Updated on 2024/04/02


Faculty of Informatics Professor
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  • Doctor of Engineering ( 1996.3 )

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Human geosciences

  • Energy Engineering / Earth resource engineering, Energy sciences

  • Informatics / Intelligent informatics


  • Kyoto University   Faculty of Engineering

    - 1981

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    Country: Japan


Professional Memberships

  • Japan society of geoinformation

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  • Japan Industrial Management Association

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  • Japan society of energy resources

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  • Construction Industrial Machinery

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  • Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming

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Committee Memberships

  •   編集委員  

    2004 - 2007   

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  • Japan society of energy resources   Editor  

    2004 - 2007   

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  • Construction Industrial Machinery   Adviser  


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  • オープンソースGRASS GISを用いた採掘管理システム

    伊藤 俊秀, 別所 昌彦, 陳 友晴

    石灰石   No.380, 33-40頁   2012.12

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    現在、国内の石灰石鉱山では紙媒体による採掘管理が主流であり、PCなどを用いたデジタル管理を導入しているとしても、CADなどを補助的に流用しているのが一般的である。地表・地質管理の専用アプリケーションが利用されない大きな理由として導入・開発に高額の投資が必要なこと、また、導入の費用対効果の判断が難しいことなどがあげられる。しかしながら、紙ベースやCADによる管理よりは専用ソフトウェアを用いたIT化の方が望ましく、視覚的にきめ細かな3D画像による現状把握が可能になれば作業の安全性、効率性はより確保される。他方で、ソフトウェア開発の観点からは、採掘管理処理そのものには必ずしも複雑なアルゴリズムが必要というわけではなく、処理上、問題となるのは3Dを含めた表示機構である。そこで、導入コストを抑え、日常のオペレーション負担を軽減した採掘管理システムを考案した。表示と地形管理機構にはオープンソースを使用し、その他の補助的な処理はExcel VBAで行った。


  • The subjects that should be reconsidered regarding the reconstruction of the disaster of the Tohoku earthquake

    ITO Toshihide

    Japan Institute of aggregate technology   No.174, 83-89頁   2012.9

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  • Mining simulation for grade adjustment in limestone quarry using Genetic Algorithm Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, BESSHO Masahiko, CHEN Youquin, NOMURA Yasutoshi

    Journal of the mining and materials processing institute of JAPAN   126巻, 3号,78-83頁   2010.3

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    It is important to control the calcium or phosphorus concentrations in quarry products such as limestone. In some quarries in Japan, limestone blocks with low grade concentrations are blended with limestone blocks with high grade concentrations to satisfy the product quality requirement. In this study, some simulation methods were considered to develop the best mining plan for such quarries. A quarry was divided into small rectangular blocks and a mining plan was considered as an optimal combination problem of these blocks. All possible combinations of limestone blocks were examined by a dynamic programming method, and almost the best solution was determined for a set of 600 blocks scale. However this method required large processing time for large-scale quarry; for example, it would be required 6,800 h for 2,400 blocks. On the other hand, genetic algorithm requires less than 6 h for 2,400 blocks, and it generates reasonable solutions whose quality rate is 80% of that generated by the dynamic programming method. Thus, to develop a long-term mining plan for large quarries, first genetic algorithm must be used to obtain approximate solutions, and then, the best solution should be determined by a dynamic programming method for short-term mining plan. Moreover, the grade adjustment of the opposing limitations on calcium and phosphorus concentrations in limestone blocks, that is, the permitted calcium concentration has a lower limit whereas permitted phosphorus concentrations has an upper limit, was tried to solve .


  • Prospect of the upper limit of the energy demand in China from regional aspects

    Toshihide Ito, Youqing Chen, Shoichi Ito, Kaoru Yamaguchi

    Energy   35 ( 12 )   5320 - 5327   2010

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Ltd  

    The aim of this article is to indicate the upper limit of the annual energy demand in China, taking into consideration regional demand trends and projecting these trends into the distant future. The upper limit of energy consumption is not strictly the maximum amount of consumption. It means that the actual consumption will possibly exceed this level but not by much.Consumption was calculated using the current energy consumption in the US and Japan as a reference, whose energy demands have already almost reached their upper limits. Scenario analysis was conducted for both semiquantitative and numerical models. Scenarios were developed taking into account the situation in rural regions. The prospect of regional population growth was also taken into consideration.The results revealed large differences between the estimates in this study (2810-14,450 Mtoe), which means that if the energy consumption per capita in low-consumption areas increases, the total consumption in China will also increase significantly. According to the OECD prospect rates, our estimated upper limit will be surpassed in China around 2032-2073. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2010.07.028



  • The trend of future copper consumption in Chinain consideration of regional differences Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, CHEN Youquin, ITO Shoichi

    Journal of the mining and materials processing institute of JAPAN   124巻, 12号,856-863頁   2008.12

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    Following the Chinese economic reform program at the end of the 1970s, the Chinese economy started growing slowly, and around 2001, when China joined the WTO, the economic growth accelerated. This economic growth also rapidly increased the demand for almost every kind of metal. In particular the demand for copper in China is considered to be one of the main factors driving the world copper price in recent years.The recent economic growth rate in China has continued to stay above 10%, and the demand for copper is high too. However, copper consumption shows regional characteristics, that is, copper is not consumed uniformly across this large country that has a huge population of nearly 1.3 billion. In this paper, the demand for copper in China was analyzed in consideration of regional differences. First, the overall consumption of copper in China was surveyed as compared with other important copper consuming countries. Next, by using regression analysis, regional future demands were estimated by the territory of China into 6 large divisions. Finally, future regional trends of copper demand were projected on the basis of these estimations.It was estimated that industrial production will increase copper consumption future in the industrial areas, while copper consumption in buildings will not increase as much in either rural or urban areas.


  • Estimation of upper limit of China's energy demand in consideration of regional differences Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, CHEN Youquin, ITO Shoichi, YAMAGUCHI Kaoru

    Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources   29巻, 4号,8-14頁   2008.7

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    The peak demand of energy in China is estimated in consideration of regional differences of their future energy demands. The structure of energy consumption is different among provinces in China and the difference depends on the economic and industrial structures. The differences are investigated in comparison with the existing two typical developed countries, Japan and USA as future directions of different consumption pattern. This study indicates wide range of differences because of the different development status. It shows variety of energy consumption scenarios. One of the scenarios is that rapid growth of energy demand will not occur under such situation of widening regional economic disparity. In another scenario, the huge additional increment of energy demand will occur if the regional disparity and living standards are improved especially in the low-energy consuming region. In this study, the peak demand is expected to come during the latter half of this century.


  • Accuracy Test of Grade Database in Limestone Quarry Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide

    Limestone   No.346, p.57-61   2007.3

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  • Utilization of Digital Elevation Model Data in Open-pit Mining Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide

    Limestone   No.344, p.33-40   2006.11

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  • Optimization of Dump Truck Scheduling in Open Pit Mines via a Genetic Algorithm Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Yasutoshi Nomura, Hitoshi Furuta, Warren Agena

    9th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration   2006.9

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    In open pit mines, many dump trucks bring ores from some working faces to shafts or concentrating plant. As management policy, excavators, dump trucks and operators are expected to work efficiently, that is, excavators should not pause to wait dump trucks and dump trucks also should not wait the excavators. To be concrete, next dump truck should come just after present dump truck that is now loading ores will finish. However, it is quite difficult to prepare the optimized dump truck schedule that satisfies these conditions, because there is huge number of combinations of dump truck orders. In addition there are some kinds of dump trucks and excavators in capacity. Moreover, the alternative schedule have to be prepared soon, if some machines would be trouble. Therefore, usually some dispatchers watch the situations and instruct next working face to drivers not to waste waiting time in both dump trucks and excavators.In this study, optimum dump truck scheduling was solved using genetic algorithm to make optimized plan in reasonable process time. Firstly, number and capacity of dump trucks and excavators are supposed, and then working faces corresponded to each excavator are located secondly. These assumptions were considered based on actual open pit mines. Each dump truck and excavator is given own ID. The genotype means the dump truck order in a working face through one day operations. The genes in genotype consist of dump truck ID. Lethal genes are not generated by crossover because lack or duplication of dump truck ID in genotype is not problem. Fitness value is estimated by sum of the idle time of all excavators, so that lower fitness value is better genotype and higher fitness value is worse genotype.


  • Trial simulation to solve the optimum combination of polls for the highest voter turnout rates Reviewed

    伊藤 俊秀, 名取 良太

    World Forum on Information Society 2005   2005.9

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    In most of industrialized countries, it is necessary to increase voter turnout rates as these have remained low in recent elections. Although some measures to increase voter turnout rates have been implemented, they have had little effect on the actual rates. On the other hand, it is expected that a reconstruction of the polls combination would increase the rate by a considerable degree and at a reasonable costs.In this paper, a simulation model was used to obtain the optimum combination of polls that would result in the highest voter turnout rates. First, a virtual city was considered along the lines of Takatsuki city in Japan. There were approximately 290,000 voters in this city, and 66 polls were chosen from among public buildings. The distribution of both these elements corresponds to that in the existent city. Each voter has his/her own attributes that influence the voting decision, for example, age, the intensity of the identification with the party, the distance from the nearest poll, income, and so on. These personal factors were randomly settled according to census or statistical data by using probability distributions. The weather and temperature were also set based on the conditions in past elections. Utility functions based on these factors were considered in order to obtain the optimum combination. This model should prove useful to local governments in making efficient budget allocations.


  • Application of Genetic Algorithms to Mining Simulations for Grade Adjustment in Open-pit Mine Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Yoshio Onishi, Michiyuki Hirokane, Hitoshi Huruta

    The Fourth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology   2004.8

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    In some limestone quarries that are requested phosphorus control, limestone blocks with low phosphorus concentrations are blended with limestone blocks with high phosphorus concentrations to make quarry lifetime longer.Optimum combinations were solved by DP (Dynamic Programming) and GA (Genetic Algorithm).In GA, though it was possible to solve in reasonable process time, the solved combinations were not so good compared with DP.Therefore, GA process was improved to get better combinations, in this paper.This method could also be applied in metal mines for grade controls.


  • Copper Demand and Supply Simulation in 21st Century Based on the IPCC SRES Scenarios Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Koji TOKIMATSU, Takayoshi SHINKUMA, Kazuhiko FURUKAWA, Toshisuke OGIWARA, Takanobu KOSUGI, Takashi NISHIYAMA

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan   120巻 12号 681-687頁   2004.4

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    The aim of this study is to quantitatively assess upcoming shotages in the supply of copper,which sustains essential socio-economic activities. This study clarifies copper shortage and depletion years through demand forecast modeling and supply potential assumptions. Copper demand models were built for industry sectors based upon GDP(gross domestic production)and population,referring to four SRES scenarios(Special Report on Emissions Scenarios)published by IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). We considered the following four supply potentials: (i) resource, (ii) resource based, (iii) technological limitation based available for gold mining,and (iv) geological limitation based on crustal abundance and mining depth. The algorithms for calculating the years of shortage and depletion were as follows: (i) total copper demand scenario from 2000 to 2100 is fitted linear, (ii) the inverse slope of the linear-fitted curve is assumed for copper supply from the supply peak (i.e., year of shortage), (iii) years of the supply shortage and the depletion are calculated so that cumulative supply amount covered by the two lines plus historical production of copper before 1999 is equal to the assumed supply potentials. The total demand is forecasted at the maximum for A1 scenario and at the minimum for B1 scenario of the SRES scenario. The coming shortage years for the four SRES scenarios are (i) within 2008 and 2013 based on the resource, (ii) within 2015 and 2024 based on the resource based, and (iii) within 2047 and 2085 based on both technological and geological limitations. The depletion years are in the latter half of the 21st Century for both resource and resource based, and within the 22nd Century for both the limitation based. The afraid coming shortage of copper will be an immediate and significant problem for the next one or two decades. Depletion and shortages of copper will be coming probably during the 21st Century, even though progress in mining technologies is assumed. This implies possible threats to sustainable development are coming from demand/supply of copper as well as global warming.


  • Detailed Classifications of Microcracks and These Transitions in Failure Process Subjected to Triaxial Compression Test Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide

    GEOINFORMATICS   14巻 3号 241-247頁 ( 3 )   241 - 247   2003.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Geoinformatics  

    In underground construction projects such as radio activate waste disposal facilities, clarification of the rock failure mechanism is an important, though difficult task. Although many informative studies have been published on this topic, additional research is needed to help keep these structures stable for many years. In this study, microcracks were firstly identified by the fluorescent method and next classified in detail in order to analyze the relationships and processes in crack growth and junction. That is, microcracks are classified into three kinds of cracks:intracrystalline cracks,intercrystalline cracks and grain boundary cracks. In spite of the complicated features of cracks, these detailed classifications became possible by image processing.Observed crack directions and length(total length/mm2)became more characteristic as lateral strain increased especially in post-failure specimens. At first, the number of intracrystalline cracks and grain boundary cracks increased slowly, and intercrystalline cracks did not increase much. Intercrystalline cracks, however, increased in number around junctions and rapidly increased after junction in the typical three directions and in total length. On the other hand, intracrystalline cracks and grain boundary cracks almost stopped growing after junction. Thus, we found that intercrystallinecracks have a quite important role in the sharing process, although they are less numerous than other crack types.Because of the complicated images, fractal dimensions were also measured by box counting method in these stages. Though intracrystalline cracks and grain boundary cracks showed almost the same fractal dimensions throughout the failure process, intercrystalline cracks increased in number especially in post-failure specimens, suggesting intercrystalline cracks have an important role in the failure process. In fractal dimensions, the same trends were seen.

    DOI: 10.6010/geoinformatics.14.241


  • A test of mining simulations for phosphorus adjustment in a limestone quarry - Dynamic Programming compared with a Genetic Algorithm

    Toshihide Ito, Takashi Nishiyama

    Natural Resources Research   12 ( 3 )   223 - 228   2003

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

    Limestone quarries where slaked lime is produced for steel makers have been urged to reduce the concentration of phosphorus in their products. In a few quarries in Japan, limestone blocks with low concentrations are blended with limestone blocks with high concentrations to stay below the limit of permitted phosphorus quality. The life of the quarry is extended as long as possible by this blending. Some quarries have a geological database with accurate records of the operations for phosphorus adjustment. However, the combination problem of these blocks typically is addressed by Dynamic Programming
    that is, all combinations of possible limestone blocks are examined in the solving process
    the combination numbers are so huge that the optimum combination cannot be solved in practical process times. Although it took 8 hours to solve for 600 blocks with a 2GHz high performance personal computer, it would take more than 36 days to approximately solve for 1200 blocks, and 3,378 days are estimated to solve 2,400 blocks. Therefore, a Genetic Algorithm was used to try and work out the optimum combination. First, blocks that can be removed are selected in the quarry and their removal sequence makes the genotype. The Order-base or the Grefenstette method was applied to avoid generating lethal genes in crossover. The fitness value was estimated by the number of products that included less than the permitted concentration of phosphorus. The GA process took less than 3 hours to solve for 1,200 blocks. Because the processing time is almost proportional to the block numbers, this GA method is practical in large quarries. Moreover, this method is easy to apply to other conditions in mining plans, such as environmental protection, noise prevention and eyesore problems. These problems are becoming important factors in quarries near towns in Japan. © 2003 International Association for Mathematical Geology.

    DOI: 10.1023/A:1025132122292



  • The examination of fracturing process subjected to triaxial compression test in Inada granite

    T Nishiyama, YQ Chen, H Kusuda, T Ito, K Kaneko, K Haruyuki, T Sato

    ENGINEERING GEOLOGY   66 ( 3-4 )   257 - 269   2002.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV  

    The behavior of a granite subject to a triaxial compression test ranging from the prefailure stage to the postfailure stage was studied using a fluorescent technique from the geological point of view. Microscopic observations of the specimens at different stages showed changes in the failure process. The start of formation of new microcracks paralleled the compression direction through their propagation until the onset of faulting and ended with the failure of shear zones after the strength failure point. Pores chiefly identified in the feldspar increased in length and width in the early stages, but not in number. It seems that the effect of pore spaces did not have any effect of failure. The microcracks generated on angular edges of quartz or feldspar grains and around biotite grains with increasing compression force. The phenomenon appearing on the crystal boundaries among biotite and quartz or feldspar agrees with the result calculated based on the theory on stress fields with ellipsoidal inhomogeneity suggested by Eshelby. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Web of Science


  • The Atago Mine Management Using Geological Database- Possibilities of Geological Database and Conditions for Mining Simulation - Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Makoto OMURA, Takashi NISHIYAMA, Seiya MAEKAWA, Mitsuyoshi SAITO

    Jour. Japan Soc. Eng. Geol.   42巻 6号 353-341頁 ( 6 )   335 - 341   2002.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japan Society of Engineering Geology  

    Geological database has become available for mine management because many advanced functions were added with rapid progress in PC hardware performance. In mining management, more careful planning and serious quality control are required because of environmental problem. That is, applying geological database in mining becomes the most important subject to realize both of lower expenses and higher quality. Therefore, using the MineSight that is one of the most popular software, the possibilities of database were examined in case of the Atago lime stone open-pit mine.Availability of geological database was proven, that is, geologic maps are effective to make mining plan by composing one another. These plans can adjust concentration to realize high quality control and make all mining terms longer. To improve accuracy, it is necessary to master the database operations, because the range value and concentration maps are avairable information for effective boring. On the other hand, new functions are asked, for instance, mining simulations for quality control under environmental protection, i.e., eyesore and noise prevention.

    DOI: 10.5110/jjseg.42.335

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: https://jlc.jst.go.jp/DN/JALC/00155843798?from=CiNii

  • IKONOS High-resolution Satellite Imagery and Its Potential in Open-pit Mine Management. Reviewed

    OMURA Makoto, ITO Toshihide, KIMURA Ryuichi, NISHIYAMA Takashi

    Geological data processing   12巻 4号 211―217頁 ( 4 )   211 - 217   2001.10

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    Language:English   Publisher:Japan Society of Geoinformatics  

    High-resolution satellite imagery is expected to use open-pit mine management as well as air photograph. Moreover, satellite imagery will be easier to get because new satellites are now planned to launch. Therefore, IKONOS imagery that took some quarries was investigated and its possibilities for mine management were examined. As a result, it is clarified that IKONOS resolution is enough to monitor mine such as operating process, dangerous parts in working face, tree planting condition and amount of drain. If an operator makes a DTM from satellite images, there will be more possibilities. The accurately modified DTM shows the working face by 3D graphics and operators can simulate a mining plan in 3D images through a HMD or HMP. In addition, DTM makes truck control possible. At present, only skillful engineers can make DTM, but mining operators have to make it themselves if they wish to use DTM flexibly. To realize DTM possibilities, it is necessary to arrange software for mining operators who have little remote-sensing knowledge.

    DOI: 10.6010/geoinformatics.12.211


  • Demand of Key Metals and Primary Energy Related to Economic Development Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Jie Liu, Takashi Nishiyama

    Energy and Resources   22巻 5号 51-56頁 ( 5 )   50 - 56   2001.9

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    Statistical analysis was examined on both global and regional basis to explain the relationship between economic development and consumption of metal and energy. Regarding 1900 to 1995, world consumption showed low positive and stable long-term increasing until 1950 whereas they increased quickly after 1950, especially between 1950 and 1973. From 1973 to 1983, metal and energy consumption fluctuated or declined gradually because of twice oil shocks. After that, energy consumption began to increase again while metal trends still lasted fluctuating.These trends are quite similar to Japanese trend, thatis, two characteristic trends related to economic development could be considered as follows. (1) Through the age of light to heavy industry, metal consumption grows up more than energy. (2) In service society, energy consumption increases rapidly whereas metal consumption fluctuates around same level. U.S.A, U.K. and France are now in service society bacause their energy consumption is higher than metals. On the other hand, Germany shows different trend from other countries.It is clarified that many developing countries will undergo same process. Korea is now in shift to service society, and China is in heavy industry, because their metal consumption is increasing more than energy, especially in China. India is still in light industry because metal consumption has not yet showed much increase. However energy consumption grows up rapidly at same time. It would mean that service or information industry needs much energy in light industry society.

    CiNii Books


  • A Trial of Mining Simulations for Phosphorus Adjustment in a Limestone Quarry Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takashi NISHIYAMA

    7th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration   2001.8

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    Limestone quarries where slaked lime is produced for steel makers have been urged to reduce the concentration of phosphorus in their products. In quite a few quarries in Japan, limestone blocks with low concentrations are blended with limestone blocks with high concentrations to stay below the limit of permitted phosphorus quality. The life of the quarry is extended as long as possible by this blending. Some quarries have a geological database with accurate records of the operations for phosphorus adjustment.However, the combination problem of these blocks typically is addressed by Dynamic Programming, that is, all combinations of possible limestone blocks are examined in the solving process; the combination numbers are so huge that the optimum combination cannot be solved in practical process times. Though it took 8 hours to solve 600 blocks with a 2GHz high performance personal computer, it would take more than 36 days to approximately solve for 1200 blocks, and 3,378days are estimated to solve 2,400 blocks.Therefore, a Genetic Algorithm was used to try and work out the optimum combination. Firstly, blocks that can be dug out are chosen in quarry and their digging sequence makes the genotype. The Order-base or the Grefenstette method was applied to avoid generating lethal genes in crossover.The fitness value was estimated by the number of products that included less than the permitted concentration of phosphorus.The GA process took less than 3 hours to solve for 1,200 blocks. Since the processing time is almost proportional to the block numbers, this GA method is practical in large quarries. Moreover, this method is easy to apply to other conditions in mining plans, such as environmental protection, noise prevention and eyesore problems. These problems are becoming important factors in quarries near towns in Japan.


  • Application of image analysis to observe microstructure in sandstone and granite

    YQ Chen, T Nishiyama, T Ito

    RESOURCE GEOLOGY   51 ( 3 )   249 - 258   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:SOC RESOURCE GEOLOGY  

    Advanced techniques are examined to observe microstructure of rocks using image analysis combined with methods such as the fluorescent approach and the application of optical characteristics of minerals. Analyzed are discrimination of grains in rocks, distribution patterns of grain orientation in sandstone, changes of grain shape as weathering advances and distribution patterns of microcracks in granite. In Shirahama sandstone, relatively large and flat grains are orientated parallel to the bedding on the plane perpendicular to the bedding, while grains on the plane parallel to the bedding show random patterns. In weathered granite, it is clarified that the grain surface becomes complex as weathering advances and differences among three major mineral species are identified. In Inada granite, intracrystalline cracks predominate over intercrystalline cracks and.-rain boundary cracks both in total length and number. Furthermore, three types of microcracks show different orientations; the intercrystalline cracks show a dominant orientation which coincides with the orientation of the rift plane, the easiest plane to split, while the intracrystalline cracks and grain boundary cracks show no preferred orientation.

    Web of Science


  • Forecasts of Copper Price and the Effects of Increasing Copper Production in Developing Countries Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takayoshi SHINKUMA, Shiro KADOSHIN, Kunitoshi OE, Takashi NISHIYAMA

    Journal of the Mining and Materials processing Institute of Japan   116巻11号889-893頁   2000.11

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    Our objects are 1) providing a method for forecasting the future copper price, 2) forecasting the future copper price applying our method and 3) evaluating the expansion plans of copper supply in developing countries, especially in Chile (from 2000 to 2002).Our method for forecasting copper price is as follows. First of all, the supply and demand functions in copper market are estimated by 2SLS (two stage least squares). The independent variables of supply function are copper price, the present mine production and the previous mine production. Those of demand function are copper price and the world GDP.Secondly, we calculate the critical prices for closure for the existing copper mines and then we can estimate the maximum copper supply (the copper supply frontier) for various copper prices. Thirdly, we forecast the future copper price using the estimated supply and demand functions and the copper supply frontier.The expansion plans of copper supply in developing countries (2000〜2002) have a considerable effect on the forecasted future copper price. It can be thought that those countries, especially Chile have the expansion plans strategically. That is, some of the existing mines will have to be closed in 2000 and 2001 because of low prices derived by the expansion plans in developing countries. As a result, the developing countries can increase largely their profits in the relatively high price period (2002) followed by the low price period (2000〜2001).KEY WORDS: The Estimation of Supply and Demand Functions in Copper Market, Critical Price for Closure, Copper Supply Frontier, Forecasts of Copper Price, Production Expansion in Developing Countries.


  • Economic growth and relationship between key metals and energy consumption

    T Nishiyama, J Liu, T Ito


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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)   Publisher:MINERALS, METALS & MATERIALS SOC  

    Human society evolved from an agricultural to industrial and, subsequently, to a service society. As the resource requirements for each stage of this development differ, trends of metal and energy consumption are related to shifts in society. The increase pattern of supplemental energy is similar to that of mineral production throughout the world. Low positive acid stable long-term increasing occurred before 1950, whereas they increased quickly after 1950, especially between 1950 and 1973. A substantial decline in the growth of energy and mineral production began in 1973 and lasted until the early 1980s. Production of energy resources has recently begun to increase again at a high growth rare in the world. Observing the consumption trends of energy and key metals, it is clarified that increasing patterns can be thought in three stages.

    Web of Science


  • The trend in current and near future energy consumption from a statistical perspective

    Shiro Kadoshin, Takashi Nishiyama, Toshihide Ito

    Applied Energy   67 ( 4 )   407 - 417   2000

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Elsevier Science Ltd  

    Energy consumption has increased remarkably over the past half century mainly due to increasing population and economic development. The influences of these two factors are considered. In most developed countries, such as Japan, France, Germany and Korea, the growth rate of energy consumption is due to economic development. The effects of population in Germany and Japan will substantially decline. In the USA, it is due to both factors as well as in the developing countries, such as China, India, Indonesia and Latin America. Economic success is more effective than increasing population in China, India and Indonesia, while both factors are roughly equal in Latin America. In Africa, though the growth rate depends on the effect of increasing population, its contribution to world energy consumption is small. On a worldwide scale, the growth rate of energy consumption will be affected by improving standards of living.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0306-2619(00)00033-7



  • Obtaining Degital Topographic Data Using an Automatic Photogrammetry System with Degital Imaging in Open Pit Mine Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takashi NISIYAMA, Makoto OMURA, Hiromasa TAKAHASHI, Humio HAMADA, Takako TOYOYAMA, Takayuki TANNO

    Geoinfomatics   第110巻4号頁407-417   1999.10

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    In the field of pfotogrammetry, the automatic photogrammetry system has gradually become more practical as a result of the improvement of image processing. For the management of geographical features in open pit mines, it is efficient to use this system. Therefore the automatic photogrammetry system using digital images has been experimented with obtainig digital topographic data. When the results were compared to both GPS and TS, the differrences in the horizontal and vertical directions were from 5cm to 48cm on average. These values are acceptable for practice. Taking measurements by using convergent photography is more accurate than by using parallel photography, as convergent photography requires more photographs than parallel photography. Highly accurate data cannot be obtained under poor conditions, i.e., in areas where there is tall grass and tall trees. Therefore, it is important to consider the cost-performance of the aforementioned methods and there ground conditions.


  • Image Analysis of Microcracks in Rocks Using Software AVS Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide

    99' Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engeneering   1999.6

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  • Topographic Survey in Open-cut Mines by Using RTk-GPS Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Makoto OMURA, Takashi NISIYAMA

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan   114巻10号699-703頁   1998.10

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    RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematic-Global Positioning System) was applied to topographic survey in open-cut mines. The operation of the survey involves great difficulties, such as obstacles caused by local topography and electromagnetic noises interfering with micro-wave from GPS-satellites. Therefore, the survey was carried out under conditions when a good GPS-satellite constellation was formed in the sky, limited by local topography in each working face. A clear data link between two GPS-receivers on the working face was also important. In a field experiment at an opening at an operation open-cut mine, about 190 points were surveyed in a about 5 hours on two successive days. Repeatability was estimated to be about 6cm in coordinates obtained by the RTK-GPS. Topographic changes by operation were well pointed out by examining plotted RTK-GPS surveyed points on the topographic map surveyed by the traditional method. Consistency in coordinates was estimated to be about 9cm between traditional local coordinates and those obtained by the RTK-GPS.Usefulness of the RTK-GPS was clearly demonstrated by examining actual field data acquired in operating open-cut mines. Rapid and precise measurement by the RTK-GPS is more suitable than the traditional optical surveying method for monitoring the topographic change in working face and for providing digital topographic data required for computer systems.


  • Use of GPS for Generating Topographic Maps and Production Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Makoto OMURA, Takashi NISHIYAMA

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan   114巻13号939-944頁   1998.1

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    Utilization of digital topographic data for open pit mines was analyzed, including topographic map generation, modification of estimation of mine productivity. On previous topographic maps of open-pit mines generated by computer systems, construction details, such was working faces and roads, were difficult to identify from the contour lines. In these maps, many contour lines were drawn very close together due to large fluctuations in topographic features. The presence of large numbers of contour lines often obstructed construction details. To identify these construction details, the outlines of each construction were drawn, and the contour lines enclosed by these outlines were erased. Furthermore, construction details, such as manufacturing plants and office buildings, which were not identified by the contour lines, were drawn using the same algorithm. Highly detailed maps that distinguished these construction details from contour lines were then created. This digital topographic data was useful for simulating scene changes and extent of mining. Computer graphics allowed simulation of scene changes in advance, and provided basic data concerning future changes. Moreover, these maps allowed accurate estimates of mine production to be calculated. To generate these maps, GPS(Global Positioning System) was utilized to measure topographic changes only where the operations had taken place. Furthermore, construction detail outlines were also obtained from the operator's input previously arranged by rule, i.e. inputting a set of surveyed points for construction. This mapping system easily maintained monthly or annually updated data on topographic and construction changes. For production schedule simulation, topographic map, computer graphics and product estimations based on monthly or annually up-to-date digital topographic data were useful.


  • An Application of Computer Graphic Simulation of Changes at Quarry Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide

    Construction Materials   6巻2号7-15頁   1996

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  • A Simulation of Trucking in Crushed Srone Supply Reviewed


    Geoinformatics   6巻4号189-199頁   1995.12

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    Since the cost of transportation is more than the mining costs in resource for mass production, efficient methods of transporting, which are appropriate for individuals, are being used. Tough the amount of crushed stone produced is large, the main means for transportation of it is trucking between quarry and a place of demand, for its small lots demand. Therefore, the efficiency of trucking for crushed stone supply is an important problem with respect to the stability of cost and supply. However, the efficiency of trucking is greatly influenced by the traffic situation in individual districts, conditions of location of supply sites and the distant to the place of demand. Thus, it is difficult to clarify the optimum transportation system. A method of reducing the total time taken in trucking and of minimizing the cost was investigated by a simulation model.The area investigated was the south of Hyogo prefecture. The large amounts of crushed stone are expected to be needed in several years because of the reconstruction work after the Hanshin earth-quake in this area. It is important for the smooth implementation of the reconstruction plan to secure crushed stone and to transport it quickly. Vehicles for reconstruction work take precedence over others around the stricken areas. Despite such traffic control, serious traffic snarls occur every day. The efficiency of trucking was therefore investigated by clarifying changes in the total transporting costs and by investigating the influence of the establishment of a transit place and traffic snarls by a simulation model. Some transit places were quite effective for reducing the total time of transportation. The simulation analysis used in this study can be easily performed for other districts with same conditions.


  • Computer Graphic Simulation of Changes in the Scene at Stone-Quarrying Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Hiromu KUSUDA, Takashi NISIYAMA

    Geoinformatics   6巻2号65-72頁   1995.6

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    The usefulness of computer graphics as a means of simulating changes in landscape caused by stone quarrying was examined. Montage and perpective projections were used to depict the color and other features of the surface of mountains, the course of tree planting on the pit face and the features of a newly developed pit face. A wireframe model was used to predict changes in the geographical features of quarries on the basis of existing stone-quarrying plants. By combining these techniques, we cevised a method for editing two-dimensional still pictures, obtained from video tapes, from various angles,i.e.,by up to 30 degrees and the angle of elevation by up to about 10 degrees. Still images of the current scene and the predicted future scene were made while grad-ually changing the angle of view. These pictures were linked to each other to yield an animation which represents the expected changes in the scene as viewed from a car moving past the front of the quarry.This simulation method allowed us to estimate changes in the scene in advane,and was found to be quite useful in obtaining basic data concerning future changes in the scene which could be caused by stone quarrying.


  • Crushed Stone Resources and Subjects of its Mining Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takashi NISHIYAMA, Hiromu KUSUDA

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan   110巻13号1037-1042頁   1994.3

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    Although crushed stone is indispensable to building and maintenance of social infrastructure and a large amount of it has been used, few papers have studied crushed stone resources because of their abundance. In Japan, nevertheless, maintaining a stable supply against the increasing demand will become a serious problem. There are many problems in mining crushed stone and these can be classified as economic and social restrictions. Economic restrictions arise mainly from increases in both labor and transportation costs. Social restrictions include many environmental protection regulations by national and local authorities. In this paper, problems concerning crushed stone resources are classified as a part of geoscience and their deposits, demand and supply are considered. Efforts that should be made in the future to increase the potential of the quarrying business can be arranged into these categories, that is, automated methods of planning the mine site, efficient systems of transportation from factory to consumer, effective measures to deal with spoiled slight.


  • A Trial Simulation of Decision Making Using Reviewed


    Business Administrative Behavior   6巻3号63-69頁   1992.10

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  • エコリュックサック

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Sole author)

    エネルギー・資源  2006.9 

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  • 白金族元素の資源について

    伊藤 俊秀, 西山 孝( Role: Joint author)

    アグネ技術センター・金属  2006.8 

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  • (編集委員)世界鉱物資源データブック 2005

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Joint author)

    オーム社  2006.7 

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  • Computer Simulation

    ITO Toshihide( Role: Joint author)

    Ohmsha  2006.3 

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  • 資源・エネルギー統計の整理と活用 Reviewed

    伊藤 俊秀, 西山 孝( Role: Joint author)

    エネルギー・資源  2005.11 

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  • Supply and Demand of Base Metals and Rare Metals Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takashi NISHIYAMA, Takayoshi SHINKUMA( Role: Joint author)

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan  2004.12 

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    There are many factors which would be obstacles against stable supply of mineral resources, and unstable supply causes serious disruptions in both the economy and industry. Since supply conditions for each metal are different, it is impossible to simply discuss the reason why shortages occur. For base metals that have along history of use like copper, iron, lead and zinc, it is relatively easy to clarify their market mechanisms, whereas for most rare metals it is difficult to discuss the relation between supply and demand.In the I.T. (Information Technology) industry, munitions industry and space development, new materials are continuously developed from many rare metals, and market mechanisms are always changed by these new materials. As a result, some rare metals used as high function materials are immediately needed for import. For instance, powdered tantalum has been in short supply as the demand for I.T. products, such as mobile phones and laptop personas computers, increase rap-idly.This shortage causes a steep rise in price and the market shifts to speculation.This shortage causes a steep rise in price and the market shifts to speculation.This shortage causes a steep rise in price and the market shifts to speculation.This shortage causes a steep rise in price and the market shifts to speculation. Shortages are the most serious problem in Japan because we consume 20-25% of the world's products. Thus, lack of resources affects not only the economy but also technology.In this paper, conditions of supply and demand of mineral resources were considered in base metals and tare metals.


  • Input-Output Analysis of the Chinese Economy

    ITO Toshihide, Shinichi Ichimura, Hui-Jiong Wang (Editors)( Role: Joint author)


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    Interregional Input-Output Tables of the Chinese Economy in 1987


  • (分担執筆)中国経済の地域間産業連関分析

    伊藤 俊秀

    創文社  2004.2 

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  • 鉱物資源論

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Sole author)

    エネルギー・資源  2003.11 

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  • (分担執筆)情報技術と露天採掘

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Joint author)

    古今書院  1999.10 

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  • 地質情報とデータベース

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Sole author)

    石灰石  1997.11 

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  • (編集委員)世界鉱物資源データブック 1995

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Joint author)

    オーム社  1996.4 

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  • (分担執筆)冷戦後の政治経済

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Joint author)

    PHP研究所  1995.2 

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  • 工業用鉱物資源データベース(ISDB)について

    伊藤 俊秀, 西山 孝, 楠田 啓( Role: Joint author)

    石灰石  1994.3 

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  • (分担執筆)ニューラルネットワークによるビジネスゲーム

    伊藤 俊秀( Role: Joint author)

    同友館  1994 

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  • Mineral Resources Database (KSDB'92) Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takashi NISIYAMA, Hiromu KUSUDA( Role: Sole author)

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan  1993.6 

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  • Mineral Resources Database Using Personal Computer Reviewed

    ITO Toshihide, Takashi NISIYAMA, Hiromu KUSUDA( Role: Joint author)

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan  1990.7 

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  • 岩石中のマイクロクラックの抽出におけるデータ可視化ソフトウェアAVSの適用

    陳 友晴, 伊藤 俊秀, 西山 孝

    一般発表(研究・業績発表)講演要旨集   1999 ( 1 )   181 - 181   1999.3

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    CiNii Books


  • 鉱物資源データベースのインターネットを利用した公開方法の検討

    藤井 秀樹, 陳 友晴, 伊藤 俊秀, 西山 孝

    資源・素材   1996 ( 1 )   96 - 96   1996.10

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    CiNii Books



  • GA simulation for grade adjustment in limestone quarries

    伊藤 俊秀

    Fifth Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Singapore  2012.5 

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    In order to determine the optimum mixing of blocks with low and high CaO grade considering safety of the working face during operations in quarries, a mining procedure simulation applying a GA process was developed for an assumed mining area consisting of 10 levels with 6,000 blocks.It was conducted for the following two conditions: (1) whole blocks were mined in sequence (whole mining condition), and (2) the mining area was first divided into four appropriate areas (quarterly mining condition).As a result, it was revealed that there were no marked differences in the number of production lots not satisfying the permitted grade between the two conditions.On the other hand, the working face situation during the operations was quite different between the two conditions.It was revealed that the setting of intermediate targets for mining blocks in advance is an effective way to manage the safety of the mining procedure.


  • Evaluation of the possible application of terahertz technology to resource exploitation

    ITO Toshihide, CHEN Youquin, BESSHO Masahiko, HAMANO Akihide, USUKI Yoshiyuki

    Journal of the mining and materials processing institute of JAPAN  2011.12 

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    Recent trends in terahertz technology were reviewed, and the possible application of this technology to resolve exploitation, i.e., identification of minerals or substances, was examined. As a result, it was revealed that this technology can be applied for resource exploration, and so further research is warranted in the future.


  • Grade management in a limestone quarry using GIS

    伊藤 俊秀

    International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010, Fukuoka, Japan  2010.11 

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    Strict grade control of products in limestone quarries is required because the productivity of the quarries must be raised. Therefore, management of a database related to limestone quarries is supportive to estimate the limestone grade and quarry planning in the total quarry area. The purpose of this study was to construct a geographical database with high general versatility and simple availability. We tried to construct a geological database for a limestone quarry. In order to clarify the grade distribution of a whole limestone quarry, areas without concentration data needs to be interpolated. Therefore, the concentration distribution of a major component (CaO) and impurities were interpolated by the Kriging method. Variograms of CaO and P2O5 were prepared from the sample data collected from the cutting data. Various models, such as spherical, exponential and Gaussian models were compared. The interpolated concentration data were stored in a GIS database, and visualized by the GIS display manager to support quarry planning and management. Today, the use of GIS has expanded rapidly in many fields such as industry, government offices and institutes due to improvements in PC processing power and storage capacity.


  • Geological database using open source software GRASS GIS

    伊藤 俊秀

    The 7th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Valencia, Spain  2010.9 

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    Geographic Information System (GIS) was developed to input, store, retrieve, analyze and present geographically data such as spatial or attribute information on the computer. GIS usually has database, analysis and visualization capabilities. This database consists of some stored “layers” into which geographically data is converted. Based on the database, retrieval, analysis and estimation can be operated. Because of the upgrade of the hardware, the processing capacity and the storage devices, GIS has been widely used in public administration or industrial fields, e.g. city planning, the resources management, disaster prevention, area marketing and car navigation system. It is also considered that application of the GIS database into the product management in the mining industry has much attraction. Especially, strict grade control of products in limestone mines is required because the productivity of the mines must be raised. Therefore, the management of the database related to limestone mined can support the estimation of limestone grade and the mine planning in the total mine area. In this study, we tried to construct the geological database of limestone mine with GIS. The purpose of this study is to construct the geographical database with high general versatility and simple availability. “GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) GIS”, the open source and the free software, was selected as a GIS software. The geographical data has to be imported to GRASS GIS. Microsoft Excel was used to make the lists of boring positions and Coo (burnt lime) grades in the prescribed format. The data files were saved as plain text, which could be imported to GRASS GIS with “r.in.ascii” or “r.in.xyz” command easily. On analyzing this database and displaying results, the distribution of limestone grade can be seen in the mining area.


  • Utilization of GPS in a Large Scale Open Pit Mine - A Visit to Chino Mine of Phelps Dodge Mining Corp. of U. S. A. -

    ITO Toshihide, Makoto Omura, Takashi Nishiyama

    Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan  1998.12 

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  • Utilization of GPS in a Large Scale Open Pit Mine-A Visit to Chino Mine of Phelps Dodge Mining Corp. of U. S. A.-

    ITO Toshihide, Makoto Omura, Takashi Nishiyama

    Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan  1998.12 

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    With regard to utilization of GPS (Global Positioning System) in open pit mining, in Japan are there reports for cases of prevention of soil damage with sensing of shell variation1) and of evaluation of measuring precision around normal surface2). However, these are mostly still in a stage of experimental phase since some require attainment of high precision in level of mm in order to be practically applied and some are to be established with a method of application even in cases where high precision is not required3). On the other hand at overseas, optimum layout of heavy equipment in large scale open pit mines is practically done with use of GPS.Recently we have been bestowed with opportunity to visit Chino Mines Company of Phelps Dodge Mining Corp. of United State as an example of use of GPS for optimum layout of heavy equipment. Chino Mines Company mainly produces copper, and is owned 67% by Phelps Dodge Mining Corp. and 33% by Heisei Mining Company.The system of optimum layout of heavy equipment that had been introduced to the mine is ”Mine Management System (DISPATCHR)” that has been developed and marketed by Modular Mining System Company, and has attained record of world wide installation.In the present article will be reported the latest technology trend in Chino Mines Company of United State as an example of the use of GPS in open pit mines.


  • 多目的離散最適化アルゴリズムの評価

    伊藤 俊秀

    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録  1997 

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  • 多目的離散最適化問題を解くためのアルゴリズム

    伊藤 俊秀

    京都大学数理解析研究所講究録  1995.10 

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  • 学会貢献賞

    2012.9   Japan Society of Energy and Resources  

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Research Projects

  • 鉱山開発における環境対策に関する国際的枠組の構築

    Grant number:15656227  2003 - 2004

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  萌芽研究

    伊藤 俊秀, 内藤 耕

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    Grant amount:\2400000 ( Direct Cost: \2400000 )



  • Development of a numerical simulation system for flying hend slider design in magnetic disk storage with recording density

    Grant number:14350086  2002 - 2004

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    HAYASHI Takefumi, MITSUYA Yasunaga, ITO Toshihide, DEN Shisei

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    Grant amount:\5700000 ( Direct Cost: \5700000 )

    In the head-medium interface design of a magnetic disk drive, a new mixed roughness averaging theory was introduced and implemented into the molecular gas lubrication equation. A dynamic simulation system which can take the texture pattern of arbitrary form into consideration was realized based on the results.
    To calculate dynamic characteristics of a head slider on surface texture patterns which is composed of several geometrical shapes, the unit roughness model is modified and applied to the molecule gas lubrication equation. Moreover, the effect of the texture pattern is pre-calculated and compiled a flow coefficient database. This enables the calculation of pressure distribution of a bearing area when mixed texture patterns pass through.
    The developed simulation system enables rapid and efficient calculation while changing parameters that affect the numerical solution of the lubrication equation and the equation of slider motion. Especially, when the pressure solution diverges, the system rewinds several time steps and retries the calculation with modified parameters. Therefore, it can adjust parameters efficiently without recalculating from the beginning. Furthermore, the binocular stereo graphics is introduced as a display system to improve the human interface of the system. The parameter of the optimal stereo projection was clarified based on evaluation of human visual perception.
    Using the system developed in the present research, the static and dynamic flying characteristics of the typical sliders (taper-flat type, negative-pressure type and step-pad type) on a patterned disk surface were demonstrated. It is thought that the result of this research is effective in the design of the flying head slider and the texture patterned disk for the next generation of high-density recording magnetic disk storage.


  • Development of Structural Design System friendly to Environments Using Artificial Life Technology

    Grant number:10650474  1998 - 2000

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    FURUTA Hitoshi, KOBAYASHI Takashi, TANAKA Shigenori, HIROKANE Michiyuki

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    Grant amount:\3500000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 )

    In this study, some researches were made on the definition of eco-design of structures. In order to develop a practical design system for eco-structures, advanced technologies such as so called "soft computing", i.e., chaos, neural network, genetic algorithm, artificial life, fractal theories were studied and attempted to combine them so as to obtain a more useful method.
    This year, the following topics were investigated to establish a basic concept and method of realizing eco-structural design :
    1 A drawing system was developed. Allocating several categorical parts in the 2-dimensional space, a useful drawing system was realized. As an example, A prototype system for drawing bridge structures was developed, which can use CG library.
    2 A system that can creates 3-dimensional data using 2-dimensional data was developed. Especially, the system employed digital photo systems for the creation of 3-dimensional data.
    3 Standardized data system was studied for common use of various data, where data exchange base and information protocol were quite important.
    4 To establish a design system for eco-structures, CALS technology was useful. As a basic technology, a translator between STEP/AP203 and VRML information was developed.


  • Management of environmental and advanced mining operation in mines adjacent to urban zones.

    Grant number:10450391  1998 - 1999

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    NISHIYAMA Takashi, KUSUDA Hiromu, OMURA Makoto, ITO Toshihide, CHEN Youqing

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    Grant amount:\10500000 ( Direct Cost: \10500000 )

    A prototype of integrated system which enables more reasonable schedule simulation, mining operation and product estimation in open pit mines adjacent to urban zones was considered. This system is also effective for proper and quick response to social requirements such as environmental preservation and smooth traffics along the transportation route.
    For topographic survey in open pit mines, Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) was adopted with considering satellite configuration and steep slopes in mines. RTK-GPS quickly provided digital topographic data of enough precision for topographic monitoring of mines, so that it becomes easy to update topographic data. Thus, computer graphics and data base system for topographic maps generation, modification of maps, estimation of mine productivity and simulation of excavated landscapes were realized based on the digital topographic data. Furthermore, image analysis of an open pit mine obtained by optical sensor on a satellite and of microcrack images detected by fluorescent approach were examined. Field survey on GPS application in an large open pit mine is helpful to integrate this system. For more safety mining and digital mapping, automatic photogrammetry system with digital imaging is useful, if it is adopted together with air survey and RTK-GPS.


  • Computer Graphic Simulation of Changes in the Scene at Stone-Quarrying Sites

    Grant number:06302068  1994 - 1995

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A)

    NISHIYAMA Takashi, ITO Toshihide, SEKIMOTO Yoshinori, YAMADA Masaru, OKAMURA Hiroshi, IWASAKI Takashi

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    Grant amount:\4000000 ( Direct Cost: \4000000 )

    Computer graphic simulation of changes in the scene at stone-quarrying sites was performed for landscape evaluation of mined-out quarry. Results obtained are as follows :
    1.Various kinds of data concerning crused stone were gathered.
    2.A wireframe model and a polygon model were examined to predict changes in the geographical features of quarries on the basis of existing stone-quarrying plants.
    3.It was disclosed that techniques of montage and perspective projections were useful to depict the color and the other features of the surface of mountains, the course of tree planting on the pit face and the features of a newly developed pit face. By combining these techniques, we devised a method for editing two-dimensional still pictures from various angles. Still images of the current scene and the predicted future scene were made while gradually changing the angle of view.
    4.Cluster analysis was also performed using the evaluation results of semantic differential method, which clarified that the factor of landscape evaluation of mined-out quarry changed in distance. Size scale and beauty scale were important when it was seen at a short distance, whereas impression impact was important when it was seen at a long distance.
    These simulation method found to be quite useful in obtaining basic data concerning future changes in the scene which could be cause by stone quarrying.


Devising educational methods

  • インフォメーションシステムを活用したペーパーレス授業

Teaching materials

  • 「コンピュータシミュレーション」、20006、オーム社 「基本ソフトウェア実習」、2011、関西大学出版部

Teaching method presentations

  •  特になし

Special notes on other educational activities

  •  特になし