークの定量的評価および移流・拡散像のその場観測試験 (総特集 水・岩石相互作用の機構と速度)

    廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟, 高橋 学

    月刊地球   22 ( 7 )   487 - 495   2000年7月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • 火山噴火準備過程の時間スケールを決める要因 (総特集 火山爆発と火山災害(1)火山爆発の素過程と準備過程)

    中嶋 悟, 中村 美千彦

    月刊地球   22 ( 5 )   349 - 356   2000年5月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:海洋出版  

    CiNii Books


  • シリカ-アミノ酸相互作用の実験的研究 -有機無機相互作用のその場観測をめざして-

    中嶋 悟, 塩田 大, 吉田 崇宏, 薬師寺 秀樹, 山内 芳雄

    Viva origino   28 ( 1 )   14 - 14   2000年3月



    CiNii Books


  • 画像処理・解析を用いた堆積岩中の間隙構造の可視化とその定量的評価

    廣野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟

    地質學雜誌   106 ( 2 )   165 - 168   2000年2月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.5575/geosoc.106.165

    CiNii Books


  • Mechanisms and rates of water-rock interactions

    Earth Monthly   22 ( 7 )   419 - 495   2000年


  • O-215 移流像その場観測透水試験による断層内流体移動特性と変形機構の関係の考察(21. 岩石・鉱物の破壊と変形,口頭発表,一般発表)

    廣野 哲朗, 高橋 学, 池原 研, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   2000 ( 0 )   118 - 118   2000年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.2000.0_118_2

    CiNii Books


  • Precipitation kinetics of uranium by sedimentary organic matter under diagenetic and hydrothermal conditions

    S Nakashima, Disnar, JR, A Perruchot



    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ECONOMIC GEOLOGY PUBL CO  

    The reduction kinetics of uranyl cations to uraninite in aqueous solution by two lignites with different maturities were experimentally determined under diagenetic or hydrothermal conditions (180 degrees-200 degrees C). Both the uranyl reduction and lignite dehydrogenation reactions observed confirm previous mechanistic hypotheses (Nakashima et al., 1984, 1987; Nakashima, 1992a, b). Reduction is a first-order reaction with respect to uranyl cation and organic substrate. For both of the reactions studied, reduction and dehydrogenation, the activation energies measured in experiments using two different lignites were within experimental error. These values are 115 +/- 15 kJ/mol for uranyl reduction, and 59 +/- 13 kJ/mol for lignite dehydrogenation. Estimates of the half-lives of U in aqueous solutions have been completed based on the kinetic parameters by assuming that the rate-determining step is uranyl reduction to uraninite. The results suggest a rough time-scale range of U deposition rates with large uncertainties on the pre-exponential factor. The half-life of U precipitation is estimated to be on the order of 3 h to 1 yr under modest thermal conditions (200 degrees-100 degrees C), 340 yr for radioactive waste repositories (50 degrees C), and 10(4) to 10(5) yr at the Earth's surface (25 degrees-4 degrees C).

    DOI: 10.2113/gsecongeo.94.7.993

    Web of Science


  • Precipitation kinetics of uranium by sedimentary organic matter under diagenetic and hydrothermal conditions 査読

    Satoru Nakashima, Jean Robert Disnar, Alain Perruchot

    Economic Geology   94 ( 7 )   993 - 1006   1999年11月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:ECONOMIC GEOLOGY PUBL CO  

    The reduction kinetics of uranyl cations to uraninite in aqueous solution by two lignites with different maturities were experimentally determined under diagenetic or hydrothermal conditions (180°-200°C). Both the uranyl reduction and lignite dehydrogenation reactions observed confirm previous mechanistic hypotheses (Nakashima et al., 1984, 1987; Nakashima, 1992a, b). Reduction is a first-order reaction with respect to uranyl cation and organic substrate. For both of the reactions studied, reduction and dehydrogenation, the activation energies measured in experiments using two different lignites were within experimental error. These values are 115 ± 15 kJ/mol for uranyl reduction, and 59 ± 13 kJ/mol for lignite dehydrogenation. Estimates of the half-lives of U in aqueous solutions have been completed based on the kinetic parameters by assuming that the rate-determining step is uranyl reduction to uraninite. The results suggest a rough time-scale range of U deposition rates with large uncertainties on the pre-exponential factor. The half-life of U precipitation is estimated to be on the order of 3 h to 1 yr under modest thermal conditions (200°-100°C), 340 yr for radioactive waste repositories (50°C), and 10 4 to 10 5 yr at the Earth's surface (25°-4°C).

    DOI: 10.2113/gsecongeo.94.7.993

    Web of Science



  • O-50 海洋地殻上部の物性と流体移動特性 : ODP Leg185速報

    広野 哲朗, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1999 ( 0 )   36 - 36   1999年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1999.0_36_2

    CiNii Books


  • 大地の色-地球物質の分光測色と地球環境-

    中嶋 悟

    化学と工業 = Chemistry and chemical industry   51 ( 8 )   1198 - 1201   1998年8月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本化学会  

    CiNii Books


  • Stimulated echo ^1H NMR イメージングによる粘土中の水の自己拡散係数の測定実験

    中島 善人, 三森 文行, 中嶋 悟, 高橋 学

    物理探査学会学術講演会講演論文集 = Proceeding of the SEGJ Conference   98   359 - 360   1998年6月



    CiNii Books


  • The role of organic-inorganic interaction in polymerization of amino acids


    Viva origino   26 ( 1 )   15 - 15   1998年3月



    CiNii Books


  • The organic-inorganic interactions as a geochemical origin of life


    Viva origino   26 ( 1 )   14 - 14   1998年3月



    CiNii Books


  • 岩石組織の画像解析 : その自動化における現状と問題点

    池田 進, 中嶋 悟, 土山 明

    鉱物学雜誌 = Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan   26 ( 4 )   185 - 196   1997年11月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本鉱物学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 高温顕微赤外分光法によるマグマの構造と水および脱水速度

    中嶋 悟

    火山   42 ( 0 )   S19 - S28   1997年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会  

    High temperature infrared (1R) microspectroscopy has been developed for the in-situ characterization of structure, water and dehydration behaviors of magmas. Natural rhyolitic glasses were measured for their change in structures and water up to 1500℃. Based on recent in-situ data of water in alkali-aluminosilicate glasses suggesting the presence of more OH than H<sub>2</sub>O, in-situ dehydration kinetics of hydroxyl(-OH) species from rhyolitic glasses were studied in detail by the above method. First order reaction rates and activation energies were determined for a natural rhyolitic glass from Kozushima and Wada-Toge (Obsidian), Japan at temperature ranges of 500-600℃ and 800-950℃ respectively. Activation energy values for the dehydration of these glasses varies from 70 to 130 kJ/mol. By comparing these with our data on dehydration kinetics of hydrous polycrystalline quartz aggregates (agate; 34, 70 and 190 kJ/mol) and muscovite (440 kJ/mol). together with literature data on water diffusion in melts/glasses (50-120kJ/mol), the main rate-determining step of dehydration of rhyolitic glasses is considered to be the diffusion of water. The diffusion profiles of water in obsidian were detected by micro-IR line analysis and gave reasonable diffusion coefficients. These data were used to evaluate a typical time scale of volcanic degassing at around 550℃ in the order of several hours.

    DOI: 10.18940/kazan.42.Special_S19

    CiNii Books


  • Geochemical Spectroscopy

    Earth Monthly   18 ( 4 )   209 - 276   1996年


  • 地球化学分光学

    月刊地球   18 ( 4 )   209 - 276   1996年


  • 335 手島花崗岩中に発達する延性剪断帯の解析(その2) : 岩石流体相互作用(構造地質)

    山岸 啓, 道林 克禎, 影山 卓也, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1996 ( 0 )   258 - 258   1996年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1996.0_258_2

    CiNii Books


  • 花崗岩の割れ目, 粒界, 間隙構造のフラクタル解析と物質移動・流動

    中嶋 悟

    鉱物学雜誌 = Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan   24 ( 2 )   125 - 130   1995年4月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本鉱物学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 10) マイロナイト化と石英中の水の挙動

    山岸 啓, 中嶋 悟, 道林 克禎

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1995 ( 0 )   29 - 29   1995年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1995.0_29

    CiNii Books


  • 184. 可視・近赤外分光センサーを利用した堆積岩の孔隙率の推定

    高山 英男, 芦 寿一郎, 多田 隆治, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1995 ( 0 )   176 - 176   1995年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1995.0_176_1

    CiNii Books


  • 167. 携帯用可視・近赤外分光センサーの開発と堆積学への応用

    多田 隆治, 中嶋 悟, 高山 英男

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1994 ( 0 )   131 - 131   1994年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1994.0_131_2

    CiNii Books


  • 263. マイロナイト中の石英プールにおける水の分布

    山岸 啓, 中嶋 悟, 道林 克禎

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1994 ( 0 )   183 - 183   1994年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1994.0_183_2

    CiNii Books


  • ウランの移行に及ぼす鉱物の風化の影響 (3) 風化生成物へのウランの分配

    村上隆, 大貫敏彦, 磯部博志, 佐藤努, 中嶋悟, 永野哲志

    日本鉱物学会年会講演要旨集   1993   154   1993年6月





  • 天然及び合成鉱物の色の測定-1-〔英文〕

    中嶋 悟

    秋田大学鉱山学部資源地学研究施設報告   ( 57 )   p57 - 76   1992年3月


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:秋田大学鉱山学部附属資源地学研究施設  

    CiNii Books


  • 366 顕微赤外分光器による変成岩中の石英に含まれる水の解析

    又吉 博美, 増田 俊明, 湯子 卓子, 本吉 洋一, 中島 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1992 ( 0 )   482 - 482   1992年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1992.0_482

    CiNii Books


  • 289 南極Napier岩体の石英中のH_2O

    又吉 博美, 湯子 卓子, 増田 俊明, 本吉 洋一, 中嶋 悟

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1991 ( 0 )   420 - 420   1991年


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本地質学会  

    DOI: 10.14863/geosocabst.1991.0_420

    CiNii Books




  • 水圏中における金属硫化物ナノ粒子の生成・変化過程の実験的追跡と物質循環への寄与

    研究課題/領域番号:18K11621  2018年4月 - 2021年3月

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)  基盤研究(C)

    中山 典子, 中嶋 悟


    配分額:4290000円 ( 直接経費:3300000円 、 間接経費:990000円 )

    水中に存在するナノ粒子が、水圏における微量金属の物質循環に大きな役割を果たしている可能性が示されている。しかし、その存在量が極微量であるために、その生成・除去メカニズムについてはもとより、濃度情報さえも明らかにされていない。さらに、その存在状態や化学形態については推測の域をでていない。そこで本研究では、特にナノ粒子態微量金属の硫化物に着目し、実験室でのモデル実験を通して、ナノ粒子態微量金属硫化物の生成・変化過程を追跡し、水溶液中の共存塩や有機配位子の存在、pHや酸化還元状態が、ナノ粒子態金属硫化物の存在状態と化学形態、およびその生成率にどう影響するのかを明らかにする。ナノ粒子の実体が何であるのか、またその生成・除去メカニズムを調べることで、水圏の生物地球化学的物質循環におけるナノ粒子態金属硫化物の寄与を定量的に明らかにする。研究実施1年目は、最もシンプルな実験系である水溶液を用いて金属硫化物を生成し、分析手法や分析条件の確立を行いながら、その存在形態や化学状態を捉えることを目的とした。熱水噴出口付近の濃度に相当する約1~5 mM の金属イオン(鉄)と硫化ナトリリウム・9 水和物(Na2S/9H2O)をそれぞれ純水に溶解した水溶液を作成し、両者を測定セル内で混合させて金属硫化物を生成させた。この水溶液中の粒子径を、動的光散乱測定装置(DLS 装置)を用いて測定を行ったところ,80~500 nm のナノ粒子が生成していることを確認した。沈殿物は遠心分離などで分離し、その化学形態を顕微ラマン・赤外分光で分析を行った結果、金属硫化物のスペクトルが得られていることを確認した。


  • 全地球史解読PartII

    研究課題/領域番号:15104008  2003年 - 2007年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(S)  基盤研究(S)

    丸山 茂徳, 圦本 尚義, 中嶋 悟, 礒崎 行雄


    配分額:109200000円 ( 直接経費:84000000円 、 間接経費:25200000円 )

    (2)総合化(丸山:Dynamics of plumes and superplumes through time,in Superplumes;Beyond Plate Tectonics,Springer,441-502,2007、磯崎:Plume Winter Scenario for Biosphere Catastrophe,ibid,409-439,Springer)。


  • 変形岩中流体のぬれ特性と地震発生への影響

    研究課題/領域番号:03F03798  2003年 - 2004年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費  特別研究員奨励費

    中嶋 悟, FAMIN Vincent Gregoire


    配分額:1200000円 ( 直接経費:1200000円 )



  • 変形岩中流体のぬれ特性と地震発生への影響

    研究課題/領域番号:03F00798  2003年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費  特別研究員奨励費

    中嶋 悟, FAMIN Vincent Gregoire


    配分額:1200000円 ( 直接経費:1200000円 )



  • マグマ内揮発性物質による火道内部の増圧過程の解明

    研究課題/領域番号:14080202  2002年 - 2006年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究  特定領域研究

    西村 太志, 吉田 武義, 中村 美千彦, 伊藤 高敏, 中嶋 悟, 寅丸 敦志


    配分額:253700000円 ( 直接経費:253700000円 )



  • 水溶液及び鉱物表面・粒界の水の物理化学

    研究課題/領域番号:01F00786  2001年 - 2003年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費  特別研究員奨励費

    中嶋 悟, HABERT Bertrand Raymond, HABERT B. R.


    配分額:1600000円 ( 直接経費:1600000円 )



  • 地球内部における粒界薄膜水の分布と物性

    研究課題/領域番号:12304034  2000年 - 2003年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    中嶋 悟, 河村 雄行, 中村 美千彦, 丸山 茂徳


    配分額:47820000円 ( 直接経費:45900000円 、 間接経費:1920000円 )

    以上の結果を議論し総括するため,水の物理化学に関する世界の専門家を招き,2003年9月13日東工大にて国際シンポジウム「水の物理化学と物質・地球のダイナミクス」を開催し,その成果を,英文の書籍として出版予定である(Nakashima, S, Mercury, L., Fenter, P. and Spiers, C.J.(2004) "Physicochemistry of Water and Dynamics of Materials and the Earth- Structures and behaviors of the thin film water -", Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, 〜200p.)


  • レーザー偏光顕微鏡の開発と計量岩石組織学への応用

    研究課題/領域番号:09440173  1997年 - 1999年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)

    清水 以知子, 嶋本 利彦, 中嶋 悟, 増田 俊明, 木村 学, 今井 亮


    配分額:14900000円 ( 直接経費:14900000円 )

    走査型レーザー顕微鏡(laser scanning microscope,LSM)によって岩石組織をデジタル画像として直接読み取り,定量的に解析する方法を報告する.LSMは,レーザーを光源とする走査型の光学顕微鏡である.レーザー光の指向性によって,従来の光学顕微鏡よりも高い空間分解能と鮮明な像とが得られることに加え,共焦点法によって試料の深さ方向にも解像度をもつという利点がある.また,レーザー光の単色性から岩石鉱物の観察に最適なシステムを構築するため,レーザー光の光路に偏光板を挿入した.光源には Kr-Arレーザー(青 488nm・緑 568nm)と He-Neレーザー光源(赤 633nm)を備えており,カラー画像の取得や分光顕微鏡としての様々な応用が可能である.LSMによって,表面形状解析や,鉱物の光学的性質の画像解析,特定の鉱物のマッピングや画像処理を行なった.かんらん石および石英マイロナイト試料に化学エッチング処理をほどこし,反射像において結晶粒界を可視化した.さらにコンピューター画像処理によって画像を2値化し,粒子解析を行なって結晶粒径分布を求めた.また,花崗岩中に,真空中で蛍光樹脂を浸透させ,レーザー顕微鏡で蛍光観察することにより,間隙分布を可視化した.共焦点法をもちいて光学セクションを作り,間隙の3次元構造を調べた.深部付加堆積物の場合,間隙は石英脈や後生的な割れ目に局所化しており,マトリクスの間隙率は,バルクの間隙率測定から得られた値よりも極めて小さい.


  • 新しい高温熱水変形・透水・粒界拡散試験システムの開発

    研究課題/領域番号:09354006  1997年 - 1999年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    嶋本 利彦, 大友 幸子, 田上 高広, 山路 敦, 宇野 博, 清水 以知子, 井料 兼一, 大竹 雄次, 中嶋 悟


    配分額:23400000円 ( 直接経費:23400000円 )

    本試験機を用いて,野島断層,中央構造線,柳ヶ瀬断層,中国帯のナップ境界断層,神縄断層の破砕帯の透水係数(N_2gas permeability)を圧力をサイクルさせる条件下で測定し,断層破砕帯の透水性構造を決定した.今後は,測定を他の断層破砕帯に拡張し,温度と変形の影響も調べて,地殻の透水性構造の全貌を明らかにしたい.


  • 初期地球地殻における風化・変質作用の研究

    研究課題/領域番号:08454152  1996年 - 1997年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)  基盤研究(B)

    田賀井 篤平, 中嶋 悟, 村上 隆


    配分額:800000円 ( 直接経費:800000円 )



  • 地球惑星物質の組織学

    研究課題/領域番号:07304043  1995年 - 1997年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    土山 明, 小畑 正明, 甲斐 昌一, 西山 忠男, 中嶋 悟


    配分額:11200000円 ( 直接経費:11200000円 )



  • 断層と断層内プロセス

    研究課題/領域番号:07304071  1995年 - 1996年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)  基盤研究(A)

    嶋本 利彦, 大藤 茂, 金川 久一, 中嶋 悟, 清水 以知子, 鳥海 光弘


    配分額:1900000円 ( 直接経費:1900000円 )

    (4)高速摩擦の性質に基づいて地震の2段階発生論を提唱した.この説は,既存の断層の構成則に基づいて予想される地震の震源核が不安定になって断層が加速すると,高速領域にはいってvelocity strrengtheningのバリアによって断層の加速が抑えられ,断層がこのバリアを乗り越えた時に地震の発生に至るというものである.地震の第2種空白域がこのモデルによって説明できる可能性がある.


  • 深海掘削試料解析・孔内計測による海洋底の構造と進化の研究

    研究課題/領域番号:06044051  1994年 - 1996年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 国際学術研究  国際学術研究

    末広 潔, 平 朝彦, 多田 隆治, 中嶋 悟, 芦 寿一郎, 中西 正男, 石井 輝秋, 蒲生 俊敬, 徳山 英一, 藤本 博巳, 玉木 賢策, 平 朝彦, 相田 吉昭, 斉藤 常正, 岡田 尚武, 高橋 孝三, 山野 誠, 金澤 敏彦, 荒井 章司, 笠原 順三, 氏家 宏, 徐 垣, 岡田 博有, 上田 誠也, 酒井 豊三郎, 木村 学, 巽 好幸, 村山 雅史, 小川 勇二郎, 安田 尚登, 茨木 雅子, 小泉 格, 石橋 純一郎, 佐藤 時幸, 林田 明, 井上 厚行, 福沢 仁之, 平澤 朋郎, 久田 健一郎, 鳥居 雅之, 丸山 俊明, 齊藤 実篤, 鳥海 光弘, 濱野 洋三, 島村 英紀, 廣木 義久, 池原 実, 徳永 朋祥, 伊勢崎 修弘, 松本 良, 脇田 宏, 齋藤 実篤, 木下 肇, 岡田 誠, 長尾 年恭, 篠原 雅尚, 大場 忠道, 根本 直樹, 新井田 清, 瀬川 爾朗, 新妻 信明, 末広 潔, 半田 暢彦, 藤井 直之, 加賀美 英雄, 千葉 仁, 嶋村 清, 小室 光世, ラビノビッチ L., ルイス B., アダム A., 鎮西 清高, 小竹 信宏


    配分額:32600000円 ( 直接経費:32600000円 )

    プレート沈み込み境界(デコルマン)での掘削同時検層技術(Logging While Drilling)がはじめて採用され大きな成功をおさめた。これは、掘削しながら同時に検層を行なうものである。また、バルバドス付加体では、長期温度水圧観測ステーション(CORK)による孔内温度圧力測定をおこなった。意外なことに、デコルマンにおいて温度異常がまったく計測されなかった。デコルマンで何が起こっているのか、謎が深まった。またコスタリカ沖で付加体の内部構造について研究が行なわれ、ここでは当初アンダープレーティングによる堆積物の付加が予想されていたが、実際には大規模にテクトニック侵食が行なわれていることがわかった。


  • 南海トラフ付加体内の流体循環に関する学際的国際共同研究

    研究課題/領域番号:06044042  1994年 - 1996年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 国際学術研究  国際学術研究

    蒲生 俊敬, 山野 誠, 歌田 久司, 角皆 潤, 金澤 敏彦, 芦 寿一郎, 石橋 純一郎, 浜野 洋三, 中嶋 悟, 木下 肇, 徳永 朋祥, 木下 正高, 藤井 直之, 増澤 敏行, 竹内 章, 酒井 均, 小川 勇二郎, 篠原 雅尚, 加藤 義久, 安藤 雅孝, 島村 英紀, FOUCHER Jean, LALLEMAND Se, LE Pichon Xa, CADET JeanーP, BALMINO Ceor, TARITS Pasca, HENRY Pierre, LALLEMANT Si, 脇田 宏, 藤 浩明, 徳山 英一, 藤本 博巳, 末廣 潔, 玉木 賢策, 太田 秀, 平 啓介, 中山 英一郎, 平 朝彦, 徐 垣, 瀬川 爾朗, BALMINO Geor, LEPICHON Xav, TARITS Pasal, LALLEMANT Se


    配分額:15200000円 ( 直接経費:15200000円 )

    1.研究計画の立案と研究成果の詳細な検討を行うため、日仏KAIKO-TOKAI計画推進委員会(Steering Committee)を1年おきに日本とフランスで交互に開催した。平成6年度は6月6日〜7日にパリで開催し、平成6年及び7年度の計画立案を行った。7年度は11月15日に東京で開催し、フランス観測船アタランテ号と海洋研白鳳丸による調査計画、「しんかい6500」「しんかい2000」「ドルフィン3K」等による成果速報、ODPによる東部南海トラフ掘削計画等について綿密な打合せを行った。さらに8年度は12月2-3日にパリで開催し、膨大な観測データの検討とそれらの取りまとめ方針について話し合った。また、日本国内における研究体制の強化と情報交換を促進し、あわせて国内の研究進渉状況をレヴュ-するため、KAIKO-TOKAI計画国内連絡会を年1〜2回開催した。


  • 有機無機相互作用のその場状態分析と反応経路解析

    研究課題/領域番号:06452099  1994年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(B)  一般研究(B)

    中嶋 悟, 林 久人, 多田 隆治


    配分額:7200000円 ( 直接経費:7200000円 )



  • 第四紀中央アジアの乾燥化と大気循環変動の解明

    研究課題/領域番号:05405002  1993年 - 1995年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(A)  一般研究(A)

    多田 隆治, 田近 英一, 中嶋 悟, 小泉 格, 荻原 成騎


    配分額:20500000円 ( 直接経費:20500000円 )

    本研究においては,日本海堆積物コア試料を用いて,1)その炭酸塩炭素量,有機炭素量,生物源オパール量を定量し,砕屑物含有量を推定した,2)その元素組成,鉱物組成を定量し,その結果を統計解析(因子分析および重回帰分析)する事により,砕屑物を更に4つの構成要素に細分し,各構成要素の元素・鉱物組成および各試料についての各構成要素含有量を推定した,3)更に,各構成要素の元素・鉱物組成を既存の黄砂,レス,日本列島起源の砕屑物の組成と比較することにより,各構成要素の起源を推定し,砕屑物中の黄砂起源砕屑物の含有量を推定した,4)珪藻群集組成および含有量,広域火山灰などに基づき,各地点における詳細な年代モデルを構築し,各試料の乾燥傘比重を推定して,各試料の傘堆積速度を求めた,5)これらの結果に基づき,過去80万年間については約5000年,過去20万年間については約700年の時間解像度で,日本海への黄砂堆積速度を復元した.その結果,a)日本海中央部での黄砂堆積速度は過去80万年間,概ね1〜2g/cm2/kyの間で変動し,氷期に高く間氷期に傾向が認められる事,b)但し,そうした傾向は,海水の酸素同位体組成から推定される著しい氷期,間氷期に限られる事,c)過去20万年について詳しく見ると,黄砂寄与率の変動パターンがDansgaard-Oeschger Cycleと呼ばれる数百年〜数千年スケールのグローバルな気候変動と対応している事,d)黄砂寄与率の低下期は,珪藻化石から推定される東シナ海沿岸水の日本海への流入が顕著になった時期と良く一致する事などが示された。東シナ海沿岸水の影響増大は,黄河・揚子江の河川流出量の増大とアジア大陸内陸部の湿潤化を暗示する。一方,黄砂寄与率の減少も後背値の湿潤化を示唆する。従って,黄砂寄与率の変動に現れたD-O Cycleは,数百年〜数千年周期でのアジア大陸内部での乾燥化-湿潤化の繰返しを意味すると考えられる。


  • マグマの構造と物性-実験と理論による、高圧下でのシミュレーション

    研究課題/領域番号:05231101  1993年 - 1995年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 重点領域研究  重点領域研究

    河村 雄行, 藤井 敏嗣, 神崎 正美, 中嶋 悟, 松井 正典, 赤荻 正樹


    配分額:103500000円 ( 直接経費:103500000円 )



  • 岩石の変形微細組織とリソスフェアのレオロジー

    研究課題/領域番号:05402023  1993年 - 1995年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(A)  一般研究(A)

    嶋本 利彦, 中嶋 悟, 清水 以知子, 田賀井 篤平, 藤井 敏嗣, 鳥海 光弘


    配分額:32100000円 ( 直接経費:32100000円 )



  • 岩石の物理化学的特性測定の為の携帯用可視赤外分光センサーの開発

    研究課題/領域番号:05504002  1993年 - 1995年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 試験研究(A)  試験研究(A)

    多田 隆治, 大倉 力, 芦 寿一郎, 中嶋 悟


    配分額:36100000円 ( 直接経費:36100000円 )



  • 地震の発生機構解明のための高速応答載荷システムの開発

    研究課題/領域番号:05558046  1993年 - 1994年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 試験研究(B)  試験研究(B)

    嶋本 利彦, 長濱 裕幸, 金川 久一, 清水 以知子, 中嶋 悟, 鳥海 光弘


    配分額:18100000円 ( 直接経費:18100000円 )



  • マグマ性珪酸塩融体中に溶解する揮発性成分の同定、定量と火山現象への応用

    研究課題/領域番号:05640542  1993年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(C)  一般研究(C)

    谷口 宏充, 中嶋 悟


    配分額:1800000円 ( 直接経費:1800000円 )



  • 掘削試料の解析と孔内計測による世界の深海底の比較研究

    研究課題/領域番号:04044045  1992年 - 1993年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 国際学術研究  国際学術研究

    平 朝彦, 小林 和男, 木下 肇, 芦 寿一郎, 篠原 雅尚, 中西 正男, 蒲生 俊敬, 徳山 英一, 藤本 博巳, 玉木 賢策, 瀬川 爾朗, 末広 潔, 島村 英紀, 斉藤 常正, 岡田 尚武, 伊勢崎 修弘, 山野 誠, 金澤 敏彦, 岡田 誠, 笠原 順三, 平田 直, 氏家 宏, 鳥海 光弘, 小川 勇二郎, 濱野 洋三, 佐藤 時幸, 小泉 格, 長尾 年恭, 鎮西 清高, 巽 好幸, 小竹 信宏, 徐 垣, 上田 誠也, 奥田 義久, 岡田 博有, 加賀美 英雄, 小澤 大成, 新井田 清信, 中尾 征三, 根本 直樹, 藤井 直之, 斎藤 文紀, 平澤 朋郎, 脇田 宏, 高橋 孝三, 伊藤 久男, 野木 義史, 石塚 英男, 藤林 紀枝, 谷村 好洋, 半田 暢彦, 佐藤 高晴, 藤井 敏嗣, 新妻 信明, 海野 進, 中島 悟, 宮下 純夫, 多田 隆治, 遅沢 壮一, 木下 正高, 酒井 均, フルニエ M, ジョリベ L, カデー J P, ルピション X, ベーカー J, ラビノビッツ P, 渋谷 秀敏, 樋口 敬二, 荒井 章司, ジョンソン K, 田中 秀文


    配分額:24000000円 ( 直接経費:24000000円 )



  • 地球惑星物質に含まれる軽元素の微小部状態分析法の開発

    研究課題/領域番号:03554028  1991年 - 1993年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 試験研究(B)  試験研究(B)

    中井 泉, 宮脇 律郎, 中嶋 悟, 土山 明


    配分額:9000000円 ( 直接経費:9000000円 )



  • 火山噴火の時間スケール




  • Organic-inorganic interactions and the origin of life




  • Distribution of water in the earth and its physicochemical behaviors




  • Time scales of volcanic eruption




  • 有機無機相互作用と生命の起源




  • 地球内部での水の分布と物理化学的挙動



