Updated on 2024/09/01


Faculty of Engineering Science Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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  • Doctor of Philosophy ( 2012.3 )

Research Interests

  • 空圧機器

  • 圧電素子

  • アクチュエータ

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Manufacturing and production engineering


  • Okayama University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Technology   Division of Manufactuaring

    - 2012

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  • Okayama University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Technology   Mechanical and System Engineering

    - 2009

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  • Okayama University   Faculty of Engineering   System engineering

    - 2007

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Research History

  • 関西大学 システム理工学部 准教授


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  • Kansai University   Faculty of Engineering Science   Assistant Professor

    2012.4 - 2019.3

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Professional Memberships


  • Micro Flow Control Valve with Stable Condition Using Particle-Excitation Reviewed

    Daisuke Hirooka, Naomichi Furushiro, Tomomi Yamaguchi

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   34 ( 2 )   422 - 429   2022.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press Ltd.  

    This paper proposes a drive principle that aims to improve the control characteristics of a particle-excitation flow control valve capable of continuous air flow control. Aiming at application to a small servo valve, the authors have developed a particle-excitation flow control valve that controls flow rate by separating particles, which act as a valve element, from an orifice that is opened by the oscillation of a piezoelectric element. This paper proposes a method of more finely adjusting the motion of the particles. This method makes it possible to adjust to what degree each orifice opens, thereby refining the control of the flow rate and improving the responsiveness of the valve. Here, the authors produce a prototype, evaluate its characteristics, and confirm its effectiveness.

    DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2022.p0422


  • 微粒子励振型流量制御弁におけるねじり振動を利用した駆動原理の有効性評価 Reviewed

    廣岡 大祐, 東 一毅, 古城 直道, 山口 智実

    日本フルードパワー学会論文集   50巻,1号   2019.5

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    Authorship:Lead author  


  • Effect of Microstructure on Mitigating Tool Wear in Diamond Turning of Nitrided Steels Reviewed

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke HIROOKA, SHIRAKAWA Masaya, MATSUDA Shigehiro, IWASA Yasuhiro, TERAUCHI Shuntaro

    Precision Engineering   Vol54, pp.388-395   2018.10

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  • Optimization of Orifice Position in Particle-exciation Valve for Proportional Flow Control Reviewed

    HIROOKA,Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI,Tomomi, FURUSHIRO,Naomichi, SUZUMORI,Koichi, KANDA,Takefumi

    ROBOMECH Journal   Vol.4, 25,   2017.10

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    Authorship:Lead author  


  • Particle-excitation flow-control valve using piezo vibration-improvement for a high flow rate and research on controllability Reviewed

    Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Naomichi Furushiro, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines   137 ( 1 )   32 - 37   2017

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan  

    This paper describes an improved particle-excitation flow-control valve with high flow rate and controllability. The proposed control valve has a small volume, is lightweight, and can smoothly control the airflow through particle excitation. Pneumatic actuators, which have many advantages, are widely used in automation machine equipment and are expected to be used in robots. In general, such highly controllable pneumatic-control devices used as proportional valves are large-scale, heavy, and exhibit low response. We have developed a new flow-control valve called a particle-excitation flow-control valve, which has a simple structure with a lead zirconium titanate (PZT) resonance mode, large control-flow rate, and is lightweight. Further, this valve is expected to be highly responsive because it is driven by a PZT vibrator. In this study, we designed an experimental prototype to increase the maximum flow rate and measured its flow control and response characteristics. Moreover, we showed that this control valve has high controllability and control flow rate.

    DOI: 10.1541/ieejsmas.137.32



  • Development of novel particle excitation flow control valve for stable flow characteristics Reviewed

    Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Naomichi Furushiro, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    International Journal of Automation Technology   10 ( 4 )   540 - 548   2016

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press  

    The authors have previously developed a compact, light-weight air flow control valve, which realizes continuous flow control. The vibration produced by a piezoelectric device (PZT) was used to excite particles confined in a flow channel to control the valve opening for the developed control valve. Therefore, the voltage applied to the PZT can be changed to continuously control the flow rate. A new working principle was developed for the control valve to stabilize flow rate characteristics. Different types of particles were used to change the valve opening condition. A prototype was manufactured to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control valve.

    DOI: 10.20965/ijat.2016.p0540



  • Speed Control of Pneumatic Cylinder using Particle-Excitaion Flow Control Valve Reviewed

    HIROOKA,Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI,Tomomi, FURUSHIRO,Naomichi, SUZUMORI, Koihi, KANDA, Takefumi

    第46巻,第2号   2015.3

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    Authorship:Lead author  


  • Flow Rate Cobtrol using Particle Excitation Valve with Non-liner Compensation Reviewed

    Daisuke HIROOKA, Koichi SUZUMORI, Takefumi KANDA

    Transactions of The Japan Hydraulics & Pneumatics Society   第43巻,第5号 ( 5 )   117 - 121   2012.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Fluid Power System Society  

    The purpose of this study is the development of a valve that can precisely control pneumatic cylinders. The valve is lightweight and has simple structure. The valve uses a piezoelectric oscillator which is driven in the resonance mode, and it can control flow rate by controlling the amplitude of the particle excitation. In this report, we have designed a new prototype for the purpose of high controllability. We have applied a non-linear control algorithm to control Q-V nonlinearlity of this valve. We found that this control works well to realize linear Q-V characteristics.

    DOI: 10.5739/jfps.43.117

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/10009556897?from=CiNii

  • Design and evaluation of orifice arrangement for particle-excitation flow control valve Reviewed

    Daisuke Hirooka, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    Sensors and Actuators A:Physical   171(2011)283-291   283 - 291   2011.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Flow control valve for pneumatic acutuators using particle excitation by PZT vibrator Reviewed

    Daisuke Hirooka, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    Sensors and Actuators A   A155(2009)   285 - 289   2009.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • 目直し条件がメカノケミカル砥石による単結晶シリコンの超仕上げ性能に及ぼす影響 Reviewed

    仲矢 進悟, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一

    砥粒加工学会誌   Vol63(8),pp.415-420   2019.8

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  • Visualization of Subsurface Damage of Optical Glass Reviewed


    Journal of Japan Society for Abrasive Technology   62 (1), pp. 33-38   2018.1

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  • Improvement of multistage superfinishing of sapphire with vitrified-bonded diamond superabrasive stones

    Naomichi Furushiro, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Hirooka, Noboru Matsumori, Kenichi Tanada

    Proceedings - 33rd ASPE Annual Meeting   269 - 272   2018

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:American Society for Precision Engineering, ASPE  

    Recently sapphire is widely used for LED substrate. In the planarization process of sapphire, lapping is used before polishing. However, machining time of lapping takes more than 30 minutes because sapphire is hard material. Superfinishing process can be substitute for the lapping. Superfinishing uses fixed abrasive stones, and it is possible to process sapphire in shorter time. Surface roughness of the lapping process is 2nmRa. Therefore, superabrasive stones are suitable for superfinishing. Then, vitrified-bonded diamond superabrasive stones with different grain diameter were developed. Superfinishing performances of those stones were compared. Subsequently multistage superfinishing was examined by combining diamond stones in descending order of grain diameter. The target roughness 2nmRa was achieved in 8 minutes of 4-stage superfinishing. In this study, we have examined three different combinations to improve multistage superfinishing of sapphire.



  • Suppression of Tool Wear in Diamond Turning of Steel (Effect of Microstructure of Carburized Steel) Reviewed

    TSUJINO Genta, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUDA Shigehiro, IWASA Yasuhiro, TERAUCHI Shuntaro

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)   83 (856), p. 17-00161   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    <p>Diamond cutting tools shows severe wear in turning of steels. In previous paper, it was shown that carbides on ferrite phase, which were precipitated by carburization, suppressed the diamond tool wear. In this paper, detailed distribution of constituents of the carbides was analyzed by EDS (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy). In addition, characteristics of each carbide such as occupancy, diameter, and degree of circularity were measured. Results indicate that those characteristics of the carbides influence suppression of the tool wear.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.17-00161


  • Influence of crystal anisotropy on ultra-precision cutting of single crystal copper (111) surface

    Shinnosuke Kawai, Naomichi Furushiro, Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2017   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    In ultra-precision cutting of polycrystalline material with single crystal diamond tool, grain boundary steps become obvious on the machined surface due to crystal anisotropy between adjacent grains. Therefore, to establish ultra-precision cutting technology, it is necessary to clarify the micro cutting mechanism of singlecrystal material. In our past work, we have focused on elastic recovery of single crystal copper in micro groove cutting. However, affected layer were formed at the stage of planar cutting, which was a prior process of groove cutting. It was difficult to observe the influence of crystal anisotropy once the affected layer was formed. Thus, appropriate cutting conditions of prior process are necessary to minimize the affected layer. In this study, single crystal copper (111) plane, one of slip planes, was used as a cutting surface.We defined [112] direction as 0° and conducted prior cutting process at 13 directions ranging from -60° ([211]) to 60° ([121]). Cutting forces were measured and hardness of the finished surfaces were examined. Chips, tools and cutting surface were observed with an electron microscope. The Schmidt factor of each slip system was calculated from the measured three-component forces. Then, we investigated the influence of crystal orientation on cutting mechanism and machined surface in prior cutting. As a result, cutting parallel to [121] direction (60°) generated the best cutting surface. In contrast, cutting parallel to [112] direction (0°) generated the most defective cutting surface. In addition, the finished surface had periodicity of 120° with good surface and defective surface, respectively. Results suggest that the slip systems and its Schmidt factors may explain the periodicity.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmelem.2017.9.091



  • Study on factors of tool wear in diamond turning of carburized steel using decision trees

    Shin Inoue, Naomichi Furushiro, Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Shigetaka Matsuda, Yasuhiro Iwasa, Shuntaro Terauchi

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century, LEM 2017   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers  

    Diamond tools wear extremely in single point turning of steels. It is thought that carbon atoms in diamond diffuse into iron. Characteristics of steels can be widely changed by heat treatment and surface modification. In our past work, we have focused on heat treatment and have changed the microstructure to suppress the tool wear. We have found carbides precipitated in α-phase suppress the tool wear. Then, we have studied on carburized steels. Tool wear was examined in comparison with element concentration, hardness, and carbide area ratio of carburized steels. Accordingly, large-size and high-circularity carbides precipitated on grain boundaries were related to increase the tool wear. However, it was not clear which factors may suppress the tool wear. In this study, past experimental data was used to examine relation between tool wear and microstructure of carburized steels. We used 21 sets of data, which contains element concentration, hardness, and carbide area ratio of carburized JIS SKD61 steels. Based on it, a decision tree which explains tool wear was made by using C4.5 classification algorithm. The decision tree revealed carburized steels without carbides whose area is ranging from 1 to 3 μm2 and whose circularity is less than 0.5 tend to increase the tool wear. On the other hand, carburized steels with above-mentioned carbides, and with carbides whose area is ranging from 0.07 to 1 μm2 and whose circularity is less than 0.5 suppress tool wear the best. Those results suggest that the decision tree can be used to predict microstructure which may suppress tool wear effectively.

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmelem.2017.9.092



  • Optimization of orifice position in particle-excitation valve for proportional flow control

    Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Naomichi Furushiro, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    ROBOMECH Journal   4 ( 1 )   2017.10

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40648-017-0093-3


    Other Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40648-017-0093-3/fulltext.html

  • Effect of Schmidt Factor in Ultra-precision Cutting of Single Crystal Copper Reviewed


    Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering   83 (10), pp. 967-971 ( 10 )   967 - 971   2017.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society for Precision Engineering  

    Recently, demands have increased on fabricating complex and accurate structures by ultra-precision cutting. However, the machinability is influenced by crystallographic orientations in micron/submicron cutting. In our past work, it was clear that the crystal anisotropy affected the elastic recovery in submicron groove cutting of single crystal copper. Before the experiments, three-step cutting, i.e., rough cutting, intermediate cutting, and finish cutting, have been employed to flattening single crystal copper surface. The depth of affected layer was thinned by increasing the number of intermediate and finish cutting. Nevertheless, few microns of affected layer remained on finished surface. The rough cutting step is considered to cause the remaining affected layer. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of cutting conditions of the rough cutting step to reduce the depth of affected layer. The Schmidt factor of each slip system was calculated from measured cutting forces. Results suggest that the slip system and its Schmidt factor may explain the machinability, and results indicate that the thickness of affected layer decrease with an increase in cutting speed.

    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.83.967


  • Development of removal amount estimation method based on calculation of elastic deformation of superabrasive stones during multistage superfinishing of sapphire Reviewed

    Naomichi Furushiro, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Hirooka, Masashi Yamaguchi, Noboru Matsumori, Kenichi Tanada

    International Journal of Automation Technology   11 ( 5 )   742 - 753   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Fuji Technology Press  

    In planarization processes of sapphire, lapping process takes a long time because sapphire is a hard material. In contrast, superfinishing, which involves fixed abrasive machining, can substitute for lapping, and it would be possible to shorten the amount of processing time. In this work, vitrified-bonded diamond superabrasive stones with different grain diameters are developed. Then, multistage superfinishing is investigated by combining these stones. Results indicate that the multistage process is capable of producing a 2 nmRa surface, equivalent of a lapped surface in less than 10 min. To improve the process of multistage superfinishing, a removal amount estimation method is developed based on the real contact pressure calculation. The working area ratio of the stone was calculated by considering elastic deformation during superfinishing. The contact ratio of sapphire is calculated considering the roughness of the pre-finished surface and grain depth of cut. Accordingly, the real contact pressure is calculated to estimate the removal amount during superfinishing and finished surface roughness was expected.

    DOI: 10.20965/ijat.2017.p0742



  • Improvement of removal amount estimation method in multistage superfinishing of sapphire

    Shintaro Sakaguchi, Naomichi Furushiro, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Hirooka, Noboru Matsumori, Kenichi Tanada

    ISAAT 2017 - Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology   153 - 159   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:20th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, ISAAT 2017  

    In this study, high accuracy and high efficiency processing of sapphire was investigated. In order to attain the target surface roughness 2 nmRa equivalent to lapping process, multistage superfinishing with plural diamond superabrasive stones was carried out. In our past work, superfinishing with four different grain size stones was examined. The multistage process was capable of producing surface roughness of 2 nmRa in 8 min. To improve multistage superfinishing, removal amount estimation method considering elastic deformation during superfinishing was developed. However, measured removal amount in long time superfinishing was smaller than that of estimated amount. It was considered that superfinishing efficiency decreased after pre-finished surface roughness was removed. Therefore, removal amount estimation method was improved by changing removal amount estimation formula after removing total height of roughness profile Rt of pre-finished surface. Results indicated that estimated removal amount approximated to the measured amount in long time superfinishing with SD20000 stone.



  • Nitrides in nitriding steels diminish diffusion wear in diamond turning

    Naomichi Furushiro, Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Shigetaka Matsuda, Yasuhiro Iwasa, Shuntaro Terauchi

    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2017   203 - 204   2017

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:euspen  

    Severe tool wear occurs when commercial steels are single-point diamond turned. Thermochemical reactions such as carbon dissociation and diffusion cause the severe wear. Nitrided steels are known to diminish the wear. In this paper, different kinds of steels were nitrided to examine the diminishing effect of tool wear. Nitrided layers are formed when nitriding of steels. The top of the layer is hard but fragile, thus the wear experiments were implemented after removing those top layers. The depth and the hardness of the nitrided layers vary due to the compositions of steels. Steels that contain large amount of chromium form thin and hardened layers. Then chromium nitrides and iron nitrides are generated inside the layers. In contrast, steels that contain low amount of chromium form thick but less hardened layers that consist only of iron nitrides. Results indicate that the more the amount of chromium in steels, the more diminishing of diamond tool wear. In addition, the less the wear, the more accurate the copying of tools' outline. Results also suggest that chromium nitrides aggregated in grain boundaries effectively diminished the wear. Those nitrides are considered to prevent carbon atoms of diamond from fast diffusion into grain boundaries.



  • Multistage superfinishing of sapphire with vitrifiedbonded diamond superabrasive stones

    Naomichi Furushiro, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Hirooka, Noboru Matsumori, Kenichi Tanada

    Proceedings - ASPE 2016 Annual Meeting   478 - 482   2016

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:American Society for Precision Engineering, ASPE  

    Sapphire is widely used for the LED substrate. In the planarization process of sapphire, lapping is used as the former process of polishing. However, the machining time of lapping takes about 30 minutes because sapphire is hard material. The superfinishing process can be substitute for the lapping. Superfinishing is a fixed abrasive machining, and it is possible to process sapphire by short time. The target surface roughness of the lapping process is 2nmRa. Therefore, superabrasive stones are used for the superfinishing. Then, vitrified-bonded diamond superabrasive stones with different grain diameter and different grade were developed, and superfinishing performances of those stones were compared. As a result, the diamond superabrasive stones with lower grades are more suitable stones as the former process of the polishing. However, those stones reached the stone life when the superfinishing with were done from the ground surface that was the former process of the lapping, and surface roughness were not able to be achieved. And some deep scratches of the former process remained when the amount of superfinishing process was not enough. At that point, multistage superfinishing was examined by combining some diamond superabrasive stones with different grain diameter. Finally, the removal amount estimation method was developed based on the real contact pressure presumption under the multistage process aiming at the achievement of the target roughness by short time.



  • Suppression of diamond tool wear in turning of steels by surface modification-Effect of nitriding

    Naomichi Furushiro, Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Shigetaka Matsuda, Yasuhiro Iwasa, Shuntaro Terauchi

    Proceedings - ASPE 2014 Annual Meeting   555 - 558   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:American Society for Precision Engineering, ASPE  

    In this study, we investigated tool wear suppression effect of nitrides in diamond turning of nitrided steels. We used three types of steels: stainless steel
    hot work tool steel
    and nitride steel. After quenched and tempered, those steels were nitrided by gas nitriding. Composition of surfaces were identified by X-ray diffraction method before and after nitriding. Precipitated nitrides in nitrided steels depended on composition of steels. After pre-finishing, we investigated machinability test of nitrided steels. Maximum wear was observed at the tool nose. The amounts of wear in diamond turning of nitrided steels were much smaller than those of quenched and tempered steels. Add to this, nitrided steels precipitating particular nitrides suppressed wear of diamond tool than other nitrided steels. Surface integrity was also improved as the wear was suppressed.



  • Superfinishing characteristics of single crystal silicon with mechanochemical superabrasive stone containing BaSO4 abrasive

    N. Furushiro, T. Yamaguchi, D. Hirooka, N. Matsumori, H. Ogura

    Conference Proceedings - 14th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2014   2   194 - 197   2014

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:euspen  

    In this study, superfinishing characteristics of single crystal silicon using vitrified bonded superabrasive stones containing soft barium sulphate (BaSO4) abrasives were investigated. BaSO4 can act as an oxidizing agent in superfinishing. A thermodynamic analysis suggests that BaSO4 reacts with silicon forming oxides. Characteristic X-ray patterns revealed that layers that covered silicon heated with BaSO4 abrasives consisted of silicon and oxide. On the basis of these results, vitrified diamond stones containing BaSO4 abrasives were evaluated through superfinishing of single crystal silicon. It was found that the addition of BaSO4 abrasives improved the dressing intervals of diamond stones. After finishing with diamond stones containing BaSO4 abrasives, superfinishing characteristics of single crystal silicon with soft BaSO4 stones were investigated. Results indicate that BaSO4 stones can finish single crystal silicon to 1.5 nm Ra in 2 minutes under the condition that can promote chemical reactions.



  • Modeling of Surface Topography of Mechanochemical Superabrasive Stone Containing CeO2 Abrasive Reviewed

    YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, SHIMADA Shoichi, MATSUMORI Noboru, OGURA Hidekazu, HIROOKA Daisuke

    Journal of Japan Society for Abrasive Technology   57 (7), pp. 453-458 ( 7 )   453 - 458   2013.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology  

    Our goal is the development of a design system for mechanochemical superabrasive stones containing both cBN and CeO<sub>2</sub> abrasives. As the first step, we have already developed a morphological structure model for the stone using fractal modeling techniques. As the second step, this paper describes the surface topography model for the stone. We have already proposed a surface topography model for the stone containing only cBN grains. This model can describe the surface topography with the same fractal dimension of grain distribution as the morphological structure model. Therefore, we have improved the model by preparation of the describing parameters for each grain and the changes in these parameters through the describing algorithm. As a result, the model bears resemblance to the real stone in topography and fractal dimension in each grain of the topography model is approximately equal to the morphological structure model.

    DOI: 10.11420/jsat.57.453

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/10021320100?from=CiNii

  • Suppression of tool wear in diamond turning by surface modification of steels - Effect of carbides in carburized steels

    Naomichi Furushiro, Daisuke Hirooka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Shuntaro Terauchi, Yasuhiro Iwasa, Shigetaka Matsuda

    Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering, ASPE 2013   385 - 388   2013

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  



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  • Serial Sectioning Observation of Materials by Precision Cutting and Its Application to Hardness Distribution Mesarment

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA

    Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering   89 ( 6 )   431 - 435   2023.6

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    Publisher:Japan Society for Precision Engineering  

    DOI: 10.2493/jjspe.89.431


  • 関西大学機械工学科生産加工システム研究室


    日本フルードパワーシステム学会誌   52 ( 5 )   36 - 38   2021.9

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  • 油空圧機器技術振興財団論文顕彰について


    日本フルードパワーシステム学会誌 緑陰特集号   52   2021.8

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  • コロナ禍の中での実習


    日本機械学会誌   124 ( 1230 )   42 - 43   2021.5

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  • 油空圧機器振興財団顕彰を受賞して

    廣岡 大祐

    日本フルードパワーシステム学会誌 電子出版緑陰特集号   47   2016.8

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  • Flow Rate Control using Particle Excitation Valve with Non-linear Compensation

    43 ( 5 )   117 - 121   2012.9

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    DOI: 10.5739/jfps.43.117


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  • Micro flow control valve using Particle-Excitation by simple vibration mode

    Daisuke HIROOKA, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI

    International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications (IWPMA)  2024.7 

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    Event date: 2024.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 微粒子励振型比例制御弁の開発-効率的な駆動条件が実現可能な振動子の設計-

    川上 征, 五十嵐 充樹, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実, 古城 直道

    第65回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  2021.5 

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  • サブミクロンオーダ切削の高精度化に関する研究(第2報)―エンコーダ値に基づく周期的誤差の補正―

    徳森 泰生, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐


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  • 逐次精密切削観察システムを利用した鋼の微小硬さ分布測定(第4報)―加工機上での硬さ分布測定のための駆動方法の提案―

    王 振亘, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 横田 秀夫, 山下 典理男, 藤崎 和弘


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  • 窒化された鋼の超精密切削において窒化前の熱処理が及ぼす影響(第3報)―ミクロ組織が被削性に及ぼす影響―

    伊藤 駿亮, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐


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  • 微粒子励振型比例制御弁の開発―効率的な駆動条件が実現可能な振動子の設計―

    川上 征, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実


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  • 目直し条件がメカノケミカル砥石による単結晶シリコンの超仕上げ性能に及ぼす影響(第2報)―砥石作業面の観察に基づく寿命評価―

    仲矢 進悟, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一


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  • 逐次精密切削観察システムを利用した鋼の微小硬さ分布測定(第3報)―測定精度向上を目指した駆動条件の検討―

    王 振亘, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 横田 秀夫, 山下 典理男, 藤崎 和弘


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  • 圧電振動を利用した流量制御弁における効率的な駆動を目指した振動子の開発,

    高先 涼輔, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実


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  • Expansion of the controllable flow rate of “particle-excitation valve”

    Daisuke HIROOKA, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI


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  • 窒化された鋼のダイヤモンド切削においてミクロ組織が工具摩耗抑制に及ぼす影響

    古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐


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  • 窒化された鋼の超精密切削において窒化前の熱処理が及ぼす影響(第2報)―工具摩耗機構の熱力学的解析―

    伊藤 駿亮, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐


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  • 銅単結晶(111)の超精密切削機構に関する研究

    古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実


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  • 微粒子励振型比例制御弁の開発―開口条件の確認を目指した空圧変化実験―

    廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実


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  • ダイヤモンド超砥粒砥石を用いたサファイアの多段超仕上げ(第3報)―砥石の弾性変形を考慮した仕上量推定方法に基づく工程改善―

    阪口 真太郎, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一


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  • 浸炭した鋼のダイヤモンド切削においてミクロ組織が工具摩耗に及ぼす影響(第2報)―浸炭前後の熱処理の影響―, 2019年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会

    井上 晋, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実


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  • Improvement of Multistage Superfinishing of Sapphire with Vitrified-bonded Diamond Superabrasive Stones

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke HIROOKA, Noboru MATSUMORI, Kenichi TANADA


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    Venue:Las Vegas, Nevada, USA  


  • 微粒子励振型流量比例制御弁を用いた空気圧シリンダの制御

    林田 岳士, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実


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  • 逐次精密切削観察システムを利用した鋼の微小硬さ分布測定(第2報)―機上での微小押込み試験―

    川井 紳之介, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 横田 秀夫, 藤崎 和弘, 山下 典理男


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  • The Method of Improving Flow Characteristics for Air Flow Control Valve Using Particle Excitation by PZT Transducer


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    Venue:Kobe, Japan  


  • Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Flow Control Valve Utilizing Torsional Vibration by PZT Transducer


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  • The Method of Improving Flow Characteristics for Air Flow Control Valve Using Particle Excitation by PZT Transducer

    Yuya MIYAKE, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA


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  • Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Flow Control Valve Utilizing Torsional Vibration by PZT Transducer

    Ryosuke TAKASAKI, Daisuke HIROOKA, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI


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  • ダイヤモンド超砥粒砥石を用いたサファイアの多段超仕上における粗仕上工程の改善

    古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一


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  • ダイヤモンド工具による純鉄切削における工具摩耗現象の解明実験による初期炭素拡散挙動に関する検討

    吉田 侑平, 山口 智実, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐


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  • 光学ガラスの表面下損傷の可視化(第2報)―位置合わせ精度向上および線形補間による改善―

    浜川 亮太, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一


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  • メカノケミカル砥石を利用した単結晶シリコンの超仕上げ(第2報)―目直し条件が砥石の超仕上げ性能に及ぼす影響―

    仲矢 進悟, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一


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  • 窒化された鋼の超精密切削において窒化前の熱処理が及ぼす影響

    白川 将也, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実, 松田 茂敬, 岩佐 康弘, 寺内 俊太郎

    2018年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会  2018.3 

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  • 単結晶シリコンの超仕上げにおける砥石表面状態の影響

    土肥 一輝, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一

    2018年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会  2018.3 

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  • 純鉄との接触加熱によるダイヤモンド表面への溝加工―除去量増加のための加工プロセスの検討―

    吉見 勇人, 山内 靖也, 山口 智実, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐

    2018年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会  2018.3 

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  • Improvement of Removal Amount Estimation Method in Multistage Superfinishing of Sapphire

    Shintaro SAKAGUCHI, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke HIROOKA, Noboru MATSUMORI, Kenichi TANADA

    ISAAT2017  2017.12 

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    Venue:Okinawa, Japan  


  • Study on Factors of Tool Wear in Diamond Turning of Carburized Steel using Decision Trees

    Shin INOUE, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Shigehiro MATSUDA, Yasuhiro IWASA, Shuntaro TERAUCHI

    9th LEM21  2017.11 

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    Venue:Hiroshima, Japan  


  • Influence of Crystal Anisotropy on Ultra-precision Cutting of Single Crystal Copper (111) Surface

    Shinnosuke KAWAI, Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI

    9th LEM21  2017.11 

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    Venue:Hiroshima, Japan  


  • ダイヤモンド切削における工具摩耗の抑制―窒化された鋼の組織が及ぼす影響―

    白川 将也, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実, 松田 茂敬, 岩佐 康弘, 寺内 俊太郎

    2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会  2017.9 

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  • ねじり振動を利用した流量制御弁の開発―オリフィスの開口条件の検討―

    東 一毅, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実

    2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会  2017.9 

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  • 微粒子励振型空気流量比例制御弁の流量特性の改善方法の考案―第4報 制御領域の拡大を目指した微粒子による開口条件の調節―

    三宅 優哉, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実

    2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会  2017.9 

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  • 純鉄との接触加熱によるダイヤモンド表面への溝加工―加工特性と加熱条件との関係―

    山内 靖也, 山口 智実, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐

    2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会  2017.9 

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  • 逐次精密切削観察システムを利用した鋼の微小硬さ分布測定

    古城 直道, 白川 将也, 横田 秀夫, 藤崎 和弘, 山下 典理男

    2017年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会  2017.9 

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  • 光学ガラスの表面下損傷の可視化

    浜川 亮太, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一

    ABTEC2017  2017.8 

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  • メカノケミカル砥石を利用した単結晶シリコンの超仕上げ―目直しが及ぼす影響―

    土肥 一輝, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 廣岡 大祐, 松森 昇, 棚田 憲一

    ABTEC2017  2017.8 

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  • 微粒子励振型比例制御弁の開発―流量特性の安定を目指したオリフィス条件の改良―

    廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実


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  • Highly Responsive and Stable Flow Control Valve using a PZT transducer

    HIROOKA,Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI,Tomomi, FURUSHIRO,Naomichi, SUZUMORI,Koichi, KANDA,Takefumi

    Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium  2016.9 

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    Venue:Tours, France  


  • High Response Proportional Flow Control Valve Using Particle Excitation

    HIROOKA,Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI,Tomomi, FURUSHIRO,Naomichi, SUZUMORI,Koichi, KANDA,Takefumi

    Proceedings of 15th International Conference on New Actuators  2016.6 

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    Venue:Bremen, Garmany  


  • Small-Size Pneumatic Valve for Smooth Flow control using PZT vibrator

    HIROOKA,Daisuke, TAMAGUCHI, Tomomi, FURUSHIRO, Naomichi, SUZUMORI, Koichi, KANDA, Takefumi

    International Ultrasonics Symposium  2015.10 

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    Venue:TAIPEI, TAIWAN  


  • Research on Controllability of the Particle Excitaion Flow Control Valve

    HIROOKA,Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI, Tomomi, FURUSHIRO, Naomichi, SUZUMORI, Koichi, KANDA, Takefumi

    The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology  2015.4 

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    Venue:Okinawa, Japan  


  • Superfinishing Characteristics of Single Crystal Silicon with Mechanochemical Superabrasive Stone Containing BaSO4 Abrasive

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke HIROOKA, Noboru MATSUMORI, Hidekazu OGURA

    Proceedings of 14th euspen International Conference  2014.6 

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    Venue:Dubrovnik, Croatia  


  • メカノケミカル複合超砥粒砥石の5因子がサファイアの超仕上性能に及ぼす影響

    田中 慎二, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実, 松森 昇 (ミズホ), 尾倉 秀一 (ミズホ)

    2014年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集  2014.3 

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  • Suppression of Tool Wear by Surface Modification in Diamond Turning (4th report) - Wear Characteristics in Nitrided Stainless Steel -

    IKEUCHI Yasuki, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUDA Shigetaka, IWASA Yasuhiro, TERAUCHI Shuntaro


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  • 圧電振動による微粒子励振型空気流量制御弁 -第9報 駆動に最適な振動条件の確認-

    廣岡 大祐, 鈴森 康一, 神田 岳文

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会  2013.5 

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  • Suppression of Tool Wear by Surface Modification in Diamond Turning (3rd report)-Effect of Carides in Carburized Steel-

    YAMAZAKI Satoshi, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUDA Shigetaka, IWASA Yasuhiro, TERAUCHI Shuntaro


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  • Improvement of Machining Accuracy in Submicron Cutting of Single Crystal Copper-Effect of Crystal Anisotropy on Ultra-precision Cutting Characteristics-

    NISHIMURA Naruto, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, SHIMADA Shoichi


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  • Superfinishing Ability of Single Crystal Silicon with BaSO4 Abrasive Stone

    ARAKI Daishu, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUMORI Noboru, OGURA Hidekazu


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  • Superfinishing Performance of Sapphire with Mechanochemical Superabrasive Stones

    TANAKA Shinji, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUMORI Noboru, OGURA Hidekazu


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  • 分子動力学法を用いた鉄―炭素バルク間における炭素拡散挙動解析―

    梅川 祐輔, 山口 智実, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 齋藤 賢一

    機械学会関西支部第88期講演会講演論文集  2013.3 

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  • 圧電振動による微粒子励振型空気流量制御弁―第8報 オリフィス配置条件の最適化による連続的流量調整の実現―

    廣岡 大祐, 鈴森 康一, 神田 岳文

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会  2012.5 

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  • Continous Air Control Using Particle Excitation Valve

    Daisuke Hirooka, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics  2011.7 

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    Venue:Budapest, Hungary  

    Finalist in the Best Student Paper Award


  • 微粒子励振型空気流量比例制御弁の流量特性の改善方法の考案

    塩見 和樹, 福川 裕也, 廣岡 大祐, 古城 直道, 山口 智実, 鈴森 康一 (東工大), 神田 岳文 (岡山大)

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  • Nitrides in Nitriding Steels Diminish Diffusion Wear in Diamond Turning

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Shigetaka MATSUDA, Yasuhiro IWASA, Shuntaro TERAUCHI

    Proceedings of 17th euspen International Conference 

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  • Multistage Superfinishing of Sapphire with Vitrified-bonded Diamond Superabrasive Stones

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke HIROOKA, Noboru MATSUMORI, Kenichi TANADA

    Proceedings of ASPE 2016 Annual Meeting 

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  • Suppression of Tool Wear in Turning of Steels by Surface Modification – Effect of Nitriding –

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Shigetaka MATSUDA, Yasuhiro IWASA, Shuntaro TERAUCHI

    Proceedings of ASPE 2014 Annual Meeting 

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    Venue:The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA, USA  


  • 酸化セリウム砥石を用いた光学ガラスの精密仕上げ-ガラス仕上げ量のサブミクロンオーダ測定-

    田中 延瑛, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実, 松森 昇 (ミズホ), 棚田 憲一 (ミズホ)


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  • 分子動力学法を用いた純鉄中への炭素拡散接触モデルの構築-荷重と移動速度の付与による検討-

    山本 卓也, 山口 智実, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 齋藤 賢一


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  • ダイヤモンド切削における工具摩耗を抑制する窒化した鋼の分析

    畠中 佑斗, 古城 直道, 廣岡 大祐, 山口 智実, 松田 茂敬 (大阪冶金興業), 岩佐 康弘 (大阪冶金興業), 寺内 俊太郎 (大阪冶金興業)


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  • Multistage Superfinishing of Sapphire with Diamond Superabrasive Stones

    YAMAGUCHI Masashi, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUMORI Noboru, TANADA Kenichi

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  • Study on Improvement of Machining Accuracy in Submicron Cutting

    SUGITANI Hiroki, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi

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  • Effect of Carbides in Suppression of Tool Wear in Diamond Turning of Carburized Steel

    YAMAZAKI Satoshi, FURUSHIRO Naomichi, HIROOKA Daisuke, YAMAGUCHI Tomomi, MATSUDA Shigetaka, IWASA Yasuhiro, TERAUCHI Shuntaro

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  • Suppression of Tool Wear in Diamond Turning by Surface Modification of Steels - Effect of Carbides in Carburized Steels -

    Naomichi FURUSHIRO, Daisuke HIROOKA, Tomomi YAMAGUCHI, Shuntaro TERAUCHI, Yasuhiro IWASA, Shigetaka MATSUDA

    Proceedings of ASPE 2013 Annual Meeting  2013.10 

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    Venue:Crowne Plaza St. Paul – Riverfront, St. Paul, MN, USA  


  • Experimental Analysis on Pneumatic Flow Control Valve Driving by PZT Vibrator

    Daiuke Hirooka, Koichi Suzumori, Takefumi Kanda

    2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics  2010.7 

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▼display all


  • 学の実化賞

    2022.5   関西大学科学技術振興会   材料内部の微小硬さ分布を3次元的に可視化する硬さ計測型3次元内部構造顕微鏡システムの開発


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  • 油空圧機器技術振興財団論文顕彰

    2021.6   一般社団法人 日本フルードパワーシステム学会 公益財団法人 油空圧機器技術振興財団  

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  • 油空圧機器技術振興財団論文顕彰

    2016.5   一般社団法人 日本フルードパワーシステム学会 財団法人 油空圧機器技術振興財団  

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  • 2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Finalist in the Best student paper award

    2011.7   2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics  

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Research Projects

  • Development of a small flow control valve capable of micro-flow control

    Grant number:20K04248  2020.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )


  • Small proportional flow control valve with highresponse

    Grant number:15K21519  2015.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Hirooka Daisuke

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    Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )

    A pneumatic actuating system has many advantages, including great power, small weight, safe use, and low cost. Air control devices are needed to control pneumatic actuators. However, the control devices that provide high controllability, such as proportional valves, are heavy and large scale; therefore, a smaller and lighter control valve is desirable. We previously proposed a valve mechanism using particle excitation by a piezoelectric (PZT) vibrator that boasts the advantages of small size, small weight, and continuous airflow control. In this report, we designed prototype using bolt-clamped Langevin-type transducer (BLT). And the parameters are optimised that orifice position, particle condition, and orifice size for proportional, stable flow condition.
