Updated on 2024/03/30


Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • 博士(工学) ( 京都大学 )

Research Interests

  • バイオマス

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Catalyst and resource chemical process


  • Kyoto University

    - 2002

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships


  • Biodiesel Fuel Production from Soybean Oil Using a Microreactor

    Yosuke Muranaka, Taisuke Maki, Isao Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ryutaro Kubota, Ryoma Kaji, Kazuhiro Mae

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   56 ( 1 )   2023.5

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Informa UK Limited  

    DOI: 10.1080/00219592.2023.2213283


  • Three combined pretreatments for reactive gasification feedstock from wet coffee grounds waste Reviewed

    Isao Hasegawa, Tatsuya Tsujiuchi, Kazuhiro Mae

    Green Processing and Synthesis   10 ( 1 )   169 - 177   2021.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Walter de Gruyter GmbH  

    In this study, a new pretreatment for using wet food biomass waste as a high calorific and reactive feedstock for gasification is presented. The method involves the addition of calcium hydroxide, hot water treatment, and dewatering in vegetable oil. Hot water treatment at 230°C reduced the oxygen/carbon atomic ratio of coffee grounds waste to improve the calorific value, but this treatment also formed an inactive cross-linked structure caused by dehydration reactions. By mixing the coffee grounds waste with calcium hydroxide powder before the hot water treatment, cross-linking was suppressed and the gasification rate of the char significantly increased because of the catalytic effect. With or without hot water treatment, the time required to complete gasification for the chars of the grounds mixed with calcium hydroxide was reduced to about one-third of that for the char of the untreated grounds. After heating in vegetable oil at 150°C, moisture was completely removed from the coffee grounds and they became impregnated with a large amount of the oil. As dewatering in oil did not affect the gasification rate of the chars, a combination of these three treatments was found to efficiently convert wet food biomass waste into a gasification feedstock.

    DOI: 10.1515/gps-2021-0016


    Other Link: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/gps-2021-0016/pdf

  • Lignin-based resin production from lignocellulosic biomass combining acidic saccharification and acetone-water treatment Reviewed

    Yosuke Muranaka, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Isao Hasegawa, Taisuke Maki, Junji Hosokawa, Junya Ikuta, Kazuhiro Mae

    Chemical Engineering Journal   308   754 - 759   2017.1

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2016.09.117


  • Production of depolymerized lignin resin material from lignocellulosic biomass using acetone–water binary solution Reviewed

    Yosuke Muranaka, Ryuichi Murata, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    Chemical Engineering Journal   274   265 - 273   2015.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier BV  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.04.009


  • Saccharification of Lignocellulosic Biomass under Mild Condition Using Ionic Liquid Reviewed

    Yosuke Muranaka, Tatsuya Suzuki, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan   48 ( 9 )   774 - 781   2015

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan  

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.14we363


  • Catalytic conversion of saccharide into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using cation exchanged resin Reviewed

    Yosuke Muranaka, Yoshitaka Kubota, Yusuke Nobuta, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae


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    Language:English   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Effective Production of Levulinic Acid from Biomass through Pretreatment Using Phosphoric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, or Ionic Liquid Reviewed

    Yosuke Muranaka, Tatsuya Suzuki, Hiroyuki Sawanishi, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research   53 ( 29 )   11611 - 11621   2014.7

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:American Chemical Society (ACS)  

    DOI: 10.1021/ie501811x


  • Selective production of valuable chemicals from biomass by two-step conversion combining pre-oxidation and hydrothermal degradation Reviewed

    Yosuke Muranaka, Akira Iwai, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   234   189 - 194   2013.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA  

    Biomass is getting notable as a new energy resource to replace fossil resources and to restrain CO2 emission recently. However, it is obvious that the energy use of biomass is unsuitable for its limit of available amounts. Consequently, we investigated the possibility of new refinery scheme of biomass to utilize biomass as an alternative raw material to fossil resources with suggested two-step treatment method. We oxidized cellulose and biomass with H2O2 first and put the residue into hydrothermal condition to obtain some specific chemicals. Through the first oxidation of cellulose, 0.26 g/g-cellulose of organic acid was obtained, and 0.35 g/g-cellulose of oxalic acid was obtained under the catalytic condition. Both cedar and cellulose decreased their crystallinity through the first oxidation and increased their reactivity, we could obtain hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF) from cellulose and biomass through the hydrothermal degradation, 0.11 g/g-cellulose and 0.12 g/g-cedar respectively.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2013.08.055

    Web of Science



  • Direct saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass by hydrolysis with formic acid solution Reviewed

    Isao Hasegawa, Teng Hong Khoo, Kazuhiro Mae

    GREEN PROCESSING AND SYNTHESIS   2 ( 2 )   143 - 149   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH  

    An effective hydrolysis method for recovering oligosaccharides directly from lignocellulosic biomass has been investigated. Formic acid was selected as a hydrolysis reagent, due to its high acidity in organic acids. The degrees of cellulose hydrolysis and lignin elution were determined by the combination of the reaction temperature and formic acid aqueous solution concentration. We successfully obtained approximately 47 wt% of oligosaccharides, keeping the minimum lignin elution at 150 degrees C and with 25 vol% formic acid aqueous solution concentration. Such a high yield of oligosaccharides was due to the relaxation of biomass structure. Furthermore, by diluting the formic acid aqueous solution concentration, or evaporating the solution, lignin can be separated from the oligosaccharides completely as deposits. Finally, two options for the efficient recovery of saccharides have been proposed.

    DOI: 10.1515/gps-2012-0090

    Web of Science


  • Depolymerization of extracted lignin in hot compressed water for production of resin material Reviewed

    Isao Hasegawa, Ryuichi Murata, Yusuke Inoue, Kazuhiro Mae


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    Language:English   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Web of Science


  • Selective Production of Organic Acids and Depolymerization of Lignin by Hydrothermal Oxidation with Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide Reviewed

    Isao Hasegawa, Yusuke Inoue, Yosuke Muranaka, Toshiya Yasukawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    ENERGY & FUELS   25 ( 2 )   791 - 796   2011.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    There has been a great interest in converting lignin into chemicals, but lignin is not used as feedstock for chemical production at present. Considering the rigid structure of lignin, we have developed a new method to recover chemicals from lignin under severe conditions. This method is the hydrothermal oxidative degradation using 0.1% hydrogen peroxide solution in the flow reactor at 150-200 degrees C. When alkali lignin was oxidized for 2 min at 200 degrees C, the total yield of organic acids was as large as 0.45 g/g-lignin. The organic acids consisted of formic, acetic, and succinic acids, and the high-molecular-weight lignin also remained after the oxidation. On the other hand, when organosolv lignin was oxidized at 160 degrees C, lignin molecules were depolymerized into the oligomer of M-W = ca. 300 and the total yield of organic acids was 0.20 g/g-lignin. The product distribution depended on the difference in the structures between the two lignin samples. It was clarified that the proposed method is valid to produce valuable chemicals from any kind of lignin.

    DOI: 10.1021/ef101477d

    Web of Science



  • Correlations of kinetic parameters in biomass pyrolysis with solid residue yield and lignin content Reviewed

    Kenji Hashimoto, Isao Hasegawa, Junichi Hayashi, Kazuhiro Mae

    FUEL   90 ( 1 )   104 - 112   2011.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    A kinetic analysis of the pyrolysis of various types of biomass (trunk, bark, leaf, shell, herbage, food dregs, and polysaccharide) as well as synthetic biomass consisting of cellulose and lignin was performed using thermogravimetric analysis data. The reaction rates of biomass pyrolysis were found to be expressed simply by a single nth-order reaction model. The kinetic parameters (frequency factor k(0), activation energy E, and reaction order n) were estimated first by differentiating the thermogravimetric curves and then by the nonlinear estimation method. The rate parameters of the pyrolysis of both 38 biomass samples and 9 synthetic biomass samples were successfully correlated in terms of the solid residue yield omega; charts are presented showing the correlations. Furthermore, a linear correlation was found between omega and the lignin content L in the woody biomass. This allows the kinetic parameters of biomass pyrolysis to be estimated using the value of omega, which is obtained from thermogravimetric measurements or estimated from the value of L for the biomass feedstock. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2010.08.023

    Web of Science



  • Alternative Reforming Methods of Primary Tar Released from Gas Treatment of Biomass at Low Temperature for Development of Pyrolysis/Gasification Process Reviewed

    Weerawut Chaiwat, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH   49 ( 8 )   3577 - 3584   2010.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Primary tars produced from gas treatment in a low-temperature region were confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis of tar-mixed biomass that they would be easily handled by using simple reforming methods. A two-stage reactor was used to investigate the secondary reaction of light tar decomposition. The effect of air on light tar decomposition showed that gas products increased when the upper temperature was increased from 600 to 900 degrees C. When biomass char pyrolyzed to 900 degrees C was loaded in the upper reactor, the decomposition of light tar under inert atmosphere occurred by steam reforming to produce fuel gases even at a low temperature of 600 degrees C. When the upper temperature was increased to 800-900 degrees C, the yield of light tar significantly decreased and became almost zero because steam reforming and related reactions could proceed to produce CO and CO(2) even in the case without biomass char. However, CO could be selectively obtained at the highest yield of 24.0 wt % because of the effect of catalytic char at a high temperature of 900 degrees C. Finally, alternative methods of light tar reforming are discussed for the development of a biomass gasification process to obtain tar-free gaseous products and/or valuable chemicals.

    DOI: 10.1021/ie901695r

    Web of Science


  • バイオマス熱分解反応の速度パラメータの相関

    橋本 健治, 長谷川 功, 林 順一, 前 一廣

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2010   112 - 112   2010

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2010f.0.112.0


  • Analysis of Cross-Linking Behavior during Pyrolysis of Cellulose for Elucidating Reaction Pathway Reviewed

    Weerawut Chaiwat, Isao Hasegawa, Takaaki Tani, Kenshi Sunagawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    ENERGY & FUELS   23 ( 12 )   5765 - 5772   2009.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    The analyses of structure change during pyrolysis of cellulose at different heating rates were investigated to clarify the existent behavior of the cross-linking reaction. For Structural analyses of cellulose precursors, FTIR spectra and XRD patterns confirmed that the dehydration reaction to produce water and cross-liked precursor Simultaneously Occurred with the glycosidic reaction to produce tar during pyrolysis. on the basis of the assumptions that hydroxyl groups in cellulose converted to water,a new parameter index, so-called the degree of dehydration during pyrolysis, X-p, including its distribution in char (X-c) and tar (X-t), was determined. For the cross-linking analyses at low healing rate, cross-linking reaction may occur until approximately 360 degrees C where X-c reached its maximum,while the cross-linked tar seems to be released above 360 degrees C. For tar analyses, cross-linked dinner can be observed for slow pyrolysis, whereas tar products obtained by flash pyrolysis showed relatively higher yield in cellobiosan with no cross-linked volatiles. Finally, based on previous kinetic models, the modified pathway of cellulose pyrolysis was proposed by considering the proposed parameter related to the dehydration.

    DOI: 10.1021/ef900674b

    Web of Science


  • Examination of the Low-Temperature Region in a Downdraft Gasifier for the Pyrolysis Product Analysis of Biomass Air Gasification Reviewed

    Weerawut Chaiwat, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH   48 ( 19 )   8934 - 8943   2009.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Treatment of biomass in nitrogen and air at 240-340 degrees C was conducted in order to examine the low-temperature region in a downdraft gasifier by analyzing the treated precursors and product distribution, Gas-treated precursors were then pyrolyzed in flash mode at 764 degrees C for further analysis. Overall, the tar yield decreased from approximately 50 wt % to less than 20 wt % upon oxidation of the sample at a very low heating rate to 260-300 degrees C in air. Moreover, tar evolution was almost completely suppressed during the subsequent flash pyrolysis. This indicates that the structure of the treated precursors was gradually changed to suppress tar release through cross-linking reactions and partial oxidation. From elemental analysis of the precursors treated with air, it was also estimated that dehydration and partial oxidation proceeded simultaneously. The results indicate that the release of tar products such as dimers call be partially suppressed by air treatment at low temperature.

    DOI: 10.1021/ie900264n

    Web of Science



  • バイオマス熱分解揮発生成物の炭化物による二次的分解の促進

    チャイワット ウィーラウット, 長谷川 功, 前 一廣

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2009   499 - 499   2009

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2009.0.499.0


  • Pyrolysis of the mixture of biomass and plastics in countercurrent flow reactor Part I: Experimental analysis and modeling of kinetics Reviewed

    Yoshikage Ohmukai, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    FUEL   87 ( 13-14 )   3105 - 3111   2008.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    A shaft kiln is considered to be a promising pyrolysis device for the efficient decomposition of municipal wastes. In this device, the temperature distributions of the gas and solid phases can be separately controlled, thereby leading to considerably different profiles for both the phases. The temperature controllability in a shaft kiln helps us to obtain a suitable profile of the gas-phase temperature for the decomposition of tar that evolves from the solid phase. By leveraging this advantage of the shaft kiln, we performed further pyrolysis and steam reforming of the volatiles formed from the pyrolysis of biomass and several polymers using a two-stage reactor that was maintained at different temperatures. The amount of tar decreased with an increase in the temperature in the upper reactor in the absence of a catalyst. By using the experimental results, we developed a lumped kinetic model for secondary gas-phase reactions and performed a kinetic analysis of the reactions that proceeded in the upper reactor. It is confirmed that the simulation model is successful in reproducing the product distribution of the gas-phase reactions of volatiles from biomass and polymers. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2008.04.005

    Web of Science



  • Examination of degree of cross-linking for cellulose precursors pretreated with acid/hot water at low temperature Reviewed

    Weerawut Chaiwat, Isao Hasegawa, Junichi Kori, Kazuhiro Mae

    INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH   47 ( 16 )   5948 - 5956   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Pretreatment of cellulose with acid and hot water at low temperature (200-260 degrees C) was performed to control the pyrolysis products by changing the precursor structure. Acid pretreatment changed cellulose into a partly cross-linked and loose structure, which resulted in a large amount of tar consisting of levoglucosan and high-molecular weight components by flash pyrolysis. On the contrary, hot water treatment caused the suppression of tar formation by imparting a random and highly cross-linked structure to the cellulose precursor. A new parameter index, referred to as the degree of cross-linking for pretreated precursors, X(0), which is based on glucose and oligosaccharide yields produced from acid hydrolysis of pretreated samples, was proposed to analyze the precursor structure. As the degree of cross-linking increased with the severity of the pretreatment conditions, the number of OH groups in the pretreated samples decreased. Through analysis of the solid precursors using this index, a simple structural model was proposed to properly estimate the distribution of the pyrolysis products. The estimated values were in agreement with the product yields experimentally obtained by flash pyrolysis.

    DOI: 10.1021/ie800080u

    Web of Science



  • Production of an iron-loaded carbonaceous material through pyrolyzing biomass impregnated with FeCl2 Reviewed

    Yoshikage Ohmukai, Isao Hasegawa, Hidetada Fujisawa, Osamu Okuma, Kazuhiro Mae

    FUEL   87 ( 10-11 )   2041 - 2049   2008.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    We propose a novel method for preparing iron-dispersed carbonaceous materials by utilizing low-grade materials and waste heat. Iron is loaded into the biomass through stirring it in a solution of FeCl2 for 2 h and then pyrolyzed at 600-900 degrees C to prepare materials composed of iron and carbon. Further in order to investigate the reactivity of the sample, steam and CO2 gasifications of the material was performed at 800-900 degrees C. Approximately 80% of the carbon in the biomass remained in the solid state during pyrolysis at 600 degrees C because of the effect of FeCl2 in promoting the carbonization of the biomass. The prepared material displayed high reactivity during gasification due to the catalytic effect of loaded iron. This result indicated the possibility that the composite may be used as an iron and heat source for a steel converter. Furthermore, the high reactivity of the composite during steam gasification suggests its usefulness as a medium for hydrogen or carbon monoxide production. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2007.12.013

    Web of Science



  • A new method for estimating the composition of biomass and plastics mixture by combining pyrolytic and calorimetric analyses Reviewed

    Yoshikage Ohmukai, Fumito Nakanishi, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   87 ( 7 )   519 - 524   2008.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A new method has been presented by which the contents and elemental composition of biomass and plastics in the wastes is quantitatively determined. A new two-stage pyrolyzer was proposed to determine simply the contents of biomass and each plastic from the gas analysis during the pyrolysis of mixture under no interaction state. It was found that the contents of polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and biomass is determined from the ethane, propylene, C4 compounds, and CO2 yields, respectively. Next, a new method has been proposed to determine the elemental composition of each component by combining CHO diagram and the calorimetric value of the mixture. The estimated values were coincided with the real values within 10 % error. Thus, it was clarified the proposed method is valid for estimating the quality of waste materials to stably operate the treatment process of wastes such as combustion, pyrolysis, gasification etc.

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.87.519




  • Structure-Controlled Pyrolysis of Biomass with Sodium Hydroxide for Suppression of Tar Formation Reviewed

    Yoshikage Ohmukai, Kosuke Fujimoto, Isao Hasegawa, Shigeya Hayashi, Kazuhiro Mae

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   41 ( 4 )   312 - 318   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN  

    Pyrolysis of NaOH-loaded Douglas fir and cellulose has been carried out to determine the effect of sodium hydroxide on the pyrolysis profile. A tar yield of 0 wt% and the char yield of 32 wt% were obtained at a final pyrolysis temperature of 500 degrees C. It was revealed that the amount of hydroxyl groups in the residue significantly decreased at 200 degrees C and that the structure of cellulose was distorted via crosslinking at the same temperature through spectroscopic analyses and diffraction patterns. The crosslinking led to the increase in char yield al 500 degrees C. A detailed analysis showed that char Yield from cellulose at 500 degrees C correlaled linearly with the degree of cross-linking calculated From the amount of dehydration at 200 degrees C. These results showed a possibility that the pyrolysis profile of biomass may be controlled through;in appropriate pretreatment to change the structure of the intermediate.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.07we262

    Web of Science


  • Effect of Metal Compounds on Pyrolysis Profiles of Douglas Fir Reviewed

    Yoshikage Ohmukai, Kosuke Fujimoto, Isao Hasegawa, Shigeya Hayashi, Kazuhiro Mae

    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN   41 ( 4 )   319 - 324   2008

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC CHEMICAL ENG JAPAN  

    Pyrolysis or Douglas fir with metal compounds has been carried out to examine the effect of metal compounds oil the pyrolysis profiles. The profiles dramatically shifted into lower or higher temperatures by adding some metal compounds. On the other hand, the presence of metal chlorides promoted file decomposition of Douglas fir, at low temperature. The metal compounds having high hydrophilicity, by Douglas fir decomposition was shifted toward lower temperatures, caused all increase in char and a decrease in tar through promoting the cross-linking reaction at low temperature. From these results. it call be said that the control of dehydration at low, temperature is an essential Factor to achieve high char Yield with minimizing tar formation.

    DOI: 10.1252/jcej.07we275

    Web of Science


  • Characterization of carbonized municipal waste as substitute for coal fuel Reviewed

    Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Kazuhiro Mae, Isao Hasegawa, Kohei Suzuki, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Masaaki Ito, Muneo Ayabe

    FUEL   86 ( 1-2 )   264 - 272   2007.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Carbonaceous material produced from municipal waste (MW) was studied as a potential substitute for coal energy by evaluating its calorific values, chlorine content, and combustion behavior. The behaviors of calorific values and chlorine content of carbonized MWs (CMWs) during carbonization were investigated to replace the coal CMWs in the supply material of the existing boilers. By comparing the combustion behaviors of the CMWs and coals with various fuel ratios (=fixed carbon/volatile matter), the overall conversions of the combustion of the CMWs and coals were arranged in the order of their fuel ratios. Therefore, it was possible to evaluate their combustion behaviors using the fuel ratios for practical applications. However, strictly speaking, the detailed combustion behavior of the CMWs was different. A detailed investigation of the combustion process revealed that the combustion of fixed carbon at the burnout of the CMWs was slightly slower than that of the coals for the same fuel ratio, while the initial combustion process including the devolatilization of the CMWs was faster. This behavior was considered to be caused by complicated phenomena such as the catalytic effect on the gasification behavior of alkali and alkali earth metals, hindrance effect of ash on gasification reactant, original chemical structure, and transition of pore structure. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2006.06.008

    Web of Science



  • 各種無機化合物による脱水促進を利用したバイオマスの炭化収率の向上

    藤本 公介, 大向 吉景, 長谷川 功, 前 一廣

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2007   152 - 152   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2007.0.152.0


  • A New Kinetic Model for Cellulose Pyrolysis Based on the Change of its Macromolecule Structure Reviewed

    Sunagawa K, I. Hasegawa, K. Mae

    Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, 2006, 1124-1134   2006

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  • Quantitative Prediction of Yield and Elemental Composition during Pyrolysis of Wood Biomass Reviewed

    HASEGAWA Isao, FUJISAWA Hidetada, SUNAGAWA Kenji, MAE Kazuhiro

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   84 ( 1 )   46 - 52   2005.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Institute of Energy  

    A method for predicting the yields of products and the elemental composition of char during pyrolysis of biomass was presented. 10 kinds of biomass feedstocks with a focus on wood biomass were pyrolyzed at various temperatures using a Curie-Point Pyrolyzer attached to a gas chromatograph. At moderate temperature not lower than 485℃, the yields of total volatiles linearly increased with the atomic ratio H/C which was also correlated with the lignin content in feedstock. Furthermore, it was clarified that the average elemental composition of total volatiles produced at these temperatures was equal to that of cellulose and that the tar fraction among volatiles consisted of glucosan or cellobiosan, the molecular weight of which was about 300. By combining these results, we developed a new chart for predicting the elemental composition of char pyrolyzed at moderate temperature only from the elemental analysis of feedstock. The presented method is expected to provide a useful guideline for the decision on pyrolysis condition or subsequent conversion such as gasification and combustion.

    DOI: 10.3775/jie.84.46

    CiNii Books



  • 二段反応器を用いた熱分解における相互作用の検討

    大向 吉景, 長谷川 功, 前 一廣

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2005   642 - 642   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2005.0.642.0




    Sel Pap Present 3rd Int Symp Feedstock Recycl Plast 2005   35 - 42   2005

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  • バイオマスと鉄廃棄物からの鉄・炭素複合材の製造

    藤沢 秀忠, 長谷川 功, 大隈 修, 前 一廣

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2005   658 - 658   2005

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2005.0.658.0


  • Development of a new micromixer based on split/recombination for mass production and its application to soap free emulsifier Reviewed

    K Mae, T Maki, Hasegawa, I, U Eto, Y Mizutani, N Honda

    CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL   101 ( 1-3 )   31 - 38   2004.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA  

    We fabricated two new types of multi-stage micromixers, YM-1 and YM-2. In these devices, mixing is achieved through the repeated splitting and recombination of the fluid flow. It was shown that the two types of micromixers presented here were capable to produce soap free emulsions at short contact times. From the investigation of the effects of the device wall material, the number of stages, etc. on the size of the droplets in the resulting emulsion, it was clarified that the emulsion was formed through efficient mixing achieved by utilizing the interactions which uniquely occur in microspaces, particularly between the device wall and fluid flow. The attained maximum production rates of emulsion in experiments were 5 1/h for YM-1 and 20 1/h for YM-2, respectively. To show the applicability of the mixers to other purposes, rapid extraction of phenol from dodecane by water was also conducted. It was found that YM-1 has a potential to continuously extract phenol even at extremely high flow rates (mixing times within I s). These results show that, although the mixers are extremely small, they have the capability to be used in fairly large-scale industrial plants. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2003.10.011

    Web of Science


  • New pretreatment methods combining a hot water treatment and water/acetone extraction for thermo-chemical conversion of biomass Reviewed

    Hasegawa, I, K Tabata, O Okuma, K Mae

    ENERGY & FUELS   18 ( 3 )   755 - 760   2004.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    New pretreatment methods were developed for separating hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin from biomass for their efficient use in the thermo-chemical conversion of each component. One method is basically a two-step process. Biomass treated in hot water at 180 degreesC was extracted in a flowing stream of water/acetone mixture under 10 MPa at 230 degreesC. Through the hot water treatment, hemicellulose in biomass was successfully recovered as saccharides, leaving lignin and cellulose as a solid. Through the sequential extraction by the water/acetone solvent, lignin was depolymerized into the water/acetone-soluble compounds and the residual cellulose was partly dehydrated. The other method is a one-step process, in which biomass was directly extracted in 50% water/acetone solution at 200 degreesC using a batch reactor, and the residue was pure cellulose. The proposed methods were expected to be new routes for converting low-grade resources into valuable chemicals.

    DOI: 10.1021/ef030148e

    Web of Science



  • セルロースの構造変化に立脚した熱分解挙動のモデル化の試み

    砂川 賢司, 長谷川 功, 前 一廣

    化学工学会 研究発表講演要旨集   2003   309 - 309   2003

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2003f.0.309.0


  • Estimation of hydrogen bond distributions formed between coal and polar solvents using in situ IR technique Reviewed

    K Miura, K Mae, Hasegawa, I, HK Chen, A Kumano, K Tamura

    ENERGY & FUELS   16 ( 1 )   23 - 31   2002.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    Recently, the authors have presented a new method to estimate the strength distribution of hydrogen bonds (HBD) in coal. The method analyzes the IR spectra ranging from 2400 to 3700 cm(-1) that are obtained using an in-situ diffuse reflectance IR Fourier transform (DR) technique with neat, undiluted coal samples. Each spectrum was divided into six hydrogen bonded absorption bands by a curve-resolving method; then the amount of hydroxyls contributing to each hydrogen bond was estimated by Beer's law with different absorptivity for each band. The strength of each hydrogen bond was estimated using a relation presented by Drago et al. that is known as one of the "linear enthalpy-spectroscopic shift relations". In this paper, the method was applied to estimate the hydrogen bond strength distributions formed between coal and several polar solvents: acetone, ethyl acetate, THF, DMF, and pyridine. The enthalpies accompanying the adsorption or desorption of the solvents, which correspond to the heats of adsorption, were also estimated from the HBDs. Only IR spectra measurements were found to be enough to obtain such enthalpies. This greatly simplified the calculation procedure and increased the accuracy of the enthalpies. The validity of the proposed in situ IR measurement method and the analysis method for obtaining HBD was well clarified by comparing the enthalpies obtained in this work with the heats of adsorption and the hydrogen bond formation enthalpies proposed by Arnett et al.

    DOI: 10.1021/ef0101457

    Web of Science



  • A new conversion method for recovering valuable chemicals from oil palm shell wastes utilizing liquid-phase oxidation with H2O2 under mild conditions Reviewed

    K Mae, Hasegawa, I, N Sakai, K Miura

    ENERGY & FUELS   14 ( 6 )   1212 - 1218   2000.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:AMER CHEMICAL SOC  

    A new oddative degradation method was developed for separating hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin from an oil palm shell waste, and for converting them into valuable chemicals. The method is basically a two-step process in which the shell pretreated in hot water at 180 degreesC was oxidized with 30%-H2O2 at 60 degreesC (first-stage oxidation) under ambient pressure with or without an Fe catalyst. To increase the product yield and selectivity, a second-stage oxidation of the water-soluble components obtained from the first-stage oxidation was also performed in the presence of the Fenton reagent at 25 degreesC. Through the hot water treatment, hemicellulose in the palm oil shell was successfully recovered as saccharides, leaving lignin and cellulose. Through the first-stage oxidation without the Fe catalyst lignin was converted to water-soluble compounds containing small molecular weight fatty acids such as HCOOH and CH3COOH, and almost pure cellulose was recovered in 22% of yield on carbon basis. After the second-stage oxidation, the yield of small molecular weight fatty acids reached 30 wt % on the oil palm shell basis. The proposed method was expected to be a new route for converting low grade resources into valuable chemicals.

    DOI: 10.1021/ef000091l

    Web of Science


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  • 「バイオマスプロセスハンドブック」(編集委員、1.1.1 1.1.4 1.3.20節の執筆担当)

    化学工学会, 日本エネルギー学会, 共編

    オーム社  2012.5 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 『バイオマスからの気体燃料製造とエネルギー利用』

    前 一廣, 長谷川 功( Role: Contributor)

    (第1編,第2章執筆),NTS(2007)  2007 

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    Language:Japanese   Book type:Scholarly book



  • 熱化学転換による木質バイオマスからの有価物回収

    長谷川 功, 前 一廣

    関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム講演集   20   64 - 67   2016.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:関西大学先端科学技術推進機構  

    CiNii Books


  • Effective acidic hydrothermal degradation of cellulose to levulinic acid through pretreatment

    Yosuke Muranaka, Tatsuya Suzuki, Isao Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Mae

    Energy and Transport Processes 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety   232 - 238   2015.1

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  • 教育と研究に従事して

    長谷川 功

    化学工学 = Chemical engineering   75 ( 8 )   522 - 523   2011.8

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    CiNii Books


  • 高温高圧酸化改質を利用したリグノセルロースのリファイナリースキームの検討

    長谷川功, 岩井顕, 前一廣

    バイオマス科学会議発表論文集   6th   90 - 91   2011.1

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  • バイオマス構成成分の加圧熱水中での酸化分解による有機酸の回収 Reviewed


    化学工学会第41回秋季大会,東広島,2009.9   2009

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  • 木質バイオマスの伝熱と熱分解特性に及ぼす試料サイズの影響 Reviewed


    化学工学会第41回秋季大会,東広島,2009.9   2009

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  • Improvement of biomass gasification through several ppretreatments Reviewed

    I. Hasegawa, K. Ikeda, Y. Ohmukai, W. Chaiwat, K. Mae

    AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings   2007

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  • Control of Decomposition Reaction of Biomass by Adding Various Inorganic Compounds Reviewed

    K. Fujimoto, Y. Ohmukai, I. Hasegawa, K. Mae

    Gordon Conference of Hydrocarbon Processing (2007.1.10, Ventura, CA).   2007

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  • Control of product distribution by temperature proflies of gas and solid phases during pyrolysis of wastes under countercurrent flow Reviewed

    Y. Ohmukai, I. Hasegawa, K. Mae

    Gordon Conference of Hydrocarbon Processing (2007.1.10, Ventura, CA)   2007

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  • The suppression of tar evolution during biomass pyrolysis by using simple air treatment method Reviewed

    W. Chaiwat, I. Hasegawa, K. Mae

    AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings   2007

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  • Reduction in TAR yield by temperature profiles of gas and solid phases during pyrolysis of wastes under countercurrent flow Reviewed

    Y. Ohmukai, I. Hasegawa, K. Mae

    AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings   2007

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  • Effect of Pretreatment at Low temperature on Precursor Structure and Product Distribution during Biomass Pyrolysis Reviewed

    W. Chaiwat, I. Hasegawa, J. Kori, K. Mae

    Gordon Conference of Hydrocarbon Processing (2007.1.10, Ventura, CA).   2007

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  • 「木質バイオマスとそのモデル物質の熱分解反応の速度解析」 Reviewed

    長谷川 功, 前 一廣, 橋本

    化学工学会第39回秋季大会,札幌,2007.9   2007

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  • Effect of metallic compounds addition on the decrease in TAR yield during pyrolysis of biomass Reviewed

    Y. Ohmukai, K. Fujimoto, I. Hasegawa, S. Hayashi, K. Mae

    AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings   2007

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  • 「バイオマスからのタール発生ゼロを目指した新しい改質/熱分解法の検討」 Reviewed

    CHAIWAT Weerawut, 長谷川功, 前 一廣

    化学工学会第72 年会, D117 (2007. 3.19, 京都)   2007   150 - 150   2007

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:公益社団法人 化学工学会  

    DOI: 10.11491/scej.2007.0.150.0


  • 気固向流接触による廃棄物熱分解の生成物分布の制御 Reviewed

    大向 吉景, 長谷川 功, 前 一廣

    第15回日本エネルギー学会大会, No.3-29 (2006.8.3, 東京)   2006

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  • Structural Modification of Cellulose through a Hydrothermal Treatment for Changing the Pyrolysate Reviewed

    Isao Hasegawa

    Joint 8th International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions & 7th International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, Sendai, Japan, 2006. 8   2006

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  • 「カルシウム担持バイオマスと低温回収バイオオイルの共分解による生成タールの低減」 Reviewed

    堀口彰太, 長谷川功, 前一廣

    化学工学会第38 回秋季大会, P208 (2006.9.16, 福岡)   2006

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  • New Conversion Technology for Biomass

    MAE Kazuhiro, HASEGAWA Isao

    Energy and resources   26 ( 3 )   173 - 177   2005.5

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    CiNii Books


  • バイオマスの事前改質処理法の開発 (特集 注目されるバイオマス利用技術)

    前 一廣, 長谷川 功

    ケミカルエンジニヤリング   48 ( 8 )   590 - 594   2003.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:化学工業社  

    CiNii Books


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  • Kinetic Analysis of Biomass Pyrolysis and Estimation of its Parameters

    Second International Symposium on Gasification and Its Application  2010.12  Kyushu University, GCOE

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


Industrial property rights

  • ガス化燃料の製造方法

    美藤 裕, 前 一廣, 長谷川 功

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    Announcement no:特開2005-263914  Date announced:2005.9


  • 炭素質原料の熱分解方法

    橋本 茂, 永井 和範, 前 一廣, 長谷川 功, 大向 吉景, 加藤 也寸彦

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    Announcement no:特開2008-150477  Date announced:2008.7


  • 排ガス脱硫方法または排水浄化方法

    前 一廣, 大貫一雄, 長谷川 功, 牧 泰輔, 大隈 修, 花木恵悟, 稲葉淳史

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    Announcement no:特開2004-230304  Date announced:2004.8


  • 廃棄物の処理方法

    前 一廣, 大貫一雄, 長谷川 功, 牧 泰輔, 大隈 修, 花木恵悟, 稲葉淳史

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    Announcement no:特開2004-232037  Date announced:2004.8


Research Projects

  • Dehydrated sugars production by combining hydrothermal and thermal decomposition of wood

    Grant number:15K06555  2015.10 - 2018.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)


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    Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )

    Biomass is bulky and hard to transport. It is essential to convert biomass into more valuable chemicals on-site. One option is pyrolysis but it has demerit to produce inactive high molecular weight tar. We improved selectivity of sugar-derived tar by thermal decomposition of cedar tree under 300 degree Celsius. And addition of calcium compounds brought about 60% contents of dehydrated sugars in cellulose tar. Levoglucosan for standard pyrolyzate of cellulose was hydrolized under hydrothermal condition at 200 degree Celsius, more valuable dehydrated sugar HMF contents became higher than unreacted one.


  • Selective production of resin material monomers from lignocellulosic biomass via thermochemical conversion

    Grant number:25249109  2013.4 - 2016.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)


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    Grant amount:\44460000 ( Direct Cost: \34200000 、 Indirect Cost:\10260000 )

    Xylan was selectively converted into furfural at the yield of 38.3% at 150℃ using 2-sec butylphenol as an extraction agent. Cedar was treated with 25vol% formic acid at 150℃, which resulted in saccharide yield of 46.4%. Then, saccharide was converted into HMF at the yield of 53.2 mol% using prepared reusable solid acid catalyst with an extraction agent. Furthermore, lignin-rich residue via formic acidic saccharification was treated with 30wt% acetone at 295℃, which resulted in 0.8 g/g-lignin yield of high functional lignin resin material.


  • Selective recovery of chemicals by multi-step pyrolysis of dry biomass

    Grant number:23760728  2011 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)


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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

    Pyrolysis method was investigated for the selective recovery of tar which can be converted into valuable chemicals easily. As a result, furan was recovered from xylan in woody biomass with a high yield suppressing devolatilization of lignin by the two-step pyrolysis. On the other hand, extracted lignin was converted into the resin materials by pyrolysis.


  • Development of new thermochemical conversion method for biorefinery

    Grant number:22246100  2010 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    MAE Kazuhiro, HASEGAWA Isao

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    Grant amount:\47190000 ( Direct Cost: \36300000 、 Indirect Cost:\10890000 )

    Lignin was oxidized for 2 min at 200 ℃, the total yield of organic acids was as large as 0.45 g/g-lignin. And an efficient production of pyruvate by the oxidative dehydrogenation of lactate was achieved using a micro flow system based on gas liquid slug flow. Finally, the two-step oxidation process in which valuable chemicals (HMF, organic acids) were recovered with the total yield of as much as 60% was developed.


  • Survey Research for Developing Highly-Efficient Upgrading Technology of Brown Coals Mined in Asia and Oceania

    Grant number:21404015  2009 - 2012

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MIURA Kouichi, KAWASE Motoaki, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, ASHIDA Ryuichi, HASEGAWA Isao, SUGAWARA Katsuyasu, HAYASHI Jun-ichi, OHKI Akira, NINOMIYA Yoshihiko

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    Grant amount:\17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost:\3960000 )

    Low rank coals such as brown coals are abundant but it is generally difficult to transport and store due to their high spontaneous combustibility. Therefore, it is necessary to develop upgrading processes of brown coals which will be utilized at the coal mines so that Japan can use such an abundant resource. In order to develop highly-efficient and environmentally-friendly processes, wehave to understand current situations of mining, pretreatment, and environmental measure at the coal mines. In this research, we visited several brown coal mines in Asia and performed a survey on mining method, pretreatment method, and environmental measure


  • Study on New Pyrolytic Gasification Methods of Biomass using Air Pretreatment

    Grant number:19206083  2007 - 2009

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    MAE Kazuhiro, HASEGAWA Isao

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    Grant amount:\42770000 ( Direct Cost: \32900000 、 Indirect Cost:\9870000 )

    This study was dedicated to the clarification and modification of biomass pyrolysis mechanism under different conditions with the newly proposed parameter index based on structural analyses of cellulose, particularly cross-linking behavior. We aimed to further develop the pyrolysis/gasification process by considering the combination of pretreatments at low temperature with simple reforming methods at high temperature to selectively obtain valuable products.


  • Survey Research on Long-Distance Transportation of Australian Brown Coal

    Grant number:18404019  2006 - 2008

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MIURA Kouichi, KAWASE Motoaki, NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki, ASHIDA Ryuichi, HASEGAWA Isao, OHKI Akira, SUGAWARA Katsuyasu, NINOMIYA Yoshihiko

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    Grant amount:\15210000 ( Direct Cost: \12900000 、 Indirect Cost:\2310000 )


  • Development of efficient biomass conversion method combined oil dewatering and two-stage gasification at low temperature.

    Grant number:15360429  2003 - 2004

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    MAE Kazuhiro, MAKI Taisuke, HASEGAWA Isao

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    Grant amount:\15200000 ( Direct Cost: \15200000 )

    To convert efficiently biomass wastes into energy, several problems such as high water content, quality change in material, tar evolution, etc. should be qualified. In this study, we proposed a new method combined oil dewatering and low temperature pyrolysis, and examine in detail the following items.
    1) Development of a new dewatering and upgrade method for wet biomass
    2) Production of gasification catalyst from wet biomass though low temperature pyrolysis
    First, we examine the dewatering of several wet biomass, and then clarified that the combination of the hydrothermal treatment at 250 C and the oil dewatering at 180 C brought about an excellent modified biomass having a high calorific value of 35.5MJ/kg. The value was comparable to that of high volatile sub-bituminous coal, which is used as a material of power plant.
    Secondly, we found that the tar was restricted, on the contrary chat increased during the pyrolysis biomass by impregnating Ca(OH)2. The char was very active, and utilized as a gasification catalyst.
    Finally, we clarified the relationship between each yield and H/C of biomass, and a new method for estimating the quality of pyrolyzed char utilizing CHO chart.
    Thus, it was clarified that the proposed methods were useful for converting wet biomass into energy and chemicals.


  • バイオマス系廃棄物の再資源化のための新規前処理法の開発

    Grant number:15760577  2003 - 2004

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究(B)

    長谷川 功

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    Grant amount:\3200000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 )



  • バイオマス

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    Grant type:Competitive


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